#asks for thea
psalacanthea · 4 months
7, 17 and 37 for le Zyn
For the Tav asks found here! If u see this, send me one! :)
7. Attacked by a party member
The enemy's over there, you bumbling gillygaupus!
Hit me again and I'll make you wish you'd never slithered out of your mother's womb!
(whining) Ow~! What's wrong with you?
17. Looking in a mirror
(annoyed) Yes, that's me. For the moment.
It's unfair I'm so gorgeous, don't you think?
Mmmwah! (excessive kissing noise)
Disguise Self'ed-
Do you like this nose? I'm not sure.
(chuckles) Oh, you beautiful, clever thing.
The face is good, but I'm still working on the backstory...
37. How would they respond to a player character prompting them with, "Tell me about yourself"?
Malice and Misfortune, you're so nosy. I'm a wandering bard, and since I enjoy making money, I try not to be drow while I'm doing it. Luckily, illusion's my specialty. And yes, I write all my own songs. Now, I don't see any coin forthcoming, so you can be on your way.
The sordid tale of my troubled past is for paying customers only, and you're far too poor to afford me.
if Tav pries
(cheerfully) Fuck along now, my sweet scandalmonger.
can be repeated, but with a new, worse insult each time
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shiredwarf · 2 months
Thank you my friend for being a supporter for people who badly need you. you can help the families of Gaza by either donating whatever you can or by sharing my gfm campaign link, don't leave us alone in this dire time. we need your support to ease our pain.
Same as before, I have not vetted this so please have a look but proceed with care everyone 😊
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campbyler · 1 month
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one thing about will is he is going to be propositioning fr
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pastadoughie · 4 months
could you draaw a very spike kitter. like a real thorny beast. a stingy individual
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bixels · 3 months
(the grand galloping 20s au btw)
Erm they all coincidentally love horses and thats how they become friends /j
You say that, but my idea is that all 6 know how to ride horses in one way or another.
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dayurno · 2 months
being genuine, is it not even the tiniest bit weird that senior thea and freshman kevin were hooking up? 23 and 18 ?
that is one year off the jerejean age gap
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thesovereignsring-if · 10 months
Family members and RO'S reaction to MC on their death bed. Bring out the angst.
5 am agnst let’s goooooooo! I’ve been thinking about this long and hard. I didn’t know how to answer this for a while, but I think I know how now. Hahaha 😝
Finny: Crazy crying mess. He’d be in denial. He’d lash out and think there were be a way to fix things- until he can’t. Then he’d cry and curse the gods and then try to do everything he can for the MC, just so that he could spend as much time as he can with them. Instead of dying in bed, Finny would take the MC outside somewhere petty and meaningful to both of them. Probably a flower field if some sort and then he’d hold the MC and quietly cry as they pass on.
Thea: Would sit down and bring the box of letters she exchanged with the MC as children. She’d read them out loud and explain her thoughts at the time and what was going on in her life. When she’s done, she then pull out all the letter’s she never sent. The ones where all her real feelings are written. She’ll promise to write more even after the MC passes on because the love she has for them is timeless.
Linnet: She’d put up a front. She’s try her hardest to keep it together so that the MC can pass on without troubles or regrets. She’d put a front right until it’s time to say goodbye, then she’d be a mess. She’d confess all her affections, all her worries and regrets…but also how much she admires and appreciates the MC. She start talking about all the things she’s grateful for and she’d thank the MC for being alive and loving her. She promise to look after Alberich and Sieg for them and asks them to wait for her in the afterlife with a pinkyswear.
Medea: She’d cook the MC’s last meal and make sure it’s all their favorite things. She’d make sure they’re comfortable and have everything and anything they wanted. Then when it’s time to go, she’ll be honest with her feelings for the first and last time. She’d talk about her hopes and dreams-the ones she wanted to share with the MC and then say goodbye. But, if the MC was in any kind of pain, I’d think she’d be the one to ‘let them go’ peacefully. She’d want to do it with her own hands. Afterwards, I don’t think the MC would be alone for long.
Helios: Nobody would be able to find Helios. They’d think Helios dipped and abandoned the MC, but in truth, Helios would sneak in once the MC is alone and simply lie in bed with them. They’d want to try and imprint the feeling of the MC in their arms, remember every little detail, every little imperfection, the warmth and the smell. Afterwards, they’d have a tattoo of a little swan (the family sigil) right on their heart. A momento of their lover.
Eirik would be in denial. He’d try fighting the reality of the situation, he’d yell for a doctor or anyone to help the MC. But when he realizes there’s nothing he can do- he’ll break. The facade falls and Eirik becomes honest with this feelings for the first time. He’d be pathetic and beg the MC not to die and leave him alone. He’d finally say something along the lines of ‘I love you’. he’ll even be honest and say he might not be able to move on from this loss. Afterwards, he’d buildt a whole ship in memory of the MC.
