#barn reception
xoashdurham · 2 years
Wedding at the Barn at Homestead Hollow in Germantown
Wedding at the Barn at Homestead Hollow in Germantown
  Randy and I had so much fun with Raymond and Natalie for their September wedding at the Barn at Homestead Hollow in Germantown. I loved spending time with these two at their engagement session at White River County Park just a few weeks before their wedding! Their wedding was simple but elegant, everything from their DIY wooden Sola Wood Flowers bouquets to the string-light-lit barn…
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
if this was their engagement announcement it would be less gay btw
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sjsmith56 · 4 months
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The Best is Yet to Come, Chapter 27 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: Wedding reception and wedding night.
Length: 5.1 K
Characters: Bucky, Lacey, Tommy, Sam, Clint, Avengers and guests.
Warnings: Minors, DNI - contains sexual content, more romantic than smutty.
Author notes: This is a mostly fluffy chapter.
<<Chapter 26
🎊 💃🎈
As they waited outside the barn for their cue to enter Bucky took Lacey's hand and kissed it.
"Thank you again," he said.
"For what?" she asked, puzzled.
"For not hitting me with the shovel while I lay on the garage floor," he said. "I had almost reached the end of my limit when I saw your brother leave the garage door open. I had been chased, shot, chilled by the swim to Staten Island, soaked by the rain, and had almost no energy left because I hadn't eaten in two days. Then you came into the garage, wearing only your pyjamas, grabbing that shovel and by the look on your face you were ready to use it. I just wanted it to be over."
"I wouldn't have," replied Lacey. "I was terrified, hoping you would just get up and run past me. Then you spoke, I saw your eyes, and I knew you wouldn't hurt me."
Bucky smiled, remembering that morning. "You offered me a hand up, put your arm around my waist, while I leaned on you," he said softly. "For such a small woman you had such strength. You still do."
"You can always lean on me, Bucky," she said, touching his face with her hand. "I'll lean on you when I need to as well."
"Always," he said, kissing the top of her head.
Sam rolled his eyes at the display. "So, what song are we using to enter?" he asked, in anticipation. "Something Motown, R & B?"
Bucky looked at him with a twinkle in his eyes. "Sam, you are looking at a woman who loves big band music as much as I do," he said. "She came up with the song and I loved it."
Sam looked at Lacey in confusion. "I looked after my grandpa while he was dying," she said. "He had so many LP records, Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin ... I could go on for hours. He wanted to hear them all before he died. When I first came here to the farm, I couldn't bring them with me, but Maria Hill offered to keep them in a safe place. She was as good as her word and they were delivered to me in Philadelphia a couple of months ago, along with all of my books."
"Okay, but what song?" he asked, almost in desperation.
Lacey laughed. "It's called Ain't That a Kick in the Head by Dean Martin," replied Lacey. "Bucky and I are going to do some choreographed moves to it. You and everyone else in the wedding party will be called in before us and can enjoy our performance like the wedding guests. Trust me, Sam, the lyrics fit our situation so well. Oh, and I promised Maria you would dance with her later. She kind of likes you."
Sam seemed taken aback by that, then a slow smile spread across his face. The cue was given, the other members of the bridal party came in, were introduced, and took their seats then the music started. The wedding guests never knew what hit them as Bucky and Lacey performed a dance to the lyrics and tempo of the song. Even Sam was blown away as he watched Bucky - stoic, grumpy, Bucky, dance like someone on Dancing with the Stars. When the song ended, and everyone was in a standing ovation, he clapped Bucky on the back.
"How long have you known how to dance like that?" he asked. "I never knew."
"1935, give or take a year," he replied. "Sam, I saw Billie Holiday, Duke Ellington, Count Basie ... all those legends, live in the clubs around New York. That's the music I danced to. I lived for swing dancing, jitterbug, and the Lindy hop. I listened to big band music all the time. When those records were delivered I was in nirvana. It was like rediscovering a part of me that had been buried."
Sam gave him a pound hug. "That's awesome," he said. "I take it most of the music tonight will be big band?"
"There will be some big band, some Motown, some R&B, some country...," Bucky's voice trailed off. "Something for everyone, I promise."
The caterers began serving the food, making sure Bucky and Tommy received extra. When the meal was almost finished the speeches and toasts were made. Some were funny and some brought tears. Clint Barton took the mike near the end of the speeches and looked out over everyone.
"Well, you all know where I live now," he said, then he looked at Fury. "So much for off the books. I don't mind. Lacey Chapman, sorry Lacey Barnes came to live with my family when she was a month pregnant with her son. This farm became her haven and during the Blip, she and her brother Terry took responsibility for it, keeping it going. I can never repay her enough for that, although this wedding is a start. Since Lacey first moved here and because her parents passed away I've kind of looked on her as my adult daughter. I can tell you that she is a strong, beautiful woman with a work ethic that doesn't quit."
He took a drink of his beer.
"Now Bucky Barnes," began Clint, "was once one of the most feared HYDRA operatives known to the intelligence community but it wasn't until Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson battled with him that his real identity became known. It took some time to rescue him and treat him, but now he's an Avenger where he belongs. Bucky is the type of man I want on my six, all the time. He's had his share of PTSD, but 70 years of torture can do that to a man. He's smart, well read, thorough and he steps up every time."
"What's your point?" asked Bucky, to some laughter.
Clint smiled. "There was a time I was furious with Bucky," he admitted, "when I thought he did something hurtful to Lacey and Tommy. I later realized he was trying to protect them and truly loved them so much he was willing to make himself look bad to keep them safe. That's the mark of a man who loves fully, completely, and deeply. There is no one else I could trust to look after Lacey and Tommy. I know that you will both make each other very happy. Here's to Lacey and Bucky, may you have many wonderful years together."
Everyone raised their glasses to Clint's toast. Nick Fury stood up next, took the mike, and looked at Bucky and Lacey. "I'm just up here to make a small announcement before the happy couple addresses you," he said. "As you know we have been rebuilding the compound for some time. We already have a main building with living quarters, briefing facilities, and meal services. I'm pleased to announce that our training facility has also been completed. It is comprised of a gymnasium, gun range, martial arts studio, archery range, and workout room. The adjacent armoury, where all weapons will be stored will be completed in two weeks. Having a training centre also meant we wanted someone with the knowledge and experience to oversee the training of team members, both Avengers and armed support. When we were going over the skill sets of the candidates for Chief Training Officer one name kept leaping out over all the others. The selection committee, comprised of myself, Colonel Rhodes, Clint Barton, and Sam Wilson, unanimously agreed the best candidate was James "Bucky" Barnes and he accepted the position, effective immediately, although for some reason he insisted he had to go on his honeymoon first."
For a fraction of a second there was no sound then everyone stood up for a standing ovation. Lacey looked proudly at Bucky and they kissed then both stood up to take the mike from a smiling Fury. He shook Bucky's hand and nodded his approval.
"You lied," said Sam. "You mentioned the training facility but didn't say the rest."
"I didn't lie," replied Bucky. "I just didn't say anything more. You lied too. You were on the selection committee and didn't say a word."
Sam laughed hilariously but he stood up and hugged his friend. Bucky waited for the noise to die down then he looked out over everyone.
"First, thank you to Clint and Laura for agreeing to host the wedding," he said. "It's already been memorable. Thank you Nick Fury for providing the accommodations for everyone. In a way it's been like a team retreat here. I've seen a lot of bonding which will translate into success on missions. As for the training officer announcement it won't be just physical work. There will be languages training, work on observational skills, stealth maneuvers, tactics, etc. I have 70 years of programming in my brain, that I'm eager to pass on because my goals are to make sure the team is always ready, always prepared for contingencies, and that everyone comes home alive and in one piece."
He leaned over and grabbed his drink, taking a sip.
"Like many of you I'm on call 24/7," he stated. "As training officer, I realized I have to be near the compound to provide my expertise as and when it is needed. A farm bordering the compound came up for sale and it will become our home, as soon as we return from our honeymoon. There are advantages to being so close to the compound. It's within easy commuting distance to Lacey's publisher in New York. I can run over or ride my motorcycle getting there quickly to deal with any emergency missions. I'll be back home every evening except when I'm on a mission. Being home will be of benefit in about eight months when Lacey gives birth to our second child as I plan to be a hands-on father in every way, something I was unable to do with my son Tom. Thank you to Lacey for forgiving me and agreeing to marry me. Thank you to Tom for letting me be a dad to you from now on. Finally, thank you all for coming to the wedding."
There was applause and whistles from everyone at the announcement and Bucky handed the mike back to Clint who looked with fondness at the couple before facing the guests.
"We're going to reset the tables, open the dance floor up, and get this party going," he said. "First dance is in about half an hour. If you can stay and move tables, we would appreciate it."
Many volunteered to help, and they soon had a large space cleared. The DJ was already set up and was just checking his lights. One of them up top wouldn't turn on and Peter webbed up to check the connections, coming back down once the light came on. Many of the guests stopped to congratulate them on Bucky's position and the pregnancy. Gradually, the steady stream of people slowed down and Bucky and Lacey were seated on the truck bed in the dusk, waiting for their first dance.
"After the first dance, and dancing with my "Dad" I'm going to go in and change into a shorter dress," said Lacey.
"Did you buy a new dress for the reception?" asked Bucky.
"No, this is one that Natasha bought me when I first went to Stark Tower," answered Lacey. "When Steve saw it he said you would have really liked it back in the day. You know, he said you were always looking for the right woman. I never got that impression from you when I first met you."
"That's because I always played it cool," replied Bucky, smirking. "I knew you were interesting once I saw your book and record collection, and by the time I left I wanted to stay because you touched my heart. When Steve told me about you getting pregnant I wanted to come back immediately but he relayed what you told him about me getting better first. I never thought then it would take almost ten years to get to this. It should have been a lot sooner. I'm sorry for that."
"Don't be," she said, grasping his hand. "Five years of that was the Blip. No one had control over that, and you needed to get yourself better first." She was quiet for a moment. "How long will you live?"
