#ask rowhanna a question
rowhanna · 5 years
The Pain is Real (pun intended)
I know that when I first came to this site I was a writing machine, pumping out chapter after chapter like a steam engine. I’m losing steam, but physical pain is the culprit despite how badly I want to write as passionately, (or at least more regularly), as I had in the past. So NO I am NOT abandoning my fanfic. I just have to wait for when my body is out of Nightmare Mode and allows me to do so. Until my pain manager and I can find something that works, when my hands hurt I can’t type which just happens to be about... every day all day in the winter. 😭💔 Sadly, however, this means I have to abandon the asks from The Solavellan Archives for the time being. (Check out the other amazing Solavellan authors there as well!) In the meantime, you can find the link to my story on AO3 on my tumblr page.
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rowhanna · 5 years
2.  Fly straight and do not waver. –  Vir Assan (“Way of the Arrow”)
Sorry I have not been very forthcoming with writing my prompts, but I was able to get to yours today :)
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Rowan looked at the war table before her. Her advisors Cullen, Josephine, and Leliana were all present. Even Morrigan now joined them after Empress Celene advocated for her to join the Inquisition. Rowan stood slightly bent, her hands clutching the edge of the table so tightly her knuckles were turning white as she studied the map. Solas had taken her to Crestwood recently. He had removed her vallaslin with his spell after telling her the truth behind its meaning. She had agreed to its removal, she wanted it gone. She had wished to be rid of the slave marking that her people had misinterpreted as devotional markings. She felt shame and sorrow that her people held tightly to something so monumental yet was so incorrect. The Dalish had vowed to never again submit, yet each Dalish was branded with a slave marking, and with pride, never knowing the truth behind them. But that wasn’t what had pierced her heart to its very core that day. He left her. She had placed her heart into his hands and he broke it and then walked away leaving her alone with her tears.
Upon returning to Skyhold she immediately confronted him in the rotunda. She demanded answers, she needed them. Something to make sense of what had happened in Crestwood. He explained to her that after the defeat of Corypheus he would answer her questions. “Everything will be made clear,” he had told her. She had seen the pain in his eyes when he had severed their relationship, yet once back at Skyhold he was more reserved than usual. Professional. Keeping her at an emotional distance. “Harden your heart to a cutting edge, and put that pain to good use against Corypheus.” That was all the advice he had to offer her. Advice, not answers.
Deep down she knew she was being foolhardy in hoping for reconciliation when this was over. The pain cut so deeply that her spirit knew there would be no reunion between them. Still, she clung to a small sliver of hope that there was a chance no matter how slim. After all, had she not confessed her love for him in Crestwood? Had he not confessed his for her on her balcony? If they defeated Corypheus and both lived afterward could they not then pick up the pieces together and begin anew? What hurt the most was how easily he was able to cast aside their love for each other and dismiss it as “An emotional entanglement that would benefit neither of us.” She could no longer face him. She attempted to banish all thoughts of him from her mind. She avoided the rotunda, avoiding seeing him, talking to him. She had even stopped taking him along with her on missions. The pain was too raw, too new.
She held back the tears that threatened to spring forth and focused on the map that was laid out before her. Her sorrow quickly turning to anger and rage. She would focus that anger and rage at Corypheus and unleash it upon the Magister. She knew what needed to be done. It was time. The Magister who wished to be a God and rule the world needed to be stopped once and for all. She had known that this was her mission the moment the Anchor had been bestowed upon her and she had first come face to face with Corypheus back in Haven. In order for the world to be saved, he needed to be stopped. They had hunted him, prepared themselves, all leading to this final moment. But now? Now it was personal. She did as Solas had advised her; she steeled her heart. She turned her sorrow into a greater focus. Defeat her enemy no matter the cost.
Her thoughts were interrupted as the ground shook and the sky cracked open and the familiar green rendered a hole in the sky. Corypheus. Rowan looked away from the group and out to the sky through the windows. He had opened another breach and, if not closed, everything would be lost. He was challenging her, challenging her to come out of hiding and face him. But she was not hiding, and she was ready. She turned heel and marched out of the room grabbing her staff along the way. They would face him once and for all. For now, not only was the world at stake, but her soul and heart demanded the truth even if it meant more pain awaited her and only the death of Corypheus would provide her the answers she sought from Solas.
Prompts are from The Solavellan Archive here on Tumblr:
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rowhanna · 5 years
9. Harellan - A young Lavellan hears a scary story about the Dread Wolf =]
Alright, bear with me on this one as I’ve never done prompts before and this is my first one. Let’s see what happens, shall we?
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Keeper Alnar looked around at the small cluster of children, their upturned faces ready for the day’s lesson. All were accounted for, save one; Rowan. She was not present among the group. Again. He sighed to himself. Rowan had begun to shirk her studies more frequently than was usual, and though he had taken the matter up with her father, her lack of attendance persisted.
