#awwwh jack
gilverrwrites · 7 months
belphegor possesses jacks body, reader who is grieving jacks death finds comfort in belphegor? maybe a bit of a crush..
Close As Strangers
Author note: I tried to keep the exact nature of Jack/Readers relationship ambiguous, so you can fill in the blank as you please. Similar with Bel/Reader, but it has very much enemies to friends/lovers vibes.
Rating: Teen +
Genre: Hurt/comfort, angst
Words: 1624
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TW: Grief, arguing, manipulation, crying, very minor mentions of gore, mentions of death, unhealthy coping mechanisms.
Please remember: You are allowed to make a big deal out of things that are really big to you.
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“See something you like?” Your heart feels hollow as you watch him wiggle his Jack's brows at you. Blackened, bloody skin peeks out from the top of his sunglasses. His words, his movements, the whole thing made you feel sick.
“No.” You respond curtly, intending to stop there. You can’t help the bitter word vomit that continues. “Just you, defiling the body of someone I love.”
Belphegor inhales through his teeth in mock pain. Not a hint of sympathy or remorse. When he alters his stride to walk closer to you and drapes an arm over your shoulders, you’re too shocked by his audacity to pull away.
“You know, babe, I think I know a way to help you feel better about all this.” He says, offering you a smile that is too sharp, too smug for Jack's face.
“What?” You ask, your eyes darting back and forth between his face and his unwelcome arm.
With a gesture to his Jack's body, he answers, “You could love me.”
You scoff, ready to respond with something harsh and mean, but when you look at his face again, his expression has changed. His head tilted back, chin pointed out, mouth closed and stretched into a familiar smile. There’s that empty feeling again. You know that’s not Jack, but that’s his face, his smile, and at that moment, you couldn’t snap at him like that.
Before you can think of a response, you’re both distracted by the sound of a shotgun being cocked. Dean, who had been walking a few paces behind, presses the barrel of his gun between Belphegor’s shoulder blades.
“Get your arm off them and keep walking.” It’s an empty threat, and all three of you know it.
Dean wouldn’t shoot Jacks's body any more than you could insult it. Even if he did, it wouldn’t do anything.
Regardless, Belphegor, with a smirk, releases you and picks up his pace, but not without raising those scorched brows at you one last time. “I like it when he’s bossy.”
“If we’re all gonna work together, you’ve got to shut up.” You call after him, slowing your footsteps until you fall in line with Dean.
“Awwwh, I’m starting to have an effect on you.” He calls back, refusing to give you the last word, and you concede, crossing your arms over your chest and walking in silence.
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"Are you thinking about me?” The sound of Belphegor’s Jack's voice so close to your ear, the feel of his unnatural breath against your skin makes you almost jump out of your skin, makes your body tingle in a way it definitely shouldn’t have. “Is that why you're so unfocused?"
"You wish.” You retort, snapping your head to face him. Admittedly, you had been slacking off, unable to keep your mind off the chaos that had been the last few days. Particularly Jack.
Belphegor doesn’t appear offended by your response. Hands in pockets he offers you a casual shrug before stepping back and leaning against the nearest wall. The two of you were alone, guarding the back entrance of the High School. There had been a lot of debate about who would be ‘left with’ who and for what purposes. It seemed nobody wanted to leave you alone with Belphegor, but nobody else wanted to be stuck with him either.
“What were you thinking about then?” He asks.
Without processing, without thinking clearly, you reply. “You. No, I mean Jack. I was thinking about Jack.”
“Am I sensing a little Freudian slip?” That smile is back, the one that’s too much for Jack. But for a moment, you think to yourself that it actually looks attractive in a roguish sort of way.
Feeling flushed and guilty at your laps of judgement you look away. Hiding your expression. “No. It’s just… I don’t know.”
“It’s just hard to differentiate us sometimes?” He offers, in a tone much softer than you’d come to expect. You know he has self-awareness, but you’re surprised he’s showing it. When you nod your confirmation, he continues; “It must be hard. I mean, I’ve seen loads of people die, probably millions, killed most of ‘em. But no one that I ever cared about. At least, not for a loooooooong time. I don’t really remember it.”
When you hear his feet against the concrete you watch him from the corner of your eye. It only takes a few steps before he’s in your personal space again, but he’s slow and calm. His face is solemn as he gently places a hand on your shoulder. You think he’s trying to comfort you, maybe? But it all feels wrong.
“I’m just saying, I can tell the two of you had some kind of connection. If you want to talk about it, I-”
“Stop.” You shrug his hand off and turn your back to him completely.
