#b b but if MATILDA was ABORTED
I’m so tired of seeing prolife shit, there was literally a march here in SF because… here’s the punchline:
People don’t know when they’re unwanted.
But anyway:
-Unwanted pregnancies will still be born probably forever (your precious imaginary accident baby who turns into a superhero will be fine)
-Children who are wanted by their parents have just as much liklihood of becoming doctors who cure cancer. I don’t know why that needs saying.
-Children who are wanted by their parents are also statistically more likely to be able to fucking EAT and live into adulthood because they havent thrown their parents into abject poverty, an unsustainable living situation.
-Additionally, for what it’s worth, wanted children can be abused or have terrible living situations too? Prolifers shave this obsession with the idea that children need to be abused, or unwanted, or poor and come from nothing to become incredible groundbreaking people. It’s such a fetishizing, bootstraps mindset that reeks of Catholic suffering culture. People will always suffer. Some of us just don’t want to set them up at fucking birth.
-By the way, children who arent aborted and instead are born to unfit parents can actually be taken away from those parents and put in the foster system, which I would argue is much more trauamatic and harmful than peacefully never having been fucking born.
-Whether or not any celebrity, historical figure, or god forbid fictional character could have been aborted or not has no bearing on reality because, as it happens, they were not. You are a tool of propaganda for a circle of white men who do not care if you live or die as long as they can keep raping you and people like you without concern or consequence.
“What if _____ was aborted! All the lives they changed, their positive impact never would have existed.”
That’s like saying Veggie Tales couldn’t have existed if the EXACT tomato and cucumber seeds weren’t planted, you sound fucking insane.
-People who are pro choice are more pro child than pro lifers will ever be.
-Abused, neurodivergent/disabled, and/or accidental babies can grow up to be pro choice. I am one of them.
-38% of abortions are mothers who don’t want to have any MORE children, but conservatives want to turn them into a pump and dump baby mill.
-I hazard a huge amount of the pushback on abortion from white conservatives is 1) hypocrisy, as many, like Walker, pay the girls they fuck to get them on the down low anyway, but 2) is because they know that todays unaborted poverty stricken generation, many of whom are minorities, is tomorrow’s faceless minimum wage workforce or military.
Nobody will likely bother to read this because y’all are so convinced (ahem, brainwashed) into your opinions, but the least you can do is shut the hell up about how much you want to preserve rape culture and churn babies into unfit homes and watch them fight for survival to slake your lust for a suffering underdog.
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sleeppaw · 5 years
Sim Families and Names
When I first created them:
The Rivers Family: Oliver, Jasmine, Arthur, Harold and Flora
The Hill Family: Jason, Bethany, Lucas and Tania
The Simpson Family: Aaron, Beatrice, Ruth and Eric
The McCormack Family: Fredrick, Tanusha, Amber and Robin
Floyd: Hector, Isabelle, Maya and Kazuo
The Half-Human/Half-Supernaturals Household: Ebony Way, Alan Thompson, Keanu Thompson and Florence Mather
The Mather Family: Issac, Clara, Janey and Matisha
The Molyneux Family: Saturn, Rhea, Achilles, Medea, Ajax and Daphne
The Mason Family: Yvvonne, Richard, Undyne, Carolina and Jeremy
The Smith Family: Tamora, Ignoitus, Amelia
The Johnson Family: Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Perseus and Orion
The Matthews Family: Francis, Daniella, Naomi and Matilda
The Harris Family: Augustus, Juliana, Clove, Cato and Octavius (Aborted Arc 2 of the original Oakley Legacy family; created to add some diversity into town)
The Molyneux Extended Family: Neptune, Amphritite, Proteus, Teucer, Hercules and Hebe (Originally created to add some gender balance in my town)
The Odair Family: Triton, Marina, Finnick and Annie (Finnick and Annie are based on characters from The Hunger Games series)
The Wilson Family: Anneka and Virgil
The Kirkman Family: Thomas and Arianna
The Oakley Family: Dennis and Iris
Born in-game kids:
Smith Family: Promethus, Marius, Canute and Cosima
The Half-Human/Half Supernatural Household: Janus Thompson (Alien Child)
Future Families:
The Appleton Family: Hawthorn, Pansy, Petunia, Larkspur
The Newton Family: Hadrian, Cornelia, Antonia, Regulus
Wild West themed family: Wayne, Rosenda, Kim, James
The Pilkington Family: Parents, teen son Xavier and two daughters
The Green Family: Parents, teen girl and youngest son Neil
The Bolton Family: Parents, Young Adult son Declan and two teen daughters named Lavender and Leah
The Kirkland Family: Parents and teen daughter Xanthe
The ‘O’Callaghan Family: Parents, teen girl named Finch and younger sisters
The Gillibanks Family: Parents, teen boy Anthony and younger brother
The Price Family: Parents, teen boy Falcon and younger son
The Armitage Family: Parents and teen girl Harriet
The Nickelson Family: Parents, teen girl Summer and younger son
The Jones Family: Parents, teen son Isambard and young son
Planned Werewolf Family: Parents and two young children
Planned Witch Family: Parents and three daughters
Single Sims:
Katherine Barlow (Based on the character from “Holes” as a schoolteacher)
Sam The Onion Man (Based on the character fom “Holes”. In his and Katherine’s time period mixed-race relations were heavily frowned upon, and the scandal that erupted when a woman in town caught Sam and Katherine kissing resulted in Sam’s death and Katherine vowing revenge on Sam’s killers)
Emmy Altava (Based on the character from the video game series “Professor Layton”. Traits: Disciplined, Athletic, Photographer’s Eye, Brave, Genius).
Names used:
A: Achilles, Arthur, Amelia, Andromeda, Amphrite, Augustus, Aaron, Amber, Anneka, Arianna, Annie, Ajax, Alan
B: Beatrice, Bethany
C: Cato, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Clove, Clara, Carolina, Cosima, Canute
D: Daphne, Daniella, Dennis
E: Ebony, Eric
F: Francis, Fredrick, Flora, Florence, Finnick
G: No G names
H: Harold, Hector, Hebe, Hercules
I: Ignoitus, Issac, Iris
J: Janey, Jeremy, Jason, Jasmine, Juliana, Janus
K: Kazuo, Keanu
L: Lucas
M: Matilda, Medea, Matisha, Marius, Marina, Maya
N: Naomi, Neptune
O: Octavius, Orion, Oliver
P: Perseus, Proteus, Promethus
Q: No Q names
R: Richard, Rhea, Ruth, Robin
S: Saturn
T: Tanusha, Teucer, Tamora, Tania, Thomas
U: Undyne
V: Virgil
W: No W names
X: No X names
Y: Yvvonne
Z: No Z names
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