#because we never finished the event xD
dragonrider9905 · 6 months
Infectious Love
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Summery: After a failed, almost confession of love, you and Hunter's relationship is skating on thin ice...that is, until someone falls through (or gets stabbed in the gut), so to speak.
Warnings: Angst, lots of it, but comfort too. Lots of emotions. Mentions of blood and sickness.
Hellooooooooo @imaginesfordifferentfandoms tis I, your Secret Santa in the @cloneficgiftexchange!!!!! I really, really, hope you like it. I worked really hard on it ;D So I hope it turned out the way I imagined it in my head ;D Enjoy this kinda longish drabble XD Hehehehe now you understand all the questions I asked. I hope you don't mind I went with Hunter. You seemed to not mind any of them; he's my favorite so I know I can get carried away :D and I wanted to make sure the story was nice! Also, I gave Hunter's scarf a destiny. A fate. A sense of purpose. We now know what happened to it. I have spoken.
Furthermore, I'd like to throw a huge shout out to some people who deserve it. Firstly, @ghostofskywalker. Thank you so much for organizing this event and all the other ones like it. They are always so much fun and I enjoy them immensely. It is safe to say the others who join feel the same way. Thank you for all the hard work you put into it all! Also, thank you to @photogirl894 for being an awesome beta reader and supportive friend. I don't know if I would have finished this fic on time if she hadn't helped me through all the rough spots by her encouraging words. Bestie, you read everything but the ending...I hope you like it <3
The decree is written, now, let the story unfold.
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“As a father, you couldn’t ask for a better place to raise a child.”
You’d heard Shep say these words to Hunter your first day on Pabu, and you had to admit, it made your heart flutter a little bit. You’d fallen hard for Hunter a long time ago but duty always got in the way. At first, you hadn’t realized just how much you cared for him during the Clone War, serving as their medic, until Hunter received a shot in the chest. It was then that you realized, or rather were honest with yourself, that your friendship was always more than just a friendship. Almost losing him gave you a clarity and an honesty with yourself that you needed, but that didn’t make things easy. In fact, they made them harder.
Because now you knew how YOU felt, but you had NO IDEA how he felt. Every day, you’d face a new challenge, a new battle, overcome insurmountable odds against the Separatists on top secret missions and won. Every night, you’d have a heart to heart with Hunter, talking about things that made him laugh, made you laugh, things that made you cry, or things that upset him. 
But never unburying that heavy secret locked away in your heart. 
You considered yourself brave in many aspects but not when it came to problems with the heart. You could tell Hunter anything and everything, except how you felt about him. Instead, you’d find little things every day to show him you loved him. You’d fix his caf the way he liked it, you’d make sure the others were considerate of his sense, you listened to him when he wanted to rant, you showed him you trusted him. You were his shoulder to lean on, his unofficial right hand man. Technically, Crosshair filled those shoes but not always. You tried to be the head of reason when the boys fought and patched them up when they were done arguing. 
Then the Clone War ended with fateful Order 66. Your world turned upside down and even though circumstances were different, your situation was the same. 
That secret would have to be pried out of your cold dead hands. 
You’d been on the run, constantly in fear for your lives and that of the child in your care. You’d started to love her as your own daughter, and you could see Hunter did too. You’d seen Hunter with Cut and Suu’s children before, but somehow, this was different. He’d cared for her as a father would. And that made your heart melt more than you ever thought it could. 
Now, here on Pabu, having something that resembled peace and a chance at a life, was it time? Could you actually have the dream you despaired of. The dream which was a nightly comfort but in the morning seemed unreachable as something you thought you couldn’t hope for? 
Shep’s words teased you. Taunted you. Pried at you. 
Perhaps, perhaps it was time to open your heart? 
“So have you reconsidered staying?”
“For soldiers, putting down roots is an occupational hazard.” 
“Is that all you are? Soldiers?”
You’d seen the thoughtful look on Hunter’s face. It was the one he made when he was considering something. There was no contention, just thoughtful pondering. 
Somehow, some way, that moment spurred you and you worked up the courage. 
Hunter sat in the cockpit, swirling his knife. You approached and leaned against the door. You’d love to sit there and watch that for hours. You smiled a little to yourself, waiting for him to recognize your presence so as to not scare him into a mistake (not that he’d ever but…better be safe than sorry.) 
“Echo said he’s on his way. Will be here in a few rotations.” he said without looking up. “Omega will be glad to see him.”
“Yeah, she misses him, the poor kid.”
Sheaving his knife, he turned to you. 
“So, what can I help you with?”
“Oh, you know, just checking in on my Sargeant. You’ve been in here all day.” You placed some fruit native to Pabu in front of him. You never could remember the name, but you’d noticed he liked them. 
“Thanks,” he gave half a smile while you took the seat next to him. “What kind of trouble are Wrecker and Omega getting into?”
“Ohhhh probably best not to know right now. Just enjoy the few moments of peace while you can.”
He chuckled and cut into the fruit.
“Soooooo” your heart pounded. You were actually going to do it. You got this…just had to breathe and remain steady, it’d be ok. 
Hunter gave you a side eye, silently offering you a piece of the fruit. Kriff, he can tell. You tried to slow your heart best you could. 
“So.” He prompted you.
You laughed. “I heard Shep the other day. Something about settling down…ever think about it?”
He sighed. “More than you know. I honestly don’t know what to do about it. I’d like to but… It’s … complicated.”
“Ever think about marrying a pretty woman and having a family? Raising Omega somewhere safe where she’d be happy…”
He huffed a little. 
“Who’d I marry? Please don’t suggest the woman Wrecker’s friend was trying to set me up with.” 
At the words, the muscles in your face felt heavy and turned sour. The twinkle in your eye went out and the joy in your demeanor dissolved. 
An empty smile remained on your face. No indication to the outsider that anything had changed. But Hunter wasn’t an outsider. He knew you inside and out. 
Who’d I marry? You weren’t even a consideration. You weren’t on the list. Of course you wouldn’t be. It’d be foolish for you to think that. Why’d you hope in the first place? You should have known better. 
Swallowing hard, you bit back tears and forced a laugh. 
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You had Hunter’s full attention now. He sat up straight and leaned forward a bit. 
He immediately sensed the change of demeanor. Your heart rate plummeted but beat hard. Your focus was gone, staring into nothing. Even if it was just for a millisecond, he’d have noticed it, but it lasted longer than that. 
Your hollow laugh filled the cabin.   
He knew he messed up.
Hunter moved to speak again but it was too late. You’d gotten up and moved toward the door. 
“Well um, I should go check on Omega and Wrecker and see what they’re up to before they do too much damage. Yeah, yeah…”
The next moment you were out of the cabin and down the ramp without a second look behind you. 
Kriff. He had to fix this. 
He almost went after you. He almost made it out the ship, but an incoming transmission stopped him. This could be the one he was waiting for. He looked longingly out to where he saw you hugging yourself, making your way slowly across the shipyard, and went back inside the ship. 
Kark it all. This’d better be important, Echo.
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Tech was gone. Omega was taken. Crosshair a prisoner. Echo abandoned them, again. It was just you, Wrecker and Hunter now. A ship once filled to bursting with life and light, warm with the love and laughter shared between its walls, was now cold with an emptiness, a magnanimous devoid maw that the ship had never known before. 
Tech was dead. Crosshair was gone. Omega was taken. 
He was lost. 
Hunter might as well have added you to the list of lost as well, because even though you were physically on the ship, you weren’t with him. You were distant. Gone. In every way possible other than physical. You’d done your best to keep Wrecker and himself together. You’d been the same insurmountable strength you’d always been for them to lean on. You were being the strong one for them because you knew they couldn’t right now. He was angry, frustrated, focused and lost all in one but didn’t know where to direct that energy. As always, you came through. You acted the same as how you did throughout the entire Clone War, except not. The actions were all there, but there was a lost life to it. 
A lost love. 
And it was his fault. 
Though you were strong, you weren’t invincible. 
During the day you’d serve them. Got them food, made sure they rested, used every resource imaginable to find the little lost loved one. You tried to make them laugh and smile if you could or focus on the task at hand. Completing small missions to get by was his bane, because all Hunter wanted to do was find Omega, but you brought him back to the present, reeled in his reckless side when it got to be too much. You kept track of the inventory and how and when to push on. 
But every night he’d hear you silently cry yourself to sleep. 
You’d go and comfort Wrecker, then you’d offer the best gesture you could to him to encourage him, then you’d retire to your bed, broken down by the day. Tired, exhausted, empty. 
He saw it. And he caused it. 
And he hated himself for it. 
He’d lost you in a hasty, foolish sentence. One he’d said without much forethought. One he said because he was afraid if he’d said too much, or given any indication of the deeper feelings he had for you, you’d have rejected him and he’d lose you entirely. He thought he could be your friend. You deserved so much more. So much more than himself and what he could offer. He’d wanted to stay your friend so that way, even though he couldn’t have you, you’d be happy. He’d make sure that whoever he was, the man you’d marry would give you all the love he couldn’t. 
Turns out he was wrong.  
You did return his feelings and he broke you.
He should have gone after you, but he didn’t. He thought he’d have time. He thought he could do it when you’d return to the ship and he could sit down with you uninterrupted but he was wrong, so wrong. Echo arrived and in moments, though he didn’t know it, his life turned upside down. When the mission was declared, his focus turned to that. 
He should have talked to you. He should have let you know how he felt. 
But the manner of your hurt shifted. You were no longer hurt, but cold. 
Perhaps you didn’t want him to love you anymore. He didn’t know what to do. So much was wrong. So much that shouldn’t have been, was now his reality. 
In truth, you DID deserve more than him. Perhaps this was for the best. This hurt would pass and you’d meet the one you were supposed to be with. You could get over this fancy for him and live an actual life with someone else. 
The thought made his stomach churn and threatened to vomit, but perhaps, that’s what was meant to be. 
After all, sometimes to love someone you had to let them go. And Omega, she needed him right now, fully focused on nothing else but finding her. 
It was late in the night watch, Hunter sat alone staring at the broken pair of goggles and a plush toy that belonged to the child of the ship. His child, not by blood but by choice. 
Taken from him in a cruel twist of fate. 
He closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair. Hunter wasn’t normally one for crying but he felt close to it now. He didn’t know what to do, but he knew Omega took priority over himself. He HAD to find her. Bring her home. Oh Force, what was Hemlock doing to her?
He felt his head start to pound and his brow furrowed. 
It hurt so much to love. This was love, wasn’t it? After all, what would he know? All he knew of it was what was in the novels and holofilms…
Something cold touched his head and he jumped in surprise. Opening his eyes, he found you had taken a few steps back surprised, with a blanket and an ice pack in hand. 
It didn’t go unnoticed you’d had the scent of fresh tears on your hands. 
“I’m sorry, I thought you were in one of your uncomfortable sleep cycles.” You offered gently. “You looked like you had a headache so I brought you this.” You shook the ice pack. 
Hunter sat up and rubbed his head. “I…can’t sleep.”
He looked down. It was so hard to keep your gaze. His throat tightened and tears sprung against his will. All he could do was sigh, long and heavy. 
Hunter was silent, not knowing what to say. He tried opening his mouth a few times but closed it at every attempt, frustrated. 
You slowly drew near him, considerate as you always were. Giving him a chance to stop you if he wanted or needed, but he didn’t. You crouched down in front of him and took his hands. 
A shock of surprise sprung his head up immediately and sent a shiver through his body. His brain registered your hands were cold and instinctively he moved to warm them, covering them completely with his own. But his mind was fully focused on your face. 
Your eyes glittered with unshed tears and your mouth had a half, crooked smile. A ghost of the one you’d had before. But there was something in your gaze he’d missed, he’d longed for. 
It was ‘that’ look. 
You hadn't looked at him like that in a long time. 
There was a warmth and a love aflame. A gentleness that hadn’t been there these long past few weeks.  
If eyes were truly the window to the soul, he’d seen that the embers were dying, but not gone. 
You squeezed his hand. 
“We’ll find her. I promise.” 
There was such a conviction in your voice, determination. A rawness that almost freighted him. A testament to the power you had. The power of your will and spirit. The power of your determination. One of the reasons he loved you so much. One of the elements in your looks that he yearned to see again after missing it for so long. 
He squeezed your hands. 
“Thank you for everything.” He swallowed hard, voice now scratchy and sore. 
You nodded and stood, pulling your hands from his. You placed the pack on his forehead and placed the blanket on him in two swift motions and made to go. You were fast, but not too fast for him. You’d tried to retreat, but Hunter jumped and grabbed your arms, centering you to himself. 
A surprised look crossed your face and he saw you searching him, wondering. 
“We need to talk.”
You looked away, tears starting to gather again, a breath catching in your throat wanting to break free. 
Hunter cupped your face with his hand and slowly, softly turned your gaze back to him. 
You nodded, but then looked away again. 
“Ok, but not now.” Your voice was heavy and empty. That void look entered your eyes, extinguishing the flame that was there before. 
“No, you should get some sleep, you look exhausted. You’re always looking after us. Tonight, take care of yourself, yeah?” He rubbed his thumb against your cheek, whipping away a tear that escaped. “Tomorrow.”
You nodded. “Tomorrow.”  
Lifting the blanket you’d brought for him, Hunter placed it over your shoulders with a reassuring squeeze then turned back to his chair, cradling the ice pack to his forehead. 
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Tomorrow came, but started off all wrong. Emergency lights flashed and sirens blared. The Marauder made an emergency landing on the treacherous mountainous planet below. The hyperdrive malfunctioned and threw you out of hyperspace. It was a tumultuous, uncontrolled landing but Hunter managed with minimal damage to the exterior of the ship. The haul was a little banged up, but other than that, the smoking hyperdrive was the focus of your concern.
There was no Tech to fix the ship now. You were on your own.
“Do you think you can fix it?” Hunter looked at you worriedly. You’d helped Tech plenty of times in the past. You considered yourself pretty capable with all the training you received from him. 
Taking a look around, you carefully considered. 
“I think so, but it’s going to take time. This superficial stuff I’m not too worried about. We’ll have to make port somewhere soon anyway for supplies. We’re low on everything.” You’d been looking at the inventory the last few days and the lists were concerning. “I think we have enough credits to get by until we can do a job and earn more.” You rubbed your forehead. “I’ve been running numbers on how to keep ourselves sustained without needing to distract ourselves from our mission with a whole bunch of side missions anymore. I think it’ll work but you’re going to have to trust me. But I digress. I’ll patch up the hyperdrive which seems to be the main problem. I’ve got a weird feeling about this place, I don’t want to be here too long. Weather might not hold out for extensive repairs either.”
“Alright, we’ll discuss this when I get back. I’ll scout the area and see what we’re dealing with.” Hunter turned to leave, then paused. Half looking back he spoke: “And, I do. Trust you, I mean.” 
With that he put his helmet on and shouted to Wrecker. 
“Keep her safe. I’ll be right back.”
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It’d been an hour. And Hunter wasn’t back. 
Whipping the sweat from your forehead you heaved a big breath.
“I think that’ll do it Wreck. Where’s Hunt?” 
Wrecker looked nervous. “Not back yet.” 
You looked at your wrist chrono and raised your eyebrows in surprise. Highly unusual.
“Ok, I’ll go look for him. Protect the ship.” 
“We should stay together.” Wrecker added quickly, “I’ll come with you.”
“I would like that too but at this moment that’s a luxury we can’t afford. We have to split up.”
Wrecker groaned. “Bad things ALWAYS happen when we split up.”
You softened and patted his shoulder comfortingly. 
“I know, big guy, I know. But the less we argue, the sooner we get Hunt back.”
Wrecker paused and nodded. “Ok.” He sighed and took his place by the ramp of the ship. “And…..it’s good to hear you call Hunter, Hunt again…”he trailed off uncertainly, “but it’s kinda making me scared. You think he’s….?” 
Your heart clenched in realization. You didn’t think how your hurt would shed and affect others. “Oh Wrecker….” You started but he stopped you. 
“Aw Doc, I am just worried about ya. You two always meshed together, you know? So when you didn’t, and now get soft again…” He shook his head. “Get Hunter back, and everything will be ok, yeah?”
“Yeah, it will. I promise.” You started off your sentence quaking but with every word you found your conviction. It was time to go. 
“I hope you two can work things out. I always liked it that way, ya know?”
You smiled, “Yeah I do actually, and I did too.”
“Well, do you think that … whatever happened…you two can fix it?”
Your smile faltered a little bit but Wrecker didn’t see that. Really, only Hunter would have been the one to notice.
“I’ll do my best.”
With one last nod to Wrecker, you set out.
You weren’t exceptional at tracking but Hunter taught you a thing or two. 
It was time to bring Hunter home.
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Hunter skirted the edge of the cliff carefully. His foot set a few loose rocks tumbling into the unknown. Knife unsheathed and corned against the endless void beneath him, he glared at his enemy. Hunter met these villains almost as soon as he left the ship. It didn’t take him long to realize their harmful intentions and led them away from the ship, hoping to buy you as much time as he could to fix the ship. He’d taken out ten of these bandits already, but this one was of a higher status, he could tell by the large hat he wore and more expensive weapons he possessed. He’d be more of a challenge but that would only make it more fun. 
Hunter growled and lifted his knife in the ready. Blood and sweat dripped from his face from the few scratches and scrapes he had. 
He was prepared for anything.
“Get away from him!” An agonized voice filled with terror screamed. 
Your voice. 
Hunter’s heart dropped to his stomach and for the first time since the crash, terror entered his veins. He was prepared for everything, except that.
Garnishing your blade, you swiped the air to show the mysterious stranger you were serious. “Leave him alone!”