Rowan had just come into her abilities as a young mage and he had hopes for her future. Yet if she could not take even the simplest of studies seriously how would she fare when it came to her magical studies? He knew where she was, where she always hid, up high in the thick of the trees daydreaming while drawing away in her little sketchbook. He also knew that she would be well within earshot. Simply because she was not sitting among the group of her peers did not necessarily mean she was not listening in above them.
He gave today’s lesson a quick thought and decided on his course of action. He squared his shoulders and looked at the small gathering of children sitting patiently before beginning the lesson of the day. Their primary focus lately had been stories of the Creators, one per week. Today he altered his direction. He had intended to begin the week with Andruil yet decided on a different topic altogether; Fen'harel the Dread Wolf.
Looking at the children gathered around him he raised his hand indicating that the lesson would now begin. “This week’s lesson we will be focusing on Fen'harel, the Dread Wolf,” he said addressing the children before him. “It is time that you all know his story and thus must study even the great trickster God himself. For it is because of him that the Creators were tricked and banished. It is because of him that the Gods can no longer hear nor answer our prayers. For only he is left to walk the realms now.”
Keeper Alnar knew which tale he would open with for today. Perhaps this would shake young Rowan enough to be more attentive to her studies? He cleared his throat as he began recounting old tales that had been passed down from generation to generation.
“In ancient times, only Fen'Harel could walk without fear among both our gods and the Forgotten Ones, for although he is kin to the gods of the People, the Forgotten Ones knew of his cunning ways and saw him as one of their own. And that is how Fen'Harel tricked them. Our gods saw him as a brother, and they trusted him when he said that they must keep to the heavens while he arranged a truce. And the Forgotten Ones trusted him also when he said he would arrange for the defeat of our gods, if only the Forgotten Ones would return to the abyss for a time. They trusted Fen'Harel, and they were all of them betrayed. And Fen'Harel sealed them away so they could never again walk among the People. This is why the Creators could not prevent the fall of Arlathan. Fen'Harel’s hatred of the Elven people is so great that it is believed that He spent centuries in a far corner of the earth after his great deception, hugging himself and giggling madly in glee.”
Up above the group in the trees Rowan was listening idly by as she continued to scribble away in her sketchbook while perched up high in a tree. She was fond of drawing her fantasies of what the great beasts of old might have looked like as described by their Keeper, but she simply had no desire to sit with the others while class took place. Besides, her father, (though he scolded her publicly), always ensured that her studies were accurate. She was much more attentive when her father would relay the lessons than the Keeper. Still, it was disrespectful as well as rude to the Keeper, her father told her time and again.
As she sat daydreaming in the trees above one phrase penetrated her thoughts from below; Fen'harel. Today’s lesson was about the Dread Wolf himself. Her ears perked up and she moved from a sitting position to lay flat on her belly so she could peer down at the class beneath her and listen. And listen she did. She had heard of the curse “May The Dread Wolf Take You” and now he was a matter of discussion. This was the one time she had wished she had attended class, but she was still able to listen in on the class below.
All about their camp were small statues depicting The Dread Wolf facing outwards to protect against evil spirits, or so she was told. That he was so feared that his very image could ward off evil was intimidating to such an impressionable girl like Rowan. She soaked in every word, every detail, her eyes wide with wonder and awe as Keeper Alnar continued to relay many more frightening tales of Fen'Harel. Captivated by the retelling of the old legends her piece of chalk slipped from her hand and fell to the ground below her. She froze in place as she watched Keeper Alnar calmly bend down and pick up the fallen chalk and pocketing it as he dismissed the class.
“I know you’re up there, Da'len. Come down so we might speak.”
Rowan grabbed her book and scurried down the tree attempting to look as humble as possible before her Elder. She expected another scolding for failing to attend class. Instead, he merely reached into his pocket, plucking her piece of chalk out of its folds, and handed it back to her. “Do be more careful next time, Rowan.” Unceremoniously he turned and walked off. He offered no lecture, no reprimand. She did not know what was worse, when he scolded her or how he merely dismissed her for her transgressions today? Sheepishly Rowan returned to her area of the camp where she and her father kept to. Images of the Dread Wolf filled her overactive imagination and she knew she would be unable to sleep that night. Not even her father would be able to waylay her fears so she remained silent about them. Instead she devised a plan and waited.
As night fell and the rest of the Clan slept Rowan snuck out of her bedroll and, taking a large satchel with her, silently went about the whole of the camp. She approached a small statue of the Dread Wolf as if it would come to life and swallow her whole, especially for what she was about to do. With a shaky hand she lifted it off the ground and placed it within the satchel. She went around the camp collecting each and every piece, placing them one by one in the satchel. It had become so heavy she had to drag it across the ground as she headed out of the camp as quietly as she could. She knew she would be heavily reprimanded the next day but she couldn’t sleep knowing they were there. Even the mere sight of the statues sent a shiver running down her spine. When she completed her mission she made her way back to camp and returned to her bedroll beside her father as quietly as she could. Her transgressions would be made known come tomorrow, but at least tonight she could sleep without fear.
