#author: Subversa
snamioneasks · 22 days
I am looking for a fic I read many years ago where Hermione is tortured by death eaters and is determined to be barren. She and Severus end up in a relationship and during passionate love making there is a "spark" or surge of magic. His magic ends up healing her and she becomes unexpectedly pregnant.
Improbable Felicity by Subversa - M, 11 chapters - In post-war England, the Ministry of Magic is closing Azkaban Prison, and prisoners are being released to family members. What will happen to Severus Snape, who has no family? Hermione Granger has a notion of what can be done.
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neeliepsrecs · 3 years
This Time
Author: Subversa
Rating: Acceptable
Length: Novel, 62,266 (16 chapters)
Era, Publish Date: DH, 18.04.2009-13.06.2009
Categories: Time Travel
Genres: Romance, Drama; Post Hogwarts (AU)
Summary: After the fall of Voldemort, an inexplicable illness plagues the surviving Death Eaters. Albus Dumbledore has a plan to save Severus Snape—but how, exactly, is Hermione Granger involved? (author) Snape de-ages and re-enters Hogwarts to buy his body time to heal.
Awards: OWL Round 5 Romance 🥇 
→ Ashwinder, Fanfiction.net, The Masque
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p-and-p-admin · 4 years
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Interview given to The Severus Snape and Hermione Granger Shipping Fan Group.  (sharing here Admin approved)
Hello Ciule and welcome to Behind the Quill, thank-you for sitting down with us for a chat.
SS/HG readers might be familiar with your stories “Awkward” and “Headmaster’s Wife”. 
Okay, let’s jump right in. What's the story behind your pen name? Well, I sort of took one of my real names, swirled the letters around in the air with my imaginary wand, and I ended up with this. Can’t begin to imagine where I got the idea from... ;-) Later on, I realized that Ciule is actually a name in Romania. I had no idea, but there are people out there carrying this name for real. I guess I’m #sorrynotsorry?   Which Harry Potter character do you identify with the most? To be quite frank: No one, really. This is more about the characters I like, than truly identifying with them. I can relate to parts of some of them, but not the whole package. Primarily, I write about Hermione, Voldemort and Severus, and the one common thread between those three is the search for knowledge. That’s a trait I can identify with, but I’m neither an evil bastard, a grumpy protector nor a fretting, intelligent activist. I am, however, a swot. If you had asked who I’d want to be, the answer is clear. I want to be Albus Dumbledore. Though I can’t agree with the things he did, I feel absolutely certain that he’s the one who has the most fun during the books. I want to have that twinkling fun in face of absolute chaos.   Do you have a favourite genre to read (not in fic, just in general)? Fantasy! Definitely fantasy. While growing up, I read ‘everything’ in every genre, and in my twenties, I decided I’d spend my time reading what I loved the most. So, fantasy it is. Do you have a favourite "classic" novel? You landed me in an existential crisis right there. I mean, there’s so many to choose from! ‘Wuthering Heights’, I think. It hurts so good. Or maybe ‘Rebecca’, at least, I loved that when I was younger. Or the fairly obscure ‘Lorna Doone.’ When I was a kid, I wanted to be a film director, shooting Lorna Doone into an epic film. Oh well, there might be a theme in this selection of books which reflects in my writing… At what age did you start writing? The creative process has gone on since forever. I’ve told myself thousands of stories in my head, but rarely written anything down. At the age of ten, I had a co-writing project with one of my friends. We created this secret room in her basement, and painstakingly wrote a ‘novel’. It was fun, though the writing ended as it became too cold down in the basement during winter. How did you get into writing fanfiction? In 2009, I became completely obsessed with a TV-show in the last episode. I was watching the entire series, casually enjoying the murder mystery, and in the last episode, the villain said: “I can do the math,” and I was literally gone. That obsession sparked writing my first fanfic stories. Those stories are still on FFnet, but they aren’t any good. *shrugs* What's the best theme you've ever come across in a fic? Is it a theme represented in your own works? Compromise. The world isn’t a perfect place, and will never be. You can, however, make it more to your liking. It may not be perfect, but if you play the cards you are dealt, you might improve something. In Robert Jordan’s “the Wheel of Time”-series, one of the characters goes through a test in a parallel universe of sorts, and she thinks: “The world was not what she wanted, not anywhere near it.” I loved that: trying your best to make things as you want them to be in the face of dangers and difficulties.   And then there’s time travel! I love messing with time, and there are so many great Time-travelling fics. Plus, I have to say I have a certain love for the villains...   