damewendy · 7 years
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It’s obnoxious to say but it’s true - I’m the difference. It’s not the workouts. It’s not the nutrition. They’re IMPORTANT but you know what it is? Having support. I am going to talk about myself for a moment. I, Wendy, am a kick ass health coach. I can say that with total confidence and sincerity. I know how to help get you results. I make it my life to learn all I can about health and fitness and then pass that wisdom on. I know how to provide you with the right support and daily motivation to get you to use those workouts and nutrition… To get you to take those first steps. 💕 I use the best tools for my clients. All those things you tried that were a bad fit? I get it. I’ve done it. I can promise you this. I won’t bullshit you. I won’t try and get you to do anything I’m not going myself. If you show up I will give you my all. My group of gals are moving into their next challenge 10/16 and if you’re looking to improve your health you really should be there. Message me. We have a spot waiting for you. #badfitforce
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damewendy · 7 years
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What you see - a happy girl who just busted out a 35 min strength conditioning workout. 💪🏻 What you don't see - the giant headache that she's rocking and refused to allow it to stop her. Also the boyfriend who is sitting behind her in this photo mowing down chocolate chip cookies. Proud of me for doing the damn thing. 👊🏻🤘🏻if I can do this anyone can do this. I woke up this morning and just knew I would be adding 5 of you to the Bad For Force crew this weekend. If that's you, holler at me. I'll call you and tell you my story and answer all the questions. 👭💕💋 #progressnoterfection #badfitforce #teamBFF #beautifulbodiesmovement
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damewendy · 7 years
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Summit has closed but I have some things to say before sleepy time. See my name tag? Emerald Coach. That means I not only made my own transformation but started helping others do the same. It means I started a business to help others live their healthiest life. I've never been more proud to give people what really works… Fitness, nutrition, support and accountability. That's it. That's the solution I had spent years looking for. I wasted so much money on gyms, on gimmicks, pills, on bullshit. Like guys, GUYS! I knew it was crap but I bought it because I wanted so desperately to lose weight but wasn't willing to change my life enough to do it. Awful, harsh, humbling realization when I looked in the mirror and admitted that. These programs changed my world. They're the real deal and every penny I have spent was worth it. I'd pay triple, no fucking lie. Emerald coach. I will be a Diamond coach by the end of August. That's my goal. But beyond me, because this isn't even about me. It's about people and that will include you. That means I am going to be helping people on their fitness but I am also going to be helping people build their own fitness business from home and start making an income by working on their own health. I'm going to help you be an Emerald coach by the end of August. Ladies and yes gentleman (men, we need more of you as coaches) we are going straight to the top, stumbling and learning every step of the way together with many of you totally surpassing me. I see it. I believe in it. And now I sleep the happiest Wendy. ❤️💋🖤 #teamBFF #BadFitForce #letstalk
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damewendy · 7 years
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I am willing to put in the work and money to feel healthy, to feel good and to be “in shape” (ish) but who the hell is going to want to pay money to be in one of my fitness/nutrition challenges when I’m not that perfect fitness model person? 
 ^^^I went into my first fitness challenge thinking those things. Then I dropped 30 pounds and inches off my whole body and gained a whole hell of a lot of confidence and knowledge. I went into coaching like I do most things in life, I learned as I went and remained as much a student as a teacher. I’m healthy but I legit do not care enough to give up my rum, my chicken wings, guacamole, or cheese. #realtalk I live my life at 80/20 - Mostly healthy but I enjoy my food still. Turns out there are a lot of you who joined me as challengers who were totally down for that kind of life and looking for things like ✨More energy ✨Focus ✨Confidence ✨Support ✨Accountability ✨Losing weight ✨Gaining real strength But don’t mind that I drop F bombs and grab a cocktail here and there. #balance I realize as I grow as a coach that if I was looking to feel better in my skin every day, there has to be others Just Like Me Maybe that’s you. Maybe you have been checking out my page and have seen the silly dancing videos or all the selfies (sorrynotsorry) but didn’t know this was something you could do too. Let’s chat. 💕👭💕 #teamBFF #badfitforce
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damewendy · 7 years
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I am in the best mood. So that means more emojis than normal. Can't help it! 🤷🏻‍♀️My results FTW! 10 Days. 9 pounds gone. 5.5 inches gone! My results would have been better without those glasses of wine 🍷and cheesecake 🍰…ok ok and that popcorn 🍿which made the 11 pounds I lost only 9 but I’m going on record to say WORTH IT. ✨ I couldn’t decide on a name for my next fitness group. I was torn between something to do with unicorns and mermaids and loving your body for July…haha. Any ideas? Put them below! 🦄 I have opened enrollment for the next group. 21 days. A fitness program for YOU. 5-15 pounds POOF! 👊🏻Added strength. Better habits. Me on your ass, I mean beside you every step of the way. And I have some super fancy upgrades I have been working on for July. If you wanna hop on my journey with me (and a bunch of my girls), ask me how. 👭💕📲If you wanna sit there and watch it happen first...that's a little weird, but okay. Still love you! 😘 #joinus #teamBFF #BadFitForce . . . . . #NYCliving #thyroidproblems #pituitarytumor #nycgirl #curvyyogi #knittingaddict #corgimom #guitargirl #lowcarbweightloss #plantobsessed #coffeebeforeanything #girlswithcurves #longlocks #cupcakelover #thirtysomething #proseccogirls #butterflyhair #geekgirl #girlswhogame #iphoneuser #amateurchef #rumanddiet #itswineoclock
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damewendy · 7 years
