#at first i wasn't into it super hard because the intensity kinda threw me off
vampiricgf · 10 days
How did u and ur bf meet?
we met at a party! I was at a friend of a friends house party thing n a lot of people were like omg who's the old dude so I went looking for him and we started talking and I ended up stealing his pack of cigarettes out of his pocket like some little nicotine fairy then was drunkenly mean to him but it was okay because (I didn't know at the time) he was, quote, "already really fucking with it because you were hot and mean as fuck I wanted to kiss the ground you stepped on"
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Thirteen)
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Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Twelve ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ Chapter Fourteen
I position myself in the center of the panel, making the 104th pose that morning. Brandon guides me from one shot to the next, making everything easier.
Six makeups. Six hairstyles. Six changes of clothes, even though the focus was on my face. Why did I get into this?
The photo shoot was for a cosmetics brand, for which I was the cover girl. It wasn't a 7-headed bug, as I had been thinking all night, which resulted in an irritating insomnia. And even though I arrived shy and lost, when I saw my look all produced, I felt like a great hottie, which gave me the confidence to go to that studio and rock.
I was having fun, as Leah advised me. I threw my hair, made faces and danced. I shifted my attention between Brandon's camera and my cell phone, where Nico, one of the helpers, was filming behind the scenes and stirring up my social medias.
It's fun, but after the fourth change of clothes, I was exhausted. After all, that spotlight doesn't leave me and the light gets too hot.
“For you.” Nico hands me a pink lilies bouquet. I open a smile, confused.
The team that was with me today, the agency, the brand and my parents had already sent me some bouquets earlier today, congratulating me and celebrating my return to the fashion world. So whose would it be?
I hunt for the card, opening it in a rush. Nico rested his head on my shoulder, wanting to read along with me. The handwriting didn't make me doubt, they were Luke's.
“To make your day more beautiful.
Congratulations on your return.
Love, Hemmo.”
I open a smile completely shaken by that. I burst out laughing when I see under his name “and the rest of 5sos” written in a different hand.
I ask Nico to take a picture of me with the flowers and send it to him, who quickly responds with a Petunia figure with heart eyes. I know I need to drop the bouquet and go back to the photos, but it feels so difficult.
Finally, I leave the flowers to the dressing room and I focus myself. Brandon praises my goofy smile and begs me to keep it up.
I knew everyone wanted to come today and watch the photo shoot, but I begged so hard not to. If without anyone I was already terrified of, seeing everyone there, staring at me, I wouldn't leave the dressing room.
Leah and Kiki were at my house, getting ready for Ashton's birthday, and of course, to gossip. They were both super curious to know how my first shoot was and how I was feeling.
besides telling about work, I comment about Luke's flowers and, finally, I tell about yesterday's dreams that still haven't left my head, taking root in my mind, blooming when I least expect it and leaving me out of breath.
“Oh, you naughty one!” Hastings tosses me the pillow. "Are you going to tell him?" she sits up in bed.
“No! How do I tell this?” I question, not understanding.
“Luke, I remembered when we were like two pervert rabbits and we were always having sex in the corners. Simple.” Kiki shrugs, going back to making up her eyes.
“Kiki!" I reprimand her. I hide my face, laughing embarrassed. "We weren't like that…I think…were we?" I look quickly at both of them.
Kiki looks at Leah, holding back her laughter. The brunette stares at me in disbelief. Oh my God, we were! It takes time to sink in, because with Stephen, I avoided sex at all costs. It was so cold and awkward, that most of the time I was bruised and, in all cases, unfulfilled.
I remember the touch of the dream and how it felt so soft and intense, and so good. However, I still find it hard for me to have been so turned on that I started having sex everywhere.
“Are you sure?” I ask suspiciously.
"Oh, honey! I will have to tell you about my dad's birthday, have I?" Leah hugs me, making Kiki laugh.
"What about your father's birthday?" the same way I was feared of Luke when he started telling me about the day I threw up at his feet, I get with Leah.
“Well, it was my dad's 50th birthday. A big, big party and of course I invited all of you. We had just got back from Milan, you were away from Luke for a couple of weeks, so you’re kinda getting crazy by missing him.
"Make it crazy." Kiki comments.
“The plan was for us to arrive in the morning, you'd have time to see each other, and then in the evening we would go to the party. But our flight was delayed and you didn't have that time. So you decided to open the bathroom.” Leah gives a fake smile.