"I don't know," he replied truthfully. "Steve did age before he brought the shield back for Sam, but I don't know for sure how many years it took in his timeline. I think I look like I'm in my mid to late 30s right now. Are you worried I'll age slower than you?"
She was silent for a moment then nodded. "The first thing Sharon Carter said to me after the kidnapping was that I looked too old and worn out to be with you," she said. "I like to think I have pretty good self-esteem but her words hurt, they made me doubt myself. She hated me so much and just because you loved me instead of her."
Bucky took a deep breath. "You're beautiful, inside and out," he said. "Seeing you on the video calls with no makeup, hair all over the place, and your nose sunburnt from the sun exposure, all I could think of was why does this beautiful woman love me? When we're in bed together, your skin is so soft, and you body feels so good in my arms. I see the stretch marks you still have from Tommy's pregnancy, but I don't see them as flaws. I wish I had been here to see you full with our son, and smoothed lotion over those stretch marks to soothe you. If I do age slower then I guess people will wonder what kind of hold you have on me. I love you, only you, and no one looks as beautiful to me as you do."
He leaned over, grasping the side of her head in his hand and kissed her tenderly, then gently kissed her neck, sliding his shaved face along it. Lacey smiled appreciating the smoothness of his face. Bucky hopped off, put his hands on her waist and lifted her off, putting her on the ground lightly. Clint came to say they were ready for the first dance and Bucky led Lacey in to the middle of the floor. Just like their entry song this was a big band number, Frank Sinatra singing The Best Is Yet To Come. Even though it was a late 1950s song Bucky still loved the arrangement, saying it reminded him of music he danced to. He and Lacey danced over the entire floor, twirling, dipping, skipping and showing how it was done old school. It was something that people would talk about for years, how good of a dancer Bucky Barnes was. Lacey danced with Clint to a Tom Petty tune, Wildflowers, and he showed off his Texas Two Step dance moves, complete with twirls. After that the DJ played everything and most people were well satisfied with the playlist. Lacey went to the house with Laura for both to change into a shorter dress. She came out in the sky blue coloured lace dress that Natasha bought her when she was first at Stark Tower. As she came down the steps Sam and Bucky were doing shots, and Sam tapped him on the arm.
"I remember that dress," he said, as Bucky watched Lacey walking towards him. "I wanted to ask her out myself when I first saw her in it."
"Good thing you didn't," said Bucky as his face lit up when she got to him. "That is some dress. Steve was right. I love it."
She twirled around. "Enough to get back on the dance floor?" she asked.
He put his arm around her and escorted her to the floor. This Magic Moment by The Drifters was playing, and Bucky noticed Sam asked Maria to dance. He nudged Lacey.
"How long has she liked him?" he asked.
"Since she saw more of him at the compound once the first building opened," she replied. "She's a very nice person, you know."
He nodded then pointed out Terry and Sarah Wilson dancing. "How do you feel about that?" he asked. "She's very much like you. Very strong, opinionated at times but she has a warm heart."
"Well, he put his life on hold to move to the farm," replied Lacey. "I didn't like him when he was playing pro football but he's been a good man since he retired, and the Blip proved he steps up when he's needed. If he gets that coaching job with the Saints it will be nice for him to have someone to be with."
She noticed all the boys, Tommy, the Barton's two, and Sarah's two, were huddled together and she brought Bucky's attention to it. He looked at her with a curious expression and slowly danced their way closer to them.
"Hey guys, what's up?" he asked.
Tommy looked back at him. "We're writing down song titles that we want to dance to," he said. "So far, it's been mostly old people stuff. We can ask for some hip hop and other stuff we like, can't we?"
"Sure," replied Bucky. "Just remember it's a wedding so you can't have anything with swears in it or that goes too far. It has to be good enough for everyone to dance to if they want."
The boys considered his words for a moment, then Cooper, who was writing it down, crossed off a couple of songs. They huddled again and the couple left them there. Bucky slowly danced over to the DJ and beckoned him close, telling him some kids were going to submit a list of hip hop songs for them to dance to. He just asked that nothing too offensive be played and the DJ gave him a thumbs up. About ten minutes later, as he and Lacey took a breather, he saw Cooper submit their list and the DJ read over it. He nodded and offered Cooper a fist bump which satisfied him. Two songs later he played MC Hammer's U Can't Touch This and the boys were out there, dancing up a storm. To be fair, many adults stayed up to dance to it, laughing and joking as they showed the moves made famous in the video. Bucky just shook his head.
"That was a big hit?" he asked Lacey.
"It's a classic," she said, "from the 1980s. You want to go shake your booty, Grandpa?"
He kissed her. "No," was his answer but he did watch, glad that the younger set were enjoying themselves. Bucky did dance to YMCA and to Post Malone's Circles saying it had a good beat, almost a quick fox trot. They danced to many other songs, old and new. As the other guests were dancing modern style Bucky moved Lacey around the floor while in his arms. It was easier dancing in her short dress and Bucky took full advantage, turning her enough to make her dress swirl. After dancing to Van Morrison's Someone Like You Lacey put her arms around his neck and kissed him.
"You do surprise me sometimes," she said. "That was very romantic."
He made a big deal of looking at his Rolex and looked softly at her. "How much longer do you want to dance here?" he asked. "Personally, I'm ready to dance in private."
Lacey pulled his arm over and looked at the time. "I think we can do the bouquet toss and cake cutting now," she replied. "We can leave after. Do you know where Clint is taking us?"
"Nope," answered Bucky. "Just that he promised us complete privacy."
They both sought out Clint to say they wanted to get the cake cutting and bouquet toss done. He nodded and said he would make it happen. "Are you wearing a garter?" he asked. "For Bucky to toss to all the single men?"
Bucky looked at her, his eyebrows raised. "Yes, I am," she replied, her eyes twinkling.
Clint grinned and went off to get the activities set up. Ten minutes later Lacey was sitting in a chair with Bucky kneeling before her, grinning from ear to ear. All the single men were lined up behind him. Gently Bucky slid his hand up Lacey's thigh, making it seem like he was having a hard time finding the garter. She looked over at Tommy seeing he had his hands over his eyes, embarrassed while the other boys were laughing. Nodding over to Tommy she gave Bucky a look and he nodded, pulled the garter off and twirled it around his fingers before launching it behind him. It landed on Terry's hand as he used his wide receiver skills to jump up and grab it. Lacey tossed her bouquet next and it went through several hands before landing in a surprised Maria Hill's fingertips. The cake was brought out and they posed with a combat knife cutting into the cake before inserting it and cutting a piece for them to share. Gently Bucky fed a piece to Lacey, watching intently as she licked a piece of icing off his finger. Then she fed him a piece and watched just as intently as he kissed her fingertips. As she cut pieces for the guests he went to talk to Clint who took the mike making the announcement that the couple were leaving shortly. Most of the guests followed them out of the barn. Lacey hugged both Clint and Laura, then Tommy came up and she stroked his face, looking intently at him before he hugged her.
"We'll see you in the morning, okay?" she told him. "Did you have a good time?"
"It was fun," he replied, then Bucky came over and also received a hard hug. "I'm glad you're my Dad for real now."
"So am I, son," said Bucky, bending over and kissing Tommy on top of his head.
Other hugs and handshakes were shared before they finally got into the truck-bed of the now decorated old truck, covered in ribbons and balloons with Just Married painted on the rear window. Clint got behind the wheel and started driving slowly towards the highway as Bucky kissed Lacey passionately, the flashes from people's cell phone cameras lighting them up. Clint only drove a short distance on the highway, losing all the balloons in the process, then stopped at a gate after they crossed a bridge that went over a small creek. After unlocking the gate Clint pulled up to a small cabin where Bucky lifted Lacey down. They came around to the driver's side window.
"This is the tail end of the property," said Clint. "The creek pretty much cuts it off from the rest of it. I built the cabin to hold my arsenal but it was too far away for my liking so it's been used for storage since then. It's private, quiet, and we fixed it up for you as a wedding gift. Just text me when you're ready to be picked up."
"Clint," said Lacey, tears beginning to form, as she touched his arm. "Thank you for everything. For taking me in, treating me like one of your family, for this wedding ...."
"It's been my pleasure," he replied, then he looked at Bucky. "You do right by her."
"No argument here," said Bucky, shaking the other man's hand. "Clint, thanks."
He put the truck into gear and backed up to where he could turn around. Bucky and Lacey watched the truck drive away in the darkness before turning to each other. Picking her up easily in his arms Bucky carried her across the pathway to the door, which she opened. There was no electricity but the inside was lit with battery operated camping lanterns, and fairy lights. A large bed, in a brass frame, was against the far wall. Covered with several pillows and a quilt it looked soft and inviting. Bucky put Lacey down and closed the door behind him. A note on the nightstand explained there was enough water to wash up in the morning. A cooler held snacks and drinks. Lacey turned from reading the note and realized Bucky was watching her. She turned her back to him.
"Could you undo the top of my dress and pull the zipper down?" she asked.
Stepping close to her he bent his head to her neck, breathing gently on it as he undid the hook then slowly pulled the zipper down. Running his fingers down her back he kissed her neck softly, then he looked at her hair and pulled the pins of her updo out, gently fanning out her long blonde hair over her shoulders, before Lacey pulled her dress off. Bucky had already taken his tie off during the dancing and shrugged off his dress jacket, tossing it onto a chair. As Lacey undid his shirt buttons he caressed her head and shoulders before running his hands down her arms. Her fingertips ran over the muscles of his chest and down to his abdominals, before she put her hands on his waist and pulled him in close to her body.
"Dance with me," she whispered. "Like you would back in the day when you were seducing a woman."
He grinned, then licked his lips. "We're already half way there," he replied, in a low voice, that made Lacey warm inside.
His prosthetic arm encircled her and he took her other hand in his bringing it close between them. Lowering his head to hers he gently kissed the side of her head, as he made sure their hips were pressed closely together. Then, as they swayed, he whispered, loud enough for her to hear but soft enough that the air he breathed out as he spoke felt like a feather against her skin.
