#because I was playing this one about like teleportation with this silly little guy
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
Get your head in the game
Choosing to believe this is about a game of scrabble and not basketball because I think that would be so much more fun! I will not get my head into a game of basketball, but I'd be very down for some board games! Love board games so much but hardly ever play them :(
also I do recognize this line! one of the few I do. there's one that's like "we're all in this together!" that's sung, something along those lines.
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devildomditzy · 1 year
Wincing, you continue to wrap the mess of bandages around your damaged hand. Sure, you weren’t new to teleportation, and you can't even begin to count the times where Solomon failed to remind you to “stick the landing”, but you’re not sure if teleportation through time played by the same rules.
You’re lucky. Mammon caught you before you could hit the ground, because of course he does. Hell, just last week he caught you before you could trip your clumsy ass down the stairs in the hallway. Even in non threatening situations, his intuition to protect you over all else shone through his tough guy façade.
You instantly clung to him, because well, it’s him. Once you both landed, you leaned into his embrace. Though by now you were used to random cases of danger invading your daily life in the Devildom, plummeting from the sky unexpectedly is still enough to shake you up.
You let out a stuttering breath.
“Thanks, Mammon. I have absolutely no idea how I teleported up there. Maybe I don’t have as good a grip on my sorcery as I thought.”
You look up at him with a small smile, the one you know drives him crazy.
He returns it with a blank stare.
“How’d ya know my name?”
Something was clearly wrong.
“Not to be facetious, but I could heal that for you, you know. You could heal that for you.”
You glare up from your spot on the bed to make eye contact with Solomon.
“Gee, thanks for the reminder.”
His lips purse together in a thin line in a valiant attempt to hold back his laughter as he steps closer to you.
“You’ve got to admit, though unexpected, this turn of events is quite humorous, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, sure. I’m thousands of years in the past, my friends and boyfriend don’t recognize me, and I’ve only got you to keep me company. Hilarious.”
His lips upturn in a devious smirk. You hate that smirk.
“Aw, is it so bad to have to live with me? We’ve got all of Cocytus Hall to ourselves. I could wake up everyday and cook breakfast-"
“Please don’t.”
“We can divide up the chores, it’ll be like we’re newlyweds.”
Your wrapping halts so that you could look up at the pain in your ass. You need to ensure he sees the way you scrunch up your face in disgust.
“If I wasn’t in so much pain I’d slap you, but I won’t, consider it a favor.”
You continue wrapping the roll around your palm tightly, just like Mammon had taught you, as he did once before, right after you’d just met. A moment you remembered fondly, one of the first times that he hinted that he might see you as more than a friend. Even if he had a weird way of showing it. The thought makes you smile.
“Well, can we consider it a favor that I followed you all the way out here to ensure your wellbeing?”
You roll your eyes so hard he could probably hear them moving in your skull.
“Oh please, it’s you we’re talking about. There has to be some ulterior motive.”
He seems to pretend to ponder for a bit before tilting his head to the side.
“Ah, was I really that obvious?”
“Of course you were. 'Solomon the Wise' is anything but subtle,” you say, jeering his silly little nickname in a mocking tone.
A small chuckle shakes his head. “Well, I do really want to keep you safe, and return us back to our time with minimal temporal damage, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested to see what this time period had in store.”
You stop once again to give him a confused side eye. “Didn’t you already live this time period?”
His eyes seem to look a little far off, as they typically do when he’s lost in thought. “It was so long ago, I truly don’t remember much of it.”
“Hmm,” you hum finishing up the last of the wrapping and securing it in place. You attempt to flex your hand to the best of your ability. You swear you heard a pop. Your eyes begin to well up.
“Why aren’t you letting either of us heal you again?”, he questions after seeing your pained expression.
“I told you," you frown looking down at your sorry excuse for first aid. "I need a reminder that this isn’t some convoluted dream, or one of Levi’s weird games.”
“The fact that the brothers don’t remember you isn’t reminder enough?”
You know he’s joking, but Solomon always finds a way to get right under your skin in the worst way.
The tears that once threatened to bubble over begin to fall silently, streaking your face as you purposefully avoid eye contact.
“Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it, truly.”
You’re both quite for a moment. Surprisingly, the air in the room isn't awkward. It's just... solemn.
He breaks the silence first.
“I know how hard this must be for you, considering how close you all are. To be honest, I'm kind of jealous. So many people care for you so fiercely across all realms.”
You sniffle, wiping your face with the back of your hand.
“You didn’t see the way he looked at me, Sol. It was like I was nothing to him. He didn't even look at me like that the day I met him. ”
He sits down beside you on the bed, pulling an arm around you, allowing you to collapse into him.
“He only looked at you like that because here he doesn’t know you yet. In case you've forgotten, you weren’t exactly born yet,” he teases.
He gets a small chuckle out of you with that one.
As you calm down, you begin to really reflect on what you know, and what he’s told you so far.
“Wait, you mentioned temporal damage before. What did you mean by that?”
“That’s a tricky one. to explain. But I guess to put it in layman's terms; You cannot, no matter what happens, tell anyone that you and I are from the future. Doing so could have dire consequences.”
“Like, it could change how things happened in our time?”
“And doing so would cause-”
“Temporal damage, yes.”
You give a dejected sigh. “Doesn’t even matter if I tell them anyway, they’d never believe me.”
“On the off chance that any of them do, or you convince them of the fact, our original timeline could fall apart.”
“Meaning you might never get to go back to the brothers you know today.”
You can’t hide the worry that flashes on your face, even if it was just for a second. You’re the two most powerful sorcerers the world has seen for a very long time, and yet you feel so powerless.
“I-I can’t really feel them anymore. Their pacts, I mean. They’re so faint. B-But, it worked on Satan! So they have to still be in tact, right?”
Solomon smiles at the little glimmer of hope lighting up your face.
“Yes, it’s true that you haven’t formed your pacts yet in this time period, but you’re still the same you from the present. The invisible bonds you share between yourself and the brothers are still connected.”
“How is that even possible?”
“MC," he sighs, trying to figure out the best way to explain. " You didn’t die in our timeline. You didn’t leave, you didn’t cast any spells or trigger any curse. You were just gone. There only thing I could trace was this slight time distortion, so I went off the only lead I had. I’m glad I did.”
“I’m glad too, or I’m afraid I would be dead by now.”
“If I didn’t go after you, I’d be dead by now too”, he laughs, “The brothers aren’t too forgiving when it comes to you.”
The notion fills you stomach with a warm feeling. A warm, thick, bittersweet feeling.
You still have the boys, but they don’t know you yet.
You still have your magic, but not nearly as strong.
You’re not alone, but neither of you have any inkling on how to get back.
Meanwhile in a place in time thousands of years from where you sit now, seven panicked demons are tearing their realm apart high and low to try to find any trace of you.
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jukednuked · 1 year
xiao the type of guy to be so new to romance, he takes inspiration from the middle-aged couples he sees in wanshu inn
xiao the type of guy to link his pinkies with you to reassure himself about the relationship
xiao the type of guy who'd urges you to trace shapes on his arm
xiao the type of guy to absolutely enjoy laying his head on your lap during his free time
xiao the type of guy to talk about you with Verr Goldet whenever you're not back yet
xiao the type of guy to never let you come with him when he's doing his average Liyue duties
xiao the type of guy who'd lightly tap your cheek when you keep teasing him
xiao the type of guy to play with the hem of your shirt while laying down, waiting for you to fall asleep
xiao the type of guy to be very hesitant to do your hair, afraid he'll mess it up and you'll get upset
xiao the type of guy to sometimes, when no one is looking, spoon feed you some of his almond tofu, he's so quick with it that most of the tofu got smudged on your closed lips
xiao the type of guy who'd love kissing your forehead like how you love kissing the mark on his
xiao the type of guy who'd totally regret asking you to do his eyeliner because he can't stop twitching with having you so close to his face
xiao the type of guy to carry you on his shoulders when both of you are too short to grab something (he won't tell you he can reach it just fine jumping)
xiao the type of guy who'd count the days you two have known eachother on a cute calendar you bought him
xiao the type of guy to abandon a few monsters he was ready to slaughter when he heard you call him to taste test your cooking
xiao the type of guy who'd get a little annoyed when you brought a cat home, isn't he enough??
xiao the type of guy to teleport away right after your first kiss
xiao the type of guy who's best idea of a date is standing at the balcony, enjoying the scenery of Liyue while basking in eachother's presence
xiao the type of guy to gift you flowers most of the times after he's done slaughtering monsters nearby fields
xiao the type of guy who tried to push you away at first, convinced himself that letting you in his heart wouldn't end well
xiao also the type of guy to throw away that whole mindset when you shared your coat with him one time because it was cold
xiao the type of guy who'd hold your face with one hand and turn it the other way when he's smiling
xiao the type of guy to have cold feet in bed but you'll have to deal with it or he'll get sad that you're backing away from him
xiao the type of guy to get so used to ordering for two from Smiley Yanxiao because you're always on his mindddddd
xiao the type of guy who'd be very straightforward if you wanted to make a dumb decision (i swear he's just looking out for you)
xiao the type of guy who'd learn how to tolerate your silly side because he'd rather have you be like that to him than with someone else
xiao the type of guy who'd collaps on you immediately when he goes to see you during his karmic episode, he feels safe enough with you
xiao the type of guy who'd when he's really in need of your attention, might fake an injury and asks you to aid him (deadass lamest thing blud did)
xiao the type of guy to get more sociable for your case, might it be buying you food from the city or silently standing next to you while you're talking
xiao is that guy
cold feet xiao confirmed red flag
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
If you're doing requests, can I get Solomon headcanons, theme "sightseeing in Devildom/Human World", genre is fluff or author's choice if easier.
