#avpd positivity
I feel like it isn't talked about enough, but AvPD is frequently caused by trauma. It's totally valid if you have AvPD that wasn't caused by trauma, but I want to shoutout:
Folks who have AvPD because of childhood abuse
Folks who have AvPD because of childhood neglect (physical or emotional)
Folks who have AvPD because of overly critical parents
Folks who have AvPD because of parents who were doing their best. And parents that truly loved them (That doesn't change how damaging their actions were)
Folks who have AvPD because they had another form of neurodivergence
Folks who have AvPD because of bullying
Folks who have AvPD because of being LGBTQIANP+
Folks who have AvPD because they’re physically disabled
Folks who have AvPD because they’re mentally disabled
Folks who have AvPD because they’re intellectually disabled
Folks who have AvPD because they’re developmentally disabled
Folks who have AvPD because of domestic violence
Folks who have AvPD because of abusive relationships
Folks who have AvPD because of another PD
Folks who have AvPD because they were undervalued
Folks who have AvPD because they weren’t believed
Folks who have AvPD because they have physical differences
Folks who have AvPD because they’re a racial or cultural minority
Folks who have AvPD because of poverty
Folks who have AvPD because of religious trauma
Folks who have AvPD because of medical trauma
Folks who have AvPD because academic trauma
Folks who have AvPD because they’re alterhuman+
Folks who have AvPD because of sexual trauma
Folks who have AvPD because of manipulation
Folks who have AvPD because of gaslighting
Folks who have AvPD because of reasons I forgot
Folks who have AvPD because of multiple traumas
Folks who have AvPD because reason they’re unsure of
Folks who have AvPD because something other than trauma
Folks who have AvPD
You’re doing a great job
I’m proud of you
You deserve to take up space
You’re perfect as you are
I love you.
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gh0stlymoth · 2 years
Wishing all my fellow AvPD havers a fantastic day, reminder to drink some water, get some rest, be kind to your brain, it needs redirection, it needs to relearn a lot of thought patterns, and it's exhausting, but at the end of the day, it only wants to protect you, you deserve a space, relapsing into bad patterns doesn't eradicate the progress you already made, healing is not linear, you deserve to express yourself in whatever way you choose, people don't hate you for merely existing, your friends don't hate you for being yourself, you are not an annoyance, you are worth the oxygen you breathe. I know it's hard, i know it feels like none of this could ever be true, but I am here to tell you it is, it's going to get better, and i am glad you are here. 
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titan-god-helios · 3 months
kissing everyone with a personality disorder from ANY cluster on the forehead (or giving you a cool blanket or flowers or a badge) you're so cool <333
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graveyard-darlingg · 1 month
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avpdpossum · 1 month
can we talk more about avpd being a (proposed) schizospec disorder? because i almost never see that theory talked about but i wish it was. like…
avpd makes me censor my thoughts because i think someone might hear what i’m thinking and see what a horrible person i am on the inside or judge me for thinking embarrassing things.
avpd makes me so afraid of someone walking in on me doing something i Shouldn’t Be Doing that my brain twists background noise into the sounds of whispers and footsteps behind me.
avpd makes me so worried about people staring at me that in my peripheral vision, anyone near me looks like they’re already staring at me, and it’s only when i look at them directly that i realize they’ve been looking in a totally different direction the whole time.
avpd makes me so convinced of how much everyone must secretly hate me that i often start thinking everyone secretly wants to hurt me too, to the point where i’ve had panic attacks from a person walking too close behind me because i feel like they’re getting ready to attack me (when i haven’t had any kind of trauma that would create that fear), and the paranoia just serves to reinforce my need to avoid people.
avpd makes me lose my ability to speak or reduces it to nothing more than one word answers only when spoken to, turning the thoughts i wanted to express into a jumble that’s impossible to turn into words or just throwing them away completely and making my mind go blank, so i end up just staring at people silently or even acting like i don’t see them standing there at all (not on purpose but because my brain won’t let me engage with them).
avpd makes me look damn near emotionless around everyone but my safe person (and sometimes even around my safe person) because showing my emotions would be far too vulnerable for its liking, so it completely takes away my ability to express them.
and i could keep going! there are so many things i experience because of avpd that i’ve seen really closely reflected in the experiences of schizospec people. i don’t know how common these kinds of things are in avpd overall, but they’re a really prominent part of my experience with it, so when i found out that some research suggested it could be considered a schizospec disorder itself, that made so much sense to me! and i’d be so curious to see how many other avoidants have dealt with this stuff but haven’t talked about it because it’s never mentioned as being part of avpd.
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If you say something shady about npd/bpd/aspd/did/scizospec/any other commonly vilified conditions…ew disgusting I will block you so fucking fast
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ed-recoverry · 1 month
Shoutout to religious people struggling with mental illness.
Shoutout to all Christian mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Jewish mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Muslim mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Hindu mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Buddhist mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Sikh mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Shintoist mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Taoist mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Zoroastrian mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Shaman mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Confucian mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Baháʼí mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Jain mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Cheondoist mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Caodaist mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Druze mentally ill folks.
Shoutout to all Sarnaist mentally ill folks
Struggling internally and still keeping your faith is something to be proud of. It’s okay to question, waver, and change your mind. Any healthy coping mechanism is a win.
This is not meant to invalidate non-religious mentally ill folks as well! You are also just as valid and loved and worthy.
