#basically some guy was driving aggressively and tried to hit me
idsb · 4 months
Lol guys I was so stressed that I got in a car accident!!!! Australia 2023-2024 bookended with 2 insane car crashes YEEHAW
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abbynx · 2 years
A date with Ghiaccio Headcanons
Genre: Romance, gender neutral
Warnings: Swearing, Ghiaccio being Ghiaccio
A/N: Hello 😎 so you just witnessed me go off the rails of the JJBA fandom and into DC, so for the peeps that followed me for JoJo content, here you go. Get fed, my people.
- He stands before a mirror as he fixes his shirt, aggressively mumbling to himself, when Illuso appeared in the said mirror. Ghiaccio was glaring icicles at the man and his smug face, but risked not one of his braincells to ward off the man in the mirror.
- Ghiaccio knew that Illuso was there for the sole purpose of making fun of him, and he wasn't having any of his bullshit. All he knows if that he's going on a date with you, a stranger, simple enough.
- Okay first and foremost, he didn't liked this whole date idea. He just did it to get his teammates off his dick for being a stuck-up prick that he doesn't get some ass.
- And through some impulsive decision, and the help of his egging friends, asked out the next person that walked into the street. Lo and behold, you, an innocent civilian, his 'victim' (according to Illuso) has walked into the street, setting the bet in motion.
- And stiffly, he asks you out. He didn't even I troduce himself when he first saw you, he just straight up asked you if you'd like to go out.
"Go out with me, would ya?"
- He tried his best not to glance at his snickering teammates behind him to lessen his humiliation before you, the stranger and unfortunate victim.
- Of course, you were confuzzled like any other normal people. To be halted from your tracks when a guy shouts your name and approaches you menacingly, you almost thought he was one of those guys who discretely injects people with heroine to make them accidentally addicted. These parts of Italy was wild, and quite frankly, you'd like not to take your chances. Running was the first thought that crossed your mind, but your mind blanked out when he said what he said.
- For a moment both of you just stood there, staring at each other, each second passing was painfully fucking awkward, with the circulating perpetual confusion as to how you would react. The audience behind Ghiaccio just stood, enjoying every ounce of the tomfoolery their teammate is exuding.
- The awkward tension was so thick, the silence was overwhelming, you just wanted to leave.
"Ohh, shoot, sure."
"Cool, cool, cool."
That was basically the whole exchange and after that, you gave each others number, a time and a place.
- That did not satisfy his teammates, because getting a date is one thing. Getting some, was the point of all this. But no, Ghiaccio was not up to grab some ass off the streets to fuck after the first date. He isn't that low
- Now it comes to this, Ghiaccio rearranging his clothes whilst Illuso continued to smirk at him. He just knew which buttons to press and activate his screaming, but Ghiaccio was letting this slide just this once. He isn't going to grant this motherfucker the satisfaction he wants. He doesn't plan to look these fools in their eyes, he was that dead-set to prove himself.
"Hey, your fly's down." Illuso comments from the mirror world.
"It is fucking not, Pigtails McGee."
"Is that a smudge on your glasses?" Says Formaggio, shrunk and leaning Ghiaccio's cologne by the vanity table.
"I can see my glasses as clear as day, prick dick."
"Do you even know their name?" All glanced to Melone, who barely looked up from his laptop. This hit severely because yes, he doesn't even know your name, he didn't even asked you. He didn't even tell you his name.
But he still refuse to budge, and continued. All they will be getting was him stopping momentarily from combing his hair before he moves on as if he heard nothing.
"I did some research about them too."
"Good for you."
- And soon, he was off to the designated date. As he drives, he starts to ponder with a hint of regret. Why the fuck did he played into his friends' teasing? He was a fucking dumbass for falling for that and he highkey regrets everything about that he wants to take a U-turn and take the L. But ever so spiteful and fucking stubborn, he was determined to get this date done.
- Then his thoughts drifted to you, who the fuck were you? Okay that wasn't intended to sound mean, it is his fault for getting you involved in this shit, but who the fuck were you? Would you be late? Early? A bitch? Would you even turn up? He doesn't know. And with that pondering, his determination was slightly faltering, but he is no pussy and does not intend to back down. And you better not be standing him up, he might just use his resources to locate you.
- And when he parked in front of the meeting place, he spots you. You actually turned up; check. Early bird; check. Good, he didn't need to ask Melone to track you down if you didn't show up. Okay, now to find out what's your name and if you're a bitch. So he enters the establishment and there you were and all your glory.
- He was calm and collected, he was calm and collected, he was calm and collected, he was calm and collected, he was calm and collected, he was calm and collected, he—
- He is not.
- The sight of you made his determination drain. How could he date this? Why did you have to agree to go out with a rapid rabbit with rabies like him??? YOU? ARE YOU BLIND? YOU DESERVE BETTER, WHY DID YOU ACCEPTED THIS JOKE-OF-A-DATE THAT HE INTENDED NOT TO TAKE SERIOUSLY, BUT TO GET HIS FRIENDS OFF HIS BACK?
- Whatever, he is cool. He is cool both figuratively and literally— ignore the layer of frosting fogging the inside of the restaurant and the sudden decrease of the temperature in the middle of an Italian summer.
- Anyways, it is too late to back out now. You just saw him and waved him over with a slight smile.
"Over here!" God, why the fuck do you look so happy to see him? Oh no, is his fly down? Is there a smudge on his glasses? FUCK, DOES HE EVEN KNOW YOUR NAME?
"Whoa... Is it me or is it chilly all the sudden?" You sheepishly giggle, attempting to downplay the sudden cold nipping at your skin.
"Uhh... Yes, it's just you." Ghiaccio you gaslighting little shit.
- With that little interaction, he remembered to keep White Album in check and soon the restaurant was back at its temperature. There was no need to be frazzled, he doesn't why he is... Okay maybe he does know, but it's just a date for god's sake— he might as well enjoy it... With you, he guessed.
- At the duration of the date, despite his built ice cold walls has been reduced to a puddle from your welcoming warmth and positivity. He reels back in guilt for assuming the worst of you and he really cannot blame anyone or anything at all for it.
- He admits, you are pretty swell... And he doesn't mind doing this again. He doesn't thank the pompous assholes for teasing him nonstop to get a date, but he thanks you for accepting even if it was out of the blue, in the middle of the street, by a strange weirdo like him.
- After the dinner, he offered to drop you off. As you were about to open the car door to leave, you turned to him,
"So, when can we do this again?"
Ghiaccio froze for a moment. He blinks and shook his head. "What?" He asks for a clarification.
"I said, when can we do this again? It's been fun spending time with you and I kinda like this."
Oh shit, he didn't hear it wrong. Honestly, he thought you'd be done after the date. That's how it goes, right? Especially when he just asked you out in the middle of the street— you found this fun? You found him fun?
But hmm... Let's see... "Is Saturday next week okay?" It's not like the Boss will give them another hit this week, it's most likely he wouldn't be assigned for a hit until next, next week.
"Yeah, sure. I kinda want to just walk with you, by the docks... If that's okay..." Goddamn it you look so fucking cute being in a daze like that, it's like you're already imagining him walking alongside you by the beach ugh—
"Good. Then we got our self another date." Ghiaccio finds himself smiling... That almost never happens, what have you done to him?
You smile back. A quick dip forward of your head resulted Ghiaccio's face turning a perfect shade of red and you left him in the car wide-eyed and his brain short-circuited.
- After your figure has vanished from view, his hand lands on his cheek, and felt the outline of your lips on his skin... Sticky remnants of your lipstick/lip balm was on his cheek, making his heart skip a little bit more than it already is.
- He smiles on his way home, looking forward for the next meeting. He couldn't wait, but god would it feel so worth it.
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yeetlegay · 2 years
I hope you don't mind, but I was so into your pretty woman au that I,almost unconsciously, made a VegasPete AU in that world😅 its really messy but I made it up literally hours ago. (KP are doing their stuff, as in your story)
so at first Vegas is relatively new, yet frequent client of Pete, and they do BDSM stuff. But they don't talk too much (they have some thoughts about each other tho, basically Vegas thinks "damn👀he hot" and Pete be like "holy shit, he's hot but there is also sth wrong with him" looking how often Vegas looks like someone hit him in the face). Then one day they were scheduled to do stuff, but as Pete arrived Vegas is like yk, maybe some other time, and then someone tries to shoot Vegas and Pete pulls him out of the bullets way. Vegas is actually shocked af, because why would he do that? Pete thinks it's a normal thought to not want other people to die, but for Vegas it's far less obvious. They sneak around, trying to run from the assassins, and then Vegas takes Pete to his car and drives to his house. Then he locks Pete in one room, because he doesn't want to kill him, but as some shady people have seen Pete's face, they can find him and force him to give some info about Vegas. Pete is like "wtf????!!!" but yeah, Vegas basically kiddnaped him, he doesn't torture him, just comes to his room to be a bitch, sometimes is like aggressive, but never phisically abusive towards Pete. At first Pete is mad but also scared af about this whole situation. They talk a lot, as Vegas comes to him often to vent. After some time they go back to having sex, they both lowkey think they might start to develop feelings? Vegas is annoyed at the idea so he let's Pete go, and then Pete is actually kidnapped and tortured by the bad guys. But says nothing even though now he knows plenty of stuff about Vegas. Vegas is furious, gets Pete back, is mind blown that Pete gave them no info, the feelings are definitely there. And then some other stuff happen but I didn't think about them too much yet.
Basically I love your fanfic, keep up the good work ❤️ I really love the way its written, like language-wise. Reading it is a pleasure.
Omg this is so cool and meta of you, like a Russian nesting doll of fanfic! I’m blown away that you came up with this after reading my fic, like wtf that’s so cool. 😭 (also Vegas’s “damn he’s hot” and Pete’s “there’s something wrong with him and that’s so sexy” first impressions made me snort)
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dustofbrokenheart · 4 years
The Covenant: A Mess
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Poly! Sons of Ipswich x Reader
Word Count: 2,497
Warnings: Slightly angsty 
Summary: Reader has been struggling with magic and feels miserable. Caleb and Pogue try their best to be loving and supportive. Requested by / in collaboration with @dhampiravidi​
Caleb trudged inside the apartment, the beginnings of a headache building behind his eyes. Taking his gray coat off, he followed the smell of spices into the kitchen. Chili, if Caleb had to guess. 
Pogue must’ve had dinner duty for the night. He made the best chili out of the three of them so they only ever ate it if he was the one making it. Sure enough, he was standing in front of the counter, his hair pulled back into a half ponytail, adjusting a setting on the slower cooker that was plugged into the wall.
“Chili?” Caleb asked, rubbing his forehead in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure.
“Chili,” Pogue confirmed. He turned towards Caleb, frowning when he saw Caleb massaging small circles above his eyes. “Another headache?”
Caleb sighed, lowering his hand. “Just a little one. They assigned me to that new case on Tuesday and I’ve been pouring over old court dockets ever since.”
Pogue didn’t say anything but he didn’t have to—the worry was clear on his face. Caleb was quick to smile and reassure him. “It’s like I said, just a small headache. No need to blow it out of proportion, Po.”
The longhaired boy wasn’t the least bit convinced, but didn’t push the lawyer further. Caleb was great at looking after people, but not so much when it came to himself. And if Pogue called him out on it, he would only draw further into himself. The key was to not bring it up and tread subtlety.  
“Okay, man. Whatever you say.” He sat down at the table, but not before sliding a bottle of aspirin over to Caleb who accepted it with a quiet thanks.
They quickly updated each other on their days. One of firm clerks was inviting everyone out for drinks next week: Caleb had said he’d get back to them after checking with the significant others. A real nice ’68 Chevy Nova had been brought into the garage for restoration: Pogue was excited to pop the hood and get to work. But it wasn’t long until Caleb noticed who was absent from the table.
“Where’s Y/N? She’s never been able to resist the smell of chili.”
“Rough day. She was crying when I got home and she’s been shut in the bedroom since then.”
“Crying? Why was she—” He cut off immediately. He knew, they both knew. You weren’t really a crier. In all of the time the three of you had been together, there was only one thing they had ever known you to cry about. “She tried Using again today.”
Pogue nodded, a severe frown on his face. He looked down the hall at the shut door, no sounds or light coming from the other side of it. “Looked like it to me. The spell book was already put away when I walked in, but she left the candles out.”
Caleb released a long breath and stared unseeing at the ceiling. How could he fix this?
Magic was a touchy subject. All three of you were witches and even if he and Pogue weren’t regularly Using, they didn’t impose their rules on you. After all, your coven had struck a different deal to gain their magic so they didn’t have to worry about you sacrificing pieces of your life whenever you tried to use it. But that didn’t mean they didn’t worry about you.
Using was…hit or miss with you. You had no problem performing large, high-powered magic. You had no problem blowing thing up or putting an entire bar full of people under a spell. But as time went on, it became apparent that you did not have the same ease when it came to more precise magic. And your struggles weren’t from lack of dedication or practice (you gave even Caleb a run for his money when it came to studying.)
The guys were incredibly supportive of your continued magic studies, but recently your mood had shifted and not for the better. After putting in so much time and effort, and still not having much to show for it, Using was starting to bring some emotional baggage to the surface. Seeing as how you’d been upset in the room for hours, they thought you were close to some kind of break.
Caleb tapped the table with his knuckles. “I’m going to check on Y/N and see if I can get them to talk to me.” He scraped his chair back and moved down the hall. He didn’t wait for Pogue’s reaction. He couldn’t. When someone he loved was struggling his immediate response was to talk with them and find a solution to the problem.
He didn’t bother knocking on the door—he knew that you wouldn’t answer anyway and that you had likely locked the door with no intention of opening it. Eyes went black briefly as he Used magic to override the lock. Normally, his rule was to only employ magic in times of emergency, but this definitely qualified as an emergency.
“Hi Y/N,” he said quietly, closing the door behind him. You were on your spot curled in the middle of the bed, body hidden under the comforter. “How was your day?” Your silence didn’t phase him as he joined you on the bed, wrapping his arms around you. “I heard you were practicing today, that’s great. I’ve always loved your drive.”
Still, nothing but silence from you.
He sighed and pulled the covers down so he could at least see your face. Your eyes were red and puffy but the crying was paused for the moment, your whole face lax as you stared through him rather than at him.
“Hey, now,” he whispered pressing gentle kisses to your forehead. “Come on, I want to hear about it.”
You pushed him away and he was relieved to see some reaction from reaction, even if it was annoyance.