What fandoms are you involved in other than Harry Potter? Currently, I’m not writing for any other fandoms. I read Star Wars, GoT, POTO and LOTR, and in the past I read Smallville. Though it’s more of a type of ship for me, because I only read Reylo, SanSan, Erik/ Christine, Lex/Lana and ….drum roll… the extremely small and quite oddball ship of Eowyn/ Grìma Wormtongue. If you’ve never tried the last one, go search for the fantastic stories by auri_mynonys. If you could make one change to canon, what would it be? Do you have a favourite piece of fanon? One change: duh, that’s easy, isn’t it? Severus lives. Or, maybe Dumbledore acting more rational, not keeping so many secrets. Maybe telling McGonagall that Severus is on the Order’s side… (Interviewer is laughing - ”NOT so easy”) I do write Voldemort wins AUs, but I wouldn’t want canon Voldemort to win. I prefer him to be more sane than in canon. My absolute favourite piece of fanon has to be the Black library. I thought it was canon, but it’s not. This is a thing that really, really should exist in canon! Do you listen to music when you write or do you prefer quiet? I’m very much inspired by music, and sometimes I listen as I write, but not always. Some fics are heavily inspired by music, such as ‘Absence’ and the last epilogue to ‘The Manipulation of Time and Matter’. What are your favourite fanfictions of all time? Definitely ‘Two Steps from Hell,’ by the amazing Ssserpensssotia, but that’s a Volmione. This was such a wild ride, I felt like I was on the edge of my seat, holding my breath the entire time. Those twists and turns were so unpredictable and … Well, I’m in awe. The SS/HG fandom is so massive, there’s a plethora of great stories out there. The unfinished ‘Self-Slain Gods on Strange Altars’ is a wonderful story by scumblackentropy, and I love Slytherpoufs stories, especially the wip ‘Ghosts’, but also ‘Angels to Fly’. And then there’s the one that got away - it means, I can’t find it. In this story, Severus watches the thestrals, befriending one of them, I think, but they’re unpredictable and maybe even dangerous. He’s heartbroken, and knows how it all will go down, having bitterly accepted his role. It made me cry. And then there’s the works by Aurette, and lena1987, Subversa, Kittenshift… Are you a plotter or a pantser? How does that affect your writing process? I need (strike that: want) to draft the entire story before I post, to have some idea on how it goes. That makes it easier to write, but if it’s a long story, I’m happy as long as I know the general direction. This year, I finished a story that was on an unintended hiatus for two years, and I think part of my problem on getting back into writing it up was a too vague idea for the ending.   What is your writing genre of choice? Uh. I don’t know? Basically, you could argue that I’m a porn writer, or at least it’s fuelled by sexual tension and angst. So, romance or drama, bordering on erotica might be correct. To be frank, I haven’t really thought about categories after I started posting on AO3. Which of your stories are you most proud of? Why? Hard to say. I might go with “the Manipulation of Time and Matter,” because I think it’s the best plot I’ve created. Besides, I managed to write Hermione having a relationship with both Severus and Voldemort in the same fic. My favourite “clean” SSHG would be the short story ‘Grimmauld’. Did it unfold as you imagined it or did you find the unexpected cropped up as you wrote? What did you learn from writing it? In Grimmauld, the house became a character. That was unexpected, and not something I had planned from the beginning. So the lesson would be “don’t start posting until you know what’s going to happen.” Or else, this story might have turned out very much different. I had to throw in a little made-up lore on how you set blood wards on a house too to make it sentient. That proved to be a quite chilling piece of magic.   How personal is the story to you, and do you think that made it harder or easier to write? I love old houses. Exploring abandoned houses, going inside to see what remains of furniture, tapestries and everything is so exciting. (It can also be dangerous, but that’s another matter). Such houses makes me feel .. nostalgic, plus I get those nice little shivers down your spine that is a little like a horror story. So, I wanted to use Grimmauld as a setting to explore that in a fic, to really dig into the aching loneliness of a lost house. The story came very quickly to me, so I guess that helped me.   What books or authors have influenced you? How do you think that shows in your writing? Big question there. Hmm, I think … it’s hard to say. I’m a reader, really, and I couldn’t easily pick apart any influences. Though I have to say that one of the things I enjoyed when reading ‘Two Steps From Hell’ was the attention to magic. I think it’s important to include spells, rituals and the use of magic in my fics, because that’s what sets it apart from a Muggle AU, for example. That’s an important part of the world-building.   Do people in your everyday life know you write fanfiction? My significant other knows. I didn’t tell him, but he found out for himself, probably by spying on me. When he told me, I almost couldn’t stop laughing, because he… erm, he said he had thought about reenacting a scene in my PWP ‘Twenty Points to Gryffindor’, where Severus shouts the title as he… well… you get the gist. If he had done that, I’d have had a heart attack. I would literally be dead. Instead, I laughed non stop for an hour.   