"Licence my roving hands, and let them go
Before, behind, between, above, below."
She turned her head up to ask him about what he had just said, and he kissed her, deeply and sensuously. Once again, she felt the warmth inside of her pool in her core and she pressed herself against him, wanting him in her. He pressed back and his artificial hand came up to her bra, undoing it quickly before spreading his fingers over her back.
"Shit," whispered Lacey. "That was one of your moves?"
"It's from a poem called "To His Mistress Going to Bed," said Bucky. "By John Donne. Those 17th century poets knew how to write erotica. The whole poem is basically asking her to striptease for him."
Lacey began to laugh. "I have a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing and I never heard of it," she said. "You're so much more well read than me."
It was his turn to laugh. "I just found things that furthered my agenda," he admitted. "Seductions, mostly, although I found other things I liked. College girls needed more literary encouragement."
Leaning her head against his chest Lacey was quiet for a moment. "Would I have been an object of seduction if you met me before the war?" she asked.
"At first, yes," he admitted. "But you have so much more to offer, and I felt it when you took me in. I would have done anything to keep our relationship going if I met you back then. If I met you during basic training, I would have married you on my week of leave before shipping out. Realistically, I never thought I would see you again after I stowed away on a cargo ship. I'm so glad we did."
"Me too," she replied, then she looked up at him. "Let's go to bed."
She stepped back, taking everything off. Pulling back the quilt she laid underneath it and watched with anticipation as he removed his clothing, getting in beside her. He was already hard, and she stroked him, remembering the first time she saw him nude. His size had frightened her at first, but he had been so gentle with her, allowing her body to adjust so that she could enjoy it. Even now, after they had lived together for several months, he still took the time to prepare her body to accept his. He lowered his head between her legs, put his mouth on her, exploring and teasing, while she ran her fingers through his hair. His fingers curled into her, searching out her pleasure centre, pressing it and sending her into waves of bliss. Then he added to it by massaging her pubic mound as he kissed her deeply and sensuously.
He left the bed briefly to get something out of the bag that had been brought earlier. Lacey saw it was lubricant and Bucky smoothed some over himself before positioning himself in between her knees again. She looked up at his face and became lost in his eyes, the bright blue irises with the large dark pupils boring into her with desire and love. The eyes of the father passed on to their son born out of a night of passion just like this. As he slowly entered her she gasped. They hadn't been together for almost a week and the result was this joining felt like that first one as he eased himself into her.
"You feel so good," he whispered, after he pulled out and thrust in again. "Just like the first time."
"So do you," she whispered back. "I love you so much."
He responded by kissing her again, deeply, languidly, and for a long time. "I have loved none but you," he finally replied, and Lacey smiled, recognizing it as coming from Jane Austen's Persuasion.
Maybe they didn't make men like Bucky anymore, or if they did they were camouflaging themselves under layers of manly behaviours and attitudes. But here, in the privacy of their marriage bed, Lacey had no doubt that they were meant to be together. The man of action, with an intellectual's soul paired with the writer who loved to get her hands dirty working on the farm. As he brought her to orgasm again before coming himself they cried out each other's name to the universe. They would be together, always. Home was each other and the family to come.
Chapter 28>>
Series Masterlist
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francesderwent · 2 years
also re: previous Chesterton quote: Lockwood has the disdain for all things outside himself necessary to spit at the stars—to defy DEPRAC and steal from the Fittes Black Library and stand firm and defiant before a load of thugs. George has reverence for all things outside himself enough to tread fearfully on the grass—to second-guess accepted rules and theories, to want to learn not just destroy, to smile when the trapped are set free.
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rochesterweddingbarn · 6 months
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Explore Our Exclusive Rochester Wedding Venue Packages
Get our best wedding venue packages at Rochester Wedding Barn & Event Venue. Our offerings include rehearsal dinner packages, the Royal Rustic, Enchanting Rustic, and Nifty Rustic Barn Packages, and additional services customized to your desires. Check out our infographic or visit the website now.
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Choosing the Best Barn Wedding Reception Locations for a Rustic Romance
One of the most memorable days of your life is your wedding, and picking the ideal location determines the mood of the event as a whole. Due to their rustic charm and adaptability, barn weddings have become extremely popular in recent years. They provide a special fusion of unspoiled natural beauty, rustic elegance, and a hint of nostalgia that can make your wedding reception unforgettable. To know more visit at https://livearticlez.com/choosing-the-best-barn-wedding-reception-locations-for-an-unforgettable-wedding/
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navybrat817 · 3 months
You're a Firework
Pairing: Roommate!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You're all set to watch fireworks with the gang and Bucky can't keep his hands to himself. Word Count: Over 2k Warnings: Explicit sexual content, vaginal fingering, semi-public sexy times, pet names, inner monologue, established relationship, humor, feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?). A/N: I KNOW it's Steve's birthday, but my muse demanded Stud and Smartie. ❤️ I'm so sorry, lovelies. Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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“You know,” Natasha began as she handed you a drink. “You and Bucky could've had your wedding today. No one would have objected.”
“With Steve's birthday right around the corner? And take away from Sam’s amazing barbeque? No way,” you smiled, stepping out of the way as Clint walked by with sparklers in each hand. You refused to take attention away from either of them. “I’m glad we’re all hanging out though.”
Today was a good day. Not only was the weather as close to perfect as it could get, not too warm or too cold, it was a chance to get together and mingle since everyone had a few days off. Between the sunshine, food, and games, the gang had a lot of fun. You imagined your wedding reception would be fun, too.
Maybe the two of you could even have sparklers to celebrate, if only to entertain Clint.
“Bucky called you his wife earlier,” the redhead commented.
“He did?” You smiled, your heart swelling.
“He did. When you beat Sam at horseshoes, he looked right at Steve and said, ‘that’s my wife' with a huge smile on his face.”
Yeah, I am. Almost.
You nearly swooned, giving your fiancé a glance as he set his chair by the fire pit. “And that’s my husband.”
Natasha lightheartedly rolled her eyes and nudged you. “Better go and join him then. The fireworks are going to start soon,” she said, heading to her seat beside Clint. The town was shooting off fireworks in the nearby park, but you all decided it was better to hang back. The yard was a great spot to view them and no one had to worry about the crowd.
“Be right there,” you said, shivering as a light breeze rolled in. Sam had the fire going, but you hadn't realized how chilly it was now that it was dark. Grabbing your blanket from your bag nearby, you also realized as you walked over to the gang that there wasn't a place for you to sit. Bucky looked your way with a gentle smile and patted his thigh before you could ask if there was an extra chair available inside. You caught a glimpse of heat in his eyes as you made your way closer.
You loved that look.
“Is that my seat?” You asked.
“This could be your seat.” Bucky pointed at his face as you bit your lip. If everyone wasn’t around, you’d consider it. “But this one might be more comfortable to watch the fireworks,” he added, patting his massive thigh again.
His face. His thigh. Both were incredible places to sit.
“Yeah, comfortable. That’s the word,” you teased, shrieking as he dragged you onto his lap once you were within reach. You were lucky you didn't spill your drink. “Easy, tiger.”
He growled and nuzzled your neck once you situated yourself and placed your drink the cup holder. “This tiger will also keep you warm,” he promised.
“Aww. You two are just the cutest,” Sam said, swigging his beer with a chuckle when Bucky huffed.
“Yeah, we are. And in case you forgot, my girl kicked your ass earlier. Beauty, brains, and brawn,” he boasted. You didn’t have to look back to see the smug smile on his face. “Proud of you.”
I will not get giddy or aroused from that praise.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll get you next time,” Sam scoffed, looking over at you with a smile to let you know it was in good fun. He was a good guy, like Steve. You hoped they each found someone who made them feel the way Bucky made you feel.
“Or she’ll kick your ass again,” Bucky said without skipping a beat.
Oh, boys. So endearing. So competitive.
“Enough of that. Sam, I’m pretty sure I got lucky and I’d love a rematch. Stud, you just concentrate on keeping me warm,” you teased, draping the blanket over both of you. His embrace was always warm. “Surprised we don't have s’mores.”
“Those are for after the fireworks,” Steve said from the other side of you.
You smiled over at him before tilting your head back to gaze at Bucky. You weren't sure if the guys did it on purpose, but they each wore the same tight fitting T-shirt in patriotic colors. They all looked handsome, but your man looked look sex on legs. The love of your life would always turn your head.
“Not for us,” Bucky said, placing a kiss on your shoulder as his hand rested possessively on your hip. “We’re going to bed.”
You giggled and snuggled back against him when the rest of the gang protested. “But what if I want a s'more?”
“I’ll personally make you one and feed it to you in bed,” he half growled.
“You’re really not going to stay up with us?” Steve asked, a knowing look on his face.
“Oh, I’m sure something will get up,” Natasha deadpanned, making everyone laugh. She wasn't wrong.
“On your birthday, we’ll stay up as late as you want. Tonight, we’re watching the fireworks and going to bed,” Bucky grumbled, brushing a finger over your engagement ring. “Unless you really want to stay out here.”
You giggled again. Bucky had to share your attention with everyone all day and was still sharing it now. He was more than ready to have you all to himself. You understood the feeling.
“I’m fine with going inside after the fireworks. We’ll check on the cats and then go to bed,” you assured him.
With everyone drinking, you all decided it was better to crash in the same place instead of going home. Neither of you wanted to leave Alpine or Soot at your place though in case any neighbors decided to shoot fireworks off the roof, so you brought them over. They had a space set up under the guest bed with some white noise to help block out some of the sound. Anything to help put them at ease.
Bucky tilted your chin a bit more to place a soft kiss on your lips, the tension crackling like the fireworks had already started. “Thank you, Smartie.”
“You’re welcome, Stud.”
As if on cue, the show began.
