noireconfessionals · 9 years
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renegadeblog · 8 years
So, I have been talking and talking and talking about it since FOREVER! But, you may now look at the work I have put in, in my new blog. http://likearenegade.com/
There are just three steps that I am asking everyone to partake in: 
1. Check it out/ Read 
2. Comment
3. Subscribe! 
Easy as 1-2-3! But seriously, I would appreciate any support from all of you. Thank you all!
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noireconfessionals · 9 years
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renegadeblog · 9 years
Renegade Dating
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
By Anonymous
Part VIII: Musings 3
And so it was on Monday, November 23rd at 8:30 PM that I gave him a call. Finally! I am determined that this …whatever it is….does not become a solely texting relationship. The funny thing is that I asked him, two hours before I called, if he was available to talk sometimes later that night. He replied that he was but that if I was going to give him bad news, that I call him earlier.
Nope, no bad news. I just wanted to hear his voice.
When I got him on the phone call, he again indicated that he thought that I was going to put an end to whatever relationship we currently have. That totally means that he’s just as invested in this as I am, right? But what if, on account of wanting an open relationship, he meets someone else that intrigues him just as much as he intrigues me?! Ugh, I have a headache just thinking about this.
This call was meant for me to ask questions about whatever it is that we are doing. I was going to ask tough questions like:
“ What exactly do you mean by ‘open relationship’ ? “
“So, about your baby mama. y’all good? Is she the other person you’re involved with in this open relationship?”
“You had mentioned that you had sacrificed your personal relationship for your work. Can you expand on that?”
“WTF are we doing again?”
I had all these questions in my head but…they remained unanswered. Not because I did not want to voice them but because he started talking about the less-than-loving relationship he currently has with his mother and other related issues. I won’t expand on them as I think that I am infringing in his personal space. Needless to say, the conversation was gray and it felt like a terrible time to pose my questions. So, maybe I should just ask them face to face? Pick another time? The struggle is real….
Another thing I have remarked is that, he has not asked any questions about myself, my family, my upbringing. I know more about him than he does me. And that bothers me. I know that I had told him that I was uncomfortable when put on the spot and being asked to talk about myself, but… damn, can a girl get a simple, “How was life like growing up for you?”  Or a single question about my relationship with my parents? Sheesh! Of course I could offer to talk about it, but I never know how to Segway myself into such waters. Do I randomly talk about me? That’s never been my forte. I am a listener and comfortable in making other people feel comfortable. However, I don’t think that, that’s a successful approach when delving into a relationship. Granted, he did excuse himself for talking so much about himself and he did pause to ask me how I was doing. But…still not good enough.
One good thing did happen at the end of our phone conversation though. I was such a great listener that he sent me a “You are great” text.
Someone shoots my heart. Oh yeah…Cupid’s been trying to do that since I met Latin.
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renegadeblog · 9 years
Renegade Dating
Renegade Dating: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
By Anonymous
Part III
Then he left for two weeks and what seemed the longest weeks of my life. Okay, I am exaggerating because school kept me busy. During these two weeks, we incessantly texted:
Him: “ Are you on Snapchat?
Me: “ I am too cool for that…”
Him: “ My higher intelligence is preventing me from sleeping…”
Me: “Well, you better dumb it down!...”
Him: “On my way to LA now, preciosa (Spanish for ‘Precious’…) and hopefully we can hang out when I get back…”
And the texts flew back and forth during his two weeks away. We are both so passionate about spoken word that I told him that I would sign him up for a performance without his knowledge so he could show off his skills to me. He did not take me up on that ‘offer’ but did offer to give me a private performance on two conditions:
1)      That I agree to go out with him on a second date (Heck yeah!!)
2)      That I don’t become annoying in-between (Major side eye as I intrigue him as much as he does me!)
Needless to say, I am getting a private performance. And a second date. The latter of which I was worried would actually happen. I, sometimes, screenshot his texts to my roommate when he would say something funny. And I…ahem…accidently resent HIM the screen shot. He asked if I was sharing our conversations. Oh, the embarrassment! And so I copped to it. I told him that it was a one-time thing (it wasn’t) and that I wanted to share the funny comment. His response?
“#Awww #Romantic “
This fool.
He made me like him even more. Darn it. I don’t need this. He is in an open relationship. Admittedly, I don’t know what it looks like but no need to be emotionally involved if I am going to be the ‘side chick’! Right? Right? I still haven’t saved his number in my phone. To this day, he is just a number without a name.
And as we incessantly texted during the week, he went:
“ Do you like dessert? I’m thinking we eat cheesecake and get a bottle of wine, all while discussing the upcoming election and key platforms the candidates are pursuing. Either that, jager bombs and fried food while listening to rap. Your choice.“
I don’t know about you but I love a man who knows his grammar and well-constructed sentences. I found it irrevocably sexy. As I declined the thought of discussing politics on a Friday night (and honestly, because I need to brush up on my politics. I don’t want to look like a fool!), I chose the second option and we agreed to meet on Friday for our second date. The date has evolved to include bowling, fried food and some sort of alcohol.
This guy, whom I am going to now refer to as ‘Latin’ in reference to his heritage (Latin America), is slowly creeping into my heart. And I am fighting so hard to not let him in too deep. But, I like him. I really, really like him. Our second date?
Friday, November 6th, 2015. Exactly two weeks since he left.
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renegadeblog · 9 years
Renegade Dating
It’s a working title! But I have been thinking of posting some of my submitted dating chronicles on this blog. I was going to wait and post them on my (upcoming) website but it’s too juicy to not share with y’all. Hope you guys read and provide some comments! 
I am inviting black women to submit their own dating chronicles! I would love to read them! 
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noireconfessionals · 10 years
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noireconfessionals · 10 years
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noireconfessionals · 10 years
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noireconfessionals · 10 years
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noireconfessionals · 10 years
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noireconfessionals · 10 years
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noireconfessionals · 10 years
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renegadeblog · 10 years
Confession Fridays
Sometimes, I am plagued by body insecurities. Le sigh. Living in this world where skinny is thrown out to be the status quo is hard. #Thestruggle
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renegadeblog · 11 years
Confessions Fridays
I sent this guy this crazy pick up line:
"Are you a fan of Transformers?"  "Because you are Optimus-FOINE!"
Needless to say, I am still single and he never responded. Oh well.
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renegadeblog · 11 years
Confession Fridays
It's that time of the week! CONFESSION FRIDAYS!
I wrote this English college paper on Homosexuality and argued that it was not a choice. When I showed it to my professor, she kept saying that my paper had no argument. Every time I 'improved' that paper, she kept saying, "you have no argument". Finally, I just had to change my paper. New topic. Better grade. Did no realize it at the time what an homophobic she was and every time I think about it, I get pissed off.
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