#as long as they dont make fun of the actual victims you know
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roboj0e · 17 days
Wade would bully Peter bc someone said he would and wrote it happening and bc y'all are so boring and annoying. Fanfiction isn't about what's canon or strictly in character thats why they're called transformative works. I think y'alls weird obsession with what's cannon while also trying to heavily police what and how ppl make fiction is honestly been the death of fandom and creativity.
There hasn't been a large scale cross over in fandom in years that either wasn't completely ironic or torn down by bullies that it fizzled out bc y'all don't know how to have fun. Even that recent debate over how sans would react to his brother death is further proof of y'all's lack of understanding of interpretation and fan works. Fanwork are supposed to exist in the reality of the fiction of the person who wrote it. NOT what IS the right interpretation bc there are NO right interpretation except for what is made canon which can be anything bc WE aren't the creators.
Who cares what happens in the comics. The comic themselves don't care what happens in other comic runs unless it's specifically meant to be a spin off/continuation.
Wade is SUPPOSED to be a morally ambiguous character. I know y'all have washed him of all the ambiguity bc ppl have told you that how ur supposed to approach fiction and y'all can not perceive a protag who might not be the best person who ur also NOT supposed to hate (god forbid a protag not have Jesus adjacent morality) but thats what he is. He'll do whatever anyone wrote him doing bc he's not real and also anything thats morally ambiguous or toxic bc that's one of his character traits and what was supposed to set him apparent from other heros he's not even a hero he's an antihero. I can not believe y'all are moralizing something as tame as bullying. Bullies making up with their victims happens in DISNEY movies now y'all tryna make that into some problematic take. OMG. And this is from someone who WAS bullied briefly until I learned how to fight and stand up for myself.
Thinking that someone who romanticizes something morally wrong couldn't have possibly been through that experience is the direct antithesis of fiction. It also makes no sense. Plenty of ppl write from experience but also sometimes turning it into a story in which they control how they interact with a bully does A LOT FOR REGAIN CONTROL OF THOSE NEGATIVE EXPERIENCES. STOP TRYING TO SUS OUT WHO HAS TRAUMA OR NOT. also STOP thinking that you are an authority of certain traumatic experiences you aren't every experiences are very VERY personal and the portrayal of those experiences should have NOTHING to do with yours bc there is NO way to encapsulate all lived experiences. And even if someone hasn't been bullied who cares again decenter yourself from a fictional scenario that should in now way be a representation of you bc u are not the center of the universe.
Secondly wade only wouldnt bully Peter TO ME bc I'm not a teenager in highschool like some of y'all and highschool fics don't interest me and wade to me shouldne even be in highschool and always be the much older one in the dynamic. They shouldnt even be near the same age for me. But whatever floats ur boat. You can do whatever you wan't but when y'all make these long posts telling OTHER ppl what they can and can't do OR how you think YOUR interpretation of the character is the most right your crossing a line frl.
Edit: I read both Deadpool and spiderman comics btw plus the very wonderful spiderman/Deadpool run. GASP I know someone who likes the source material but doesn't adhere strictly to it bc I actually have an imagination and like to have fun instead of kissing marvels feet and remaining in a narrow interpretation of a character. A rare breed I guess.
Edit edit: I also think alot of y'all have a very romcom take on spideypool. And thats definitely fine love my fair share of fluff. But I have a much more complicated take on them. Again I think an age gap compliments these complications. It adds to an imbalanced perspective of both of them towards each other. I'm also very uninterested in a spideypool that grow healthy together or peter "fixing" wade. I want them to overcomplicate their relationship but for it to also be a healthy balance of comedic and fun and hot monkey sex that keeps them interested in a less than perfect relationship. A sorta push and pull from both sides.
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saturnxlust · 5 months
HEYYY :P ik its been awhile my bad😔
Injured!Proxys+ben x Doctor! Reader
Tim Wright/ Masky
So this man is closed off, all of the proxys are😞
But hes not a idiot, he knows when his body has had enough and when he needs help
The only way you’d be able to help him is if its a severe wound or if your close with him
Im talking at least 2+ years of either dating or being friends..
Lucky you if you’ve made it this long!
Now actually helping him is difficult
Hes stubborn and doesnt like to admit hes in pain so when you stitch his sorry ass up or disinfect it, he winces but swears hes fine
Hes not fine
He also complains the entire time about how he could do it himself
Knowing full well he couldnt he just likes to be a pain in the ass
Brian Thomas/hoodie
Hes more lenient, he’ll let you help him even though we all know this man could do it himself
It wouldnt be good but as long as he isnt bleeding out he doesnt really care
Although hes the more lenient one hes still closed off and it takes atleast a year or more to be able to help him
The first time you actually clean up a wound he falls deeper in love
Its not covered in dried blood or anything!
Hes amazed at how gentle you were and found it cute if you were concerned about him
It gets to the point where he would make small bruises or cuts just to have you put a little bandaid on his finger or put pain cream on his bruise
He would totally make you kiss the bandages after, no matter how big or small😭
He has dinosaur bandaids and unicorn bandaids.