“Stop what?” You don’t know if he’s faking it to play with you or not, but the confusion and the hint of worry in his voice, Jack's voice stings.
“Stop being nice to me.”
“Fine, maybe you didn’t care about him all that much.” The softness and uncertainty is gone in an instant, replaced with pure venom.
You’re grateful your back is to him. It takes everything in you not to spin around and go off on him. A part of you knows you’d likely lose your resolve the moment you look at him anyway; you’re inches away from the brink of tears already.
“Oh, blow me!” Is all you can muster.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Malice, all malice. It sounds so wrong.
“I’m gonna sweep the building.” This is too much, and you can’t cope. You need to clear your head. “Don’t follow me. In fact, just don’t move.”
You don’t turn to look at him as you leave, if he says anything, you don’t listen. 
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You hadn’t told the Winchesters or Castiel about your spat the night before. So here you were, patrolling quarantine with Belphegor. Alone. Again. You’re certain any one of them would swap with you if you asked, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it. They were hurting too. Besides, you figured after last night that Belphegor and you needed some kind of conflict resolution; you were just surprised when he broached it first.
“You haven’t insulted me all morning.” Belphegor nudges your shoulder with his own, and you can’t help the quiet chuckle that escapes you. “What’s up?”
“No… Yeah.” You’re not really sure what to say, so you offer him the only thing you know for sure. “My head is a mess right now.”
“I know.” He gives you that relaxed shrug you’ve begun to associate with him. There’s no way of knowing how earnest he’s being, but he seems surprisingly understanding, for a demon at least. “This whole situation is a mess, and you’re grieving. Can’t blame you.”
“Thanks. And thank you for helping us.” You smile at him, it’s a weak smile, but he smiles back and that tingle from last night returns. “I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
“I know one way you can make it up to me.” You hold your breath in apprehension. Certain he was about to spoil the moment. “You can talk to me.”
Still tense from your moment of dread, you respond immediately and defensively, “We are talking.”
Clearly unbothered by your cautious reply, Belphegor goes on, “You can talk to me about Jack. It's not good to keep it all bottled up.”
You feel bad for assuming the worst. You’ve felt bad for a long time. How good would it feel to get some of that off your chest? How easy would it be to talk to Jack about it? Only, this isn’t Jack. This is Belphegor, who, for all his apparent kindness, is still a stranger. A dangerous stranger.
“I really don’t think I can do that.” The tingle on your skin is gone, replaced by the ever-lingering emptiness.
“Why?” The familiar venom creeps back into his tone.
“Because y-” As much as you want to tell him it’s because you can’t trust him, you don’t. You can't afford to lose his assistance right now. “Why do you want me to?”
“Oh what? Because I’m a demon I can’t care about you? Is that it? I find that offensive.” There’s a tinge of humour in his voice, but you’re still shocked by how accurately he hit the hammer on the nail. So shocked, in fact, that your only response is to stare at him slack-jawed. “You don’t have to be strong and good all the time, you know? Let me help you. I’m begging you to let me help you.”
He stops his strides, forcing you to halt with him and turns to look at you straight on, jaw clenched as he impatiently waits for you to say something. Anything.
In that moment, with explicit permission to be vulnerable, the tears you’d held back last night, the tears you’d been holding back for a long time, finally come out. It starts slow, a tear rolls down each cheek, and you sniff to try and hold them back. You press your jacket sleeve to your eyes, but for every tear you soak up, another falls, until you’re heart-pounding, blurry-eyed sobbing.
When you feel Belphegor’s cold hands on you, you don’t pull away. You let him come close, you let him cup your face and use his thumb to wipe your tears, you let him guide you until you're chest-to-chest, your face cradled in the crook of his neck, you let him caress your neck and rub your back. You let him Jack lean down to whisper in your ear. “It’s okay. I’m here, don’t worry.”