You looked up at the sky in awe as the first firework rushed into the air. An explosion followed by a vivid display of light, they were like rainbows in the night brightening the darkness with color. They were beauty and wonder, a form of art that faded almost as quickly as it was created. Watching with loved ones made it all the more special.
You tilted your head and smiled when you caught Bucky staring back at you. “Why aren't you looking at the sky?”
“Why aren't you?” He teased, bumping his nose against yours. “Besides, I don't need to watch the sky when I have the most beautiful view right here.”
Your cheeks warmed. So did your heart. “You flatter me so,” you whispered, looking back at the sky again.
Bangs, crackles, and thunderous sounds continued to fill the air with the gorgeous display. You couldn’t keep the smile off your face. You almost regretted not having your phone beside you so you could take some pictures.
Though you likely would’ve dropped it when you felt Bucky’s hand move from your hip to under your skirt.
“Stud?” You gasped, quickly looking around as his hand trailed up your thigh. No one was looking your way. They were too occupied with the fireworks.
“Just keep looking at the sky, Smartie,” he said against your ear, your legs opening more as his hand found its prize. “And I'll keep touching you.”
Oh, fuck.
You shivered in his grasp despite the blanket and his body providing more than enough heat. His touch was possessive yet tender and you could feel your body turn to jelly as he rubbed you through your panties. You tried to concentrate on the colors above you, the material damp from his expert touch. And you couldn't stop your heart from pounding in your ears, adding the explosive noises around you.
More fireworks went off, but you blocked out the “oohs” of your friends as he pushed the wet fabric aside. “Bucky,” you whimpered, biting your tongue when he traced a finger along your slick pussy.
“I’ve wanted to touch you all day,” he whispered against your neck, teasing your folds. Your hole clenched before the fingertip even touched it. “I can't believe you’re mine. Keep asking myself how I got so lucky.”
I’m the lucky one.
His finger breached you, making you gasp and grip his arm. His palm pressed against your clit and you couldn’t help but push your hips down, seeking out more friction. You wanted to take care of him, too. Maybe when the two of you went to bed…
Another finger slipped in, curling and thrusting quickly. If you were at home, he’d take more time in taking you apart. He wouldn't stop until you soaked the sheets and even then he might keep going. And he'd make sure you were a quivering mess, mewling and begging for mercy or reprieve.
“Have I told you today how much I love you, babydoll?” He asked, static pleasure coursing through your body as you climbed higher.
Orgasms were a lot like fireworks. Some tumbled slowly in the sky, like a slow fire that coursed through your veins. Others exploded, so large and powerful that you couldn’t keep the sounds of awe in. Then there were small bursts, the ones that got the job done and still felt good.
You wondered what kind of orgasm Bucky would give you tonight.
“I love you, too,” you whispered, colors dancing behind your eyes as you shut them.
You wanted to shout how much you loved Bucky Barnes. You wanted your love for him to burst through the sky like a shooting star. But you didn’t need to put on a show for him to know you were his. He knew you belonged to him.
But you’d still have to try and keep quiet as you clenched around his fingers.
“Please,” you whispered, ready to fall over the edge as his palm rubbed your clit again.
Your head turned and his mouth slanted against yours to swallow down your moan. “Open your eyes,” he whispered, his fingers curling once more as you listened to his command and watched the colors light up his blue eyes. “And come for me.”
Your walls pulsed as the finale began, your cry drowned out by the rapid booms. Your wetness coated his fingers, every nerve cell vibrating as brilliant hues illuminated the sky. The hues swirled in your dizzying head, too. You were flying. Sinking. Floating.
You were a firework.
“Beautiful,” Bucky whispered, guiding you back to him.
Your body stayed lax against his, wishing he didn't have to take his fingers out. “You’re beautiful,” you exhaled, watching him subtly bring his hand to his mouth to taste your release. “Menace,” you added.
This man. I really just let him finger bang me with everyone sitting around.
“Yeah, I am,” he smiled, placing another kiss on your lips as Steve and Sam got up. Natasha and Clint were already up, too, to get more drinks.
If anyone knew what happened, they didn't draw any attention to it.
“Those were even better than last year,” Sam said.
“They were. And now we can have s'mores,” the blonde smiled, stopping to look at his best friend. “I thought you two were going to bed.”
“In a minute,” Bucky said, shifting his hips under yours to let you feel how hard he was. Getting you off turned him on. “Think I need to relax a bit more.”
Yeah, so no one sees you walking around with a raging hard-on.
You wiggled your hips, smiling when your fiancé quietly groaned. “Yeah. Relax,” you sighed, feeling him squeeze your thigh in a warning.
Well, he wanted your attention before and now he had it.
And I’ll make him see fireworks before the night is over, too.
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Stud and Smartie need to talk to my muse and make sure Steve has a good birthday. 🥰 Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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hedgehog-moss · 6 months
Just wanted to say I have been internet-less for a while now, due to damage from a thunderstorm, and it's not clear when the problem will be fixed! Hopefully by Monday but that's also what they said last week. At first I was able to find some 3G here by sitting perilously on the very edge of that one specific window on the 1st floor of the barn >
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—but this no longer works for some reason. That's too bad because while I waited 5min for websites to load like it's 2001 I could watch the llamas bounce about and the chickens scour the pasture for insects, it was like having a real life Windows screensaver. But this week was very windy so I assume the elusive airborne internet in this corner of my barn has floated away elsewhere.
My next solution was climbing up to the plateau through the woods with my laptop under my arm to go sit in a pasture that's famous (to me and 1 neighbour) for having inexplicably good cell reception. It's funny because I sat nowhere near the road but Pandolf kept patrolling all over to check for enemies while I checked for emails so people driving by kept stopping their car and crossing the pasture to come say hi like, "I recognised your dog from afar!" I've had better luck keeping in touch with people I know via this great new social network called DogRun than via modern means of communication.
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The guy who owns the pasture also came to say hi and when I told him what I was doing here, he looked at his phone and went like, wow, there /is/ great reception here, better than at my farm, I could come check my email here too. So this cow pasture is poised to become a trendy new coworking space.
But then I had to make a video call and that exceeded the capacities of even the great 3G Pasture, so I had to drive several km to sit under a tree a few hundred metres away from a village so I can leech their amazing urban 4G.
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This is probably how a mediaeval peasant would make a Zoom call, once a week riding their donkey across the countryside to go sit in a field near the ramparts of the nearest fortified village and enjoy their feudal lord-sponsored high-speed connection.
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yourmidnightlover · 7 months
pairing: mob!bucky x reader
summary: after being forced into a marriage you didn’t want, you become very cautious of your new husband out of fear of what he’s capable of when one of his employees makes a move at a dinner meeting.
warnings: anxious reader, threat of domestic violence (reader is just worried abt it), groping, please let me know if i missed something or need to add anything!
a/n: reader is very timid in this. i know a lot of people like a reader who doesn’t take shit and stands up for herself, but i often find myself in situations where i just shut down and don’t know how to respond… so this is kinda inspired by that feeling
pt 2 -> control
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two months out of forever.
two months of what seemed like wedded bliss from the outside.
in reality, that “bliss” included sleeping in separate rooms, never even seeing each other unless necessary to make appearances for either of your parents. 
the ones who arranged for this to happen in the first place. 
you were just glad you were able to have your time for yourself. you thought you would use the time to continue writing for your book, but you’ve hit a serious case of writers block. so lovely. 
on the bright side, he wasn’t as controlling as your few friends had made it seem he would be. 
they had painted this picture of a monster in your head. a man who would loom over your presence during every waking second. a man who was controlling and wouldn’t let you have a personal life or secrets.
so far, he’s been the opposite. 
for some reason, that still leaves you unsteady. 
because they also painted him in a very violent, angry, red light. 
but maybe he had a mistress. if that were the case, he truly didn’t respect you or your family. it didn’t seem like bucky to do that, though. he wouldn’t ruin a business deal that benefitted him so much. 
the reason you married him was because your father’s finance business was going under, drowned in debts while the only options were to sell to the barnes’ or the rumlow’s. the barnes’ seemed the lesser of two evils.
the only way to smoothly transition your father’s business to be under the barnes’ control without raising any question of your father’s capability was to marry. if any questions were asked about why your father sold his company, the not so good side of the finance industry would trample after your entire family. the barnes’ would get a new company and their many clients, while your family wouldn’t become entirely blacklisted by the entire country, would be putting your family under the barnes’ protection, and there would be less questions asked as to why the company had been merged.
you had a few months of “leaking” images of you and bucky together into the tabloids to prepare the public for the news of such a big marriage. some were photos of you and bucky holding hands while walking. a couple of you at a restaurant smiling. a few staged kissing photos… those may or may not have been your favorite.
those times spent with him, in all honesty, weren’t bad at all. going for walks together at sunset, dinner dates, feeling his lips against yours…
you had gotten to know more about his childhood that the tabloids didn’t feel was important to cover. his favorite subject in school and how he actually lost his arm so many years ago. you learned each others’ fears and worries in life. your favorite thing to learn about him, however, was what he truly wanted in life. 
a couple weeks after the wedding, a few photos of the reception were once again “leaked” in order to sell the “too in love to wait” bit that everyone had started assuming upon seeing the first few photos of you and bucky together. 
but all of your history with him flew to the back of your mind as bucky knocked on your office door. 
“come in,” you replied hesitantly, not sure what he wanted from you for the first time since your wedding. he stepped through the threshold and stood at the doorframe. 
“there’s a work meeting tomorrow,” his hand remained on the doorknob, so stiff you’d think he might rip it off the precious white wood in seconds. “the men are meeting at the house. i wanted to let you know. the men in this business, they expect marriages to be of the… traditional values.”
you nodded with understanding, turning to face him with a forced grin. “so i should play the part of the doting housewife, huh?” no smile in return, so you bit back your humor in turn for matching his serious tone. “what food should i prepare, then? and uh, how many guests will we be expecting?”