Hello there, my friend!
Ahhh yes this is definitely fluff. And honestly I think that's the best genre for this prompt! Because imagine what a silly guy Solomon would be, taking you all over the place just to see you smile.
Thank you for participating!
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GN!MC x Solomon sightseeing in the Devildom/human world
Warnings: none
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When you tell Solomon that you want to do some sightseeing, you quickly find out that there are a lot of places an immortal sorcerer can take you. Across worlds, he knows all the best places to see and things to do. If you need him to tell you where he's taking you, he will. But left to his own devices, he'll keep every destination a secret. He loves to see the look of surprise on your face when he teleports you somewhere new.
In the human world, he takes you to famous places. He insists on selfies at the Eiffel Tower and the Great Wall of China. But he also takes you to quiet, out of the way places. He shows you a field where he found a rare flower needed for magical potions. He brings you to the hill with a view of what was once his hometown. Solomon shares these pieces of his long life with you, from a time before he knew who you were.
Solomon takes you to some of his favorite restaurants in the human world, too. You're blown away by the delicious food. You're also unsurprised when one spot kicks you both out the minute the chef catches sight of Solomon. Apparently, he once tried to show them how they could improve one of their dishes and ended up making the oven explode. You let out a long suffering sigh while Solomon just takes your hand and runs, laughing the whole time.
He shows you places in the bright sunlight, but he also takes you to locations better experienced at night. Have you ever seen the aurora, MC? He knows the perfect arctic spot to huddle together and watch the bright colors on display in the sky. You may be freezing, but he keeps you warm with his own body and a little bit of magic. He can't resist adding a little magical flare of his own to the aurora's display.
Although he's spent a lot of his life in the human world, Solomon has spent considerable time in the Devildom as well. He will tell you stories about his journey through the rings of the Underworld, though he will insist that you needn't walk through them yourself. He can teleport you to any place of interest. He's more likely to take you to hidden marketplaces and tiny magic shops. You find a plethora of cursed objects and spell books. You try to talk him out of buying you an item that makes your eyes sparkle when you look at it, but it's useless. Nothing you could say will dissuade him.
Solomon shows you places in the Devildom that you never knew existed, but he also takes you to places you may have heard about already. He sneaks you into the Demon Lord's Castle in an attempt to get past Barbatos long enough to show you the rumored torture dungeon. Once again you find yourself laughing as Solomon is promptly kicked out. You're pretty sure Barbatos pretended not to notice you for a short time because you got farther in that you expected.
Although he is no fan of the ocean, Solomon also takes you to a hidden beach within the Devildom. The water is black beneath the moon and starlight. Solomon holds your hand, keeping you close as you stand upon the shore, his eyes out far across the sea. And then, slowly, small lights appear. They begin to pop up more rapidly until the edge of the water is full of bright blue and purple lights. They glimmer gently as they ripple along the waves. Solomon tells you about a Devildom sea creature that only shows up at certain times. You're so entranced, you're barely listening. But Solomon turns you to look at him in the soft light. The way it plays in his silver hair makes your breath catch.
Solomon will take you anywhere you want to go. Just say the word and he'll make it happen, whether in the Devildom or the human world. He loves to see you full of awe and wonder, the way you look at him with delight brightening your features. As long as he can stay beside you, Solomon will go wherever you might lead him.
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cozy comforts | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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beeismessingaround · 6 months
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☆Hi! So i wanna post a little about my mha DR because im really hyperfixated on it rn😭
So here it goes Ig if you have any questions feel free to ask Im more than willing to respond
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I don't have a faceclaim but I used AI to try and mimick what I kinda look like
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Also if u see me using any pics where the hair is longer it still makes sense because I spontaneously change mine anyways
Quirk ⭐️
Quirk Description: it's called celestial control and I can basically control the moon and the sun , and based on the time of day, as in if its day or night I have different abilities
Day; I have energy manipulation, energy absorption, light manipulation, manipulation of the light spectrum, pyrokinesis and I can change light into physical matter
Night; I can manipulate shadows and dreams, I can create illusions,manipulate gravity, I can teleport between shadows, I can control blood (which doesnt have to be in people's bodies) and have other vampirism attributes, I can also manipulate the stars and their light into weapons and blasts
Drawback; Guys I haven't thought of one yet HELP 😭😭😭
Also during solar eclipses something diff happens but I'll probably make a whole other post about that
Hero Suit !
So I don't have like an official hero suit but just so you guys understand the vibe of the suit which isn't really a suit anyways
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Now this does have some practical functionalities I haven't thought of which ones but it does also it isnt a dress in like the picture it has pants I promise
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Backstory :D
My backstory is not as intriguing as half of the people here it's so cringy but like idk
My parents weren't exactly common folk in this case my mother was a pro-hero called storm (yes same powers but not that storm) and my dad was out of the picture. From an early age, I exhibited an affinity for the sun and moon.
As a child, my quirk manifested unexpectedly. One sunny afternoon, while I was playing in the backyard, I reached out to touch a sunflower.And to my surprise, the flower caught on fire. My mother and my grandma who were both there there at the time were both amazed and concerned.
But mother dearest being a pro here handled it pretty well I would say, later on during my younger years I jst kept discovering I could do stuff it's like every day I would wake up and it's like wow I didnt know I could do that
Neat Ig
Anyways I had a pretty chill childhood I'll say, but I did know shoto and Momo and Iida before coming to UA cuz rich people know rich people.
Relationships <3
So my S/O is Bakugo but my dear people I have a DR that is practically the same as this one but my S/O is Shigaraki cuz he's my favourite character, I jst didn't know how to make him my S/O in this one and I love my Angry Pomeranian man aswell so, anyways if u see me calling Shigaraki my S/O its jst different DRs
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Anyways he's so silly lol
Name:Katsuki Bakugo
Love language:Quality time and physical touch
(his definition of quality time is training until my bones are mush ☹️☹️☹️)
Confession:Angrily blurting it out in an argument...Guys I'm a sucker for this
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10/10 accurate representation of our relationship
I'll probably make a separate post with scenarios I've scripted in my DR lol
☆Now for the friendships !!
So my friendgroup is mostly the bakusquad, I've been a mha fan since 2019 so yes bakusquad is forever in my memories
But if you don't know here is the bakusquad members
☆Bakugo - S/O
☆Kirishima - He's honestly my like best guy friend here
☆Mina - I Love her SM my bestie <333
☆Sero - He's the mom friend I appreciate him
☆Denki - I'm so excited to jst do dumb shit with him
Yeah those are all my best friends emphasises on Mina tho
Out of the bakusquad I scripted 2 of my CR friends in
☆Bea - Either keeps me from doing dumbshit or does it with me i love her, I made her s/o todoroki cuz Im nice
☆Mari - Childhood friend I've known her for 9 years now I think,most loyal hoe on the planet, obsessed with mickey mouse,just that should let you know she needs no s/o
And I'm also rll good friends with Jirou, Hagakure and Tsuyu I'm clearly a girl's girl
I dont have a bad relantionship with anyone in class cuz I scripted mineta out #self-care
This is the seating and dorm arrangements btw and i will take no criticism for them😙
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There are the dorms which were also meticulously crafted to however the fuck I wanted them ☺️
Anyways I think that's all I have to say for now ask any questions if u have them and yh sorry for any spelling errors english is not my first language
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werewolf-cl4ws · 21 days
Sonsally Week 2024: Day 7 - Transformation
I couldn't come up with a full scenario for this one, but I really, really, really, really wanted to write this scene in general because my absolute favourite thing about Sonic in general is that he's a silly little guy, a goober, a clown. Until he isn't because the universe thinks he's the right person to give god-like powers to.
Plus I wanted to play with one of my favorite SatAM theories.
This is just a spillage of thoughts but it was fun to just write, y'know?
Sally had never heard of the Chaos Emeralds until a few days ago, when a strange red echidna named Knuckles had somehow entered New Knothole and demanded they hand over the one they had in their possession.