How true for you is the notion of "writing for yourself"? Haha, so true. You spend all those hours in front of your laptop - and if I wasn't motivated by doing it for myself, I can’t even see how I’d force myself through all those hours. It’s fun, though. I do this because I love it.   How important is it for you to interact with your audience? How do you engage with them? Just at the point of publishing? Through social media? Very important. I'm on the publishing sites (visible interaction is why I prefer AO3 instead of FFnet) and on Facebook, mainly. I love feedback (as all authors do), and when people form theories or make comments, I get an insight into my own writing. I know how it’s going to pan out, but the audience doesn’t, and how they perceive things might be different from how I think it is. At times, it influences how I go forward, mostly because I need to add things, to explain what’s going on. What is the best advice you've received about writing? Don’t post until you know the ending, and remember: the devil on your left shoulder will be at war with the angel on the right side. Listen to the angel telling you to wait a little longer, and not to the devil chanting: ‘Post, post, post!’ In the end, of course, you’ll give in to the devil, regretting it until you’re done. What do you do when you hit writer's block? Read. Read a lot. And read some more. Has anything in real life trickled down into your writing? Certainly. I’m a foodie. For example, everything that Voldemort eats is stuff I love. His food habits are primarily mine, and I love cooking.   Do you have any stories in the works? Can you give us a teaser? It’s a short piece, maybe three or four chapters, with the title ‘Transference’. The point of departure from canon is during their time in the tent at DH. Hermione wakes up in a bed, in a room she doesn’t recognize, having no idea where she is, but she spots a large, moving picture on the drawer:  Feeling panic rising, she stared hard at the moving and smiling pictures, and her heart leapt into her throat, pulse hammering as she recognized herself in the largest picture. A slightly older Hermione, in a white wedding dress, kissing and laughing at someone who simply had to be a much younger Severus Snape. It had to be him: Long black hair, hooked nose, sallow skin - but then he looked so young, carefree and happy - expressions she had never seen on her dour Professor's face. Beside the picture, there were numerous cards, greetings and well-wishings for their wedding - the date an impossible 21 August 1982, and amongst the cards, the largest one stood out, the black ink showing an elegant handwriting: “Dear Hermione and Severus! Best wishes for your wedding, Lord Voldemort.” Any words of encouragement to other writers? Read and write, in that order. Don’t worry about trolls, because when you contribute something that you created, it makes you so much more than people spending their time just raining on anyone’s parade. You brought something new to the world, they’re just reacting to things. If someone accuses you of a self-insert, go ahead and lecture them on the intentional fallacy. I promise, you won’t regret looking it up. ;-)   And please, mind the normal physical limits when you’re writing smut. Unless you give the male a stamina potion or put him under the Imperius, it’s unlikely that his refractory period allows him to come five times in one hour. Realistic smut is so much more sexy, lol. Thanks again for speaking with us Ciule.
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fawkesy76 · 5 years
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Sevmione Summer 2019 Day 13 - sorry it’s late, couldn’t get it to load!
They say 13 is a lucky number, and my dears today's recommendation is all about a game of chance. At first Severus plays for the usual reasons: pride and the satisfaction of winning. His heart ups the ante, changing the game entirely.
Title: For Hogwarts: A Regency Gamble
Author: subversa
Rating: M
Word Count: 121K
Where to Find It: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7618772/1/For-Hogwarts-A-Regency-Gamble
Summary: After the war, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is in a financial bind. Special Ministry worker Hermione Granger is on site with a team of helpers, full of fundraising ideas, and it seems that Headmaster Snape objects to her very presence there.
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I've read "Legislation" and "Second Life" so far... I'd love some recommendations if you have any!
Ooo, I haven’t read Legislation! I’m not even sure I know of that one...who is the author??
Okay, so I’m gonna take some fics from a previous post I made and also add a few new ones. If you only read one of these, I highly recommend the first one (Chasing the Sun). And if you love that one the way I did, you’ll also love Post Tenebras Lux and Pet Project. Those three are just in a league all their own tbh. Though all of these are pretty amazing, and I’m finding new amazing fics all the time for this ship. There’s so many works out there for them to keep me happy for decades lol. 