Toby Rogers
Oh boy buckle up
So he cant feel pain
Good luck☺️
He doesnt know hes hurt and most likely you wont either
If you somehow get him to wash his fuckass sweatshirt and seem to see a wound, he too, would be confused and surprised
He would find how concerned you were funny and laugh as you clean him up
If you yelled at him while he laughed he’d tell you to relax and that hes fine
Hes not fine
Like brian he would make small cuts and or bruises to have you patch him up
Back tracking a little, it would take a few months but not because hes closed off
He trusts you completely to not hurt him physically
It was just getting to see him without his sweatshirt on that was difficult
He keeps that thing on all the time no way your getting a peak at his scrawny ass unless you rip that sweatshirt off him or if you get…spicy.. with him..
Eyeless Jack
Good luck
He went to medical school
This man knows what hes doing
But like the others finds it funny that you want to help him
He doesnt need it but honestly
Hes too smart to get too badly injured, if he does it’s because he went awhile wothout eating and became reckless
I think that if he were to go more then a fee weeks without eating he would get reckless with how he got the kidneys
He wouldnt leave the victims alive and leave them in their bed naked with incisions on their stomach
When that happens he usually comes home with a bruise or scratches from the victims fighting back,
If you’ve gotten to the point that you know about that and accept it, not only will you be helping clean him up
You’d help clean his clothes up
Hes a clean guy dont get me wrong but after eating i think he would just need to sleep
And if your like me theres no way that 7’ tall demon is getting in my bed soaked in blood and possible guts ☺️
Jeffery Hodek
God i wish you luck if your with this man
He will let his wounds get infected for fun and he will enjoy it when you get upset (COUGH COUGH MOUTH CUTS COUGH)
He honestly couldnt care less and again, finds it amusing when you yell at him
Lets be honest his story is written awful so im gonna tweak it a litte
He did not get bleached, there was a explosion and some of his hair burnt off, it has since grown back a little but the burn scars are still there
So if you want to help him clean his mouth he’ll complain and tease you and taunt you but he’ll let you do it
..if you even want to after all that.😒
Benjamin Lawman
So he can’t actually get hurt…i mean unless hes like a zombie but he isnt, this guys a ghost
So i mean, unless he has some power to be human magically theres really nothing that can hurt him
Even you..
But you should find a way to hurt him, whether it be physical or emotional causr hes a jackass
And will make fun of you just to see you cry😒
Either bring up something from his past(he might get a little angry at that🥰) or threaten to throw him into a lake
You can’t actually throw him but..he..doesnt need to know that😇
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tomeebear04 · 2 months
alot of people portray tord as some insane sociopath who doesn’t care about anyone and its particularly heightened in wtfuture content,that being said i personally dont mind these headcanons when i was younger i was totally in favor of tord being a villain but whats your opinion on it? From what ive seen red leader is especially abusive to future tom but i always thought the cast was pretty mean to eachother in the earlier eddisodes but just grew out of it,tord left before the rest of them stopped being so mean to eachother,now its more or less poking fun and annoying eachother here and there
do you think tord just didn’t get the memo and thought it was still okay to act like this? Im all for ‘edgier’ headcanons and story telling but i just personally think to an extent tord isn’t as much as an asshole as people try to make him out to be,at some point the cast have tried to kill eachother and tom literally did what he did in zanta claws (which i forgive him for <33) but i see alot more people give tord more flack than anyone,srry ab the long winded question but i am curious ab your answer ^^
this is a multi-part question so im going to number them to make it more readable lol. also dw about long asks; i like em. lover having conversations about the show with other people
the tord villain question. ah the thing that divides the eddsworld fandom to this day. my opinion on this is a little nuanced. i personally like that direction for his character. i think it's interesting. it recontextualizes a lot of his strange behaviors from earlier episodes. fan interpretation of the actual content of the end episodes have led to a lot of people hating that idea though. i can see why too. i'm not a fan on how people decided to portray tord afterwards. i don't think he was a nice or pleasant person from day one, but i definitely don't think he's a sociopath or psychopath or insane. well not any more insane than everyone else. there's a lot more going on with tord psychologically. he has shown to care about people to an extent. i definitely think he has some kind of personality disorder. i've seen fans discuss schizoid personality disorder and borderline personality disorder in regards to a diagnosis for tord. i don't know enough on the subject to comment either way. imo a good tord wouldn't lose any of the fun aspects of his personality to fit better into any given villain trope. trying to fit square peg in a circle hole, ya know?
tom abuse. this one im a hard no on. i dont know why this got so popular. tord and tom are rivals. making tord an abuser and tom his victim just seems wrong for their dynamic. a lot of that content is fetish driven...and well.. im not touching that topic with a 10 ft shit and piss covered pole. if you're gonna make tord terrible to tom, you have to make tom just as terrible back. they both get under each others skin. i prefer the idea that tord and tom are more friendly in wtfuture since edd is out of the picture. i mean tord has to like him enough to employ him. tom likes him enough to be able to borrow a time machine without much trouble. those are two emotional unstable buddies right there
everyone kinda sucks. this is just straight up true. everyone was out for blood early on in eddsworld. i mean just look at matt. that guy was straight up a menace. yeah the show changed a lot. the tone and the way characters treat each other softened. the tomee bear has a pretty good video on this. i don't disagree with much of what he says. it added a new way to view the end episodes which i greatly appreciate. i could see this being the direction they go for tord in canon
everyone elses crimes. when it comes to talking about the other characters crimes i'd say dont take it seriously if the show doesnt. tom's christmas demolition wasnt taken seriously at all as an act of domestic terrorism. it's a joke about tom's character taken to the extreme for comedy. most things they do are consequence-less. basically, only take it seriously when the show does. tord blowing up the house, killing jon, and betraying everyone was tonally a lot different from tom rapping about hating christmas and nuking bongland. that's the reason why people hate on tord for what he did a bit more. personally i hate tord for being an annoying gooner with confusing politics. but u know to each their own
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5eraphim · 1 year
omg i have a request... like a scenario type with vampire mercs (norm or yandere i dont mind either) and a vampire hunter s/o? I am THINKING very normally about this hehe
Ahhh, love this! I'm so weak for all things vampiric and gothic, but in general I keep my requests 4 characters max. Sorry if this is so few, but I'd prefer to really go in depth with a few than to shallow-ly touch on all the mercs, (with very rare exception) but you're free to asks for others when requests open back up,. I hope you're ok with the characters I chose to feature here! :) (Also note, I refer to demo and Engie as living with demons who, for the sake of the story are meant to stand in for Medic's medical equipment/weapons and Engie's machines respectively.)
