#autistic donnie hc
alvie-pines · 2 years
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dysfunctional-doodle · 7 months
Rise Donnie to draxum after he stole that Crystal shard prism thing:
“I have the ‘tisum along with the prism!”
Or something along those lines. Heard some of my friends telling their autistic freind they have the ‘tism(jokingly)lol.
Honestly I love this idea this is something he would do one day randomly.
Also it reminds me of 2003 Donnie’s fixation on those crystals and now I can see him saying the exact same thing.
(He literally did not sleep for three days over them, very ‘tism of him to do so)
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miicycle · 2 years
so many things are throwing themselves at me today and not even music could calm me down but for some reason, a video talking about the rise and fall of a famous person finally made me laugh and be calmer so i want to project on my baby boys
Leo usually listens to music and stares at the ceiling to calm down after a long, overwhelming day. Sometimes, he also goes into Donnie's room and just lays on his bed while Donnie is doing his own thing. Donnie knows why he does this and usually just lets him. He doesn't want to be touched at all and will react harshly if touched during this. He also loves to watch gossip and tea videos just for the fun of it and to make fun of the ideas some people have. It could often be the only thing to make him relax after a stressful day.
Donnie usually needs everything toned down and closed off, but also really likes to have someone around during his shutdowns. Leo is his go to when this happens because Leo doesn't question him or his actions, just simply starts dragging his finger down from Donnie's forehead, between his eyes and stops at his nose, only to repeat the action. He also sometimes drags his fingers on Donnie's arm, and Donnie always falls asleep when people do this.
Both of them still do these things for and around each other when they aren't okay.
BONUS: When Mikey got upset from nightmares, he once ran to Donnie. Donnie, who had no idea what to do, figured he could apply the technique that Leo used to calm Donnie, so he starts drawing shapes on Mikey's shell. And Mikey quiets down for a moment and after a few minutes he starts murmuring, guessing what Donnie is drawing on his shell. It gave him something to focus on, artistic and soothing.
Donnie still does it to this day if Mikey is close to falling asleep and he's nearby. He starts doodling shapes with his finger and Mikey names the motives until he finally falls asleep.
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tmntismdoodls · 2 years
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first post heyyyy!!! have some sillies from aggie !!!
t/cst & pr0ship dni
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iconsumeheadcanons · 1 year
i headcanon donnie as being a late talker who became a person who almost never shuts up(affectionate)
i think he started being proficient maybe a year or 2 before meeting april. im certain he designed his own AAC app that uses his own voice for days when he cant talk. and the family absolutely also has TSL too!
but i made this post about that episode where he gets frustrated that his brothers dont understand things like he does (i think Mind Meld was the name) and he throws crayons at the table and starts yelling and then mumbling about his brothers being 'dumbs-dumbs'. that scene distinctly reminds me of throwing 'tantrums'(sorry dont know what to call them? fits maybe? i dont look positively at them) in middle school about my classmates 'being stupid and not following rules'.
i dont look negatively on the scene (its more of just personal bad experience lol. this is why im in therapy). i in fact adore the autism rep so much! even tho donnie is someone w low empathy and im too-high empathy, i feel like ive never seen a character who i understand so well. this scene reminds me SO much of being frustrated that other kids didnt think like me and didnt care about the same things and etc. i use to throw anything, i use to scream and yell, i use to cry and stomp. everyone told me i had anger issues and i didnt think so at the time and im still not certain if it was just struggling to regulate emotionally. i think it was so cool to see donnie do the same there. i love the scenes that show that he struggles w emotional regulation (prolly especially since he struggles to recognize the emotions as well)
ANYWAY what this headcanon post was supposed to be about was that i think some of donnies first words that he repeated like echolalia was 'dumbs-dumb'. the way he kept muttering it in that scene reminds me of being too mad to speak and getting stuck w easy/familiar words. i can easily see a little donnie in the middle of diy speech therapy w splinter walking around and calling everything dumbdumbs.
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tadpoledancer · 2 years
as an autistic I'm really tired of people headcanoning every autistic character as aro or ace because it just comes off infantilizing as fuck
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ineffable-brainrot · 1 year
RotTMNT Donnie HCs because I feel like it.