None of the Freedom Fighters knew what he was talking about, and a tiny war had almost broken out when Sonic tried to force Knuckles out of the village when he refused to leave until they met his demands. It was only when Knuckles marched over to the Power Ring pool and pointed to it, explaining he could feel its energy coming from under the lake’s surface, that everything started to make sense. If barely.
The Power Rock, a mysterious stone discovered by Sonic’s uncle years ago that could produce Power Rings only Sonic could use, turned out to be a Chaos Emerald that sat contentedly with them for said amount of years. And there were six others like it in Knuckles’ possession, as he had been hunting practically all of Mobius for them for the last year, and theirs was the last one he needed.
Why he needed them was still a little unclear to Sally, only because what she was seeing was not matching up to Knuckles’ explanation. He said he knew of a rumour that stated when all seven of the Chaos Emeralds were together a miracle would happen. What kind of miracle he didn’t know exactly, but he needed something to happen as his island was under attack by robots that looked eerily similar to a dictator long since dead.
They had all followed Knuckles to his island to help him, but also because they weren’t willing to give up their one defence until they were sure he was telling the truth. Sonic had been adamant of doing this as legendary item or not, he had been trusted with the Emerald by his uncle, and he obviously had a deep connection to it that they couldn’t just give away.
It turned out that Sonic not only had a connection with the yellow Emerald, the supposed Power Rock they had kept for most of their lives, but with the other six, according to what Sally was seeing now.
Sonic floated in the air, his quills now a bright, golden yellow that pointed upwards and wavered gently with a power that practically radiated off him. As he stared down the giant robot that now had a death grip on the Master Emerald – another Emerald that apparently controlled the smaller ones and allowed Knuckles’ island to float - his features were sharpened, a seriousness possessing him that Sally had never seen in her life.
Beside her she just barely heard Knuckles mumble something about Sonic having the power of a god now, something that would have injected cold fear into anyone’s bloodstream. The cold stare on Sonic’s face nearly made her fear it, too.
But she knew Sonic better. She knew whatever power was flowing through him wasn’t going to change him.
She hoped.
The robot suddenly jettisoned away in a blast of fire and burning fuel, moving much faster than its build should have allowed. Sonic watched it, his stare still cold and calculating, before he took off after it, practically disappearing in front of Sally’s eyes. The streak of glowing gold left behind him was her only clue of where he was, but his speed – already beyond any other mobian – had multiplied to a point that it was like he was teleporting to his destination now as barely a second later he was intercepting the robot like it had never moved.
Even with Sonic’s high speed intervention the robot still dodged him, and Sally watched as the robot’s chest compartment split open, revealing a chamber big enough for the Master Emerald to fit into. The robot placed it inside itself, and the second the chamber snapped shut, it too seemed to power up with a similar energy that possessed Sonic.
With another roar of its engines it blasted off into the sky, heading for the stratosphere. And, to Sally’s horror, Sonic followed it without hesitation, his Chaos Energy fuelled body taking on the feat like he was heading out for a jog.
Then… nothing.
Sally stared up at the sky where the two figures had disappeared into, her heart hammering in her chest against a cage of anxiety. After a while she fell back onto her rump, barely feeling the grass under her, barely acknowledging Knuckles or her friends sitting next to her, also waiting and watching.
Waiting for what she wasn’t sure about. Deep down she knew Sonic could handle… whatever it was that was happening. But it didn’t make her chest feel any looser.
It could have been hours, or even seconds later, but as they all stared up at the sky a small dot appeared. A dot that slowly became larger, and closer, until it was no longer a dot but a somewhat familiar glowing golden hedgehog. And in his hands was the Master Emerald, being guided to the surface of the island.
Sally scrambled to her feet as Sonic guided the Master Emerald down a few feet away from them, watching it land safe and sound – much to Knuckles’ relief – then looked it over for any damage. He hovered above the ground as he did this, and it made everything feel all the more stranger.
His features were still sharp, almost wild, and being this close to him Sally realised his usually amber eyes were now a radiant red that were piercing in their own right. She felt her breath catch in her chest at the sight, and Sonic’s ears perked as his gaze snapped over to them. With how sharp his hearing was Sally could believe it, and she didn’t doubt that the Chaos Emeralds had enhanced all his abilities.
But she had caught Sonic’s attention, and for a moment he stared them down, his gaze almost cutting.
Then all at once his features softened, and he grinned, flashing all of his teeth, a rare full smile that was only seen when he was particularly proud of something he had done and didn’t give two damns who knew it.
Even with the glowing yellow quills that floated around him and the eerie blood red eyes, Sally now recognised him completely, and her chest finally loosened as she gave a relieved laugh.
Whatever those Emeralds did to him, it didn’t change him on the inside, where it mattered most. God-like powers or otherwise, it was still Sonic.
It probably wasn’t the smartest idea she ever had, but Sally ran to Sonic, relief washing through her. Sonic dashed forward, still hovering above the ground, and the second they were close enough Sally leapt at him. Without hesitation Sonic scooped her up mid-air and pulled her into a bear hug, giving a little spin in the air as Sally clung to him. When he stopped he looked down at her, grinning broadly.
“Please don’t ever do that again,” Sally scowled, or at least tried to. The giddiness of her relief and the warmth of Sonic’s chaos-charged body was making it hard for her to even pretend to be mad, and Sonic could see it in her eyes.
“First I gotta figure out wha’ I actually did, Sal,” Sonic laughed, and to Sally’s surprise his voice was deeper, almost ethereal as it had a reverb to it. It almost derailed her thoughts, and she had to shake her head to get her focus back.
“Of course you do,” Sally sighed, rolling her eyes, then gave him another squeezing hug.
It was still Sonic. Somehow doing the impossible, but that’s what made him Sonic.
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wonderful-magician · 1 year
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More likely than you would think my friends.
Ok so I worked on the drawing above for maybe 10 hours and I'm very proud of it! And I felt like this post would be a good transition into elaborating MY VERY LONG LIST OF HEAD CANNONS for this rat.... Since he has very little backstory canonically similarly to most Kirby characters who have like a sentence of backstory. And unlike Meta knight or King DDD who have a general concept or idea. We know nothing about the silly rodents!! Nothing!!
So I'm here to basically write a whole damn book for these guys. But specifically daroach because... I'm biased. Lmao. SO I decided to give him something! The life of a poor child from 1920!! ....woohoo?
I believe I've said this before, and I don't think it's that crazy- but I enjoy playing with the fact these characters are for the most part from different planets and have different cultures and experiences because of this. And I love to write little things about it. And just like many others. We have no idea where daroach is even from in the first place.
I like to think the original species of squeaks/squeakers originated from the forgotten land. But at some point they all moved to different planets and locations. You can find them on different planets, and they have a unique culture to each other. The only thing they all share is the bells! Which I shared on my post all about the bells!!
Anyway I figured I would have two bulletin lists about the fun head cannons of mine! But put both of them here for simplicity. And I hope this is coherent and doesn't come off too ... Wow! Tragedy! Daroach is really a chill, happy guy despite some of the things that happened to him in my personal canon...
Despite the events I list here, Daroach actually has a very positive attitude and outlook on life! Despite how his homworld has shitty living conditions and child labor.
Daroach lived with his father until he was ten, when his father was drunk and shot by an officer for being openly against the current mayor.
Daroach never met his mother. But he worries about it little. He cared about it more when he was younger. He also has no known extended family.
Daroach had to live in the streets for a while because of this. Working as a newspaper boy.
He met Storo during this time. The two quickly became good friends. As Daroach was fast and Storo was ... Big. Even as the two were only 10-12 year olds.
The boys became familiar with a lot of the adults in town. Knowing the baker or the locals well. Storo liked to speak to a specific man named doc, quite often.
One harsh winter. Daroach gets sick. And Storo starts to feel under the weather as well. Storo, worried for their well being. Begs doc for help one morning. Doc, after seeing the full conditions of the two boys. Let's them stay with him.
While this was originally temporary, doc ended up enjoying their company. And the three live together like a family. But none of them want to call it a family.
Daroach starts working at a factory and so does Storo. Doc trying to revive his career as a scientist. ( and failing.. miserably. ) around this time doc also takes in spinni. Who's only 7.
Daroach starts to become a more intense thief. While he was always good at it, he did live on the streets for two years after all. But he gets... Very good at theft. For he learns how to float and teleport.
As they all get older. They form a early version of the squeak squad. But it's more like a group formed against the current situations and political climate. As a civil war is occuring in the country and the city is very divided.
Daroach gets himself into a lot of fights. But is both loved and hated by the press. For his hatred to the government but attractive looks by squeak standard.
After daroach is wounded in a fight. They get money, and leave on their newly made airship. Never to return to this planet. As it's just miserable there.
Ok that was a basic outline of his story on my end! Time for more basic head cannons that can be applied much easier !!