“I really don’t want to talk about it, Caleb,” you stressed turning away from him. He tried to bring you back into his arms but backed off when he felt you stiffen up.
“It can’t be that bad.” More silence. “Just tell me. Please.”
The strong emotions that you had been trying so hard to hide exploded out of you and you were so upset that it wasn’t until after you finished that you realized how aggressive it sounded. “You want to know? Fine! It was a telekinesis spell. A simple freaking telekinesis spell. All I wanted to do was lift the frame that had our anniversary photo in it and guess what! And I ended up smashing it to pieces instead! There was glass everywhere and the photo is ruined, happy?”
You felt tears swimming in your eyes, whether from anger or sadness you didn’t know, and you ran with a huff to lock yourself in the bathroom. No matter what kind of tears they were, you refused to cry in front of Caleb. That would only make him more overbearing than he was currently.  
“You’re ridiculous,” you muttered as the tears started to flow. “All this time and you still mess up a basic spell. How can you call yourself a girlfriend to two Sons of Ipswich if you can’t even get that right?”
Caleb remained on the bed, looking at the bathroom door in grief. He had meant to help you and it seemed that he only made things worse. Sighing in frustration at himself he put himself back together and went back to Pogue who was still tending to dinner. There had to be something he could do, he just wasn’t sure what that something was.
“Well,” Pogue prompted, “How did it go?”
“Disastrous,” Caleb admitted. “I just ended up making Y/N even more upset and now they’re locked in the bathroom.”
“Hmm, that’s rough man.” A timer on the counter beeped, signaling that the chili was officially done cooking. Pogue took some ceramic bowls from the cabinet. “For both of you. Try not to get worked up about—Y/N will come around when they’re ready.”
“I am not worked up,” Caleb insisted. Pogue merely raised a brow and slid a full bowl to him. “Okay, maybe I’m a little worked up.”
“I knew it,” he smirked, pushing his long hair out of his face. “You can’t help it; it’s just who you are, man. But in this case, I’m telling you that you have to be patient.”
He sat down and took a bite from his own bowl, saw the worried look on the other man’s face. “I’m telling you. I learned this the hard way back in high school. Sometimes space is the best approach,” he said with a mouth full of food.
“If you’re sure…”
The two of them kept good on their unspoken promise and didn’t ask you about the incident again. You all still shared the same bed but even there they made sure to keep their hands to themselves, which you were grateful for. You didn’t feel the need for sex given your mental state. Just knowing that they were on either side of you was enough.
A part of you felt terrible for shutting them out, but an even bigger part of you couldn’t get over the hurt. Rationally, you knew that breaking the frame wasn’t that big of a deal. The guys would definitely fix it for you if you asked. Emotionally, however, you were a wreck. Productivity was at zero for the week. During the day you felt void, your brain numb. The night was worse, racing thoughts you couldn’t control as the continuous rewind of the incident playing on loop, preventing you from getting decent sleep.
Life was a mess. You were a mess. But there wasn’t much you felt like you could do about it; you were just hoping that you’d sort yourself out soon.
It was difficult for them for watching you going through it, especially for Caleb. He kept his word and didn’t question you like he had the first night but he hovering, struggling to master the need to make it better for you. Needless to say, he fed you breakfast in bed everyday that week.
Pogue was just as concerned. He never outright confronted you about it, that just wasn’t his style, but he did the dishes every day without complaint. He fidgeted more, even by Pogue standards. And unbeknownst to you, he was playing his guitar, something that normally happened when he was trying to sort something big out.
Somehow, he managed to hide it from you but he wasn’t so lucky with Caleb.
He leaned in the doorway, arms crossed. “How long have you been playing this one? I like it.”
“This week,” Pogue shrugged trying to downplay it. “The cords were easy to throw together.”
Caleb hummed and went to sit in front of the other man. Pogue started playing the tune again and Caleb found himself humming along after a few minutes. He wore a contemplative look. “Does it have lyrics?”
Pogue shook his head side to side, tossing his hair. “Nope. You know I’m not a good poet.”
Caleb nodded again, the same thoughtful expression on his face. “What if I wrote them?”
At the end of the week, you were slightly more recovered. The failure and unconference were still there but Pogue had convinced you to shower with him earlier in the day. It was nice to have clean hair and soft skin again. And you even managed to clear out your emails which always felt like an accomplishment.
“Hey, do you guys want to order takeout for dinner?” You walked out to the living room looking for your boyfriends. You were getting hungry and in the mood to socialize a bit more. For a second, you thought they were both out until you saw them out on the small porch. “Hello?”
They turned around with smiles on their faces and bid you to join them. It was a mild spring day and the setting sun left just enough heat to still be comfortable while sitting outside.
“Are you feeling okay?” Caleb asked, excitement just beneath the surface.
“A little better,” you answered eying the acoustic guitar in Pogue’s hands. Takeout cartons were arranged around the small glass table. “So…what’s all this?”
Pogue cleared his throat. “We wrote a song.”
“You…wrote a song?”
“A song for you,” Caleb further explained. “We’ve been working on it for you these past couple of days. Do you want to listen to it?”
“Y-yeah,” you said startled. This had not been what you were expecting when you came outside.
Pogue started strumming immediately, having already tuned beforehand. The pace was slower but purposeful, his fingers moving gracefully over the fretboard. Your heart fluttered, the notes sounding beautiful. Then Caleb started to sing. He was a graceful as ever, his voice blending in perfectly with Pogue’s guitar playing.
You were positively flushing. As romantic as the two of them were, they had never serenaded you before. In fact, no one had ever serenaded you. You were flattered. Giddy. Dazed.
The words touched your heart. The whole thing was so intimate, especially since they wrote it for you. They were pouring out the love they felt for you, the sadness that came with seeing you struggle. Unlaying the song was the assurance that things would get better.  
At some point, you’re not sure when, tears started to blur your vision. The song had barely ended before you threw yourself at them, hugging with all your might. The hugs were returned and you felt a kiss on the top of your head—Pogue. Caleb wiped away a stray tear that had escaped with the pad of his thumb.
“Sorry, we didn’t mean to make you cry,” he murmured softly.
“Yeah, sorry baby,” Pogue seconded. Everyone was silent for a moment when he cracked a joke. “You should’ve told me that my playing was bad, I would’ve stopped sooner.”
You slapped his chest with no real force behind it. “Shut up. I loved it. These are tears of happiness.”
“That’s a relief. We’ve been worried about you, you know.”
You relaxed into their grasp, the oranges and pinks in the dusk sky further calming you. “I know. I tried to shake it off and be rational about it but I couldn’t. I’ve been…struggling.”
“We know. It’s alright. We’re here for you through the good times and the bad,” he promised.
“I j-just feel like a failure and I don’t want you to be embarrassed of me because I—”
“Stop it. We could never, never be embarrassed of you. You’re strong and kind and smart; what’s not to love?”
“Face facts, baby, you’re stuck with us for as long as you’ll have us.”
More tears gathered. “I love you two goofs.”
“I love you, too,” they said simultaneously, leaning in on either side to press a kiss to your cheek.
First poly fic I’ve written/published. Thanks so much for reading! And thanks to Jayn for the idea! 😊 If you want more Caleb content, here’s a recent fic of mine. Check it out! If you want more poly content, let me know that too. 
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Danny Phantom AU: ParaNormal
Hello all, I am a huge fan of Danny Phantom, but I often found myself disappointed with how underutilized certain characters and aspects of the show were before its conclusion. This AU is based on how Clockwork, the ghost in charge of overseeing time and the future, witnessing the formation of a NEW Timeline Parallel to the main. Everybody clap your hands!!
The basic premise is based on this: What if the Fentons had support for their research, like a proper laboratory? This is essentially based on the thought that the Fentons managed to publish and profitize some of the side-benefits of their research, such as Ectoplasm powered gear and weaponry, specifically the viability of Ectoplasm as a fuel source itself! After getting this revolution out there, the Fentons managed to reel in some support for their research, even partnering with a few groups in order to conduct more tests than was feasible prior. Let’s be honest here, in canon they were basically operating off of a shoe-string budget and their own ingenuity for their inventions, along with whatever devices they could repurpose to make more.
However, all that success comes at a cost, particularly when it attracts enemies. During a tour of their main lab building by the local elementary school, with support and supervision from local parents and industries, a disgruntled employee decides to cause some trouble after he’s fired for his conduct on the job. He destabilizes the prototype portal, while a young Danny, Sam, and Tucker, all of whom had snuck away from the class for their own reasons, are in the room. The resulting explosion changes everything.
Danny, Sam, and Tucker disappeared that day, presumed dead. The explosion devastated the town, random portals and specters appearing on an almost daily basis. Life as Amity Park had known it was irrevocably altered. A prominent side effect of the explosion was the emergence of Half-sides, people who had been exposed so deeply to ectoplasm that they had become essentially part ghost, though not to the extent that Danny was in Canon. I’ll detail some of the prominent ones below.
Paulina Sanchez: Half-sides typically are regarded with a mix of suspicious caution at best, paranoiac fear at worst. For emergent Social Butterfly Paulina, this essentially crippled her. Paulina has always been lethally self-conscious, particularly about her worth, often seeing herself as nothing without her beauty, the one thing that people outside of her family seemed to care about in regards to her; she wasn’t athletic, she wasn’t a very good student (at the time), she was just the pretty face on the playground. When she became a Half-side, all of that went away. While still extremely self-conscious, Paulina is more comfortable in her own skin, and genuinely kind to others, though she certainly has a vindictive side to those who cross her. Paulina’s primary ability is the ability to travel through mirrors, as well as communicate through them, and store things in them. It’s rare to see her without at least one form of mirror on hand. Paulina is also something of the local conspiracy theorist, albeit one who’s usually right; her ability to spy on others through whatever reasonably reflective surface is nearby aids in this immensely.
Star: While many often confuse her ditzy attitude with genuine unintelligence, Star is sharp as a tack, easily the smartest kid in her generation. She just rarely cares enough to show it, preferring to live life without the extreme expectations of the exceptional burdening her. Star is Paulina’s oldest friend, some have even speculated they might be more, and is always willing to stick up for her when she gets grief for being a Half-side. Star herself possesses an unusual power, in that she can capture past and future events of anyone she takes a picture of. Star is never seen without some form of Image Capturing device, often carting a Polaroid Camera around her neck. She’s occasionally wondered how her powers would interact with film and video, but she so far hasn’t tested it.
Dash Baxter: Once having a future as a promising Athlete, the emergence of his Half-side powers sealed his chances at a successful future. Dash gains in strength, speed, and endurance proportional to his stress or aggression, entering a complete berserker state when sufficiently enraged. The sheer chaos he’s caused in the throws of his anger, as well as the slew of ruined property and broken objects whenever his strength flared up has turned him into a lonely outcast that no one is willing to tolerate being around bar his small circle of friends. Dash occasionally tries to bluster and act like a tough guy, but his isolation has ruined his self-confidence, leaving him starved for interpersonal contact and validation; you could literally just tell him good job, being a random person on the street, and he’ll act like he won the lottery.
Kwan: An all-around nice guy, Kwan has served as the peacekeeper among his peers for years, even as his parents worried about his behavior taking a turn for the worse if he strayed into the wrong crowd. Kwan is a sweetheart, regularly volunteering at local shelters and charities, as well as soup kitchens, he’s single-handedly done more for the reputation of Half-sides than anyone else. Kwan’s power can essentially be summed up as weaponized Empathy; anyone he comes into direct physical contact with feels the accumulated emotions of everyone their actions have negatively impacted from the perspective of said victims. His abilities are so potent that, during an incident in Middle School, when he attempted to stop a man from assaulting a woman, his mere touch sent the man into screaming hysterics as the sheer amount of pain and suffering he had inflicted to others hit him all at once, literally driving him mad. As a result, Kwan always wears a pair of gloves. ALWAYS.
Well, here’s the basic idea. Let me know what you all think!
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crossdressingdeath · 4 years
Seeing your post about how JYL has a 'ranking system' in her head when it comes to WWX and JC hits so hard, but honestly, the more I read into the Jiang family dynamics, the more I agree. JYL obviously loves WWX, but I don't know if she's capable of putting him above JC. And we see her defending him, and she obviously gives her life for him, but she was also reacting in the moment. Not to speak lightly of her sacrifice of course, but I just feel like there are certain limits to how 1/7
far she's actually willing to go for him. I was initially one of JYL's staunch defenders, and always said that, unlike JC, she didn't have the same amount of political power as him, wasn't in a position to do anything about the Wens, ect. But...I'm starting to question if that's really true. JYL may not have had much direct political power herself, but she was the sister of a sect leader, and even if JC was unwilling to help, JYL had just married into the richest and most powerful sect 2/7
at the time. It was a love marriage, JZX adored her and would've done anything for her if she'd just bothered to ask him for it. Madam Jin also cared for her and respected her, and between her and JZX, had JYL actually bothered to tell them anything, I'm sure they would have been able to sort something out. Or she could have had it as a condition of her marriage - I'm not marrying into the sect that's trying to kill my brother unless you tell your father to stop. Had it been reversed and 3/7
The Lans were calling for JYL and JC’s deaths, no way in hell WWX would’ve just married into the sect, regardless of LWJ’s involvement. Instead she just doesn’t really do anything. We see no proof that she ever tried to see WWX after the wedding dress incident, which — god I instantly saw it as a sweet gesture, but now it just bothers me, because your brother is living in squalor, and you decide to show if the expensive dress that you’ll be 4/7
wearing when marrying into the sect that's trying to kill him, you bring along one bowl of soup for him, and don't even try to explain WHY you're marrying into said sect. Beyond that, we don't see a single moment up until her death where JYL actually seems concerned about WWX, puts in effort to try to see him - she doesn't even ask him how he's doing the one time she does come to see him. When we compare that to how WQ treats WN, yeah, she's outwardly not as loving or sweet, but she 5/7
goes to the ends of the earth for her brother, even going as far as to betray her sect and risk WRH's wrath because he asks her to. And now we come back to that ranking system you mentioned before - yeah, it really does seem like JYL places her blood family first, which definitely hurts, but in comparison, despite only knowing him for a shorter amount of time, WQ truly grows to think of WWX as a second brother. And she treats him as such, at an equal level with WN - after JZX dies 6/7
WQ doesn't attack WWX for what happened. She doesn't try to come up with a way to sacrifice WWX instead and let WN survive in his stead. She and WN, two people who have become WWX's family, both give their lives to protect both him and the rest of their remaining family members. And it's just frustrating to think that the one member of WWX's adopted family who we all thought treated him like an actual brother, might not have really been on his side after all. 7/7
Yes! To start with the wedding dress thing, because it drives me nuts when people treat that like some super sweet act of love: JYL shows up in the Burial Mounds with no money, no sign of having tried to talk the sects around, no news outside of her own, no food beyond a couple bowls of soup (one of which she gives to the guy who can’t eat), and doesn’t so much as ask WWX if he’s okay. She literally came all that way to have a family meal, ask WWX to name the future nephew it’s becoming increasingly clear he’ll never meet, and tell him about her impending marriage into the family that’s currently doing everything in its power to destroy WWX’s life. Like, if you think about it that entire visit is such a slap in the face; “Here’s a bowl of soup while the people under your protection are starving, oh by the way I’m going to marry the son of the guy actively trying to get you killed, okay bye”. All you can say in regards to her helping WWX is that she does potentially manage to persuade JZX to invite him to JL’s one month celebration, but if memory serves the novel never actually specifies whose idea that was and it was JZX who decided to go get WWX after JGY told him about seeing JZXun heading in the direction of the Burial Mounds. And even then JZX does the same thing JYL does; sees WWX outnumbered and surrounded and tells him to stand down. At least in JZX’s case you could argue that the actual fighting hadn’t broken out and JZX probably trusted in his authority to be able to sort the situation out so long as WWX wasn’t actually acting aggressive (or defensive, rather), and he’s also physically strong enough that he may well have been able to intervene if the cultivators had attacked. JYL, when she does the same thing, has no authority and no physical power to defend WWX with. And yeah, both JZX and Madam Jin adore JYL, and neither of them seem super fond of JGS (JZX respects his father, but I don’t get the sense he loves him); if JYL had asked them for help it’s entirely possible they would’ve started at least circulating her version of events and demanding a proper investigation into what happened. But there’s no mention of her so much as trying, and she doesn’t offer to ask them when she visits WWX.