Alberich: If Al had his way, I think he’d want to have some alone time with the MC. He’d pull up a chair and get their favorite book out and read, just like he would when they were children. He’ll hold off the tears and read the entire book until the MC ‘falls asleep’. Before breaking down and crying.
Sieghardt: I don’t think h’d show up, not unless someone forces him to. The idea of out living his youngest sibling and not being there for a majority of their live would eat at him to the point where he thinks he doesn’t deserve that spot on the bedside. Once the MC passes, he’d visit the their tombstone every single chance he gets. I don’t think he’d ever recover from the grief.
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Introduction post
Post limit account: @brookfinleyanastasia
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Brooklyn Hayward
Colour: Pink
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Birthday: 28th june, 2007
Godly parent: Aphrodite
Status: Dating my super hot amazing wonderful partner @childofthewargod 🥰
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
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Powers: Healing with love (Physical affection heals people), Biokinesis (Can change my appearance), Emotional Influence & Enhanced Hearing
Weapon of choice: Two daggers that have purple handles
Fatal Flaw: Blames herself for everything
time at camp: 4 months
Face claim:
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Anastasia Baird
Colour: Red
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Birthday: 9th may, 2009
Godly parent: Chaos, Legacy of Ares
Status: Single
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
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Ares: Insane reflexes, heighten senses, Telumkinesis, Odikinesis, Necromancy (Limited to soldiers on the losing side of a battle), Enhanced strength
Chaos: Pyrokinesis (limited to primordial flames), psychokinesis, can see through mist, Teleportation/Shadow travel (though she prefers shadow travel), element control (limited), object summoning, temporary power copying, immortality (limited), healing, night vision? (can see past true darkness), can see and understand gods and goddesses true immortal forms, blessings (can bless other demigods and boost their powers), Necromancy (yes again), can see the past present and future, and can enter and exit the underworld and Tartarus.
Weapon of choice: a ring that turns into a dagger if she turns left or a sword if she turns right
Fatal Flaw: Perfectionism
time at camp: 2 months
Face claim:
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Finley Zavala
Individual Blog: @braving-the-storm
Colour: Blue
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Birthday: 3rd of August, 2007
Godly parent: Zeus
Status: Single babes single
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
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Powers: Atmokinesis (weather control), Electrokinesis, Aerokinesis (air manipulation) and weather prediction.
Weapon of choice: mid length sword
Fatal Flaw: Lack of self worth
time at camp: 3 months
Face claim:
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Important posts:
Cat forms
lore drop collection
My OC's and their issues
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Dorothea Baird
Colour: Purple
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Birthday: 2nd march, 2011
Godly parent: Poseidon
Status: I have no friends 😀👍
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
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Powers: Hydrokinesis (duh), Telekinesis (Limited to ships for some reason?) Underwater breathing (Once again, obviously), Zoolinguism (Limited to sea creatures and horses), I just defy physics when water’s involved (DeFYiNg GRaviTY), I'm built different in water, Air bubble creation, I also defy wetness (Yes, sometimes as a child I’d just choose to not get wet and make bath time very frustrating), Night vision (Limited to underwater), Healing (with water) Liquid manipulation, Atmokinesis (Limited), Siren voice (Basically charmspeak but I can find fatal flaws and deepest desires and manipulate people. Don’t worry, I don’t do it often, that’s too much effort), water traveling (Water is like a portal for me. Ik mad flex), Body water manipulation (I can manipulate the water in people’s body and use them as a puppet. Once again, I don’t use this often cause creepy. Also can do this on dead bodies so…)
Weapon of choice: The blood of my enemies (literally) but I have a celestial shank (don’t ask how I got this)
Fatal Flaw: I don’t think before I act
time at camp: 2 hours
Face claim:
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I've made one account cause I was sick of switch blogs and accidently reblog from the wrong account so I have made one
the other accounts will stay up, don't fear
All OOC will be in normal text
All dividers by @saradika-graphics
I run @whats-hidden-in-the-dark, @willsetyou-onfire @miss-stealyourgirl @willthewildlesbian
@dolorem-et-chaus @deadb0y-walking
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Tags used (If you care about that thing):
#brook has entered the chat
#finley needs your attention now
#anastasia says hi
#thea makes a splash
#oh my gods bro I got an ask will still be used for asks
#lovely talks for ooc
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I am a minor also keep that in mind when interacting
I'm also asexual so any NSFW isn't allow (mainly because minor) and will probably be clowned on
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codename-adler · 3 months
6 and 12 for aftg ask game bc I am obsessed with character foils
6. A non-canon ship you love?
Obviously per the last ask, Kevaaron. So I'll speak on others.
I sincerely love Jean/Aaron. It works. It so works. Trust me. Might have a little wip on them... also, this fic by @merceyca was gifted to me and it's absolutely bonkers amazing: Bury Me in the Glow
Jean/Neil. Forever misplaced partners... Even before TSC, the intimacy they share and the worse they see of each other but still do the best they can to protect the other...
Renee/Allison. To me atp they're just canon fr. like, ofc they work.
