#because they are idiots
chaoticfandomgirly · 4 months
Harvey getting Mike to drop a case because he feels that his position as managing partner is threatened when two episodes ago he was willing to run the firm into the ground, get disbarred and do about anything to have Mike become a lawyer is crazy to me.
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ghostinthegallery · 7 months
Idk if this is going to be long enough to count as a shipping manifesto (a minifesto) but as much as I joke that Yenekh is waaaaaaay out of Oltyx's league (because he is) they really do complement each other so well. Yenekh is a key emotional core of Oltyx's story, yes. But the reverse is also true. Yenekh is brilliant and deadly and optimistic and all the things, but he needs someone to believe in. He needs a cause, he needs a king. He's the moon, bright and silver, but he goes dark without a source of light to reflect.
And Oltyx believes in Yenekh, even when Yenekh is at his lowest. The moment with the warboss is sweet and hilarious. It really does show Oltyx's emotional immaturity that his reaction to his friend's is suffering is "here, beat this thing to a pulp, that always helps me feel better!" But the text oozes with his admiration for Yenekh. Even after he finds out about the curse, he still puts Yenekh in charge of Sedh while he's gone. They grow more distant as Oltyx grows more and more repressed and Yenekh represses himself in turn. Hiding what he is becoming, lying about the blood pit, etc. The darkest moment of Yenekh's story is his exile, not because he's physically trapped (he's not) but because he is alone. He is waiting for the sun to return.
And then they come back together with a moment of profound forgiveness. Yenekh pledges himself to Oltyx. Oltyx embraces his faith in the first amongst his subjects. He gives Yenekh the honor of leading the charge, ending their trials, and Yenekh gets to be the person Oltyx believed he was way back at the beginning of Ruin.
And then everyone clapped because everyone knows they are perfect together and they need each other and they are married sorry that's just what happens it's canon. The end.
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ask-cloverfield · 1 year
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demaparbat-hp · 8 days
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That infamous prison escape.
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swimmingtrunks · 4 months
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Area Man With No Self Worth Somehow Still Needs To Be Taken Down About A Peg Or Twenty
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emotional-moss · 2 months
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sorry for resorting to a meme about this but people are making me mad 👍
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liquidstar · 10 months
Yes, Greece still exists, we didn't all die 2000 years ago. Yes, people speak Greek. You people are so fucking stupid for real. So many of you claim to love ancient shit but can't even acknowledge the actual living culture of the people whose mythology and classics you romanticize. You keep leaving annoying comments about how you just forget Greek people still exist, thinking you're being quirky because you love ancient stuff soooo much that you forgot about the people it came from. You think about it so little you don't even realize that an actual Greek person has to read this shit, making it clear how little you actually care about the culture beyond the romanticized (and westernized) mythology. Don't claim you love Greece, don't use our mythology anymore if you can't acknowledge that we're still around without making it about how little you think about us. It's mind boggling that you'd think a Greek person would read this and think you're anything but obnoxious. Explode.
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ravenlilyrose · 21 days
Bruce is at a gala, okay, and he’s talking to a woman.
Random woman: “And we found out that we’re having another child!”
Bruce: *absolutely cackling inside, because this is about to be the funniest thing he’s done in weeks*
Brucie: “That’s wonderful! Where are they? Can I meet them? How old are they?”
Now Brucie is standing there, scanning the room for children with a huge grin on his face, while all of the random rich people stand around like ‘who’s going to explain to the adorable, well-meaning idiot that most people know they’re going to have children a few months before the children are born.’
And worse, who’s going to have to break the news to him that he can’t meet the kid today?
Because this man… this man has acquired all of his children with zero premeditation. Yes, he does have a bio kid, but that one showed up on his doorstep as a preteen. He did even less acquiring with that one than with the others.
Bruce has a blast acting out his disappointment, and has to turn some so that he can no longer see Tim and Cass leaning against each other and laughing, because otherwise he’s going to start laughing.
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lxboratorii · 1 year
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and they say wine is romantic
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1941-crowley-slut · 10 months
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nau-the-duke · 2 months
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I forgot to post this here whoops.
Did some sketch requests on Instagram and someone asked for "Aziracrow drawing portraits of each other". So I, naturally, slipped in a little reference there.
There are many other requests I drew, but I want to fully coloured them, so I'll post them when they are!
I like to think that Crowley has at least some art skills he's gathered throughout the millennia. Not at Aziraphale's level, of course, but it's something.
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tardxsblues · 1 year
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Because you and Mr. Fell don't ever talk to each other. We talk all the time. We've been talking for millions of years. Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla. I say something brilliant, and he says something unintentionally funny back. It's great. You never say what you're really thinking.
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lilislegacy · 5 months
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percy has been called smart by hazel, reyna, and annabeth (twice).
to say he’s actually dumb is to disagree with those three women. and if you are disagreeing with 3 of the most knowledgeable, capable, and badass characters in the series… what are you even doing?
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sadmages · 1 year
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In my mind palace my tav and Astarion are playing the exact same game of 5D chess and they don't realize it yet
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Hot take: I actually think men and women are meant to work together and complement each other and not like,,, dislike each other and be divisive.
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rip dr house you would have loved to say ‘because of woke’ 😢💔
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