And yeah, compare WQ to JYL and it’s... well. WQ is so quick to offer WWX her love and care? She’s harsh, but she loves him and views him and WN on such equal footing that she and WN willingly hand themselves over to the Jins for WWX’s sake without her so much as bringing up the possibility of saving WN instead. There’s no ranking for WQ; WWX and WN are her brothers, and she loves them, and she’d do anything to protect them. When it becomes clear she can’t save WN (like hell the sects would let him live, and by this point it’s pretty clear that WWX won’t be able to protect them forever) she throws her whole weight behind defending the brother she thinks she might still be able to save, even if it means bringing WN with her to die. WQ knows WWX for... a year or two? Maybe? The timeline is a little hazy. Not long compared to JYL, anyway. And yet she’s willing to walk all the way to Lanling to die in the hope of saving him. It’s for her whole family, yes, but she makes a point of including him. Basically, I think this fandom needs more stuff wherein the Jiangs and Wens survive and the Wens are fully like “Our brother now, you don’t deserve him”.
The thing with JYL is... she loves WWX, she genuinely does, but he is never going to be first for her. To the point where she outright enables JC’s abuse, in places; she always expects WWX to be the one to grin and bear it. Hell, one of their first conversations involves JYL cheerily allowing WWX to cover up JC locking him out of his bedroom and scaring him out into the woods by threatening to set dogs on him! Let me rephrase that: she allows a traumatized nine-year-old to hide the fact that the kid her dad expects him to share a room with locked him out of said room on his FIRST NIGHT and threatened him with his LITERALLY WORST FEAR, and as far as we know makes no attempt to tell JFM herself. To keep JC out of trouble. That is such a thing! WWX was scared to the point of running away and JFM expects him to share a room with the person responsible for that and JYL goes along with him promising not to tell JFM so that JC won’t get in trouble! And from that day forwards everything is just “Boys will be boys” to her. Like, let me put it this way. Before LWJ (and arguably the Wens before that, although WWX saw himself more as protector than protected there) JYL was the person WWX trusted to protect and care for and comfort him above all others, yeah? She’s the one he thinks of as having his back? He doesn’t tell her about JC trying to kill him. JC tries to kill WWX three times before JYL’s death, and WWX doesn’t say a word to her about any of them. You could argue that he doesn’t want to involve her, but... JYL pretty clearly takes JC’s side every time JC starts having a go at WWX. When he chases him out of their room, when he starts snapping about how annoying WWX is, when he stabs WWX... She never outright says it, but there really does come a point where by staying neutral you’re siding with the aggressor, and she reaches that point a lot. Hell, the stabbing is one of those aforementioned near-murders! JC stabbed him! According to WWX (who downplays serious injuries, he never exaggerates them) he had to hold his guts in! WWX is talking about a pretty fucking serious injury (and JYL grew up in a cultivation sect, I don’t believe for a second she doesn’t at least know what constitutes a serious injury) while JC whines about a broken arm like it’s worse than having to physically hold your guts in until you can reach a doctor and JYL acts like those are equal! JC could easily have killed WWX and has enough training with the sword to know better than to go for a blow like that in a staged fight and JYL doesn’t even suggest he should apologise.
Honestly? The more I think about JYL the more it pisses me off that she’s treated like WWX’s best sister more than WQ is. Imagine WQ seeing one brother stab the other in the gut and take the former’s side because the latter broke the former’s arm. Imagine WQ so much as considering allowing a child to cover up the kid he’s supposed to share a room with locking him out and scaring him into running away. She wouldn’t! Because WQ sees her brothers as equals. She won’t pick WN over WWX just because they’re blood siblings; she loves them both, and will choose based on who she thinks is in the right. And she wouldn’t just stay neutral to avoid rocking the boat, oh no. If WQ heard WWX say that WN stabbed him and did enough damage that he had to hold his guts in... oh boy would WN have a bad day. The thing with JYL is that she seems like a good sister in comparison to the rest of the Jiangs; stick canon JYL into a family that genuinely loves WWX and sees him as equal to their other children, and she would not look anywhere near as good.
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aka-ashi-keiji · 4 years
“i can’t hear you”
Bakugou Katsuki x best friend reader
soft angst
tw: screaming, emotional meltdown.
short fic about bakugou and you’re his childhood best friend, and you help him through dealing with his hearing loss. enjoy lovies.
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You woke up to the sound of your mother knocking on your door and yelling, “y/n wake up, you have training today with katsuki. i love that boy but i am not in the mood to deal with his explosive attitude over you being late .” You lived right next door to katsuki all your life and since your moms were best friends, you guys were best friends since you learned how to walk. Every saturday you guys would train from 8 AM to noon in his garage since it was basically a mini gym, and then after you both would head over to your house. You checked the time on your phone on the bedside table and it read 7:50. “SHIT MOM WHY DIDN’T YOU WAKE ME UP SOONER” you yelled as you jumped out of bed and quickly found a black tank top and grey sweatpants to train in. You could hear your mom chuckling as she walked away from your door. You grabbed your headphones, phone, water bottle, and Nike’s before yelling a goodbye and dashing over to Katsuki’s front yard. 
You knocked on his door four times so that his family knew it was you. You were halfway through slipping your shoes on when Mitsuki answered. She yawned and pulled you into a side hug. “Good morning y/n, you hungry?” She asked as she closed the door behind you guys and started towards the kitchen. “No thanks Mitsuki, I don’t like to train on a full stomach. My mom is making a huge lunch though, you guys are welcome to join us.” You said cheerfully, but kept your voice low since it was very early and you could tell Katsuki’s mom was still half asleep. She nodded and then whipped her head to face you wearing a look on her face as if she had just remembered something very important. “Kat has been very on edge lately and not very responsive this week.” She paused before starting again and turned her gaze to the floor, almost as if she didn’t want to talk. “I think it might have to do with his hearing. He won’t admit it, but I think his quirk is finally starting to affect him. Good thing we put him in those sign language classes as a precaution.” she laughed dryly and then turned back to look at you. “Just, take it easy him with the teasing today okay? and maybe try speaking a little louder. I’ll go see if he’s ready” and with that she gathered herself up the stairs and disappeared. 
You thought silently as you waited, and all of a sudden it made sense. Lately at school bakugou has been yelling more than usual, and telling everyone to speak louder. Maybe he was yelling more to be able to hear himself? You didn’t know. Bakugou has been learning sign language since he was 7 years old as a precaution for this and has been regularly signing while he talks since he was 10. So, bakugou using his sign language all the time wasn’t uncommon, but maybe Mitsuki was right. You made a mental note not to say anything until you actually noticed a big change in your guys’ training. You waited patiently for about another 10 minutes before Katsuki finally came downstairs. 
“Hey idiot, nice outfit.” Katsuki greeted you in his groggy morning voice, his hands signing his words lazily. You looked down at the tank top and sweatpants you were wearing and looked back to him, you both were wearing the same exact thing. “Morning pom pom” you greeted back as you gathered your things and started to head towards the garage. You turned around to see bakugou staring into nothing, so you called out. “Hey kat, you coming?” No response. You repeated yourself, but this time loud enough you were sure you woke his dad. He whipped his head towards you and nodded before following along. As you were walking down the hall, you turned to him and asked, “You okay?” while signing your words. Katsuki looked down at your hands and his cheeks started to dust with the lightest shade of pink. He huffed and his red eyes sparked as he just growled out a ‘yeah’ and walked ahead of you into the garage, starting to set up for your session. You yourself had picked up sign language at a young age because your dad was deaf because his quirk was being able to shoot sonic booms from his hands. you pressed the button to open the garage door and let some light in. You then walked over to the speakers and plugged your phone in as you hit play on your playlist specifically for training days. Bakugou stopped setting up the bench press station and yelled, “Can you turn it up? “ as he signed quickly, but then went back to putting the weights together. You turned back to the speaker only to be surprised since the volume was already almost at max capacity. You shook your head and turned the volume all the way up. This session should be interesting. 
It was around 9:30 AM at this point and you and Kat had finished weights and went on a 2 mile run. You were currently sitting on the floor stretching your quads as the loud techno music boomed around you. You glanced over at katsuki who was stretching on the other side of the garage and he seemed to be in a whole other universe. You called out to him, but he didn’t do so much as flinch. You picked yourself up off the floor and slowly walked towards him. You called a few more times and still got nothing from him, so you decided to turn off the music. As soon as you did Katsuki’s head shot up and his eyes darted towards you. “What the hell was that for dipshit? We’re gonna start sparring soon, we need it.” He said/yelled at you while you sauntered over to him and took a seat about a foot away from his now steaming body. You wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of your arm before talking to katsuki, well you didn’t exactly talk with your voice, you were mostly signing. “Katsuki are you sure you’re okay? You’re not responding when I call out for you.” You waited for his response as his eyes stayed on your hands that were once moving. This time he answered, but for some reason he didn’t sign. “If I tell you, you can’t tell a single soul you hear me dumbass? Not even my parents. “ You nodded your head and gently reach over to squeeze his hand four times, your guys’ way of saying I promise. He then began to talk, and signed very aggressively as he did so, and what he said was enough to shatter you into a million pieces. 
 “I’ve been struggling in a way lately,” he started, “I tried to cover it up by just yelling all the time hoping people would just think it was my normal behavior. But, really it was so i could he hear myself.” Katsuki let out a long breath and you could see his hands slightly shaking. “It started out last week as just a slight ringing, but it got louder every damn day. But, this week the ringing got quieter, and eventually everything around me started to sound like I was underwater. “ He looked up at you and your breath hitched, tears rolled down katsuki’s face as he held eye contact. He shook out his hands and took another shakey breath before he began, “I- I can barely hear you y/n! And its so frusturating.” the volume of his voice was rising, and you could see the pain he was feeling through his eyes and the tears that were now dripping down to his shirt. “I can’t hear your fucking voice damnit! It’s the only one that doesn’t drive me up fucking walls.  it terrifies me!” He was screaming at this point as his hands worked through the air to express his words. The tears came at a much quicker pace once he had stopped to breathe, and those tear turned into sobs as he curled in on himself. He tucked his knees to his chest and ducked his head into his arms as they wrapped around his legs. His shoulders and back shook as he cried, and for a moment you didn’t know what to do. You haven’t seen Katsuki cry since you both were 8 years old and he was playing with his quirk and accidently blasted your arm. He started crying as soon as he heard you wail in pain, and the lecture from his mother didn’t help in the slightest. You subconsciously reached up to rest your hand on the scar as you tried to think of what you could say to him.
 Katsuki leveled his head and looked up at you, and slowly reached his hand out, still crying quietly. For a second you didn’t know what he meant, but it soon clicked in your head and you took his hand in yours. you looked at him with teary eyes and signed, “How can i help?” He untucked his legs from his chest and moved closer to you. Then, before you could even register what was happening, Katsuki had his arms around your waist with his head on your shoulder. You froze, it had been quite some time since either of you had needed a hug like this. once your shock had subsided, you brought your hands to rest on his upper back and rubbed soothingly. He began to cry again, which then led to sobs just like they had before. You began to talk, whispering variations of ‘I’m here’ and ‘You don’t have to be scared’, only to remember that he probably can’t hear you. Seeing katsuki as vulnerable as this broke your heart, and single tear fell from your face. Katsuki could feel your jaw muscles moving against the side of his face, so he knew you were talking, but he couldn’t hear you. “I- i- i- I can’t hear! I can’t hear you! Y/n I can’t hear you, fix it please, please I hate this so much!” He screamed into your shoulder which luckily muffled it enough to not draw any attention from the neighbors. He gripped onto your waist tighter as he breathed long and hard breaths. “I’m so scared. I’m terrified of losing you.” He whispered. This had confused you so you gently placed your hands on his shoulders and put a bit of distance between you guys so he could see you signing. “What do you mean you’re gonna lose me? I’m not going anywhere.” You said and waited for his response. He brought his trembling hands up to start signing and began, “I’m scared that if i can’t hear you, I won’t hear you calling me for help when you’re in danger. What kind of hero am I if i can’t even save my best friend?” You took one of his hands in yours and began to sign with your other. “You’re gonna be okay, We’re both gonna get you through this. I know you, and you don’t take shit from no one. And I know damn well you’re not gonna let a little hearing loss get in the way of beating deku.” He laughed slightly at the last statement, and seeing his small smile was like the world coming off of your shoulders. “We’ll take you to the doctor, they’ll help you.” He shook his head at that and his angry glowering returned. “It’s not anything to be embarrassed about. And I’m sure your parents would do anything to help you become the hero you want to be.” You finished your monologue and squeezed his hand four times, promising him you’re not going anywhere. He smiled down at his hand and then brought his other one up to sign, “I love you shithead” and you signed back, “Yeah I know, I love you too Kat”.
