#author: dinovia
lupines-slash-recs · 3 years
Rec: Raise a Bright Flag of Honor by DiNovia
Rec: Raise a Bright Flag of Honor by DiNovia
Title: Raise a Bright Flag of Honor Author: DiNovia Canon: Star Trek VOY Pairing: B’Elanna Torres/Seven of Nine Rating: Teen [PG] Word Count: 4,512 Summary: A cave-in during an away team mission forces B’Elanna Torres to re-evaluate many things, including her own Continue reading
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janewayseven · 3 years
J7 Fic-Recs that will make you feel all the things
A while ago, someone asked me for a list of fic recs "that are deep" - deep conversations, deep love, deep learning from each other, deep and respectful argument, etc.
This is the result, and I didn't want to keep it from you all.
If you know author’s current socials, preferably tumblr, please let me know so I can update this list!
Arte/Scienza by DiNoviaA lovely exploration of Seven finding access to her emotions and Kathryn happens to be in class with her… Leonardo & the Holodeck play a role here. Beautiful. http://www.heaven-of-mine.de/D/DiNovia/Arte_Scienza.htm
Rules of the Game by BaileyBA post endgame piece that has Kathryn going to therapy with Deanna and takes a hard look at her more destructive tendencies. Very raw, some older tropes, still a lovely read. http://www.heaven-of-mine.de/B/BaileyB/AAAmain.htm
demons will drown by SirTranscelotA pirate/mermaid AU that’s hauntingly and heartbreakingly beautiful. https://archiveofourown.org/works/23152600
Where the forest still reigns by Alpha_MuIt’s been more than a decade since Voyager’s return and just as long since Kathryn and Seven have spoken. Finally, Kathryn reaches out. Seven is not who she was. Beautiful piece about love, change, growth, and forests. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14948376
say it with your hands by parcequelleKathryn lets Seven in, and with it, let’s go. A meditation on intimacy. https://archiveofourown.org/works/21346735
Voyager: Undead by @femslash-universeThe crew of Voyager, but make it The Walking Dead AU with a Twist. https://archiveofourown.org/works/26850550
Compass Rose by chilly_flameSeven has a plan. Beautiful, touching, lovely. https://archiveofourown.org/works/4716254
Sometimes, just sometimes by @youvearrivedA wonderful journey through the years, including Picard Era. „Hopeless Heroines“ - indeed. https://archiveofourown.org/works/23580217
That Summer by Queerdinary & RedPandaPrincessKathryn is a widow trying to get by on her farm without help from anyone. Annie Hansen is a girl looking for work. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11881416
Things that Fall by genius2mania Soft vignettes of Janeway & Seven through time. https://archiveofourown.org/works/28598217
The Once and Future by awomannotagirlAfter years of separation, Captain Hansen and Admiral Janeway discuss their past and must decide on the possibility of a shared future. https://archiveofourown.org/works/8813995
With Flowers in her Hair by QueerdinaryBeautiful post-Endgame story. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11633430
wild geese by @problematick Picard Era, gorgeous established Janeway/Seven https://archiveofourown.org/works/25228792
At last by CastaDivaSeven married Chakotay. Every year, Janeway comes to the church to allow herself to feel. http://www.heaven-of-mine.de/C/CastaDiva/AAAmain.htm
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cassiopeiasara · 4 years
First lines
I was tagged by @walkthegale and @tea-and-procrastination 
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less  than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose  your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 authors!