I took a few seconds to understand, and then I widen my eyes, wanting to sink into the ground. I can't believe we did this.
“Calm down! She didn’t told the best part”. Kiki leaves the bathroom, joining us.
“Oh, that's cool, is there a better part?” I look at them both desperately.
"Of course, there is a best part. Leah escorting you guys out of the bathroom" Kiki throws herself on the bed, laughing. “Oh God! Your faces were the best.”
“Was after that our friendship beat all the limits and you know, we got really close.” Leah smiles to me.
What was my problem? Oh Lord, I never, ever, in my all life, thought I'd give one of those. If anyone asked me, who would be most likely to do this, I would definitely say Leah, Kiki, and even Bethany, but I would never say my name.
What did Luke do to me?!
I look at my friends, shocked. They both start laughing, amused by my reaction. A few seconds later, I give up, starting to laugh too.
"Is there any other similar situation that I should know about?" I inquire with fear.
"Yes, but we don't have time right now." Kiki gets up from the bed, slapping my foot, asking me to get ready.
We turned on the music and continued to get ready. Leah goes down to the kitchen, returning with three beers. The subject changes and we start to gossip.
After hours of producing us, I come down wearing my silver sequin jacket, finding Leah with another beer in her hand.
“Well? Good? Great?” I take a stroll, showing off the leather pants and black tank top that valued my tattoo.
"I definitely would ask for your number!" she replies, making me smile.
"Do you think people will like it? I mean, isn’t that much?” I stop in a few poses while she watches me.
“Rephrase the question.” she leans against the table. I stare at her without understanding. “What you want to know is whether Luke will like it." I open my mouth a few times.
“Perhaps.” I answer softly. Hastings snorts, hiding her face.
“You two should pay for my therapy. Because it's not easy to take it.” she takes a deep breath.
I give a guilty smile. I head to the bar, grabbing a shot of tequila and flipping it quickly. I would find Luke in a few minutes and I still don't know how to face him. I close my eyes, letting the alcohol burn my throat and warm my body, along with the memories. The flashes come back to my mind, clear as water. I can hear the girls' voices again, telling them about Mr. Hastings' 50th birthday.
“Let's go?” Kiki's scream brings me back. Standing near the door, they wait for me to down another shot of tequila before we go.
Along the way, we took several photos, already moving our social medias. At the door of the restaurant, the swarm of paparazzi was already in place and as soon as we got off the car, they surrounded us. Hands and arms linked, the three of us entered, being saved by the huge walls that didn't let them see anything that happened inside.
We went to the back of the restaurant, in a more reserved space, where a long table took up half the back wall. Right away I spot Luke, laughing as he chats with Jack and another guy I don't recognize. I analyze your look, social pants and a black t-shirt.
How can someone look so beautiful, so simple?
I swallow hard when he notices our approach and looks directly at me. I look away, unable to hold on; the images screamed in my mind.
Irwin approaches, already quite excited, trying to hug the three of us at the same time. When Leah and Kiki go to greet the other guests, I calmly hug my best friend, congratulating him once more.
“Make yourself comfortable and behave” he leaves a kiss on my forehead, going to welcome other guests who have just arrived.
I turn in time to see Hemmings approaching, one glass in his hand and the other in his pants pocket. How? I hold my breath, giving a terrified smile. He opens his smile even more.
“Hey!” he says excitedly, close enough for me to hear. Those lips… what have they done… I close my eyes quickly, shutting my mind.
“Hey!” I answer awkwardly.
“How are you doing?” he hugged me, pressing a kiss to the corner of my mouth. I close my eyes again, feeling it radiate with amazing speed throughout my body. I let out a breath in a sigh. I manage to catch his eyes as he walks away, hiding a more mischievous smile.
“Well!” my cheeks catch fire and the jacket starts to bother me. "Thanks for the flowers earlier today." I thank, while Luke leads me to the bar. His hand firmly on my waist reminds me of that hotel room. I bite my lip, holding back the urge to bang my head on the counter. "A shot of tequila." I ask desperately.
Luke raises his eyebrows in surprise but says nothing. I turn it over without a single thought, asking for another one, just in case. The heat that spreads through my body is the result of three doses ingested. I take off my jacket and, through the bar mirrors, I see Luke shamelessly sweep my body.
“It was nothing!” he says after clearing his throat. "I'm glad you liked it. So, how was your first shoot?” he leans his elbow on the counter, propping his head on his hand, visually interested.