Hunter’s throat closed up. You didn’t have your blaster, and while still decent with the blade, you weren’t ready for this yet. He hadn’t finished your training. 
“Meshla, no!” 
Hunter reached out, distracted only for a moment but a moment is all it took. In the second he tried to get in between you and the enemy, a kick to his stomach sent Hunter over the side
“Hunter!” You screamed after him in terror. 
What you didn’t see was the flip he made or how he grappled onto the rock. If only you had the enhanced senses he did, you might have heard his hard breathing, the uneven sob, and the continuous prayer that somehow you could live long enough for him to get to you. 
His heart pounded. He wanted to call for you but that’d only make things worse for you. He grunted as silently as he could. He had to get to you. 
He heard your angry grunts, the slices of knives through the air, missing their marks. He heard you yelling unintelligibly and savagely. The man’s gleeful laughter. 
Your painful cry.
Those were some of the longest seconds of his life. What happened? He tried to climb faster but the rock was so slippery.
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Watching Hunter get shot. Finding him shot again in the same place all this time later by Cad Bane, and now seeing Hunter tumble over the edge was more than you could handle. Anger like you’d never felt it bubbling all over you, tingling your fingers and guiding your blade’s every movement with hardened focus.
No, you couldn’t lose him like this. You wouldn’t. The man was quick, practiced. But you’d had a good teacher. Now wasn’t the time to doubt. Sure, you wished your blaster had survived the raid on Ord Mantel but there was nothing you could do about that except replace it when you made port.
You tumbled, dived, parried. This demon wouldn’t win. He made a hit on your arm and you cried out. The evil, smug smile he had was enough to refocus you instantly. Jumping for him unexpectedly, you caught him by surprise. You pushed your entire body against his in a close roll.
And your blade found a home in his heart. 
Breathing hard, it took you a moment to realize…you’d won. You defeated him! Hunter would be so proud.
Diving for the cliff, you slid toward the edge. 
“Hunter? Hunter!”
Hunter looked up at you, face hidden behind his visor but all the emotions were spilling from his mouth. “Are you ok? Mesh’la, what the karking hells?”
“Grab my hand!” Ignoring him, you reached down. “I’ll pull you up.” 
Hunter clasped your hand but you let out a cry of agony. Collapsing in a heaping pile. You were shaking but your grip held firm.
“Don’t you dare let go. Don’t you dare.” Your demand was dry and forceful, but fear spilled from every word. “Please.” Your plea was soft, broken.
“Alright.” He tightened his grip.
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Tears streamed down your face as you panted, hulling him up. Hunter seemed so heavy. You’d done exercises like this before and it was a lot easier. Hunter seemed to notice your lack of strength too.
You pulled and heaved and scooted and rolled until you managed to get his body over the lump. Immediately, Hunter started his barrage on you in between heaving breaths of his own.
“What were you thinking? Don’t you know you could have gotten yourself killed?”
You got to your feet and brushed yourself off, head dizzy with emotion and adrenaline.
“Do you,” you panted, “have any idea what you did to me? Don’t start with me…”
“Oh honey, just wait until I get started—“ 
You turned to look at Hunter who also had gotten to his feet, the words registering, but sounding quite distant. Was he yelling? You weren't sure. Suddenly, your breath was knocked from your lungs and a sharp pain invaded your entire body. 
Falling to your knees, you clutched your side to find it wet and sticky, and warm. You didn't need to pull your hand away to look at it to know there was blood, yet that's what you did, and you were shocked nevertheless to find the red, sticky substance on your hands. Gasping with wide eyes, you missed Hunter’s cry of alarm.  
“You’re bleeding!”
Hunter ran over to you and caught you as you crumpled to the ground in pain. Gathering you to himself, he rested your body against his.
Tearing off his scarf from around his neck, Hunter pressed it to your wound.
“You’re losing so much blood.”
“Nah, I know exactly where it is. Here, there, and a little over there.”
“Not funny.”
“I thought it was.” you faintly chuckled. 
With a dark look, he cut the red fabric into strips and bound your abdomen tightly. 
“I’ll get you back to the ship as soon as I can, just hold on for me ok?” 
You nodded but your eyes now felt so heavy. You just wanted to sleep. 
Scooping you up, Hunter started at a full run. 
The bouncing hurt. Every pounding bounce sent fire mixed with ice through your body. Your head rolled back and your eyes shut.
“Hey, hey, cyare, look at me. Look at me! Don’t give up on me yet, please.” 
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Hunter came in running. 
“Wrecker! Wrecker! Get the ship started, we’re leaving NOW!”
Wrecker didn’t miss a beat. He saw you dangling limpless in Hunter’s arms and dashed up the walkway. Wrecker tore through the room, doing the start up sequences as fast as he could then meeting Hunter in the gangway, he threw the med kit at him. 
Back in the cockpit, Wrecker took the controls. 
Placing you in his bed, Hunter slapped your face.
“I know you’re in there, wake up! Wake up! Don’t leave me now, I need you. I can’t do this without you. Omega is depending on you. You’re stronger than this, come on!”
Injecting you quickly with a stim and re-wrapping your wounds, Hunter frantically chaffed your wrists until your eyes fluttered open. 
“Hunter?” You were looking around, trying to sit up. 
“Hey, hey don’t get up.” He placed a hand on your forehead, then your pulse points. He felt you slowly but surely starting to equalize. “Just rest for a bit, ok? I’m going to stay right here if you need anything.” He pulled up a chair next to you. 
“I’m ok,” you smiled weakly, “I was so scared when I saw those tracks. I thought I’d lost you again. But you’re ok, and that’s all that matters to me.” You squeezed his hand, then let the darkness take you.
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All was still and dark. The Marauder gently rocked in what would pass for the early hours of the morning, if there really could be a morning or night in space. 
All was still and quiet inside the Marauder. Wrecker was by the controls watching the ship’s course and motion beacons, Hunter was fast asleep, leaned over the bed and holding your hand. 
You on the other hand were restless. Buckets of sweat fell from your forehead. Dizzy and disoriented, even laying down, a nauseous feeling crept up your stomach into your throat. 
You wormed your hand out of Hunters, not wanting to wake him. It’d been too long since he’d gotten any sleep at all and at last the complete and utter exhaustion took him over. You pushed on the bed, attempting and failing to drag yourself up. 
You glanced at Hunter, considering only for a moment, then resurfaced your determination. No, you’d let him rest. You could do this. Grasping the blanket’s cocooning you, you attempted to untangle the heavy sheet entwining you. It was so heavy, suffocating. 
With a heaving breath, you pushed your feet off the bed and lunged your body forward.
You were standing. 
But as soon as you got up, you realized your mistake. The ship spun and the dull aches over your body were awakened. Your stomach’s pain blew its trumpet and your ears felt like balloons that were going to pop. You must have swallowed marbles because there was barely any room in your throat. 
Oh well, you could only push forward. 
Stumbling into the bathroom, you turned on the cold water. Perhaps that would help. 
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The first thing Hunter noticed was his hand was cold and clammy. The lack of warmth left a devoid and empty feeling embedded with a nervous foreboding. 
Next came the darkness, which became a haze, and that haze turned into a bubble as he fought he was to consciousness. The bed in front of him was empty and Hunter could vaguely make out the things around him, noises indecipherable. He thought he heard trudging of feet scraping against the floor, the turning of a facet with the gush of water, then a loud crash, and thud with a BAM!
Instantly his body was alert. Dashing toward the source of the sound, he knew subconsciously what he’d find. Your body on the floor, sprawled out and drained. Your face was pale as death, eyes hollow. You didn’t look like this a few hours ago? 
“Mesh’la? mesh’la! what happened? Did you hit your head? Why are you up?” A thousand questions spilled from his mouth in worry. 
Worming his body behind yours, he gathered you up gently. You mumbled something that was lost even to his hearing. 
Concerned, Hunter removed his gloves, and placed them on your face. 
You leaned into his warmth, shivering, unable to get warm, yet your skin felt like fire to him. You were burning. Beads of sweat danced on your forehead as large as the tears that fell from your eyes.
“Why didn’t you wake me?” Cradling you now, he carefully wrapped himself around your body. This allowed you to curl in on yourself and tuck yourself in further to his chest.
“‘M sry.”
Kriff, you could barely speak. 
“Don’t be sorry. I got you now.”
“Hunter, I-I can’t hear you too well.”
A wall of realization hit him hard. Kark it, he knew what happened. 
The fever, the swelling, the loss of balance and your voice, not to mention your hearing? 
You had an infection. 
Fear invaded Hunter’s senses. He’d never been sick like this, having super immune genetics (one thing to thank the long necks for he supposed). But now, how could he help if he didn’t know what you were going through exactly? 
This wasn’t the first time you were sick like this. He remembered the story you told of your childhood, and how one winter, you fell through the ice which resulted in something like this. The incident left you vulnerable and weakened, and he worried about you. 
You were tough and fought it out. But what if you couldn’t fight this one off? Would your second brush with death be enough to claim you?
Tears swelled your eyes and poured onto your cheeks. Small sobs started to wrack your body as emotion overtook you.
“I…sorry…don’t burnden…’Mega, gotta find…” 
“Hey, hey, it’s ok, I got you, I got you. You’re not a burden. We’ll get you better then we’ll find her. Hey, I got you, it’s ok.” Hunter had no idea how he managed to sound so calm. He’d never seen you like this before and it terrified him. Your small sniffles and hiccups reminded him of a small child. Every nerve and essence of his being screamed at him to protect you. 
“I’ll get you some water, I’ll be back. You have to stay hydrated.”
“Stay, I’ll get it.”
Hunter looked up to find Wrecker looking down at the two of you with a sad look in his eyes. “You should be with her.” He disappeared then returned a few minutes later with a full flask of cold water. 
Hunter brought it to your lips, but you barely swallowed any before relinquishing your strength to an empty sleep, exhausted by the struggle. 
Silence bore down on the three of you as Hunter and Wrecker looked on while you slept an uncomfortable sleep.
“I knew we should have stuck together.” Wrecker said sadly at last, not looking at Hunter. “I told her I’d come with her…”
“It’s not your fault, Wreck.”
“Bad things happen when we split up, I told her that….”
“This is all my fault.” Hunter hung his head. “I—”
“That kind of talk isn’t going to help her, Hunt. Don’t even think that. She made up her own mind. She was scared for ya, Hunt. She even started calling you ‘Hunt’ again.”
Hunter looked up surprised, then back down towards you. You’d stopped that since that morning on Pabu. You’d been formal with him afterward. It was either Sargeant or Hunter. 
He shifted then lifted you in his arms, bringing you back to the bed. He set you down then ran his fingers through your damp hair, worry evident in his eyes. 
“We need to get her to a hospital, Wreck. I don’t know what to do…Without Tech…I’m really scared right now.”
Wrecker placed a large, comforting hand on Hunter’s shoulder. “Then we go. We’ll get her better, Hunt. Don’t worry. I think we have a few of those fake IDs left Tech made. We’ll make something work.”
Swallowing hard, Hunter nodded.
Instead of letting go, Wrecker’s grip tightened. In one swift motion, Hunter was enveloped in a hug. If he was being honest, he didn’t mind in the least. 
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Hunter sat by you in silence as the ship flew through hyperspace toward the hospital, watching your fitful sleep. Your forehead was creased in pain and your mouth turned into a pout. One hand carefully stroked your sweat soaked hair, the other intertwined with yours.
The waiting was the worst part. Not being able to do anything to help or accept, fate could only take its course and he could only stand by and watch. The worst enemies were the ones he couldn’t protect you from and he hated that. He couldn’t fight the infection with his blade, or take away your pain by shooting the cause with a blaster bolt. 
He leaned his forehead against yours and swallowed a sigh. Was this agony what you'd felt when he'd been shot? He remembered what delicate care you took of him. You'd been more than thoughtful, and tried not to show your concerns but he saw them anyway; just as he could always see you. But there was something else there that at the time he hadn't realized. And now he hoped he hadn't realized it too late. 
“You asked me before if I’d settle down like Shep asked……………and in my dreams, yes. I always wanted to, even before he asked, with you. It was you, it was always and only you.”
Silence was your response. 
 “Please, don’t leave me now. I already lost the others, I can’t lose you too.”
The steady rhythm of your heart was promise enough for him right now, he had to hold onto hope. 
“We can take it slow. Take our time. We don’t have to rush into anything but please, please stay with me and I’ll be yours for the rest of our lives. That’s my promise to you. I–I love you. Always have, always will.”
Perhaps if he’d hadn’t been so tired, he would have noticed the slight squeeze of his hand you have him. 
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Hunter walked into the hospital carrying you wearing civilian clothing hoping he looked more inconspicuous than he felt. He approached the nurse at the front desk. 
“Excuse me, my wife needs help. She had an accident…”
“Chain codes.” the nurse said flatly without looking up but holding out her hand. 
Hunter fished them out and gave them to her. 
“It’s urgent, she needs to see a doctor ri–”
“Just sit down over there and the nurse will be with you shortly.”
“But she needs a doctor NOW!”
The nurse glanced up annoyed. 
“Keep that up and she’ll have to wait a full rotation, buddy.”
Hunter glared but didn’t say a word. Normally he would have fought back harder but with your life on the line, he couldn’t find it in himself to do it. So he did as he was bid, and took a seat in the waiting area. 
You blinked your eyes open with a smile. 
“Hey Handsome.” 
You reached up for his face, and he took your hand in his and gave it a quick kiss. 
“Hey,” Hunter kept his voice low, giving you a quick smile before making a quick survey of the area, “to catch you up real quick, we’re married. You’re my wife and we took you here after an accident on our farm. You’re going to be ok, ok?” 
His eyes darted across your face, looking, searching, for any indication that his words would come true. Even here and now on the brink of being saved, he felt like you’d suddenly vanish and be taken from him. 
He didn’t know what he expected from you, a nod of recognition maybe? But he didn’t get that. Instead, you chuckled. 
“Married? Already? So much for wanting to take it slow, Hunter.” 
To his surprise, a laugh burst from his lips, a smile replacing the worry for a second. He shook his head. Even now, you were trying to look out for him, making him laugh while you were the one who needed help. 
“Always looking out for me, aren’t you?” His voice was warm and full. The deepness of his voice like chocolate on your sore ears, not that he’d know that of course. All he could hope for was that you could hear the depth of love and gratitude he had in such a few words. 
You smiled, “always have, always will, I promise you that.” 
Hunter heard the nurse approach and looked up, only to be faced with a jaw dropping phenomenon. 
“How can I help you today? Wait…Hunter?”
It was Nala, your old classmate.
“Nala?” Hunter repeated, stunned. “You work here?”
“Yes…” her eyes drifted down to you. 
An unsettled feeling came over Hunter. You hadn’t been in touch with anyone since Order 66. Whose side was Nala on?
He didn’t have to wonder long when her face went white and she dropped down on one knee to be at your level. 
“What do you need? Let me assess her and see what I can do.”
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Nala came running up carrying various vials and all but shoved them in Hunter’s pockets. 
“Give her this as soon as possible. It’s safer for all of you if you just take it and administer it on your ship. I got word of Imperials coming here shortly. I’ve listed instructions on how to give it to her safely. You should go before someone recognizes you and hands you over. Goodbye, and good luck. Take good care of my friend. When she gets better, tell her to give me a call!”
With that, Nala turned and left, trying her hardest not to give an impression of concern. 
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Back on the ship, Hunter did as instructed. After making sure you were carefully placed in bed and made as comfortable as possible, he enlisted Wrecker’s help as soon as they’d jumped to hyperspace. Hunter knew Wrecker wasn’t going to like it, but there wasn’t another way. 
You’ll want to give this one to her first. It’ll regulate her body so she can take the following medications. It’ll help her breathe easier and adjust to what’s coming…it won’t appear so right away so don’t worry. You’re going to need to give this to her in quick succession so don’t wait to see the effects.
Hunter injected the hypo into your arm. 
This one is the IV with the antibiotics. Get her hooked up quickly and make sure the bag is drained before you take it out. 
He rubbed your arm and inserted the needle.
This one, inject into her chest near her heart. This one will hurt the most. 
This one, he couldn’t do. 
“This…is going to hurt.”
“I know.” You stared at the ceiling, trying to catch your breath and collect your courage. “It’s ok.”
Of course you knew, you were a medic. He would have cringed at his own words, but he couldn’t help it. His own fear mocked him and he wasn’t ashamed of it. Pain was pain, and nothing could make him like it or want that for you. All he could do was prepare you in any way he could. 
Your breathing was labored, huffing your breaths, greedy for air, gluttonously swallowing in as much as your lungs would let you. 
“Tell me.” You looked into his eyes, trying to focus, “tell me about it? I can’t seem to remember anything from our big day. What happened? Who was there? How did it go….How did I look?” You huffed a little laugh at the last question, “nevermind, don’t answer that.” Your laugh caused a coughing fit to follow. 
Hunter gripped you firmer as your body racked, fear unmasked in his eyes. 
Shutting your own, you tried to center yourself. 
“Crosshair probably made trouble, didn't he. He and Wreck competed to see who could eat the most cake and got sick, right?” Your voice was nothing other than a whisper, but Hunter could still pick up the dream-like tilt in your voice. The little smile as if it was a real memory, breaking across your lips. 
“Of course, would you expect anything less?”
Another chuckle turned into a gasp of air. 
Hunter kept his gaze on you as he spoke, his hand on your cheek facing him so you wouldn’t have to see what was to come. Rubbing gentle circles in your cheek and wiping away tears, he tried to speak without a shake in his voice. He didn’t know if he succeeded, but ever after that, he’d remember the images burned in his mind both, of the story he was telling and the raw reality of your pain. 