Daroach has been smoking since he was like 13. This was normal for his planet. But nowadays he mostly understands his mistakes. But he still smokes, even if he's polite about it and smokes outside it matters little. Meta knight likes to absolutely mock him for this...
Daroach hates being hatless for an extended period of time. It's just ...weird...
Daroach is the only squeak/squeaker to stand on his tiptoes constantly.
Won the triple star in a bet with a certain wizard who plays star stacker.
Used to have a alcohol problem, as his father originally did. But he did actually recover from this.
Dated meta knight for a couple months before they broke up with no explanation.
Nobody but them and galaxia know why.
At the age of 11 he developed a limp and still to this day he doesn't even understand how he got this mysterious limp.
Owns like three of the same outfit and does his laundry often. Pure comfort
Hates not being formal. You won't find this man in public wearing slides and a T-shirt. Must be a poet shirt. Or something alike that.
Totally not weird that he dated meta knights reflection. When he broke up with the real thing.
Okay this better post correctly 🙂
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samthecookielord · 17 days
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(Intro) - (Previous)
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With a bit of convincing, Ivor gets Jesse to take a potion of eepiness! yay!
And with that, you get Jesse to take a goddamn nap already. You only realize after they’re already snoozin' that you probably should have kept them awake to teleport everyone back
Oops lol.
So you have to take them back on foot. ‘Cause they snooze for a while. Ivor and the entire redstone block he added to the potion <33
On the way, Jesse talks in their sleep! How cute and quirky of them. They say things like “we need to get rid of the sun, it’s bad for him” and “i gotta kill romeo” because they’re just so silly and quirky.
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The player regains control of Jesse. The first thing they see when they wake up is a picture frame. It’s the picture from before except they fixed it and jesse isn’t obscured anymore. Maybe there’s like notes from each of the friends next to it. insert another group hug here. We don’t have a ton of ideas for this episode lolll i guess it’s like a slice of life episode about repairing your relationship with the beacontown citizens? Also stella is there! Stella probably had a silly sitcom B plot while all the wacky stuff with the main cast was happening. Maybe she made up with Lluna too. We love to see it
Also you can show Twoben to the guy with the pigs. You know the one. You can show him Twoben. And Twoben’s little booties. Also maybe kevin from stampy is there because why the hell not. omg yay
Radar is now honest about being a zombie and you get him an umbrella so he can walk around during the day without overheating. Since you’re god you can just set the time to night if need be anyway. Provided you light up beacontown really good. Also you go to him privately and tell him that if he wants to quit his job on account of the manslaughter that would be ok
Jesse: Hey… Radar: Yeah? Jesse: Just so you know, if you don't... feel comfortable still working here, I get that, and it's okay. I can help you find someplace else, if you want.
Radar thinks for a moment.
Radar: Actually, I think I’ll be okay.  Jesse: Really? Radar: Yeah. It was… really scary, but we’re friends. I know you never wanted to hurt me, and it was scary for you too. It’d be kind of nice to stick together, I don’t know. Jesse: If you’re sure.
Radar goes to Romeo to help make sense of his notes on Jesse’s powers. He is the only one who can do this because he is really good at not immediately punching him for everything even if he really wanted to. He is so brave. Gold star for him.
and then uhhhh that's the end of the doc! aside from dedicated episode to oc shenanigans. theres probably a lot we missed simply due to forgetting to put it on the doc LOL but we hope you enjoyed!
it's not over yet?
(? You can now play as Radar)
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daandyli0n · 4 months
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so. decided to draw some more realistic noses. think i did pretty well.
anyway!! the MCI kids in my Rewrite!
fun facts for y'all:
Naomi and Gabi were Liz's best friends before she died.
Baker absolutely loved Bonnie. favorite animatronic. he wanted to be a rock star when he grew up, just like his hero.
Baker never wore shoes anywhere. he also had these Animal Paw socks that his mom got for him that he also wore everywhere.
y'know the saying that's like "Queer people tend to form groups together, even if not all of them have realized they're queer yet"? that summarizes the MCI + Charlie and Cassidy (CC). to give some examples:
Gabi is actually transfem.
Baker and Naomi are aroace, but in different ways. Naomi thinks dating is gross and dreads Valentine's Day. don't get her wrong, getting cards and stuff is nice, but...Christ, can the boys get annoying. she's one of the popular girls, she gets it, but JESUS. Baker? well, for one, the kid's five. but he also just kinda doesn't care in general.
Felix's entire philosophy on gender is "I Don't Give A Shit; Call Me What You Want." kid does Not give a fuck, they've got other things to worry about.
Kelsey is also technically transfem, but never got to really explore that. he has brought the topic up to Cassidy before while they were dead though; "Do you ever have moments where you think you're not a boy?" "I mean yeah, but we're kinda busy trying to kill my dad, Kel-" take this as you will for what that means for Cassidy.
anyway, back to regular headcanons (i mean. if they're my versions of the MCI that are all basically ocs in this rewrite, are they really headcanons?):
Baker and Kelsey were really close to Cassidy, because their brothers (Mike, Jeremy, and Andrew) all knew each other and hung out.
not a single one of these kids are neurotypical. not a one.
Baker is specifically AuDHD (autism + ADHD). to everyone else he's just the most hyperactive kid with a Bonnie obsession in existence.
as y'all can guess, Baker was the youngest :(
Kelsey and Andrew don't have a great home life.
these kids were all friends with Cassidy before they all died.
Baker deals with that "fun" thing where you go into a room and forget why you're there and/or how you got there. it's why Bonnie seems to teleport. it's just because he wanders around and doesn't realize he's reached a place until he's suddenly there. scares the shit out of nightguards, though!
Baker thinks that he's done the coolest thing he could've possibly done; he's BECOME Bonnie. whether that's a coping mechanism for his current situation or he genuinely sees this as an upside is up to y'all.
Baker's surprisingly the least aggressive soul out of the others. he wants vengeance, but he can tell that these nightguards ain't the guy. his "aggression" is just him being a silly little guy, really. he just wants to play with someone!! unfortunately, being in an animatronic makes it much easier to kill someone. poor kid :(
Felix, aside from Cassidy, is the most aggressive. in his eyes, it was the employees' responsibility to keep his safe and from dying. William didn't even try to hide it when he took him. he was in view of the cameras and everything in that suit. and yet no one seemed to notice when he was taken. no one came to stop William from taking him to the back. him killing the nightguards has more to do with bitterness and anger at nothing being done to save him than vengeance against a killer he didn't recognize. he knows damn well who killed him, the kid's just pissed.
Baker recognized Jeremy when he was a nightguard, and didn't attack him the rest of the night. did fuck around with him, though. brothers, am i right?
Gabi really likes hiding under tables so that she doesn't have to talk to people. shy girl, y'know?
Naomi really likes dogs. she kept begging her parents for a dog and, while they promised her one, never got around to getting her a real one. guess how William lured her. Guess.
Naomi, like Susie, was the first of the MCI.
Kelsey liked to draw (and still does, as a ghost. although his drawings after death are less...cheerful, to put it one way)
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lazulian-devil · 11 months
Are y'all ready for Book 3? No? Well, I dont care, do I now. You're already reading, its too late for you to leave now.
The Villains of Skulduggery Pleasant 3 - Batu
We arrive in the third book, The Faceless Ones, which seamlessly incorporates the consequences of everyones actions into even worse mayhem.
Following Vengous almost succesful attempt at opening the rift, a mysterious man named Batu (who is also the guy dealing with Sanguine at the end of Book 2 being all ominous) is behind the kidnapping (and murder, lest I forget) of all remaining Teleporters. Because he needs someone to teleport something through a portal in a different dimension.
(Tangent: Im sure Shunters didnt exist yet in Book 3. I feel like this should have been a Shunter thing and I can neither remember nor bother to find proof why the Anchor needs a Teleporter instead of a Shunter. In Book 8, Crayfon Signate quite literally does something similar with the Sceptre of the Ancients, looking for a Signature and then finding the correct dimension. Im pretty sure its about it all being a gateway instead of a direct transferal. If anyone knows, do tell.)
Alright, so. We have Batu/Paddy as our main villain and he is a brilliant and excellent one. But lets get the honorable mentions out of the way, so no villains feel ignored.
Our boy Billy-Ray Sanguine is of course part of Batus Squad, but so are the remains of the the Diablerie with Jaron Gallow, Murder Rose and Gruesome Krav. I honestly admit that I feel they are caricatures and the screentime they have is sufficient not to make them boring. They all die in the end anyways and its a shame that it reflects in the way they are so very one note and almost ridiculously "evil". On top of that, we also have a Seahag (in a lake. With corpses. I do love how dumb that is). Then theres Scapegrace and the second buildup for Thurid Guild.