“whatever’s easiest for you,” he shrugged lightly. “there will be 9 of us there.” with one final look in your direction, he left the office and didn’t return to say goodnight. 
the next morning you got to work setting the house up for the 6pm meeting your loving husband was hosting. 
you had decided to set up a buffet-style table outside of the main dining room where the meeting would take place. for the menu, you settled on simple grilled chicken with quite a few side options. roast potatoes, asparagus, sauteed carrots, green beans, and rolls. 
you were putting the rolls in the oven when bucky got home, seemingly entranced by the smell of all the food, heading straight to the kitchen.
“it smells amazing in here,” bucky called from the archway of the kitchen. you jumped slightly from the surprise, but swallowed down the shock and another weak smile. 
“thanks,” you nodded to the edge of the island where a large chalkboard sat, your handwriting neatly displayed on the board that listed all the food to be had. “the menu. i figured a variety would be nice, and who doesn’t like chicken, right?”
“vegetarians,” if you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was telling a joke. but you knew better than that. “the men are coming in a little less than an hour. do you maybe want to change before they get here?”
you looked down at what you were wearing, a pair of blue jeans and a loose t-shirt clearly not worthy of someone who had married a barnes man. “right, of course. i’m sorry,” you finished setting the timer on the oven and ran upstairs to get yourself put together before bucky saw the tears trying to seep past your waterline. 
you settled on a black cocktail dress you had worn to one of your dad’s company events before the downfall… quickly swiping some makeup on to cover the exhaustion in your eyes and pulling your hair up to a more respectable updo rather than your typical messy bun. 
luckily you had become an expert at quickly getting ready from your time in university, as you were back in time to pull the rolls from the oven, but not before pulling on your apron. you’d be dammed if you got this stunning dress dirty right before this prestigious meeting. 
t-5 minutes before the meeting was supposed to begin and you could already hear lots of rustling from the formal dining room. you knocked on the closed doors before bucky opened the door for you. 
the men went silent as their gaze rested on you in the doorway. 
“the foods ready. buffet style?” your eyes didn’t leave bucky’s pretty blues, too scared to do anything wrong in front of his men. 
“that’s perfect, my love,” his hands gravitated to your waist before pulling your body taut against his, one hand moving a stray hair behind your ear before leaning in to whisper. “you look ravishing…”
as he pulled back, you were sure your blush was evident across your cheeks. you tried to hide it behind a smile, shrugging with a shy ‘thanks’ leaving your lips. 
“what do you say to my stunning wife, boys?” his hand squeezed your waist once more before turning to the other men, ‘thank you’s being echoed throughout the room as they stood and made their way to the kitchen to make their plates. 
in a matter of minutes, all the food was gone. you figured it was best they liked the food, even if you didn’t get to try any of it yourself like you had planned. 
you got started on cleaning everything up with earbuds in your ears, starting with the dishes already in the sink from when you were cooking. then, you were sure to place the dishes that the food was in inside the sink for you to clean before starting on wiping the counters, then sweeping, then mopping, and then back to the dishes. 
you didn’t realize that bucky had called for a break in the meeting, however. you were in for quite the rude awakening when you felt a pair of hands on your waist, but not the ones you were semi-familiar with. 
you turned around with a gasp, shock evident on your face as you tried to piece together whoever this man was. blond hair, blue eyes… definitely not steve though. you knew steve well and had seen him often. 
you pulled your earbuds from your ears in attempt to better understand what was going on. his hands were still gripping your sides, but you couldn’t necessarily escape his touch. you were backed against the sink. even if you could fight him, you’d likely lose to his strong grip. 
“is the meeting-is it over already?” your voice was so much more cowardly than you’d ever expected yourself to be. 
“no, no,” he shook his head. “just a little break, some of the guys were getting antsy.” you leaned back further, trying to create some semblance of space between you. “i figured i’d say a special thank you, on behalf of all of us guys in there.” he let one hand cup the side of your face and neck, his other hand trailing down from your waist, firmly grasping your ass with a sqeeze before you jumped at the invasion.
“i don’t-i’ve got it…”
“john,” he smiled grossly, as if he could convince you to go to bed with him.
“no need for a thanks,” you tried to remind him. “i did this for bucky. for my husband.” your eyebrows rose, trying to emphasize that his boss was also your husband. 
“i’m sure he won’t mind you getting a little bit of extra special attention, don’t you?”
then, a growling voice cut through the fear running through your veins. 
“i think he might mind.”
you turned to face bucky with wide eyes before facing john, wishing the tears welling in your eyes would just go away. 
his hands slowly retracted, stepping back with a chuckle.
“sorry, sir,” he smiled before turning to face your husband. “she was just telling me how she wanted some extra attention, weren’t you, toots?” he tilted his head expectantly.
your mouth opened, nothing leaving in spite of your brain screaming at you. what would bucky do? would he take his side? would he believe you? would he hurt you? 
you’ve embarrassed him now… humiliated him in his own home. surely he’ll take action against you for this. 
your mind replayed stories your old friends had told you about him. how he would lash out at men that betrayed him. how he never took shit from anyone who showed him any disrespect. how he was the kind of man to shoot first and ask quesitons later.
and now, in a way, you’ve both betrayed and disrespected him. or at least, that’s what he’ll think. 
you didn’t even realize tears were flowing down your face until your sobs were interrupted. 
“enough!” you finally looked at bucky before his eyes softened for a second before walking closer to you. “go to the room.” he ordered sternly. 
“but the dish-”
“i’ll take care of it,” he interrupted gravely, “go. to. the. room.” 
“yes, sir,” you nodded and swiftly left the room entirely, collapsing against the door once you had shut it, sobs wracking your body. you held your knees against your chest before trying to regulate your breathing.
he won’t hurt you.
he has to protect his image.
you’ve embarrassed him.
you’re his wife.
you’re his business deal.
you’ve humiliated him.
he’ll hurt you.
you didn’t know how long it had been since the incident. 
your sobs had subsided. you had, at some point, moved to your bed. you were still rocking your body back and forth, trying to self sooth. 
and then there was a knock at the door. 
your body instinctively jumped at the sudden noise, although it wasn’t harsh in any manner, at least not one that you were expecting. 
he twisted the knob, slowly opening the door with slow movements. 
“i-i’m so sorry,” you began apologizing as soon as he stepped through the threshold into your room. “i swear-i swear i didn’t tell him that. i didn’t even realize he was there, i promise. i wouldn’t lie to you. i’m so sorry, i’m so sorry. please believe me.” your body was still rocking and you didn’t even notice he was as close to you as he was until you saw his hand moving by your head.
automatically, you assumed the absolute worst, your head ducking into your body like a fucking turtle, the meekest squeal leaving your lips mixed with a sob. your arms went over your head protectively, as if a bomb were about to go off.
“sweetheart,” his voice sounded so broken, so torn, so unexpectedly soft. 
you finally looked at him for the first time since he came in your room. his flesh hand was holding his metal one as if it were something that could kill. in ways, it was. 
“you-there’s no need to…” after looking at him for a second longer, you noticed that his eyes had tears that almost mirrored your own. “i would never, ever lay a hand on you. i’m so sorry for scaring you. i can’t…” he sighed. “i can’t believe i made you believe i’d ever hurt you.”
“i’m sorry,” you pleaded with him once again. 
“you have nothing to apologize for,” he hesitated to reach for your hands before settling on simply grabbing a spare pillow. “i came up here to apologize. for my tone earlier… i know john. he never knows his boundaries. i should’ve… you never should’ve been put in that situation. that’s my fault. that’s on me. and i will spend the rest of forever to make it up to you.” 
“you don’t have to-”
“no, my love,” he shook his head. “can i-can i hold your hands? please?” you, without hesitation, grabbed his hands yourself. “i need to make it up to you. you’re mine. you’re my wife. it’s my job to protect you, to keep you safe. and to have someone ruin that? to touch what’s mine in my own home? i’m so sorry.” he brought your hands to his lips, pressing at least ten kisses to each hand. he was so gentle and careful it was a good thing you knew better than to think it actually meant anything.
you were surprised, to say the least, at how tender he was being with you. 
how could you have ever thought he would hurt you? that he would raise his hand and swing? that he would cause you harm? he was here declaring that he would make up this incident for the rest of eternity when it wasn’t even his doing… 
“will you stay with me tonight?” his eyes lit up at the request.
“are you sure you want that?” he became a touch more reserved. “i don’t know if it’s a good idea since you were worried i would…” his voice trailed off.
“i’m sure,” you nodded before scooting over in the bed. 
sure, your marriage was arranged and didn’t stem from true love. you may not have talked outside of when absolutely necessary. you might have even been terrified of him at one point. 
but now, the thought of forever with bucky barnes didn’t seem half bad. 
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Fall wedding under the oak at The Blessed Barn in Aynor, SC
I just put up a new blog post about my first wedding at The Blessed Barn. Check out my thoughts on the location and lots of pictures from the fun wedding and reception.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
Bucky and reader on a long mission where they’re a married couple attending their new “friends” wedding reception. Bucky asks the reader to dance with him, because what kind of husband would attend an event like this and not dance with his amazing wife?
Dance With Me » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Female Reader
Summary: You and Bucky attend a wedding as a fake married couple for a mission.
Warnings: Fluff, language, fake marriage, kissing, pet names
A/N: Thank you to the lovely anonymous person who requested this🩵
Written on my phone. My apologies for any mistakes.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creator.
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“You ready to do this?” Bucky asks as the two of you stood in front of the entrance to the venue.
“I’m ready whenever you are…” You looked up at him. “Husband.” You say.
“Let’s do this, wife.” He says.
You linked your arm with Bucky’s right arm and walked with him in the venue.
You and Bucky are on a mission as a fake married couple attending a wedding of two new “friends”. You two weren’t actually going to pay attention to the wedding festivities, except say hi to the bride and groom you two became “friends” with. You two are actually there for a flash drive that has very useful and important information on it for the Avengers.
“Look ahead.” You tell Bucky, seeing the bride and groom walking towards you guys. “Act natural.” You say.
The bride practically squeals when she sees you and Bucky, greeting you guys with a hug.