-Donnie is autistic
-Their love languages are physical touch and acts of service.
-Pronouns: He/They/It (Demi-boy)
-They are Polyromantic (preference towards guys) and Ace
- His favorite thing to do on a Friday night is to curl up with a weighted blanket, fidget/stim toys and put on their comfort show/movie
-He had chronic pain and fatigue! He uses knee/leg braces sometimes. When he has a whole plan for the day then he wakes up and is to fatigued to do it, he gets really frustrated with itself. The rest of them try to calm him down and cheer them up. Donnie feels like such a burden and the others have to remind him that he’s not. :)
-He is fluent in ASL! I think because he goes non-verbal sometimes, especially when he’s hyper focused or frustrated.
-He stutters a bit when he’s stressed, frustrated, in a lot of pain or REALLY excited.
-Ok last one! He wears purple socks when he wants to be comfy.
Thanks! :)) <3,
Have a great morning, afternoon or night lovelies!
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radioactive-mouse · 2 years
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low effort pride turtles i made bc i was bored, flags+pronouns listed below if ur unfamiliar
Raph— Bigender + Aroace (He/She)
Donnie—Nonbinary Aroace (They/He)
Leo— Gay (He/Him)
Mikey— Nonbinary (He/They + Neopronouns)
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enbyshads · 9 months
i know no one asked but im still gonna make a post about my rottmnt headcanons (queer edition):
raph: bigender lesbian (he/she)
leo: transmasc aroace (he/him)
mikey: genderfluid or just genderqueer and aroace (still haven't decided on the pronouns but maybe any pronouns for him)
donnie: non-binary biromantic (he/they)
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the-river-rix · 1 year
Bandstand hcs!
I’m violently hyperfixating on bandstand and I have no one to talk to about it so I’m screaming into the void with my silly little headcannons
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My sillies
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allofthebees · 2 years
no rottmnt take sucks more than all the ppl saying donnie is a mean white coded nft shill crypto bro 👎 just say youre ableist /slash j (mostly)
My *faves* are the ones that call Donnie a sociopath and that he couldn't possibly be autistic bc he's so horrible and then hc Leo or Mikey as autistic and give them all of Donnie's symptoms except the "bad" ones
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dysfunctional-doodle · 10 months
Random headcannon, Rise Donnie’s flavorless juice is just 20% apple juice 80% water and he perfected the recipe and incorporated a dispenser into the fridge because you’ve gotta have that safe food readily available
Definitely, this is his safe food and it has more security measures than most of the lair so nothing bad ever happens to it
(There are lasers. Lots of lasers)
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rbtlvr · 3 months
nobody tagged me im just stealing this for funsies. also i am mostly doing recent faves because all time would be 1. Too Many Options to choose from and 2. i feel like i would definitely forget some
make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. see which character is everyone's favorite!
uhh if u see this and want to do it consider urself tagged
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Donnie cuddle headcanons
There are SO MANY headcanons where Donnie despises touch. Even with Y/N. And I don't like it. Rewatch the show, Donnie likes touch, just not when he's overwhelmed or not prepared at all. Even then, if his brothers hug him without warning, he doesn't mind. I'm the same way, and just because Donnie's autistic doesn't mean he falls in the same categories. Autism is like anxiety, it's different for everyone. DONNIE LIKES TOUCH PEOPLE.
So, I'm making my own because you all suck/j
• Donnie likes touch as long as he's not overstimulated
• Or upset. Then it's a definite no.
• however if he asks for touch when he's sad or crying, then the previous point may be dismissed
• Donnie really likes shell rubs, despite common opinion
• It's very relaxing to him, especially after a mission.
• If you massage his shell, oh boy, be prepared to stay there for a few hours X3
• His shoulders half a few scars from his battle shell chaffing the skin,
• And the skin there is usually dry, so scritches there are appreciated.
• Speaking of scritches, a soft spot for him is the top of his thigh, around the markings
• First time you scratch there he screeches like a cat
• Once his brain registers what's happening though, it's all churrs and happy rumbles
• Fair warning, don't do this in his lab.