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omgwhatchloe · 3 months
opinions on my minecraft dogs
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(left to right, abigail, jack and john)
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quaiids · 1 year
i like just started watching The Boys (im on ep2 of S2 i think!) and i found your blog looking for art and i honestly everything you've put out, and i would like to know some opinions on any character of your choice, but maybe some about Hughie? he's such a silly guy :)
the post is a liiiiiiiittle long and ramble-y (soz) so. im putting this here just in caaase
also yes hughie. HUGHIE. hughie ❤️
i love him literally so much (not at all influenced by the fact that jack quaid plays him nuh uh. nope. Nuh uh) (im lying) (its definitely partially because of jack quaid)
i think that he is such a good character and especially so in season 2!!! i think season 2 was honestly a pretty solid way to kind of have him slowly losing it but as ive said in previous posts, it does not go without its flaws unfortunately. i definitely think they could’ve emphasized his grief over robin in season 2 (and even 3) WAAAAY more. even in season 1 it felt preeeetty minimal to be so honest . but i really do love him, hes my favorite kind of character (tall pathetic awkward loser sopping wet paper bag princess babygirl nerd bitch) even if sometimes the way they write his character makes me insane!!!!!
i’ll give a brief description of my opinions for other characters
butcher: hot take. i feel bad for him. i do. but. i dont really … i dont really like him… that much…… especially in season 2…,, IM SORRY okay hes cool and i love him but i dont like him he makes me mad
M.M.: MY THIRD FAVORITE THE BOYS. i love him im kissing him so hard mwah mwah
kimiko: I LOVE HEEERR i need more of her. funko is releasing a kimiko figure and i NEED HER ON MY SHELF and i really hope youtooz gives her one too. shes so so awesome
homelander: (plucks flower petal) i love him (plucks flower petal) i love him not (plucks flower petal) i love him (plucks flower petal) i love him not
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zoeyslament · 1 year
Sad talk ahead
Blinks been to the refuge 3 times. He doesn't talk about it. He counts his blessings it wasn't Jack's 5 or skitterys 2((something bad enough happening that his nane became skittery instead of whatever it had been before) but nonetheless nightmares plague him and sometimes he crawls shaking into mush's or racetracks bed seeking comfort. They always soothe him telling him he's safe now .
Yes and Mush is just like “it’s okay, it’s okay Blinky” and anshsjsjhejsj
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
"You, my love, almost got us killed"
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❝Perhaps… But you must admit that was awfully fun despite the danger.❞ Hanzo openly snickers. He leans in to Jack and takes one of his hands to place soft kisses on the busted knuckles. They probably should have been more careful, but the two of them seemed to have a knack for trouble. Especially the violent kind.
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sunshinethena · 2 years
jacksfilms holds a place in my heart
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mmeqkoi · 3 years
hi i hope this isn’t weird or anything but I LOVE THE WAY YOU DRAW JACK IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY
awwwh thank you i try to make all my lotf boys unique as possible so i’m glad you like them 💕
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carbonateddelusion · 3 years
I agree with that anon, I've always liked your artstyle. It's hella cool and unique! An artstyle does reflect the artist~
While im here i throw kith at Jack, and Edgar~
Awwwh, thank you Al.. Also, the fellas appreciate it.
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"Buy me a drink first, will ya?"
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breezy-cheezy · 5 years
Hello Breezy! You are amazing and I was thinking maybe B2 for Tim? I’d think it fits him perfectly. Of course you don’t have to do it at all! Love ya!
Awwwh thanks for the kind words!! ;;7;; Here!
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Threw in an angery Jack from one of @raberbagirl ‘s requests, it seemed like he would match here X’’’’’D (Jack is from her story, The Birds Who Smile. He’s an alternate version of Tim but like....more trauma. And a baby brother now.)
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coolsatellite · 5 years
i love love loved the last request you did, it was exactly what I was looking for and more thank u so much, I can’t believe ur blog isn’t more popular!could i pls request how the creeps would meet their future s/o, like would it be someone who was meant to be a victim of theirs, and why weren’t they or if they just saw them one day and was like wow I’m in love. i hope im making sense. thank u so much
awwwh thank you! I was a lil worried that it was too much but I’m so glad you liked it
How they meet their future S/O:
These two would probably take one look at their target before praying to whatever god is out there that they wouldn’t have to hurt them
Can’t really explain it? It’s confusing and frustrating 
Sort of gets excited at the thought of finally striking because that means they can finally make themselves known
Makes up every excuse possible to postpone the death of their victim
Would become familiar with their future S/O after a few stalking sessions of their next victims 
They’re either family members or a close friend of the victim so they’re heard from a lot
Would end up spending more time watching their interest than the actual target
Keeps tabs on them after the job is done
RAN INTO S/O BY CHANCE- Eyeless Jack, Hoody
Jack makes it a point not to get familiar with his victims and Hoody goes on autopilot when it comes to his tasks
So randomly meeting someone is the most likely way either of these guys will find their future S/O
May pass by the person without saying much, but after thinking about them for a few days, will go back to the same spot to find them
Will track them down and one of them (coughHOODYcough) may get annoyed with the person because, well, why hadn’t they also come looking for him?