I will be honest with you: Batu is an exceptional villain in terms of motivation, speech and arc. His surrounding villains are sadly one note caricatures, besides those that get to live into the next book (mainly Guild, Scapegrace and Sanguine). The others are often played for jokes or just to make a point on how cruel, wicked and horrendous the Diablerie and the worshippers of the Faceless Ones truly are. Which, yeah. Thats fair. But I always love myself some three dimensional side characters, so let me be a little sad.
Now, lets think about why Batu actually works:
Hes mortal. Evil, yes. But mortal. But he could have been magic. Technically, its his birthright.
And thats all, really. Its man grasping for something he could have never had and that he could have never been gifted. Its another case of fanaticism. Fruitless, sad and deadly.
Now, the SPU has a long history of ignoring of belittling mortals in the way that they are and who they are. This becomes more apparent in later books (the xenophobia/eugenics in Phase 2 for example) but its also pretty evident here:
Batu uses his mortality, his frailness and his visual weakness as a shield. If, for example, Batu was young and fit, it wouldnt quite work the same way. His age and behaviour is a smokescreen.
Funnily enough, he even points it out in his first interaction with Skulduggery and Valkyrie:
"Reach a certain age and suddenly, you're a nobody, suddenly you're not even worth counting." - Book 3, Chapter 13
That combined with his somewhat senile mannerisms, the whole old-man schtick is so very stereotypical. Because of course it is. Both readers and heroes alike are blinded by how much of a an old man™ Paddy really is.
Contrast this with Batus first appearance in Chapter 7 and 14. The way he speaks ist fundamentally different.
"You failed me, Mr Sanguine. I paid you to do a job and you failed me. [...] You will have a chance to redeem yourself."
Paddy doesnt hold power in conversation, hes a silly little man. Its on purpose, of course. Authenticity breeds trust and everyone can relate to an old cynical man, stuck in his ways. Batu on the other hand commands a room. Speaks with a high tongue, with precision. Short and accurate, no breath wasted. Naturally.
When you read the books and you are aware of the twist, there are a lot of things, behaviours and sentences that could make you raise an eyebrow. But our heroes dont have the time to question anything, so they dont. They willingly accept that this man owns the land with the rift, that he doesnt panic at the explanation of magic, that his questions are a little suspicious. Because then they would need to stop. And neither Skulduggery nor Valkyrie do such a thing. They are cocksure of themselves, remember? And Batu knows. Batu even bets on that, as all sorcerers he has met have been equally cocksure. And all his henchmen are too. He's playing all of them, simply because he knows how they work. He has weaseled his way into their homes, has fed their cats (s. Chapter 36), has seen their arrogance and sadly his cynicism proves right at every turn. He really is invisible to them. A mortal obstacle, to be dealt with to safe the world. Always the roadstop, never the destination.
In Chapter 20, Paddys reaction to magic is a smile, not fear. He knows magic exists. It entices him. The shock he displays is - of course - an act, but a very believable one. Sure, yeah, the old man doesnt mind anymore. Hes too old, he has seen too much. Magic might as well exist to him. And he was horribly stubborn this whole time, so it makes sense that he would have an equally spiteful response to magic.
We even come full circle: Paddy asks Valkyrie if she despises mortals for what they are.
"Someone who can run fast dismisses the people slower than he is. What if its someone who can run really fast? Then the slower people become little more than an annoyance, and then an irritation. Superiority breeds contempt." - Book 3, Chapter 20
(Quick sidenote: Its like he wants to be caught when you start looking for it? He himself is the one who runs fast. He himself sees the others as annoyance, as irritation. What a beautifully wretched thing to say.)
Essentially, Paddy is justifying himself here, but, again, reader and heroes are caught up in this very relevant question that plagues Valkyrie: Being detached from Humanity, from Family. Once again, Batu is using his understanding of the magical world against them. He is one step ahead. He recognises Valkyries youth and asks her specifically. Not Skulduggery, who would dismiss it. Her. Even further, he points out the massive flaws in the systems to her, as one of the first in the whole bookseries:
"So magic people view themselves as mages and everyone else as mortals. And that doesnt sound like a group of people elevating themselves to godhood to you?" [...] "... They have the power of gods, dont they? They have magic at their fingertips. Their affairs affect the world. [...] You hold the fate of the world in your hands. If thats not godlike, I dont know what is."
Now the avid reader might have noticed that once Paddy speaks about sorcerers and magic users, his whole old man™ act falls away. His speech becomes more like Batus, because he is Batu in this moment. He isnt acting here.
And why does no one recognise it? Because its a justified question. Again and again, Batus line of logic proves true: All sorcerers are playing god to an extend. A theme that will be picked up far more heavily between Book 7-9 and the entirety of Phase 2. So, as readers, its enticing to see someone challenge the presented Status Quo and as Valkyrie, this direct confrontation helps settle her own views as a growing Teenager into this magical world of god-pretenders. Batu fulfills both the role of a mentor and a villain, pointing out the straw that will break the camels back again and again and again in the following books.
He himself fights like a mortal: There are no fancy gadgets in the big fight. There are machine guns and grenades, painfully mortal weapons. Painful is literal in this sense. Batu chooses reliable weapons of war and not unpredictable gods. At least, in the beginning. There are also the Hollow Men, a whole artifical army of them. Which, broken down, is hilarious. The sorcerers, capable of destructive magic and definitely murder, are using the mortal weapons against the heroes. The army that is there to support them is one of magical stupidity, literal child friendly canon fodder. His army of magic men is one without mind, without question. And his Diablerie, despite actually having a brain, never question him either. They're all hollow men, one way or another. Some of them by power of creation and some of them simply because they are blinded by their own fanaticism, blinded by Batu and the true fight. So, he doesnt fight like a mortal at all. He fights like a mortal that knows the sorcerers. Using the best of both worlds, the most potent startegies each side has to offer. Additionally, there is also the implication of him commanding a massive army without even being there, which does underline his godlike aspirations as well.
Finally, when its revealed that he is indeed Batu, he declares himself "not a mindless drone" and "someone with a vision" (Chapter 36). But what is the root of all his evil?
"Magic." He said. "My father was a sorcerer. So was my brother. But not me. I just didnt have the spark, you know? But now, its finally my turn."
Batu feels robbed of godhood. And that is precisely why he is summoning gods to overtake the world. If he cant reach for divinity, everyone else who can needs to suffer for it.
[Val] "You're going to let a Faceless One take you over."
[Batu] "And then I'll be brimming with magic that ordinary sorcerers would never even dream about. They're not gods, Valkyrie. They're as pathetic as the people you left behind in your old life. But me? I'll be a true god."
But that isnt everything. Despite how much his mortality annoys him, he sees it as the one defining strength that seperates him from sorcerers. His mortality makes him powerful.
[...] "I was born without magic. Ive had to be strong. My will is iron. Im not going to be simply erased - not like the others."
His mortality makes him so powerful that he will rise above the mortals, above the godlike sorcerers and be able to Neon Genesis Evangelion Pilot his way through the world as a Faceless Ones vessel.
So now everyone can agree that Batu is another insane man in a series of insane villains, right? I dont need to spell that out. But before I go and give you a nice little ribbonbow for the ending, lets look at Batus death and how its described.
"Batu turned, spread his arms and raised his eyes to his god, and as it rushed to fill him, he screamed with terror and exultation. And then Batu was gone." - Chapter 42
The Faceless One described here is the one that is responsible for all the mayhem at the end of the book. Its by far the strongest from the bunch. So maybe some part of Batus willpower speech is true. But the written text makes it very clear that this is not the case. Batu is an excellent vessel for the strongest Faceless One. But nothing more than that.
Which is horribly ironic. The man that gained the trust of dozens of sorcerers, has perfected being a non-threat to anyone but believes himself to be worthy of the power of a literal god vanishes instantly. Just like everyone else.
But I love Batu as a villain. Waving all the weirdness aside. He is compelling because in the few moments that he is actually authentic, he is terrifying.
Not to mention he actually achieved what The Diablerie and Baron Vengous couldnt. He manipulated Skulduggery into revealing where the gate was. He used the ressources of the enemy to his own gain. The saddest thing about Batu is, that if he had put his mind to anything but godhood, he would have ascended anyway. He has all the ressources: smarts, wit, the ability to plan longterm, not to mention charisma and leadership skills.
He would have made a magnificent sorcerer. And thats just... incredibly compelling. Batu isnt strong with magic. He doesnt throw flames around, he isnt a walking skeleton. He is a cynical, old man that despises the hand he has been dealt and instead of accepting what is, he cuts from the world the pieces he thinks he deserves. And in this incredible determination blossoms a man that could have been anything. That had the skills, the mind, the speech to become something wonderful, something progressive, a change bringer.
Instead of recognising the talents he possesed, he focused merely on what he didnt have. Turned to evil, to spite. To bitterness and cynicism. He almost became the downfall of the entire world in his quest to prove that he was, indeed, as godlike as the rest of them.
9/10. Go Paddy.
Wanna read more of my breakdowns?
