artfromsaturn · 1 year
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Keeping things nice for the bees 🐝
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helloliriels · 3 months
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Gonna spam post. And because this is far too much yellow for me (i'm breaking out in hives) ... there will be a few more edits to come!!!
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glitchingfluffster · 4 months
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random raph doodles
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josephine-futturwoman · 5 months
uh. Uhh uh uh woman AWOOGA. Women.
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blood-orange-juice · 4 months
Accidentally deleted an ask instead of replying, so I'll just make a post. The ask was about how me valuing Traveler and Childe's friendship makes my view of the character biased.
Idk, mate, I think it's impossible to separate a person from their system of relationships. Would Childe be the same character without his love for his family, his loyalty to the Tsaritsa, his fawning over Skirk and his strange obsession with the whale? I don't think so.
Maniacs and blood knights are found in media in abundance, it's his attachments that make him unique.
So why should we make his interactions with Zhongli or the Traveler an exception? Just because they can also be shipped and there have been bad OOC takes? Please.
What matters is not their *relationship* (whether the Traveler reciprocates and how exactly the result looks is left to the player), but rather Childe's ability to offer this relationship to an enemy. The strange amount of trust he shows, the reason he picks this person specifically, the way it ties into deep lore. Attachments and sympathies add depth to characters and this one adds a particularly rare kind of depth.
He saw someone who is trying to transcend their limits and possibly reality itself (someone like him) and offered his trust and admiration with no questions asked. That's incredibly beautiful and it tells us so much about him. He wouldn't be the same character without an ability to do that.
I don't think it shows my bias, I think it shows good writing on Hoyo's part. Characters sharing a story should interact and have synergy, it's not much of a story otherwise.
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jegulily-stuff · 1 year
Jegulily's kids do so many activities, like a new one every weekend.
Obviously theres playing and watching Quidditch but also James wants to do every sport with them because his parents weren't really able to do that with him.
Lily wants to make sure they do muggle activities too, she takes them to waterparks, craft centres, Legoland, and Outwardbound and all that, but she also wants to experience all the magical world's childrens activities that she missed out on so she's always looking through pamphlets for those. Thats how Harry ends up with new-age sorcerers' beekeeping as a hobby.
Regulus is in a similar boat of wanting to give them experiences he didn't get because they were considered improper. (He's itching to do some art.) He's also the one that takes them to visit places, to see the world outside their bubble, so his children never feel stuck in a tiny world. They see castle ruins, go to museums, to culture days, to local fairs.
And on top of that Sirius is taking them to everything from motorcycle rallies to those fancy restaurants where you have to eat a set menu. (Sometimes they get banned from those.)
They are fully booked at all times. Just the most desirable friends in primary school. Everyone wants to get invited for a day of fun with them.
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every-akane-aoi · 13 days
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ft. teru minamoto, aoi akane
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goblinbeetle · 1 year
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
Everybody loves Beekeeper Weiss, but a thing I think it's criminally underrated (and that admittedly there hasn't been a lot of lately) is when something bees is happening and Ruby and Weiss share a Look
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hauntingoldhouses · 5 months
just found out my grandma that lives on the countryside keeps bees do you think I could use that to seduce hozier
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motsimages · 10 months
Some personal ideas I have on the Candela Obscura world outside of the Fairelands:
What are those toponyms? Vastchasm, Otherwere, Fairelands... Is it really called Otherwere or it's just the Fairelander way of calling it? I mean, sure, maybe they were the invaders but is Faireland a government who pushes lightly for a conflict and then plays the victim when the "ennemy" reacts? Because you call yourself FAIR+land and the ennemy OTHER+where (insert meme of Our Bless Land vs Those Barbarous Wastes). Who would call themselves "other"? What is this translation job here? "Over there, i don't really care about them, that's what I call them" "But they actually call themselves "Turnipland"" "Nah, Otherwhere" "Sure, do your thing". I sure smell levels of corruption and propaganda in the Fairelands that are out of this world (get it? out of this world? *pistol fingers*).
As a European (and I guess we're not alone here), "a place built atop the ruins of an ancient fallen civilisation" is just another Tuesday. There are ruins of like 3 civilisations on any given town. It's as vague as it is non-threatening. Feels mysterious but it is actually a pain in the ass to build anything because of patrimony. I personally see the magick part of it all as another layer of difficulty for architects, builders and overall anyone living there. "Ugh, another rift opened and we won't be able to go through this street for the next three weeks". That's probably how they see this magick mystery thing in many countries, useful at times, maybe more dangerous than it's worth, good to have, could do without it, please just let me get home after work, do I really want to work in Bleed containment? The government offers a lifetime pension if you work there for 10 years but will I survive those 10 years? Martin has the best gold for home locks: no more intrusions after dark with Martin's magick locks! (1 year guarantee).
The horrors are the same. That rift opening in your street will cause nightmares on everyone for months after closing it and you still have to go to work. Some people seem to think, well, who doesn't know someone who is affected by bleed after all? Who doesn't hear voices at certain moments of the year? Some people really go alt-right "we have to kill them all" and some others really go all hippy "we have to be friends with them". Some governments have campaigns for their citizens à la "don't feed your gremlins after midnight" for prevention, many governments just pretend nothing happens and let people figure it out themselves. Activists in those countries push for some kind of government responsibility, particularly in cases like when some village has been in trials with the government for decades because a breach let a creature eat all of their children and the survivors are scarred for life.
