#bc yknow gay people keralis is to x what evil x is to worm man
transfemzedaph · 1 year
fic where wm manages to get to get into s6 after being stuck in s5 but s6 has ended but then he finds wels who has been left behind and they work together to get into s7
they get there and its fun and cool. but then there is a very awkward silence when wm asks where evil x is
no one wants to be the one to tell him and they mostly avoid him - apart from wels and zed, but one day zed slips up and offhandedly mentions that ex is banned
wm goes to yell at xisuma abt it but x is just sitting there emotionless which pisses wm off even further, he leaves back to his small base which he had been building for the both of them and yknow does a im sad angry so ill break a load of shit and then sitting and crying in all of the mess
its weeks before anyone sees him again and when people do start seeing him its never up close and he never speaks to anyone and everyone thinks he look off. he looks like theres something not quite right...
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