#because of course i have a link to le jeu de la hache
jimtheviking · 7 years
Minor thing that irked me until I realised I was very wrong about it:
Warriors in FFXIV hold their axes with the head nearest their right hands. To me, this seems odd, as I’m used to using wood-chopping axes and thus having my right hand at the base to add power to my swing.
So, being me, I decided to take a quick look at the English translation of Le Jeu de la Hache, and sure enough, poleaxes (which is what Warriors use, really) are depicted being used with the axe head on both sides of nominally right-handed opponents. Hell, they even describe it (in a roundabout way) right at the beginning (my commentary is in parentheses) :
[4] When one would give you a swinging blow, right-hander to right-hander. If you have the croix (the bit with the axe head, spear, and spike) in front, you can step forward with your left foot, receiving his blow, picking it up with the queue (spikey bit at the bottom of the shaft, furthest away from the axe head) of your axe33 and - in a single movement - bear downward to make his axe fall to the ground. And from there, following up one foot after the other, you can give him a jab with the said queue, running it through the left hand, (meaning the croix is at the right hand) at the face: either there or wherever seems good to you. Or swing at his head.
So there you go.
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