1. The deep gray of the mid afternoon sky cast such dark shadows through the castle walls that Hecate not only needed to increase the candlelight in her lab but also travelled through the hallways with a small red flame illuminating the stone walls. (the soft animal of your body)
2. After ten years together, finding time alone between the school, exhaustion, and a crisis around every corner had been a struggle. (As Long as You Follow)
3. “So you gonna go out with Geoffrey with a G?” (If You Asked Me To)
4. Ada had never done anything by halves and in most areas of her life, it served her well. (colors i can’t see with anyone else)
5. The circle completed, Kya finished lighting her last candle before she stood up and stretched. (kettle sings as i am loving you now)
6. Ada opened her eyes to the blurry outline of shadows and the dying light of the fire in her hearth. (The demand of night and shadows)
7. Lin finished planning shifts with the mixed staff between her and Suyin and started rounding the decks. (How This Grace Thing Works)
8. “Can I help you, Miss?” (Broken Shoes and Loose Ends)
9. Ada watched until the very last second that Hecate transferred out before she sighed. (I’ll Be Your Harvester of Light)
10. The summer Hecate arrived at Cackle’s had been a significant one for Ada. (A Companion Spirit (her wise and whirling heart remix))
11. Ada wakes the next day and thinks it might be easier not to be in love with Hecate if she didn’t do things like perform impressive magic to swoop in and rescue Ada from a snowstorm. (White Winter Hymnal (listen, the snow is falling remix))
12. The knock at Lin’s door is so soft, she almost dismisses it as a delusion before rising from her sofa and using her seismic sense to fell the rapid heartbeat at her door. (Together Like We Do)
13. Kya did her best to remain upright as she unlocked the apartment and slipped off her shoes. (Where I Sleep)
14. Ada smiled as the far off lightning illuminated the night sky. (Nobody’s Fireproof)
15. Jean knows she should have said something sooner but it’s hard not to be selfish with Millie laughing against her neck. (Want You More Each Time)
16. “Perhaps one day you’ll learn to love something as much as you do your art,” muttered Antigone as she stormed away from the entrance of Hecate’s cottage. (One Beloved Lure to Loving)
17. Hecate clutched her basket tight against her side and wandered closer to the bank of the river. (Silver Springs)
18. She should have known this would happen. (Take Me Home Tonight)
19. Hecate squinted her eyes against the afternoon light as she exited the greenhouse. (An Invitation to Happiness)
20. The sniffles were never a surprise. (Those Schoolgirl Days Are Gone (in my mind they still live on))
Favorite line: Jean knows she should have said something sooner but it’s hard not to be selfish with Millie laughing against her neck.
Patterns: I was shocked that I don’t start with dialogue as often as I thought I did? I usually start with a character who is, more often than not, the POV character. A friend told me once I tend to start in the middle of the action which I think holds true for a good portion of these. I’m also realizing that beyond editing, I don’t often think of the opening line. I mean I try to come back and make sure it sets the tone but I’m not sure if it’s necessarily a strong point for me. Taking these out of their stories, I see there’s a few I absolutely adore and some where I’m like really Cass? Idk, what do y’all see? 
I’ll tag @okaynextcrisis, @marvellouslymadmim, @cosmic-llin, @applebottomclaudiajeans, @toastweasel, @songbookff, @dinovia-grant, @chilly-flame, @lezziemanville, and @meridelclarke (apologies if you’ve been tagged before and no pressure of course). 
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who are your favourite supercat writers? and what’s your favourite trope for supercat?
oh wow anon i have so many favourite authors. i absolutely adore all of @lost-your-memory ‘s work. I’ve prompted a few things over the years, and love what they’ve done with them.
i couldn’t not give @fictorium a mention. Their Supercat Notting Hill AU is my my Top 10. I love the way they write Cat. They seem to just get it so...right. I don’t know what it is but her characterisation is spot on.
@bridgetteirish did a fantastic job with the cat/winn brotp. i love the oneshots they do.
other authors i love are:
i’m also like really proud of the fics i have written as well. i’m not that good but i’m glad it brings happiness to some people. i’m Onehellagaykid over on AO3
i have so many fav fics as well. i’ll make a separate list for those.
my trope? well i personally love the “only one bed” trope.
especially when it’s cat going on a business trip and she takes kara with her and the hotel messes up her reservation and kara is like “miss grant you can have my room i’ll find somewhere else” “nonsense keira i need you within arms reach” and then they get there and cats like “you can just sleep in the bed with me” then they wake up and cat is full on cuddling kara.
