#barista rhythm heaven megamix
It always makes me lowkey sad when a video game NPC says something like "I could talk about this thing all day! But you probably don't want to hear it," and then you can't get them to say any more. I want to let the NPCs infodump! Tell me about fossils or your favorite music genres or the lore of the magic system in your world! I make myself emotional imagining whoever told these people that their knowledge isn't interesting.
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tibbymegamix · 1 year
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hattyhatterson · 6 months
so you know that thing i was talking about
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elektrontree · 1 year
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nearly a month old megamix stuff (and barista)
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impeack · 1 year
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sanrio-fied lol
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whipandlandonallnight · 10 months
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I made her with a Twist!
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gameyface46 · 1 year
the day we get rhythm heaven 5 is the day i will die peacefully. come on nintendo, you have put out at least one rhythm heaven game for your handhelds since the gba why stop now. i get megamix feels like a perfect way to cap off the series (did you notice final remix in megamix incorporates the title themes of all four games?), but please for the love of god release one on the switch it’s only natural and also i need to see more barista lore. why the hell did his owner abandon him. why nintendo. why. also the answer may already be online idk.
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c3s6 · 9 months
List of rhythm heaven characters on Character.com, cuz WHY NOT? (Not in any order at all - duplicates do not count!)
Characters found by typing in “rhythm heaven” into the search bar:
Tibby (has no pfp)
See and Saw (apparently share the same contact?)
Airboarder guy (idk the name)
Huebird (how did it get on character.com)
Karate Joe
MC Adore
The girl from shoot em up
Samurai Drummer
Tap Trial Girl
Cheer Reader (just one)
Kanojo (not sure if this is the canon name)
JJ Rocker
Cosmic Girl
The WHOLE frog hop band for some reason??
Pop Singer (DS)
Pop Singer (Megamix) (are both pop singers the same person??)
Miss Ribbon
Ann Glerr
All four squadmates? I forgot which game they were from lol.
A Stepswitcher
Chorus Kids
Figure Fighter
Tangotronic’s dance partner
Sumo Brother(s)
DJ Yellow
The red rap girl (is Momoiro her canon name)
The Lumbercats are on here for some reason
One of the members from the Dazzles
Captain Blue Bird
Munchy Monk
The RH Fever girl (is Onnanoko her canon name???)
The martian from First Contact
Dr. Bacteria
The monkey from turbo tap trial
The Red rapper from tengoku
Mako (is this the canon name???)
Christina (the assistant and teacher character according to the description. Again is this a canon name)
The pitcher from exhibition match (is koriko the canon name???)
Mr Upbeat
Tanaka Sohshi (is this a canon character or is it a real person idk but i will count it)
Tall Tappers (the ENTIRE group!!)
Lady Cupid
Donna (has no pfp)
Q Maou
Eglantine (has no pfp)
Characters found by looking up their names (please use the comments to suggest names because i dont remember all the names!)
Plalin and alalin (they share the same contact)
Ones i couldnt find but vaguely remember talking to
Cam? I vaguely remember talking to Cam Rhythm Heaven
Yeah i looked up rhythm tengoku in there
Toss Boys
Space Gramps
These ones arent on character dot com :(
Note. Im serious hes not on here but apparently Rupert who is just as obscure as him is on there
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terrifying-acceptance · 9 months
my first time getting gender envy was from the barista in Rhythm Heaven Megamix
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ritzcreation · 2 years
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Can’t think of a good title (;o;)
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vozchik · 3 years
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tibbymegamix · 11 months
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barista pizzasona sprites for a pizza tower mod
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hattyhatterson · 6 months
could you imagine if rhythm heaven had boss fights and the final boss was a fucking powered up barista dog with a fiery aura around him like dr andonuts
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elektrontree · 1 year
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doodle requests from discord!
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