#asexual ezekiel
jackie-gremlin-ghost · 2 months
Don’t mind me, just rewatching “Monumental Disaster” because of ✨her✨
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i love him
taglist: @blueskiesandstarrynights @someguyiguess @joshkiszkashusband @thedrowningpoetofdionysus @thedragonemperess @canadiankat @depressedtransguy (lemme know if you want to be added or removed)
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fraudulent-cheese · 4 months
Oooh Gen 1 then (for gender and sexuality headcanons)
- 🦴
Ok i'll go in elimination order again!
Ezekiel: Hmmm... I'd say he's cishet but i have seen neat art of transmasc zeke soo idk!
Noah: cis bisexual, but transmasc HC is neat
Justin: cis bisexual ace, but intersex Justin's really good too (edit: nevermind im adopting the intersex HC now)
Katie: intersex fem lesbian
Tyler: cis bisexual with a heavy preference for women (Alejandro was his awakening because funny)
Cody: cis bi who realised it because he was crushing on both Trent and Gwen
Beth: you know what enby Beth's winning me over! pan too
Sadie: cis bisexual
Courtney: cis lesbian who was in denial about it for a longgg long time
Harold: transfem lesbian ace
Eva: cis graybisexual
Trent: non binary aromantic pansexual
Bridgette: cis bisexual (and polyam!)
Lindsay: i like her being aroace but bi is good too. also transfem!
DJ: cis aroace? or at least arospec.
Izzy: genderqueer (she/they/it, presentation fluctuates) aroace, who's not particularly invested in romantic relationship but will roll with it if she likes the person enough
Geoff: transmasc pan (and polyam!)
Leshawna: cis lesbian
Duncan: cis bisexual who's very deep in the closet
Heather: oh boy... she really struggled with her identity growing up so she'd most likely keep it unlabeled entirely since nothing really fit (and she isn't chronically online like sierra or zoey), but personally i see her as being somewhere on the girl spectrum, and a demiromantic asexual lesbian.
Gwen: Honestly the trans HCs all rule and so do the aromantic headcanons, but my personal ones are enby + bisexual ace
Owen: cis bisexual, like he's so bisexual it's crazyyy
Sierra: cis, and i tend to ping pong between aroace and just lesbian ace? or aro lesbian. POINT IS, on the ace and/or aro spectrums and she likes girls
Alejandro: OH BOY 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO Like Gwen i like all the trans HCs, there's no way this guy is cis and if he seems like it in any of the content i make it's because he hasn't had the gender crisis yet, or he's transmasc. Generally i default to enby though, like the kind that really doesn't give a fuck about their gender. As for orientation, like Heather he wouldn't care much to label it but i tend to think of him as demiromantic ace who likes guys.
And you know what? i'll include a couple RR characters too!
Emma: cis lesbian
Kitty: cis aroace (i WILL not budge on this one)
Brody: cis bisexual (and polyam!)
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wipart · 4 months
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I had to draw something for this pride month! And what better than to show the sexualities of my sweet fanchilds!
Joss: Aroace
Ezekiel: Pansexual + Asexual (extra: rainbow flag jsjs)
Derek: Antrosexual
Azrael: Demisexual
And let's not forget Noss, Joss's conscientious parasite. Which is non-binary
Be proud of who you are and fight for the respect you deserve every day, every month and every year!
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prototypesteve · 4 months
An open letter to those of my Christian friends who really, really, really don’t like Pride Month:
⚠️Content Warning: This is a letter to people who don’t like some of the people on this website, and it’s going to quote religious texts and talk in terminology that may remind you of times when religious people were awful to you. If you’ve been hurt by people of any faith, please skip this post. We all love you, and you don’t need to fight this fight. We’ve got this. If you need to talk to someone about it, you can message me. You matter.⚠️
Ok? Ok…
“Now, this was the sin of Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.” - Ezekiel 16:49-50
Don’t worry about Pride Month. Worry about what God thinks about you glibly not tipping your subsistence-wage food delivery driver who just dropped off your ruinously high-calorie lunch, while you ignored Gaza (or even enjoyed the carnage).
I don’t mean this in a “haha I found an Uno reverse-card” funny way. I mean this as a Christian, to other Christians. Trust me when I say every Christian 2SLGBTQIA+ person I know has found a way to bring their sexuality into alignment with their faith, and talks to God about it, a lot.