Characters: Demo 🐏, Engie 🦫, Heavy 🐻 and Medic 🕊️ (Team Fortress 2)
Rating: M (MINORS DNI)
Word Count: 2.6k
(Song Inspo- See the Light, Ghost)
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One of the elders of the vampires Medic's all too familiar with your type. He's been targeted by countless hunters over the years and managed to survive every encounter. He was never shy about killing and feeding and made many enemies with humans over the centuries. No one's managed to kill him yet though he had to admit you came closer than any he had remembered before. But Medic felt far more shaken than usual, discovering the demons you slaughtered to get to him.
He'd always been so fascinated by mortals and loved pursuing them at night, to watch the precious fear which tempted him onward before overpowering his victims with his enhanced strength. As a powerful, supernaturally charged vampire, he hardly considered mortals much of a threat, just a bit of a challenge keeping him from his next meal. When he was transformed into a vampire, he was blessed with a mystical charm, the ability to hypnotize humans who let their guard down around him and compel them to do as he pleased. Many vampires possessed the power of "suggestion," but Medic brought this to a new level. Typically he'd use this charm to instigate things to get mortals alone in a vulnerable, more suggestive state of mind before going in for the kill. Luring and stalking his victims just long enough to know what they feared and desired most, using that to his advantage.
Unlike so many misanthropic vampires, Medic was quite captivated by humans; he was turned into a vampire ages ago and, under the conditions of how he was turned, forgot all about what his life was before he became a vampire.
He regrets the lack of memories of his time among the living but tries his best to make up for it by learning all about humans in their lives now and is quite fickle in this regard. Finding a new obsession every time he dwells among the living to feed. His obsessions come and go as soon as he has his fill. It wasn't until he met you that he genuinely felt like he had met his match.
Not physically, of course; his sparring matches with you were more to stave off his boredom and for amusement than to actually try and kill you, but still, you had his attention all the same.
Sure, if he really wanted to best you, he could compel you to obey his sinister will and eliminate you in a matter of minutes, but where was the fun in that? You were prey unlike any he knew before, and he wanted to give you a violent and gruesome end worthy of the time the two of you shared together.
What Medic wants more than you under his total control is for you to come to him of your own volition. He wouldn't dare try to corrupt a mind so sharp and captivating as yours. While he dreams of being the one to deal your killing blow, he can't help but imagine how charming it would be for you to join his side. To become one with him, living in the night as his mate. Until then, this little ongoing battle would have to do.
Medic deluded himself into believing all your fighting and animosity was your unique way of trying to get his attention. Like you were only acting out because you were jealous of the others he spent his time with and fed upon.
You were so precious to him, and truly loved him deep down. You merely had an unconventional way of showing it. Medic would be the type to see you getting ganged up on by other monsters before jumping into action to save you, tearing the vile creatures to pieces, covering the two of you with the gore, only to stroke your hair and comfort you afterward. To ensure that you are all right and don't sustain any damage. He'd hold you tenderly in his arms as though cradling a baby bird while he whispered,
"The only one who gets to kill you is me. Is that understood?"
Heavy has been out on his own for so long now, living in his eternal purgatory in isolation. He doesn't remember much of the past. It hurts too much to try and remember what he once had. But he knew he gave his life to protect his family from a vampire ages ago. Though in a cruel twist of fate, he managed to survive the attack only to wake up cold, alone, and ravenously hungry.
Unlike some vampires, Heavy had to slaughter a living creature every night to sustain this unbearable hunger. It wasn't exactly that he felt guilty for killing more that this was all a part of the balance of nature. It wasn't his fault he was so large, so capable of killing. The fact of the matter was that Heavy needed an awful lot of blood to survive, and it was the job of smaller prey creatures to provide for him.
So long as he mostly kept to himself, Heavy wouldn't worry about anyone bothering him, and he wouldn't bother anyone else. Animal blood kept him alive well enough, even if he gave into temptation, slaughtering masses of human livestock in a bout of gluttony, so long as he didn't drink from the living, everything was fine.
The fact that you managed to hunt him down and tried to target him in the first place was quite curious. He couldn't understand why one so small would bother trying to pick a fight with him of all vampires.
Heavy forgot how long he'd gone without interacting with another intelligent lifeform, and you caught him completely by surprise the first time you ran into him. It hurt all over again, remembering how long he'd been alone. How long it'd been since he'd seen the last of the family he knew as a living mortal, he tried so hard to forget for centuries, but you wouldn't let him.