Here is Part 1: Nefarian Serpine and Part 2: Baron Vengous for you!
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dappledpaintbrush · 1 year
Full honest options on dimentio?
Looks at you like this
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Autistic Answer:
Okay so at the start of my spm special interest when I was a tiny little googoogaga baby (seven years old) Dimentio was just. This guy. Evil and shit but just a guy. But he was MY guy. I don’t remember beating the game that young. I seriously think I gave up on the yold desert puzzle and just binged koopakungfu let’s plays over and over again but regardless I remember the aftermath and GODDDDDDDDDD I was so indescribably enamored with this Thing . it was REVOLTING.
Now as a near 19 year old I can’t think about him or the game in general without having to stop drop and roll but at the end of the day, Dimentio is still just some guy. But in the morning and the afternoon he’s a fucking idiot. Like you absolute goofiest of goobers, all you had to do was teleport the heroes to Dimension D and wait everything out. That shit is why he’s currently burning in hell. Not for mass murder or being annoying but for the stupidest plan I have ever heard in my entire life. He is also one of the most intriguing characters ever made in the Mario franchise.
Like okay. You are given this purple and yellow triangular smudge on your screen and you go “hmm… (scratches chin) something is Wrong With This Animal. It Might be Sick.” And of course he ends up betraying the sympathetic tragic villain Bleckie Bear and dies (thank GOD) whatever credits roll NO!!!!
FIRST. This guy tells you Bleck has lied about creating new worlds. That is . THAT IS!!! Now he could be lying but he could also NOT be. After all, what other motivation would he have for betraying Bleck? All the worlds to himself perhaps …………………. That’s the thing. You don’t know . That’s this entire character.
Anything he says and anything about him is either a blatant lie, COULD be a lie, COULD be the truth, or is vague 3,000 year old information given from this dude in a bar that may or may not even be about Dimentio. He is LITERALLY wearing a mask. A TWO FACED MASK might I add.
Nintendo doesn’t lay out his story for you on screen like they do with Bleck. If you don’t take the time to explore, Dimentio will never be more than Bleck’s silly and funny-talking minion who betrayed him out of greed or.. whatever reason. Because he didn’t say it. No no- You have to go out of your way to investigate and pay money and put pieces of this puzzle together to find out that hurt people hurt people (🤓)
He could be some random bloke. He could the descendant of this sad unnamed character and somehow “never found happiness” whatever THAT means. He could be THE sad unnamed character that went through an accident so devastating that it left his mother dead and it left everyone believing HE was dead. This accident, whatever it was, was so horrifying that Dimentio, who can teleport across dimensions, was unable (by choice or not) to find and tell his remaining family he was alive. After his “death”, his sister would die as well. Their father, likely going insane with unimaginable grief, would rip her soul from the afterlife just to keep his only child- the only family he had left- with him, oblivious to the fact that somewhere, his son was still alive. This little girl, now forever trapped as a Pixl, would become so angry at what her father had done that she would start a war and slaughter ANYONE that tried to get in her way. The Pixl Queen- this angry, scared, and confused child- would lose once more. She would be destroyed. All she is now is a shadow of her former self. And that’s what she would reform as in the pits below an Ancient city, where, at the hands of our heroes, she would lose AGAIN. Dimentio could be oblivious to all of this. He could know a fraction of it. He could know all of it. He could hold no guilt. He could blame himself for what had happened to her, for he had been gone all those years- whatever that means.
He could want to destroy everyone and everything out of personal gain- to recreate them all in his image and rule them as he sees fit all because he is a greedy narcissist. He could want to destroy everyone and everything because, like Blumiere, he sees no point in anything after losing all he loved in all worlds. Maybe he betrayed Blumiere because Dimentio wanted to rule a timeline that goes his way and ONLY his way. Maybe “his way” is where he gets all he wanted in riches, in wealth, in a population that essentially worships him, and so on. After all, he does say that he wants to be king of all worlds. Maybe that isn’t everything he wants. After all, he doesn’t just wipe out everyone in all dimensions and create mindless followers using the Dark Prognosticus that is capable of doing that exact thing. No. Like Blumiere, Dimentio, too, wants the worlds gone. Erased. All of them. The worlds that caused that accident. killed his mom. “killed” him. killed his sister. And in these self-described and self-created perfect new worlds, his timeline, his way, where he can create anything and anyone he wants- maybe he isn’t alone anymore. Whatever that means.
In my full honest opinion, I think he is SO .FUCKING. COOL.
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roachemoji · 1 year
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Stranger Things S2 01
this is just me live blogging watching ST none of my thoughts are v coherent enjoy <3
STARTING OFF REAL INTERESTING BUT REAL TALK when you have like a cool haircut how do you expect not to be found if u do a crime???? LIKE I LOVE YOUR MOHAWK AND I GET IT U DONT WANT TO COVER IT BC OBVIOUSLY BUT!!!!
this is NOT the focus obviously its about the fact theres other kids from the lab BUT AKSHDAKSJDKH
also the boys have grown SO MUCH !!!!!!! i forget there was actual real time between when these were filmed KSJHD im so excited to see Will and his perpetual bowl cut
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Will is so tiny ..... and little? oh hes being teleported into the fucking upside down again baby boy im so fucking sorry also ilu but why would you just walk outside away from wher eyour friends WERE to look at the horrifying shit world you were trapped and almost died in ????? aSDKJH
Im gonna have to DM you on discord or something so i can properly save all the things you have to say about the timelines and how the Russian shit plays into that because was anyone calling El (im assuming he's referring to her) is Russian??? IK this is possibly the third (?) timeline we've seen (genuinely let me know if i can do that its ok if not i forget tumblr has Dms)
NANCY AND STEVE ALSO BESTIES IM CRYING STEVE IS hes trying so hard are they dating my brain is so full of queer shit that im so deadset on platonic hetero relationships - i paused for one second and unpaused and they kissed SO THAT ANSWERS MY QUESTION
idk what relationships to pay more attention to bc the dynamic between Mike and El interests me the most because of how compulsory everything feels and how El is going to navigate a completetly new environment and how Mike will cope with that? (im assuming its not well)
OH is this the !!! the guy that i see people talk about all the time YEAHHH THE BLOND MULLET MAN AND MAX what the fuck is his name Billy??? He looks trans
I love Mr Clark so much and everyone who looks bored in his class just doesnt GET IT
JOYCE MY MOM WHO IS THIS GUY HES??? GOOFY AND SHES SO HAPPY ??? BOB !!! i have no initial bad opinions of him bc hes silly and goofy and he makes Joyce so happy and she deserves to be SO SOSOS OS HAPPY and nothing but happy
IF i have to endure another god damn Hopper flash back im gonna throw up and scream and cry and lose my mind and I won't recover and I'll never come back
Im in call while I watch this episode because i really wanted to get through while and actually use my brain bc i don't that often - but my roommates bird is sitting next to her mic and farting really really softly into it and its making me lose my fucking mind
ADN STEVE TOO!!! IM SORRY YOURE A THIRD WHEEL BUT its the start of season 2 how do we feel about polyam relationships between them where the audience for that point me in the correct direction
God i feel so ba for Will like to be??? singled out like that especially in elementary school? hell.
REALLY starting to see how this might be a different timelinei have no idea how ???? Joyce would.... trust them??? UNLESS THIS IS A HOSPITAL no its not ho films ina fucking hospital like this
also theyre mentioning the upside down
I understand needing to go back to the only place that fully understands that it exists and you need a place to talk to someone and also monitor him physically without being dismissed as insane - but i dont understand how Joyce OR Hopper would trust the Lab again after everything happened??????