But a terrifyingly high number of my angriest straight Christian friends have let their anger or their indignant pride in their heterosexuality push their lives 180° away from Christ, towards homemade counterfeits.
Plot Twist (Possibly a Spoiler):
By the way, not to rain on your parade or anything, but in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus is quoted hinting that everyone is going to be resurrected aromantic & asexual.
Matt 22: 29-30 Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.”
Yep. You’re gonna be the A in 2SLGBTQIA+. DM me if you want a pin, or something. That’s where my username Prototype Steve comes from. My AroAce friends and I are in the public beta of Resurrection OS.
But you might be thinking, “Jesus can’t have meant that, because aromanticism and asexuality aren’t biblical, because in the first letter to the Corinthians, Paul says if we do not have love…” etc.
Aromantics and asexuals have all kinds of love. Platonic love, neighbourly love, love for our community, reverential love for God, and more. All the forms of love you saw between Christ and the Apostles & the community of earnest followers. Don’t worry about us. Maybe worry that you’re neglecting to explore those other expressions of love.
Have a joyful and happy June, however you choose to!
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kar01an3-13wizz · 17 days
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Karolane's biography:
Name: Karolane
Full Name: Karolane June Lewis
Label: The Sweet and Chill Anime Girl
Nationality: French/British
Aliases: Karo, Karo-chan, Tori, Tori-chan
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 16-17
Height: 4'11 (150 cm)
Species: Human
Subspecies: Neko/Demon
Sexuality: Bisexual/Asexual
Appearence: Karolane has brown hair tied to a ponytail with a white ribbon, she has blue eyes, she has freckles on her face with a scar on her left eye, she wears a school uniform, a white sock with pink stripes on her right foot, and a rainbow sock shorter than the left sock, on the left foot. She also has black shoes.
In her demon form, she has the same outfit but she has light purple skin, with small black horns, with big bat wings, she also has a demon tail. She has claws, red glowing eyes and sharp teeths.
In Total Dramarama, Karolane's outfit is inspired by Hello Kitty, due to the small red ribbon.
In Total Drama Reunion, her outfit is inspired by Hatsune Miku. She has two long pigtails tied to blue ribbons, she has a small mic, she wears a sailor shirt with a blue bow, she has blue ribbons on her arms, she wears fishnet tights on her arms, she has a ring on her right middle finger, she also wears a black skirt witha blue belt, sha wears long blue striped socks, with black shoes and blue leggings.
In her swimsuit, she wears a rainbow patterned two-piece swimsuit, with pink and white laces, and with purple hearts on the top and on the bottom. Her swimsuit reveals her black-polished nails, and her three heart-shaped birthmarks on her thigh.
Mental disorders: She has ADHD, PTSD, arachnophobia, depression, athazagoraphobia, social anxiety, school phobia, obsessive love disorder, schizophrenia, autism, insomnia, dissociative syndrome, Peter Pan syndrome, hyperventilation, Balint syndrome and dementia.
Personnality: Karolane is a kind-hearted, sweet, kind of a cat personnality, tsundere, yandere girl. She's also very dumb and her brain never works.
Karolane's interests:
Likes: Animes, cats, drawing, videogames, eating, sleeping, cosplay, baby-doll style, Ezekiel, blood, horror movies, her adoptive dad aka Chef.
Dislikes: Her disorders, being forgotten
◾ Karolane's is Chef's adoptive daughter.
◾ Karolane's BFF is Euphoria (by @jovialeuphoria).
◾ When Karolane starts being insane, she's in her demon form, and red glitchy eyes.
◾ She's friends with everyone in the island, especially Scary Girl, Sadie and Katie.
◾ She doesn't know what's emotions.
◾ She naturally has a cat mouth.
◾ Her love interest is Ezekiel.
◾ The cat is her favorite animal.
◾ She has A LOT of cat plushies.
◾ She's a cosplayer.
◾ She's very popular due to her kindness and her cosplays.
◾ Karolane's bedroom only has Ezekiel images. There's a wall with Ezekiel's face, she has t-shirts of Ezekiel, she even has a BIG shrine of him. She also has his toothbrush, a photo of Ezekiel, an empty can of Ezekiel, and a lot more of him.
◾ Karolane's is 17 years old.
◾ In Total Drama Reunion, she's married to Ezekiel.