The effect of the alcohol starts to kick in, and so I feel lighter in his presence, not bothering with the memories between the two of us, nor the fanciful situations that my mind starts to create. I tell about the rehearsal and how fun it really was to do it. In the middle of the answer, I get enthusiastic, telling everything in minute detail. Luke looks at me smiling and interested, without interrupting me.
“I’m sorry!” I cover my eyes, laughing. “I'm talking too much.”
A few more people had already arrived, but the two of us were still there, sitting at the bar. The most interesting thing was, everyone who arrived didn't dare come here and interrupt us.
“No! I love hearing you talk.” he smiles before taking another sip of gin. I lower my gaze, totally ashamed.
"I think we'd better go sit down." I comment, seeing everyone settling into their chairs.
“Let's go?” he offers his hand, helping me off the stool. I hold into his arm, walking to the table. "Should I keep an eye on you today?" he laughs. I repress the urge to say yes, but that's not the answer to his question.
“No! I won't drink that much.” I press my lips together in a thin line, embarrassed by Ash's party.
We sat next to each other, with Calum and Noah in front of us. Luke leans his arm on the back of my chair and I'm not shy about getting close to him, even with everyone in our group staring at us curiously. We embarked on a lively conversation with everyone around us.
Michael rushes in and apologizes for being late, taking his seat next to Hemmings.
"Was she with her?" I hear Luke ask, taking my full attention.
“Yep!” Mike gives a shy smile.
“Who she?” I almost walk through the body of the australian beside me, wanting to get close to Mike.
“Nobody special.” he shrugs.
“Yeah! Go for it.” Hemmo lets go, laughing. Michael slaps him on the head.
“It's nobody special. Just a friend. I swear!" he closes the matter, but he doesn't convince me.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me about it." I whisper, complaining to the blonde at my side.
“Sorry, there was no time. Also, I didn't even know it could lead to anything.” he shrugs. I stare Luke, waiting him to continue, but he is easily distracted by the napkin holder. I slap his head like Mike. “Ouch! What was it?” he looks at me shocked.
“Tell me!” Luke turns to face me, rolling his eyes.
“Her name is Sophie. They met at a Fortnite stream. She beat him and he went to congratulate her on the match, so they started talking and apparently it’s hitting something.” Luke shrugs, finishing the story.
“This is so cute. I hope it works!” I see Michael laughing over Luke's shoulder. “Is she pretty?” I question.
“This is a dangerous question.” I look back at him, confused. "Is there a chance you slap me?" I laugh.
"No." I don't get why I would hit him for finding someone pretty.
“She is pretty!" I hit him. “Hey! You said I wouldn't be hitten.” he accuses me.
“Sorry, it's just funny.” I defend myself by laughing. Luke turns forward, annoyed. I wrap my arm around his, which were on the table and come closer, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Are you going to be mad at me?" I question laughing.
"And I can do it?" he turns to me. His eyes drop to my lips and mine to yours. It would be a perfect time for a kiss, but I don't feel comfortable with all these looks on us.
Hemmo seems to understand my internal battle and just leaves a kiss on my forehead. I open a grateful smile and once again guide my attention to the conversation between Noah and Brian.
After a couple of hours of eating and drinking. We started to spread out through space, forming several conversation circles. I was having a blast with everyone. We sing, dance and record videos that we'll definitely regret later.
After starting to eat, I stopped drinking alcohol, after all, trauma still reigns inside me. So I wouldn't feel like the only sober one at the party, Hemmings decided to join me, stopping drinking too.
Relieved, of course, is the word to describe this night with him. I thought it would be hard to look at it with everything I remembered, but it was so light and fun, I admit I freaked out over nothing. As usual!
All through dinner, I try not to pay too much attention to everyone's eyes on us. We simply could not do anything that someone just needed to die of love. Luke was amused, while I just wanted to sink into the ground.
Yes, I may have had a clue as to how much I feel about Luke, but I still want to take it easy. I want to be sure, and for that, I need to stop being afraid. I know he's been realizing how I've changed and I'm letting him get closer and closer.
Our kisses, touches and smiles. Everything is falling into place and the fact that he doesn't put pressure on me helps me a lot. I already totally trust him, it just makes stronger.
Considering it was easy to stay close to him, without letting the shame take me, I didn't pull him away for a second, because most of the time he pulled me along and I liked that. I like being close to him.