Kevin/Andrew/Neil. Duh. That includes Kandrew & Kevneil. At times too painful for me, but the proofs are all there. So.
i'm probably forgetting to many bc the possibilities are infinite so, last but not least:
Katelyn/Thea. Yes. Mangum Opus of mine. Good ol' switcheroo genius move. Give it a try. It'll stick. I need more people with me in the boat. Pls i'm lonely.
12. Favorite narrative foil?
I have already touched on Jean vs Neil here, and I could go into heavy details because oh my god these boys. these boys. but i can't really bc it hurts too much!!! yippee.
so instead I'll mention Kevin vs Seth. (bc they are soooo much less painful right...) Not! Talked! About! Enough!
Seth "His life is not more important than mine just because he's more talented" Gordon
Kevin "One of us has to make it, Mom. It wasn’t going to be Neil. It was obvious he was too stupid to survive without his mother if he let himself get into messes like this. But maybe Kevin could do it. Maybe he’d get through this somehow, riding his talent and Andrew’s psychotic obsession and Wymack’s fierce protection. Maybe he’d get through this season on the Foxes' roster and be sage. He’d recover and he’d be free. Neil couldn’t leave until he knew Kevin would be okay" Day
And especially how they're foils of each other in Neil's opinion, not just objectively from a reader's pov.
Also something about Kevin's alcohol addiction being treated as a necessary crutch others allow, make fun of, purposefully utilized, while Seth's drug addiction being treated as dirty, shameful, sinful, problematic, a hindrance, his own fault entirely. Andrew forcefully making Matt and Aaron clean, but letting Seth be. Andrew actively encouraging Kevin's alcoholism. Seth dying of his own addiction, murder or not. Kevin living despite his.
Seth not getting his chances. Kevin getting them all.
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psalacanthea · 4 months
For the banter/dialogue asks: 11, 34 (if he lives), and 37 for Belladonna
11. Sending them to talk to their romanced partner
Why must this hurt me so?
I wish I could stay away.
My fragile heart...
34. Party banter with Minsc
Minsc: How does it feel to have learned you are Bhaalspawn, my green friend?
Belladonna: Uncomfortable. Ignorance almost felt better. But ignorance is weakness, so I must endure to face the world that is. Even so, I fear myself still...and what I might do.
Minsc: True! You are very dangerous still, much like Minsc. If only there were two of Boo, so that he could guide you.
Belladonna: Perhaps Boo could still advise me, with your help.
Minsc: A good idea. I will share his wisdom with you. But you must not listen to everything Boo suggests. He can be very bloodthirsty.
Belladonna: We have that in common.
37. How would they respond to a player character prompting them with, "Tell me about yourself"?
'There is...nothing to tell, I have no memory. You see me from the outside, so I think you know more of me than I do of myself. I know the sky, the sea, the earth...and the flowers. I do not know why the belladonna roused such a feeling within me, but it seems right to call myself by it. It feels familiar.
As we travel, will you tell me of myself? I think if you help me, I might learn more.'
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shiredwarf · 2 days
Hello my friend 🙏🍉 I am Ahmed. I used to live with my family, my father, my elderly mother, and they suffer from chronic diseases. My mother had open-heart surgery on October 7, the first day of the war. I used to work fishing on a large boat. Everything was destroyed, and now I am injured from the bombing, my house is destroyed, and my children and I have nothing left. Children suffer from diseases due to lack of hygiene and unhealthy food. Please donate and support my campaign and help me and my family escape from the war of extermination. Have mercy on us, please 🙏😭
Donate of you can
Reblog my pin post 😓
You can save our life 💔 https://gofund.me/315b0b3c
checking the tags this seems legit so please check out this blog and the associated gofundme if you can!
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campbyler · 3 months
heads up that i will be using chapter 10.2 to promote my mike and mitchell best friends forever agenda thanks
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bixels · 1 month
i dont remember if someone already asked but do you have voice claims for the GG20s characters or do they keep their mlp:fim voices?
Probably the same voices as the show, but I've had Ayo Edebiri as Thea is my head since day one.
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dayurno · 4 days
i hold my hc that thea was emo in middle/highschool so close to my heart and i have no evidence for it but in my heart i just think it’s so true. her lace up converse boots & black lipstick & band shirts and looking back it’s so embarrassing but she was a black girl in the 90s at a mostly white highschool and the emo kids were nicer to her than the rest of the class. freaking it sensitive style on her 15th birthday. bat silly bands. her normal ass southern family taking princess of darkness over there out for a cherry sundae
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2deadkat · 7 months
You know I’d like to think that Geronimo’s an unreliable narrator sometimes and overblows some of the details about his family because they can be a nuisance sometimes…
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jeanmoreaue · 2 months
Rank the aftg characters based on who Jean finds hot
this is hard bc Jean thinks everyone’s hot buuuut:
1. Kevin
2. Jeremy
3. Renee
4. Cat
5. Matt
6. Dan
7. Neil
8. Laila
9. Allison
10. Nicky
11. Andrew
12. Aaron
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