◾ She's homeschooled since more than 2 years, due to school phobia.
◾ Her birthday is the 4th of September.
◾ She's 4'11 tall.
◾ She's obssessed with Ezekiel.
◾ She's a tsundere and a yandere.
◾ She won all the TDi seasons.
◾ She has a lot of hallucinations.
◾ She can be really depressed a lot.
◾ When Ezekiel isn't here, she instantly cries.
◾ When Duncan makes jokes about Ezekiel "d3ad" or other jokes about Ezekiel, Karolane cries until and when Ezekiel come in, but sometimes, when Ezekiel is here, she's still crying.
◾ She can have horrible visions about Ezekiel, like seeing Ezekiel with another girl or other things like that.
◾ Her parents abandonned her when she was a baby, and she's now adopted by Chef.
◾ She's afraid of spiders.
◾ She's a sugar addict.
◾ Her favorite drink is bubble tea.
◾ She loves animes.
◾ She's not really human, she's a neko when in love or a demon when psycho or angry.
Powers/Abilities: Immortality, Telepathy, Flying, and more.
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criminalcinnamon · 9 days
GEN 1!!!
Alejandro: bisexual, genderfluid, he/she
Beth: bisexual, trans girl, she/her
Bridgette: pansexual, transfemme, she/any
Cody: biromantic + asexual, non-binary + transmasc, any + neos
Courtney: lesbian, trans girl, she/her
DJ: aroace + gay, trans boy, he/him
Duncan: bisexual, transmasc, he/any
Eva: lesbian, cis girl, she/her
Ezekiel: biromantic + asexual, transmasc, he/it
Geoff: pansexual, trans boy, he/him
Gwen: bisexual, transfemme, she/they/it
Harold: bisexual, transfemme, she/they/he
Heather: aromantic + lesbian, trans girl, she/her
Izzy: pansexual, agender, any/all
Justin: gay + asexual, genderfluid, he/she
Katie: lesbian, trans girl, she/any + neos
Leshawna: bisexual, cis girl, she/they
Lindsay: panromantic + asexual, trans girl, she/her
Noah: aromantic + gay, agender, he/any
Owen: bisexual, trans boy, he/him
Sadie: bisexual, cis girl, she/her
Sierra: pansexual, trans girl, she/any + neos
Trent: biromantic + asexual, non-binary, he/they
Tyler: biromantic + asexual, cis boy, he/him
GEN 2!!!
Anne Maria: lesbian, cis girl, she/her
B: gay, trans boy, he/him
Brick: bisexual, transfemme, she/he
Cameron: gay + asexual, non-binary, he/they
Dakota: pansexual, trans girl, she/her
Dawn: aromantic + lesbian, non-binary, she/they
Jo: lesbian, cis girl, she/her
Lightning: aromantic bisexual, cis boy, he/him
Mike: straight, trans boy, he/him
Chester: unlabeled, cis boy, he/him
Svetlana: lesbian, trans girl, she/her
Vito: gay, trans boy, he/him
Manitoba Smith: bisexual, genderfluid, he/she
Mal: aromantic + gay, transmasc, he/it
Sam: lesbian, transfemme, she/her
Scott: lesbian, trans girl, she/it
Staci: aroace, trans girl, she/her
Zoey: pansexual, cis girl, she/they
GEN 3!!!