As the next morning fell upon the Clan she climbed out of her bedroll and was immediately greeted by the sight of Keeper Alnar speaking with her father in hushed tones. Both men turned towards her. She knew right away she was in trouble. She looked up at the two figures as Keeper Alnar turned his attention to her.
“It would appear that in the midst of the night all of our statues of the Dread Wolf went missing,” he announced as he looked down at Rowan’s little face. “Now, you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you, Da'len?” Immediately she looked down at the ground and began fidgeting with her fingers, her greatest admission of guilt along with the blush in her cheeks. She had to admit what she had done. Besides, if she lied it would greatly disappoint her father, perhaps more so than the crime she had committed.
“I took them away,” she admitted meekly.
“And where are they now, little Rowan?”
“I put them all in a sack and then threw them into the river.” She looked up at the two adults waiting to hear what form of punishment had been devised for her, but none came. Both men merely looked down at her. Keeper Alnar shook his head in disappointment then turned and began to walk away. Whatever was he going to do with this child, he wondered? He had other duties to tend to before the next class later today but something would have to be done about Rowan.
“Is the Dread Wolf going to come to take me away now? For what I did?” she asked with a slight hint of fear in her voice catching up to him.
He stopped and turned to look at her innocent face looking up at him. “If one is not careful He just might,” was all he said before walking off.YOU CAN FIND MORE PROMPTS FOR MY LAVELLAN AT:https://the-solavellan-archive.tumblr.com/
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rowhanna · 5 years
Writing Prompts
Below is a list of Writing Prompts I am actively doing. Choose one and send it my way and I’ll do my best to write it from the POV of my Lavellan Rowan/Rowhanna that my fanfic is based off of. (Crossed out ones have already been done or already requested)
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1. And never again shall we submit.
2.  Fly straight and do not waver. –  Vir Assan (“Way of the Arrow”)
3. Bend but never break. –  Vir Bor'Assan (“Way of the Bow”)
4. Together we are stronger than the one  –  Vir Adahlen (“Way of the Forest”)
5.  Keepers of the lost lore – The Keeper teaches Lavellan the history of the Dalish.
6. “(The Vallaslin)  reminds us that we will never again surrender our traditions and beliefs.” – Lavellan chooses and/or receives her Vallaslin.
7. “The end of the journey" – Lavellan sees what the Orlesians did to Halamshiral.
8. Someone to look up to. – An elven hero Lavellan admires.
9. Harellan – A young Lavellan hears a scary story about the Dread Wolf.
10. Lethallen – Lavellan’s closest friend.
11.  Andaran atish’an – Something that gives her peace.
12. Dareth Shiral – Lavellan says goodbye to a loved one.
13. Prayer – Lavellan asks the Gods for advice.
14. Hahren – Lavellan’s favorite elder.
15. Shemlen – Lavellan’s first encounter with a human.  
16.  “We try to keep hold of the old ways, to relearn what was forgotten.” – Lavellan enters a ruin of her people.
17. Among our people – Lavellan attends the Arlathvhen.
18. Da'len – Lavellan takes care of the clan’s younglings.
19.  Nuven'in – A childhood dream.
20.  Vhenadahl – Lavellan meets city elves for the first time.
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These come directly from The Solavellan Archive.
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rowhanna · 6 years
Relationship and Courting Asks for Rowan Lavellan
♥ Do they seek out love or let it find the? Are they even interested in romance?
♥  When they have a crush on someone, how do they let them know?
♥ Tell us about a time they were rejected.
♥ Do they spend a lot of time in the courting stage or attempt to get to first base as fast as possible?
♥ Do they wait to be intimate until after marriage or break all the social rules?
♥ Do they have open or closed relationships?
♥ How do they feel about polygamy?
♥ Are they loyal to their partners?
♥ Are they patient with their partners?
♥ Do they include their partners in most aspects of their life?
♥ Do they make an effort to find someone with similar views, be they political or moral?
♥ Do they seek to find a partner purely to further the bloodline and name, is it for true love, or is it for pleasure alone?
♥ Do they sleep in the same bed/room as much as they can or do they sleep separately?
♥ Do they make it a point to eat at lease one meal a day together with their partner, or do they do as they please?
♥ Do they enjoy talking to their partners before going to sleep or is it straight to dreamland?
♥ Do they have at least one bonding activity they devote to doing with their partner exclusively?
♥ What sort of characteristics or quirks draw them to someone?
♥ Do they have a ‘type’?
♥ What was their first impression about their partner/person they are courting?
♥ How did their relationship start?
♥ What was the most romantic time they had with their partner?
♥ Tell us about a sacrifice they made for their significant other.
♥ Do they apologize to their partner even if it wasn’t their fault?
♥ Will they lie for the sake of their significant other’s happiness?
♥ If they could choose their partner again, would they choose the same person?
♥ What do they love most about their significant other?
♥ Have they had dreams about their partner/the person they are courting?
♥ Do they understand their partners/person they are courting’s feelings without them having to say anything?
♥ How do they express their love to their partner?
♥ Would they leave the person they love if it meant saving their life/giving them a better chance at life?
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