Chasing the Sun by Loten (My fave Snamione slowww burn fic, hands down)
Post Tenebras, Lux by Loten (Loten is a genius, tbh)
Pet Project by Caeria (also a slowwww burn)
Camerado by MillieJean (another slow burn)
Master Mine: A Lesson in Submission by LissaDream & Snowblind12 (This one is Snape/Hermione/Lucius and a BDSM fic, but it’s one of the hottest fics I’ve ever read, PLUS has a great plotline!)
An Unwritten Future by Aurette (The only time turner (aka time travel) fic I’ve ever really loved).
Hermione Granger and the Crystal of Time by Aurette (A murder mystery romance that is sooooo good).
The Occluded Soul by Aurette (I remember this one was so angsty and emotional at times, but then there were also a few moments where I had to put my phone down from laughing so hard. Aurette is a writing genius)
Of Muggles and Magic by Aurette (Honestly anything by Aurette is sure to be a winner; her writing is a-ma-zing and each fic is a different genre. This one is a historical AU)
Clash of the Conjurers by llorolalluvia (I remember there was some hottt smut in this and the plot also kept me captivated).
The Love You Take by Subversa (The ending made me a bit emotional, in a good way because it was the ending Snape fucking deserved. This fic was also smut-filled from the beginning, yet still had a plotline that kept me hooked (which is saying something, because usually I lose interest when there is smut in a long fic right away, but I never lost interest with this one)))
The Gilded Cage by ApollinaV (the only Marriage Law fic that’s kept my attention the entire way through…it’s also a slow burn)
Getting Past Broken by TycheSong (Fairly short but so good and about healing from past trauma. In this one Hermione was assaulted by Fenrir and years later is still struggling to enjoy sex without getting triggered (and her bf Ron is a total asshat about it), so Snape lends a..*cough*…helping hand ;)
Before the Dawn by snarkyroxy (at first I thought Snape was a bit OOC in this, but it was a great slow burn, and the only HP fic so far to make me cry not once, but twice). Also, the person took out a lot of the explicit smut in that FF.net link, so HERE’S the Ashwinder link for the full smut scenes. You have to make an account for the site, but it’s worth it because there’s also some great fics on there.
Doing it for the Order by Desert_Sea (I’ve read quite a few of her fics and they’re all REALLY good and smutty, so I’d recommend anything by her, but this one is my favorite of hers so far)
Self Slain Gods on Strange Altars by scumblackentropy (Okay, so this is a WIP that looks to be abandoned, but trust me when I say it’s worth the read. This is probably the most in-canon Snape I’ve read, and the writing is like pure poetry, the author is SO talented. It’s also pretty dark and delves into some really deep philosophical topics, which held me utterly captivated and made me reevaluate some things about my own life)
Unintentional Inveiglement by onecelestialbeing. (This is also a WIP, but it’s AMAZING! And realllly sexy. I won’t even admit how many times I’ve gone back to read some of the smut scenes, and to read the beginning section when she first starts interacting with Snape at 12 Grimmauld Place.) 
I also recently started a slow burn fic that has a really short prequel called A Kiss for the Netherfairies and then the sequel is a longer, M-rated fic called Getting the Best of the Gloomilows. It’s really good so far!
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lt-sarai · 5 years
scruffylookingpiratecaptain replied to your post: Fanfic Asks 👩🏽‍💻
   Tbh your love of Snamione scares me, but hey, ship and let ship, right? XDD    
I have literally no idea where it came from either???? Like, one day I think I just stumbled upon some fic or other and it just kind of....spiraled? And I just never stopped?? Like I can’t describe it. And all I wanna do is rec these fics that I think are great but y’all’d be so weirded out by prob.
(The one I like to rec most for those curious few is If The Shoe Fits by GinnyW bc it’s not too long and it’s really cute but also....fairly in character? But my absolute favorite Snamione fic EVER, for those brave souls willing to tread the Snamione fandom and take a leap of faith, is the Marriage Law fic His Draught of Delicate Poison by Subversa, the best (imo) Snamione author in the world. She doesn’t write a bad fic, they’re all amazing.)