• Chin scritches are okay, avoid his snout
• run your nails over his head, he'll melt.
• In the colder months, he WILL steal all your body heat
• No use in fighting this tired turt
• Headaches usually rest in his temples and the base of his skull (tension headache)
• If he seems irritated or grumpy and is holding his head a lot
• it's probably why
• Rub these areas to relax and calm the terrapin
• So he doesn't bite you💀
• Other areas to rub/massage:
• Neck, Shoulders, Jaw, Hands
• He's got shrimp posture like an artist, the boy needs help
• Often gets hand cramps, so I don't really gotta explain that one.
• Jaw just goes with the headache hc
• Snuggles and cuddles please
• Sit in his lap while he works
•Or in his loft bed, he doesn't mind
• Likes being the little spoon but prefers big spoon
• Kisses. All the kisses. Especially after the Krang
• this turtle is so romantically touch starved it's not even funny
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rottmntsimp · 1 year
Colds, Coughs and Cuddles
Prompt: Oh no! Y/N's come down with a sickness! Look's like their caring S/O will have to take care of them 🖤 Pairing(s): Rise!Donnie x Sick!Reader; Rise!April x Sick!Reader
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💜 - As soon as you text him you're sick, don't be surprised when you hear a knock on your window a few seconds later
💜 - He's the kind of guy who'll go online and look up anything and everything he might need for a happy and fulfilling relationship the day right after you guys first got together-
💜- He [thinks he] knows what to do
💜 - No need to open the window for him, he's got you, boo <3
💜 - As he carefully makes his way in, he'll probably look a little pissed
💜 - Not because he hates you! In fact, it's the complete opposite- He just cares for you so much (although he might not say it) that he's upset you have to go through this
💜 - He'll probably have on a surgical mask, and probably some plastic gloves (how he got 3-fingered gloves, you'll never know), before flicking his goggles down and doing a scan of your condition
💜 - After that's finished, his metallic spider-arms thingies retract from his battle shell, each one holding a different medicine, ranging from syrups to pills, and even an ice pack
💜 - Won't let you move at all
💜 - Want some water? He's already got you a nice warm glass
💜 - Feeling a little cold? Adjusting your blanket
💜 - Heating up? Putting the icepack on your forehead
💜 - But just cause he's doing all this, doesn't mean he's doing it himself
💜 - Oh no, he's a sitting all the way across your room, having his spider arms help you out
💜 - Now, this whole time it was uncomfortably silent, so much that even Donnie's autistic ass (/affec) could pick up on it
💜 - So, get ready for an interrogation
💜 - He's gonna get curious about how you got sick
💜 - Oh, there's a cough going around your school?
💜 - Alright, just make sure to wear a mask to school next time
💜 - Now, let's say you got sick because of something like...uh, playing in the rain for too long
💜 - Oh boy
💜 - The second you see his eye twitch get ready for the lecture of your life
💜 - Will scold you for being so careless and getting sick
💜 - And is a bit hurt you didn't invite him out
💜 - But I headcanon him as the kind of guy who doesn't mind being in water, but despises being touched when wet, so he understands
💜 - Will be asking you what the fuck you were thinking, and might look a little pissed, but you know its just out of love
💜 - Once he's calmed down, get ready for him to stay the night
💜 - Now, if you guys have gotten together only recently, he'll probably just pull up a chair and sit at the spot where he was standing before, across the room from you and your bed
💜 - He doesn't mean to be rude! He just hates catching colds, and is taking the necessary precautions to ensure he doesn't end up getting sick too
💜 - But if you guys have been together for a while now, he'll pull the chair up by your bed and take your hand in his, and coax you to sleep
💜 - If you ask him for cuddles, he'll just raise his eyebrow at your pouting face, before giving your hand a gentle squeeze
💜 - Better than nothing I guess
💜 - Either way, he will not sleep tonight
💜 - My boy's gonna keep an eye on you, scanning you every hour, getting you water and giving you your dosages of medication whenever needed
💜 - Now AFTER you start to get better, he'll start acting normal again
💜 - I hc him as the kind of guy who likes touch, but he doesn't like surprise touch or being touched when overstimulated
💜 - If he's in a good mood the next day, for the love of god, gently pull him into the bed and force him to sleep
