#bc older chris an jill are sweet
twinvictim ¡ 4 years
all of them for valenfield 👁👁 (u can just say the person’s name and only elaborate on the ones you feel like)
This took forever jshfhd jk ilu also i assumed you meant jill/chris bc i dont know the other name for jill/claire
1: jill usually she doesn't tend to sleep for long periods at a time, just shorter stints.
2:really they both do but chris is the one that whines
3:chris, usually beacuse he ends up just standing in the shower for ten extra minutes kind of out of it.
4: if both of them can't sleep they honestly don't mind just kind of relaxing and watching tv, they don't need to talk much about it.
5: jill, sometimes chris picks boring movies ok
6: jill but only kind of, sometimes she watches chris fall asleep and then will wake him up again to be mean
7: jill hangs out with Barry too much. It still works on chris tho
8: they both do and it turns into light wrestling matches.
9: chris, jill has pictures of him doing this.
10: jill, chris is too old to figure out how to change it back so it stays that way til she does it again
11: jill but more so out of boredom
12: chris tried it once to be funny and got his hand bit
13: both of them point it out and then book it away from the dog
14: less road rage and more very passive aggressive comments that they both participate in regardless of who's driving 
15:jill passes out in whatever, and also doesn't always remember to take off shoes/socks/bra ect
16: chris, a side affect of being an older brother
17: jill has them, she somehow lost them
18: jill, and then she falls asleep against the window.
19: jill, bc she likes hearing chris whine about it
20: probably jills health in all honesty, she's much more prone to taking risks with it and he gets upset because he cares. 
21: chris, he breaks alot of dishes :/
22: jill, moria taught her how to ans she sends chris the stupidests texts
23: chris is a little better at talking to kids, but they're both sweet.
24: they're both hopeless, chris tries, jill has long since accepted she sucks at it
25: chris and he tries to tough it out but salty coffee isn't good
26: alao chris, he just forgot 
27: jill, insomnia is fun and makes you hungry
28: jill, she is mean
29: jill and she gets scolded for it while she just keeps eating it like an animal
30: it's not that chris likes it but he's pretty well used to it
31: they'll both eat about anything but chris is a bigger guy and tends to eat more
32: jill remembers the names of the food better
33: jill eats it out of the tub and leaves the spoon in there, chris will make the effort to put it in a cone or make a sundae. Jill hates mint chip but likes anything else, chris really likes mint but isn't a huge fan of nuts. 
34: yes but usually sort of simple ones, they don't like large groups of people and loud areas so just lunch dates, record shop dates or even just going for a walk around the park is good enough for them
35: chris smells lavender and jill smells pure vanilla extract 
36: jill, chris is alot more handsey with friends and jill isn't into pda but she does like to be hold
37: chris but Everytime he's like "didn't i tell you to bring a coat" 
38: chris and jill will tell him shes driving but still hold his hand
39: jill but they're mean "hope nobody steals your lunch today :)" 
40: chris generally
41: jill is the big spoon she loves to grab him 
42: chris loves her little smirk when she does something michevious or makes a joke, jill really loves how pretty his eyes are 
43: they probably knew way back in Stars and did nothing about it, not much changes except maybe jills friendly teasing was a little nicer and maybe chris would linger or squeeze a little when he touched her shoulder but hey who's to say
44: chris: honey, j, miss valentine (that one is for joking) jill: dummy, babe (jokes), Christopher (jokes but mean)
45: chris generally, he's just really worries about losing her again :( 
46: chris who gets told no and them given a kiss right after 
47: chris says it but only after an hour of jill trying to hint at it in a roundabout gauge way and they both got lucky chris' braincell was turned on that day
48:claire just sort of gets a psychic vision and manifests in front of them to make fun of them they didn't really say anything to anyone it just sort of gets around (except to leon who just...doesn't know) 
49: they're both pretty good about jot revolving their entire lives around eachother since they spent over a decade just pretending that they didn't know they could kiss
50: chris, he's stupid and jill is baffled that he's so happy someone would make him lunch.
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