“Tech filmed the entire thing; we’ll have to rewatch it; would you believe Echo had more champagne to drink than anyone? He was so happy the entire night. He was also the only one next to Wrecker to cry.”
You smiled through gritted teeth.
“Yeah. You looked beautiful all dressed in white…” he stumbled over his words now as Wrecker garnished the needle, “your dress dazzled with little jewel thingies and you liked spinning in it because it reminded you of a waterfall or a butterfly’s wing. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. And when you walked toward me, I was a mess, because I knew I was the luckiest man in the world, and I couldn’t ever have imagined you more beautiful.”
You swallowed hard. 
“Omega couldn’t stop smiling or singing; and when the music at the Pabu sunsets starts and the orange sun starts setting in the sky, it hit you just right and…”
You screamed as muffled of a scream as you could, but it rang in Hunter’s head so loud it bounced around until he felt like he was going to be sick.  
“Aaand, and, when the sun set, we resaid our vows under the stars, just you and me. Always, just you and me. I’ve got you, it’s ok.”
Your eyes rolled back and all went dark.
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Breathing never felt so sweet. You smiled, feeling like you could laugh and cry at the same time. The pain was gone and you felt great! Energy was surging, and life felt beautiful again. Despite the illness, you remembered everything that happened with vivid accuracy. Though your eyes were closed, your mind was very awake and registered everything in perfect memory.
Not just the pain, but the sweet moments too. Hunter taking such good care of you, his poor fear and concern, the thoughts he confessed because he thought you couldn't hear.
You felt the urge to stretch but couldn't move. Opening your eyes and looking around, the sight made your heart melt. Hunter was curled up half beside and half behind you. His body was curled in around yours, holding you as if he feared when he woke, you wouldn't be there. 
Your heart was gripped by the softness of the gesture and you didn't want it to end.
You reached your hand up, running your fingers down his face and neck. The touch was enough to wake him. He stirred, then jolted with realization.
“You're awake!!!” Tears gathered in his eyes as he cupped your face with both his hands. “You're ok.” He smiled and swallowed so hard you could hear it. You embraced him, burying your face in his neck.
“I love you.” 
You froze. You didn't expect him to actually confess to you while you were awake. Hunter sensed your hesitancy and started to pull away, but before he could move an inch, you were grabbing him toward yourself again. 
“I love you, too. So much.”
“Can…we talk? I can't wait anymore.”
“Of course.”
Hunter turned shy. He found his hands extremely interesting as he fiddled with the blanket rim. His face turned red and he tripped over his words.
“I only said what I did because besides you….I wouldn't want to marry any other woman. Who would I even marry…if it wasn't you?”
He paused briefly before continuing.
“I always felt like you deserved way better than me…I can't offer you anything but myself and that's not much of a gift.”
“Hunter! No! You—” 
He gave you a sheepish look and cut you off.
“And I'm so sorry for everything that happened, for how I hurt you. I should have gone to you sooner, I should have…”
Now it was your turn to cut him off, but instead of with words, you captured his mouth with yours in a kiss 
You felt his shock, which made you smile, and soon he joined and returned your soft show of love, holding you even closer than before.
“You scared me.” Hunter said, kisses becoming needier. 
“You scared me first!” You countered, meeting his veracity. “More than once!”
When you both stopped for breath, you settled back in his embrace. 
“Hunter, you're all I could ever need or want. The gift of yourself is more precious than anything or anyone in the galaxy, and that's more than I deserve. All I've ever wanted was the war to end so we could have a family of our own, your brothers all be near us if they're not with us while we raise Omega and children of our own.”
Hunter's face darkened. 
“I wasn't strong enough to protect you or keep this family together. I lost Omega.”
“You didn't lose her, Hunter. She made a choice. She didn't want to lose you, and neither did I. You don't control the galaxy or have some responsibility for everything that happens. It's ok to breathe, Hunt, and let go. All we can do is move onward and face the galaxy together, just like we always do.”
Hunter nodded, the shadow slowly falling from his face, replaced with something gentler. 
“And that story I told before, about you in the white dress?”
“Yeah?” You blushed sheepishly, recalling with a bubbling laugh trapped inside your chest. 
“What do you say we make that real?” Leaning closer, he whispered in your ear, “I want to see you all in white, for real. I want to be yours, only yours, forever. I want to have a family, with you and only you. My brothers can all live close by and we can all be together. We can raise Omega the way she deserves to be raised…and I can love you, the way you deserve to be loved.”
“Yes! Oh yes! My sergeant, I am yours and only yours, now and forever!”
Filled with new determination, you smiled even wider, gripped his hand and got out of bed.
“Come on, now, love, let's go get our kid. Time to bring our family home. Time to start healing and growing.”
"The Empire be warned, we're coming."
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Dividers by @stars-n-spice @ve-ti-ver and @djarrex
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heatherchasesyou · 4 months
Weird SH3 dream I had + a sketch page to illustrate some bit of it
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pls read this u wont regret xd
OK SO I don't even know how to start it because it's always hard to tell when dream stories start 😭😭 but I can only remember of a BIG and WIDE library scenery. I felt very surprised because something told me it was a whole new "story expansion" that went in the SH3 HD collection (how specific of my brain, never played that version if u wanna know) almost like a discovered secret (so discovered that I remember coming to Twitter shouting like "WDYM THERE WAS A GODDAMN STORY EXPANSION IN AN HD COLLECTION HOW DIDN'T I KNOW THAT WTF". All of this in the dream, with the whole emotion LOL).
The funniest and weirdest point of the story in the game is the characters, more specifically Heather, Claudia n Vincent, the three fuckers were all in the same room aka the big library, but something about their interactions was very… different.
More specifically towards Vincent, dude was ABSOLUTELY STRESSED, he wasn't being the same slightly passive-aggressive he was with Claudia in the real game, or doing his common gaslight with his stable and concentrated voice tone, nah dude, he was COMPLETELY MAD, idk why, idk who hurt him but bro kgkgkfjgkgj he had no patience while taking to both Heather and Claudia, y'know that scene where Heather is about to get out of the same room as Vincent in their first meet and he shouts "WAIT, I'M NOT FINISHED TALKING"? It sounded pretty arrogant and aggressive, right? Now imagine it multiplied by 10 and we have Vincent having the worst day of his life, don't talk to him or else you die.
As a result, both Heather n Claudia was becoming as stressed as he was, mainly Heather in this case, dude was getting so arrogant that she had enough of that shit, she literally THREW HIM ON THE FLOOR, LITERALLY PICKING HIM ON THE ARMS AND SHIRT COLLAR N THROWING HIM ON THE FLOOR LIKE A… IDK LIKE A JUDO WRESTLER??? ISTG IT LOOKED SO FUNNY YET SO UNCANNY, IMAGINE HEATHER BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF HIM, THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED (y'know that eerie feeling when you see irl ppl fighting and you're like "omg why are they doing this pls STOP", that's how I felt on the dream seeing such scenery, but as we speak now I can't help but LAUGH LOUD like kdjfksjsek I LOVE REMEMBERING THIS, I LOVE 2 SEE MY MAN GETTING BULLIED IDK WHY).
There was also that confusing information that was inserted into my brain that the story was actually a SEQUEL of the events like??? Vincent received the backstab but didn't rlly die??? Neither Claudia??? But they were in there… As if nothing happened (maybe that was the reason Vincent was so distressed, he couldn't believe such a thing happened LOL). After Vinny got completely ROASTED by Heather, he was there on the floor trying to get up, he was as mad as before but he couldn't do a thing, only look at Heather with his eyebrows working the RAGE that was inside of him.
Jeez, I loved that dream, hope I can have more of this in my future nights 🤣
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bluginkgo · 6 months
Just what in the fack did I watch... I'm gonna go watch it again just for funsies and to cry again (Rambles/Thoughts)
This post will mostly contain random rambles and thoughts I had while watching and rewatching the episode. And a lot of this is just going to be me ranting about scenes (the rants will most likely make you wanna go "Ginkgo, that's common sense we can see it smh." XD Just roll with it. Oh and NUzi scenes
Spoilers, duh and lots of words. Oh and gore warning? Kinda?
I mean... that scary *ss mother facking thing towards the end- you know what I'm talking about if you watched the ep 😅
First thing I found interesting, is how the Solver behaves in this scene. It's mere shadows, not even fully manifested. Further proves that the Solver transcends simple time and space, and is on a different plane of existence- a 4th dimension if you will.
The humans did, in fact, learn how to control the Solver. The pentagram like projections act as gravity enforcers and lights that subdue the solver for a period of time. Buuuut it seems that it's not full proof. It seems that this occurance is fairly common, seeing as the workers nearby were not very concerned that an eldrich being was about to break loose.
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Alright another slow moment here. But I had to google wtf "MacGuffin" meant (English isn't my first language, so take it easy on me ;w;). And taking this straight from the google search "an object or device in a movie or a book that serves merely as a trigger for the plot." So most likely, the Absolute Solver is referring to the fact that Mitchell the intern set things in motion simply because he was mistaken for the real Dr. Chambers... Classic- CLASSIC human mistake XD
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So... Heart/Nori. Something interesting is going on with her. I believe Nori WAS injured by the DDs and had to be finished off by Khan. I'll touch on Khan a bit later. But, just as seen with Eldrich J... I'm not sure why I've never thought of this before! It makes sense for Nori's corrupted core: Heart, to still function properly. Meaning, she could have snuck away when she was killed and returned to the cathedral to search for the crucifix. Uzi gets most of her style from Nori 🥹. Seems like Uzi got her mom's style and Khan's engineering abilities.
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I had it all wrong- and I am ALL FOR IT! N wasn't afraid of something he saw ahead. He was upset with what they left BEHIND! V! And THIS ENTIRE SCENE
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You cannot believe how surprised I was. This scene was so much better than I could have imagined it. Yes, it was painful to watch, but sweet robo-god this was executed SO DAM WELL TwT It was delicious angst. And Tessa was not in fact drawing her sword on Uzi, but instead protecting her... kinda... with an ulterior motive of course.
The gut wrenching betrayal right there. The animation team did a wonderful job at animating the betrayal and how it manifested in Uzi. Disbelief and then anger.
Not to mention her stumble. I hyper fixated on that stumble a bit too much on my first 2 watches. (Yes, I've rewatched the episode 8 times now, hush I love it XD). Her stumble shows weakness. And in that moment, she wishes to be anything BUT weak. The suspicion of betrayal is settling in, and she needs to be able to fight back. But her body is giving out. The events are taking a toll on her. And makes me appreciate the animation detail that much more.
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This scene N is definitely angry. He's trying his best to keep it together and Tessa's pressure to injure and kill Uzi is not helping. So for him to be talking to Uzi, while glaring at Tessa is just him driving the point home. He is NOT going to hurt Uzi, no matter what they might find down in the labs.
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But a poor choice of words that was. It gives Uzi a glimpse of what was actually happening and what has been bothering N. The trust vaporizes, and with it, any attempts with communication.
And what I believe, gives a nod back to ep2. As N steps in to try to help Uzi up, she retreats. Same happens in this episode. And the kicker? "Falling... for you" song starts lightly playing in the background.
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This is far too comical after he says he deserves to have his limbs cut off. The whiplash I got from that is ridiculous... in a sad and funny way.
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What an amazing shot. But it does paint a picture of what the DDs have done. Perhaps the blood also acted as cooling agents, and this is why the trend continued with robots- except this time around as oil. And this is what the Administration CYN most likely blocked out. Not only the manor time, but also the bloodbath that followed as Earth collapsed.
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It's interesting on how the solver manifests in the drones. It seems that Uzi's wings and tail, do not make the solver go insane, and she can continue to use it. However, later in the episode the same wings and tail go berserk. So it seems that once the transformation has set in- like with Uzi- it becomes part of the drone rather something that is manifested by the Absolute Solver's control.
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SO MUCH TO UNPACK HERE XD Part 2A that Khan refers to is on the bottom left corner, the green core that Uzi got a hold of back in pilot episode- also titled as "I think this is a robot liver or something lol."
Plan B: Uzi could have had a normal gun if railgun didn't work. Bottom right corner
Top left corner under Uzi's railgun title: "30 min recharge time. That'll be fine." Famous last words ever XD
Top right corner: "Other things it can do: Not judge me, force prom dance, I can say I had friends but fricken murdered them with sci fi weaponry."
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I love how sassy he is here XD His character development and arc is something that I will never forget. He has definitely come a great ways. Khan also seems adamant about his wife being completely dead. Which proves that he didn't know a single thing about the Absolute Solver and what it can do. He could only reference Nori's insane drawings and deduce that the planet was going to eat them all soon.
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Idk if this is just my tired brain, but this comment felt like a joke to me. (Remember, I don't know anything about computers and the language ;w;) But the physical patch to save herself... as in, the same patches that are sent out for games/programs to fix bugs? That's the joke I got out of that one 😅
This entire sequence was something out of my nightmares XD The heel tapping that KEPT GETTING QUICKER definitely had me reeling back from the screen XD
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The Nori and Yeva scene was so wholesome 🥹. I loved the way the animators showed their interaction. Despite the hellish events, they were still close.
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My only issue with this image is, on what is Doll moving? Not like the floor. The core is gone from her body, what the heck is still driving her forward? Perhaps just on the sheer will to warn Uzi to "fight back." And I suppose I can see how she could still move without her main core. Almost acting like chickens do, when you cut their heads off. One was able to live for 18 months after the head was cut. So I suppose I can get behind the idea that Doll's final wish was to warn Uzi, at the very least, and thus forced the body to move until it did so.
But then, Tessa shows up. Which makes me wonder if she was the one that simply lead Doll's body to come to Uzi. How? Uhhh... Absolute Solver! Let's just go with that sweat face. The con in that theory is a simple: why? Why bother leading Doll to Uzi? To spook her? To give a false reason to attack Uzi? Given that N was still very much behind them all, I don't see why the Absolute Solver would try to make up some odd reason to attack Uzi. It could just simply... go ahead. There was no one there to fool, and could incapacitate Uzi easily. Buuuut I could also be looking too deep into this, as per usual.
Hey guess what.
I found the answer. XD Just as I'm typing this up, a frame popped up.
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Yup, the core was still inside and thus running Doll and thus Doll could move, ok carry on. XD
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Emotions spike the Absolute Solver, something that I love seeing and appears to be less headcanon and more canon at this point for me. Through the entire episode, the Solver keeps glitching out and forcing Uzi to lose control because in this situation, she's very stressed. A betrayal, a misunderstanding, learning about the past, everything becomes too much. This makes keeping the solver at bay that much harder.
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He did NOT give her any chance. Yes or no, Tessa. That suddenness surprised me- in a good way. This shows how much N has grown. He's willing to stand up for his beliefs that much better. If he suspects something, he now acts on it, and does not wait for the other side to perhaps change his mind.
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This scene. This scene shall live in my head rent free for a long while... Actually, the entire episode is gonna live rent free for a while. XD Not to mention the "Falling... for you" song plays in the background yet again. Ugh, pulling on heart strings there ;w;
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They had us all fooled XD The hand lights were on just to trick us, and in fact were meant to be off this entire time! Oh you sneaky sneaky people. >w<
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ALL OF THESE SCENES, they're all so cruel but SO GOOD TwT So cruel in context of how tortured N must be to fight Uzi, but so good in context that this fight sequence and animation is executed SO WELL. All of Nori's slaps were so personal XD Mama Nori educating NUzi
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When I saw this scene, I couldn't help but think of ep3 and their dance. This entire episode is so bittersweet ;w;
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She's still there TwT And she sees this entire fight. Of what she has become and done to N and omg I'm crying again. Moving on.
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OMG YOU SILLY GOOBER BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH XD I love Nori/Heart's reaction, but the Absolute Solver also gets me laughing a bit too hard. "WHAT." That's so simple yet so effective. "What. Why. You are a DD I sent to kill the hosts, why are you hanging out."
The entire scene with NUzi screaming. Just. YES. What better way of gettin rid of stress than screaming! ^_^
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Oh you sneaky, sneaky people. Well, all I can say, you got me. You got me good. This is something I didn't think of, but should have. It's simple to get these shots with certain rigs missing. And it was done seamlessly. Well done, well done. I begrudgingly applaud you. XD
HE'S PATTING HER HEAD AAAAHHHHH *proceeds to ascend to another realm*
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They did not... omg they did XD Ah, yes, welcome a new horror oh and by the way here- :3 a cute face
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Omg they look so cool- KHAN WTF XD
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The way she shook his hand trying to snap him back to himself and wake up 😭. And the entire sequence following this... I'm just now slowly starting to process it, oh and great I'm sobbing again. Alright, moving on.
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Well, I have some thoughts in this. This is personal thoughts, thus this is where you are more than free to yeet this section into the void that Uzi was dragged into... sorry that was a bad joke- anyways. "Die mad." I feel like this is her way of telling N to not give up. To go out there and FIGHT. But if he can't win, then to die like she is. To die in a way that he will be proud of and to go batsh*t crazy. Because by now, Uzi must know that all of their chances of survival are slim. So you might as well go out with a bang and "die mad."
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Something I noticed and was further solidified when @bloodywolfwings also mentioned it. Uzi looks at peace here and very accepting of death. And I say, yes, she very much is. I think this was a way of her asking N for forgiveness. For getting mad at him in the beginning of the episode, for failing to be useful/protecting N, and for fighting against him- despite being possessed. And perhaps even, as an incredibly insane and radical thought, for loving him. This entire episode has put the characters and us through the wringer, and that "sacrifice" was just the cherry on top.