 He began to stand up and Katsuki pulled you up with him.  He immediately pulled you into the tightest bear hug possible. No one knew, but Katsuki was the biggest hugger, and it was your favorite thing about him. You released your arms from his waist and he released his hold around your shoulders. You took the sides on his face in your hands, and pointed to your lips as a signal to read your words. He nodded his head, and in a volume Katsuki couldn’t hear, you said, “I can hear you, I can hear you.”. He nodded and smiled the most genuine smile you’d seen out of him in years. “You ready?” he signed, and you answered “for what?”. He smirked and was quiet for a few seconds before shoving you to the side a little and running off towards your house. “Race you!” he yelled, “First one there, is your mom’s favorite you loser.” Kat called again. You smiled and shook your head as you sprinted off after him, remembering this is the Katsuki that will be the #1 hero someday. 
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For prompts :
A big, tall, handsome guy (played by Stephen Amell, obviously) is hitting on Sam at a bar and sams flirting back and Dean's jealous
Thanks for the ask! I know this would never happen in canon but I hc Sam as pan so🥰
Sam hasn't been to the bar in a while, and the last time he tried to flirt with someone was like six years ago. He's been a bit busy with some stuff, like the world ending and all that, so he hasn't really had time to work on his game.
But he didn't really care. He came out here tonight to have a few drinks with Dean to celebrate a successful hunt. Who would've thought the sheriff was the vampire killing everyone?
Anyway, they're on their fourth beer of the night, having a real good time, joking around with each other, but this guy has been staring at Sam the whole time, and it's making him blush slightly.
He could blame it on the alcohol if Dean noticed.
But this guy...he's really handsome. Tall, buff, pretty blonde hair, and Sam can't deny that his stare is making him feel some sort of way.
He wasn't counting on anything else happening, so when the guy got up from his seat and started to walk over to them, Sam had to remind himself to breathe.
The way he was looking at him while walking over was making Sam's cheeks flush, he was definitely checking him out.
Dean finally caught onto what was happening, and rolled his eyes as he saw the guy approaching. Sam decided to ignore him for now. Girls have been trying to hit on him all night, so why should this bother him?
He walked up and flashed the most charming smile at Sam. He didn't want to sound like he was in middle school, but when that smile alone gave him butterflies.
He sat down next to Sam and threw an arm around him. Sam's whole face was basically pink. Sure, Sam was bigger than the guy, but he sure didn't feel like that right now.
"Hey." The guy said, staring at his lips then slowing looking up to his eyes. "What's your name?" He asked. "Sam." Sam replied softly, trying hard to keep his voice normal.
"Pretty name." He draped his arm over Sam's shoulder, moving in closer. "My names Oliver." He smiled and Sam smiled back at him, tucking some hair behind his ear.
"Let's cut to the chase." Oliver said, giving him that big smile again. "You're a pretty guy, how about we get out of here and have some fun?"
Sam definetly looked like a tomato now. He laughed nervously and licked his lips, noticing how Oliver's eyes traced his tongue.
He was considering saying yes, he really was. He hadn't gone out and had fun in a while, he wanted to do something for himself for once. But, he did come out here with Dean, and he's sure Dean wouldn't be too happy about this.
He spared a glance at his big brother and Dean looked quite mad. His lips were pulled into a tight line, his eyebrows were pushing together. Sam got the hint.
He frowned a bit as he looked back to Oliver. "As much as I'd love to, I came out tonight to celebrate with my brother, so I don't think it would be too kind to leave him." Sam smiled apologetically at him.
Oliver's smile faded a bit, but he didn't move away from Sam at all. "Oh come on baby. I'm sure he won't mind." He turned to look at Dean, but he was not having it, Sam could tell.
He slammed his hand down on the table, making Oliver jump slightly. "He said no. Do you not know what that means? N-o. Leave us the fuck alone." Dean spat out very aggressively, and Sam, well Sam was not expecting that at all.
"Dean-!" He started, but Oliver beat him to it.
"Oh so what, you're the boss of him now?"
Dean curled his lip. "No, but he's already said no, and he's not gonna leave me for a desperate bitch like you."
This was getting bad fast, and Sam did not want to get kicked out of the bar because Dean bashed someone up.
He got up and quickly grabbed Dean by the arm, pulling him towards the exit.
"Sorry about that, we'll be leaving now."
Oliver scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Your loss baby."
Sam choose not to answer and continued leading Dean towards the door. Once they got outside Sam pushed him. "What the hell was that for?"
Dean looked at him as if he did nothing wrong. "What do you mean? The guy wouldn't leave you alone!" He gestured with his hands towards the bar.
"Okay, but you didn't need to go so crazy!" Sam complained.
Dean just rolled his eyes and waved his hand. "I didn't even touch the guy."
Sam sighed, they obviously weren't getting anywhere with this.
The drive back to the motel was silent, neither of them wanted to say anything first.
"Look-" Dean started, but Sam cut him off. "No, no. It's okay, I get it, you were just trying to protect me, and that's fine, really. But Dean, I can protect myself." Sam smiled softly at him, to let him know he wasn't angry anymore.
Dean nodded and smiled back. Neither of them really wanted this conversation to go on for any longer, so they stopped it there.
But sooner or later they're gonna have to talk about their co-dependency.
Probably later.
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enkelimagnus · 3 years
Bucky Barnes Gen, 2565 words, rated T
Jewish Bucky Barnes, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Episode 5 Truth
Bucky spends a few days in Delacroix with Sam and his family. On one evening, as they both have a beer before dinner, watching the sun set, they have a conversation about life, about therapy, about work.
TW: US healthcare system and the military industrial complex, mental health
Read on AO3
Part 33 of Making a Home - the Jewish Bucky series
Sam’s family house is more of a home than anything Bucky’s lived in since he was deployed.
It’s warm and luminous, with big windows and light paint on the wood and the walls. There’s a poarch where they all end up sitting at the end of the day, when the sun sets over the bayou. The walls outside are blue and the roof is red. There are crayon drawings stuck with magnets to the fridge and mismatched furniture and containers. It’s been lived in, loved in.
A few days after his surprise arrival, Bucky stops feeling like a blood stain on the tapestry of life of the Wilson home.
Sarah’s nice and warm. He immediately takes a liking to her, and her to him, and he can see how much that infuriates Sam. What can he say? She’s a gorgeous woman, funny and bright and caring and her smile is honestly the kind that probably stopped a few hearts in her lifetime. Yes, she’s his sister, but he still has eyes, and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t at least show appreciation. Besides, she seems to enjoy it. He’d stop the second he’d sense uncomfort.
He hasn't gotten to flirt and be comfortable with flirting in a really long time. It seems to be the same for her. What if they’re just… enjoying the flirtation? And enjoying infuriating Sam? Bucky considers it his duty as Sam’s friend.
Delacroix is unlike anywhere he’s ever been. It’s half an island and half a town. It’s relaxing. And the food… Bucky doesn’t think he’s eaten as much seafood in his life as he had in the past week.
It’s a slow end of day in Louisiana when Bucky and Sam find themselves sitting on the plastic chairs out back, with beers, watching the surface of the water. There’s music playing in the house, the kids are doing their homework.
It’s simple. Bucky breathes in and out, unobstructed.
He hears Sam’s intake of breath and knows a hard conversation is coming from that alone. No, that’s a lie. Sam’s shifted, ten seconds ago. He’s looked between his beer and the water four times in the past minute.
“We haven’t had time to talk about Madripoor,” Sam starts and Bucky immediately tenses.
He’d almost forgotten he’d told Sam they’d talk about that later. Because still, he’s not ready to talk about it. He’s not ready to talk about that part of his past. It’s still an infected wound in him. It’s still hurting. He can’t do it. He’s about to say that when Sam holds up his hand.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” he says, surprisingly. “I don’t need to know shit if you’re not ready to tell.”
Bucky goes back to breathing. It’s a reprieve. Even if one day, Sam might expect him to be ready… it’s extra time. He’s so thankful for it.
“I’ll tell you though,” Sam keeps going. “You need a new therapist. Because if I know one thing, after everything, and what I saw in that precinct? it’s that Raynor’s not working for you. You need better. You deserve better.”
Bucky looks up at him then. Sam is looking at the water, but there is that look on his face. The look of determination, of drive, the look that Bucky knows… there’s no use in trying to go against what he is saying now.
No one has ever told him he deserved better.
He’s told himself that a few times, in the few moments where the clouds parted and he didn’t feel like the worst person in the world.
But he doesn’t think anyone has ever told him that. Even Steve. There was a couple ‘you deserved better’, but they were all in the past tense, all regarding Hydra, not Bucky’s current situation. Because his current situation is good. It’s great, compared to the past seventy years. Maybe even compared to what was there before. Because he doesn’t break his back in the factory during the day and in the docks at night anymore.
He’s so silent and shocked Sam just keeps going.
“And don’t give me bullshit about not needing help or whatever. I know your generation didn’t do therapy but that ain’t gonna fly with me. You deserve a therapist suited to your needs, and I know that’s gonna be hard to find, with your trunkload of decades of trauma, but we’ll find them.”
He says it with such determination, like it’s his new personal mission. He has much better to do than try to help Bucky more than he already has, and yet… Sam looks at him finally, for a long moment.
“Raynor’s not a bad doctor,” he says. “She’s just not the right fit. And that’s not uncommon. We just need to find you someone that’s better. And someone that’s not me. Because I can’t be your friend and your therapist, man. And out of the two, I’d much rather be your friend.”
Bucky’s still staring. He doesn’t know how to handle this. Nowhere in his databank of social interactions is there something that prepares him for this. He’s had long talks with people before, hell, even with fucking Zemo, but this is entirely different and he has no idea how to handle it.
“I’m sure you’re a great therapist,” Bucky says quietly after a moment, before he takes a big swig of a beer.
Sam chuckles, shaking his head. “You do realize I ain’t a therapist right? I’m a counselor.”
“You’ll have to give me the difference on that because we were still using alienist the last time I heard about psychoanalysis,” Bucky points out.
“There isn’t much of one. I guess I’m more about… finding practical solutions for people to deal with their trauma than really knowing the root cause of it. Probably because, since I worked with the VA, I knew what the root was.”
Bucky hums, nodding. That makes sense to him. More than the ‘how does that make you feel’s. “Either way, I’m still sure you’re a great counselor.”
“It ain’t difficult, with your experience,” Sam shrugs, watching him. “You don’t know better, old man.”
Bucky snorts at that, watching the water again. Sometimes, his eyes catch motion, but he’s never sure if it’s wildlife under the surface or just a trick of the light.
AJ and Cass seem to be debating with their mother whether they can finish their homework later, after dinner. Bucky barely knows them, but he already knows it won’t actually get done if they follow their plan. Kids are kids. Bucky’s sisters could never finish their homework after the radio show either. Too distracted, too tired.
He turns his attention back on Sam after a moment.
“Walker is in a bad shape,” Bucky says quietly. “Now, and before Hoskins died too. The second we saw him in Germany, I felt it. That guy didn’t get help.”
Sam sighs heavily. “Yeah. Not enough of them do, when they come back. You wouldn’t, if you weren’t forced to.”
Bucky can’t deny it. “Yeah, but I’m 107.”
If Sam noticed the year added to his age, he doesn’t mention it. At least for now.
“Some of it hasn’t changed that much,” Sam explains. “The army… You know that culture of toughness, right? Gotta be strong, gotta be a man. Can’t cry, can’t show you’re struggling. I’m sure they had that shit too, in your day, probably even worse.”
He’s not wrong. There were a lot of issues in his day but that was part of things. Emotional outbursts that weren’t from anger were frowned upon. Once they got to the war, it was even worse at first, until it started really getting hard. And then there were two options. Either you fucking cry with your buddies, or you end badly. Bucky had Steve, and the Howlies.
“Men like Walker… Because they’re these tough white guys, they’re encouraged to be like that. Aggressive, emotionally-closed off, fight-hungry. They’re the ones that shove you and call you a pussy for not laughing at their frankly horrible offensive jokes. It’s like they think the trauma we all face just won’t touch them. Or that they can’t show anyone it touched them. So they keep it all in. And the only way they get to be… emotional is in combat.”
Bucky nods quietly. They’re worse off than he thought.
It wasn’t good in his day either, but it just feels worse now. It churned and churned and got bigger with every spin, and now it’s all a giant fucked up stick of trauma cotton candy, all twisted in itself and sticking to itself.
“When I work for the SRT… Sometimes I see these kids,” Bucky mumbles. “They’re what? 22? And I ask them why they’re here, you know, try to pass time. And they tell me they enlisted for college. Or healthcare. And it’s…” He closes his eyes. “It’s been eighty fucking years…”
He takes a swig of the beer again, shaking his head. “When the crash hit, in the 30s, things were bad. No one could afford shit, there was polio, there was syphilis… It was really bad. And they made plans. They tried to get healthcare on the way, and they half succeeded. And more than like… two thirds of the population was for it too. And we had basically none of the resources we have now.”
He looks up at Sam for a moment. “It hurts to see… that it’s still… We’re still here. At least on that issue. On other stuff… Rights and all, that’s getting better.” He finishes. “But healthcare… and college…” He shakes his head. “It’s criminal. That’s what it is. It feels criminal.”
Sam bumps his shoulder with his fist, chuckling. “Don’t say shit like that next to journalists, they’ll say the Soviets put communism in your brain along with the murdering.”
Bucky chuckles at that. “Nah. That was all America. Living in it. Dying for it.”
Behind them, AJ and Cass have lost their battle of wits with their mother.
“You happy with what you’re doing?” Sam asks after a moment.
Bucky takes a deep breath. The answer is easy. “No,” he mutters. “But I don’t have a say in the matter. Until they decide I’ve done enough to undo the damage I perpetrated as the Soldier… I’m gonna be clearing Hydra safehouses. And after the shit I pulled with Zemo, I’m gonna be at it for a while longer, I think. But… I was expecting that.”
He can feel Sam’s eyes on him. “You knew what would happen.”
“Yep. On all accounts. With the Dora Milaje, with you, with Walker, with the U.S. government, and the GRC, and everything… Still did it.”
Sam huffs loudly. “Stubborn ass.” He shakes his head. He’s smiling, beautifully, brightly.
Bucky smiles at that. “You know it. Wouldn’t be alive without it.”