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reminder that this blog supports and loves (/p) people with NPD, HPD, ASPD, AVPD, BPD, psychosis, delusions, schizophrenia, schizospec disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, intrusive thoughts, violent urges, DID/OSDD/UDD, trauma disorders, dissociative disorders, bipolar disorder, level 2/3 autistics, and any other stigmatized disorder or condition!
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Here’s some positivity for systems with AvPD!
AvPD (avoidant personality disorder) is a serious mental illness that can have negative affects on many systems. However, the plural folks living with this disorder still deserve to live happy, healthy lives to the best of their ability! This post is for the systems out there with AvPD!
🐠 Shoutout to systems whose severe social anxiety led them to develop AvPD!
🌊 Shoutout to systems who struggle to maintain relationships or form bonds and positive connections with people in their lives!
🦀 Shoutout to systems whose trauma history led them to form both a dissociative disorder and AvPD!
🐬 Shoutout to systems who don’t want many friends, and who feel the most safe, happy, and comfortable when they are by themselves!
🏝 Shoutout to systems who have been diagnosed with AvPD professionally, to those who have self-diagnosed, and to those who are questioning if they have this disorder!
🐟 Shoutout to systems who are in treatment for their AvPD, and are trying to learn how to cope with their symptoms in positive ways!
🐚 Shoutout to systems who do want friends, who feel lonely all the time, and whose AvPD causes them lots of pain and distress!
🐡 Shoutout to systems whose AvPD has caused them to feel hopeless, listless, sullen, and dismayed! We promise there’s still hope for you yet!
🐳 Shoutout to individual headmates who are AvPD symptom holders, or who struggle with their disorder more than the rest of their system!
🏝 Shoutout to systems with dissociative disorders whose AvPD has caused them to split new alters!
🦈 Shoutout to nontraumagenic systems who consciously created their system as a way to cope with their disorder!
It can be so hard existing in society with a disorder that makes it difficult to form interpersonal relationships or have positive interactions with other people. However, for folks with AvPD out there, we want you to know that there’s hope in your future, and potential for peace, joy, and happiness!
Please treat yourself and your system with kindness, and try to not judge yourself too hard by societal standards! Having a disorder that affects how you form and maintain relationships does not make you unwanted, unloveable, or unaccepted by the people in your life or the plural community. Whether or not you’re too scared, nervous, or shy to interact, please know we care about you, we’re rooting for you, and we wish you the very best in all that you do!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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clusterb-pd · 5 months
ASPD culture is oh im "crazy"? Oops I'm all out of fucks to give xD
(real -mod Vex)
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bunnihearted · 7 months
having avpd is so hard bc yes i am extremely sensitive nd insecure nd thus difficult to deal w plus i self sabotage bc of my self critical thoughts. when i was a kid i was constantly picked apart nd criticized for every single little thing i did or said or thought nd now my brain's broken!!!!! yayyy
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Just a gentle reminder that it’s okay and healthy to like and even love parts of your personality disorder. (Or any other disorder)
Nothing is ever all good or all bad. Your PD(s) is a part of your very make-up. It plays into every part of you at least a little, and you are not obligated to hate every part of yourself. Many of the few things I like about myself were catalyzed by AvPD. I feel that it has made me very considerate and gentle for example.
You can love parts of your PD while still recognizing and addressing the destructive parts. Curing and getting rid of your PD isn’t a realistic or healthy goal. Learning to love and accept yourself while minimizing the negative impact of your harmful symptoms is.
I love you, and that means that I love your PD too.
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urfavhasavpd · 2 months
legoshi from beastars. genuinely reads so much as having avpd that it's unbelievable
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Legoshi from Beastars has AvPD!
its been a few years since i watched beastars and i never even considered this but oh ny god it makes SO much sense 😭 thank u so much for the request i didnt know how much i needed this 🙏
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pointthewaysys · 9 months
Low empathy doesn't mean your evil, it doesn't mean you're inherently a lesser person, it's just something you experience and it's not something you should be talked down on for. It'll never be your fault for having low empathy
-Cordelia - She/Her
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Honestly haven’t felt this dark or dead or numb in a long time. I had a huge fight with my partner last night that resulted in a pretty violent meltdown, smacked my head against a wall and now have a huge gash in my forehead. I lost a lot of blood and haven’t eaten in 24 hours (technically have but can never keep food down when there’s serious unresolved conflict in my life)(same w sleep, technically a few 15 minute intervals but effectively no food or sleep in over a day) anyway this is not to lament about how horrible my life is I have a lot to be grateful for this is just transparency about how bad mental health conditions can get. This is what a bpd meltdown can look like for me. It’s comorbid with other conditions that definitely play a huge part. There’s a lot of splitting and emotional dysfunction and fight or flight trauma response and dissociative amnesia involved.
For a long time I was a huge advocate for removing stigma but would also always hide and mask my struggles with mental health. I understand now that transparency is required to tackle stigma so that’s what I’m doing.
Mental health is not cute sexy coquette delulu romanticized effy stonem manic pixie dream girl whatever whatever, it’s fucking dark and ugly and scary and it’s really hard to be face to face with the worst of it. It absolutely sucks and there is not a single nice or romantic thing about it.
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chimeraha · 11 months
hello to people with avpd who are also plural have a wonderful day
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