“How are you guys?” She asks. “We haven’t seen you two in a while.” She says.
“Sorry about that.” You apologized. “We were so busy with our kids that we forgot that we have a social life and friends.” You tell her, making something up.
“That’s ok.” She smiles. “We’ll catch up sometime soon. In the meantime, I hope you two enjoy our wedding as much as us.” She says, holding onto her husband’s arm.
You and Bucky gave them a nod and a smile as they walked away. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“We have kids now?” Bucky teasingly says with a playful smirk.
“It was the first thing I came up with!” You say.
“I’m not making fun of you.” He said. “I actually thought it was clever.
“Thank you.” You say with a proud smile.
“You’re welcome.” He smiles back. “Now, let’s get that flash drive, wife.” He says.
“Let’s do this, husband.” You say.
You and Bucky managed to slip out of the room the reception is in without no one noticing and walked down the hallway, looking for the room you two are looking for.
“Bingo.” You two stopped in front of the office you two need to search. “This is it.” You say in a whisper.
You put your hand on the doorknob and turned it, only to find out that it’s locked. You huffed quietly and turned to face Bucky.
“The door is locked. How are we going to get the flash drive?” You asked.
Bucky stared at the locked door for a short moment before smirking to himself. He put his vibranium hand on the doorknob and turned it just enough to break it, opening the door afterwards.
“After you, doll face.” Bucky says, gesturing for you to go in the office first.
You walked in the office while Bucky stood guard at the door. You rummaged through every filing cabinet and every desk drawer, but couldn’t find the flash drive. You were about to ask Bucky for help, but you discovered something. The desk drawer you were looking through had a little secret compartment. You opened it and found the flash drive with ease. You grabbed it and put everything back the way it was.
“Here you go.” You say, handing the flash drive to Bucky.
Bucky put it in the pocket of his suit jacket and you two got out of there before someone saw you guys. You two managed to sneak back in the room the wedding reception is in with ease. You two looked around the big room to make sure no one was looking at you before making your way to the exit.
“The coast is clear. Let’s get out of here.” You say.
“Wait a minute.” Bucky said. “May I have this dance?” He asks when a slow song began to play through the speakers.
“What?” You asked, blinking a couple times.
“What kind of husband would I be if I didn’t dance with my wife at a wedding?” He says.
You could sense his 1940s charm coming through, which made you smile. You happily accepted his offer for a dance. You two made your way to the dance floor and tried your best to blend in with everyone else. You wrapped your arms around his neck while he put his hands on your waist. You two swayed to the slow beat of the song. You two gazed in each other’s eyes while swaying to the music. Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. Your lips moved against his in sync.
“Mmm…” You hummed against Bucky’s lips before pulling away from his lips. “Let’s not steal the spotlight from the bride and groom.” You whispered.
“Good idea.” Bucky says with a small chuckle.
You and Bucky continued dancing while you thought to yourself. You’ve always heard about Bucky’s charm with the ladies in the 1940s, but never seen it until now. You have to say you definitely like this part of Bucky and you most definitely want to see it more often.
“What’s on your mind, doll?” Bucky asks, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Hmm?” You asked, humming in response.
“I asked you, what’s on your mind?” He asks again.
“I was just thinking.” You answered.
“Thinking about what?” He asks.
“You and your 1940s charm.” You answered. “I love this side of you and I would like to see it more often.” You say.
Bucky dips his head down so his lips are near your ear.
“I’ll show you this side of me anytime you want. All you have to do is ask, doll face.” He whispers in your ear.
“I can tell you what else I want from you.” You say.
“Oh yea? What might that be?” He asks.
Instead of telling him what it is, you kissed him passionately. Bucky immediately kissed you back. You pulled away, looking deep in his blue eyes.
“I have to say…” You started. “Being fake married is fun.” You say.
“I agree.” Bucky says, agreeing with you.
Bucky kissed you once more before you two realized that you two are accidentally stealing the spotlight from the bride and groom.
“We’re stealing the spotlight from the bride and groom.” You say with a small giggle.
“I don’t care.” Bucky pecks your lips softly. “I enjoy kissing you.” He admits.
“I enjoy kissing you too.” You admitted.
“Then we should get out of here.” He says.
“Let’s go.” You say.
You and Bucky walked over to the bride and groom to say goodbye to them before leaving.
“We’re going to have to cut the night short. We have something to do tomorrow and we have to get up early for it.” You say, making it up.
“Oh ok. Well, thank you for coming. We should catch up sometime when we’re not busy.” The bride says.
“Sounds good to us. Don’t you think, doll?” Bucky says.
You hummed and nodded in response. You two then left the wedding and got in the car.
“I’d like to dance with you again sometime.” You say.
“We can dance again when we get back to the hotel.” Bucky says.
“Sounds good to me.” You say with a smile.
Bucky leaned over the center console and pecked your lips softly.
“Wife.” Bucky says.
“Husband.” You say.
-Bucky’s Doll
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xoashdurham · 2 years
Elderberry Manor Wedding in West Bend
Sam and Emma's perfect fall Elderberry Manor wedding in West Bend, complete with the most romantic, rustic outdoor ceremony space!
Good morning and happy Monday, friends!! I’m so excited to share all about Sam and Emma’s Elderberry Manor wedding in West Bend today! Their wedding was absolutely a dream come true, from start to finish. Ever since I photographed their engagement session at Lion’s Den Gorge earlier this year, I knew that these two would become dear friends of ours. I’m so excited that once we move up to…
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drabblesandsnippets · 2 months
Hot Bucky Summer Masterlist
18+ Only
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plus-size female character (unnamed)
The Bet - Bucky’s girlfriend thinks she can stay quiet during sex - Bucky’s more than happy to prove her wrong. Confidence, Part 1 - AU Bucky is a full-service sex worker who enjoys helping women become more confident in their sexuality. Breathe - During a wedding reception, Bucky and his fiancée sneak off to have some fun. Confidence, Part 2 - AU Bucky is a full-service sex worker who enjoys helping women become more confident in their sexuality. Sunshine, Part 1 - Ramblings of the first few months of having Bucky as a roommate. Slow burn. Grumpy/Sunshine. Roommate!Bucky is the happy one, she's the 'grump' (with the nickname Sunshine). Sunshine, Part 2 - After a night out with Bucky's friends, things will never be the same. Sunshine, Part 3 - While still dealing with the events of their drunken night out, Bucky helps Sunshine with a problem. Sunshine, Part 4 - During a blackout, Bucky learns more about Sunshine’s past. Sunshine, Part 5 - Bucky’s confession tests the bond of their relationship. Sunshine, Part 6 - More confessions ensue before Bucky asks Sunshine out on a date. Part 2 of The Bet - 10/1 Sunshine, Part 7 - 10/15 Confidence, Part 3 - 10/29
Thank you @buckybarnesevents for creating this event!
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Honey Girl. Chapter Nine.
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Chapter One. Chapter Two. Chapter Three. Chapter Four. Chapter Five. Chapter Six. Chapter Seven. Chapter Eight. Chapter Ten. The Playlist. Series Masterlist.
Chapter Synopsis - You and Bucky are holding it together. Until you aren’t.
Pairing - DadsBestFriend!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader - soulmate au
Warnings - cursing. hospital setting. talk of illness/health issues. panic attack.
Word Count - 3k
Authors Note - I probably sound like a broken record, but… thank you all so much for your patience and support. couldn’t do it without you. can you even believe that next chapter will be chapter ten? thanks for sticking with me. sorry for this rollercoaster of a chapter. there is still more to come - don’t worry!! <3
as always, if you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging!! reblogs are the only way to circulate my writing, which generates more of it. feel free to send me a comment or an inbox, too!! thanks, my loves!! <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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You don’t remember the journey.
One minute, Bucky’s grabbing your hand and bundling you into the passenger seat of his truck, buckling you in as your hands shake. The next, he’s undoing your seatbelt, telling you that you’ve arrived as he puts the car in park. You don’t recall speeding across town and into the city. You can’t even think back to the roads flying past in a blur as your thoughts run at a hundred miles an hour.
The only thing that’s on your mind is your Dad.
You and Buck take the stairs two at a time, hands clasped together tightly. When you reach the reception desk, you try to speak, but nothing comes out. Your words have dried up, dissolved and evaporated into thin air. Your soulmate saves you, once again.
“We’re here to see a family member in cardiology. Can you tell us where to go, please?”
The receptionist looks up at you both, before nodding her head in the right direction.
“Follow that hallway, then through the double doors and up the stairs. Go left, and you’ll see the sign.”
You’re on autopilot, heading straight towards the doors. Bucky follows you quickly, throwing a chaste but genuine thanks to the lady behind the desk as he goes.
“Baby,” he calls after you when you reach the top. “Baby, hold on.”
You spin around, looking up at him with glassy eyes. Your bottom lip quivers as he tucks some hair behind your ear, fingertips brushing your cheek gently.
“Take a breath, please. You’re gonna faint before you get there.”
You inhale as deeply as possible, your lungs only filling to half capacity. You grab onto his hand for a second, squeezing as hard as you can.
“Okay. Breath done. Let’s go.”
You take off down the hallway, leaving Bucky to jog after you. Finding the big blue sign that reads Cardiology, you storm through the doors, looking around frantically. You spot Room 4 and head straight into it.
The room is all white, clinical and clean. There’s sunshine beaming through the window, but it doesn’t seem to warm the space. It’s cold, almost ominous. It makes it hard to breathe.
The bed is empty, crisp sheets tucked tightly into the plastic sides. Your Mom is sat in the chair beside it. She looks small, swallowed by the blue material.
You don’t recognise your own voice. It’s choked and strangled, foreign to your ears.
She practically jumps up, striding across the room to wrap you in her arms. Inhaling the familiar scent of home, you hug her back as tightly as you can.
“Where is he?”
“He’s in surgery.”
You breathe a half sigh of relief. You’d feared the worst, when you’d walked in and seen the empty bed.
“What happened?”