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Something I have seen already mentioned once at very least (by @/rebecca-babe) and something that also put me on edge was the ending credits... or the lack of. Of course, all the credits roll, but it's not the usual type. Instead of an upbeat music that is either "Uzi the drone killer" or a theme that was seen in the episode... its SILENCE. Being a musician myself, I love how much love has been put into Murder Drones. The sound effects and the main music are always top-notch. But that ending unsettled me the most. The lack of all noise is something that is terrifying and unsettling in that ending. Almost like all the music and sound left with the "sacrifice" of the main character, Uzi. The entire episode was filled with sounds, silence only being present when something incredibly WRONG was happening - like at the beginning when intern Mitchell re-entered the cathedral. And as much as I love how well executed this entire scene was, I hated it. Because that scene does the job that it was set out to do. Put you on edge, and make you feel like all hope is lost. That this is it. This is the end.
This is the end of my rambles and thoughts that I had while watching ep7. I may have more later on as I keep rewatching this episode for the rest of the week ;w;
Want to hear more of my stupid rambles? This has 3 other parts!
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saltynsassy31 · 2 months
Whats bothering about this grand festival me is the fact it has every reason to be the final fest
But, again, its been promoted as anything but that.
This season's catalogue has "thank you for playing" title. They are soon to release the switch 2, which is more the reason for them to start working on the next game now more than ever (and I am 99% sure we are getting a 4th game for many, many reason, but main one being that Splatoon has become Nintendo's new cash cow). Like the previous two games, it would have finished its 2 year run and they said they only had 2 years of content planned. The splatfest we are having next is the same one (according to a comment, I haven't checked this one yet) that they had in splatoon 1 before the final one.
It makes sense.
But something feels off.
And I'm wracking my brain over not having that final piece of the puzzle. Somethings missing and I can't seem to tell what that something is! Its frustrating, but we'll just have to see.
Because there are also reasons pointing to them doing it for at least another year. Things I found odd when I first noticed. Those being:
Off the Hook was added so much later, they missed better part of the special events like Splatoween and Frosty fest. It would be interesting if they brought it back one more round to see these two beloved characters have their chance to shine. They obviously know Off the Hook's popularity.
They introduced 2 new spaltfest mechanics way too late into the games life span, to the point we've got to enjoy it very little. It is odd also that they didn't add in sooner.
They only said they had two years PLANNED. Some people had speculated that they might do more.
Splatoon 1 only had two years because the Wii U was dying and they needed to quickly move to the next console. Splatoon 2 exists so that they could bring new stuff along side whay splatoon 1 already had. 2 years for splatoon 2 cuz, well, splatoon 2! Splatoon 3 brought in so many new things to the table. It be cathartic to have the final fest happen in the 3rd year of its life, a fitting end.
This fest is being pointed as "Grand Festival" and has only been said to celebrate the game's 2 year anniversary. Never once was it said to be its final.
Now, these aren't reasons enough to say they'll do more splatfests or catalogues. But it's something to keep in mind, at the very least.
The first point is a little iffy because, as much as I'd love to see reruns of it like many others; commercially, they'd want something new. We might be getting new outfits for EVERYONE if they do reruns, of just OtH.
Another theory is that this is technically the "final" fest, or at least the fest which choices affect the next game. But not the final fest of the game, the final fest might compliment this one. (Less likely, but a possibility to keep in mind)
I can't think of much else besides this, tbh. It's really driving me nuts here XD I like to be prepared for everything, so I've calculated this being the final fest since I first got the game 2 years ago. This is throwing me off incredibly hard 😫.
We'll just have to wait and see what they have planned. Splatoon 3 was already a huge change to the game, I wouldn't be surprised if they were trying to do something completely new and different after this Splatfest.
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xcloudguardian · 1 month
Okay coz so far very few to none of the Movie events are canon events in the detective conan franchise. One of the biggest of these is Kaito knowing Conan's identity in the movies, yet it's not yet confirmed for the manga/anime.
So movie 27 just dropped smth that probably shocked me the most. No, I was among those who sort of believe that toichi and yusaku are related. But still, having a theory you've been holding onto for a while getting confirmed IS A BIG THING. BIG I SAY.
But, going back to my first point, how much of the Movie canon so far are also considered to be main story canon?? Though I also doubt we'd just get a bomb that could never be more direct like that only for it to be called "movie canon only" later on.
Then again, that's one theory out of the way. Tho ig, it also somehow brought more questions like
1. Srsly yusaku, you've been married for almost 20 years and Yukiko knows nothing of this? He knows his brother is Kaito kid. They also showed that he knows "Kaito kid" was Yukiko and vermouth's disguise tutor. What's with u yusaku 😭
2. Can we confirm that Yusaku indeed knows the true identity of Kaito kid years ago?
3. Can we say then that the main reason he's not reporting/catching Kaito kid then is because he's his brother? 😂
4. Is yusaku aware of what actually happened to him? does he know whether his twin is alive or not? Are we getting another "my brother faked his death, gotta keep this secret from our other relatives". Are we getting an akai brothers situation, or the morofushi brothers'?? 🫠😭
5. Obviously toichi was aware of shinichi, which makes me doubt Yusaku doesn't have a knowledge about HIS own nephew (Kaito). But these brothers really kept each other's identity from their families omagdgxhskwlkq you're not convincing me they simply 'forgot' to tell. Given that tho, did yusaku check up on his brother's fam from time to time after the incident? Or no coz he knows toichi is looking after them (supposing he knows he's alive and looking in the shadows xD)
6. Is yusaku aware that his nephew Kaito is the current Kaito kid??
7. Did toichi really just stole a sword, a national artifact, and gave it as a gift to his brother? 😂
I feel like I have a lot more to add on the list but that's roughly it. I hope they'd reveal everything to us clearly one day coz, I just finished watching the movie and I swear it was awesome. But that after credit was really just a huge bomb to me that it ain't leaving my mind, hence this blog too xDD aoyama-san you little—
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zarvasace · 2 months
Oh, questions about your new au, you say???
How did the chain come to be at this facility place? Did any of them know each other 'before'?
Thanks child XD
Mostly kidnappings, though sometimes they got duped by a fake event of some kind (e.g. Time went to a "job interview" and never came back.) They arrived in game release order—so Hyrule first, and Wild last, though Legend at least had been at a different one previously. Really I'm just going for maximum angst here
I haven't pinned down all the backstories yet, so I don't know if any of them knew each other before! That would be interesting, I can imagine it would get us some good stuff. Hmmm thinking thoughts.
Here's a snippet of a scene just after Time arrives:
Hyrule has become very good at making card castles. This current one is up to three levels. He picks up two more worn cards, specific ones that have small rips in similar spots, and balances them just perfectly against each other. He pulls his hands away and nods.  “I know a little bit of how, and a little bit of why, but not all of it,” Legend says. He picks an old, chipped glass out of a cupboard and takes it to the aluminum sink to fill it up with some water.  “At this point, I'll take anything,” the new guy responds from one of the few plastic chairs that doesn't have a leg cap missing. It doesn't wobble when he leans back.  He's older than Hyrule had expected, middle-aged with a few grays in his stubble, though he doesn't know why he'd expected someone younger. To hear Legend tell it, these people don't care about age. Hyrule doesn’t know how much of Legend’s information is colored by Legend’s resentment, but he thinks it's mostly accurate, anyway.  Legend turns around to lean against the cheap countertop and sips at it, still somewhat flushed from his exercise. He's supposed to get water from the filter, but he enjoys rebelling where he can. If he keeps this up, though, Hyrule suspects they might lose the sink altogether, or cups or something. Whatever. It isn't as if they use it much.  “Did you give blood sometime recently?” Legend asks.  “Last week,” the new guy answers.  “Then that’s how they found you. There's a tell in our blood that means we're able to take these changes. That's why we're all here.”  The new guy scowls. “And I'm going to assume that, due to the less-than-legal way I got here”—that’s a nice way of saying was kidnapped, Hyrule knows—“that we don't exactly have a release date?”  Legend finishes his glass and fills it up a second time. “We're here until they can't use us anymore.” “So until we die.” “Pretty much. And who knows what our life expectancy is now.” Hyrule glances over to see the new guy close his eyes as if he's trying very hard to keep himself from exploding. It wouldn't change anything if he did. Hyrule goes back to his card castle. He's about to finish the third layer, without any aids like books this time.  “So we’re looking for some kind of escape plan?” the new guy says.  Hyrule pulls his hands away gently from a completed third layer. “Our next one had better be very good. I don't like getting caught.” “You've tried before?” “Of course. Several times.” Hyrule remembers each with dwindling clarity as time goes on. He can't bring himself to stop trying, especially because Legend hasn't, but there really aren't a lot of ways out of here.  The new guy leans forward again to rest his forearms on the wobbly table. The wobble is why Hyrule is building his castle on the floor. “How long, exactly have you been here?”  Hyrule looks over at the out-of-date calendar propped up against the wall on the countertop and counts on his fingers. “Almost ten months.” The new guy looks startled. “Ten months?”  Legend and Hyrule exchange a look, and Legend puts down his glass after emptying it a third time. He sighs. “About five years total, myself. Not entirely here here, but definitely not out there.” “You're kidding.” The new guy shades his eyes with a hand.  “Afraid not, old man.”
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 2 years
Buddy Daddies - Episode 9 - Preview is Up! - SPOILERS & SPECULATION!
It’s time for Sports Day! 
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So, according to the summary, neither Kazuki nor Rei have ever participated in a children’s sports day, which makes sense. Rei had an unconventional childhood and Kazuki grew up without much money and without parents, so it’s unlikely that he went to daycare or preschool. 
(Thinking about, this would also explain why neither Kazuki nor Rei thought of daycare or preschool right away and only got the idea after seeing a daycare bus go by the park.)
This means that this children’s sports day will be all of their firsts! Mine too, kinda. I’ve experienced elementary school and junior high school sports days, but never a daycare/preschool sports day. I found a blog post written by a mother who went to one (I’ll link it below in the comments) and a lot of the events involve the parents in the activity.
At the elementary and junior high school level, parents usually aren’t all that involved, But at the daycare level, it seems they are! Especially for the little babies (which makes sense, because they are babies, they can’t do too much on their own).
Putting the rest under a Read More because of spoilers!
Let’s look at some of the events we can see in the preview:
Tamaire - Bean Bag Toss
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It looks like Miri is holding a white colored bean bag in her hand, so this is probably going to be some a bean bag toss game.
Here is a description of the event:
Tamaire (玉入れ) translates “Beanbag toss”, and as the name implies, it is an exciting game where students throw small beanbags into a basket hung at the top of a tall pole. Beanbags are scatted on the ground around the pole, and each bag has the color of its team, typically red or white. Teams compete against each other based on the number of beanbags in the basket. There is a time limit, and the beanbags thrown into the basket after the time ends are not worth any points.
(I’ll link to the post where I got that description below in the comments).
Tug - of - War
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Tug-of-War is a staple and is basically at every sports day and it looks like Miss  Anna is tugging at a rope here. How it will go down here...I’m not too sure. Usually you’ll see combos like the kids going against each other, or students against teachers (junior high school), or even like teachers against parents (one of the rare events where you might see parents participate in Sports Days aimed at older years). Maybe here it will be the Aozora Staff vs The Parents? Or maybe the older kids and Miss Anna vs The Parents, lol.
I don’t know! It should be pretty interesting though! Of course, I could be wrong here too, but tug-of-war would make sense.
Kumitaiso (組体操) - Maybe? Or Stretching?
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I’m not 100% sure on this one. What is kumitaiso? 
Kumitaiso (組体操) is rather a group performance than individual competition. Students work together as a team and create a variety of gymnastic formations with their bodies.
Usually they make a pyramid, but this generally tends to be for older kids, and parents have noted in more recent years that it can be very dangerous, so many schools are getting rid of it. But maybe this is a more tame/safer and more simplistic version of something like that. But they could just be doing some kind of stretching activity here. If anyone knows for sure, feel free to let me know and I’ll add the info in!
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And, of course, we have the race. According to the summary, Miri practices with Kazuki in the park and she does end up in the lead, but then she falls right before the finish line! T0T Oh no, Miri! A lesson in things being out of our control sometimes? About losing and taking it okay? Both? Something else entirely? I’m intrigued to see which it will be!
Let’s see, outside of that we have... 
Rei scouting out the daycare, lmao! XD
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It’s cute though! Rei is getting into the event in his own way.
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It seems both him and Kazuki are getting really invested in it, so this may end up being a lesson for them too (like parents centering themselves in their children’s sports activities and making it more about them than their child - you know, the parent that gets super worked up over their kid losing something, maybe kinda like Kazuki looks here: 
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But the kid will be totally fine. I can see them going with that angle. Since Buddy Daddies generally tends to be less about Miri learning some kind of lesson and more so about Kazuki and Rei learning something about parenting and themselves through raising Miri.
Changing up the focus a bit, one thing I’m really looking forward to is seeing Kazuki and Rei possibly interacting with the other daycare parents more (not just the Daycare Mamas!).
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You can spot a Daycare Papa! in the background there too. It’s also just really common to see like the whole family come out for Sports Day events, so like moms, dads, older and younger siblings, even grandparents.
The idea of Kazuki and Rei being able to take part in something so...innocent and group building is such a heartwarming idea. Though, I am also fully preparing myself for an after-credits scene that will go back to the drama at hand and Kyutaro’s decision, etc. and that’s probably going to hurt even more after this episode (likely as the writers intended, lol).
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Oh! Also, I love that we are seeing that follow through that I was hoping for from Episode 7! It seems Rei is going to be willingly choosing to make riceballs for Miri (enough that she could share them with her friends and others there too!). This lunch is going to be one that Kazuki and Rei make for their family together. T~T My heart! 
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Also, Rei learning how to make something like a riceball is such a good place to actually start (instead of French toast, which requires more basic skills and knowledge). It’s an easy (and quick) meal to learn how to make well. If they end up tasting really good too, then that can act as a very quick and easy boost to his confidence with making and preparing food. It’s such a good step in the right direction! I hope the kids and parents like his riceballs! 
Anyway, I’m going to fully appreciate this breather episode before we jump into the angst, action (probably), and drama of the final act of the series (Ep. 10 - 13).
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thewitchofbooks · 1 year
A few things about Cyril Rose, Chevalier Michel and Lucian
I was always curious about Chevalier's behavior towards Cyril, especially after Lucian was introduced as the covert and the royal guard later on for Chevalier. The question in my mind was, if Chevalier really trust Cyril to become the lead knight of the foreign affairs faction, then would he ever call him by his name? The post is based on Chevalier's election promise party event
Spoilers and facts about Cyril (and a few about Lucian) under the cut!
After obtaining Chevalier's Early Clear Bonus from this party event (promise from 2nd anniversary/election):
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The story was in his POV and fully voiced (meaning that his thoughts and dialog were voiced, except for a few lines of narration).
But from this story, we are able to see a few sides of Chevalier that we never saw before, nor did we hear him talk about. Including Cyril Rose.
The story starts with him training with the knights, before "killing them" as he said after knocking them out. And it ends with Cyril being the only one standing. From the Mc's POV, Cyril could keep up really well, but Chevalier kicked his sword. In Chevalier's POV, Cyril actually got distracted, else the battle would have continued.
This whole training thing was never something that Chevalier would have done, but he feels the need to show off in front of Emma.
Back to the topic, while training and inwardly praising all the knights, who were able to keep up so much longer against him, Chevalier thought of Cyril.
And while thinking of him as Clavis' knight, he also acknowledges his name!! The same way Lucian's name is acknowledged, meaning that it's written right on top of his job in the castle:
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Chevalier's thoughts: 'Usually, I leave the management of the knight's to Clavis and the red head (Cyril),'
So he does, indeed, acknowledge him with his name. Conclusion: Chevalier loves to "make fun" of others with these nicknames (more like he points out what describes them XD). Lucian is also called the long black haired royal guard (Since Chevalier is the king, Lucian is the royal guard).
A few things for Cyril:
In the party event story (previous discussion), it shows how much more familiar the knights are with Chevalier and how much more they are scared of Cyril (as their master in training). Chevalier told them to run 100 laps around the castle, making the knights complain about it (with no fear towards him). Translation of the moment:
Knights:"Hyahhhhhh.....100 laps!?"
Chevalier:"Even if I'm showing the losers mercy?"
Cyril:"Thank you for your mercy! Everyone, keep your mouth shut!"
When Cyril told them to shut their mouth, they all stopped complaining and run out to train
Before that, Chevalier admitted to Cyril that out of all of the knights, he would be the only one standing at the battlefield. And not only that, but he told him to make sure to withdraw if something goes wrong and return to the castle before he dies. He also said that he should help and save as many of those around him, leaving Cyril at a loss but he was quick to agree with Chevalier.
Thank you for reading this far! This event was truly enjoyable and definitely worth to get the ECB. A small flashback of Chevalier and Clavis is also in there, but in Chevalier's thoughts.
Chevalier was drawing Benitoite in huge detail and Emma was watching in amazement, before she complimented him. Chevalier thought that he never payed attention to drawing before, but he once tried it, because Clavis made him draw to find a weakness, but Chevalier knew how, so Clavis threw a tantrum when he saw the finished project.
And of course, after he finished drawing Benitoite, he drew Jade and gave attention to the huge greenhouse, because it looked like it came out of a fairy-tale, so he knew Emma would love this the most.
Although he finished with the drawings, gave them to Emma after she asked to keep them, knowing that all he was doing was useless and had nothing to do with their lessons, he still asked her to draw something for him.
(Keep in mind that Sariel doesn't give Emma lessons as much anymore, it's mostly Chevalier when he is off of work).