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Holidays used to completely ruin my momentum. I would use a holiday as an excuse to EAT ALL THE THINGS and consume all the cocktails. 🙄That would spiral into a week of “just taking break, I deserve a break” and then I would start an internal conversation of defeat. “Well I ruined my diet. I’ll just start agin next month. I suck.” And then I would grab food as comfort. That one holiday turned into me gaining 10 pounds and I hated myself for it. I found balance. I definitely enjoyed this weekend. I had chinese food. I stole Danny’s ice cream. But I also kept up my workouts. 30 min of my day and done. I kept up on my shakes on drinking a lot of water. It’s these small improvements that had me not only maintaining my very fought for body but losing another 2 pounds. A week from today my next women’s fitness accountability group begins. I have a few spots available I have opened up and I would love to see you there. With a new group sets new goals for me and my gals. We work together on them and we keep that momentum going. #joinus #badfitforce
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damewendy · 7 years
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Your fitness bartender here telling all the ladies it’s ✨LAST CALL ✨today for my Beautiful You June fitness accountability group My goal is to help 2 more of you in this incredible group of women. If that’s you, grab a spot. This exclusive group is going to be fitness. It’s going to be nutrition. But we are also going to work on the insides. Total Mind Body Soul….but a cool version 😉🤘🏻There will be videos and live workouts offered. Prizes. Commiserating over ice cream slip ups, not that I would know ANYTHING about that! 😬 My gals can attest, doing this together works. They go for "another round" each month. It helps. I’d love to work with you. Like, comment, private message, courier pigeon whatever your jam - get in touch with me. 🐦 #teamBFF #badfitforce
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damewendy · 7 years
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Hi! Have you ever considered making an income helping others with their fitness? Maybe? Yes? Read on! My team is growing! I would do this for free but lets talk about money for a moment. People get super weird about the money part but I know for me - My time is really valuable and I’m good at what I do, so lets not shy away from that. When I started coaching it was a few hundred extra dollars a month, working 1-2 hours a day around a full time job. For me that was HUGE. It helped grab groceries, it paid some bills. It provided a cushion. It has continued to grow since then, is now my only job, and will very likely double what my salary was with the corporate job within the year. Disclaimer - There is no guaranteed success as a coach - your success relies on you. If you’re in this for quick $$$, it’s not going to be for you. It takes time and a genuine love for people. I will teach you what I know and how to do this and be successful. It's not hard, it just takes consistency and dedication. Bonus part - you can get into the best shape of your life. Team Bad Fit Force isn't just for ANYONE - We curse. We enjoy cocktails, yoga pants, red lipstick, and amazing boots. OK, that’s all just me. 😉 Has every single other thing you’ve tried to get in shape, to make extra money, to have more time for you been a BAD FIT? I’m looking for you. This is for those wanting to change their own health and help others do the same! If you think this is something you or someone you know would be interested in (and seeing as how we are pretty much best friends) let me know. We will chat. #teamBFF #BadFItForce #thecoachlife #goodmorning
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damewendy · 7 years
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Flight booked. Hotel booked. Coach Summit ticket booked. This fitness coach is headed to New Orleans in July!! SO EXCITED!! Travel is one of my total loves and this my first of many coach adventures. Gleeeeeeeeeee 🦄✨💜 #thecoachlife #teamBFF #badfitforce
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damewendy · 7 years
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I feel like the best way to tackle questions from friends over this coaching thing is head on and here, publicly because I know that there are others wondering but just watching. Let me share... I signed up as a coach in the beginning strictly for selfish reasons! I wanted to get healthy and get a discount! I never dreamed of where it would take me... and it all happened very naturally - I lost weight, felt amazing and people took notice and wanted to join me. It's evolved over the year in what I do because of my growing team. Here's part of what I do everyday!!
 I push play and get my workout in!! I read 15- 30 of personal development in books like this one that arrived today. I run private groups on facebook to help hold people accountable with their health & fitness, which also holds me accountable!! One on one calls with coaches & challengers to help with their goals.
 I train my team how to duplicate what I do. 
My top priority is helping people on their fitness journey and helping those build their own business in fitness. Interested? I have a NEW Coach Training that begins this month for 4 people ready to hit the ground running. Comment below with "more info" and I can message you, or you can send me a private message. If you don't ask, you'll never know. #thecoachlife #teamBFF #BadFitForce
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damewendy · 7 years
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Aww this mug. This mug is from my candle company days and one of only a few things remaining. I’ve wanted to be an entrepreneur for a very long time. IT took another 10 years before I found that thing I’m great at AND love. Back then my home always smelled amazing as I carefully blended my own scents, poured and cured my candles. I didn’t realize it at the time but I learned a lot in that venture that helps me now. The biggest lesson was if you work it as a hobby it will pay you like one. #entrepreneur #thecoachlife #teamBFF #BadFitForce
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damewendy · 7 years
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It’s a new month which means I review the last one. This smile is because I just looked over all of my groups and the goals they all hit. Lots of pounds lost, lots of non-scale victories, lots of confidence gained - this all makes me a very happy coach. I also smashed the goals I laid out for myself, for my company and my fitness. Super proud of everyone and of ME. 👊🏻 I just finished writing out my May goals. They include several of you. Oh yes. Some of you working as my partners in this, some of you as those ready to make a lifestyle change. Looking for business best friends this month too. I want business partners ready to tackle this with me. Must like coffee and bedhead video chats in the mornings as we go over our week. ;) You also have to like travel cause I want you to come with me to Riviera Maya next year for vacation. 🙌🏻🦄 #thecoachlife #teamBFF #BadFitForce
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