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easterndaylighttime · 6 years
8, 15, 20
8. three songs that remind you most of summer and vacation
put your records on - corinne bailey rae (obviously)
tongue tied - grouplove
5 years time - noah and the whale
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to
awwwh! idk whats good to dance to gkjfdgh except the first one... 
brown-eyed girl - van morrison 
q&a - kishi bashi
lay all your love on me - abba
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one
better together - jack johnson (every single time!)
best of the best of times - darlingside (bc you posted it once and i got extremely obsessed with it)
pink lemonade - the wombats (bc... the wombats)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 7 years
Hello, amazing person of the internet. (Dont deny it, its true) I was wondering if I could get a Jack x Fem!Trico!Reader. Where reader can shift to the form of Trico and when Jack finds out he can't stop himself from petting/climbing her back please?
Awwww you’re too sweet ^w^ But wOWWOW I love this idea!! Idk where ya’ll come up with such awesome things but ty for this request.
Hope ya like the story~
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“Wh-What?! You’ve..You’ve got to be jokin’..”“I can assure you that I’m not, Jack,” you chuckled, smirking at the wide-eyed man sitting in front of you with pride. “I can shift into a Trico beast at will.”Of course, one wouldn’t expect their friend to blurt out something like this out of nowhere.
But from the tone of your voice he knew that this wasn’t just some silly April Fools joke.Even so, though, he couldn’t wrap his mind around the possibility of you having the ability to…to become the giant, Griffin-like creature that he had grown so fond of. Maybe if you had mentioned Marvin somehow helping you, he’d understand.But no. You haven’t brought up the magician’s name whatsoever.
“Don’t believe me? Take a looksie at this~” You then rolled up your sleeve, which revealed what appeared to be a large, tribal tattoo of a Trico’s face on your arm. “You won’t find that at any shop I can tell you that.”
“Woah..” Jack muttered, leaning forward to gaze at the markings with awe, before he glanced back up at you. “So…you..you are being serious, right?”“Hmm..I got the feeling you still don’t believe me.” A slight frown was on your face as you rolled your sleeve back down.“Wha–” He tensed up, before frantically shaking his head. “N-No I didn’t say-!”“Come with me. Outback.”The Irishman looked confused. But when he saw you get up and walk away, he was quick to follow. …………………………It felt like an eternity, but finally you both reached a secluded area in the forest where nobody else was around to disturb you. Typically you would come out here alone, as this was the perfect place for you to transform and get the hang of flying without the risk of some passerby seeing you.Normal people don’t usually see a dog, cat, and bird hybrid flying around everyday….and you’d rather keep it that way.Well, there was Jack but he was the only exception.“Alright, this is far enough.” You sighed, stopping and turning around. “Now..promise me you won’t scream, record, or tell anyone. I know how much you love the Trico beasts, but-”“I won’t. I’ll try to keep my cool.” He crossed his heart to assure you that he was going to keep his promise.
Deep inside, though, he was super excited and nervous about whatever he was about to see next.
With a smile, you stepped back and closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. And as you exhaled and opened them back up, Jack could swear he saw them glowing white….
Then your entire body began to glow with the same color, and after a bright flash of light that nearly blinded the poor YouTuber…..
A great, feathered beast stood in your place, looming over him.
Jack’s jaw dropped, but for a moment he rubbed his eyes, before blinking and looking back up at you once more. He was wondering if what he was seeing was truly real or if it was just some illusion.
But it was real, indeed.”[Y/n]..?“Your massive head bobbed up and down in response, before you crouched down to get closer to him, your tail swaying. Blinking slowly at him, your eye color flickered to green, showing him that you were calm and that he had nothing to fear.Soon enough, a big smile stretched across Jack’s face as he laughed and walked up to you. "Oh my God you’re…I…I-I can’t believe I-I’m seein’ this with my own two eyes…..” Then he shakily reached a hand towards you, seemingly hesitant. “C-Can I..?”Nodding once more, you made a happy, grunting noise as you gently nuzzled your nose to his chest. But despite trying your best to be careful, you unfortunately ended up pushing him to the ground anyway.He didn’t seem to mind that, though, as his grin only widened and he placed a hand on your snout, gently rubbing it. “Wow..you’re so fuzzy!” He placed both hands on you, his eyes sparkling with wonder and nostalgia as he stroked your fur. “Awwwh this is fucking amazing!!”Your ears twitched at the sound of his laughter. It was music to them and it made your heart happy.After a few moments of petting, Jack stopped and you moved away, gazing down at him. 