i die at that.
another favourite is “cat dates an asshole and kara is a grumpy pants”
so like cat is dating this smarmy asshole who’s an art dealer they’re all over the media and alex has noticed that kara is a grumpy guts because cats attention is on that man. winn notices this “you’re jealous” and of course kara is like “no i’m not. he’s just an asshole and she deserves so much better.” “she deserves you, you mean” “what. winn what. no i don’t mean that” so of course kara is in denial and cat is grumpy because of course she’s doing the lighthouse technique and this guy is a little too into her. like buying her gifts and inviting her to art shows. so they start to see less and less of eachother because kara is distracting herself with super duties and cats evenings are taken up with dates with the art guy. but then they break up big and dramatic like (he said something about carter) and then kara is immediately back at her side, picking up the pieces. kara kisses her 2 weeks later after a fight. she’ll say it was the adrenaline but it was really because she missed cat and had been wanting to kiss her for 2 years.
i have so many tropes i love.
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femslash-recs · 5 years
March 31, 2019
The Fifth Wall by Black Tea and Bones
Word Count: 109,116
Fandom: Supercorp
Chapters: 28
Kara goes to bed with Mon-El, and wakes up with Lena Luthor.
But it isn't Kara’s bed, and they’re not in Lena’s apartment, and that is definitely not their baby... Right?
Someone makes a wish and Kara and Lena are now married with a child.  Hijinks ensue as they try to navigate through finding how to work together to fix the situation, with a baby in tow.  “Together” is the key word because every time they try to do things apart from the more the magic pushing them together. Such a great idea for a story.  Takes place right after Season 2  Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk.  If you have never read a supercorp story, this is a great starter fic!
One Bridge at a Time by DiNovia
Word Count:  230,731
Fandom: Supercat
Chapters: 15
With Carter's thirteenth birthday only months away, Cat Grant's mood--mercurial at the best of times--darkens as she tries and fails to find the perfect gift for her sweet, sensitive son. Kara Danvers, seeing her boss' distress, takes a spur-of-the-moment trip to Metropolis and to Cat's childhood home, hoping to enlist the help of Cat's mother, Katherine Grant.
When Kara returns to National City, she and Cat begin a journey of discovery--one that has the power to redefine what it means to be home.
I have read this story probably eight times since the first chapter was posted.  I am not a fan of WIP stories but there something about this story that I am willing to wait a year for the next update.  Starts with Kara trying to help Cat find the perfect gift for Carter that evolves to Kara finally getting brave enough to admit how she feels about Cat.  Another thing about this story that is rare is Cat and Kara are together by the end of the first chapter.  The first several chapters are super long (which I love but others might not) but the author shortens them to parts later on to fix that issue.  Very much a Romance + Family story.
When Stars Fall by Artistia
Fandom: Kalex
Word Count:  282,875
When Kara arrived on Earth, she was greeted by her cousin and immediately whisked off to the Danvers. What if someone else was there when she first arrived, and this person found Superman's plan lacking... substance. As a reporter, talk show host and rising CEO, Cat Grant was used to getting her way, what makes the Man of Steel assume he was different?
How would Kara/Supergirl be different if she grew up a Grant?
What I love about this story is that isn’t a romance story at all, it is very much a family story.  I am very much a Supercat fan but there is just something about Mama Cat that does something to me in this story.  We see several people make an appearance before the pilot episode.  The dynamics between all the characters are fantastic whether it is Lena and Cat or Kara and Maggie  Everyone has a part to play.  The romance between Kara and Alex doesn't come into play until the last act but I just felt like it was a bonus to the story.  Really well written.
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aim-e-la · 6 years
10 Songs I’m Obsessed With
@debbielouocean tagged me in this 
1. Better With You - Jesse McCartney
2. Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down
3. Who Put the Bomp - Barry Mann
4. Pride - American Authors
5. Eff - Bo Burnham
6. The Greatest Show - The Greatest Showman
7. Rasputin - Turisas
8. Determinate - Lemonade Mouth
9. Dog Days Are Over - Florence + The Machine
10. Better When I’m Dancing - Meghan Trainor
I am tagging @catherinegrant @dinovia-grant @rainbowpants27 @thepunchdrunkpoet
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findsupercat · 7 years
Do you have any accidental bed sharing/ bed sharing for some reason fic recs?
