#astarion knows it
truly-sincerely · 8 months
Dark Star Falling (7 of ?)
Astarion finds Darling in front of the fireplace in the central pit of the hotel suite, in a nest made of all the couch cushions and several purloined down comforters piled together.
“This is new. Should I be concerned?” he asks. They look up at him and then quickly look away trying to hide their runny mascara. “Ah, I see. Do you… want to talk about it?”
He pulls a cushion out and sits on it and Darling flop over to put their head in his lap.
“You’ll bake fun of be,” they mumble wetly. “You called be twee.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that,” he says, stifling a laugh. “But tell me anyway. Maybe I can cheer you up. I owe you for, well, you know.”
“Baybe just cuddles,” they propose. They aren’t up for fighting him on the who-owes-who, or that nobody’s keeping score anymore anyway. Tho as an attempt at distracting them from their misery it is appreciated.
Astarion disappears for a minute and then drops a handkerchief on their head. “All right, slide over. You’re taking up all the big cushions. Would you like me to get Halsin over here?” he asks, settling in with an arm draped over them. They don’t answer immediately, sniffling into the hanky.
“What, are you gonna just yell for him? He’s sleeping. Let him sleep,” they say incredulously.
“He’s been sedated in the temple of Bhaal for three whole days. Vacation over. If you ask me he ought to start pulling his considerable weight,” Astarion says, eliciting a chuckle from Darling.
“You’re mean,” they say.
“You love it. Tell me what’s bothering you, my sweet.”
“I dunno who I am.”
“All right, but that’s hardly new for you. Do you mean because the Urge is gone? Or all that nonsense about being a hero that Withers dropped on you?”
“This won’t be the first time you’ve had to reinvent yourself, and I’ll be there to make sure you don’t turn into some obnoxious do-gooder like the Blade of Avernus over there. I’m more than up to the challenge of being your new dark urge,” he laughs his somewhat unhinged chuckle, and this seems to satisfy Darling on the subject.
“I’m afraid to fall asleep,” they say, finally.
“Ah, yes. That’s perfectly understandable,” he begins, but there isn’t really more to say than that.
“What if Enver doesn’t like me anymore?”
“Then we’ll kill him, or better yet, we’ll release Karlach into the room with him and watch from the loft. We can bring wine and a cheese board,” he says, but only hears snuffling in response. “You shouldn’t worry about him, darling. That man has it bad for you.”
“Probably not bad enough to denounce his god, tho.”
“Darling, the collective tonnage of experience with denouncing gods that is present in this building could kill a herd of dragons. You just did it a scant few hours ago. What brought that about?”
“I think it’s a wing of dragons,” they say.
“Pedantry, was it? A bold strategy. It’s no wonder you died.”
“Ugh,” they groan and stuff their face in a pillow. “I thought about when He tried to make me kill you and I was so mad I just kept saying no to Him until He killed me.”
“I couldn’t make out any of that so I’m going to assume it was about me.”
“It was about you!” they grumble, rotating to face him. Their makeup is completely in ruins, and not in a cute way like Shadowheart’s been wearing hers. 
“Oh good,” he says, pulling another handkerchief out from under him and wiping at Darling’s face until they bury it in his tunic. “Looks like you’ve got laundry duty tomorrow.”
“We’re gonna blow up the steel watch tomorrow,” they say.
“Really? And that’s not what you think will put Gortash off your dance card?”
“It’s for his own good. He’ll thank me later.”
“Ah, yes, the Darling special.”
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qrowpilled · 1 year
hate when you find a character whose so infuriatingly Your Type that its embarrassing like yeahg no one is gonna be surprised when i announce this is my new Guy Of The Month
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thatratgo · 3 months
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I love how they blindly trust the MC
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I need more of Astarion being an absolute undead fucking weirdo. No more suave charming elf man NO this man forgets to breathe for prolonged periods of time and randomly gasps or croaks because he can't speak without air in his lungs. He lurks in dark corners with weird reflective eyes and doesn't move until you notice him. He's SUPER into the scent of his lover and buries his face in their neck or chest while taking in a BIG snorf. He gets very affectionate when he notices his partner is on their period or is bleeding from other causes. He doesn't make noise when approaching someone and often scares the shit out of them because he just silently shows up behind them. He's addicted to the warmth of his partner and rubs his body against them like a cat. He makes animalistic grunts and moans while he feeds. He forgets to blink and just stares at people with wide eyes while they talk. He stares at his lovers pulse point instead of looking in their eyes. He growls when displeased. Sometimes he smiles just a tad too wide. He watches his lover sleep and waits for them to wake up for them to find him just staring them down, unblinking. He's a fucking freak and I love him to bits I need more weirdo Astarion.
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nooling · 6 months
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LOOK I JUST REALLY ENJOY THEIR FRIENDSHIP OK?? You can't tell me they wouldn't hang after their respective personal quests (spawn ending ofc)/emotional breakdowns over their own mortality
EDIT: I forgot to watermark these so now more than ever PLEASE don't repost
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utterdrip · 8 months
few clips ive gathered of astarion being worried/protective
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mistercrowbar · 10 months
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“Leaving a fang out is vampire blepping” lead to “astarion yawns like a cat”
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velnna · 1 year
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I just think he needs to be squished tighter and longer
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ithinkthiswasabadidea · 9 months
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my first play through and also trying to keep everyone from becoming their worst selves is going well why do you ask
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lazylittledragon · 10 months
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domesticating your vampire: a memoir
(beautiful high res version on patre0n)
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mmothmanners · 2 months
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Of course I gotta do Astarion next. And channel his best energy 'Chaotic Drama Queen'.
"I wAs RiGhT tHeRe!!!!"
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nadiezda · 8 months
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Something something tieflings tail wags when feeling intense emotions
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theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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Another doodle pile for the peculiar diet duo
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anastoza · 9 months
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I'm on a quest to sketch my favorite party banters maybe next time I won't get so carryed away and color it heh, but my soul kinda needed some colour Also, I kinda went through act 2 and 3 untill they've fixed missing party banter, I personaly haven't heard it myself, but i did hear it on youtube
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sclappin · 2 months
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Man whose definition of "monster" is extremely flexible.
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meanbossart · 3 months
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Ad nauseam
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