When he was a younger vampire, he was so cruel and bitter, taking his frustrations out on his food, tearing whatever poor creature was his dinner that night to shreds leaving trails of carnage behind, but now he was more efficient. Though it still required a great deal of blood to sustain a creature of his size, he wasn't so careless anymore. Encountering you was a break from the regular routine it had been sometimes since he met prey that managed to put up such a fight.
While he wasn't blessed with otherworldly charms or powers of hypnosis, his already powerful physical abilities were somehow the only things amplified by vampirism, and trying to take you in a fight felt cruel. But if this was a fight you wanted to pick, he supposed he had no choice but to satisfy you.
At first, he was mainly apathetic to your existence. You were stubborn and hard to kill, but you were still just a tiny human fighting a supernatural entity, and it was only a matter of time before that caught up with you. During a particularly heated battle, you finally slipped up, realizing too late you were out of silver arrows and defenseless when you felt his hands drawing around your neck. But when he finally got close for the first time in his life, Heavy decided to spare his prey. And just a moment away from dealing the killing blow, he hesitated, halting for long enough for you to escape.
Later that day, he lay restlessly wondering where this change of heart came from and couldn't stop himself from dreaming about what it would be like to take you under his wing. Thinking about sharing a more domestic, peaceful life with you. In his eyes, you were the last remaining tether he had to the human world, and killing you would sever that bond for who knows how long.
He dreamed of harnessing your fiery human spirit, training you to work at his side, and showing you how to hunt from the shadows, creeping silently and evading human attention.
From then on, he'd be anticipating your arrival. Wondering if it was wiser to jump right into the action and turn you into a vampire the first chance he could or to wait for the hunter to come to him. The time spent awaiting your return was agony, painfully aware of his loneliness while you were no doubt back home, licking your wounds, hopefully regaining your strength enough to rechallenge him. He desperately missed the feeling of your warm skin against his cold body, your precious blood pumping away, practically begging for him to take a bite.
He was a vampire with a fearsome reputation known for his explosive anger and the bloodshed he brought with him. However, the supernatural powers he was blessed with were almost more akin to a werewolf's than a vampire's. Demo was blessed with the gift of rage, the ability to manifest every ounce of his anger and lay ways to whatever poor soul was stupid enough to invoke it.
But it wasn't just rage which captivated Demo, but hedonism in all forms. Unlike many vampires, Demo liked to keep around a few humans to amuse himself with. Not precisely to a consensual agreement, but a mutually beneficial one. He would keep his captives fed and safe, and they would provide him sustenance in return, and it wasn't long until the hostage began to grow comfortable and compliant. Demo found blood tasted much better when laced with pleasure, far better than fear, and he loved to wait until the last moment, when his captives were comfortable, before draining them of their delicious blood.
Even when Demo feeds from his harem before going in for the kill, the man is well-practiced and knows how to make the feeding sessions as pleasurable for the victim as it is for him.
All this was quite familiar for Demo, humans were easy prey at the end of the day, and even the holiest and most righteous would eventually succumb to the flesh's temptations. The process was familiar, but the pleasure was sweet all the same. When he did have to fight back, it only made the inevitable meal all the more precious. He loved when people played hard to get, and there wasn't a human alive who managed to escape him and his temptations.
You were so adorably feisty and stubborn the first time he crossed you. A cute little mortal who wanted to play Van Helsing, using your little toys of pure silver, holy water, and scriptures to keep him back.
Though Demo was amused, he was impressed at how well you managed to keep him away. After all, holy relics and verses only worked against the supernatural if you really believed and put all your faith into your words calling upon your deity to protect you. You were a fighter, that's for sure, and the way you were so confident God would protect you from demons like him. It was almost enough for him to spare you, but how could he deny himself a feast such as yourself?
Not only were you pious, but you could also physically fight him back, a rare combination greater than any he'd encountered. Most who tried to protect themselves with holy relics would begin to doubt when he really let out his rage, but somehow, you didn't falter. Not even for a moment. It would be an honor to be the vampire who finally managed to conquer your pure heart and turn you into one of his own. The only issue is how hard it would be to catch you.
While your faith appeared, unshakable Demo would still plant seeds of doubt in your mind whenever he could. Promising you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams, endless time to spend pursuing knowledge of whatever you wanted, powerful supernatural abilities you could conjure at will, and trying to use a bit of materialism to sweeten the deal. Promises, more specifically, to convince you to align with him. Demo telling you about how he would spoil you with riches, the most beautiful clothes, the finest of jewels, anything your heart desired would be yours. All you had to do was submit. It was meant to be, so why resist?
Out of all the vampires, he was the least happy to be sought out by a hunter.
He didn't want to end up like this. He didn't want to kill to survive, and being hunted down by you was just another cruel reminder of how far he'd strayed from humanity and how no matter how hard he wanted it, there was no place left for him among the living.
Furthermore, unlike Medic, who was apathetic to the slaughter of his demons, he felt personally offended as he was much more compassionate and personal with the demons who lived with him. Engie hated you before he met you, wanting to kill whoever was responsible for damaging his property slowly and painfully.
But you were far from easy prey. And no matter how hard Engie tries to take you down, you somehow always manage to remain just a touch out of reach. The game of cat and mouse is far less endearing to Engie than it was to any of the other vampires.
Eventually, he became increasingly obsessed with the hunt, spending his waking hours preparing for your next ambush, dreaming about the night he would capture and slaughter you. Avenging all his creations you destroyed before now.