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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BOOK OF LAMENTATIONS OF JEREMIAS (JEREMIAH) - From The Douay-Rheims Bible - Latin Vulgate
Chapter 4
In these Jeremias laments in a most pathetic manner the miseries of his people, and the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple, in Hebrew verses, beginning with different letters according to the order of the Hebrew alphabet. Ch. --- In the first chapter the order is exactly observed, but in the three next phe comes before ain, either for some mystery to us unknown, or by the derangement of transcribers, who perhaps thought that those verses were better connected, as they seem to be, (C.) though this is not very clear. H. --- In such pieces the sentiments of a pensive heart are poured out without much connection. W. --- The Greeks style this word qrhnoi, and Heb. kinoth, or lamentations. H. --- S. Jerom, (2 Par. xxxv. 25.) thinks it was the first composition of Jeremias, and sung at the death of Josias. W. S. Jer. in Zac. xii. 11. --- The eulogy of the king seems to belong to him rather than to Sedecias. C. iv. 20. C. --- Yet it might afterwards be applied to the latter, (H.) and to the ruin of Jerusalem. Eccli. xlix. 8. S. Jer. Pref. Theod. &c. --- The city is represented standing, and sometimes in ruins. Chap. v. seems to have been written after the rest. v. 4, 18. C. --- It is not acrostic like them. The prophet alludes to the wretched condition of the Jews, after the murder of their Messias; and hence the Church makes use of the lamentations on the anniversary of our Saviour's passion, inviting all sinners, both Jews and Gentiles, to repent: "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, be converted to the Lord thy God." W. --- Many passages are applicable to a soul fallen into sin, as the commentary under the name of S. Jerom, (H.) compiled by Rabanus, (Du Pin) shews. H.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin. HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers' marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as ---.
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (1/2) and three-quarters symbol (3/4) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber's copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 4
(No prolog)
[1] Aleph. How is the gold become dim, the finest colour is changed, the stones of the sanctuary are scattered in the top of every street?
ALEPH. Quomodo obscuratum est aurum, mutatus est color optimus! dispersi sunt lapides sanctuarii in capite omnium platearum!
[2] Beth. The noble sons of Sion, and they that were clothed with the best gold: how are they esteemed as earthen vessels, the work of the potter's hands?
BETH. Filii Sion inclyti, et amicti auro primo : quomodo reputati sunt in vasa testea, opus manuum figuli!
[3] Ghimel. Even the sea monsters have drawn out the breast, they have given suck to their young: the daughter of my people is cruel, like the ostrich in the desert.
GHIMEL. Sed et lamiae nudaverunt mammam, lactaverunt catulos suos : filia populi mei crudelis quasi struthio in deserto.
[4] Daleth. The tongue of the sucking child hath stuck to the roof of his mouth for thirst: the little ones have asked for bread, and there was none to break it unto them.
DALETH. Adhaesit lingua lactentis ad palatum ejus in siti; parvuli petierunt panem, et non erat qui frangeret eis.
[5] He. They that were fed delicately have died in the streets; they that were brought up in scarlet have embraced the dung.
HE. Qui vescebantur voluptuose, interierunt in viis; qui nutriebantur in croceis, amplexati sunt stercora.
[6] Vau. And the iniquity of the daughter of my people is made greater than the sin of Sodom, which was overthrown in a moment, and hands took nothing in her.
VAU. Et major effecta est iniquitas filiae populi mei peccato Sodomorum, quae subversa est in momento, et non ceperunt in ea manus.
[7] Zain. Her Nazarites were whiter than snow, purer than milk, more ruddy than the old ivory, fairer than the sapphire.
ZAIN. Candidiores Nazaraei ejus nive, nitidiores lacte, rubicundiores ebore antiquo, sapphiro pulchriores.
[8] Heth. Their face is now made blacker than coals, and they are not known in the streets: their skin hath stuck to their bones, it is withered, and is become like wood.
HETH. Denigrata est super carbones facies eorum et non sunt cogniti in plateis; adhaesit cutis eorum ossibus : aruit, et facta est quasi lignum.
[9] Teth. It was better with them that were slain by the sword, than with them that died with hunger: for these pined away being consumed for want of the fruits of the earth.
TETH. Melius fuit occisis gladio quam interfectis fame, quoniam isti extabuerunt consumpti a sterilitate terrae.
[10] Jod. The hands of the pitiful women have sodden their own children: they were their meat in the destruction of the daughter of my people.
JOD. Manus mulierum misericordium coxerunt filios suos; facti sunt cibus earum in contritione filiae populi mei.
[11] Caph. The Lord hath accomplished his wrath, he hath poured out his fierce anger: and he hath kindled a fire in Sion, and it hath devoured the foundations thereof.
CAPH. Complevit Dominus furorem suum, effudit iram indignationis suae : et succendit ignem in Sion, et devoravit fundamenta ejus.
[12] Lamed. The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world would not have believed, that the adversary and the enemy should enter in by the gates of Jerusalem.
LAMED. Non crediderunt reges terrae, et universi habitatores orbis, quoniam ingrederetur hostis et inimicus per portas Jerusalem.