The sun is starting to set over the bayou. Every evening, Bucky finds himself thinking he’s never seen anything quite like it before.
“Whatever happens,” Sam points out after a moment, looking down at his empty beer bottle. “You got a couch here. Somewhere to crash. Somewhere to rest. I don’t know what your situation is, up north.”
Bucky sighs a little. “I got a house,” he answers, looking back at him. “A townhouse, in Brooklyn.”
Sam’s eyebrows rise up to meet the descending sun. “Well excuse us, mister.” He teases.
Bucky shakes his head. “It’s not like that,” he starts. Sam looks even less like he takes him seriously. “It’s a former Hydra safehouse,” he adds, and now his friend’s eyes get a little sadder, a little darker. “The army got tired of me taking space in their housing, so the second we raided a place within proper commute distance, they handed it over to me.”
Said like that, it sounds even worse than it actually was.
“It wasn’t like.. Full of Nazi or Hydra shit, or anything. It was just a house. They got rid of the bodies.”
The emotional journey on Sam’s face as he talks is worth a good dozen of sunrises.
“And you live there?” Sam asks. He’s struggling not to let his bewilderment and horror show, but he’s failing.
It makes sense. It sounds like an absolutely terrible situation to be in. It is an absolutely terrible situation to be in. As much as owning a townhouse in Brooklyn can be terrible.
It’s been about four months now since he signed those papers and moved his bag of things into that pretty house with the marks in the doorways and the basement he still hasn’t stepped foot in. And now that he’s been away long enough…
He guesses he kinda misses it.
He doesn’t miss the house in itself, much. He does miss… everything else though. Charlie, Miriam, the neighbor whose name he still doesn’t know, the familiar commute, the Chinese place he gets a lot of very late night food at, the proximity to his childhood streets, the way life feels there. He misses his night jogs in the relative quiet. He misses the weather, and the oven he baked kugel in for the first time.
Brooklyn has become familiar again, in all of its differences with his memories.
And he didn’t even realize it was happening.
“You should come, one of these days,” Bucky shrugs. “I have a couple guest bedrooms.”
Sam punches him lightly in the shoulder. “Fancy ass ‘couple of guest bedrooms’.” He teases and Bucky smiles. “So I’m guessing I should try and find some good therapists for you in New York then,” he adds.
Bucky shrugs lightly. “I feel like… I have some stuff tethering me there.”
Sam’s expression shifts for an instant. “Like the SRT?”
Bucky shakes his head. “Nah. Like my childhood congregation, that somehow still exists, and has a shul not too far from where I live.” He points out.
“Shul?” Sam asks.
Bucky smiles lightly when he looks up at him. A few days ago, Sam spoke of his teetee and Bucky probably made the same face Sam’s making now.
“Synagogue,” Bucky explains. “Jewish temples. Shul’s yiddish.”
Sam makes a small ‘ah’ sound and nods. For a moment, they’re silent again. The noises of the world around them aren’t threatening to overwhelm them though, they’re… comforting. A warm tapestry in the background.  
“You’re Jewish, I take it?”
“No, I’m Mormon,” Bucky replies with the straightest face he can muster before chuckling.
Sam punches him again, a little harder this time. “Come on, dude.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m Jewish.”
That’s the first time he says that out loud in… He’s never said it like that ever. This is the first time in his life that he says it that way. The first time he’s not afraid of the outcome of such an admission.
It’s a heady, wonderful feeling. He never thought he’d ever be comfortable enough to do that. Somehow, he might have Zemo to thank for that. Zemo and his fucking questioning. Not that he’s going to be asking much more questions from the Raft.
He’s Jewish. That’s a truth that doesn’t deserve to be hidden right now. Not when he can carry it. Not when he is strong enough to bear it proudly. He feels like his heart is going to burst with something he cannot name.
“Did Steve know?”
Bucky bursts out laughing.
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floridasimp · 4 years
How they first met their black S/o Dabi, Tomura, and Hawks
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Dabi [Ashtray]
This motherfucker is on a whole new level. 👀
The boldness of this mans is beyond you.
Of course japan have night clubs that you go to every now and than.
Just so you can get drunk, dance, and live free.
In a villain club the heroes don’t even know about.... Like really. 😬
But you didn’t know.
What you were not expecting was a hot sexy villain from across the clubs to be eyeing your peaches 🍑.
Nor did you expect his to place his hands on your hips while his 🍌 rubbed really close.
“Dabi likes.” Was all he moaned before full on grinding.
You were fucking hammer to the brim and didn’t care either.
If you thought those tiktok girls dancing the wap shook their ass hun you should have see yourself.
Dabi that night at the club found a new fetish. . . Big, Black, and juicy girls. The wilder the better.
He also liked digging his thumb inside the softness of your ass. The thought of doing bad things to your body got him hot and horny.
He don’t know what it was. All he knew was that black girls are naturally born as sexy with bodies like that.
He. Wanted. To. Ruin. You. 🥵
And gentle was not a word in his definition.
His only hope was that you could match his sex drive.
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Tomura [Crusty Dusty lips]
He got his legs shot the fuck out. 😂
That’s fucked up to laugh at, but he’s a villain so it’s okay 👌🏾. Right?
He didn’t want anyone who he felt like would be associated with the heroes in anyway.
So... They brought you.
Freshly graduated from a Nursing school exchange student top of her Japanese nursing class.
Trust me you were kicking and screaming, uppercutted Dabi twice, got another guy in the dick. 💅🏾
“Rejected ass Deadpool motherfucker!” You shrieked.
✨ You go girl. ✨
“If you don’t calm the fuck down I’m going to burn you alive.”
Dabi could have sworn you stopped for that split second to cut your eyes at him. Right before all hell broke out.
Tomura was fed up and tried to dusk you.
Bet. You didn’t send your right hook him diagonally and sent him flying back.
If he wasn’t mad he got real fucking mad now.
He succeeded in dusting you.... Is what he would like to say, but that didn’t happen. Cause it didn’t work on you.
You laughed out loud. The sound of his pride shattered into pieces.
Now he got an angry black bitch locked up in his room ready to throw some hands the moment he opens that door. 🙌🏾
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Hawks [Keigo Takami]
Let be honest.
Hawks has a seventh sense for detecting a juicy thick with three C ass.
He saw that butt and was like “Damn, I need that ass.” 👀 and “Thick thighs save lives.”
You’re school was doing a training session with Pro Heroes. Nursing of course.
The only problem is not not many Heroes wanted to pair up with you because..... You’re different.
Hawks. Happily. Obligated.
Maybe this will be her chance to prove stereotypes wrong? Nope.
“Is it true that your people are loud and aggressive?” He asked with balls of steel. 🤨
You can bet your ass he didn’t have a fun time with you. ✨
“That thing you said was so disrespectful.” You smiled (innocently?) I think not.
Normally you would hit him, but you got to represent your fellow black people. 😤✊🏾
He wasn’t aware on how much he fucked up. He was going to find out for the next hour and thirty minutes. 😂
When he was fake drowning you basically said, “My J’s arent worth sacrificing over your life.” Preceds to look at nails. “Sorry boo.” 😙💅🏾
She wasn't even warring Js though.
He tried again.
Only for you to tell him “Just give up and drown.” Maybe possibly pushing his head underwater out of spite. 💀
Hawks - 0, You - 1
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21burritoseavey · 3 years
Slow Down - Chapter 3
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a/n: this one’s quite long folks, i hope you enjoy!
Summary:  Daniel and Y/n are best friends, but like every clique love story lol, Daniel fell for Y/n, though he’s never admitted his feelings because Y/n has a boyfriend. After their exams, the group of friends decide to go on a “California-cation” (see what I did there haha) but Y/n’s boyfriend also tags along. It gets a little interesting and I guess you’ll just have to see how things go…
By 7:30 Daniel received a text from Jack saying, “the guys and I are heading to your place now, with Grayson”. Daniel sent him a quick text back, forgetting that Y/n had invited Grayson to drive down with them in Corbyn’s dad’s old van to the campgrounds. He tried his best to forget about it though and busied himself with gathering all the supplies to his the van. Daniel bent down and lifted the folded tent and placed it in the trunk. As he went to grab the cooler, he heard the familiar voice of his bandmate and stood up again. “Hey dude, how ya feeling?” Asked Corbyn happily. 
“Great.” Daniel said easily, “Thanks for letting us use your dad’s van.”
“No worries. Let’s just hope it doesn’t break down on us. My dad hasn’t touched his truck in years. It was basically covered in dust in the gara-”
“Yeah, okay Corbs let’s hope that doesn’t happen” Daniel said seriously. His eyes wandered straight ahead, landing on Grayson helping Y/n carry her backpack. His lingering gaze had Corbyn asking “you okay man?” and Daniel sent him a reassuring nod before focusing back on the trunk. 
Meanwhile, Y/n and Grayson were still at his car and Grayson was lifting his own backpack from the back seat when he noticed Daniel. In one swift motion, he dropped his bag, slamming it on the ground with a thud and turned to face Y/n. The sudden noise startled her, and she looked up at Grayson with the bright green eyes that Daniel loved. “Why didn’t you tell me he was gonna be here. When you said a friend, I was expecting to see one of your girlfriends not him” Grayson said in a rather aggressive tone and Y/n took a small step back in shock. A small silence devoured the space between them, but Grayson's expectant look didn’t go unnoticed, and Y/n tried to stay composed.  
“Gray...please don’t start this again...he’s my best friend” Y/n replied timidly, afraid that the conversation would spiral again. 
Grayson looked up at her, almost distastefully “Best friend.” he scoffed “I think he’s more than that.” He said to himself while he shut the car door, but Y/n heard. 
“Gray, please, just drop it.” Y/n pleaded. “I’ve told you before there’s nothing going on. Don’t you trust me?” Y/n asked, raising her eyebrows.
Grayson looked up again, his eyes glued to Y/n’s, and he answered with a quiet but stern “I don’t trust him.” 
“Please just try to get along for the week” Y/n sighed tiredly. She bit her lip in an attempt to stay calm, eyes everywhere but Grayson. She finally looked up to see Daniel in the distance, smiling lightly at her with his gentle eyes, the little flares of ocean blue sparkling in the sunlight. Y/n’s pensive look melted into a smile as soft as the pastel colours that painted the morning sky. She slowly walked closer to Daniel, sneaking a glance at Grayson who followed close behind. 
Daniel was nearly grinning eye to eye, and he turned around from the trunk, immediately wrapping his arms around her. Y/n rubbed her hand softly against the material of his hoodie and pulled back gently to introduce her boyfriend to her best friend. 
“I know you’ve met a little before...” Y/n slightly grimaced at the memory, “but Daniel, this is Grayson” Y/n said nervously. 
Daniel gulped, shifting his gaze to Grayson, and continued “Nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you”. 
Grayson looked at Y/n and when she nodded her head lightly, he held out his hand for a shake and said, “Me too. This one always talks about you”, gesturing to Y/n beside him. 
Daniel chuckled lightly as he shook Grayson’s hand, a rosy shade of pink dusted his cheeks. He cleared his throat. “Did you wanna help me put everything else in the back?” Daniel asked, looking at Grayson. He nodded tiredly and walked over to the other side of the trunk to grab the sleeping bags. Y/n smiled lightly as relief washed over her face and went over to the rest of the guys. 
Daniel had avoided eye contact with his best friend’s boyfriend, but when Grayson broke the silence with an awkward “So…” Daniel simply looked up and pulled a tight smile. “So, Y/n’s told me you love the outdoors?” Daniel started.
“Did she now?” Grayson snickered before continuing “yeah well, I’ve been camping basically every year of my life so, I like I guess” Daniel forced a smile in return but took notice of the familiar but most unwelcome tension between them. The awkward conversation continued with plentiful um’s and so’s in between until Grayson asked a question that truly interested Daniel.
“How far is the Surfrider Hotel from the campgrounds?” Grayson asked, looking at Daniel while he lifted the bags into the trunk. 
Daniel looked at him while thinking “Uhh, about 20 minutes.” Grayson thanked him quietly. “You got plans?” Daniel asked, signalling to Y/n who was holding Kobe in her arms in the distance. “Something like that…” Grayson pulled a sly smirk and walked away before anything else could be said. 
Finally, everything was packed and Daniel stepped back to admire his work with a prideful grin, all the backpacks, sleeping bags and supplies fit in the trunk snugly. Though, moments later, Y/n came walking up with his backpack in her arms. “You left this in your room. Zach gave it to me” Y/n chuckled. Daniel sighed tiredly through a smile, raking a hand through the ends of his hair and began to pick up some of the bags to make more room. 
“Here, I can help.” Y/n giggled, shoving Daniel’s black backpack the best she could with her manicured hands. The both of them shared mild laughs before everything sort of fit into the trunk. 
“Oh hey, this must’ve dropped from one of the bags” Y/n bent down and picked up a crumpled, small piece of paper from the ground, slowly lifting it up before Daniel stopped her quickly. 
“No, no!” Daniel panicked before he cleared his throat nervously, just as Y/n’s fingertips merely grazed the folded edge.  “Um...that’s a-a song...I wrote...” Daniel spoke shyly. “Wouldn’t want you hearing it before it’s done.” He spoke as casually as he could, grabbing the paper from her. Y/n giggled softly and nodded her head. Though, she kept her eyes on the paper in Daniel’s left hand. She slightly squinted her eyes and tilted her head to get a better look, and finally noticed the small letters of her name scribbled messily in the middle. Daniel had shoved it back into his backpack before she could see anything else. 
Before any other thoughts could enter her curious mind, Daniel piped up, “Ready to hit the road?” He said with a faintly flushed face. 
“Yeah...totally.” Y/n said hesitantly, pulling a tight smile.
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mothandwolf · 3 years
so tlou3....