I'm glad that he's actually getting help, and im glad that Joyce and Hopper are there to make him feel safe and support him given everything but !!!!!
this iS THE. He has PTSD. when did they get the word to describe that akjhaskjdh NVM HE JUST SAID IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALSO IS PRETENDING LIKE EVERYTHING IS NORMAL HELPFUL BC IT SURE THE FUCK IS N OT FOR ME ????????? also who is this DR hes kinder but "i need you to trust me" to JOYCE AFTER THE BRENNER SHIT ???
also them NOT MENTIONING IT WHEN THEY LEAVE BUT JOYCE UPSET ABOUT THE WHOLE "i need you to trust me" THING B UT NOT BRINIGN UP BRENNER?????? susususususus timeline shit anyway EM @ me tell me wahts up kiss kiss mwuah mwuah
OH they've upped their guinea pig game on entering the upside down and the gatelooks fucking uglier and uglier LOVE THE TORCH glad it works but no wonder the gate looks angry???
ough i have a feeling her older brother is gonna ..... trigger me a lil but we'll get through it
If YouR fRiEnD jUmPs OfF a ClIfF 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
realizing they defenitely can't tell her parent's what actually happened to her an di hate that im gonna oaufkahd girl im so sorry im so sorry im so osrry UPSET BC SHE AS A CHARACTER DID NOT DESERVE TO DIE I WISH THEY HADN'T DONE HER DIRTY LIKE THAT
all the photos of her would make me so ill to look at like god NANCYYY THE GUILT AND B LAME GIRLIEEEE
also Mike rebelling after experiencing that kind of trauma and losing Will and El even though Will came back he's not the same of corse he's struggling - calling it with the !!!! WALKIE TALKIEEEE girl i miss her too
HONESTLY props to him again for not like invesigating something that was probably gonna be HORRIBLE he'd survive a horror movie
BOB i love you so far and ik that being a step parent in these situation (even tho hes only dating Joyce its the same) is so hard especially when there are kids involved BUT YOURE DOING SUCH A GOOD JOB
love me a tech who accidentally ignores the alarms going off (i couldnt hear the song playing it feels important - unintentially placing importance on all the music in this show now thank u em)
OohuaAHDAKJH OH WILL IS GONNA get ,,,,, yoinked back again isn't he ouguhadhAKHDJS interesting that it really only affects the *outside* like doors are now portals in a way ? i cant remember if it affected the inside of the arcade immediately or not
Wood Waffle Hours !!!!!!!!!! OH NO CABIN HOURS??? IS SHE. IS SHE. BIG EYE BALL EMOJIS LET ME SEE MY GIRL LET ME SEE THE BABY GIRL !!!! this entire scene makes it seem like shes a fucking AKSJDHA freak ass creature
thank u for reading these were my thoughts
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
Hey there, big fan of you and your fanfiction and I just need to get this out and “vent” about this to someone, and I feel like you may be the only one to understand and validate this opinion lol.
In the tmnt 2003 series it just ANNOYS ME so much on an unreal level how Mikey gets treated by the show writers. One that really annoys me is just SAINW and the good genes arc. Good genes for obvious reasons, we were robbed basically of that whole thing by them changing Donnie to be mutated instead of Mikey, but I never saw anyone mention SAINW’s potential before.
I CONSTANTLY see the statement “Mikey adds nothing to the team” and its just because THEY NEVER SHOW IT!! THATS WHY!! His role is supposed to be the heart and the glue that keeps the team together. The one that brings light in their dark ass lives. They had the perfect opportunity to do this in either good genes or SAINW and they blew it. Everyone knows Donnie has a role to play, so why not let Mikey be teleported to that future instead and have him be the one out of time. It just makes so much more sense to have that, to actually SHOW people the role he plays in the team and family. He could still even be a badass in that episode if they wanted, but just let him and his audience have that moment of realization in his importance. It could have worked for Good Genes too!! I just dont get why they barely let Mikey do shit or have any angst moments when others get plenty of it. And yea I know Laird was in control of the whole thing and Don was his favorite so that obviously means angst nepotism but still. Its just frustrating to see how people wont look at the bigger picture to see how important he really is. Its just UGRHHHH!!! Its even worse that 2003 is most peoples goto for the franchise whenever 2003 themselves rarely did Mikey any justice!! Its like I have to resort to fanfiction instead of canon because they actually just GET IT more than the writers do. Like I feel like Im going insane on this topic to the point Im ranting to my therapist about it because of my ocd compulsions and reassurance seeking includes this shit.
Im really hoping mutant mayhem will be different since Seth Rogen’s favorite is Mikey, so hopefully he will actually do him justice; with his works being Invincible and The Boys, im having high hopes for the writing capabilities of him. Here is to hoping if that it is the case then MM becomes the status quo.
Sorry for the rant, this has been on my mind for fucking ages and I feel you might be the only other one that I can say this to lol.
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Awww, you remind me a little of me back in 2016 when I started this Tumblr as a literal storage place for ideas on exploring Mikey's psychology.
We DO have to resort to fanfiction! It's actually been that way since the late 90s. Uh. I helped start it. Got diagnosed with ADHD, looked at 2003 Mikey, went "guys hear me out" later got diagnosed autistic with the help of the people who coined neurodivergence, looked at 2003 Mikey and his brothers again, went "Sure, it's all of them!" and sat on it for years before writing it here.
In that time, there cropped up some writers who just really preferred to play with his silly side more than the rest of him, especially after 2012. I think we're going to cycle around to more 03 fanfiction pointing out Mikey's unspoken skills beyond mouthy, crafty, irritating, or weird.
That reminds me, I have a chapter to write from Leo's viewpoint on that.
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spamtoon · 2 months
DCRC Paperinik Week 6
Day of the Cold Sun gaming, some would even say. Raider gaming...
Hold on let me just get the book... ah here we are.
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Club Pe.nguin Jumpscare sorry I've been sitting in the lofi room a while but uh. If you played the game as a kid i'd recommend cp.j wholeheartedly i've had fun with it ANYWAY paperinik time
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hi camera 9... i've only been told one thing and that its that we May or May Not get camera 9 lore this issue so ooh. hohoh. autism hands
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oh poor lyla. i'm sure there is actually a suspicion here considering its lyla lay but i'm sure they're selling power to st. canard. and other cities outside of calisota and into other states, because lord thats what real plants do sometimes
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JFIOEAJFIOEAJ THE STUPID JESTER HAT im so mad. a bright green suit okay. alright. the most suspicious thing ever but sure
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i love the way the "portable neutralizer" is just a machine gun.
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the setup is intriguing in this one... donald choosing to stay for uno and smiling when scrooge is assigning him work, unlike what he'd usually do
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i love the way he's just like Donald, Please. There's crime afoot, which is More Important Right Now i'm so. uno's so silly...........
camera 9 :((((( another you can see both their perspectives situation like lyla has to erase the tape to maintain the space time continuum but camera 9 :(((((((
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omg... i know this is probably another situation where its like haha! we don't appreciate you and i just. lyla standing up for him because she KNOWS nothing is his fault and he's just trying to do his job and vnbvnxb.
the little raider winds look cool... sorry the way they show the juxtaposition of the two reporters and their personalities and their philosophies here--for the greater good utilitarianism versus public duty--sorry i took a class on visual communication and it counted as journalism so there was some journalism ethics stuff in there
im so mad. the way the raider did a perfect angus fangus because he can just. act like a total jerk and the only slipping was in. the vocabulary
i just realized it uses a truffula tree style text box to showcase the fake one thats silly
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camera 9...... i dont have anything to add just camera 9.....................
the scene where lyla talks to donald as uno while teleporting him there is so stupid. goofy ahh dramatic irony im so mad OH NO WAIT IM STUPID ithought she was doing an uno impression. and she's WHAT A CLUB PENGUIN UPDATE
sorry i just. i accepted wholeheartedly that uno was in the future for a second (thinking lyla was immitating uno and duck avenger just saw uno in his vision because i jumped sentence to sentence) forgetting it was in the past like. if nobody knows about the stuff in ducklair tower and its that advanced before scrooge bought it either this ducklair guy must have been the third richest duck in the world or there's some kind of time-alien something going on. but thats for the larger plot
spamtoon g spamtoon gets confused by obvious time skips more at 5
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i love how she waits until he's like full on his swing and focused determinately to be like man. that sure sucked that conversation i just had! relatable lyla
ough... her robot eyes are so cool sorry like i know shes more android because shes supposed to blend in but the litle hints like this are so cool
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sick panel....... once again commenting paperinik's use of action lines and hatching
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she's cute in these panels... i love how much faith she has in donald
nooooooo dont call her inefficient she likes having a personality....... caring about people..... you cant replace lyla lay....... i do wanna know what death you want to give her to you know convince people she's still definitely a normal duck
bro the robots are beefing. uno please lyla can think too
so thats why the time police said In Our Future... i am admittedly owndering why paperinik gambled on taking a Deal with the guy--maybe because he's like okay well i dont know how to stop you right now if the time police can't so um. i'll make myself look bad because theres no other way probably. but i guess they needed a safe space for donald and the raider to talk in. sorry boys this might be my fisrt misconception of the day
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raider paperinik bonding... im glad everyone in this universe does not like angus fangus until proven otherwise
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the panel integration in pk. this shot in paritcular ooh. sorry maybe this is because im not used to comics but i like when they get playful with the panel format
the little camera nine hints... sorry i am actively engaged in this story right now. good time travel dilemma they've presented here
the stupid fucking raider text bubble im so mad. i almost wish it was cloaked when he's disguised but i suppose its supposed to be the same voice the traditional raider has so characters like lyla would be able to tell
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donald's so Smug in this little panel bit... interesting that he's here despite y'know. fate of the universe and stuff. but maybe he's gonna try and convince them for both outcomes--duckburg Doesn't explode and yet they snatch the thing from raider. we fucked up time but like for good! we hope.
oh hey! they actually did explain how they would have killed her right here right now actually--so i guess we're going Against the space time continuum now neat, and the future's going to be up in the air again. donald and the police are at odds now thank cog
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get their ASSES paperinik!!! this replacement looks pretty cool though just maybe send them back a few decades
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sorry i love this panel the way they end pk issues... ough. i like how much she tries to make it up for camera 9 knowing she can't actually tell him what's going on to all the footage and the pictures and ough. oughghuhg. she has her own decisions and she geuninely cares about people even though she's not supposed to and its beautiful
i thought several times about continuing in this but i think i may need to like. Not and thats okay. i'll get paperinik another time boys but at this rate i might catch up! one could hope! maybe next week i'll read that week's issue on the actual week rather than the first day of next week or far far later
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starleska · 2 months
[oh hey ig what im talking about may still be new. Uh. Maybe slight spoilers for Avery Pokémon’s Sync Pair Story in Pokemon Masters EX?]