As much as he didn't want to admit it, his obsession with you grew as fervently as the hunt itself, culminating with the day Engie decided to try to stalk you during the daylight. Engie was a younger vampire, native to a sunny climate. He never found sunlight to be as unbearable as it was to other vampires, so long as he didn't linger in direct light. Direct sunlight was unpleasant, but it wouldn't burn him to ashes as it would to elder vampires. The real reason he stayed on his own more was to stay away from crowds and give into a feeding frenzy.
He wasn't prepared to be so taken aback by your human vitality. The freshness of life pumping through you, giving you a rare kind of beauty he never saw from any sort of prey before now. You were nothing less than radiant in the light of the sun, a deity incarnate. Your skin flushed with life, your voice pleasant and calm, and your smile all appeared ethereal as though he had seen you for the first time. Engie never thought he'd see you as anything but a mortal enemy, yet at this moment, he was undone. All his resentment and hostility felt so trivial now. He didn't want your hatred. He wanted your adoration. He needed to have you all to himself, but not to kill.
If he couldn't kill you, he thought it was only just to turn you into a vampire.
Only then would his loneliness and resentment for being a vampire be satisfied, and you would be forced to rely on him to survive the strange new existence. All newborn vampires were fragile, and it wouldn't be hard for him to keep you from running away.
Not to mention the bond shared between vampires and their scion would help do away with all the hatred you held for Engie in life. No matter how hard you thought you hated him, once Engie sank his fangs into you and infected you with his venom, it was only a matter of time until your will crumbled as you gave in to the surreal newfound devotion you developed for your vampire mate. All resistance was futile, your rational mind silenced as your primal vampiric urges began to take over.
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spearxwind · 2 years
Oof I'm kinda scared to ask... Why do you not want to be an artist professionally?
Its just like, incredibly miserable in my experience.
Everyone wants their dream job of being paid to draw whatever the hell they want but 99% of the time you are hired and tasked to draw things that you don't have a lot of interest in, professionally speaking, and constantly getting your artistic efforts undermined by the rest of the team (this is esp. true in the videogame industry) artists always try to push for better designs and get their takes watered down for the sake of general public pleasing. Also you don't have a security blanket unless you're under long term contract. Most freelancers live gig to gig with the fear of not being able to support themselves if they don't take a job to take a break. Videogame and movie jobs arent stable because companies never keep the art teams, they are laid off and rehired whenever there is a new project
During my major, I drew nonstop for 4 years for class. Not always things I enjoyed, but also not always things I didnt like. In fact I enjoyed my major immensely! It was so fun. But the burnout is very, very real, and the workload was similar (even inferior to) regular art jobs. What happens if you like to draw in your off time? You spend your days making and pumping out art nonstop for hours, and then on your free time breaks you draw some more? I personally couldn't do it. I just wanted to do other things
And like.... I spent the first three years being told by teachers (people with stable, contract based jobs) how cool of a job it is to do art, and then the last year getting grilled on how insanely hard it is to make it out there. If you don't have connections, money, an audience, a studio, it's actually impossible. You need to be your own lawyer, abide by the very strict self employment rules that take a severe chunk out of your earnings. Do all of your finance/schedule/marketing etc while on top of that constantly producing work (I know there's people who can do it but, personally, I cannot) I really admire the people who were able to build themselves up as artists from the ground like this (because its definitely possible, just insanely hard)
Also, making something you love into your job ends up being miserable too. I experienced this with patreon, which I posted to as like a chill thing and it just got increasingly hard to make content for it or just post in general, even drawing my own ocs and sharing stuff about them started to feel like a chore.
Maybe it's just me though, this has just been my personal experience but yeah in general I realized I am immensely happier just keeping art as a hobby or its gonna suck my soul out (Since I already experienced it)
I don't mean to discourage anyone, I think the world in general needs more artists. But for that we would need to actually be taken seriously and valued, which sadly we are not, at all. And if there's anyone reading that is considering art as a job: it is absolutely grueling. It's not an easy job. Even if you desperately love art it can suck the life out of you and the joy for what you do
(As an extra sidenote. Artists are usually exploited using this mentality as well. That they are supposed to love their job. So they expect you to work your wrists off "For the passion". Dont fall victim to it)
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hatsunevitu · 1 year
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there’s something i’d like to share, and it’s this headcanon.
like. i have a whole kyman & weidi au about post-s21 heidi who’s trying to recover from her relationship with cartman and become the same kind, innocent and happy girl she was before. some of her friends (mostly wendy who hated heidi’s guts while her “cartman’s gf” arc but is actually quite caring and helpful for heidi seeing how she’s really willing to change) told her that in order to finally move on she has to apologise to kyle. she was feeling really guilty ‘cause of her behaviour… you know, telling kyle that antisemitic shit cartman has taught her and dumping him in s21e7. she never apologised to him properly and now she wanted to make a change.
so the au basically starts long time after heiman’s final breakup, when heidi finally has some strength to actually come up to kyle and apologise to him:
heidi: Hey, Kyle?
kyle, raising an eyebrow in surprise: Oh… Heidi?… I, um, didn’t expect to see you.
heidi: That’s… understandable. Listen, I just wanted to talk to you about something important. You’re not busy, are you?
kyle, looking back at kenny: No, no. Kenny, don’t you mind going to the class by yourself? I’ll talk to you later.
kenny, grinning and winking mockingly: (Sure, guys, take your time!)
kyle: …So, um, what did you want to discuss? Is it something about school?