I envisioned tlou3 to focus both on ellie and abby; abby in her role at the new firefly location, after everything she’s been through she feels like she can start over and she’s actually hopeful again and more conscious of her actions and unfortunately way more demanding of herself, she’ll take on way too much whether to distract herself or compensate or prove to herself that she was worth making it that far, the firefly facility will come off surprisingly great, with idealistic leaders and hopeful members and abby/lev will get a lot of peace and purpose there in their beginning 
then ellie is alone, I’d love for it to start in Winter and we see how she’s straggling because she has a lot in her head and it can appear she’s aimless or has given up, but she’s really trying to work out what she feels compelled to do, I think of her getting night terrors of her immunity and the virus and I’d love for an element of the virus to be sensory, like how fungi can communicate, it’d be interesting if her immunity has mutated her infection to be able to sense other infected more than the element of Listening but she uses that as her guidepost to go where she feels she has to go, 
and we get to cohesively see abby and ellie on their journey to their own Aftermath and concept of redemption and it can be revealed slowly that this charismatic leader of the fireflys really does want a vaccine. really wants other things with it. and abby, through her desire to be able to be actively supportive of her father’s work is blinded by this leader’s ambition. he doesn’t want a vaccine*, he doesn’t want a cure*, he wants a super serum. and he’s been experimenting on that development with the only individuals fit enough for it: other immune individuals. and slowly abby starts to resistantly piece together why her dad had cut this guy off, why she never knew him, and he views her as his replacement to prove his own ambitions to abby’s dad, 
so now abby has the conflict of feeling like she needs to stop this man, needs to stop this man who reminds her so much of her father, but it’s not the same because he wants something bad... and he’s hurting people, but abby is obviously exhausted from this mindset, so she first tries to manage it, and lev is flourishing but perhaps he says something nonchalantly that’s another aspect abby has to question and it’s all leading up to abby discovering the underground of the firefly base, and finding the experiments, and upon almost getting killed by this hybrid super soldier cordyceps (r.i.p. shredded abby), it stops attacking her, and the leader reveals that he’s able to control it. and she sees the growth on himself, actually corrupting his body, but he’s been immune this entire time which grants him the fungi connection. but she stares at him and he looks insane and she knows all he wants actually is to infect the world with this hybrid virus and it can shine a light (pun) that the cordyceps present has achieved sentience.... or it’s this human’s ambition blinding him. bit of a guesser there they don’t have to pick. humanity, nature, it’s all good.
(there’s like, three different new infected enemies right there like immune individuals infected where the hybrid doesn’t take, the controlled hybrids, and then the defective controlled hybrids idc)
and abby manages to get out of there. and on her break-down stagger outside the facility she runs into. ellie. but only when there’s firefly guns on her. and abby freezes because trauma~ and ellie sees her and freezes because trauma~ and abby does something neither of them expect and says wait. I know her. and vouches for ellie.
and the way it’s shown, you don’t know whether abby is so conflicted with all that’s happened, does she want to give ellie to this place? knowing she’s immune? knowing what it would do to her? that’s what she wanted for so long, and even longer when you splinter abby’s drive towards avenging her father, and right when you think it’s a trap, and ellie still isn’t entirely present emotionally, like she doesn’t care if it’s a trap but more so she feels so compelled (her cordyceps nature or her joel nurture who knows! wink) to be here that if she dies here then maybe she always was supposed to, even before she got infected, didn’t she really just want* to die* for the fireflys*? so right as they’re checking ellie in, it’s like ellie is about to reveal to them that she’s immune, and abby speaks for her. and abby says nothing about immunity. 
and you see them both just stiffly unknowingly watch each other, not knowing how the other is reacting but waiting. and watching. and each caught up in their own thoughts. and abby quickly tells ellie, no she just needs to tell the Leader* obviously, it’s just too dangerous, while abby knows of the immune experiments, ellie still believes she’s the only immune person, but ellie listens. 
and for the shortest bit of time abby is just observing ellie, because she actually knows that look ellie has in her eyes, she knows that brokenness after vengeance, so it’s not an instant trying-to-kill-you reunion but a surreal kinship that feels awkward and way too complicated and actually better off avoided, and abby has lev and of course he invites ellie into their group and they talk a little bit and lev would mention it and abby is just. seeing the person ellie is. and ellie is seeing the person abby is.
and abby goes up in the ranks and oddly it’s like ellie is trying to have her own pre-immunity restart and she’s just proving to everyone how capable she is and boof, team scouts, and then the leader maybe puts deliberately puts ellie in danger because he’s looking for original clicker vs controlled clicker and figures the new recruit is just neater to experiment on and he secretly infects her but ellie. and he just sits there grinning. abby did tell him how good friends they were. and ellie because of her own cordyceps, kinda... feels something is off about this man. but doesn’t know about her mutation so she ignores it. and ignores the fluctuating presences of infected beneath the building. (cos she’s exhausted too!!!!)
so now because of the infection that’s further worsening to his denial, he’s even more paranoid and aggressive. and wants to essentially set a scene where ellie is viciously attacked by infected and abby just stumbles on this, and he’s surprised, and ellie’s surprised, and abby’s surprised, to watch as abby scrapes and tears to save ellie from this. (whether to keep her secret or y’know. save! that! lost one!) she saves her a little too hard. and then boom. awkward conflict tension that ellie had when she saved abby in tlou2 and abby is like. I didn’t save you because -- and basically lets slip that this leader is infected and immune and experimenting and then ellie reacts to believe that abby was trying to trick her or some melodrama like that idc, that abby wanted her final act to ellie would be to corrupt ellie’s immunity* and it’s this dumb weirdly familial fight of “you don’t understand!” storming off crap, and lev just looks at abby like .... “well go after her”
(and I’m sorry but the leader takes lev and deliberately infects him to win abby back to his idea that this hybrid can cure, and woo. doesn’t work. this adds another “..fuck” pain to abby because like. wouldn’t she have done everything to save lev from this had she known and guilt there but also an underlining joel recognition. that that is why, emotionally why, he did what he did, because ellie would’ve died and what if it didn’t even work) and there’s a failsafe for the island to blow up because of all the crazy infected they just. keep there. so it blows and ellie/abby end up on a boat away and ellie is able to sense the leader and his hybrid horde he controls and then it’s ellie looking out for abby and abby being able to recognize that although resist it at first and it’s just this unfolding dynamic of we have done so much fucked up shit to each other but can we actually stop something worse with each other. 
and it ends with ellie almost jumping to sacrifice herself, or try to take control of the horde and that’d be a fun mechanic of like. using the mutation to sense and reroute infected and being able to upgrade it enough to make clickers think you’re an ally instead? and the inner turmoil of ellie tapping into the infection and all of the grief it gave her to try to utilize it............mwah
and abby just stares at ellie like. she believes in her. and why doesn’t she believe the man who reminds her of her dad, why does she believe the girl* who reminds her of... herself. and there’s just so many different emotional components weaving together , and new ellie cordycep mutation mechanic and new hybrid bad guys that mean you have to be hyper hyper aware of your surroundings in relations to where the controller of the infected is or whatever idc and ellie having to explore her immunity and her conflict with her purpose and guilt and abby’s hope having to be realized it has to keep growing itself.
that humanity and the chances we give each other to keep going, keep trying, keep protecting, and keep caring, is worth it. that our lives aren’t just a perilous part 1 or a traumatizing part 2, but we deserve to see it through to our restorative part 3. 
also I just really want them to keep helping each other and just staring like. “this doesn’t mean I like you. it just means I need you. don’t make it weird. here I got you some water.”
whether or not ellie/abby die at the end I’d prefer they didn’t, or they’re just laying there naruto/sasuke style like “we made it this far.” “yeah. we did.” because the fact they’re really just the same just at different points in their life hits me like a train. their humanity bringing out humanity bringing out humanity bringing out humanity. 
maybe abby beats the leader’s hybrid horde and ellie beats the leader by cross-control the cordyceps but starts to lose it to the sentience of the cordyceps and abby is standing there like. fight it. you are you. fight. it. you don’t give up. you’ve never given up. don’t start now. you don’t get to fucking tap out before this all ends. and ellie opens her eyes like. weakly says. “you just like to hear yourself talk, wolf” 
and maybe idc because ellie had been experimenting with sensing and influencing other infected it’s less corruptible than the leader who deliberately infected himself idc whatever 
(gratuitously I also want ellie waking up to abby and abby made sure ellie survived and boom magic happy ending idc but outside abby’s dad and joel’s ghost are just standing there smiling goodbye)
and abby just looks at ellie and ellie looks at abby and it’s like. no one else will have to go through this. we (the children of this traumatized world) are. the last of us. and they smile, crying.
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samwritesforyou · 4 years
Booked (pt.2)
Summary: you decided to go grocery shopping since the amount of people in your house significantly grew and diego keeps you company. after that crazy hargreeves family prompts you for a beach trip?
Warnings: gender-neutral reader
Wordcount: 2.1k
A/N: this fic is making me feel things, i cant quite place it. like... whenever i write it i feel weirdly at home?? idk :D feel free to share your thoughts either in tags or comments! its Very appreciated and motivating, actually! have a lovely day! <3
part one can be found here!
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“Okay but if we kill them, nobody will have any questions, will they? We just bought a house and they moved somewhere far away!” was the first thing you heard, as you have awakened from your “nap”, deciding to keep your eyes shut just for a moment longer, not to lose it again.
“Five!” seems like everyone else said that in unison, grunting and groaning.
Okay, they don’t want to kill you. That’s great. You think it’s safe to open your eyes now.
You were laying on the king-sized bed upstairs, all siblings huddled up around you, watching intensely.
All the chatter between them came to a stop when they noticed that you woke up.
“So.. you’re like all superheroes or something?” you said tiredly, despite feeling rested.
Your mind still felt fuzzy from that info, hearing about such thing only from the tv series or sci-fi genres.
“Guess so,” Luther piped up, shrugging his massive shoulders and offering you a small smile.
Your eyes slowly drifted towards the kid standing by the frame of the bed, wearing a serious expression.
He sighed and frowned at you.
“To be clear, I’m not a kid and I’m actually older than all of you here. I’m a time traveller and I witnessed more in my life than any of you,” his passive-aggressiveness was directed at you, but by the choice of words it felt like he was talking to everyone who was present in the room, “There’s going to be an apocalypse by the end of the summer and our job is to stop it. We failed once, but we won’t fail twice. We rented this house, thinking it would be a good place where we can practise our powers without anyone interfering with us, so please,” his face turned into an exaggerated, wide smile, “don’t get in our way nor mention it to anybody. Thank you,” and as he finished his angry monologue, the blue colour filled the space around him as he disappeared in the thin air, right in front of your eyes.
Hm. Okay?
Only two seconds passed after that, when another sibling started talking to you.
“And I can talk with the dead!” he said happily, spreading his hands in the air like so monk preaching.
“We have a dead brother who’s named Ben and one day I will definitely let you two meet once I learn how to properly conjure him,” he concluded, very pleased with himself.
“Hi, Ben,” you just said with a warm smile on your face, somewhere into the air next to Klaus.
He literally cooed at your action, coming over to you and giving you a quick hug with a pat on the back.
“Okay, maybe we can reveal all our powers later, but let’s leave (y/n) to rest a bit, alright?” Allison proposed, rushing everyone out of the room and then just sparing you a wave and an apologetic smile, closing the doors and leaving you alone.
Maybe you can get used to all this madness. To this family.
You really rested after that.
A room had a roof-window, so laying on that bed allowed you to look up at the sky and lazy, white clouds that every so often rolled along with the blue background.
Soon enough you heard muffled chatter downstairs, this old house being absolutely the worst in being soundproof.
It all reminded you of simpler times, actually, no matter the crazy circumstances.
But enough was enough, and closer to the middle of the day you managed to get out of the bed and descend to the first floor by the wooden stairs, looking around.
Suddenly it seemed quiet.
You shrugged at that and just made your way towards the door, energetically jumping down the few stairs from the veranda and felt your feet hit the hard tartan surface.
Since it was six (plus one spiritually) more people than you were used to having in your home, you decided it was only logical for you to go and buy more food into the local store.
You almost reached the gate to go outside of your property as you heard some fast steps behind you, catching up to you.
When you turned around, you saw a man with longer hair and almost expression on his face.
“Uh... hey, you’re going somewhere?” he asked, brushing the back of his neck.
“To the market, why?” you asked, tilting your head sideways at him.
“Well.. don’t laugh, but I wanted to jog a little, but got concerned that I might get lost..” the end of his sentence was almost inaudible already as he lowered his voice, “so.. mind keeping me company?”
That kind of surprised you and as you slowly realised the meaning of the said words that came out of his mouth you bit the inside of your right cheek *hard*, just not to laugh.
What a silly guy. Getting lost in this hole?
But sure, why not keep him company.
“Be sure to catch up with me though,” you teased as you basically broke into the run, opening the gate and hopping straight onto your bike and starting pedalling really hard to get as far away from him, finally bursting out laughing at the significant distance.
“What?!” was the only thing you heard from him and then you felt the breeze from the hot summer air caressing your cheeks as you were passing your neighbours in the well-known road.
“You seem happier than usual today, darling!” some granny said to you from her garden and you just waved in reply with a huge grin plastered on your face.
After spending last years of your youth more or less alone, you couldn’t even phantom the thought of people your age living with you for the eternity of one summer.
You could never complain about a life you had here, it was all you ever wanted, but the connection with the people of the similar age to you was really lacking sometimes.
And the absolute joy that was washing over you right now was the witness.
You slowed your pace after some time, pretty soon being followed by jogging Diego, beads of sweat rolling down his muscular hands.
Your gaze lingered for a second longer than necessary and you quickly tore it away from him, a slight blush creeping on your cheeks as you now looked straight ahead of you at the road.
“I’m not the best runner, but also not the worst, hun,” he said between the breaths as you continued your ride/walk and you just smiled.
“Pretty decent, I’d say,” you finally stopped at the market’s “parking lot” where there were two spaces for cars and at least a dozen of handles for bikes.
You put yours into one of them, not even bothering to lock it. Everyone knows each other here and everyone knows you.
A young person in the village mostly consisted of people in retirement.
“Alright, what do we have here,” said Diego as he followed you into the store that reminded him of something out of the 70s, really old school design and brands that he never heard of before.
“Everything is mostly homemade here,” you answered, making your way towards the fridge with cold drinks, opening it and throwing him a cola can, “except these bad boys.”
“Hell yeah,” he smirked and then looked around, but his gaze kind of kept wandering back at you, while you were too busy picking the right type and amount of groceries.
Why would you live here all by your lonesome?
“So..” you finally heard him say, as you checked out and we’re both putting the groceries into the deep basket on your bike, “you seem pretty chill with us being.. abnormal.”
You briefly looked up at him when your fingers accidentally touched between the cans of soda and glasses of milk and then your hand moved the other way, eyes too.
“Well.. who’s to say what’s normal and what’s not in this world, honestly?” you jumped on your seat when you were done with loading and started your ride back.
“I know,” he agreed, jogging way less intensely now as your pace appeared much slower, “but seven siblings all having some weird shit powers is... kind of crazy, don’t you think?”