Emma drew roses, books (Chevalier's thoughts were that this was a rose garden with her favourite things), and in the end, she added added tiger! And Chevalier took the quill pen from her hands to draw a little rabbit too. He started praising Emma a lot and her expressions changed a lot, so he laughed very hard at her (his thoughts were that he never laughed this hard in his whole life).
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piko-power · 5 months
So, the Knuckles Show...
It was a hassle to attempt and find the show somewhere else (pirate if you wanna watch), and also I had a lot going on that day, BUT!
I have finally finished all six episodes of Knuckles, and my final thoughts...!
...It was pretty good.
Honestly, nothing to ground-breaking and outstanding but it was fantastic and such a lovely treat to hardcore Knuckles fans. Like me lol. (It may not look like it, but TRUST ME THIS SHOW TURNED ME INTO A HARDCORE KNUCKLES FAN.)
All of my thoughts are under the cut, but to make a long story short, I really enjoyed it! (Forgive this post and me I'm not the best at sharing reviews DX)
Now, some things I wanna point out... (MASSIVE SPOILERS AND PERSONAL HEADCANONS AHEAD)
I really liked Wade Whipple. He's goofy, and dorky, and he was fantastic for saving his family and Knuckles. His character arc was really interesting to watch, and he's got a lot of funny moments. Him and Knuckles also make a great team. I believe he would make a great Uncle for Knuckles. XD
Knuckles' arc was fantastic too. I was hoping that he realizes that Earth is his home, and he did. The Movie Series version of Knuckles is definitely my favorite version of Knuckles. EVER. Love this character to death. Number one favorite character right now.
The story was pretty good, too. Interesting that Knuckles isn't the only main focus, but I was onboard with the idea that Wade is also in the spotlight. I liked Wade but I love him A LOT.
The whole drama with Wade's family was something that honestly caught me off guard, but in a good way. It's just great to see more of his extended family. (And Wade's mother and is just so sweet and cool.)
Mason and Willoughby were fun to watch. Almost better than Orbot and Cubot, honestly. XD
The Buyer... I kind of forgot about him until the last few episodes. XD Cool villain, though!
Pachacamac... Never thought I would actually enjoy this character. Really wish he got enough screen time, dude is so hilarious. So much better than the Pachacamac we all knew from Adventure 1 pffffft. And hearing Doc Brown's voice coming out of Mac's mouth was the best part. He fits the role perfectly.
WACHOWSKI FAMILY CRUMBS! WE GOT TO SEE MORE OF THE WACHOWSKIS! It was only for one episode, but it's just so refreshing to see Knuckles with his newfound family, especially Tails. (Even though he didn't get enough screentime.)
No Donut Lord... 😔
The house is still in construction after the second film. I have a feeling that the Knuckles show took place probably a month or two after the second film. (Or at least after the baseball field scene from the movie.)
And if that's the case, then it's probably why Sonic and Tails haven't called Maddie "mom" yet. Sonic JUST made Donut Dad official, but not hearing Sonic calling Maddie "mom" didn't surprise me, actually. Since he had a mother figure once before, and now she's gone. Sonic is probably still struggling to make Mama Maddie official after that whole mess. 🥺
And also I think Tails does look at Tom and Maddie as his parents, but calls them by their first names because that's what he's most comfortable with for now.
Sonic mentions that Tails and Knuckles are his roommates. ...Something tells me that he hasn't realized the bigger picture yet. 😈 Once the realization hits, it's over for the middle child.
I seriously don't believe Knuckles is sticking with the Whipples. He's got a bed at home, and "pretzel woman" is a motherly title of sorts for Maddie. I just think Knuckles and Wade have formed a really strong bond. Wade is more of a uncle figure for him, but the Whipples are part of the Wachowskis regardless. 💕
I bet Knuckles' grape stash that the moment Knuckles walks back home with Wade, Sonic, Tails and Maddie (and Tom if he came home) freaks the hell out because he just straight up left home without an explanation. Especially since he's grounded and shouldn't have step foot out of the house. But all that matters is that Knuckles is at home with his family. Did this calm everybody down? No, and yes. It's hard to explain. (At least Sonic knows now that Knuckles can finally relax.)
Ever since the events of the Knuckles Show, seeing visions of Pachacamac is pretty normal for Knuckles, whether he needs to be guided for something even if it's small, or he just casually shows up in his dreams just to say "hi." I feel like since he visited Wade while he was unconscious, I think Pachacamac would also visit other people's dreams or visions. It be so goddamn funny if this dude just randomly show up in Sonic's dream, scaring the living daylights out of him, and when he explains it to Knuckles, he's like: "Oh, that's just Mac, he's cool." and Sonic is like: "???????"
THOUGHTS ON THE EPISODES - Fair warning, I've only seen these episodes ONCE (Including some clips I rewatched on Tumblr.) so some things here might be fuzzy or wrong, so bare with me here...
Episode 1 was a great start. I love the dynamic Sonic and Knuckles has. Bummer that we didn't get to see more of them together, but with the power of writing, that problem can be solved! (HUZZAH!) I love the small bit with Knuckles and his mother Maddie after he got grounded and how he just, took it okay with the fact that he's grounded. And I love Sonic trying to help his new buddy out, he's an absolute sweetheart for that. Pachacamac's appearance in the episode took me by surprise and he was such a joy to watch. Love the elderly goofball. Seeing Knuckles and Wade interact was nice, too, even when he gets to talk about his dad. It was a nice moment. And Knuckolas Cage. Best nickname ever, how dare Knuckles decline such a title for a perfect warrior XD
Episode 2 was great. Absolutely love the daydream scene with Wade's plan on saving Knuckles from the G.U.N. agents, and Holding Out For a Hero playing in the background. GOLDEN. Don't remember much else other than that and Knuckles and Wade rocking out to so music. (And Knuckles breaking the radio again.)
Episode 3 is when we get to see Wade's family members, and it was nice. Wanda is one of those siblings that we had and Wendy (is that her name?) is just so lovely. We got to know more of Knuckles' dad, and once more, it was a tender moment between an Echidna and a dork-ass Uncle. 😊 And we got a EPIC fight scene with Knuckles, Wendy and the goons. It was AWESOME. Also, love Wade's room. He's got good taste.
Episode 4... Oh, my God. It was a fever dream. Literally. It was so RIDICULOUS but it was the greatest thing I've ever seen in a long time. XD I love musical numbers that just come out of NOWHERE, and this was one of them! Adam Pally (Wade) in a Knuckles costume is just the most elegant thing. AND ECHIDNA MUPPETS ARE REAL! I WAS HOPING THAT THEY WOULD ACTUALLY BRING IN THE ECHIDNA MUPPET!! Jokes aside, it was a strangely epic episode of Wade going through Knuckles' past in a unique way. And the songs were pretty great. ...You think that's where all the budgeting went? On this gorgeous musical number? /j Also we got more of my boy Pachacamac, being one of my favorite characters besides Knuckles lmao GOD I wish we got more of Pachacamac. I love him so much XD
Episode 5 Is when they arrive at Reno. It was alright. We got to see Wade meeting his dad finally (also Knuckles is using a phone no problem I guess??) I think that's all I remember. WE GOT KNUCKLES WITH THE HAT THOUGH SO YEAH!
Episode 6 is the last one of the mini series and it was pretty kick-ass. More cool fight scenes, with Knuckles and the Agents, him against the Buyer, which was short and sweet, but still pretty intense. Wade and Pete was competing in bowling. Kept forgetting about that, but it was cool regardless. And Wade being the best uncle ever and protecting Knuckles while he was out. Also kind of forgot a lot from this episode, but nonetheless, badass way to end the mini series. Complete with the classic freeze frame of Knuckles and Wade getting a high five! Knuckles realizing that his home is on Earth was such a powerful scene. It was the first Sonic movie all over again.
And yes, there was a pretty quick post credits scene where Knuckles found a song and claimed it was his jam. It was really cute. XD
Really wish there was a scene where Knuckles came back home to the Wachowskis with the family flipping the lid over the fact that he left the house, but in my heart I know damn well it happened. I know this series too well lmao
That's pretty much all I wanna say about how this show made me feel. It was a fun time. Not was insane as Movie 1 and 2, but still as enjoyable.
Honestly, after watching this, I hope we get a Wachowski family TV show, where it's just the family on misadventures, and moments together that are comedic, fluffy, angst, any emotion you wanna feel watching it, and it's just a good time. I just wanna see more of this goofy little growing family. (Also it'd be cool if season 1 was after the first movie because I wanna see Sonic adjusting to his new life with Tom and Maddie and spending traditions and holidays with them before the sequel.) I love this series too much. 😅
This show got me really ambitious to work on my stories and I really wanna show the community how amazing these characters are. (I just need to get an AO3 in the future...)
It feels good to be back on the Wachowski bandwagon.
The Knuckles Show is flawed, but it was a fun time. I love the characters, I love the story, I love the choice of songs they used, and of course, I love Knuckles. This is the best we've ever seen of Knuckles, and I'm proud of how far this little, tough guy has came.
The Echidna Warrior made his debut 30 years ago, and he's never been stronger. Keep on punching, Knuckles! 😎💕
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helleboretks · 9 months
Start with the Sides: Wukong's Demise
Yo yo yo wassup! If you haven't noticed already, me and @justalilgiddybibs decided to do a spur of the moment fic collab series because why the fuck not I guess XD-
I never actually expected for it to get to this point but I have absolutely no regrets!!! Xey're really fun to talk to and I highly suggest checking out the blog made by hem!
Getting right into it, this is a Lee!Wukong, Lers!MK and Nezha SFW Tickle fic! If this is not your forte, no need to read! This is also a part II to Hah! Got 'Em!!!
Summary: After yesterday's antics, MK is left with a slight ler mood. Wrecking the resident Third Lotus Prince again would be cruel- but what about teaching him how to wreck others?
MK was bored. Really bored.
Nothing had really stirred his usual boundless amounts of energy; Mei wasn’t here to play a good round or twenty of Monkey Mech, and Redson was home brooding and inventing like he always did, so MK didn’t have immediate company to keep him active. It was starting to build up on him, especially after yesterday’s sugar rush-like energy.
Speaking of yesterday, the entire event had left him itching to do it again, constantly tapping and wiggling his fingers. Funny how that happens, but he doesn’t really have anyone he can just unleash it on. And even with Nezha here, the guy had only just found out what tickling was, he wasn’t going to go that far. He needed some other way to release all this energy…
 Wait a minute.
“Pssst- Hey Nezha!” The Lotus Prince looked up from his bowl of noodles he was just finishing, attention caught.
“Yes? What is it?” MK smiled as Nezha responded, already feeling a deviousness in his grin. “So uh, I was thinking about yesterday, and-”
“MK, I swear to the Buddha above himself-“
“No no no, I’m not gonna tickle you again, don’t worry!” MK laughed, finding it silly the way Nezha relaxed after having tensed so quickly in embarrassment at the recollections of yesterday.
“Actually, I was thinking…” MK glanced over at his mentor, Wukong, who seemed thoroughly lost in thought while fiddling with the chopsticks Tang had idly handed him. He seemed as if the world was completely empty save for whatever thoughts were manifesting in his head.
“Monkey King was the one who started it, right? So, how about I teach you the art of tickling people, and we use him for example?” Nezha looked at MK skeptically for a moment, then over at Wukong. A rare smile formed on his face, and it was at times like these that he remembered that Nezha too, had a mischievous streak, spanning many centuries longer than MK’s.
“You’re sure he’ll be okay with that?” He asked, still slightly hesitant.
Macaque, who overheard the conversation (having six ears is really helpful for eavesdropping, huh?), leaned in and whispered into Nezha’s ear, ignoring for the time being the fact that the poor prince tensed up at it.
“I’m gonna be honest for once, princey, but he really enjoys it. It’s basically his way of saying that he trusts you a lot. He was probably hoping to be tickled in return yesterday, but was kinda let down when he realized you didn’t have a clue what the fuck it is. You didn’t hear it from me though, in case he asks.”
Nezha chuckled lightly at Macaque’s slyness, and MK took a moment to shuffle through every memory he had of tickling the daylights out of the Monkey King before all of this. Sure, he didn’t get to tickle him nearly as much as Wukong would to him, but knowing that bit of information now…
MK had never felt so honored before.
“Alright then. MK, how do I do this?” Nezha easily relented.
“One second.” MK said, getting off his stool and walking over to Wukong, who didn’t seem to have the slightest idea what was going on, given how spaced out he was. MK snuck up beside him and, with little hesitance, promptly picked him up from under the arms. Wukong shrieked in surprise.
“AAHHHH!! Holy shit Mk-what the fuck?!”
“You’ll see soon enough, Monkey King! Hey Nezha, follow me!” The Lotus Prince cleaned up his bowl and chopsticks, setting them aside and handing them off to Pigsy, who almost smiled. It’s always nice to see another person who appreciates home-cooked meals. After the run-in with Speedy Panda…ugh.
Nezha followed the sound of Wukong’s struggling, and found the two upstairs in MK’s apartment on the floor beside the bed. The young hero had Wukong’s arms pinned under his knees, and at this point he had stopped struggling and laid on the floor, mumbling something about his hands going numb. MK paid no attention to it. “Alrighty then, Nezha! Your first lesson in how to tickle people and get the best reactions commences now!”
“SAY WHAT NOW?!” Wukong’s eyes shot wide open at the statement.
“Oh, you’ll live, Monkey King! Besides, you’ve been wanting this, haven’t you?”
“Sh-shut up, kid! Now you’re just lying!” Wukong whined. MK only giggled at the half-hearted denial from his mentor.
“Alright, alright, shut up now! LESSON ONE!!!” MK shouted dramatically over top Wukong’s whining. “You gotta know all the techniques and where someone’s super ticklish! So, word of advice, if you wanna find out if someone’s ticklish, always start with the sides!”
And then to demonstrate, MK immediately started pinching at Wukong’s sides, causing the poor Sage to yelp and flinch every which way away from the fingers, not like it helped given that Mk had him pinned down, but it was a…valiant effort. Sort of.
“The sides are like, the most commonly ticklish area for anybody and everybody, so it’s always a safe bet to start there first! Ya feel me?” Nezha snorted slightly at the choice of words, but nodded and resolutely ignored the giggled whining and complaining of one Great Sage Equal to Heaven.
“Cool, cool, cool-WUKONG QUITE MOVING YA LITTLE-” You can’t blame the Lotus Prince for jolting at the sudden raise in MK’s voice, although given how playful his tone was and the stupid grin on his face, he wasn’t taking any of this too seriously at all.
Meanwhile, Wukong himself was giggling up a storm, squirming like his immortal life depended on it as he kicked his feet and slapped his tail to the ground.
“Stohohop pihihinching me thehehen! Kihihihid!!” Wukong responded back.
“Nuh uh, I gotta teach Nezha about the techniques, man. Think of the techniques!!”
Oh yeah, now MK was doing this mostly to mess with him.
Not like Nezha’s complaining though…
“Okay! So you see how I’m pinching him, right?” MK asked, turning his head to Nezha and ever so confident that taking his eyes off Wukong won’t change a thing.
“Yes?” Nezha responded, scooting closer and watching the motions with rapt attention.
And no, he would not admit how that made his own cheeks flush, or how it made butterflies flutter in his stomach.
“Is there anything special about it, MK?”
“Oh why yes there is, my dear Nezha.” Said ‘Dear Nezha’ gave him a questioning look. “You sound like one of those preachers from another religion-”
“SsshHHHshhhh shush shush shush, and let me speak my gospel-” MK wheezed in amusement, letting up on his hasty pinches and giving Wukong reprieve.
“So, you gotta make sure that you don’t pinch too hard, yeah? If you do, it’ll just hurt, and that’s not fun for anyone. So! You’ll wanna make sure that it’s quick and light, not enough to hurt, but enough to be felt.” He explained, going as far as to give a slow demonstration to what he was explaining.
Wukong’s breath hitched repeatedly as he bit down stray chuckles, burying his face into his shoulder, probably to silently deny just how embarrassing this must be for him.
“Oooh, I see, I see.” Nezha added verbally with a smile, a hint of pride welling up at noticing Wukong shrinking in on himself more at that.
“Would you like to give it a try?”
Nezha glanced up at MK, and simply smiled.
As MK moved his hands away, Wukong immediately renewed his struggling. “AH AH AH-WAIT! NO, I didn’t agree to this, this is non consensual!! HELP ME!!!” Wukong practically screamed, causing both Nezha and Mk to laugh at his embarrassed misery.
“No one’s here to save you, Monkey King! Now just be a good monkey and sit there so I can teach Nezha the wondrous ways of tickling.” MK spoke with faux somberness in his tone, patting the monkey on the head as Wukong wriggled around.
Now, Here’s the thing.
Nezha is reflexively fast. He has to be, he always has been. It’s what comes with being a guard.
Implementing that into a more harmless pinching motion was honestly pretty easy.
He did not, however, account for Wukong’s reaction.
The monkey let out a shriek at Nezha’s quick jabbing, his feet dragging frantically against the floor as he jolted and yelped at every quick little jab.
“My goodness, Nezha you’re quick with that shit, this is amazing actually hold on-” MK commented, and Nezha honestly couldn’t help the little chuckle that escaped him if he wanted.
Because this was fun. Doing this quick little pinches up and down Wukong’s sides, watching him squirm like that so helplessly, giggling feverishly all throughout, it was funny to watch, and fun to do.
Yeah, he could absolutely see the appeal in it.
“Oh oh oh! Lemme show you something!” MK said, deciding not to stop Nezha from having his fun as he then went to skim his fingers along Wukong’s ribs, causing Wukong’s pitch to heighten and his laughter to grow louder.