Because of all this, I personally think in the Fairelands there is a taboo around the horrors and the magick. More than not understanding it, it's mainly that it can't be officially researched or used (hence, private initiatives like EONS or Candela Obscura) and you shouldn't speak about it and people are ashamed of it. The war has been tragic but it has given people a valid explanation for certain (very clearly for the trained eye) bleed scars. "Oh this?? It was a mine" Was it, though? It's light green. Foreigners from countries where this is more commonplace and less taboo find it weird but learn to play along for the social contract. "Is it really worse to be scarred by bleed than by other causes?" they seem to think and then shrug it away.
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edupunkn00b · 10 months
The Beekeepers
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Photo by Jenna Lee via Unsplash
Deep space can be boring and lonely. At least, it can be when you're not stationed with the loves of your life.
Written for @tsspromptmonth's Rare Gifts Event. Intruanxceit in a Futuristic AU.
WC: 612 - Rated: G - CW: none (other than a sinking suspicion I'm not going to be able to let go of this AU) -
Hexidecimal characters cascaded down Virgil’s monitor, far faster than any organic could hope to comprehend. Columns and columns of numbers and datasets, an entire tour’s worth of output feeds, soil readings, and diagnostic benchmarks from the depths of the Hydrangea’s databanks.
It had been eleven months since the ship had last docked at the Hive. Eleven months worth of information on the deep space explorer's findings.
“Hm, fresh data!” Remus clapped his shoulder, then catapulted himself onto a clear spot on Virgil’s workstation. He craned his neck to gaze at the screen. “‘Got it memorized?’” he laughed, winking.
“Nearly.” Virgil answered his joking question seriously. “They’ve had a good year. A couple of rough patches.” he pointed at the screen, smirking when Remus nodded as though his eyes could interpret the shifting numbers as quickly as his photoreceptors did.
“I see that.” Remus flashed him the kind of grin that Virgil could spend hours analyzing. “Jannie’ll be pleased he was right to give Captain Sanders a shot at his own ship.”
“Pleased he let you talk him into letting your old buddy take the helm, you mean?” Smiling, Virgil didn’t look up. The uptick in Remus’ heart rate told him he’d guessed correctly.
“Jannie told you?” Still watching the numbers race across the screen, Virgil shook his head. Remus groaned, kicking his feet under the dented metal table. He took Virgil’s hand, though, lacing their fingers together. 
He appreciated the soft gesture, though he’d become acclimated to Remus’ other overdramatic antics. The contrast of this partners' eratically effusive behavior with what he expected based on his training data had been… difficult when he’d first arrived at the space station three years ago.
With exposure, though, he’d come to enjoy the organic's unpredictability.
“If Jannie didn't tell you. then who?” he almost whined, bringing Virgil’s hand up to his heart.
“I believe you just did, my dear,” Janus purred from behind him. Curling around Virgil’s shoulder, he brushed a kiss against the edge of his jaw, then pushed up on his tiptoes to kiss Remus’ cheek. 
“Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky,” Remus laughed and slid down from the workstation. “You never miss a trick, do ya, Vee?”
“Just a whole lotta trial and error whenever you’re in the room,” he muttered, not bothering to hide his smile. The final set of numbers scrolled off the screen and Virgil nodded at the other two. “We’ve got the data. Transmitting the shared library now.”
Janus leaned close to watch the transmission status for a moment before straightening and resting a hand on Remus’ shoulder. Virgil caught a glimpse of his reflection in the monitor and a softness came over his features.
“Have you already seen Captain Sanders off?” he murmured. Virgil could only guess he’d kept his voice low for Remus’ sake. Janus could’ve whispered down the hall and Virgil’s auditory sensors would’ve picked it up as clearly as if he’d fed the message directly to his DPU.
Remus pulled Janus closer until he was half-draped over Virgil’s back. The closeness was unexpected but… reassuring. “Yeah, Jannie, I did.” They shared a small kiss and then Remus hummed, reaching with his other arm to stroke Virgil’s hair. “I’ll be okay. I can always prank call him once they get past the Outer Nebula.”
“I’ll help you hide the source of the transmission.” Virgil smiled when Remus barked out a sudden laugh, shoulders shaking and eyes approaching their usual life.
“I didn’t hear that,” Janus said with a sternness that might have triggered Virgil’s defensive protocols when he’d first arrived at the Hive.
Now, Virgil merely shrugged. “Hear what?”
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eliounora · 1 year
I started to watch derry girls which I have no idea why I hadn’t done before because it’s excellent and I love ireland. I’m an irelandhead
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millermenapologist · 2 months
Suuuuuper mini poll but: in Ch. 5 of Shoot for the Stars, Ellie eavesdrops on a conversation between Joel and Danica. In Ch. 4, Joel calls Danica "Dee," so... should Joel, literally one of the very few characters in the entire series that only goes by his legal name, also have a nickname that only his ex uses?
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vakota · 2 years
okay so, they will get stoned with the caterpillar here, i think in the next ep: these are colorful differently textured clouds from the later pics
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This one with Blake might be the caterpillar too, but im not that sure
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And here is some "JUST LET GO" shit's going on: And maybe Ruby realising it first also the clouds are the same texture, this is 99% the same scene
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And this clouds, idk:
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but these are just my assumptions
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
IDK HOW TO DRAW ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
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