heidi: No, no, it’s not. I, uh, I wanted to apologise to you. For how I acted before. You know, you really didn’t deserve this, Kyle. I was so mean to you when all you wanted was to make me feel better. It’s just… When I said all those horrible things that night, and when I made fun of you with Eri… with Cartman… I know you must hate me now, because I would hate me too if I were you. After all that time I spent feeling sorry for myself, making myself a victim instead of taking responsibility for my actions… I just wanted to let you know that I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was an awful person and I’m trying to change now.
kyle: Oh, wow. That’s nice to hear, but, Heidi, I never really hated you. I mean, you were dating Cartman, it’s only natural he spoiled and confused you and made you feel so much hatred and anger inside. I understand it and I really appreciate that you’re recovering now. Thanks for apologising!
heidi: You’re… you really are nice. No wonder he talked about you all the time, huh. …Well, um. I really have to go, but maybe if you don’t mind we could chat later. I’d really like to talk to you more.
kyle: Sure, Heidi! Maybe we can even hang out like friends, you know?
heidi, smiling brightly: Wow, that’d be great! Thanks again, Kyle! I’ll see you later then, I guess?
kyle: Yeah, see you, Heidi! It was nice talking to you!
and then kyle returns to kenny, who’s smiling knowingly and making inappropriate jokes:
kenny: So, how was it?
kyle: How was what?
kenny: Flirting with Cartman’s ex?
kyle: I didn’t flirt with her! She just apologised to me and told me she’d like to hang out sometimes.
kenny: U-huh, sure, dude. And that doesn’t seem kinda flirty to you?
kyle: I’m serious! It’s over, I dont feel anything for her and neither does she.
kenny: You kidding me? She was obviously hitting on you, Kyle! Oh, man, Cartman will be pissed off when he finds out!
kyle: You will not tell Cartman about this. And stop making this a big deal, get your own life already!
and the satisfaction and joy of finally getting a proper apology soon were replaced with irritation ‘cause kyle started to overthink things like he usually does. he started to think about heidi possibly having feelings for him while he really couldn’t feel the same so it kinda scared him. he didn’t want to hurt her or something by rejecting her, so he mostly tried to avoid her and acted really nervous around her. she tried to get closer with him, chat and something like that, but he only blushed and stuttered.
wendy having seen their interactions was quite annoyed. she wrongly assumed kyle had a crush on heidi and noticed with irritation that “this jerk can’t hide his feelings. he acts too much like he has something for you, heidi”. and heidi started to overthink too, ‘cause she really didn’t feel anything special for kyle and the possibility of having to reject him and break his heart again was just painful. so she started to avoid kyle too (‘cause they’re both stupid when it comes to dealing with other people’s emotions), making him even more convinced in her crushing on him.
so basically they avoid each other for like… at least a month before they finally have the talk.
kyle: Wait, Heidi!
heidi: Oh… hello, Kyle.
kyle: Heidi, listen to me carefully, I really need to tell you something. You’re a nice girl and I really, really like you–
heidi: (Oh, no…)
kyle: But I just can’t feel the same. I didn’t want to break your heart but Stan told me it’s only worse that I am giving you false hope, so, yeah… I am sorry, Heidi, you really are amazing, it’s just… uh…
heidi: Wait, what?
kyle: Please, just don’t start crying–
heidi: But you’re the one who’s in love with me! I was afraid to break your heart!
kyle: What? No, that’s nonsense! Kenny told me you were hitting on me.
heidi: Wendy told me you were hitting on me!
kyle: …So, wait, we don’t feel anything for each other?
heidi: I… guess so?
kyle: That’s… that’s a relief. I was so worried you’d be heartbroken.
heidi: Yeah, me too actually! But now we can hang out normally, without feeling awkward, right?
kyle, smiling: Sure we can!
and they really start to hang out and, moreover, i can see them becoming more like besties, you know… they hang out all the time and turns out they share a lot of hobbies together: they’re both history nerds, for example! but the main reason why they’re so similar is probably because they both suffer from sexuality crisis and internalised homophobia. they sure are gay & lesbian solidarity, huh. i’ve written a few words about heidi understanding she’s a lesbian here.
and we’re coming to a kyman part of story, because cartman is pissed off to see his ex and kyle getting along so well. everyone around him thinks it’s ‘cause he’s jealous and can’t just let heidi go, but the actual reason why he’s so frustrated is because of kyle spending so much time with a girl, lmao. he actually doesn’t really care about heidi anymore – though they are in fact kind of passively aggressive towards each other – but everyone else thinks otherwise. wendy gets really, really annoyed when cartman says something unpleasant about heidi and kyle spending their weekend together:
wendy: Will you stop bugging Heidi? She’s moved on, Cartman, get your own life and grow up already!
cartman, genuinely confused: Who the fuck cares about Heidi???
but not only wendy – kyle is the most surprised to see cartman getting so frustrated ‘cause of their friendship. he even tries to fight cartman after another unasked comment, genuinely not understanding why cartman is still so obsessed with him and heidi being friends (so oblivious lmao):
kyle: You said you don’t fucking care about Heidi anymore!!
cartman: I don’t!!!
kyle: Then why do you still go crazy when she spends her time with me?
cartman: …I’m just genuinely concerned for the poor girl. She has a risk of infection with jewish disease or something.
kyle: There’s no such thing as jewish disease, Fatass!!
and they continue arguing but cartman is distracted ‘cause he’s confused as hell and he keeps thinking why tf do i care and why do i hate seeing kyle with someone else wtf wtf wtf
and there’s like these scenes where cartman sneaks into kyle’s house and shows up at kyle’s room and then he sees kyle and heidi sitting on a bed together and laughing loudly at some nerdy documentary movie, and cartman gets all jelly and he glares at heidi like:
cartman: What is she doing here?
kyle: She’s watching a documentary with me. What are you doing in my room, Fatass?
so yeah basically that’s a slowburn about kyman and weidi and i can see candy&keidi brosistp so clearly.