Amy: bisexual, cis girl, she/her
Beardo: aromantic + gay, trans boy, he/any
Dave: bisexual, cis guy, he/him
Ella: lesbian, non-binary, she/any + neos
Jasmine: pansexual, trans girl, she/her
Leonard: gay, cis boy, he/him
Max: aroace, transmasc, he/it
Rodney: lesbian, trans girl, she/her
Sammy: lesbian, cis girl, she/they
Scarlett: lesbian, cis girl, she/it
Shawn: bisexual, trans boy, he/him
Sky: lesbian, trans girl, she/they
Sugar: bisexual, cis girl, she/her
Topher: aromantic + gay, agender, he/him
Brody: pansexual, cis boy, he/him
Carrie: lesbian, cis girl, she/they
Chet: gay, trans boy, he/him
Crimson: aromantic + lesbian, agender, she/it/any
Devin: lesbian, trans girl, she/her
Dwayne: bisexual, cis boy, he/him
Ellody: lesbian, demigirl, she/they
Emma: lesbian, cis girl, she/her
Ennui: aromantic + gay, agender, he/it/any
Gerry: gay, cis boy, he/him
Jacques: gay, genderfluid, he/she
Jay: gay + asexual, trans boy, he/him
Jen: lesbian + asexual, cis girl, she/her
Josee: lesbian, trans girl, she/her
Junior: bisexual, cis boy, he/him
Kelly: lesbian, cis girl, she/her
Kitty: pansexual, demigirl, she/they + neos
Laurie: lesbian, genderfluid, she/any
Lorenzo: bisexual, genderfluid, he/she
MacArthur: lesbian, cis girl, she/her
Mary: lesbian, trans girl, she/her
Mickey: aroace, trans girl, she/they
Miles: lesbian, non-binary, they/she
Pete: gay, cis boy, he/him
Ryan: aroace, transfemme, she/he
Rock: gay + asexual, trans boy, he/him
Sanders: lesbian, trans girl, she/her
Spud: aroace, transmasc, he/any
Stephanie: bisexual, cis girl, she/her
Tammy: lesbian, trans girl, she/they
Taylor: lesbian, cis girl, she/her
Tom: gay, cis boy, he/him
GEN 4!!!
Axel: lesbian, transfemme, she/he
Bowie: gay, cis boy, he/him
Caleb: aroace, trans girl, she/her
Chase: bisexual, trans boy, he/him
Damien: aroace, transfemme, she/he
Emma: bisexual, cis girl, she/her
Julia: lesbian, cis girl, she/her
Millie: lesbian, transfemme, she/they
Mk: lesbian, non-binary, they/them
Nichelle: lesbian, trans girl, she/her
Raj: gay, trans boy, he/him
Ripper: bisexual, cis boy, he/him
Scary girl: lesbian, agender, she/it
Wayne: bisexual, trans girl, she/her
Zee: pansexual, non-binary, they/them
Blaineley: lesbian, cis girl, she/her
Chef: gay, cis guy, he/him
Chris: bisexual, cis guy, he/him
Don: gay, trans boy, he/him
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losergendered · 22 days
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ID: a set of 18 images in 9 pairs. each has one image of the listed total drama character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Ezekiel from Total Drama is a transmasc demiboy asexual achillean gay person who uses he/it pronouns!
Katie is a transfem demigirl bisexual girl who uses she/they/he pronouns!
Her best friend Sadie, who is a pansexual girl who uses she/her pronouns, supports them!
Cody is a trans woman lesbian who uses she/her pronouns!
Noah is an aroace bi guy who uses he/him pronouns!
He's in a polyamorous relationship with Owen, who is a bisexual trans guy who uses he/him pronouns and Alejandro, a trans woman demiromantic queer who uses he/she pronouns!
Heather is an acespec sapphic girl who uses she/her pronouns!
Sierra is a trans woman pansexual who uses she/her pronouns!
For @saccgiriangel !
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the-total-drama-world · 3 months
My personal opinion on gen 1 charterers sexuality's
Ezekiel- Straight Eva- Lesbian Noah- Gay (he's gayer than Bowie fr) Justin- bisexual Katie- Lesbian, Asexual Tyler- omnisexual (yeah right you like girls...) Cody- Trans, bisexual Beth- bisexual, Asexual Sadie- pansexual Courtney- Lesbian Harold- Pansexual Trent- bisexual Bridgette- bisexual Lindsay- Pansexual DJ- AroAce Izzy- non-bianery, pansexual Geoff- pansexual LeShawna- Bisexual Duncan-??? Heather-??? Gwen- Bisexual Owen- Pansexual
This is all just my opinion. Could someone help me with Duncan and heather's
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under-the-eye · 2 months
Generation 1 Family Recap
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The founders, Johnathan and Laila Loomis, with their two youngest, Nicholas and Bryce.
Denomination: Irisite
Fundie Status: Full Fundie
Johnathan made a fortune as a writer, first of books and translations of the Book of the Watcher, then as a magazine writer for ETW. They have had 11 total blessings and will soon be entering elderhood.
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Danny and Iris Marsh with their three children, Isabel, Kenneth, and Antony. 
Denomination: St. Cornelius
Fundie Status: Fundie-Lite
Iris is the eldest Loomis child and the oldest of the first set of twins. Danny manages to keep the family going in their small house, bringing home a decent income as an artist. Over a period of years the couple decided to do Natural Family Planning, as many in the church of St. Cornelius do, and have remained at three blessings. After a long moral battle, Iris also decided to start wearing pants.