Star, I must repent. I think I followed you at the tail end of your Avery obsession. I must admit, I did NOT get it, I did not see The Vision™️
But things changed, you may already know, but I downloaded that mobile Pokémon game, Pokemon Masters EX, bc I’m broke and know no other option; Avery was put in the game…like…yestetday?; I go “OO! Star’s guy!”; I obtain Avery; etcetera etcetera, yada yada
It’s 5am, I’m sitting someone else’s house with little to do bc I was watching a family’s dogs while they were on a weekend trip. I open the app and decide to play the little side story for Avery bc ofc I love the 💖Lore💖 and thought it’d be cool to gain clues on who he is (bc there’s no introductions in the game, really. You just go in and they expect you to already know these guys…I, in fact, know none of these guys).
Avery greets the player and starts briefly talking about his powers, his family, his Slowpoke, gym leading, etc. (probably just referencing what already happened in Shield but-) and I’m like “…omg…he is lovely <3”
and. then I see him “teleport”. For the first time…I…HE DID SAY “oh I was supposed to have all these powers but only got Telekinesis” BUT. I WASNT . I WAS NOT READY. I DON’T KNOW WHAT I WAS EXPECTING!!!! BUT IT WASNT THAT TURN AROUND AND FULL SPRINT AWAY INTO THE NIGHT, LEAVING THREE (3) OF HIS POKEMON JUST SITTING IN FRONT OF ME, VIBING
I don’t remember what noises I made, but whatever it was, I startled awake all four of the dogs I was watching. I was almost SOBBING. That got me so bad. I still look up at the ceiling everytime I think about it.
Tragically, my YouTube search history is rapidly becoming a mess as I try to find every compilation of this guy ever,
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bahahahahaha YES!!!!!! WELCOME TO THE AVERY CULT!!!!! oh it's so funny that as roach brainrot takes over my whole being, Avery finally gets you. we really can't control when that little light switches on and makes us insane, can we? 🙈💖
gosh i ought to check this Pokemon Masters EX game out-
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MY LOVE!!!!!!! 🙈💖🙈💖🙈💖 OHHH so that's why i've seen so much gorgeous art of Avery over on Twitter over the last week!!! i thought people were just finally waking up to what a handsome and funny guy he is 🥰💖 i'm so, so happy he's become your husband too...you have to be confronted with what an elegant little weirdo he is to truly fall victim to his charm!! (i'm not gonna lie when i read you calling Avery 'Star's guy' i got so giggly 🙈🙈 now he's OUR guy!!!) oh my god. TELEPORT IS WHAT GOT YOU???? i'm in PIECES 😂😂😂 we love our silly fellas with a big slice of pathetic, don't we. bless his heart he's so troubled and has so much familial angst yet is equal parts bishie bully and ready to break down in tears at ANY second!! when did he start doing the teleport thing, do you think? has anyone ever told him how ridiculous(ly pretty) he looks? 😖💖💖💖 that art you've drawn of yourself is making my sides shake that is EXACTLY how i felt when i first saw Avery. just one look at his outfit and i was absolutely gone 😭😭 omg my goddd though Kayleigh McKee, his voice actress in Masters EX, does such an amazing job, i'm gobsmacked!!! i was kicking my legs hearing him laugh so haughtily 🥴💖 hufjgk i would kill to have him in a longer anime episode please good lord...!!! Mr Big Hat over here would be so terribly smug to know he's gotten you all flustered 🥴💖 very much looking forward to the inevitable ship art of yourself and Avery (and of course your other Pokéblorbos, because we can never have just one!! 🥰)...gosh you're making me want to draw him!!this is that time where i promote the hell out of my extremely talented friends who've drawn lovely art of Avery and my OC Nix (AKA Crystelekinesisshipping 😉): art by @/mruuhaha, art by @/MrKlausSelfShip, and art by @theredmists 🥰🥰 and to feed your little Avery fixation, i made this silly little AMV for him when in the throes of my own 🔥 lying down, blood on my face. there are too. many. pretty. characters. in the world. how dare you bring Avery back i am trying to rizz up a French bugman 😂😂 Lorelei, it is a pleasure as always!!! thank you for bearing with me while i've been crushed in fixation hell, you're a champion and i am IMMENSELY looking forward to reading through your Avery brainrot backlog 😉
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get chisped lol
Name: Popato Chisp (Chisp for short)
Reference Images:
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Notes on Personality (optional, but preferred!): honestly he is just a silly little guy!! difficult for me personally to describe personalities but he's like a sillyboy to me. he's just a little guy. honestly. look at him.
Backstory and Lore (optional): OKAY. OKAY SO I HAVE A DIRECT QUOTE FROM THE PERSON WHO MADE CHISP (MY GOOD CLOSE FRIEND FLINTHEART HIIII FLINTHEART) BUT ALSO MY OWN LITTLE INFODUMP BECAUSE CHISP IS NEAR AND DEAR TO MY HEART. as a fair warning though a lot (not all! simply a lot) of this takes place in a huge crossover rp and isn't even in the kirby universe but he originated from kirby so he counts :3
Chisp is only a very little waddle dee! He's not a baby persay but moreso around 6, i think? He struggles communicating verbally like the other waddle dees because of how young he is and a general nervousness about talking so he uses nonverbal communications!! And my cannon for Chisp is that before he started realm hopping he was one of the waddle dees that travelled to the kingdom of the sky to rescue Dedede with kirby, but after it was all over he was!!! The only person to go and stay with Taranza, while everyone else went back to dreamland, chisp just sat next to Taranza and gave him a little shoulder pat, and that was when Taranza sort of, took Chisp in as like, a cool uncle figure, training his realm hopper abilities and such, Although as a "Pop-In Friend", and part of the reason chisp is so proud of his abilities is because its usually very hard for a waddle dee to stand out, they're mostly just faces in the crowd and chisp is nonverbal, as well so he finds it even harder, so having a close good friend who can teach him what makes him special was the first time chisp felt like an independent little guy!
^ flintheart wrote this everyone tell flintheart that chisp is so so cool i love you chisp
OKAY SO. my turn now. cracks knuckles. doesn't do that actually because it's Uncomfortable to do lol
SO CHISP IS JUST A LITTLE GUY RIGHT. living his life basically existing on dreamland. he's like a kid. we love him.
so one day this rift opens, right?? but not to forgotten land actually though to a different placce. to. okay you're going to fucking hate me. we've dubbed it ohio. and a couple of people end up going through that rift! not on purpose of course. but kirby goes through, king dedede goes through, taranza ends up going through it was later
and chisp. chisp is also in ohio. through... through the rift, right?
through the rift, right?
nope! chip is a realm hopper! or, as they're known in dreamland, pop-in friends! (which is such a cute name for them btw than you flintheart)
and those are something specific to ohio lore and not part of kirby but shhhhh. it's fun. anyways realm hoppers can teleport! and!!!! most importantly!!! they can just travel between dimensions!! like for fun! not even through a rift either like a lot of interdimensional travel is, just like teleporting, but through other dimensions it's very fun. i would imagine. i wouldn't know obviously i'm not a realm hopper they aren't real but it SOUNDS fun.
anyways chisp is a realm hopper and he's in ohio and he's ALSO. a child. and! he ends up getting adopted :) by one of my ocs, trinity. she's like just some girl. it's hard being a single mother when you're 15 and your child is a waddle dee and your friend slash crush keeps saying "waddle deez nuts" /lh
trinity is a realm hopper too!! she's only ever told chisp though because she's scared something bad might happen if more people find out. sad! but this isn't about her.
anyways fun little facts: - chisp actually chose his name! trinity wrote down a bunch of names her friends suggested and let chisp pick which one he wanted (or write his own if he wanted to) and he picked popato chisp! chisp for short!
- trinity is refusing to acknowledge her crush on kat. chisp is trying to play matchmaker with them :3
- chisp is nonverbal!!
- chisp and trinity have little matching friendship bracelets
- chisp has been taught by someone trinity knows how to play guitar!
- kat is Going to give him a sword. you can not stop this from happening.
- trinity dyed her hair orange to match him :3 - yes he is named after popato chisps of undertale true lab fame. thank you for noticing
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