TL;DR kyle is a confused homosexual heidi is a confused lesbian and they’re both oblivious af about their crushes :D
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
(warning: this is... long. i had to put post dividers on this to make it readable. i would have put a read more but i can't in an ask, sorry.)
i think the most puzzling thing of all about this drama is that like.... i've been doing this forever. i've been posting keefe/fintan stuff (not regularly, but still!) since at least feb 2022 on the dolentsnows account. hell, i KNOW i've even talked about tam/linh specifically before then, though i can't remember if it was public or not.
and there was no problem! people just blocked each other and filtered and it was fine!
i'm frankly just. SO confused as to why that post of all things is what set it off. like guys. what.
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also, re: "it normalizes pedophilia/incest/abuse/whatever" my posts get like ten notes max, most of those being likes from my dear mutuals who dont necessarily love the stuff i do but still wanna show they support me anyway.
if you'd just think for a minute, i think it's pretty easy to see that no one's gonna be converted into a sex freak any time soon.
and the fact that people are calling me a pedophile for... *checks notes* writing about characters that are the same age as i am or older in relationships with adults is. something. especially considering that:
in all the ACTUAL content i've made, excluding ONE post about alvar being keefe's gay awakening, the characters have been over the legal age in france (my country), so even the "it's illegal" argument falls apart.
why do you immediately assume i'm imagining myself to be the adult here? you don't know what's going on in my life. you don't know my reasons for doing what i do. i started shipping those kinds of ships ever since i was a pretty young kid, and i don't have to explain myself to anyone. (note: i am not a victim of csa, just want to make that clear. i've got other shit going on. but also you guys don't actually care about survivors and it's obvious.)
and fun fact: incest is legal in france as well, as long as it's between two consenting adults. i have decided, right now, effective immediately, that linh and tam are both over 18 in those drawings. since it's legal it means there's no problem right?
all this to say, let's just drop the whole "legal = moral, illegal = immoral" train of thought right here.
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i do have one thing to apologize for, though: i didn't properly tag the first post. that has since been rectified and i've added community labels for good measure. i have and will apologize again for that mistake because it was entirely on me. i'm genuinely sorry to the people who saw that with no warning and i won't make that mistake again going forward.
but i also know that there are people who clicked on some of my posts even after i added the community labels and then complained (in my ask box, no less!) and to those i say: just read the tags, guys. they're still visible even with the community labels hiding the post.
sorry for the angry tone, but i am kind of miffed about all this. mostly that it turned into such a big deal when it really didn't have to be.
to conclude: stay strong out there guys, hopefully modern fandom will develop basic internet skills one day.
No worries about the length or tone, you're good.
I believe the reason that one post sparked issue is because, I don't know if you're aware, there's actually been a pretty significant surge in new fans in the past few months following info about Unraveled.
So while you have been here and posting your stuff for a while, for a good chunk of the currently active people, I think that was their first time seeing you. And also possibly one of their first times seeing art/ships like that up close, since keeper tends to be a first/earlier fandom.
Hence the stronger reaction. Though I don't think it's fair to blanket statement say they don't care about survivors. That's the sort of strawmanning/ad hominem talk that leads to shutting down/self-defense that doesn't get us anywhere. We can all rise above logicial fallacies <3
But anyway, the worst seems to have passed, unless we all feel like regressing for some reason :)
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lanaactuallyabanana · 3 months
Sooo, Kenzie texted me and was like: "Can you request this from Lana for me?" and I was, "I got you." And sooo, she was wondering if you were able to do some roommate Ranboo headcannons with a female reader? Some little details is the reader is a shop-a-holic, usually leaving to go grab something from one store, and bringing home a ton of items. Also lots of sticky note reminders around the apartment for stuff the reader needs to purchase when she goes back out cause she'll tend to forget to get stuff she actually needs and will come home with random stuff. And yes, reader will get Ranboo stuff they want or stuff they eyed too long at the store, or just surprised them.
Take your time on it! Remember to eat, rest, drink lots of water, and have fun with the writing!! Feel free to delete if you're not comfortable doing it!
-Jackieee <3333 & Mackenzieeee :))))
THIS IS AMAZING. SO CREATIVE. kenzie ur so silly billy + ily both mwah
, you're so forgetful !
ranboo x fem!reader (platonic)
!! roommate (platonic, dont make it weird.) headcanons ahead !!
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
a/n notes !!
especially from my favorite mooties jackie and kenzieee <3
ok but srsly the ask literally described me
like i will literally catch myself going to target or something to buy like laundry detergent and come back with a goddamn pillow
like i am a victim of that (#freelana)
fic headcanons !!
i feel like ranboo would be the type of person to buy only what they need from a store and thats it
but y/n is the complete opposite so its the funniest thing ever
especially since they're roommates.
ranboo would probably be the one to go out to the store if they both needed something
when they first moved in together, they both needed mouse pads for their streaming setup but ranboo was busy editing so y/n went shopping for him
long story short y/n came back with a smoothie blender
"i asked you to buy a mouse pad."