That made you nod, “Yes, of course. But still, I’m not too baffled about this. What are the odds that a village person like me would even get into a situation like this?” you asked rhetorically, gaze fixed on the rocky-sandy road ahead, “You should accept life as it is! Confusion and denial are a waste of time,” you concluded and extended your left hand as you were driving past an apple tree and managed to rip two fruits at the same time, offering one to Diego - all while still riding a bike.
“I have my superpowers too,” you laughed a little and winked at him, making him flustered as he tried to hide it by biting into his apple.
“What do we have here?” Klaus welcomed both of you at the entrance to the summer house, topless and in a skirt.
“We just bought some groceries since we’re capable of eating the whole fridge out in a day,” Diego deadpanned as he - despite your protests - unloaded your bike storage and went into the house to put the bags there, his arms showing extra muscle that’s normally hidden when his body is relaxed.
Your stare lingered for longer than necessary and Klaus *definitely* picked upon that.
“Darling, if you want to get Diego, be a bit more straightforward with him. He’s a dum-dum,” with the last word he knocked on his own head with a finger and rolled his eyes, giggling playfully afterwards and smacking you on the shoulder.
You defensively did the same, blushing and looking anywhere but at Diego nor Klaus.
Hmmmm, such interesting trees you’re having at your own garden all of the sudden.
“But hey, we’ve all decided that before we start training for the inevitable doom of us all, we would take a break for at least a few days and just go to the beach. When we were coming up we noticed the sea behind all the forests, like.. four kilometres from here?” he looked at you with question, “Have you ever been to the beaches there? Could you guide us?”
You gave it thought only for a brief second and then nodded with a confident smile.
“Sure! I haven’t been there in a year or two but the beaches are still the same, I bet,” you answered and put your hands on hips in a cool posture.
“Thank god!” he impulsively hugged you and let go that instant, “otherwise Five said he wouldn’t let you go with us,” he pouted and then sighed, making his way towards their rusty turquoise-ish car.
You followed him, his words piquing your interest.
“Why does he hate me so much? And why is his name Five?” you narrowed your eyes, plopping yourself on the front seat and sat sideways so you could look at Klaus while talking to him.
“Well, darling...” he started, animatedly throwing his arms in the air, “Five was always a strict man, especially after he came from the future, where he spent like billion years and now he’s 50 year old and always shoves this fact into our young baby faces,” he clearly complained and with annoyed expression continued, “and he’s Five because my name is “officially” Four, but Five was the only one of us who disappeared from the house before our dad even bothered to give us names instead of numbers,” he finished but then remembered and continued, “Actually, it was our AI robotic mom Grace who gave us names,” now he was finished, from somewhere materialising a bottle in his hand and taking a sip from it.
“Anyways, beach trip, babeyyyy!”
“Huh..” you just blinked a few times at him as you heard a hoard of different voices going your way.
You wanted to get out of the car to let them sit however they wanted - you were the odd one out after all - but then they all hoarded in there so quickly that you couldn’t even react, being left in the front seat.
Driver’s seat next to you was empty for now.
As you looked back, Klaus was sitting right behind you, next to him Vanya and on the other side Diego, looking out the window.
Behind them was supposed to be a storage area but they apparently turned it into some diy seats as well, Luther and Allison sitting there, not minding the small space.
Soon the blue sort-of-teleport appeared next to you at the driver’s place and Five briefly threw his gaze at you, swiftly starting the car.
The whole inside of the vehicle roared and you were on your way towards the beach, with you as a main gps they had.
Lovely taglist: @radcloudenthusiast @spacenerdpascal @white-wolf-buckaroo @a-girl-who-loves-disney  @undead--ghost​
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songbirdseung · 3 years
Typical Love Triangle
Pairing: Reader X JK feat. Chan
Word count: 1.3k
Rating: K+ could get a little bit explicit?
Genre: Fluff, Established Relationship
Warnings: Just the hit of reality at the end that this is just a fanfiction
Summary: Basically Bang Chan and Jungkook fight over your sexy self
A/N: i love you :))))))))
Another night, another party. A night to get drunk and wasted, to have so much fun that you’ll forget all about it in the morning. With the shots you’ve taken, you already feel the headache you’ll induce in the morning after. As you clinged onto your friends, having the time of your life, you failed to notice two pairs of eyes watching you from across the room. Jungkook and Chan, your good best friends that just happen to like you more than a friendship way.
Eventually you scanned the room and your eyes landed on Jungkook staring you down, not being able to hold eye contact, you broke eye contact and continued to scan the room, eyes soonly catching the gaze of Chan. The whole time, Jungkook followed your eyes, and his own ended up landing on Chan, who was also looking at you. The two males never went along, since fighting over you disregarded any similarities they had with each other. Despite them having almost the same personalities, they never gave it a shot when you came along.
Throughout the night, you couldn’t enjoy it as much as you please as you continue to feel those eyes looking at you, as if an eagle eyeing it’s prey. “Are they still looking?”
“Yeah, and it’s creeping me out, you sure you can walk home alone?”
“Dude they obviously want to get into your pants”
“Go with Jungkook, like cmon, easy peasy”
“Nah she should go with Chan, he’d treat you right”
Without having any interest in your friends’ conversation, you looked back at the two males, who started fighting over you. Rolling your eyes, you turned your back and faced your friends to excuse yourself for a while. You walked outside the house and went to the backyard, just to get some piece of quiet. After a while, you heard footsteps getting close to you. “Whoever you are, please leave me alone” Even your back facing them, they still heard the disappointment and coldness in your voice. “You know I can’t do that carrot, especially when someone wants you as much as I do” It was Jungkook, he always called you that nickname, you learned to love it. As he sat next to you, sinking his feet into the pool just like you did.
“What are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to hang out with you, plus to make sure he doesn’t ruin my night”
“You guys are like little kids, I swear”
“Well, I’m sorry for making your night uncomfortable”
“It’s fine, there’ll will be more parties”
The rest of the party was successful, you stuck with Jungkook, your friends, and his friends. Here you were sitting at the table with his friends, joking around, telling stories, while being drunk asf. Jungkook’s tatted arm around your waist kept you warm as you were shivering in your bodycon dress. “Are you sure you don’t want my jacket?” you shook your head and continue to tell him the same thing you keep telling him the whole night. “No koo, it is fine, you might get cold” He shook his head and removed himself from you to take off his jacket and put it on you. “If i do get sick, I know you’ll take care of me, which equals more time with you”
Now you are probably asking, where is Chan. Well, he’s with his friends, but still eyeing you and Jungkook. The other man with you took notice of this and suddenly from a far he spoke out. “Chan, dude can you stop staring at my girlfriend?” The recipient choffs at Jungkook and gets up to sit right next to you. Your friends watched your expression fall from joy to uncomfortable as you were stuck in between two men speaking aggressively at each other. “Can you guys not do this right now, you are clearly making her uncomfortable, do you really think she’ll choose any of you when you both act like that? Grow up” Namjoon broke the two boys up and you let your best friends take you away and back to your car. Tonight was a rollercoaster, you wished it ended with happiness and utter joy but instead, you ended up being dizzy and all you wanted to do was cry.
“Hey hey, no crying, you shouldn’t be crying over them”
“I don’t like them fighting over me, I’m not worth it” Right then and there your friends wanted to slap the drunk out of you. “You are amazing, do not ever say that. You are literally the best person I ever met okay”
“The way to stop this, is to choose one”
“I do not want to do that”
“Didn’t you like Jungkook ever since 2017?”
“Still, I don’t want to hurt anyone, why don’t I just chose none”
“Girl, I love you but you say you don’t want to hurt anyone but by that option you hurt two and be left single” As your friends drive you home, you cried and kept complaining the whole ride. Meanwhile, still at Jungkook’s house, the two males ended up throwing punches at each other. As you can visualize, the two groups tried to separate them and try to get them to stop.
In the next few days, you found yourself at JYP entertainment making sure that Chan was okay. You sat behind him on the couch watching him produce some songs for the next album. “I just wanted to say sorry for that one night, Also i will be happy no matter what and no matter who you choose” Chan gets up from his chair to sit next to you, making sure he has all your attention. “It’s okay, if you choose him, I saw the way you looked at him when you guys are together”
“Yeah, of course you did, you kept eyeing me down that night”
“Hey! Don’t- don’t tease me about that” Flustered Chan was your favorite, you loved Chan, he was a great listener and really sweet. You could spend you whole life with him, but the thing is, you wanted Jungkook. Whatever you felt for Chan was incomparable to what you felt for Jungkook.
“Chan, I am sorry-”
“It’s not me, is it?”
“There’s just something between me and him, I’m sorry”
“No, don’t apologize, just promise me one thing”
“Invite me to the wedding okay?” After a few hours, it reached night time and it was time to go home, Chan wanted to spend more time with you one last time, cause he knew he’d probably not get to see you as often. Driving back home, you decided to stop by Jungkook’s place. Knocking on the door, you heard his footsteps approach the door. Surprised by your sudden appearance, his eyes widened and asked you to come in.
“Carrot what are you dong-”
“It’s you Jungkook”
“What do you mean?”
“I love you bozo” You watched his lips form into a smile, that beautiful smile that you loved so much. He said nothing for a while, only bringing you into his embrace. “I love you more carrot, thank you so much, I’ll never let you down, If i do you can cut my d1ck off”
Throughout the night, Jungkook pleaded for you to stay overnight, you obliged. So here you were in one of his oversized shirts, cuddling up in his bedroom. Laying next to him with your head on his chest listening to your heartbeat, the least thing you expected was him being turned on. You felt his hands roaming your body, praising you and every single body part his hands landed on. “Please do not be insecure, you are so beautiful, You know what? I’ll be here every step of the way, I’ll be here for the journey of you loving yourself”
“You are so corny”
“Well then, fuck you, carrot”
The end, the rest is up to your imagination, love yajungkoo
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datawyrms · 4 years
Prove it with one hand behind your back
Dannymay day 12: Gloves There is reference to the events in Hypothesis, but can be read stand alone. Now Ao3′d “Uhhh, Danny?” Jazz called up the stairs, laundry basket under her arm.
“What? I’ll get my stuff when it’s dry!” Her brother yelled back down, apparently not interested in leaving his room so they could speak semi-normally.
“Normally it would be my duty as your sister to throw your wash on the floor. Were you aware your laundry is glowing?”
Her frazzled brother appeared at the stairs then, taking them two at a time. “Geeze Jazz, tell the whole neighborhood why don’t ya?” he hissed as he passed.
“Mom and Dad aren’t here, and you’re welcome.”
“Obviously. Jerk.” he made an exaggerated frown at her before ducking into the washer, dragging out handfuls of the expected tee-shirts and jeans followed by an impressive amount of mismatched lightly glowing gloves.
“You’re taking trophies now?” she raised an eyebrow, unsure what to make of it. Not a single one had a pair, and none of them were even his ghost form’s hazmat gloves. Quite a few of them looked rather elaborate, some very interesting embroidered patterns making it obviously not something of her brother’s making. Delicacy was not his strong suit.
“Huh? No! These are-” he paused, taking a breath as he covered the glowing handwear with several shirts. “You remember that whole Sam got dragged to the ghost zone because Aragon’s an idiot thing?”
“The self important dragon shapeshifter with some serious hangups and anger issues?”
“Yeah, that one.” he nodded, rubbing at his chin. “Did I mention Dora sort of knighted us for helping drive him out of power?”
“No, but I’m pretty used to you leaving out important details by now.” Jazz smirked as her little brother rolled his eyes.
“It was nice of her and all but apparently they have a sort of tradition in her Kingdom? Where to show you’re worthy of joining the Queen’s guard you challenge one of the newest knights to a duel.” Danny paused to fish out one of the gloves. “Giving over a glove is basically how they ask for that duel. All very formal, I’d write it down if I could explain how I know without completely blowing my cover.”
“So you’ve got a bunch of medieval ghosts throwing gloves at you and wanting to duel...and you decided to wash them. At home.” Jazz crossed her arms. “Seriously?’
“Where else was I gonna do it? I thought they’d make decent proof so show Dad ghosts have society and rules.” He paused, throwing the glowing thing back under his regular clothes. “Then I remembered there’s no way I could explain how I got these. So now they’ll just smell nice in Sam’s closet or something.”
“Your closet a little too risky this time?”
“Nope. All of these belong to Sam. She’s the one getting all the challenges, not me.” he glanced down at his basket. “I think she named some of these.”
“It’s it a little unfair for a ghost to fight a human? That goes against the whole honourable and fair thing it seems to be going for.”
The half ghost grinned. “That’s what they think! Challenged gets to set the rules, and it turns out ghost knights are really, really bad at adjusting to ground only combat.”
Jazz blinked, the part that had been bothering her clicking into place. “Wait, so there’s that many because you’re still the newest knights?”
“Wasted every single challenger. I keep trying to convince them they’ll have a better shot against me, but noooo, they insist on trying to best the ‘breathing banshee’.” he shrugs. “Most of em would absolutely wreck me in a proper fight, I don’t usually need to fight ‘fair’ or anything.”
“So why don’t they go after Tucker? Getting all the way out here for a tradition can’t be easy.”
“He still insists he’s Friar Tuck. You don’t swordfight the clergy. None of them have actually called him on it, so maybe he is?” his brow furrowed, thinking on that. “Maybe I should ask Dora that sometime. Find out if we need to worry about some ghost pope later. Would not want to be the guy who punched the dragon queen’s ghost pope.”
Jazz couldn’t suppress a snort, easily able to picture such a mishap. “A year ago if you said that I’d say you should be committed. Now I’m just nodding along.”
“Even if you were saying it now, I’d get out.” A wicked grin accompanied a flash of green eyes.
“Very funny, dork.” Still, the idea was worth thinking about. “Well I can see why you wanted to try using them as proof.” The project was rather important to Danny, seeing as it was his best shot to get their parents to re-evaluate their ‘ghosts are mindless’ stance. “Maybe you could get Tucker to film a fight? Sam keeping ‘contaminated’ gloves wouldn’t seem that weird, and the variety can prove it’s not just one ghost mindlessly repeating the same behaviour.”
“I’d still be stuck explaining how Sam became ‘Sir Manson’ in the ghost zone. Which seems like a disaster waiting to happen.” his shoulders sagged. “They’ll think I made it up or Tucker did some video editing.”
“I still think it’s worth trying. Sam’s got a rich family, you could probably think up an excuse that she’s practically ‘royalty’ and that’s why they come.”