[13] Mem. For the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her.
MEM. Propter peccata prophetarum ejus, et iniquitates sacerdotum ejus, qui effuderunt in medio ejus sanguinem justorum.
[14] Nun. They have wandered as blind men in the streets, they were defiled with blood: and when they could not help walking in it, they held up their skirts.
NUN. Erraverunt caeci in plateis, polluti sunt in sanguine; cumque non possent, tenuerunt lacinias suas.
[15] Samech. Depart you that are defiled, they cried out to them: Depart, get ye hence, touch not: for they quarrelled, and being removed, they said among the Gentiles: He will no more dwell among them.
SAMECH. Recedite polluti, clamaverunt eis; recedite, abite, nolite tangere : jurgati quippe sunt, et commoti dixerunt inter gentes : Non addet ultra ut habitet in eis.
[16] Phe. The face of the Lord hath divided them, he will no more regard them: they respected not the persons of the priests, neither had they pity on the ancient.
PHE. Facies Domini divisit eos, non addet ut respiciat eos; facies sacerdotum non erubuerunt, neque senum miserti sunt.
[17] Ain. While we were yet standing, our eyes failed, expecting help for us in vain, when we looked attentively towards a nation that was not able to save.
AIN. Cum adhuc subsisteremus, defecerunt oculi nostri ad auxilium nostrum vanum; cum respiceremus attenti ad gentem quae salvare non poterat.
[18] Sade. Our steps have slipped in the way of our streets, our end draweth near: our days are fulfilled, for our end is come.
SADE. Lubricaverunt vestigia nostra in itinere platearum nostrarum; appropinquavit finis noster, completi sunt dies nostri, quia venit finis noster.
[19] Coph. Our persecutors were swifter than the eagles of the air: they pursued us upon the mountains, they lay in wait for us in the wilderness.
COPH. Velociores fuerunt persecutores nostri aquilis caeli; super montes persecuti sunt nos, in deserto insidiati sunt nobis.
[20] Res. The breath of our mouth, Christ the Lord, is taken in our sins: to whom we said: Under thy shadow we shall live among the Gentiles.
RES. Spiritus oris nostri, Christus Dominus, captus est in peccatis nostris, cui diximus : In umbra tua vivemus in gentibus.
[21] Sin. Rejoice, and be glad, O daughter of Edom, that dwellest in the land of Hus: to thee also shall the cup come, thou shalt be made drunk, and naked.
SIN. Gaude et laetare, filia Edom, quae habitas in terra Hus! ad te quoque perveniet calix : inebriaberis, atque nudaberis.
[22] Thau. Thy iniquity is accomplished, O daughter of Sion, he will no more carry thee away into captivity: he visited thy iniquity, O daughter of Edom, he hath discovered thy sins.
THAU. Completa est iniquitas tua, filia Sion : non addet ultra ut transmigret te. Visitavit iniquitatem tuam, filia Edom; discooperuit peccata tua.
Ver. 1. Colour. Heb. "gold." Sept. "silver;" (H.) denoting the patriarchs, (Theod.) chiefs, (Vatab.) or ornaments of the temple. C. --- It had formerly glittered with gold; now there was nothing but smoke and ruins. W.
Ver. 2. Best. Heb. "gold of Phaz," in Colchis. Gen. ii. 11. C. --- In Solomon's reign, they powdered their hair with gold dust. Jos. Ant. viii. 7. --- Vessels. Is. xxx. 14.
Ver. 3. Sea-monsters. Lit. Lamia. Heb. Tannim. H. --- The lamia has a face like a woman, and a body like beasts; and is cruel, yet feeds its young. W. --- The fabulous lamia is supposed to destroy all children, (Diod. Sic. xx. Ovid. Fast. vi.) and cannot be meant. But the sea dog, though most cruel will not neglect its young ones. C. --- Ostrich. Heb. henim, (H.) "swans." Is. xiii. 21. Job xxix. 14. The ostrich is said to break some of its eggs. Elian iv. 37.) -- Swans do the like, and devour their young; for which reason they are hated by the Indians. Elian xiv. 3. --- Sept. "their young (drajohs) have suckled the daughters of my people, so that they can find no remedy, like," &c. H. --- Though the ostrich has wings it never flies, but dwells in desert places. Such is the condition of the Israelites. Theodoret. --- The ostrich forsakes its eggs. W. --- All are solicitous for themselves.