But as he stared back at you…that was when you saw his features scrunch up a bit as he placed a hand over his mouth, his eyes suddenly appearing red and glossy.Confused and worried, you let out a soft whine.“I’m..alright, [y/n]. I’m..I’m not sad.” He wiped his eyes with his sleeve. “I-I just can’t believe I’m actually seein’ a real-life Trico…” Then he glanced back up at you, smiling shakily. “I feel so fucking blessed right now…th-thank you…”Feeling the corners of your lips turn up into a smile, you padded over to him and laid down behind him, your tail curling around the two of you as you nuzzled the top of his head, hoping the gesture would make him feel better.A single tear slid down his cheek as he leaned against you and hugged your neck to the best of his ability, burying his face into your soft, feathery fur. You wished you could do more to comfort him, as your heart ached to see him cry…although you took solace in knowing that it was because he was happy.So you just hugged him back with your paw, making sure your claws didn’t hurt him.After some time Jack looked up at you, his smile still plastered to his face. “S-Sorry about that. Got a little emotional back there,” he chuckled nervously, gliding his fingers through your fur. “I…I just never thought I’d see the day where I could actually pet a Trico..and not just through some VR experience.”You simply chirped happily, nuzzling his hair in response. Then…you got an idea and carefully picked him up by the back of his shirt, setting him on your back. The brunette blinked in surprise, although he held on as you began to stand up on all fours. 
“W-Woah! Easy girl,” he laughed, climbing up a little so he could pat your head. “Just don’t go flying now, alright? You know how I feel about heights.”Nodding your head, you started walking through the forest, making your way back to the house where you’d soon discover all of the egos outside.
All of them just stood there, gawking at the massive, chimera creature that their creator was on top of.It seemed that your secret was out.One thing you knew for sure was that, once you turned back into a human, you had a lot of explaining to do.
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Imagine anti having emerald green eyes and he smokes (got this idea from another person on this page) Also that when he does he makes the smoke come out of his slits in his throat and he is part dragon (the smoke through the slits is also their idea) i can imagine him having sharp teeth and popping out from under the bed to scare Jack and Wiishu hahahaha. He just wants them to run away so he can steal the bed! awwwh
I’m ObSeSsEd WiTh ThIs
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candlewinds · 7 years
a bit sad ill never get to see how the creators of BS portray mary and her dynamic w anne and jack bc i remember reading so many cliché novels abt them when i was like 10 and u can see what kind of novel these were when one was like 'anne and mary r hookin up bc they havent seen other women in so long yknow!!' lol
awwwh I feel ya anon :’( and I know a lot of people share your disappointment! as much as I know a spinoff would probably never hold a candle to the original show, I wouldn’t say no to more anne/mary/jack(+max) adventures 🙊
I’m not all that upset about it though because I always saw max as the one kind of filling in the role of mary, and I’m glad she’s the one who got to be a part of that lil triumvirate and have that relationship with anne and jack >:) and by bringing mary in at the end it felt like they were saying, “it’s not over yet! there is more to come for these pirate kiddos,” which was very lovely :3
but I’m sure there will be plenty of fic to fill in what the show didn’t get a chance to do O:) AND IT’LL BE GLORIOUS
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You're not being annoying bae, don't you worry , it's sweet that you're trying to let him see all the nice things people said to him. And you're friggin talented as crap you deserve to have ALL THE THINGS seen by jack
Awwwh thank you so much. But now that one person has said that I’m annoying, I can’t help but think that they’re right. I really want Jack to see that video but I’m afraid to post it again in case I annoy someone else... :(
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Also the one bit with the little girl playing her violin for her dad makes me think about Vladimir on a trip in Russia for some reason or another and Matt and the kids skyping him and Vasya playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the piano, since that’s really all she can play well, and Vladimir just beaming and, “Play again for me, ptichka?”
And her just nodding and giggling and playing again and Matt’s just beaming and Jack clapping. “Vasi plays so good!”
Jack and Vasya both tapping away at ransom keys on the piano and Vladimir beaming as he watches them and watches Matt all proud and happy.
Vladimir, “Again?” Matt shaking his head, completely exasperated. “They need to get ready for bed, Volodya. They have school tomorrow!” Jack and Vasya, “Awwwh! Nooo!” Vladimir, “But Matyusha!”
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