I’ll do a more complete rec list in a bit but off the top of my head:
The lights are turned way down low by @musetotheworld They’re unexpectedly snowed in. What to do? or in the author’s own words “how many orgasms can these characters have in 12 hours while waiting out a blizzard.” You need this in your life. 
Jealousy and Insecurity, They name is Cat Grant by @supercatandfriends a skeezy board member tries to manipulate Kara into having to share a room with him. Cat is NOT having it. Bonus insecure!Cat. It’s lovely.
At the pleasure of the Hotel de la Paix by @dinovia-grant. The hotel screwed up Cat’s reservation and now they’re full. What on earth shall they do? Don’t know, can’t imagine. It definitely doesn’t end in sexy times. Nope. 0_0
When an opportunity fall into your lap by @musetotheworld. I’m really bad about breaking my rule for doubles but I couldn’t choose. After a long day Cat literally falls into bed (or couch) only to find it already occupied. For when you’re too tired to make it home but not too tired for really hot supersex.
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poppyssupergirl · 7 years
You wanna really show a fanfic author you love them? Marry ‘em
okay I felt bad leaving out the others I know of cause they’re so cute you guys, so cute.
So of course there’s @dinovia-grant who met her wife through the Startreck Voyagers fandom
Then @rtarara who I’m fairly certain met her wife in a roleplaying forum where her wife changed the gender of her character to make it gay (so the story fit better).
And then!! There’s @zennie-fic and @inspectorboxer who are married to each other and I s2g, no lie, they are the cutest people. FOR EXAMPLE. One time we were all in a group chat together and Zennie wanted something and Box saw it in the chat and went and got it for her and I was like, “god damn, that’s love.”
So anyway, I wanted to share. They’re all so lovely and I am so impressed. What initiative it takes to cross the country to get your bae
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lupines-slash-recs · 4 years
Rec: Queen of Hearts by DiNovia
Rec: Queen of Hearts by DiNovia
Title: Queen of Hearts Author: DiNovia Canon: Star Trek VOY Pairing: B’Elanna Torres/Seven of Nine Rating: Mature [R] Word Count: 63,507 Summary: Seven of Nine asks B’Elanna Torres for personal assistance. Never knowing the perfect Borg to need assistance of any kind, B’Elanna is intrigued and agrees. What she discovers changes everything she Continue reading
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findsupercat · 7 years
So what are your top five?
This was really, really hard and I cheated at a lot and the number of fic I still had to leave out is heartbreaking. Basically you get two top sevens (in no particular order), one for WIP and one for completed.  I tried to limit myself to one per author (sort of successfully if you only look at one category at a time and ignore honorable mentions).
This is kind of long so the recs are under the cut:
Completed Fic:
Family by @pinkrabbitpro Cat gets seriously injured protecting Alex. I have a weakness for Cat proving her love in extreme ways  and (not really) unrequited pining. Favorite moment: Cat getting caught touching Kara or Cat’s disappointment when she has confirmation that Kara is Supergirl.
Let me lend a helping hand by @wistfulwatcher. Kara loses her powers and Cat…helps. Honestly this is just hot (and I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t include at least one completely smutty option) but with a sneaky side of emotional involvement in the second chapter.  Favorite moment: Kara realizing that Cat is feeling vulnerable/rejected… also all the sex.
More about you by @bridgetteirish Cat decides she’s going to date Supergirl; it gets complicated and angsty quickly.  Favorite moment: The science section. I have a LOT of feelings about the science section.
A Shadow Passed by @fictorium/ @damelola Kara doesn’t save the plane.  Favorite moment: Who died?