Ver. 5. Scarlet. Lit. "yellow;" croceis. H. --- Heb. means purple. Those who have been educated in the most delicate manner, are forced to feed on the most disgusting things. 4 K. vi. 25. and xviii. 27. Deut. xxviii. 54.
Ver. 6. In her. Sodom was destroyed by God. Her temporal misery was short. H. --- Jerusalem was exposed to greater afflictions (C.) here, (H.) and her ingratitude and abominations were greater. Ezec. xvi. 46.
Ver. 7. Old ivory. Whiteness shews its age. Pliny iii. 8. --- As it grows old it turns yellow, and loses much of its value. But the ancients had the art of dyeing it scarlet. Æneid xii. Iliad iv. Ovid ii. Am. v. C. --- Heb. poninim may signify (H.) "pearls," the shells of which are stained with a delicate red; though the epithet ruddy may mean "shining," in which sense purpureus is used. Hor. iv. Od. 1. --- The complexion of the Nazarites was fair, with a mixture of red. Cant. v. 10. They were probably clothed in white, and were highly respected. 1 Mac. ii. 49. Amos ii. 11. Num. vi. 18. C.
Ver. 8. Coals. Heb. "blackness." Sept. "soot." H. --- The people were naturally brown. Fasting and distress cause them to turn black. C. v. 10. Joel ii. 6. C. --- They were so changed, that old acquaintances knew not one another. W.
Ver. 9. For. Lit. "by the barrenness of the earth." H. --- Such a death was, no doubt, more painful than to perish quickly by the sword. C.
Ver. 10. Pitful. So their nature dictates. W. --- But hunger made them the reverse. Some think they slew their children, to prevent them being exposed to more cruel torments, (C.) as the people of Colchis do their sick. Chardin. --- Sodden: boiled or roasted; coxerunt. v. 5. Deut. xxviii. 55. At the last siege of Jerusalem, this barbarity was manifested. C. Jos. Bel. vii. 8. Gr. 21. See C. ii. 20. --- Daughter. So cities are styled. W.
Ver. 12. Believed. God had so often protected this city against Sennacherib, Holofernes, &c. H. --- It had been also so strongly fortified. 2 K. v. 6. C.
Ver. 13. Priests. They too generally favoured H. the false prophets. C. ii. 26. &c. They were judges, and condemned the innocent: or exposed (C.) the citizens to destruction, by not warning them to amend, (H.) and to submit to the Chaldees. C. --- Impostors are called prophets, as they have the same outward appearance. W.
Ver. 14. They. Sept. "Her guards have tottered in," &c. --- When. Prot. "so that men could not touch their garments," as they were defiled. H. --- These hypocrites were afraid of touching blood, as they observed external ceremonies, while they disregarded the spirit of religion.
Ver. 15. Depart. They were not ashamed to speak thus to others, or the citizens address the priests contaminated with blood. Even the Chaldees looked upon the Jews with abhorrence, as an abandoned people. --- For they. Heb. "but they understood not, and wandered about. They, (C.) the Gentiles, said." H.
Ver. 16. They, the Jews; or rather the prophet thus describes the Chaldees. C. v. 12. Deut. xxviii. 50.
Ver. 17. Save. The Egyptians attempted it in vain. C. xxxiv. 8. and xxxvii. 10.
Ver. 18. Streets. There were enemies within as well as without. C.
Ver. 20. Christ, &c. According to the letter, is spoken of their king, who is called the Christ; that is, the anointed of the Lord. But is also relates in the spiritual sense to Christ our Lord, suffering for out sins. Ch. Is. liii. 5. S. Aug. de Civ. Dei. xviii. 33. --- It literally speaks of Josias, or of Sedecias. W. --- Josias was slain by the Egyptians. S. Jer. in Zac. xii. --- But Sedecias seems chiefly to be meant. The people were much attached to him, though he was wicked; and they expected that he would have rescued them from the power of the Chaldees, as his league with the neighbouring Gentiles (C.) seemed to insure, (H.) if they had proved faithful. C. --- But all was useless against the Lord. H.
Ver. 21. Rejoice. Edom had manifested her joy at the misfortunes of Juda. The prophet hints at this with a cutting irony. Ps. cxxxvi. 7. Abd. 11. --- Come, as at a feast. Edom was visited five years after the Jews. C. xlix. 7. --- Naked. Sept. "and shalt pour it out," (H.) or vomit. C. Grot.
Ver. 22. Accomplished, and sufficiently punished by exile. C. l. 20. Is. xl. 2. --- Discovered. Gen. xliv. 16. and 3 K. xvii. 18. C. - In vain wouldst thou hid them. H.