💜 - That boy needs it
💜 - Overall, may come off as harsh, but he's just looking out for you <3
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💚 - This girl's gonna be by your side the whole time
💚 - She's got the spare key to your place for emergencies, and seeing her gorgeous S/O suffering alone-
💚 - Nuh uh, not on her watch
💚 - Is at your door within seconds, putting even the flash to shame
💚 - The second your guardian opens the door for her, she rushes in, shouting apologies to them, as she makes her way to your room
💚 - She's gonna burst into your room and start gushing all over you, worrying, especially if you didn't tell her at least 24 hours after you got sick
💚 - Just, like, imagine a black and white film, you're dramatically draped across the bed, hand to your forehead, as April "cries" at feet
💚 - Ok, but jokes aside, she will dead-ass have a whole backpack whole cold and cough syrup, cough drops, an ice pack for fevers, basically whatever you need
💚 - I mean, Raph didn't call her the "girl with a plan" for nothing
💚 - Now, while she is hovering over you, I don't mean she's panicking, nah, she's actually pretty calm
💚 - Perks of her mom being a nurse ig
💚 - Anyway, she's got plenty of experience dealing with small little sicknesses, experience is the best mentor yk
💚 - Fully believes laughter is the best medicine, but will make sure you don't strain your throat too much
💚 - Unlike Donnie, this girl don't care about getting sick
💚 - She's gonna crawl into the sheets with you, and cuddle up next to you, as you two just do something to get your mind off your sore throat and headache; be it just talking about something random like the show you 2 are binging together, or maybe another mission the turtles went on, or if you don't have a headache, maybe just watch some funny videos on youtube or tiktok
💚 - One way or another, you two are about to fall asleep like this, and I'm not taking no for an answer
💚 - She'll see that you've passed out and are leaning on her shoulder, and she'll just smile softly, before pecking your forehead, and adjusting the blankets before shooting her mom a text saying she'll be staying the night at your place, before falling asleep next to you <33
💚 - She'll probably end up sick too, but to her, it was totally worth it
💚 - Fr the best girlfriend ever, 10/10
I hope this came out well, cuz I was trying smth new by writing in 2nd POV, so tell me how you guys feel about it!!
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cutielights · 11 months
Hello!! I've seen some of your work and I just wanna say its really really sweet! I think the hcs you make for this are super cute, You do such a great job :D So, if it isn't too much trouble is it alright if you can make how each of the rise boys would reacted to an autistic!S/O that stims when they see them? it can be g/n pronouns :) Have a great day/night! :D -🌸💌
(My tablet has been auto correcting at random times even though I’m writing the correct word so sorry if there’s a mistake I didn’t catch. This took so long I’m so sorry)
Raph and Donnie’s segments are shorter than usual
Tw: none
Rise! Boys x Autistic S/O (stim addition)
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I mean they’re all related to Donnie so he doesn’t mind like… at all
He’s actually really happy you don’t feel the need to mask stimming around him
If you even mask in the first place that is
Unless you stim like verbally, (whistling, random sentences. I had one for a while that was asking if you wanted a bucket.)
he’ll just continue talking to you as if it’s normal because it is
he does think it’s cute how you show it
probably brags about having a healthy relationship
If you DO stim verbally however
I can imagine he’d probably be confused at first, yes, but after a while just accepts it
sometimes mimicking you
Sometimes worried you’re gonna hurt yourself (biting stims, head banging)
He realised it’s a happy thing
calmed down a bit after that
Realising it’s kinda like Donnie
likes comparing the two of you in his head
but never out loud
Loves that you feel happy and safe around him
Just let’s you do your thing
Honestly flattered
Would never admit it
Don’t think he realises what the feeling actually is
Tempted to join you
That goes either way depending on how close you are
Autism 🤝 Autism
Have you SEEN this boy?
He is stimming with you
Autism 🤝 ADHD
Greetings over the course of your entire relationship have slowly evolved into stim sesh’s
*happy stimming*
This happened in the middle of the street once
Leo had to move you guys out of the middle of the busy street
“Guys not in the street, no, No.”
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