#bc usually only family say hbd n stuff
sorrowfulrosebud · 8 months
There’s something so healing about people actually caring and remembering your birthday. The majority of my teen birthdays I cried bc only my immediate family remembered, and the occasional friend would remember but any birthday wishes were usually prompted after i said something.
It’s so healing to have your best friends wait until midnight to send you the sweetest messages that make you tear up because of how amazingly they talk about you. I’m not materialistic, but having your friends remember the things you like and putting time and effort into your gifts, letters and cards that it genuinely made me sob on my 18th and 19th birthday.
I remember my 17th birthday where only family said happy birthday and made an effort, and I had to work late and again no one remembered. Bc I share my birthday with my sibling and it was late, I couldn’t even cut into my cake. I blew out my separate candles crying and hugging my parents bc it felt so horrible that none of my friends cared to remember.
Flash forward to 18/19, and I’m surrounded by the most beautiful souls I’ve ever met, who actually give a shit about me. They took the time to learn about me, my interests, my likes. I really struggle to make friends, so to have been so lucky to have the ones I have, I’ll treasure them always.
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