“It’s funnier when you have more than one person involved in the tickling, but besides that, Wukong’s got some pretty sensitive ribs, so there’s this really funny game you can make out of it!” MK explained, catching Nezha’s attention as he started scritching all along Wukong’s ribs.
Wukong choked on a laugh, throwing his head back and shaking his head a few times as MK went on to explain and demonstrate. “So, we’re basically going to be ‘counting’ if he’s got all his ribs in place. Cause like, ya never know with this one right here-” The Monkie Kid said with a light roll of his eyes.
“Nezha, I’d humbly request you to tell me-how many ribs do we normally have?” MK asked, putting a dramatic tone into his voice that had Nezha scoffing. “Twenty four, MK. We have twenty four.” He answered dutifully.
“Well, are we sure that Wukong has all twenty four? I mean, for all we know, he could have lost some in all his battles or something! Oh, you poor, poor monkey, I’ll help you, don’t worry Monkey King!” MK wiped a fake tear just to emphasize, which only caused Wukong to hiccup with laughter.
“So I found one, y’know! And here’s two, and we got three over here-” Nezha himself flushed a great shade of red as he watched the way MK dug into Wukong’s ribs like no tomorrow, the theatrics he put up were almost as impressive as Macaque’s, because Wukong was really starting to laugh up a storm right now.
“NAHahAHaha! StAHAP- MK!! AHAHAHAHA, PLehEHEhease!” Wukong has already resorted to pleading, and they weren’t even ten minutes into this, barely even five.
Yeah, okay, MK was scarily good at this.
But also…Mei…
Nezha shivered to himself.
“Ooooh maaah gaaawd-Monkey King stop moving or else I can’t count all your ribs! It’s like you’re- AUDIBLE GASP!! ARE YOU HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME!?” MK yelled out, throwing his head back to give Wukong some serious side eye.
Wukong, for all he tried, shook his head hastily, his nose all scrunched up as his blush only deepened from what could practically be described as torture from his successor.
Maybe not actual torture, but it sure looked like it!
“I think you’re hiding something from me and I WILL GET IT!! AAAAAAAAAAH-” Now even Nezha couldn’t help but dissolve into laughter as Mk let out a battlecry- a battlecry of all things!- digging into Wukong’s ribs and making the monkey go ballistic with the ticklish sensation.
“KIHIHIHID!! FAHAHAHAHA- STAHA- STAHAHAHAP! I CAHAHAN’T-AAAAAHAHA-!” Wukong cried out desperately, and for a second, Nezha was worried that he really couldn’t take it.
But when he actually looked up at MK and Wukong, he took notice of something.
As much as MK was joking around beyond multiple extremes, he seemed to be..paying rapt attention to Wukong, as if there would be a sign of some sort that would tell him if… Wukong’s had enough.
‘Ah.’ Nezha thought. ‘They probably do have a sign.’
That attention to detail, that level of care despite this tomfoolery…it was sweet. He wouldn’t deny it. It was really sweet.
(No, he doesn’t want that kind of attention, though! I-it’s just a sweet thing to take note of, okay? He’s not- like, craving that or anything!)
“By the Gods, you might actually kill him.” Nezha couldn’t help but mutter, surprised and unsurprised that MK ended up hearing that despite Wukong’s frantically loud laughter.
“Oh my gods, can you kill an immortal by tickling? I mean like, you can die by it-”
“Excuse me?”
“But I never considered the possibility.”
MK finally slowed down his downright malicious ministrations, and Wukong practically choked on the air he greedily inhaled as he caught his breath. But now the boy was really thinking about it- like, hand to his chin in deep, otherworldly thought kind of thinking.
“Let’s not test that out now, MK. You’re teaching me, not trying to kill a god.” Nezha said with a light hearted chuckle.
“Yeheheah! Yeah-kid, plehehease no, don’t do thahat.” Wukong nodded fervently, clearly filled with nervousness as MK practically stared into his soul.
“...Nezha. I must bestow some very important information onto you.” MK muttered, clearly trying to make this sound very, very important and serious. And as much as Nezha would probably never be able to know if tickling could turn into that kind of serious, he at least knew that it perhaps was important.
So, for fun’s sake, he played along.
“Yes, MK? Whatever piece of information will you bestow upon me that requires such an important incline in your tone?” MK almost broke character, taking a minute not to laugh at the longer than necessary sentence.
“There are certain places on the body that are very sensitive, Nezha. Of course, that’s a given, the nerves in our bodies do flippity things to cause stimuli because biology says so.” MK says with a dismissive hand wave.
“But there are some parts of the body that are so sensitive that it’s actually a little concerning.” Nezha noticed from his peripheral the way Wukong practically froze with tension, coming to a conclusion very rapidly.
“Kid! Hey, nO! None of that!” Wukong complained, but Mk just playfully shoved his forehead and continued talking all business-like.
Nezha struggled so hard to take this seriously, but he nodded along just fine.
“These particular spots are what we like to call, Death Spots.” MK finally said, jolting a little as Wukong struggled underneath him. “MK! MK SHUT UP RIGHT NOW-!!”
“HUSH, MONKEY KING, I’M MAKING HISTORY HERE!!! LET ME WORK MY MAGIC!” MK shouted right back, before quickly jabbing Wukong in the hips, the sage letting out a stray squeal that quite frankly made Nezha himself chuckle a little bit.
“Now, let me tell you about Monkey King’s Death Spots-”
And let Nezha tell you the way MK yelped as he got kneed in the damn back.
Nezha himself jolted backwards as MK whipped his head over to Wukong in alarm, who had an expression that very clearly read ‘oh shit’ all over it.
There was a long, suffering silence.
“You did not just hit me.”
“MK- kid-”
“Monkey King. Wukong. Great Sage Equal to goddamn Heaven, tell me you did not just hit me.”
Nezha slid away. Just a bit. You know. To save himself.
“Kid please I’m sorry-”
“Lesson two, Nezha. Lesson two.” The Lotus Prince almost flinched himself at the maniacal grin on MK’s face. “And this one is specifically tailored to god damn, motherfuckin’ Wukong.”
“MK have mercy on me please-”
“If this bitch deserves it, show no fucking mercy.”
And then MK proceeded to strike two places at once.
Wukong let out the loudest damn scream that Nezha has ever heard-and probably will ever hear-out of his mouth in centuries as MK started nibbling away at his neck, and scribbling into his belly remorselessly.
Nezha himself yelped, face turning pink in pure second hand in embarrassment as Wukong screamed and shrieked and laughed like his life depended on it. The monkey thrashed, writhed and squirmed as much as he could, but MK held steadfast, nibbling and ‘nom nom nomming’ away at his neck and scribbling ceaselessly against his belly, on every goddamn side.
“KAHAHAHAHA- PLE- NAHAHAHAHA IHIHIHIHI CAHAHAHA- AAAAAAAAH!! FAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA-!” Wukong couldn’t make one lick of a sentence from all that attention, and it seemed to be driving him up the goddamn wall.
At some point, he was able to free one hand.
That, however, proved to be a mistake.
MK showed no mercy and began drilling into the underarm of his free hand, the sage knocking his head against the ground with just how fast he had flung it back. His legs were kicking furiously, his tail slapping on the ground with a quick thump thump thump like it didn’t know what else to do. And based on how much he was holding back the power he definitely had to throw off his mentee, both of them were clearly having fun.
And Nezha sat there, hands over his face yet peeking through the fingers to watch this… spectacle.
MK, to make matters worse, had the most deadpan expression he could muster, channeling the pure energy of ‘boredom’ into his act like this was another normal Tuesday afternoon.
Oh gods, that was just horrifying.
Horrifyingly funny, yeah, but horrifying nonetheless.
Wukong laughed and laughed until he started hiccuping, and then laughed even more. He barely even seemed to be getting any air, and even if he was immortal and technically didn’t need air, that flush of exertion was telling a whole different story and he seemed beside himself with a heavy case of mush brain.
The butterflies in Nezha’s stomach flapped tenfold and he involuntarily scrunched in on himself, watching with so much attention he very faintly recognizes he should probably not have. But he couldn’t help it! It was in his face, it was in his ears and it was in the way his shoulders hunched up, subconsciously protecting his own neck in the way Wukong most certainly couldn’t copy.
He doesn’t know how long that absolute torture must have gone on for, he doesn’t even know why MK has such freakishly insane lung capacity for this (he’d know from experience that the kid probably wouldn’t have stopped last time if Pigsy hadn’t told him to cut it out.), but finally at some point, Wukong’s laughter had gone on so long that he’d grown hoarse, and he tapped MK’s shoulder three times- like a sign.
MK let up- so that was the stop signal- and eased off Wukong as the poor monkey gasped for relief. Wukong curled in on himself once MK had rolled off of him, giggling nonsensically to himself as he seemed entirely out of this plane of existence alone.
So…Death Spots were really that bad, huh?
Oh Buddha, someone save him.
“See? Sometimes you just gotta show no mercy and give him shit for it.” MK shrugged with a grin, as if he hadn’t actually almost killed the Great Sage himself, via tickling.
Nezha stared in shock-and mild mortification-at this kid.
That… he didn’t even want to know how that must have felt.
“...fuck.” Was all Nezha could mutter.
“...fuck-” MK repeated, cutting himself off to let out a loud wheeze, laughing to himself as he sidled up next to Wukong.
“Monkey King, are you dead? Did you die? Did you lose your immortality-why are your pupils so big???” MK laughed even harder as Nezha took note that yes, Wukong’s pupils did in fact dilate hard.
“Wukong?” Nezha called out, holding in a laugh at how absolutely unresponsive the other was.
But his tail was wagging, so he’ll take that as a good sign.
“Told you he’d enjoy it-”
MK and Nezha screamed in surprise at the new arrival, and Macaque, who had just entered the room, was smiling in amusement at Wukong like he personally won the lottery.
Now that he had the brain to control his body again, the ghost tickles that hadn’t yet registered now had started coming in, Wukong squirmed quite a bit, clearly still a bit tuckered out. MK patted his mentor on the head, and gently rubbed off the remaining phantom sensations. “Too far?” He asked.
“Wuh- Nah, y-you’re good, kihid.” Wukong assured him.
Nezha held back a squeal at how adorable Wukong looked after the heavy bout of ticklish fever- Because no he was not going to squeal at adorable monkey business he has not sunk that low yet- and then he turned to MK. “So, is everyone that ticklish?”
“Not everyone in the world per se, but if you’re thinking of everyone here? Yeah, I’d say pretty close.”
“I see…”
“So yeah, if you ever want to at least try getting revenge on Mei-”
Oh, oh yeah no, he knows a losing battle when he sees one.
MK, on the other hand…
“No, I’ve got a better idea.” 
Without further warning, He leapt clear over Wukong and instantly pinned MK to the cushiony mattress beside the monkey. “I would like to remind you of what you did to me yesterday- Don’t think you’re getting away scot-free just because you showed me how to destroy that little shit.”
“W-wahait, Nezha-” MK looked around for a means of escape, then called out to Wukong who, despite being absolutely demolished not even a minute ago, seemed to get back some coherence.
“Monkey King! Mohonkey King help me!” Nezha glanced over at Wukong to see what he would do, given his student was pretty much in danger. Wukong, of course, didn't seem to give a rat's ass about MK in that moment.
He proceeded to roll right off the bed, hitting the ground with a “Just like he said, Nezha. Start with the sides.”
Sometimes, Nezha forgets how petty that monkey can be.
Then again, he's not really complaining.
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They Live in You (Twst fanfic)
**mild SPOILERS for Book 7 chapter 4**
Summary: Perhaps for the first time in his life, Malleus tried to look harder at himself. He never noticed how, even if he was still young, one could see without a doubt, he was Malleus Draconia, and he was their child. 
Word count: 1275
Warning: Referenced character death. Mentions of war.
A/N: This is for the event “Anthems of Old” from @briarvalleyarchives​. This piece is inspired by the song "They Live in You" from the Lion King musical. This might or might not be fic number one to a series depending on whether I can finish the other two before the deadline XD
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The door to the music room was swung open with an energetic bam. The young prince glanced up from the cello he was playing, a small smile warming the golden shimmer of his tired eyes. 
“Malleus~ It’s been months! Did you miss me, my boy?” Lilia was still in his full armour with his iconic mask, but even so his bright grin was heard, and he asked with a vitality one would think is impossible for a soldier who had so recently returned from battle. 
“I’m no child, Lilia.” 
“Awww but you did, didn’t you?” Lilia opened his arms, awaiting an embrace. 
Malleus put down the cello bow but shook his head slowly. A gesture that Lilia understood. The older fae’s hands dropped to the side of his body, his armour clanging in the process. 
“It’s good to see you return safely, Lilia.” 
Lilia nodded and bowed slightly, before taking off his mask, choosing not to kneel in front of Malleus like talking to a child, but to keep standing straight instead. 
“Malleus, I’m sorry we lost the northern woods.” 
Malleus’s lips twitched. Flames flashed in his eyes. He had watched from the castle balcony, when the borderlands were burnt down by crimson, pungent fire of war. It was far, far out of his reach, but he had heard it. He had heard the earth crack, the trees fall, the sky shrouded, the soldiers scream, summoning wind and water to push back the flames. But what’s gone is gone. The land had cried, and so had he, another piece scorched black on his father’s and mother’s beautiful land. 
“I saw it happen,” the prince closed his eyes, “And all I did was watch.”
And though there were plenty of words Lilia could think of that were true and just and would tell the child he did no wrong, there was none that the child truly needed, none that the child would believe. 
“You know what the northern woods used to be, don’t you, Lilia?” 
Of course he did. He had been there before, accompanying the prince.
The then prince. 
“Father used to go there. He used to negotiate with the inhabitants about conservation measures due to high magic density in the area and the rich magical resources that could be obtained there,” Malleus said, and then added, “I read that in books.” 
He stood up, his height allowing to look at Lilia right in the eyes, “It was one of the last things my father left undone, before he was gone, wasn’t it, Lilia?” He put down the cello by his chair, “I thought I could take over it one day. The woods still had great potential, the woods still had father’s footsteps, I wanted to follow him one day. Like this cello, I wanted to be able to play it without feeling it’s too big for me one day.” 
His shoulders scrunched up even though he tried to hide it, “And it’s gone now. They’re gone, again.” 
And Lilia wished he had Mallenoa’s strong embrace that could enfold every inch of you, he wished he had Levan’s gentle touch that could seep right into your heart, and he knew he was wearing his cold, hard armour but still he offered the best he could to their child. 
“They’re not gone,” he pulled the child close with his left hand and rested his right hand on the child’s head. 
Because he understood why this mattered so much to Malleus. He had been there when the woods burnt down. He had felt a fire inside him hotter than whatever the humans had conjured because he had seen the silhouettes of his prince and his princess in those woods as they were warped by the heat of the flames and twisted into nothingness. Because it wasn’t enough killing them once, the war had killed them twice. 
But Lilia could gaze up and come back because there was hope here. Because they were here. 
“They live in you, Malleus.” 
The child said nothing, and only pushed himself further into Lilia’s embrace.  
“When you walk, I see him beside you. Every day I find his silhouette in your steps.” 
Lilia let go of Malleus, shifting his right hand to the child’s cheek, “And when you smile, I see her in you.” The excitement in the way their eyes shimmered, the innocence in the way their lips curled, to Lilia, it was like she barely left.
Malleus scoffed under his breath, “You’re lying. Father was so much taller, mother was so regal. How could you see them in me?” 
“How could I not, my boy?” Lilia laughed, creating a mirror-like surface with magic, “Look at yourself.” 
“……” Malleus wiped his eyes and looked, “…it’s just me.” 
“Look harder,” Lilia whispered, brushing up Malleus’s bangs that were covering his scales, “They’re right here.” 
And perhaps for the first time in his life, Malleus tried to look harder at himself. He never noticed how the curve of his horns or the shimmer of his scales or the colours of his eyes resembled his mother’s. He never noticed how the shape of his face or his wide shoulders or his long legs resembled his father’s. Even if he was still young, one could see without a doubt, he was Malleus Draconia, and he was their child. 
“See?” Lilia put his hands on Malleus’s tensed shoulders, “They live in your reflection.” 
Malleus pursed his lips, shifting away from Lilia’s hands, “What good does it do? Could I be even half the ruler they were? Could I give all of myself to protect my land and my people like they did?” 
Lilia’s smile faded. There were memories that were never written in any history books that he held within his head. What was pride for the kingdom was nightmares for him, what was a loss for the kingdom was a sword stabbing through his heart for the centuries to come until he finally finally joins them. He could not bear another loss, he could not let their son do that. 
Lilia dispelled the magical mirror and flung open the curtains covering the music room’s glass walls. They gazed outside at the summer sun showering bright glimmers over the land that was healing, the land that was quiet and still and peaceful now. 
“You are still young,” Lilia said to Malleus, but his eyes never left the scenery outside, “And you are already such a fine prince. I know you think that they live in these lands, in every creature and in every star. I know you love this kingdom that they gave every fibre of their magic to protect. I know you want to protect all that they’ve left behind for you.
“But you are not alone, my dear. Every soul that their spirits had touched are one with you in our love for this land,” Lilia took Malleus’s hand in both of his, “Be patient, my prince. There is no mountain too great. There is no limit to your power. May the night bless you.” 
Malleus squeezed Lilia’s hands tightly, thinking, breathing, trying to believe that Lilia was right. And he thought about how Lilia had been there when his parents were alive, how Lilia had been their friends, how Lilia had known them and seen them and touched them. He glanced at Lilia kneeling to talk to him, to meet his downcast eyes, and he briefly wondered if this was what his father’s hands would’ve felt like too. 
“Thank you, Lilia,” the child smiled in the way Lilia remembered of her, “They live in you as much as they live in me.” 