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sevmione-otp · 7 years
Transcendent Quality of Remembrance
Author: Subversa
Description: In a postwar world, members of the Order and the DA are sent together into hiding. Trapped in claustrophobic circumstances, plagued by inexplicable dreams, surrounded by her closest friends - and her most dreaded adversary - Hermione struggles to come to terms with her postwar life.
Review: This fic is an absolutely wonderful read (much like anything else written by Subversa in my opinion) that takes you on a journey from start to finish. There are several key bits of information that keep you wondering, or connect to another part of the story later. There is a lot of nuanced details that the author remembers and always resolves or puts to good plot use. The timeline in this story jumps between a before period and an after period, which I wasn’t sure I would enjoy at first, but I ended up really loving how it was done and how everything was joined together in seemingly perfect timing. This also takes place in a setting that is atypical from most “Hogwarts dungeons” fics (not that the dungeons are a bad setting, as I love them myself), and adds a fresh look on the pairing in a new and unusual setting. It also tackles an overarching dilemma dealing with memory. Overall a really wonderful fic!!
Read Transcendent Quality of Remembrance
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snamioneasks · 6 years
Owned by Subversa - M, abandoned, 11 chapters - War is hell, as is the aftermath. Having lost everyone she most loves, Hermione Granger is only a shell of the woman she had been. Devastated by loss and guilt, Hermione draws the attention of Severus Snape with a random utterance.
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snamioneasks · 6 years
His Draught of Delicate Poison by Subversa - T, 30 chapters - A/U. At the end of war, the Wizengamot has passed a Marriage Law. The Order has opened Headquarters to house its youngest members during a summer of Ministry-sponsored social events. With Snape as a chaperone, and engaged to another woman, the advent of a busy Hermione, determined to see her friends in love-matches, can only be a recipe for disaster.
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snamioneasks · 6 years
Transcendent Quality of Remembrance by Subversa - M, 26 chapters - NOW COMPLETE! A/U. In a postwar world, members of the Order and the DA are sent together into hiding. Trapped in claustrophobic circumstances, plagued by inexplicable dreams, surrounded by her closest friends - and her most dreaded adversary - Hermione struggles to come to terms with her postwar life.
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snamioneasks · 6 years
Send Not to Know by Subversa - M, 9 chapters - An SSHG Christmas story: An annoying event causes Hermione to choose to spend the Christmas break in seventh year away from her best friends, but Dumbledore feels she needs someone to watch over her. How will Hermione react to the appearance of the Potions master on her doorstep? And how will they interact when cooped up alone together for days on end?
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snamioneasks · 6 years
The Love You Take by Subversa - M, 28 chapters - Hermione is cursed by the Death Eaters, and Dumbledore believes Professor Snape is the only one who can help her and keep her safe. Hermione is 18 years old in this story, but she is still a student.
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snamioneasks · 6 years
Improbable Felicity by Subversa - M, 11 chapters - In post-war England, the Ministry of Magic is closing Azkaban Prison, and prisoners are being released to family members. What will happen to Severus Snape, who has no family? Hermione Granger has a notion of what can be done.
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snamioneasks · 6 years
Hey! This is probably not enough to go on but I vaguely remember reading this Snamione fic, probably back in 2011, and I don’t remember the context around their relationship that well but I do remember that Hermione and Draco became friends and Draco was with an OC named Skye and she was a Ravenclaw. I think a big part of the plot revolves around her and I’ve been trying to find it the past few weeks but I haven’t yet. If anyone else recognizes it please let me know! :)
Theres this, which was published in 2014 and is currently the queue, but it ends with a dead Draco and Bill/Skye:
His Draught of Delicate Poison By: Subversa - T, 30 chapters - A/U. At the end of war, the Wizengamot has passed a Marriage Law. The Order has opened Headquarters to house its youngest members during a summer of Ministry-sponsored social events. With Snape as a chaperone, and engaged to another woman, the advent of a busy Hermione, determined to see her friends in love-matches, can only be a recipe for disaster.
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snamioneasks · 5 years
Post 184704379865 i-read-a-fic-long-ago-where-hermione-and-severus (Not sure if you saw the replies in the notes, which are usually likes, but this is likely "For Hogwarts: A Regency Gamble" by Subversa. It's on FFN.
Thanks for looking out for our followers, Anon! I’ve updated the original post.
For Hogwarts: A Regency Gamble by Subversa - M, 22 chapters - After the war, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is in a financial bind. Special Ministry worker Hermione Granger is on site with a team of helpers, full of fundraising ideas, and it seems that Headmaster Snape objects to her very presence there
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