“One round. Just one round.” Jack pleads, hands clasped under his chest.
“No! I've had too much today.” Luke denies it again, making his friend fake a dramatic cry.
"You drank when you arrived. A beer and a shot of gin. That's nothing.”
“I'll drive later and I'm keeping Marnie company.” he squeezes me tighter to his chest.
"Can't you drink?" Jack looks at me confused.
“Of course I can, I just don't want to, you know, make a scene. Or something like that.” I shrug. Jack rolls his eyes, turning back to Luke.
“One round.” he begs, making me laugh.
The boys were preparing a round of Answer or Drink with 10 different types of drink. So, they played and still got drunk.
“No!” Luke responds with a laugh.
For a few seconds, I leave the two of them arguing and go to the table to get my coat. With the lack of alcohol, I start to feel the cold of the air conditioning. On my way to the table, a voice stops me.
“Look what a wonderful surprise.” I turn quickly, feeling all the blood freeze through my body. "What a coincidence, isn't it?" I watch his smirk, knowing what his presence there would do.
“What are you doing here, Stephen?” I take a breath deep, controlling the urge to fly at him. Just like I did with Pam.
It's the first time we've seen each other since the diary report and I couldn't feel more disgust and loathing.
“It's a public place, Lizzie, and don't worry, I didn't come chasing you. I'm with friends.” he points to a table. “I just came to say hello.”
“Don't call me Lizzie, you know I hate it and why don't you take your fake education and stick it in your…”
“What are you doing here?” Luke walks past me, coming face to face with Stephen. "I already told you to stay away from her."
Soon, all the boys approach, ready to intervene. I grab his arm, trying to keep him close to me.
“Let him.” I beg, not wanting it to explode in the middle of the restaurant.
“Calm down, Hemmings.” the name comes out acid and full of poison. “I just came to say hello to Lizzie.” he laughs, hands in his pockets. "Don't worry, I'm not kissing her."
I close my eyes, feeling that hit both of us. That's low, very low. Luke steps forward, taking me with him. Noah and Jack are already starting to put their hands between them. Ash, Mike and Calum begin to put their hands on their friend's shoulders, pulling him along.
“Do not worry. I'm not going to spend my time punching him. But I'll just say one thing, Stephen.” he uses the same acid tone to say his name. "In case you're still dumb enough not to understand. It’s over! What you and Marnie had is over! So stop coming after her, because she doesn't want anything to do with you. She is with me.”
His tone of voice and body postureme impress. I've never seen Luke like this, so nervous, holding back so he doesn't explode, the veins in his neck bulging, proving how much he's controlling himself. I tighten your arm more tightly around my body. I bring my hand down until it's entwined with his, deceptively hoping that it will calm him down and bring him back to me.
“Funny. Cause from what I heard, you guys broke up, didn't you? What? You couldn’t stood the cheat?” he laughs, like he's made a great joke.
I don't know if he intended to hit Luke again, but without realizing it the words hit me. My blood boils and the words written in my diary take shape in my mind. Damn imagination.
I let go of my hand, putting myself in front of Stephen, who takes a step back. His gaze, full of curiosity and mockery, fixes on me.
“That’s enough, Stephen! I don't care about you. Pretend I never called you, just like I was before the accident and disappear from my life. I know you cheated on me and I don't want this torment in my life anymore. Go away.” I let go of everything contained, trying not to fly off his neck.
"Are you really going to believe their bullshit?" Stephen crosses his arms.
“Nobody had to tell me. I remembered." I see his eyes lose their mocking sparkle and he lose confidence. It's a lie, but he don't need to know. “There are at least twenty people here and they all want to hit you, including me, who wouldn't mind breaking my cast on your head. So if you don't want to get out of here on a stretcher, get out!”
I take a step back, feeling my heart pound and trying my best to keep myself from crying. Luke's agitated breath pulses against my spine. I lean against him, feeling his hand intertwine with mine, squeezing it delicately. Amazing how I feel safer, just with that touch.
Stephen passes his eyes around everyone and walks away without saying anything else. When his body pulls away, I release all the air I didn't even know I was holding. The boys start telling us to go back to the table.
I turn, pulling Luke, who is still standing there, facing my ex, who is sitting at the table with a group of friends. He turns around, pulling me easily into his arms. His hands tighten around my waist and I feel him exhale against my neck, giving me goose bumps. I stroke the back of his neck, trying to calm him down and show him that everything is fine.