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Isla and Ezekiel Shearer, center, with four of their six children. On the left, twins Alana and Ryan, on the right twins Ratna and Shelley. Not pictured are their two eldest, Bo and Marjorie, who are not twins. Bo is currently rooming with his cousin Darin, Adam Loomis’ eldest son. 
Denomination: Irisite 
Fundie Status: Full Fundie
Isla is Iris’ twin sister and is married to Ezekiel, the eldest of the six Shearer children. Ezekiel works as a pastor at the Irisite church and they live on a modest middle class income. All Isla ever wanted was to have a big family, and she certainly got her wish. They are expected to have many more children in the future.
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Chastity and Adam Loomis, here with six of their seven blessings. Back row, from left to right, Emilie, Major, Kory, Maya; front row, left to right, Avery and Caitlyn. Their eldest, Darin, is not pictured. 
Denomination: Irisite
Fundie Status: Full fundie. 
Adam is the eldest of the Loomis’ second pair of twins, and is married to Chastity, the eldest Shearer daughter. Adam has a temper and is constantly belittling both his wife and his children, many of whom are adopted. He works as a park ranger, which doesn’t pay enough for them to have a large or nice home, but they scrape by. They are also expected to have, or adopt, many more children.
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Damien and Penny Franklin. 
Denomination: Scleran
Fundie Status: Conservative
Penny is Adam Loomis’ twin sister. As a teenager she leveraged her marriage to Damien as a way to escape her family’s vision for her life, and converted to the Scleran church. She now works as a scientist at a leading lab. Despite how their relationship started, Penny and Damien have grown to truly love each other, though neither of them want children.
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Adriana and Joshua Loomis. 
Denomination: Scleran
Fundie Status: Conservative
Joshua is the eldest of the Loomis’ third set of twins. Adriana is the third daughter of the Moore family, who originally ran the Irisite Newcrest church. Joshua disliked what he saw of his parents religion in regards to his twin brother, James, and his sister Penny. After marrying Adriana they both converted to the Scleran church and are happily childless. Joshua currently works as a local representative, and Adriana as an art critic.
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James Loomis and Jonah Shearer, with James’ younger sister, Maxine Loomis. 
Denomination: None
Fundie Status: Ex-fundie
James (now Jamie) is Joshua’s twin brother. The night of his eighteenth birthday he and Jonah, the youngest of the Shearer children, eloped and ran away together to escape the homophobic Irisite church, each mutually deciding to leave religion entirely. Jamie is now a doctor at the San Myshuno hospital, and Jonah is part of a nonprofit, San My Pride. They are childless, though took in Jamie’s younger sister, Maxine (Max) after she was kicked out of the house by Johnathan Loomis. Since moving out Max has discovered that she is aromantic and asexual, and is developing her writing career.
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Derek and Mary-Faith Loomis
Denomination: Eternal Teachings of the Watcher Megachurch, run by Geoffrey Landgraab. 
Fundie Status: Full Fundie
Derek was the first singleton child of the Loomis family, and is married to the eldest daughter of the wealthy Landgraab family, who founded the ETW. Theirs was very much an arranged marriage, and they used Loomis family funds to purchase this large house where they’ll live until Derek inherits the Loomis family home. They are expected to have many children to uphold the image of the ETW, which they will do, if reluctantly. Derek currently works at a position in the magazine writing department of the ETW.
(A/N And that's a wrap on Gen 1! Thank you to everyone who has been following this story, and prepare for gen 2 with Mariah and Javi.)
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my-beloved-lakes · 9 months
What is your take on Ezekiel from The Librarians possibly being asexual? I saw a post about it here on tumblr and I believe there is one fanfic on AO3 about it set after the whole Cindy thing.
Personally I actually really liked the op reasoning and believes that it could be a possibility.
I absolutely love the idea of asexual Ezekiel! I'm not sure I've seen the specific post you're talking about but I've seen post that casually mention ace Ezekiel. If you can find that post I'd love to take a look at it!