“Eh. Maybe. Don’t tell Sam but I’m giving the challengers tips now. The sooner they stop coming, the sooner I can stop getting all antsy about a ghost attack where I find out it’s another steel welding glove thrower.”
Jazz set her shoulders, determined to get some of that humour back in her dispirited sibling. “Use that. They owe you if you help them out, don’t they?”
“Well, I guess they do. Like I’ve had them tell me stories about what it’s like for them, if they remember stuff or have always been ghosts, they’re pretty chatty to a ‘fellow of the sword’...but it’s all stuff I write down. I can’t prove a ghost told me. I can’t film it, or have Dad listen in. The second they call me ‘Sir Phantom’ I’m toast.”
“He said he’d at least listen to what you found, right? It can be a starting point, and if you have some really specific detail it’s less likely that you made the whole thing up.” she stopped to ruffle his hair. “That, and if you were going to make something up, you’d have some star ghosts or ecto-aliens.”
“I would not!”
“Yes you would. And you’d draw them little space ships and everything.”
“...Okay maybe I’d make up some ships.”
“A lot of ships. With long complicated names. With scientific reasons for those names. Cus your my dorky little brother.”
“Well you’re my nagging big sister. You get to be the black hole equivalent.” 
“Just don’t give up on the idea so quickly, okay? It’s a good one, and it really can’t hurt too much to try.”
A small smile returned as he elbowed her “Careful, or they’ll think you’re being influenced by ghosts too.”
“It’s not like their theories can have any more concrete proof than yours does. What are they?”
“Dad thinks ectoplasm naturally ‘homes in’ on stuff over here, and that’s how they’re finding the portal.” he closes his eyes, foot kicking at the floor. “He’s got this box thing? A lot of box things with different kinds of ectoplasm to see if they move towards ‘our world’ over time. I keep forgetting it’s floating right next to the portal and almost kick it.” his face turns into a grimace. “Dad thinks ‘that ghost kid’ is messing with his experiment on purpose now, so that sucks.”
“Well you could mess with it on purpose, that would be intelligent.”
“Nope. That would be the ‘natural aggressive action’ towards human materials. Tried it.”
“What’s mom’s hypothesis then?”
“That the portal always being here makes this part of Earth more ectoplasm rich so they’re drawn to enter here instead.” he waves a hand. “She’s half right? I don’t think strong ghosts can go all that long without ducking back home to recharge. She’s using the frequency of ‘higher level’ ghosts as proof that they ‘need’ a certain level to function outside of the ghost zone.”
“Another theory you’re accidentally stomping all over.”
“Since they almost never spot ‘Phantom’ going back to the Zone, yeah. I apparently account for ninety four percent of all ghost sightings. Yet only three percent of that is being spotted outside of a fight. Which sounds really bad! No wonder they think I only think about fighting other ghosts.” he rubbed at the back of his head. “I think she plans to test that by uh. Sticking a ghost in a place with no ectoplasm to see how long they hold out, if at all. So I’ve kinda been...making sure she can’t do that.” he swallows, his glance towards his sister more timid than anything. “It'd be a really, really nasty way to die. From what I heard.”
“Good for you. She’ll thank you once you prove that sort of thing would be unethical.”
His frown didn’t move. “If I prove it. So far I’ve just proven they really don’t like that ghost kid.”
“From what I’ve heard you’re the one with the most solid proof. Once you’ve shown everything you’ve collected, then you could try convincing them to see for themselves you aren’t making it up.” Jazz urged, not wanting to watch her little brother give up again.
“Even if I could convince Dad to come in the specter speeder with me we’d scare most ghosts off. The ones we don’t might want to beat me up, or not use a name I can’t explain away.”
“Sam gets to set when one of those challenges happens right? Invite him to one of those.”
He blinked. “...I guess that might work. If Sam made it clear that they couldn’t say my name under any circumstances. There’s one lady who keeps coming, insists she’s going to be the one to get to succeed after ‘Slapping Sir Manson with her glove’, she might be down for that…” he caught the weird look Jazz was giving him. “Oh. Apparently if you’re rivals hitting the person with your glove is ‘provoking your betters’ into a fight? So it’s a respect thing? I don’t really get it. Sam thinks it’s great, which I didn’t see coming but I didn’t think we’d still be having ghost knight fights either.” he let out a breath. “I’m rambling again.”
“You know, if Mom and Dad could see how you talk about this stuff they’d know you aren’t making it up. Looks like ghost research does run in the family.”
Danny rolled his eyes. “I’m a ghost hunter if anything. It’s just nice being able to chat instead of fight sometimes. The ghost zone is pretty neat. If you know, half the stuff in there wasn’t trying to skin me alive.”
“I still think you have a good shot. You know it’s true, so they’ll have to see it given enough time.”
“Maybe. Can’t really talk about this stuff to them though. Gee dad, how do I know about Frostbite? Well when I stole the Ecto-Skeleton and shoved back Pariah Dark this whole tribe of yetis decided I was their Great One. So now we’re pals. Oh what’s that dad, you say the ghost kid did that? Funny thing!” he dropped his arms with a scowl. “That’d go over like a lead balloon.”
“Maybe stick to the dragon queen society for now. It’s not like anyone over here saw that. Then you can expand into the rest of the friendly areas.” she put a hand on his shoulder. “One step at a time Danny, you’ll get there.”
“I hope so. If it doesn’t, I blame you if I’m torn molecule by molecule.”
“Ew Danny! Don’t be so morbid, it’s not good for your development.”
“Is it morbid if I’m dead?” he winced from his sister’s whack to the head. “Ow! Half!”
“Better. Now scram with all those gloves before someone thinks you robbed a ghost antique boutique.”
“You’re such a busybody Jazz.” the half ghost teased before darting off with his half spectral laundry. It wouldn’t be an easy thing to convince their parents, but he did seem to be on the right track. So of course it was her job to make sure he stuck to it. Siblings had to look out for each other, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
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lunarmessenger · 4 years
Figure Skating (RFA, V, + Saeran)
I always wanted to be a figure skater hahahaaa so have this! ilysm x - luna (also i couldn’t find the proper gif to show what MC did in Jumin’s headcanon but oh well please don’t hate me)
• He’d just landed a role that involved ice skating so he’d decided to take lessons right away
• He was already pretty graceful while walking normally so there was no surprise when he’d picked it up right away
• You always attended his practices and one day mused that you’d love to help him practice a scene or two
• He was fully ready to help you out too once you two had gotten to the skating rink
• “Be careful MC it’s pretty slippery when you first step on~”
• “I appreciate that Zen but I think I’ll be okay” and you laced up your skates for the first time in a few years
• He held his hands out for you but you slid right past him and did a couple of laps around the rink to sort of warm up and by now he was like “Oh okay I guess you got it”
• Then all of a sudden you do a toe loop??? On the way to him? Like it was no big deal? And his jaw just about hits the floor?
• He’s a little butt hurt that he wasn’t told sooner but forgets about it an hour later when you allow him to use you as a model to help him practice for his role (and he gets the excuse to touch your hips and thighs whenever he wants now huehuehue)
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• He was a little nervous since it was a little class trip (and almost decided to just stay home with you and play LOLOL)
• He’s also not very active but never mind that MC “I just don’t want to hurt myself doing this please don’t make me go”
• You do manage to convince him to go since “Yoosung I used to skate and since you can bring a plus one can we go???”
• There was no way he could resist your cute face
• That weekend you both show up to the rink, you excited with your old skates while Yoosung is more excited to show you off to his friends from class (look they’re so pretty I told you guys I have a partner now leave me alone)
• Yoosung clings to you when you both get on the ice but he lets go after about half an hour once he gets a hold of the basics
• “Can I go skate now, can I, can I?”
• Damn it you’re so cute MC “Sure but be careful since they’re being a bit rowdy out there”
• Then zoom you are off before Yoosung can even blink
• When you have enough room you whip out a Salchow and Yoosung is absolutely floored (so are his classmates lol)
• “Did you see Yoosung did you see?”
• “Yes MC let’s go home” He didn’t like how his classmates were suddenly staring at you for the rest of the trip, and he promised you guys could go again when it was just the two of you.
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• She’d found a small coffee club that went ice skating every weekend and figured it’d be a great stress reliever for the two of you (especially since you’d told her that you’d been figure skating since you were a child)
• You were beyond excited, and that alone was enough to motivate Jaehee to try her hardest once you’d gone to the club
• The club was full of both beginners and experienced skaters so everyone was pretty comfortable and it was a judgement free zone
• Jaehee had managed to hop from one foot to the next and was extremely proud mind you because “look MC I didn’t fall this time”
• And while you encouraged her a lot you really wanted to show her what you knew how to do so when the club allowed some space for the more experienced skaters you immediately pushed yourself off the wall and started to skate
• You slowly built yourself up until you pulled off a triple loop, the scarf around your neck twirling with you as you landed perfectly and skated back towards Jaehee
• She was definitely a little enchanted by how graceful you looked and clapped the loudest amongst everyone in the group
• Vowed that you two would go back weekly just so you could teach her how to do that
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• He’d had the sudden idea of opening a cat themed skating rink (especially since he’d seen you looking fondly at your pair of ice skates)
• You were so excited (you honestly didn’t care if it were alligator themed you just wanted to skate) that you asked if the other RFA members could join????
• He strongly opposed but ended up giving in anyways
• He also mainly wanted to see Zen suffer from his cat allergy but that was his own selfish gain and not yours
• It was extremely private and everybody was having fun just lazily gliding across the ice (Jumin stayed by the bleachers with a glass of wine he would not be caught dead ice skating)
• And then you finally finished lacing up your skates and you were so excited you almost fell on your way onto the ice
• “MC please be careful; maybe you should sit with me a little longer?”
• He suddenly was wondering if maybe you hadn’t skated in a while because you weren’t that good at it??? Since you almost fell before you even got on the ice?
• “I’m fine Jumin I know what I’m doing.”
• “Alright as long as you—” And he was cut off because you were suddenly gracefully gliding circles around everybody else (who suddenly stopped skating and just grabbed on to the nearby wall to watch)
• Then you suddenly did the flip maneuver (you wanted to do something a bit more extravagant but you didn’t want to fall on accident knowing Jumin would forbid you from skating ever again if you got hurt)
• “Excuse me MC do that again” He pulled out his phone to take pictures and videos (you swore you saw a slight blush and knew he was impressed)
• They all ended up blurry but luckily Saeyoung had managed to take a few photos for him
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• He’d recently binge watched an anime (you can guess which one) and he was suddenly obsessed with the idea of ice skating
• “MC let’s go ice skating” “What???”
• “PLEASE I know this amazing rink and we can drive one of my baby’s every day to get to it please MC?!?!?!”
• You figured saying yes wouldn’t hurt since he never stayed fixated for more than a month
• And it gave you a chance to get back into doing what you used to be so passionate about
• Of course he knew that you used to ice skate (due to that totally legal background check haha don’t worry about it MC) so he figured you’d go along with it
• He was right damn it
• He beat you on the ice immediately and fell like three times but he didn’t care because he was going to get it down even if he broke a leg to do it
• “Saeyoung please I am not strong enough to carry you back to the car if you hurt yourself”
• You smiled though because it was fun to see him slowly get little jumps down here and there
• “Hey MC can you show me one of your favorite moves?? I wanna see if I can do it!”
• “Okay but it’s gonna be a bit more advanced than I think you can handle right now.”
• “Oh please—” Before he could even finished you pulled out the most stunning triple lutz he’d ever seen??
• He begged you to teach him and you promised you would as long as he kept it up for longer than a month (and you got to come with him of course)
• He tried to pick you up to do a trick with you after two tries and it took you screaming like a banshee for him to put you down “because you will kill us Saeyoung” (he didn’t try again)
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• After he’d had the surgery he decided to pick up photography again
• A family friend had wanted him to take photos of his son’s skating for his portfolio for future events and shows
• He’d mentioned it in passing, not knowing how much you loved skating and was a little surprised at how quickly you’d asked if you could come along
• Of course he said yes why would he ever say no to you????
• Once you’d gotten to the rink you tried your best to stay calm since obviously he was there for work and not just pleasure
• But of course you’d brought your skates just in case there would be a bit of down time where you could skate
• There was but only because V asked for it when he saw how excited you were to be there
• You had never laced up your skates so fast, but you were careful because you could feel his eyes on you
• You’d brought your iPod with you for some simple music; it was quiet enough to where it didn’t echo throughout the rink, but it was loud enough that both you and V could hear it
• It was soft piano music, and as it played you gracefully started to skate along the empty rink
• V was completely entranced, and when you decided to do an axel jump in the middle of the dance a small gasp escaped his lips because wow how did he get so damn lucky???
• You were nervous, finishing off the routine and slowly skating back towards V who was on the bleachers with his camera sitting beside him
• “Get any good pictures?” He blushed and looked down slightly embarrassed
• “I uh, no—would you mind doing that again?”
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• You both suffered from major anxiety and the only way you managed to get through it was to skate it out at least once a week
• But he didn’t know that so when you would leave the house for hours on end he was starting to get worried (though he would obviously never show it)
• So he decided to follow you one day without you knowing (and he forced his poor brother to go with him smh)
• “Saeyoung help me find out where MC is always going”
• “...you could always ask her I mean—”
• “No. Shut up and help me.”
• They of course followed you and saw you walk inside the skating rink (though Saeyoung refused to leave his car)
• Saeran stayed hidden in the shadows while you slowly stepped onto the ice and glided around for a moment, rolling your neck and shoulders to loosen them up
• And then you were off, the entire place silent except for the sound of your skates cutting into the ice as you raced around the rink
• You did multiple jumps from an axel, to a lutz, without missing a single step
• He was beyond mesmerized, his eyes focusing entirely on you (he didn’t even realize when he’d started to slowly shift out of the shadows to get a closer look at you)
• Each move was extremely aggressive, and it was then he could tell that you were letting out every frustration and worry in this routine
• Then to tie off the routine and let go of all your anxiety you let one of your legs bend out behind you while you leaned backwards, bringing your arms up for balance as you spun faster and faster and then slowly came to a halt while standing upright.
• You were breathing hard, chest heaving as he let out a soft wow
• “If you’re done spying on me; can I come sit with you?”
• “I wasn’t spying MC” He grumbled, refusing to look you in the eye while you made your way over and sat next to him you reveled in how he blushed at being caught staring
• You apologized for worrying him and pecked him on the cheek, while he looked away again and wrapped an arm around you and brought you closer still couldn’t hide that blush tho huehuehueheuue
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