Got a piece of my mind (to tell you who’s mine) by @itsswanqueen. I’m such a sucker for a soulmate AU.  Soulmates have their names on each other’s wrist; Cat’s is in Kryptonian. Bonus General Danvers plot. Favorite moment: Cat’s reveal and the bits about Adam.
Fallen by @spaceshipsarecool Kara is the Devil and Cat wants to make a deal. Really interesting from a theological point of view. It’s perfect. Favorite moment: Kara requesting a kiss. 
Thursday Nights by @rtarara  what if Kara landed on time fic. Kara is a prostitute and Cat is her John.  If you enjoy having your guts ripped out while you read fic, @rtarara is definitely the writer for you. Favorite Moment: “I’m an idiot, but I’m not delusional.” I’m always gonna cry in a rtarara fic. This is where I lost it in this one.  
Honorable Mention (which I didn’t count because I told you it was a favorite yesterday and this way I could sneak in another by @spaceshipsarecool):
Lab Down Under It’s perfect. Whimsical supervillain Cat and superpuppy Kara following her around and taking care of her.
Still in Progress Fic:
The Music and the Mirror by @fictorium/ @damelola The ballet AU. I will drop literally everything I’m doing when I see an update. Not even kidding. I pulled over on a road in the middle of nowhere Ohio to read a chapter and read another while helping my sister try on wedding dresses. Favorite moment: Cat freaking out over Kara’s feet. Bonding over Vodka. All of it. Just the whole fic.
Quiet Nights and Quiet Stars by @inspectorboxer​. Kara/Supergirl and Cat go on amazing dates and take on the Joker. This is actually a series with the first two being Cat and Supergirl dates and the Joker plot line really picking up in the third and fourth. I adore these stories.  Favorite moment: “Just come tonight as Kara Danvers and that will be enough.”
Chasing Fog by @pinkrabbitpro Bat fam AU. Kara is Bruce Wayne’s adopted daughter and Cat is Catwoman. The world building is amazing. It has tons of plot and is deliciously slow burn. Featuring an awesome Carter and a really interesting take on Alex. Favorite moment: Cat telling off Alex. And basically every moment with Cat, Kara and Carter all together. 
One Bridge at a Time by @dinovia-grant. Cat and Kara (and Carter) end up telepathically linked. It’s amazing and lovely and every chapter is the length of a small novel. Favorite moment: “Trickle down crazy!” and  Cat and Alex’s confrontation.
Hope it’s worth (I’ve born ready) by @hiraeth-unstuckintime​ A soulmate AU where anything written on your skin shows up on your soulmate. Cat and Kara begin communicating while Kara is still on Krypton. I’m a total sucker for a soulmate AU and this one is perfect. Favorite moment: “It’s that thing you humans do before marriage, right? You explained it to me. “
The Hidden Force by @musetotheworld​ Star Wars AU. Kara was a padawan who escaped the massacre. Such a fantastic job done with the Star Wars world/mythology. Really excellent Alex and Kara interactions and a side of pretend dating and Sanvers. Favorite moment: Basically all of Cat and Kara’s talks.
The mob bosses daughter by @supercitycarnival Mob boss!Cat and bodyguard Kara.  It’s only one chapter in but it’s amazing so far and it is off to a very promising start; I’m really excited about it. Also if you haven’t seen Full Circle mob!Cat is really REALLY hot.  Favorite moment: Kara’s reflections on Cat.
Honorable mention (It would be higher but I’m not sure it’s still updating so I didn’t want to rec it if it’s been abandoned):
Secrets by writtensword (does anyone know if they’re on tumblr?). Adam is gay and brings Kara to Thanksgiving with Cat and fam as a cover. It’s perfect and lovely. Features extremely awful Katherine Grant and a really cute Winn/Adam thing. Favorite moment: Adam coming out to Cat. 
What do you think? Anyone want to make a case for different fic? Argue that one of mine is overrated? Request themed recs?