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d3vil36 · 11 months
Here are my headcanons for the Total Drama Island characters. I will do Revenge of The Island and the others next
Duncan - Bisexual (he/him)
Bridgette - Lesbian (she/they)
Ezekiel - Straight
Izzy - Pansexual (any pronouns including neos)
Chef Hatchet - Gay (he/him)
Gwen - Bisexual (she/her)
Owen - Pansexual (he/they)
Katie - Lesbian (they/she
Sadie - Lesbian (they/she)
Heather - Bisexual (attracted to girls more, she/her)
Lindsay - Panromantic, Asexual (she/they)
Chris McLean - Bisexual (he/they)
Justin - Pansexual (he/him)
Courtney - Asexual (she/her)
Cody - Bisexual (they/he)
Tyler - Transman, Bisexual (he/they)
Leshawna - Straight
Harold - Asexual (they/he)
Geoff - Pansexual
DJ - Demiboy, AroAce
Trent - Nonbinary (they/he)
Eva - Lesbian (she/her)
Beth - Nonbinary, Aromantic (they/them)
Noah - Genderfluid, Bisexual (he/him/they)
Justin - Pansexual (he/him/they)
Alejandro - Bisexual (he/him)
Sierra - Genderfluid, Pansexual (any pronouns)
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mangora · 1 year
Fuck it. Full TD queer headcanons list. No one get mad at me for not having enough cishet people I don’t care
Gen 1:
Gwen: They/she/he, lithromantic bisexual, non-binary AFAB
Courtney: She/her, lesbian, cis girl
Duncan: He/him, arospec bisexual, trans guy
Heather: She/her, arospec bisexual, trans girl
Owen: He/they, bisexual, trans guy
Noah: He/him, mlm & asexual, trans guy
Izzy: Any pronouns, arospec pansexual, not cis I’ll tell you that
Eva: She/her, lesbian, cis girl
Sadie: She/her, lesbian, uhhh girl(?)
Katie: She/her, bisexual, trans girl
Lindsay: She/her, pansexual, trans girl
Tyler: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Beth: She/her, pansexual, trans girl
DJ: He/they, arospec biromantic asexual, trans guy
Geoff: He/him, pansexual, cis guy
Bridgette: She/they, pansexual, intersex girl
Sierra: She/they, lesbian, girl(?)
Alejandro: He/him, grayromantic pansexual, trans guy
Ezekiel: He/him (later he/it), gay asexual, non-binary
Harold: He/they/she, lesbian, genderfluid
Leshawna: She/her, bisexual, trans girl
Trent: He/him, aromantic asexual, guy(?)
Justin: He/him, greyromantic gay asexual, agender AMAB
Cody: He/him, bisexual, trans guy
Gen 2:
Cameron: He/him, grey & demiromantic biromantic asexual, trans guy
Zoey: She/they/bun, panromantic asexual, trans girl
Mike: He/they, biromantic asexual, guy(?)
Mal: He/they/xe/it, aromantic asexual, masc agender/genderpunk
Manitoba: He/they, abrosexual, masc genderfluid
Svetlana: She/her, asexual lesbian, trans girl
Chester: He/she/they, aromantic asexual, genderqueer
Vito: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Brick: He/him, gay and asexual, trans guy
Jo: She/they (sometimes he), lesbian, non-binary
Anne Maria: She/her, bisexual, trans girl
Scott: He/him, arospec pansexual, cis guy
Dawn: Any, arospec lesbian, unlabeled but definitely not cis
B: They/them, aromantic asexual, transmasc agender
Dakota: She/her, bisexual, trans girl
Sam: He/him, biromantic asexual, trans guy
Staci: She/her, lesbian, trans girl
Lightning: He/they, gay asexual, AMAB genderqueer (but he’s so closeted)
Gen 3:
Sky: She/her, arospec asexual lesbian, trans girl
Shawn: He/him, bisexual, trans guy
Jasmine: She/her, bisexual, trans girl
Dave: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Sammy: She/her, asexual lesbian, trans girl
Rodney: He/him (later she/her), pansexual, cis guy (later trans girl)
Topher: He/him, pansexual, vaguely masculine?
