#astrasus eclipse
ask-attendant-mansion · 8 months
Happy Valentine's day to all the beans!!! And platonic valentine's for any that want one! :3
(The Arcade Machine)
The arcade machine screen presented a low quality loading symbol, as if to represent that they were in deep thought. Then, text began to write itself.
[ I'm not familiar with that holiday. ]
(Location B)
"Why thank you, friend! Happy Valentine's Day to you too! Would you like to join us for making Valentine's Day letters?" Sun offered, holding out their hand. "It's completely fine if not."
"Mhm... the whole holiday is stupid, just like love is. It's pathetic and leads you to do horrible things, ah, but... Who am I to deny celebrating something that lets me get away with more than I otherwise would?" Moon waved a hand dismissively.
(Location C)
"Oh, thank you. Happy Valentine's Day to you too. Do you want any heart edition moondrops..? They don't sell as well as the heart sundrops do," Artem offered a small baggie of heart shaped melatonin candies, "Figured I'd ask since we have a surplus and you decided to be nice to us."
Astraeus curtsied, bowing their head. They proceeded to produce a yellow origami rose out of seemingly nowhere, smiling quite proudly.
"For you."
"Happy Valentine's to you too, Jester of the Court." Apollo was decked out in hearts, clearly the most enthusiastic about the holiday. Heart bracelets, paper heart rings, heart stamps galore. "I wish you a very happy holiday. And everyone else, too."
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