Bucky’s been leaning against the door frame, watching you both carefully but giving you space. The tone of his voice is calm, collected. He’s holding it together for you.
“I honestly couldn’t understand it all. They were telling me so much information so fast.”
She sits down in the chair while you and Bucky perch on the edge of the bed, facing her.
“It was supposed to just be an appointment, wasn’t it?”
She nods.
“They did the EKG and weren’t happy with the results, so the nurse put us in this room while she waited for the Doctor. Then the Doctor burst in, talking about blockages and bypasses and emergency surgery.”
Her hands are trembling, neatly manicured nails being picked at repeatedly. Bucky reaches over and links his fingers with hers, all grounded and reassuring.
“They put him in a gown,” she continues, “and all of a sudden they were wheeling him away. I can’t even remember what I said, or if I said goodbye or I love you.”
“Mama, you will have said I love you. I promise you that.”
“She’s right, Lori. You will have said exactly the right thing. You always do.”
She squeezes his hand gratefully, taking a deep breath.
“The Doctor said he had a blockage, and they were worried about blood clotting. That’s why they rushed him in. The nurse said she’d update me when she knew anything, but I haven’t spoken to anyone yet.”
“I’m sure he’ll be back soon. You know what Jack’s like,” Bucky laughs. “He’s the toughest guy I know.”
She smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, freshen up a little. Call me if a nurse comes in, won’t you?”
You nod, clasping her hand tightly for a moment.
“Promise, Mama.”
She stands up carefully, inhaling before leaving the room. Your posture instantly crumbles, faked bravado leaving you as soon as she’s out of view.
“I’m so scared,” you whisper.
Bucky hears it clear as day.
He slides closer to you, wrapping both arms around your frame. Pressing a kiss into your hair, he runs his fingertips up and down your spine gently.
“I’ve got you, baby. You’re allowed to be scared. But everything is going to be okay. I know it will be.”
“That doesn’t make me feel better,” you mumble into the cotton of his shirt. “It should, but it doesn’t. That scares me, too.”
Bucky traces the features of your face gently with his thumb, his ocean blue eyes never leaving yours. He dances his finger over the slope of your nose, your cheekbones, the curve of your lips. His skin is warm and calloused against yours, polar opposite to how cold you feel.
“I’m your soulmate,” he murmurs, “but I’m not a miracle worker. Fuck, I wish I was. There are gonna be some things that I can’t fix for you, no matter how badly I want to. We just have to ride them out together, sweet girl.”
You nod, leaning in to rest your head against his pounding heart.
It still beats to the rhythm of your name. Even after all this time.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You don’t jump apart when your Mom walks back in.
Upon first glance, the picture is simple - a girl being comforted by her Dads best friend. A hug. Reassuring words.
If you look closer, the image becomes a little more complicated - her fingers tangled in the front of his shirt. His hand cradling the back of her head. Familiar lips softly pressed to her temple.
Any other time, someone might question the sheer intimacy of the moment. But not now.
Now, all focus is drawn to the nurse in sky blue scrubs that appears in the doorway.
“You’re all Jack’s family?”
You all spin to face her, nodding frantically.
“Thought so. He’s out of surgery, and he’ll be brought up here shortly.”
“Is he alright?” your Mom asks, standing up. You can physically see the tension rising in her body.
“He’s doing okay. The Doctor is going to come up and talk to you a little about some… complications. But he’s okay.”
The reassurance at the end of the sentence doesn’t make any of you feel any better. You’re stuck on the word complications.
As if on cue, your Dad is wheeled in, all laid up cosy in crisp white sheets. He has oxygen tucked up under his nose, tubes and wires attached to his hands. He looks fragile, which is a state you’ve never seen him in before. Usually, he’s larger than life, braver than a bear, with a booming laugh that can make anyone smile. In this current moment, he looks like a little boy again, put to bed softly by his mother on a school night.
They get him situated as the Doctor approaches the three of you, huddled by the chair to stay out of the way.
“The surgery went well. The blockage has been fixed, and hopefully shouldn’t reoccur. We’ll put him on medication for the future, blood thinners most likely, to prevent anything further.”
Your Mom nods, lips pressed together.
“The nurse said there was complications?”
Bucky’s voice is low and careful, the timbre of it reverberating next to you.
“We ran into some trouble with the anaesthetic. We struggled to wake him for quite some time, and then his blood pressure completely bottomed out. We managed to get him steady again, but it was a little touch and go for a minute.”
Your Mom sits down slowly, holding onto the arms of the chair with taut knuckles.
“Your husband is going to be just fine, ma’am. We’ll manage any future worries with meds. Some people just don’t respond well to anaesthesia, especially if they’ve never had it before. We’ll monitor him over the next few days, keep him under observation just in case. But it looks positive. I assure you.”
She inhales, leaning back and exhaling the breath.
“He’ll probably just sleep it off for the rest of today, so don’t worry if he’s barely conscious. His body has been through a trauma, and he needs some time to recover.”
You all nod, Bucky’s hand reaching out to squeeze yours momentarily. He subtly presses a kiss into the nape of your neck, as if to melt the tension away.
You all breathe a collective sigh of relief.
“If you need anything, there are always nurses walking around on this floor. They’ll call me if necessary.”
She smiles before leaving, picking up her clipboard as she goes.
“Thanks, Doctor!” Bucky calls after her, making both you and your Mom laugh softly.
The three of you remain still for a while, scared to make any sudden moves. Eventually, Bucky stretches his legs.
“I’m gonna grab some coffees. The usuals?”
You both nod at him.
“Be right back. Call me if you need anything.”
You can’t take your eyes off him as he leaves. You miss his warmth instantly.
“He’s a good guy,” your Mom whispers to you from the chair, where you’re perched on the armrest. She’s watching him go too.
You hum in agreement.
“He looks out for you.”
You hum in agreement once again, albeit this time a little quieter.
“You guys are close, these days.”
You inhale calmly.
“Yeah,” you murmur. “He’s got my back.”
“He likes you a lot.”
Before she can continue, your Dads eyes flutter open slowly. You both jump up, standing on either side of his bed.
“Hi, honey.”
“Hi, Dad.”
He blinks rapidly, trying to adjust to the harsh lighting.
“How you feeling, tough guy?”
He smiles softly, and the relief that fills your body is so overwhelming, you feel as if your legs might give out. You hold onto the metal bars of the bed for support, praying you stay upright.
He groans a little, throat hoarse.
Your Mom puts the straw in his mouth, nodding in approval as he sips.
“I’m good,” he croaks. “Got my girls with me.”
You both laugh.
“Jack, as much as I’d love to be your girl…”
Bucky is stood against the doorframe, keeping a careful distance from the family moment. Your Dad chuckles, shaking his head.
“You’re the prettiest one, Buck,” he says with as much conviction as he can muster. You all can’t help but laugh even more.
“How you feeling, honey?”
“Fine. Tired, though.”
“The Doctor said you’d most likely just sleep it off all day. Go back to sleep, if you want to. We’re right here.”
He nods, closing his eyes instantly. Your Mom settles back in the chair as Bucky hands her a coffee. He goes to give you yours, but you place it down on the side table.
“I’m gonna get some air. Be back in a minute.”
He gives you a look that says are you sure?, but you’re already out the door, not glancing back.
“She doesn’t like hospitals.”
Bucky nods in recognition, but can’t focus on anything except the severe levels of rising anxiety in his chest.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You can’t find your way out, and it’s making you panic more.
You’re throwing doors open, running down sets of stairs. Eventually, you see an exit, and barge through it with no regard for your surroundings. You’re at the front of the hospital, somehow making it to the main entrance.
Your lungs feel like they’re burning, white hot heat filling them with each weak inhale that you manage. The world is turning, suddenly, the entire axis of the Earth shifting on its head. Gasping, you grab onto a railing, desperate to just take a full breath and calm down.
The more you try to breathe, the worse things seem to get. It feels like the non existent walls are closing in, claustrophobia settling into your weary bones. Your legs buckle as your surroundings spin.
You don’t even register the impact of your knees hitting the ground, nor feel the pain that follows. You’re only minutely aware that you’re even on the floor because you can feel the warm tarmac underneath your palms.
Suddenly, there are two strong arms wrapped around your middle, pulling you into a solid chest. You relax against it, tired of fighting.
“It’s me, baby. Shit, it’s me.”
The voice is panicked, almost frantic in the way it hits your ears. There’s a hand stroking over your hair, strumming over your cheekbone, squeezing your shoulder. You wonder for a second if anyone has ever died from something like this. You feel as if you’re pretty close.
“You’ve got to start slowing your breathing, honey. Can you hear me?”
You think you nod. You assume you do, because the voice continues.
“Put your hand on my heart,” he says as he does it for you. “Just like that. Can you feel the beat of it, underneath your palm? It sounds like a drum, right? One two, one two, one two. Can you focus on it?”
You try to hone into the sound. You think you might be able to distantly feel it, where your hand meets his shirt.
“How about if we create a pattern together? And we’ll both follow it? Like this.”
The voice tilts your chin upwards, so you’re looking into his eyes.
“Bucky,” you choke out.
“Breathe when I breathe, okay? In, and out,” he inhales and exhales. “In, and out. There we go, atta girl. In, and out. You got it.”
You stay collapsed on the sidewalk for what feels like hours, breathing when he tells you to. You focus your vision on his ocean blue irises, finding your home in them. Eventually, you feel like you’re somewhat filling your lungs, and the world stops spinning.
“There she is.”
You drop your head onto his chest, warm tears soaking into the material of his shirt.
“I’ve got you, sweet girl. I’ve got you. You’re okay. You’re safe.”
You finally let yourself relax, sagging against his body as he holds you close.
“Fuck, you scared me. Are you hurt?”
You don’t even know the answer to that question yourself.
Bucky starts checking you over, looking for any visible injuries. When he reaches your knees, he inhales sharply.
“Shit, baby. We’ll have to get some antiseptic on these grazes of yours. You’ll have some badass bruises tomorrow, tough girl.”