Amy: She/her, don’t care, cis girl
Ella: She/her, panromantic asexual, transfem non-binary
Beardo: They/he, aromantic asexual, agender
Leonard: They/he/she + neos, pansexual, non-binary
Sugar: She/her, arospec lesbian, girl
Max: He/they/it, idk, transmasc
Scarlett: They/she, arospec asexual lesbian, fem agender
Brody: He/him, mlm, guy
MacArthur: She/her, lesbian, cis girl
Sanders: She/her, lesbian, cis girl
Miles: She/they/he, lesbian, genderfluid
Laurie: She/her, pansexual, cis girl
Ellody: She/her, asexual lesbian, uhhh girl
Mary: She/her, asexual lesbian, trans girl
Dwayne: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Dwayne Jr: He/him, idk he canonically likes women, trans guy
Lorenzo: Don’t care
Chet: Still don’t care I don’t care about the stepbros
Pete: He/him, gay, guy?
Gerry: He/him, gay, also guy
Rock: He/him, bisexual, trans guy
Spud: He/they, gay asexual, transmasc agender
Kitty: She/they, aromantic asexual, transfem
Emma: She/her, lesbian, girl??
Kelly: She/her, idk, also idk
Taylor: I don’t care i do not like her
Tammy: She/her + neos, idk, idk
Tom: He/him, gay, cis guy??
Jen: She/her, lesbian, girl??
Jacques: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Josee: She/her, bisexual, girl
Carrie: She/her, panromantic asexual, cis girl
Devin: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Crimson: She/they/it + neos, arospec bisexual, something funky that’s for sure!
Ennui: He/they/it + neos, arospec bisexual, also something funky!!
Stephanie: She/her, bisexual, cis girl
Ryan: He/him, we found him guys the one straight man, cis guy
Jay: Idk. Aroace. Trans man. Fuck it we ball
Mickey: Also idk. I legit don’t know
Gen 4:
Priya: She/her, biromantic asexual, girl
Millie: She/her, lesbian, also girl
Damien: He/him, straight asexual, trans guy
Scary Girl: She/he/they/it + neos, arospec bisexual, intersex genderfluid
Bowie: He/they/she, gay, AMAB genderqueer
Emma: She/her, lesbian, AFAB demigirl
Chase: He/him, bisexual, cis guy
Ripper: He/him, arospec biromantic asexual, trans guy
Julia: She/her, arospec lesbian, girl
Raj: He/him, gay, cis guy
Wayne: He/him, he is an enigma baby
MK: They/she, arospec lesbian, AFAB non-binary
Caleb: Deadass I do not know
Nichelle: She/her, asexual lesbian, cis girl
Axel: She/they/xe, asexual lesbian, demigirl
Zee: She/he/they, unlabeled, intersex & non-binary
Blaineley: She/her, lesbian, girl?
Chris: He/him, gay, trans guy
Chef: Any, bisexual, AMAB genderqueer
Josh: He/him, ???, guy
Don: He/him, gay, guy
Jerd: Jerd my beloved :) Jerd my sweet hi Jerd!!
Ok that’s it these may change in the future I just thought it would be fun. Also yea half of them are arospec because I’m aromantic and I think it’s fun it’s a fun label and I like it
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total-aroace-island · 7 months
*cracks knuckles* here we go
ezekiel is so demiromantic and asexual. trust me. trust me on this one
justin is aroaceflux. TRUST ME.
gwen is an aromantic lesbian
duncan is aroflux and bisexual
topher is aroace
scary girl, nichelle, damien, wayne, chase and emma are aroace too trusttt meee
zee is aromantic aceflux pansexual and caleb is aroflux and straight
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pinkpawpads · 2 months
This is a weird way for me to fill this out but I can't think of another way ;-; srry (things in [brackets] are the things you choose)
Alter request:
Name - [names] (preferably based on the species you choose)
Pronouns - they/[neos]/[xenos]/[emojiprns]
Gender - [xenogender]
Sexuality - [aspec sexuality]
Age - 15
Roles - gatekeeper / [ISH role] / maybe a [persecutor role]?
Conditions/disabilities - adhd / blind in one eye
Source - brainmade or songtive ! (If songtive, preferably Rises the Moon by liana flores)
Species - elf / alien / sea creature
May you use a picrew for their faceclaim? Any picrew just as long as it's a picrew ;w;
Ofc !! We're super bored at the minute since reqs have been slow so we will give you 1 of each species !!