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 7 months
Lol how do i explain this chain of events...
there's no way i can make it brief xD So..today i was in an odd mood, feeling so sensitive that any time someone talked to me i almost flinch from how overwhelming it is. And a certain heaviness. sunday is slimbo's only day off tho so i wanted to hang out. We decided to draw, and as we were finishing setting up i suddenly remembered my stereo & how i havent used it all winter. i grabbed it from my room n put it on slimbo's bedroom floor , i was sitting next to it as we focused on drawing for a few hours n listened to CDs.
then as we were about to eat dinner slimbo suggested we watch sopranos. i was reluctant due to my mood today, and ok hear me out: Something about sopranos has like, consistently felt really psychic to me, cus i dont watch it that often but every time i do it's like. that episode will be freakishly synchronized w something happening in my life at that moment. usually in a metaphorical way. Could just be power of suggestion but ive never rly had that with a show before except for a few animes.
ANYWAYS..i agreed to watch it because i felt it to be fateful that slimbo suggested it. like Ok what message is this supposed to send me today, might as well see since i'm already in this strange mood. We sat on the ground where i was drawing and started watching. and ofc, (spoiler warning,) ofc the last ep we watched was the one where junior shoots tony, so this episode is the one where tony's dying in hospital (and having his prolonged dream sequence). Which, if you know me, you maybe know about my Core Wound, but if you dont, well, it definitely involves hospitals and death and fathers. So i'm just sitting there watching like LMAO 🙂 Ok Guess this is what's on tonight's agenda Let's Gooooo 🙂
and i can see slimbo keeps looking at me with an expression like "we can turn it off" but i was like nah im going to watch this im curious now. (i havent seen season 6 of sopranos in 6 years and its the season i have the least memory of because when i watched it i was high as fuck on opiates due to getting my appendix removed (awful experience) so it kinda feels like my first time seeing it). i keep watching and THEN. THE WEIRDEST SHIT OF MY LIFE OCCURED
the fucking scene. Where carmela's in the hospital room with tony and she receives a stereo from chris. she takes it out of the box and i'm like wait....it's only showing the back of it at first, but it looks so familiar, i look over to my right where my stereo is coincidentally sitting on the floor next to me with the back facing me. it's the same. then i see her open the cd slot. ITS THE EXACT SAME FUCKING STEREO SAME color SAME model SAME Everything !!!! and the part that freaked me out most is that my stereo is always just sitting on top of my tv i almost never move it even when i use it but at that moment it just happened to be sitting there on the floor RIGHT FUCKING NEXT TO ME !!!
idk. it gave me kind of an adrenaline rush. it freaked me out. like that is bizarre i dont know. especially with the context of the stereo in the show and how it's there in the hospital to play music for tony as he's basically dying. hospital scenes r always like, intense for me on a cellular level. but that just kinda blew my mind. i got this stereo from a thrift store 2 years ago i had no idea it was in the show lol. IDK. i feel like there's a message here. something to do with my dad and healing and music. See im telling you like.....sopranos makes me consistently feel that God is joking around w me, its ususlly just a feeling but today it was tangible. so.... o_o
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whatawalrus · 2 months
Little bit late here but how do you best see Darin’s dynamic in your headcanons? This coming from someone who ships them but sees it as kind of a toxic doomed situationship with one of them (always Daan) dying in the Festival.
Oh you're not late at all! I'm just slow af. XD
It will depend on the scenarios. I cant really pinpoint my hcs cause I try to line up with their canon nature, but know they are in a dire situation, being in the termina festival. I like to think outside of their lives.
There are alot of hcs I have, but alot of them might be different with what the fandom sees them as. Perhaps it's that part of me that like bittersweet or long sweet growth between these stubborn headbutting duo. Other parts, it was never meant to be. But i think they might being out the best with each other if they give each other a long time.
Yess! I do love the doomed situationships alot! I have read some great fics that display this so well. That appending doom and they have their time left surviving what appears fruitless.
First off, enemies to lovers; it's a VERY hard dynamic to pull off. They weirdly bounce off each other very well, but some cases, people mistake abuse for chemistry too. I am guilty of this trope, and maybe because of this, I was delighted by the ship (plusssss my friends got me into it xD).
The Endless and the Blank soul. A void going on forever. There's nothing but space, but it keeps going on. The Blank soul has 'Endless' potential. The Endless Soul has no finish line, blank sets of pages to skip through.
Both have some things in common, both are "selflessly selfish" in their own way. Might not be the best phase of meaning, but let me explain.
Karin pursuits selfless causes since she was young, engaging in protests against the Breman Empire, covering wars (lol) as a journalist and is compassionate for the unfortunate. A bleeding heart if you will. Remember, even being in upperclass, she was raised away from wealth from her kidnapping. She stops at nothing to get a concrete answer for everything and everyone she seeks out, and she does it very well, giving her fighting spirit. That being said, she does these without much consideration on other's feelings or opinions with how she does things, making her self-centered. She has tunnel vision, when she has a goal, thats all that matters. It makes her appear self-righteous and out of her depth. Karin definitely wears her career on her sleeve, with may come to the negative stereotype of journalists being pushy, nosy vultures. Given the "Karen" personality she has, it does not help her case.
Daan is a man who seen and experienced trauma, which he uses for helping others. A man who lives for others. Daan is very good at a doctor, passionate about it, we see him trying to aid the moonschorched villagers despite his sarcastic wit. He is willing to sacrifice his mind and body for healing others given his skill abilites relates to healing. From his background, he is sympathetic towards some contestants like Levi and Marina and rather protective of them (yes the BOP scene counts lol). The otherside is Daan can be very callous, haughty and condescending. Yes, he is polite on the outside, but its a shield; the events of Termina cracks that facade. He expresses the doom and gloom, dimissive of the silver lining. According to some folks, Daan appears as conceited and poking fun at their expense. Now that doesn't mean he thinks he is better than anyone, he had so many misfortunes in life that he is blinded by cynicism. His suffering is in serect in guilt and shame, that he seems to reflect in his sarcastic humor and sometimes projects on others. He sacrifices himself as self punishment than a viture. A doctor's job is self-sacrificing, but the way it is displayed as self-destructive. He believes he has nothing left. It doesn't help that Pocketcat is encouraging his thoughts that his life was never his in the first place. He is not his own person, he's a vessel. So why should he care what happens to him? Someone will think he is reckless and selfish how he is destroying himself slowly.
Let me make it clear; depression can be such a destructive force of oneself, and that sometimes one can be so absorbed in their self-punishment, they become deaf to other's feelings or even resentful of them. It can make one recluse away, hiding from what can help you. It makes you appear selfish or act on selflish tendencies. This is from someone who has been diagnosed with chronic depression disorder and it has been severe since.
(Fuck that was stupid and harsh on Daan, i see him as he is and from my experiences of depression and seeing friends who suffer similarly too. What happened to him is not his fault. but let me get to the hcs...?)
I like to hc alot of growth of characters being out of the festival. I am sure they act differently when not on the brick of death. It brought out the worst in people to survive.
Example; they escaped, pondering their lives afterwards. One wants to spread the word of the horrors she witness, the world needs to know to prevent this from happening again. The other, he has went with nothing to return to, only motivated by what happened to his wife and the baron.
It would be interesting to see how they will intertwined later in life.
I had ideas of drabble on how harsh Karin can be about Daan's self-deprecating humor, he will dismiss his survival as "coincidental" or his aid for others wasn't anything special. Karin is passionate and won't take his pity nonsense, be blunt on what he is was the many reasons many folks are alive and give himself more credit. Daan might ground her into reailty to see the forset for the trees cause she doesnt grounds herself in reality depsite of her denial of magic. Something like that. Both can learn alot from each other. Maybe they aren't made to last, but they would change for good cause of they knew each other....in three days. Idk anymore
I rambled way too much. Might offended some folks, might be wrong in some. Many of these thoughts are from the games, friend discussions and some fanfics that are close to the canon, i take it as such. Modern Man Traditional Medicine by @ vampireghostlawyer is one of the best ones I read. If you want more sweet, @ BrickleandFickle has very wholesome ones. Ther3es other fics can't recall but i will add a shoutout when i remember them
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five good things
It's been a while! Let's see...
I finished my BA in Language Studies with English and German with the Open University (part time distance learning) and achieved a first class honours! I've been kind of playing it down and thinking of it as not a huge deal, partly because I've got this internalised sense that you don't brag about your achievements, nobody likes a know-it-all, being intelligent/academic is not the done thing, which dates back to my schooldays (which are over 30 years ago at this point what the hell), but actually...look, I was a solid 64% achiever throughout my initial academic career at 18-24, and I thought that was all I was capable of, but if I've calculated it correctly (not entirely certain, maths is still not my strong point) I think my overall score for this one has been 94% which...holy crap, you guys. Nobody is more surprised by this than me. I think it's a combination of 30 years' extra maturity plus they actually tell you what they want you to do these days, but...wait, I'm playing it down again, aren't I? Anyway. On to the Masters in Applied Linguistics!
Which starts in October, but the course website opens next Wednesday so the plan is to get in there and try and get ahead. Whether I'll actually manage that is up for debate, but I do rather want to try and do at least some of it early, especially because...
I am going to be spending eleven days in Helsinki in mid-late October because Japa from Private Line's new band is playing a show on the 19th, Private Line are playing a show on the 26th, and my absolute hero Michael Monroe has announced a solo acoustic show on the 25th which it would be rude not to attend, since it's a 5-minute walk from my hotel XD I'd already booked to be there from the 18th to the 28th so I could see Japa and PL because I have loved them inordinately since 2006, so when MM announced his solo acoustic tour of Finland beginning in August and ending in October and I realised one of the last dates was while I was already going to be in Helsinki, well. :D :D :D I am super excited, I have a spreadsheet with museums and opening times and days and hopefully I'll be spending a day in Tampere and a day in Turku running round museums as well as all the Helsinki museums, some of which I've already visited several times and am excited to revisit, and some of which I've never been to before. I am looking forward to this SO MUCH YOU GUYS OMG.
And then, when I get back, rather than coming straight home, I will be spending three days in London with the utterly glorious @lemurious who is spending a couple of weeks this side of the pond! I cannot WAIT. We are going to run round London looking at museums and Roman stuff and eating food and drinking beer and nerding out about Tolkien and history and EVERYTHING and it is going to be AWESOME. aaaaAAAAAAAA!
TRSB reveals are in less than an hour! My fic is here, the art by the lovely @erathene, who I am delighted to have got to know this summer, is also here, and I am so excited for everyone to finally get to read a story from Tilda's point of view, after her spending so long on the sidelines of Empty Vessel-'verse! Tilda herself was super excited to finally get to talk properly, as evidenced by the fact that the fic is 46k long (oh GOD) and I've already had to begin the sequel because there wasn't enough space (or time XD ) in the story for everything that needed to happen! She is still going, and will be for some considerable time, and it is such a joy to finally have her unleashed! Those of you who are already familiar with the concept of the Tilda Warning will understand that it very much applies to this fic XD
@sigrielweek is in a month! The eternally awesome @seagull-energy has very kindly done some beautiful art for the header and icon, and I am percolating prompts/themes this weekend (if you have some please sling them my way, you all know I am not at home to the idea fairy at the best of times XDDDD ), and the event will be running between 7-13 October, to coincide with the Battle of the Five Armies on the 10th (following on from Smaug's attack on Lake-town on the 1st)...
Innumerable Stars assignments are out and I am super excited by mine! I can say no more at this point but it's going to be huge fun :D :D :D
Oh! I finished Writers' Month as well as TRSB! The masterpost is here, and I'm rather enjoying re-reading the fics I had to bang out without having time to read them again, at a rather more leisurely pace.
I had a very successful meeting at job number two yesterday to finally kickstart a project my predecessor dropped in my lap having got the relevant people interested and raring to go, without having actually done the doings as to practicalities like funding, and who might actually do the work, and how it all might function. I (not a natural project manager) took fright and immediately shoved it onto the backest of back-burners while I got my feet under me, and only this year have begun to feel as though I might be ready to start exploring how it might work. I am not an academic, unlike my predecessor, at least not in this subject area, and I am very intimidated by everyone else's knowledge, but I have two absolutely fantastic volunteers who are very keen to be involved, and between them they've been coaxing me back towards it. I had a very useful online meeting with the two academics who were interested earlier in the year, and yesterday they came to see us and talk about it some more. Much to my relief, they will sort out the funding, the people to do it, the actual doing of the doings, my volunteers will do the photography (it's a catalogue of the medieval (and possibly later) seals attached to the documents I look after, of which there are at least 3000; I know nothing about seals, we're not really taught about them when we learn to be archivists, they're kind of treated as an adjunct to the "important stuff" which is how to read and interpret the documents they're attached to, so I am massively out of my depth but the academics are awesome and are so excited to get started, I showed them a tiny fraction of the stuff and they were nerding out in a delightfully knowledgeable and also recognisable manner, so I feel much more as though I am among my people, even if we know about different things XD there is so much to learn and find out and I am so excited for them to get started)
We hired a skip last week and emptied out the junkyard that the garden had turned into, plus a certain amount of stuff we didn't need from the loft, got rid of loads of cardboard boxes we didn't need, and generally the house feels a lot better as a result. There are still several boxes of stuff that need to go to the charity warehouse which I have not managed to sort out doing yet, but they're in the corner of the living room and ready to go. Weight off the mind, I swear.
Also I have dismantled the old swingseat and treated myself to a double egg chair which is so much more comfortable. It was in the sale (bonus) and although I probably won't get to use it again this summer it's there (covered up, it came with a cover, so it's protected from the elements) and I can get back out there on it as soon as the weather perks back up again next year. :D :D :D
I (with the missus' capable assistance) redyed my hair last Friday and it is now a delightful confection of sunset colours - orange at the roots, then purple, then pink on the ends. I took some selfies last weekend so there may be a gpoy post if I can work myself up to doing it XD
I'm in the pub right now with a nice beer and the laptop, writing (working on the sequel to the TRSB fic) and generally chilling out and having a lovely evening. The music is 1960s girl groups/Wall of Sound, which is one of my favourite things, and it is delightful.
I think that's more than enough for now. :D :D :D As always, if anyone feels like this exercise might benefit them, do feel free to take it and run with it! Five good things about your day/week/month/year/life, however big or small, and if there are more than five then keep going! Writing it down makes me realise and appreciate it all so much more than I do if it's all just drifting by.
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adventure-showdown · 11 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
A strange telepathic message prompts the Doctor to travel to the Sector of Forgotten Souls, a place where, thousands of years ago, Omega's ship vanished whilst detonating a star.
He's not the only one journeying towards it. Jolly Chronolidays prides itself on giving its tourists an experience of galactic history that is far better than mere time travel.
Its motto is, "We don't go into history, we prefer to bring history to you".
When Omega's ship suddenly materialises in front of their shuttle, and one of their employees goes insane and tries to destroy his hands...
...suddenly it's not just a motto any more.
And Omega — and his madness — is closer than they think.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Many years ago, on a dark and stormy night, the disfigured and enigmatic Doctor John Smith invited his closest friends, Inspector Victor Schaeffer and his wife, to a dinner to celebrate his birthday. A mere few hours later all the occupants in that house had been changed — some were dead, others mentally scarred forever by the events of that night.
So, what happened to the distinguished dinner guests on that evening? Perhaps we'll never know. But two clues have led to much speculation — found outside the study window, a charred umbrella with a curved red handle and found inside the house, a blood-stained copy of Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
For one person, this night represented an ending: an ending to one thousand years of darkness and an ending to ten years of light.
But for everyone else, is there no ending of this one night of Hell?
Iconic. Everyone knows this whether they’ve heard it or not. The audio that launched a thousand fanfics. (anonymous)
Zagreus sits inside your head
Zagreus lives among the dead
Zagreus sees you in your bed
And eats you when you're sleeping.
ok so, its the 40th annivercery!! its not offical as the show was off the air at the time, but still!!!! every single companion and doctor actor Big Finish managed to get they got!! but do they play their parts? ...actually not really! here we have the end of an arc that two seasons coming, Charley and 8 has been through a lot, and at this point their story comes to a starteling and rather horrid conclusion! (OR IS IT?) Charley, who has been rescued from death by the eight doctor, rescuing her when he was not supposed to, has been through a lot, and even as that got solved last episode, by saving her from becoming a portal of death to galifray (a long and better constracted story XD), the doctor and the tardis has sufferd a huge explosen of an anti time bomb! making the doctor to become infected with an anti time infection! making him concive himself as the childhood time lord rhyme known as Zagreus! so now he must distory the entire univerce hahaha, because apperently Rassilon, ie one of the og creatorss of galifray socity wants to make the doctor into Zagrues so he can use him to distroy his emenies!! by distroying him body and soul!!! but what's this??? his former selfes as random people around the time stream coming in with the steal chair????? all led by a very rightfully annoyed Charley because the doctor refused to kill her as she asked because she loves him???? what the fuck will happen next!! all led delightfuly by Romana and Leela, and K9, and a rather jealous and EVIL tardis played by the Brigadier himself!! in between this 3 HOUR LONG epic and delightful advanture, apart from the absolote chaos of the event, you will get a suprisingly beutifull speaches filled with exploration of the meaning of love, of friendship! of a love so strong that it shall forfit between dimantions and also canon, the doctor explores what it actually means to be in love with a companion! and Charley, explores what it means to love him even more strongly back! what it means to be the doctor!! and the fact that the distruction of the tardis is actuall the thing stopping him from completely losing himself to loss and grief 😭, the absolote hammering in of the fact the coraption of time lord scoaity and Rasilon's bigotry, and finally someone understands that if you corrupt the Doctor, you have the absolotle potancial to distroy the entire univerce!! Paul Mcgann screaming for amazing hours, as he has the best time playing the baddy and people who are not the doctor!! India Fisher as Charley giving it her all and being amazing at it!! (also the fact that this delightful story is the leadthrough to one of the most terrefying stories of doccy who history, Scherzo! as it explores the themes of this story in a much more detailed way! but that's a horrefying story for another day XD) (@geronimomo-spd )
The 30th anniversary special is overly long and complicated but mostly it is INSANE ! Alice in Wonderlands, giant animatronic rabbits, Vampires and an evil doctor who hAMS it up,,,,that and 4 different doctors as well as TONS of companions plus the Briggs who is actually the TARDIS. it makes no sense! Compels me tho. Everyone says it with me : Zagreus sits inside your head Zagreus lives among the dead Zagreus Sees you in your bed And eats you when you're sleeping It's the best anniversary special day of the doctor whomst ? (@gnougnouss )
Once upon a time...