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cassiopeiasara · 7 years
This is for your ask for promts and I'm all for B’Elanna/Seven of Nine (Star Trek Voyager). My fist though was "time loop" but that might overstretch the frame of a one shot. How about "stargazing" or "Neelix's cuisine"? Thank you so much for opening up promts again. :)
I went with “stargazing” and avoidance of Neelix’s cuisine. ;). I hope you like it. Special thanks to @dinovia-grant for her beta work. Also on ao3. As usual, I do not own these ladies and I seek no profit. 
Title: The Curious Nature of Stars
Desperation and a lack of replicator rations drove B’Elanna to wander into the Mess Hall at 0100. The whoosh of the doors seemed to carry a chill with them and she suddenly missed the warmth of her quarters. As she neared the kitchen, she heard Neelix tinkering with something in the back, and she pulled her robe tighter as she called to him.
His head popped up from behind a stove and he rubbed the back of his neck as it hit one of his hanging frying pans. He shrugged like he expected the pain and moved closer to the counter where B’Elanna stood.
“B’Elanna? What can I do for you?”
B’Elanna managed a half smirk. “Late night snack, I guess.”
He smiled and grabbed a bowl from somewhere under the counter. “Trouble sleeping?”
She was glad to see the bowl was full of fruit which meant she didn’t have to calculate the odds of an upset stomach. She shrugged as she grabbed a banana.
“You could say that.”
“Well, it looks like you’re not the only one.” He nodded toward the far window and B’Elanna noticed for the first time that Seven stood staring outside it. She was cloaked in half shadow which should have made her look ominous but instead, the effect seemed more lonely than anything.
“How long has she been like that?”
“About an hour. I offered her something but she said she was fine.”
“Hmm.” B’Elanna lifted the banana and smiled at him. “Thanks for the fruit.”
He smiled back. “Anytime.”
She bit her lip and thought for a moment before she approached Seven. Maybe it was the lateness of the hour or the boredom that sometimes followed an inability to sleep that moved her,but she didn’t leave much time to bother over it.
Seven turned slightly. “Lieutenant?”
B’Elanna unpeeled her fruit and took a bite as she nodded. “That’s me. So I wonder, what do Borgs think about at 0100 staring out the window?”
Seven straightened but B’Elanna could tell she wasn’t as bothered as she usually was by the term Borg. It was probably because B’Elanna’s tone lacked any of its usual bite. She really was exhausted. Seven sighed a little as she answered.
“It is not a common practice, but I find myself trying to understand the purpose of ‘stargazing’”
B’Elanna raised her eyebrows as she swallowed and finished her snack. “What?”
“I was studying human curiosity regarding space travel and I found several references to the pastime of stargazing. I am trying to ascertain its appeal.”
B’Elanna crossed her arms and turned toward the window. “I don’t think looking out a viewport at Warp 4 is a helpful comparison.”
“And what would be?”
B’Elanna threw her peel into the recycler and nodded toward the exit. “Let’s head to the Holodeck and I’ll show you.”
Seven turned and raised her ocular implant. “You wish to spend recreational time with me?”
B’Elanna rolled her eyes. “Blame it on the time and lack of sleep. We’re using your Holodeck hours by the way.”
Seven hesitated for a moment.
B’Elanna shrugged. “Look, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“I will accompany you.” Seven nodded and followed B’Elanna to the exit.
“Appreciate the enthusiasm. Let’s go.”
They reached Holodeck 1 in no time.  Seven punched in her authorization code, then B’Elanna scrolled through the general programs and settled on a simple cabin in the woods on Earth. The cabin was settled next to a clearing with a large front porch and steps.
B’Elanna walked up to the porch and sat on the steps. Seven hesitated a moment as she took in the location. Her eyes were wide and a little frantic,  reminding B’Elanna of her own reaction the first time her father took her camping.
B’Elanna patted the step next to her. “Come on, you’ll be fine.”
Seven took tentative steps toward her, causing B’Elanna to chuckle softly.
“I picked a quiet night; I promise nothing is going to jump out at you. Come sit down so I can show you.”
Seven finished crossing toward the steps and sat down.