( Story / HHC )
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Names ; Elena , Elvia , Ellis , Accora
Pronouns ; They/Fir/Ze/Woods/Acorn/Moss/Eclipse/Soil/Moon/Lantern/🍂/🌿/🐛/🍄 Slightly masc but not a guy or he/him
Gender ; Mistnatramic , lunahealine , faermaidia , Forestembodiment , Biogender , Nonbinary
Sexuality ; Demiromantic , Aegosexual
Age ; Human terms - 15 , Elf terms - 1500
Roles ; Hunter-Gatekeeper , Comforter (through song) , Nurse ( Specifically for animals or non human alters )
Conditions / Disabilities ; Blind in the Right eye , ADHD - Loves animals
Source ; Songitive - Rises the moon , Liana Flores
Species ; Elf , Specifically nature elf - special ability is being an empath to animals !!
Faceclaim ;
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Name ; Orbit , Orion , Zeep , Ezekiel , Cosmo
Pronouns ; They/It/Thon/Star/Comet/Celeste/Planet/Cosmos/Galaxy/Cloud/Warp/Beam/Lazer/Dimension/🛸/👽/🛸/👾/🌌/🪐
Gender ; Alienic , Nephoastragender , alienantennaeic , Spacecatgender
Sexuality ; Asexual , Arospike
Age ; 15
Roles ; Insys Traveller , Cartographer , Gatekeeper ( specifically makes sure that alters are where they're supposed to be and what they're supposed to be doing, If they aren't they get beamed up !! ) , Usually fronts at night
Conditions / Disabilities ; Blind in Left eye , ADHD - Loves anthropology , Autism with social difficulty
Source ; brainmade , songitive - Rises the moon , Liana Flores
Species ; Alien , Special ability is beaming things up
Faceclaim ;
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Name ; Sylvia , Salafin , Dweller , Trixopod
Pronouns ; They/He/Fin/Current/Fang/Fin/Claw/Seduce/Wave/Tsunami/Thunder/Tail/Shark/Predator/It/Creature/Thing/🪼/🔱/🫧/🧜🏻‍♀️/🪸
Gender ; Sirenadored , Vampsiren , Sirenmaiden , Sirenoctogender
Sexuality ; Asexual , Arospike
Age ; 15
Roles ; Avenger / Persecutor , Gatekeeper of any aquatic areas in headspace
Conditions / Disabilities ; Blind in Right eye , ADHD , perfectionist , body dysmorphia
Source ; Brainmade
Species ; Octopus like siren , has fish tail like a usual siren but also has extra tentacles
Faceclaim ;
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artificial-hope · 1 month
Should probably show off my hcs cause not every headcanon can pander to stereotypes from 2017
Ezekiel: Gay (so deep in the closet he’s in Narnia), cis and pretty heavily conforms to typical gender expression but you could probably convince him to wear a dress and get his ears pierced
Eva: the butchest butch to ever butch in the history of butch, cis but gnc
Noah: Gay, asexual, sorry I don’t make the rules, Emma was a fluke, cis enough to where he doesn’t have to worry about it and also pretty gnc
Justin: likes men, pretty boy and sometimes pretty girl when he feels like it intersex and looks pretty androgynous cause of it
Katie: lesbian with comphet, has probably kissed Sadie on the mouth more times than any guy, cis
Tyler: bisexual with a pref for girls either to stupid to figure it out or just in heavy denial, dreams of kissing al passionately, cis
Izzy: fuck if I know fuck if SHE knows
Cody: Bisexual with a pref for girls but in like the Scott pilgrim way, trans guy who has such low self worth he again uses Scott pilgrim as his transition goals and to shape his personality
Beth: asexual, aromantic, cis
Sadie: Lesbian absolutely in love with Katie, wether or not those feelings are reciprocated I don’t know, cis
Courtney: lesbian with the worst case of comphet to ever exist I lowkey feel bad for her, cis
Harold: doesn’t care (pan), a guy with guys a girl with girls
Trent: pathetic bisexual, pathetic trans man
Bridgette: Bi girl (pref for guys) with the token straight boyfriend, also cis
Lindsay: straight 😔, iconic trans girl
Dj: gay guy, cis
Geoff: token cishet guy
Leshawna: the one cishet girl, had an experimental phase tho
Duncan: bisexual (pref for guys) aromantic and so deep in denial it’s not funny, nonbinary but he’s in the exact same boat about that as his sexuality if not in even more denial
Heather: likes women, trans guy with no cracks in that egg
Gwen: token bisexual girln’t
Owen: biiiiisexual with no real preference, cis
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