There were two friends, and together they travelled the cosmos. They thwarted tyrants and defeated monsters, they righted wrongs wherever they went. They explored the distant future and the distant past, new worlds and galaxies, places beyond imagining.
But every good story has to come to an end.
With no times or places left to explore, all the two friends have now are each other. But maybe that's one voyage too many. Maybe they'll discover things they'd rather have left undisturbed... hidden away in the suffocating, unfeeling, deafening brightness.
Once upon a time. Far, far away.
It’s a great and fucked up dissection of the Doctor and Charley’s relationship, with a healthy dose of body horror (anonymous)
you will never look at the handshake emoji the same way again (october)
Really creative concept. Puts 8 and Charley into a situation where they have to confront their relationship and what they mean to each other while dealing with an incredibly engaging creature. I can't name an audio that suits the medium better and Ive been consuming Big Finish at an alarming rate. Also noises™️ (anonymous)
Absolutely INSANE episode back when big finish was allowed to get WEIRD weird it has everything: heartfelt discussion about the doctor/companion relationship, love, cannibalism, body horror, the exploration of a very alien world. All of this while making full use of the audio medium in a story that could simply never have been done anywhere else. It's a must listen for everyone. (@gnougnouss )
The Natural History of Fear
Public Warning
Faction Against Character Theft
Paul McGann eats a rat .MP3 (anonymous)
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celestiarambles · 9 months
Hitmen Have Feelings Too
Hii this is my contribution to JoMarina Week 2024! I'm posting this now because it's actually January 6 here in my country xD
Just a disclaimer, I have never been to a bar nor to India, so what happens in this one-shot may or may not be accurate
I apologize for any mistakes in the chapter. I hope you enjoy! (I actually enjoyed writing this lmao)
JoMarina Week 2024 Day 6 - Bonds
Summary: When Carmen takes some of the Bureau members out for a much-needed break after the disasters in India, Marina and Jonah drunkenly bond with each other, making Marina realize that Jonah wasn’t as bad as she thought he’d be.
Also cross-posted on Ao3: Hitmen Have Feelings Too - celestiamirasol - Criminal Case (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]
Marina knows how beautiful she is. Her coworkers tell her that everyday, and men would immediately tell her how smitten they are with her even when they just met.
However whenever she looks at the huge scar on her neck caused by the assassination attempt she survived years ago, she would constantly think otherwise.
It’s the only thing that catches her attention whenever she would look at herself in the mirror. No kind of concealer could even cover it up. Screw it. Once she finishes up her makeup, she grabs one of her scarves on her dresser and wraps it around her neck, adjusting every fold to make sure no inch of the scar could be seen.
“Marina!” Carmen knocks on her door. “You ready to go?”
“Just a second!”
After solving a murder in Bollywood, India, Carmen and Athena invited the Bureau for some drinks for them to finally relax after the previous events that transpired recently, but only her, Angela, and Jonah decided to come along with them. Jack wanted to hang out with Lars (even though Lars was busy with his book, The Flashing Light), Ingrid declined due to work, Ripley just simply didn’t want to and Dupont was trying to learn how to play cricket. Elliot wanted to come along, but Carmen didn’t allow him to since he was underage.
When they arrived at a bar in Mumbai (whose people were able to quickly pick themselves up due to the recent flooding), the place was decently packed with people, with performers playing Bollywood music, making its nightlife alive even though the sun was only about to set.
Occasions like this are rare for the Bureau due to the demands of their job, so Marina rarely gets to drink. She doesn’t like drinking on the job, for it makes her even more stressed. But once she gets the chance to, she immediately seizes it. 
“We deserve this, guys.” Athena says as she comes back with Carmen, both setting down various bottles of alcohol on the table. “When I was still a cop in Pacific Bay, we would usually go out and bond with drinks after a major case.”
“I guess we just don’t do it after what happened with the chief back then in Spain…” Carmen sighed, pouring a drink. She then slides it over to Angela. “So Angela, what’s the deal with Lars and that book? Has he finally found that spiritual enlightenment?”
Angela accepts the shot glass. The golden wedding ring shimmering in her finger caught Marina’s attention. “I don’t know, I still haven’t been able to talk any sense into him. Ever since he started reading that book, he’s been raving about the flashing light. At first, I just thought that he meant the bulb in his lab was broken. But then I realized it was the name of the guru’s book!” She quickly downs the shot. “It’s like he’s been indoctrinated!”
Being the psychologist of the team, Marina would usually help and offer advice to her teammates as a friend. However, she couldn’t think of any sensible advice to give somehow. There’s a reason why she chose to specialize in criminal psychology instead of marriage counseling, after all. All she could say was, “Maybe it’s his way of coping after his near death experience?”
“Oh. definitely.”
As the coroner continued to rant about her husband (with the agents trying to butt in with some advice along the way), she noticed how Jonah, the only guy in the group, was only simply intently listening. Or he was probably trying to. His ice cold eyes stared off at the distance, swirling the liquor in his glass before downing it, then would occasionally pour himself another one. He probably doesn’t understand the topic at hand. Why would he? Marina thought. Based on her psychoanalysis back then, hitmen like him aren’t capable of basic human empathy. Would he even be able to understand the concept of love? To her, they’re all psychopaths.
“Well, maybe we can leave early and you and Lars could have a date night together. We have the night off, after all.” Carmen suggested, smiling at her.
 To Marina’s surprise, Jonah suddenly spoke up after being silent the whole time. “Yeah… maybe this time, you can properly communicate your feelings with him. It’s best for you two to open up to each other as a married couple, after all.”
“Well, I understand that the recent occurrences were traumatic to both of us… but I’ve tried my best to communicate with him. He’s been only focusing on that book he’s been reading. He wouldn’t even look at me.” Angela downed another shot. “I just want him to at least talk to me, tell me how he’s feeling…”
“We were all so busy with the recent disasters here in India, he probably hasn't fully understood what he’s feeling, so like what Marina said, turning to the guru is his way of trying to process things. At least try to understand that, and Lars should understand that you’re trying to reach out to him. Understanding’s the key to forgiveness, after all.`` Somehow, Marina could feel that Jonah’s gaze has shifted to her for a different reason. And whatever reason it may be, she didn’t like it.
“Wow Jonah, are you drunk already?” Athena laughed. “I didn’t know you could get so philosophical like that.”
“He has a side like that.” Carmen smirked, taking a sip of her drink.
She didn’t know that Jonah’s presence could annoy her even more. Why the hell did this blockhead decide to even come with us? She downed her drink and grimaced at how the liquor permeated in her throat.
After a few shots with the group, Marina decides that she had enough of Jonah’s existence and separates from them, heading straight to the bar. She called the bartender over, unconsciously twirling her hair. “Could you give me… a drink that could best describe how you think of me?”
During the rare occasions that they get to visit bars, this was Marina’s favorite game to play. She was enthralled by the raw, authentic atmosphere in bars, especially on how people wear their heart on their sleeves after getting drunk, in which they begin to show their real selves. She believes that everyone hides in a facade. And she was interested to know what bartenders would think of her so-called facade.
With a blush on his face, the bartender agreed and got to work, with Marina watching. After mixing and shaking the contents, he then poured a colorful liquid onto a shot glass, then he grabbed a lighter and set the alcohol aflame. “Sweet and feisty, just like you. And with a hint of vodka, too.”
Amused, Marina took a spoon to diffuse the flame. “Is it that obvious?”
“Your Russian accent? Definitely. It makes you hotter, may I add.”
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Oldest trick in the book. Once the flame was smothered, she downed the drink. She could taste the heat in her mouth, but there was definitely a hint of sweetness to it.
“How is it?” “Do we have a problem, buddy?” Like a menacing guard dog, Jonah approached the bar and glared at the bartender, holding a bottle of whiskey. Intimidated by his rugged look, the bartender immediately scurried over to the next customer.
Great. The psychologist frowned as the weapons expert sat next to her. She looked away from him, refusing any contact with him as possible.
But he insisted. “Hey.”
“Otyebis.” She muttered in Russian.
“So uh… why did you leave us?” His intimidating aura somehow dissipated, like this time he’s the one intimidated by Marina.
“Because I hate your face.” Jonah frowned and set down the bottle of whiskey on the bar counter.  “Well, you never accepted the amulet I tried to give you…”
“That’s because an amulet won’t fix anything.”
“Well… could a drink at least fix something?” He grabbed Marina’s shot glass and filled it with liquor.
“Most definitely not.” She rolled her eyes. “You could’ve poisoned that.”
“Why would I even do that?” “You tried to do it once, maybe you’re here in the Bureau because you’re still out to get me!”
He chuckled in response. “You have quite the creative imagination, sweetheart. I shoot my targets, I don’t poison them. And I told you, I never miss a shot.”
“I remember that. And I also remember you telling me you purposely missed because you thought I was beautiful. What, were your previous targets hideous?”
“I-it’s not that, I swear!” Jonah blushed. “Normally, my targets are ordered to be killed because they’re threats. A danger to society. Take Omar Bahir for example, if I hadn’t killed him, Carmen and Athena would’ve been the ones dead. But you Marina… from the moment I saw you, I had a feeling you didn’t deserve to die. And I was right. You shouldn’t be the one to pay for exposing their crimes.” Unconsciously, Marina picked up the glass of whiskey and took a swig, the memory of her assassination attempt still fresh in her mind. How the bullet flew in the air in less than a second, giving her no time to dodge, and the color of the wintry blue sky in Russia as she laid helpless and bleeding on the Russian snow, too weak to call out for help.
As a psychologist and a criminal profiler, she would know whether a suspect was lying or not, the inner machinations of her mind, and a higher level of understanding and empathy. The Bureau only hires the best, and she is deemed the best in their eyes. But Jonah… she couldn’t see through him. Or maybe it’s because she refuses to.
Are hitmen really capable of having human empathy?
The funky and exotic Bollywood music overpowered the silence of the two as they took turns pouring and drinking their glasses of whiskey. Both of them didn’t know what to say, nor what to do.
Feeling awkward, Jonah scratched his neck. “I know sorry won’t fix what’s done… but I truly am sorry, Marina. I don’t know how to make it up to you.”
Then as if the alcohol began to take complete control of her body, Marina grabbed Jonah’s shot glass and she almost overflowed it with whiskey as she poured it. “You can start by taking a shot for me.”
Her lips formed a playful smirk. “Hit or miss.” Jonah shook his head and downed it, some of the liquid spilling on his shirt. “Is that… all you want me to do?” His words were slurring.
“Ha!” The psychologist laughed loudly. “You’re already drunk!” “So are you.” He chuckled lightly to himself.
Suddenly, the alcohol made Marina forget her previous animosity towards Jonah. She didn’t know how long they stayed chatting drunkenly in the bar, but she was surprised at how similar they actually were.
“You actually took Psychology too?!” She was shocked, but her drooping eyes prevented her from expressing it.
Jonah nodded. “I actually planned to go to med school, but then I got enlisted in the army and then my focus just shifted. It actually comes in handy during hostage situations, I was glad I was at least able to finish it.”
Another conversation then opened up once Marina offered to check out the amulet that Jonah wanted to give her so badly. “So this thing symbolizes forgiveness?”
“Uh yeah, just like what that Dupont said.” She smiled. “I’m actually quite interested in cultural trinkets like these. It’s one of the things that I look forward to whenever we go to different places for missions.” “So… does that mean you forgive me?”
The amulet glimmered in her hands as Marina contemplated his question. “...Not until we dance first.” “Wha - hey!” Jonah had little time to process what the psychologist said as she pulled him to the dance floor of the club. She then broke away to shimmy along to the smooth tunes of the trumpets and drums. “C’mon… don’t tell me you don’t know how to dance?”
A smile slowly spread across his face as he awkwardly stepped side to side and bobbed his head to the beat, watching Marina drunkenly dance. Catching his lack of dance moves, Marina shook her head and took his hand once again. “That’s not how you dance…”
She attempted to spin him. Jonah twirled regardless of their height difference, laughing at Marina’s enthusiasm. “...that’s how you dance!” She yelled.
The two then laughed, jumped and swayed along to the music, their playful dance moves drastically clashing with the dramatic and funky mood of the music. Jonah then pulled Marina closer to him. 
While the blood orange sun sunk on the horizon, the air became hot yet invigorating at the same time. Something seemingly put them on a high they can’t back down, and it wasn’t the alcohol.
Then like a magnet touching a metal surface, the two kissed.
It was like they were the only ones there at the bar. Marina closed her eyes, lost in the moment, while Jonah placed his hand on her shoulder, longing to get closer to her. But by accident, he made her scarf slip and her huge scar was now then exposed to the world. To Jonah.
Feeling the hot air turn chilly and breezy, Marina then pulled away to see her scarf on the floor. It made her snap out of the drunken trance she was in.. 
Jonah’s eyes widened at the huge scar, realizing where she got it. “Marina…”
“Get away from me!” She picked up her scarf and then ran away, stumbling a bit. Jonah didn’t know whether to chase after her or not, but he still did, worried that something might happen to her if she got away from his sight.
“Marina, I’m sorry!” “No!” Marina ran outside, where she accidentally bumped into Athena, whose phone was in her ear, looking a bit confused.
Athena lowered her phone and ended the call. “Marina, I was trying to call you -” “Marina, please, I didn’t mean to -” “NO!” Marina grabbed Athena’s hand. “Stay away from me, and never talk to me again!” He then turned to Athena for help, who just sighed. “Carmen and Angela headed out earlier, Angela wanted to try and talk some sense into Lars again… I suggest you sit in the front of the cab later, Jonah.”
Once they were able to haul a cab, Marina was the first to go inside the back seat, trying to distance herself from Jonah as far as possible inside a small cab. Frowning, Jonah did what Athena said and sat in front. 
“So… what did Jonah do?” Athena asked once she was sure that the weapons expert was asleep after a few minutes.
Staring out the window, Marina contemplated how to respond. Both of them were drunk, so she didn’t know whether both of them mutually consented to that kiss or not. She didn’t know (or maybe remember) if they actually enjoyed the kiss. Marina wanted to hate it, but the foggy memories of the things Jonah told her about him, his interests, the guilt in his eyes when he saw her scar…
Is there really something more to Jonah than assassinations and murder?
For a whole week, she’d been thinking about it. Ever since the kiss, Jonah never attempted to approach her again. He would avoid her gaze whenever they’re both in the breakroom while Marina reaches for a bag of tea. He wouldn’t look at her during briefings or emergency meetings with the Bureau either. Whatever eagerness was first there trying to make up with her before was now replaced with hesitance and fright.
A cup of tea in her hand, Marina sighed once again while thinking about Jonah. It felt embarrassing for her to admit he has been on her mind ever since they kissed.
She knew she wasn’t overreacting, so she didn’t need to apologize. Any person would react like that if they ever survived an assassination attempt before. She’d even think it was Stockholm Syndrome given that he held her captive before, but no, she wasn’t like that… 
Her previous animosity towards him turned into curiosity. The previous psychological analysis she conducted towards him was on her desk. It indicated her perception towards him as an aggressive, dangerous individual with volatile instability… previously, she’d immediately thought he wasn’t to be trusted. Her instincts were never wrong, after all… 
However, he refused to kill her. He had principles, he wasn’t easily blinded by the money nor the task at hand. He could’ve chosen to kill her without any further questions, but he chose not to. And somehow, he brought along the guilt of almost killing her all this time.
Maybe there’s a chance I was wrong about him.
Knock, knock. Marina turned to her office door. “Come in!”
The door opened to reveal Athena. It made Marina a bit disappointed, hoping it was Jonah. “Hey, Lars is inviting us to the monastery since he’s going to renew his vows with Angela there. Wanna come?”
“Uh, sure, definitely.” Maybe it’d help her take her mind off of Jonah for a bit.
But it didn’t. As the Bureau watched the happy couple kiss amidst the orange rays of the sunset, it only reminded Marina of their own kiss. And why she chose criminal psychology instead of marriage counseling.
“I am so happy that Angela and Lars have made it through all these hard times, Athena…” She whispered to the agent beside her.
“Definitely. I hope their marriage will keep staying strong.”
“Me too…” She heard Jonah say, who was on Athena’s other side. “Marriage is hard work. It takes guts to forgive…”
“Speaking of forgiveness…” Marina spoke up and turned to Jonah’s direction. This time, there was no alcohol influencing her. It’s simply her own conscience. “Jonah, I've had time to think... about how you disobeyed your orders to kill me… Maybe I should get a better understanding of your side of the story... over some tea?”
“Tea? With me?” Jonah’s eyes widened, the blush evident in his face. “Uh, sure! Just say when.”
She laughed in response, hoping to bond with Jonah, their hearts finally on their sleeves. Without any liquor. “...When.”
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