B’Elanna pointed toward the sky. “Look up.”
Seven lifted her eyes and stared at the stars for a few minutes then sighed. “This is where I was confused. What is the proper protocol for gazing?”
B’Elanna shrugged. “You just look, I guess. Some people trace constellations, others use…” She paused and stated, “Computer, add telescope.”
A telescope materialized in front of them. Seven stood and circled it, taking in every detail.
B’Elanna stepped up to it and started to explain. “The design hasn’t changed much in centuries, the range and clarity are all they’ve really updated. You look through here.” She pointed toward the eyepiece.
Seven looked through it and commented, “I don’t see the relevance. It is merely a magnification of what you could plainly see from merely looking.”
B’Elanna sighed. Maybe this was a mistake. She wasn’t necessarily qualified in explaining human tendencies despite her experience and heritage. She shrugged as she sat back down on the cabin steps.
“I guess, planetside, looking up at the sky reminds you of how vast the universe is. Some people find the stillness peaceful. I was always trying to cross reference star charts.”
Seven looked up from the telescope. “Space travel was always of interest?”
Seven looked gorgeous in the moonlight and the fact that the thought crossed her mind threw B’Elanna off slightly.  She shook her head a little, wondering if her brain was playing tricks on her because of the hour and her insomnia.
“Not always. I mean, I wanted to be an engineer for as long as I can remember, but working on a starship wasn’t my initial goal.”
Seven turned and sat next to her again. She tilted her head and asked, “What was?”
B’Elanna looked up at the sky as she answered.
“I liked city planning and the thought of working with architects. But then, I discovered things like warp mechanics and EPS manifolds and I changed my mind.”
B’Elanna wondered why it was so easy to talk to Seven like this here when she could count on one hand how many civilized conversations she’d shared with her.  
Seven nodded as she turned to look up at the sky once more. “I still do not understand this desire humans have to explore the unknown. Or the odd mystification of entities as simple as stars.”
B’Elanna shrugged. “I guess it’s hard to get when you have the knowledge and technology of so many species or when you’ve been in space as long as you have. It’s different when all you know is this.” She gestured at the space around them.
A silence settled between them that B’Elanna was surprised to find was not uneasy. She wasn’t sure how long they sat there but eventually she yawned and Seven spoke.
“Thank you for your assistance, Lieutenant. I think perhaps you should attempt to sleep.”
B’Elanna opened her mouth to protest but another yawn stopped her. “I guess you’re right.” She took one last look at the sky before she ordered, “Computer, end program.”
Seven followed her out of the holodeck. “I will proceed to Astrometrics.”
B’Elanna nodded. “Good night, Seven.”
Seven nodded in return. “Sweet dreams, Lieutenant.”
B’Elanna tilted her head in surprise at the kind phrasing. “Uh, thanks.”
She wandered to the turbolift and stated the deck for her quarters. In the morning, she wondered at how her sleep had been so peaceful and didn’t protest when a power increase of .003% came through from Astrometrics.
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cassiopeiasara · 7 years
13 & 16 for fic writer ask
13. Favorite fic from another author? I make sure to do a masterpost every year with fic recs. The past couple years are here and here. Recently, I’ve read and reread Queen of Hearts by @dinovia-grant which I just completely adore. I am lucky because some of my favorite authors span over a few shared fandoms. 
16. Do you have structured ideas of how your story is supposed to go, or make it up as you write? It’s a mix of both depending on what I’m working on. I find it’s easier to finish longer fics when I have at least some idea where I’m going. I leave room for change of course but I tend to stick to my original loose timeline.  Oneshots I tend to just dive in and let them take me wherever. 
Send me an ask about fic writing. 
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cassiopeiasara · 8 years
42, 45 please?
42. List and link to 5 fanfic authors who are amazing:
Just 5? I’d say @dinovia-grant, @fictorium, @romanimp, @missparker, and @deemnfic are a few I’ve read across fandoms and/or just really look up to.
45. Just answered.
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