We walked back to the table, striving for the mood from before. Ashton orders his birthday cake and we ourselves lull into the music, excited, mocking Irwin. While we devoured the cake, no one broaches the subject and I thanks for that. I know Hemmings and I will probably talk about it, but I don't want to involve the guys in this.
Gossip reigns at the table again. The entire group is engaged in conversation about the most disastrous trips ever made, minus the blonde and me. I watch him with his jaw still set and his gaze filled with rage, fixed directly on Stephen, who is across the room, staring at me.
It's a cycle: Luke stares at Stephen, who stares at me, while I stare at Luke.
I feel terrible for making him go through all of this. My amnesia, our breakup, my ex's return. Lucas doesn't deserve any of this. I need to reward him, but how?
“Hey!” I whisper, resting my chin on his bicep, but he doesn't hear me. "I want to leave, will you take me?" I question, hoping to gain any sign of him.
He looks at me nonchalantly, then blinks back to reality. Luke stares at the bleached on the other side, wanting to see if he's still trying something. I drop a small kiss on his shoulder, gaining his attention again.
“Of course! Let's go?” I nod, getting up.
Nobody is opposed to our leaving, I believe as much because of what happened as because it was the two of us. We walked across the room hand in hand, and with me clutching his arm, just to make sure he didn't fly into someone.
But I need to remember that Luke is just as classy as I am. Not just for the fame or the spectacle it would be, but because he was brought up that way. Educated not to go into violence, even if there was someone on the other side who deserved to be slapped.
I'm scared by the frantic flashes that start to pop when they notice the two of us. I cling closer to Luke, who makes room for his car. The delay for the questions to start is just for them to reason that it was the two of us there, together, after announcing our break up.
I keep my head down, focused on his thumb moving up and down, stroking my skin. Luke opens the car door and I settle in, still feeling the flashbulbs burst above us.
With great difficulty, we got out of that sea of ​​people. We remained silent until we reached the intersection of the main lane that led to my house.
“Do you want to go home?” he asks, softly.
I can't identify any feelings in your voice. He is neutral, indifferent. Apart from the isolated fact, this night has been amazing and I don't want it to end, not in this mood.
“No!” I turn in the seat, facing him. "Isn't there anywhere I'd love to go? Or that we both went a lot?” for the first time, I see a glint run through his eyes.
“Yeah! In fact, there are two.” he cracks a smile, causing me to smile too.
Luke takes the other path, heading to some place I couldn't even imagine. The subject comes up between us and so the mood softens. As we talk, I list a number of places I've always liked in Los Angeles, wanting to guess where it would take me.
We turn onto Wilshire Boulevard and I guess where we're going. Hemmo parks his car near the Urban Light and I look forward to getting out of the car.
Before we exit the vehicle, he pulls two caps from the glove compartment, giving me a dark gray one. I look at that accessory, wondering if it was always mine, if we always wore it when we went out.
“Why am I not impressed that this would be the first place?” I question, holding his hand.
By the time, the sculpture was a little empty, with only a few couples taking pictures. Luke and I went unnoticed, walking between those huge poles.
We walked around, with me admiring those lighted poles. I've always liked this sculpture, I've always found it romantic because so many people are proposed here, and I love the lighting.
“Oh no!” I push Luke, finding your phone pointed at me.
"This one got blurry." he laments, pointing again.
“Luke!” I exclaim laughing. I try not to scream so as not to draw attention to both of us.
“Sorry about my behavior at the restaurant.” Hemmings says after a while, surprising me. I lean against a pole, watching him.
“Why are you apologizing?” I frown. Luke leans against the same post, shrugging.
"I didn't mean to spoil your night." he answers.
“You didn't! If there is one responsible, it is him! Stephen knows he shouldn't have shown up there.” I comfort him.
His blue eyes meet mine. I take a step toward him, standing on tiptoe, reaching for his lips, leaving a simple kiss there. Without pulling away completely, I see a goofy smile appear on his face, which also appears on mine.
"What's our second place?" I whisper, next to him.
“My bed.” he lets go.
“Lucas!” I push him away, laughing again. His laugh is contagious. If he knew about the memories…
“Just kidding." Uh-hm… "Ready to get full of sand?" he asks, holding out his hand.
“Always!” I grabbed, leaning my head on his arm as we made our way to the car.
Follow me on Twitter: aquela_wendy
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