You realise, slowly, where you are. You’re on the sidewalk outside the hospital, sat on the floor, wrapped in Bucky’s arms. You try to stand up too quickly, and wobble backwards.
“Woah, easy. There we go. Come sit over here with me.”
There’s a wooden bench not far from the entrance, tucked in between a hedge and a flowerbed. You take a seat, surveying the bloody mess of your knees as you do.
“They look worse than they are, baby. Promise. We’ll fix them when we go back upstairs.”
You rest your head on his shoulder as he throws an arm around you and tugs you into his side.
“What’s going on in that head of yours, hmm?”
“Don’t like hospitals,” you whisper. “Never have.”
“Is there… any particular reason? Or is it just one of those things?”
“Spent a lot of time here when I was younger,” you admit quietly. “I was kind of a sick kid. Had my own set of issues. Lots of appointments and stuff.”
Bucky nods against the top of your head, pressing a kiss into your hair.
“You never mentioned anything.”
“Didn’t think it was relevant.”
He hums.
“I’m sorry,” you confess. “For causing a scene. Being dramatic.”
“Honey,” he scolds. “You’re not dramatic. We’ve all got our fears, the things that make us tick. I promise you, no one thinks you’re dramatic. You feel how you feel, and that’s okay.”
You sigh in defeat, pulling your knees up under your chin.
“I think I was holding it together until I saw he was okay. When I knew he was fine, I just… crumbled.”
“That’s a perfect reflection of your character, you know. Keeping it together for everyone else.”
You chuckle dryly.
“Maybe. I suppose.”
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The two of you sit outside for a while longer, breathing in the fresh air and revelling in each others embrace.
“We should probably go back up. They’re going to wonder where we are.”
You go to stand up, but Bucky pulls you back down onto the bench.
“Honey, wait. There’s something we need to… talk about, before we go.”
You turn to face him, and instantly tense up. He looks worried.
“Buck, what is it?”
“I… I don’t know what we’re supposed to do. Or how we’re meant to handle this. I really, really don’t know what the best angle is here.”
“You’re scaring me,” you say as you cradle his face. His scruff tickles your palm, and any other time, you both would have laughed.
“Before I came down to find you, your Mom raised a question with me.”
“… which was?”
He takes a deep breath. Exhales it shakily.
“She asked me how long you and I have been soulmates.”
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tag list part one
@lillytracy6996 @securegorgon @roostersforevergirl @povlvr @val-writesstuff  @dreadfulxives18 @1deadpool26 @abbygraceasd @nyutasgirl @mavrellover91 @winterslove1917 @f-this42 @skewedcherries @noisesinthedark @kandis-mom @black-cat-2 @harrystylesandthegoobs @vladsgirlxx @h0nestly-though @arienotari @nash-dara @wandaneedstherapy @galaxy-dusk @justherefortheficandsmut @cremebruleequeen @cjand10 @buggy14 @avengers-fixation @blueberrybambi @beautiful-loserr @sarah1barnes @miss-rebel-without-applause @ragingrainbowshipl @shamrockqueen @savemeroman @jenn-f @8crazy-freak8 @daddyjackfrost @openup-yourmind @adangerousbalance @mandijo17 @daddylorianisastateofmind @rcarbo1 @casa-boiardi @spideegwen @navs-bhat @mssbridgerton @asuni921 @middle-of-the-earth @mfrnchsk
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redwing4life · 7 months
Prettier Than a Van Gogh
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x Fem!reader
WARNINGS: Bucky struggling with self image, a frankly illegal amount of fluff
SUMMARY: You suggest painting Bucky’s back to help him see the beauty he fails to see in the mirror
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“Honey, I’m home!”
Your voice rings out from the entryway of the apartment, your tone light as you use the phrase you’ve come to love. Bucky said it once when you first moved in together, unaware of its old fashioned nature; you teased him for it in the following weeks, and yet you’ve come to find it endearing - now using it each time you walk through the front door.
“Bucky?” You call out, met with silence once more. While you’re used to coming home to a quiet apartment, the lack of a usual reception of hugs and kisses is worrying.
Concern tugs at your brows as you kick off your shoes. You consider for a moment that he’s been called away on a mission - something that happens every now and then - but his boots still sit on the shoe rack and there’s no sticky note on the wall from him.
“Bucky, darling? You home?”
Spinning round the corner that leads to the open plan kitchen and living room, your frown deepens upon seeing no sign of your boyfriend; the bathroom door is open and he’s not there either. Your eyes lock on the bedroom door that sits slightly ajar before your feet carry you forward.
You knock gently on the wood and peek inside, “Love?”
Oh how your heart drops at the sight before you. The reflection of the mirror Bucky is stood in front of shows you the shame etched across his features. He’s wearing the dark blue and green plaid pyjama bottoms you got him for Christmas with no shirt on.
You’ve found him like this before, him staring with disgust at the scars littered across his torso, but mainly his shoulder. It’s like a knife to the stomach every time you see him with that look in his eyes; if only he saw himself the way you do.
Feet pattering against the hardwood floor, you approach Bucky with eyes trained on his - though he’s yet to glance at you.
“I thought we agreed you didn’t have to do this to yourself anymore, sweetheart” You say, voice quiet and dripping with love. Coming to a halt behind him, you drag your fingers up and down his toned back a couple times before stretching them around his waist.
Bucky’s skin tingles at the warmth of your hands, now flat against his stomach. “I don’t know how to stop” His lips twist into a grimace.
“Then we’ll learn how to.” You reply, slowly stroking the skin beneath his belly button. “Cause you deserve to see yourself the way I do”
You almost gasp when Bucky finally meets your eyes through the mirror, wondering if you’ll ever get used to his beauty.
“Do I?” He asks with a frown.
“Oh, honey,” You press a kiss to his shoulder blade, “you deserve that and so much more.”
His lips turn up slightly and you revel in the way his body responds to you. Your right hand reaches out to grab his vibranium one, raising them up with your palms flat against each other. Still stood behind him, your fingers intertwine while your eyes never leave each others.
You continue, “You may not see that yet, but i’ll spend every minute of our lives teaching you to see it too”
He spins in your arms while still holding your hand and rests his flesh one on your hip. Naturally, you start swaying from side to side, dancing to the hustle and bustle of the street outside. You find yourself thinking of ways to help him while your head rests on his chest.
“Hey, Buck?” You mumble against his chest.
“Yes, doll?”
“I have an idea”
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Bucky was skeptical of your plan at first, but your big smile and excited bouncing on the spot won him over. Not that it takes much persuasion when it comes to you.
So now he finds himself lying on his stomach on your bed while you straddle his back, slowly sketching out a drawing on his back.
“Can I at least get a vague idea as to what you’re gonna paint on my back, sweets?”
You giggle to yourself quietly, “Nope.”
Bucky rolls his eyes but can’t hold back a grin. You’re being very secretive as to what you’re planning; you said you want him to just enjoy relaxing for now.
“Okay, you ready?” You ask, dipping a brush into the paint on your palette.
“Yes, ma’am”
When the brush makes contact with the small of Bucky’s back, his back tenses at the unusual sensation. “Fuck, doll, it’s cold” His voice is muffled with the pillow beneath his chin.
You mutter an apology, gently running your hand up and down his side comfortingly, trying to counter the cool brush with your warm hands. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No,” He replies quickly, “keep going”
So you do. You spend nearly an hour swirling paint over your boyfriend’s back, incorporating his scars into your design. Blues and yellows blend together to form a version of Van Gogh’s starry night, curving round his vibranium shoulder and down to the middle of his back.
Bucky stopped fighting the fatigue that was tugging at him, unable to keep his eyes open any longer. He’s slept peacefully for the last twenty minutes to the bizarrely satisfying feeling of being painted; a content smile has graced your lips ever since he fell asleep, happy to see him so comfortable in your presence.
You never take for granted how Bucky lets his guard down around you. You may not be able to control his feelings toward himself, but you can certainly give him every reason to trust you.
The painting is nearly finished as the super soldier stirs beneath you, a sigh falling from his lips.
“How’s it going, doll?” He asks, trying to turn and look at your work only to have his eyes covered.
“No looking! I’m nearly done” You squeak, desperate to keep it as a surprise. “Just a couple minutes and you can see it”
Bucky hums in response, returning his attention to the movie playing on the tv.
Finally finishing up with some detailed strokes, you drop the brush in the water jar and tidy up. When everything is cleared, you help Bucky to stand up without smudging your work, leading him back to the mirror you found him in front of only a few hours ago. Your hands rest on his hips, drawing circles on his skin without even realising you’re doing it.
“Okay, if you don’t like it we can wash-“
“I already love it, y/n. You could’ve painted a rotten apple and i’d wear it for a week if I could” He interrupts you. You can’t help but admire him right now, a soft expression on his face.
“Okay, you can look”
Silence falls upon the room as Bucky turns to face you and plants a quick kiss on your forehead before looking over his shoulder.
“My god, sweets”
“Is that a good ‘My god’ or a bad ‘My god’?”
He can’t tear his eyes away from his body for the first time since the 40s. “It’s beautiful, y/n. I-“ Words fail him and you swear you see a tear in his eye.
“That’s how I see you, Buck.” You say. “You take my breath away every time I see you. Your scars are part of you, so I love them too”
He turns back to you and holds your face in his hands, “I love you so much, doll. You’re so damn talented, and to have you use it for me- it makes me wonder what I did to deserve you”
You raise your hands to cover his. “You deserve the world, my love. More than I could ever give you”
“Well,” Bucky grins and rests his forehead on yours, “lucky for you, you’re all I want”
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: eeee my first fic, please like and reblog if you enjoyed - maybe give me a follow toooo ;)
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rochesterweddingbarn · 6 months
Discover The Rochester Wedding Venue Packages | Book Now
Make your special day unforgettable with our Rochester wedding venue packages in Rochester NY. From ceremony to reception, we have everything you need for a magical celebration. Check out our affordable packages on our website and contact us for bookings!
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