"uh yeah i know, its right here silly. OOH LOOK IT COMES WITH A RECIPE BOOKLE-"
dw they ended up using the smoothie blender (cooking stream wowsies)
along with buying random stuff, y/n is also incredibly forgetful
like worse than ranboo 2020-2021 enderman dream smp lore era type of forgetful. so essentially really bad.
ranboo has this weirdly massive stash of sticky notes in their desk, which comes in handy!
ran leaving little notes for y/n all around the house
in y/n's bathroom, on their streaming setup, on their nightstand in their room, EVERYWHERE.
"can you stop leaving sticky notes everywhere, its like a nightmare."
"i'll do that as soon as you start to remember to get the right things."
"so that won't be for a while i assume.."
the sticky notes would be super sweet though
"y/n, buy ____ soon !! :)" or something
def has a smiley face somewhere on that sticky note
while y/n has a shopping problem, sometimes that problem can be a solution.
ranboo's def not a good shopper for themselves, but y/n def is and knows what they want/like.
y/n buying little things for ran everytime they go out
ranboo doesnt know how to react each time they do that cause for they never expect it
forgetful y/n is very silly and i love it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
this is so cute!!!!! im obsessed with this RAHHHHH
thank you so much to kenzie and jackie (@catswithroses) for this request!! love u guys smsmsmsmsm xoxo mwah <3
hope u guys enjoy!
requests are open !!
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intothe0megaverse · 3 months
Insanely long Omegaverse worldbuilding post. Seriously. there's pages of hand drawn diagrams. Get a snack and settle in, because this issssss...
Scents 101
As mentioned, this is long, and quite complicated. This idea was one of those you get right before falling asleep and then you scribble it down manically before passing out. After a good night's sleep, I worked out wtf i meant and wrote it down properly. I've been brainrotting about scent communication for a hot minute, so finally figuring out how i want it to happen is Neat!!! Anyways, if you wanna use this PLEASE DO!! and tag me in any products i wanna see❤️
Nerd fun under break...
Okay, first, there's three layers to any given basic, non-mated, non pack person. I will first explain those layers.
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Firstly, you can observe here thar the squares are of diffrent sizes. It's simple, alphas "throw" more scent (meaning their pheromones are stronger/projected outwards more). This is to attract a mate! Betas project the "normal" amount, they dont really rely on scent as much (theirs is more volatile). Omegas throw less, simply to garner less attention, and therefore be safer. Fem! Omegas are on average pretty dainty, so they hide even more, it's nearly Impossible for a stranger to know whether someone is fem!O or fem!B.
Next, what the layers mean:
-Yellow layer: The top layer, easiest to make out. Basic info about health, Sex, wellbeing, Mated (yes/no)
Blue layer: Baisically markers on who their parents/birth pack were, who raised them etc. this layer will be explained more in depth later!
Red layer: More volatile compounds, such as emotions and "active" communication, like someone purposefully souring their scent as a threat, show affection, etc. The volatility means this is harderst to read from a stranger, therefore it's at the bottom.
Omega-Spesific scent: As a measure of self defense, Omegas can throw a pepperspray-like pheromone compound which causes distress, lethargy, fear, nausea and lack of motivation in its victims. It is temporary. It gets thrown on the upper and base layer, unless the Omega has any conditions that cause the constant production of the compound.
How does a new pack form?
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A Beta is neccesary for pack forming, only their scent is volatile enough even when grown. They act like sort of a "crucible", cooking up the new Pack scent by taking the upper two layers of the others and mixing them with their own (green here). The base is too volatile to mix well in packs. Once the Beta has a fully mixed pack scent, they may "give it back" to the other pack members via scenting, or gifting clothes, or whatever they are into.
Hey, it looks as if the beta looses their own scent in that process?
Yup, they do. Well, it mixes with their friends, causing it to shift into a pack scent. Whether they have a pack or not, Beta scents shift around all the time, as they dont expirience a "cementing" of their scent Profile as part of Presentation (more on that later).
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Here's a visual of just this phenomenon! While A/Os keep part of their historical scent, Betas do not. None of these have mates, though...
What about mates?
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As we've learned, (unmated) Omegas throw less scent that alphas. To be considered "mated", There must be enough mixing of ALL scent layers to be noticeable. As we've just learned, Neither As nor Os actually Change their scent after presenting. Meaning that a mating must be kept up near CONSTANTLY. Be it with close proximity, biting, sex, cuddles, emotional closeness. It has to be maintained. SAME GOES for Pack-structures. Pack scent will fade if not kept up (this is a Beta task, obviously)
Here's what a scent profile for a Mated Person would look like, if they had NO pack.
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Betas, again, don't keep their historical scent. Once mated, An Alpha will throw less, an Omega will throw more. Because the A doesn't need to show off anymore, and the 'Taken' scent is safer for an O, and they may need it to bond with their kids.
Beta base scent is quite strong (it's all they get individually afterall, it's easier to read out), so the mated bit doesnt touch it.
What if they are mated AND in a pack??
Good that you ask, here is that config!
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Actually, I've decided to put the forming of a childs scent in another Post!!! itll come out right after this so keep your eyes peeled!!
Any and all opinions on this insanity are super apprechiated!! asks, tags, comments, of youve made it this far pls come talk to me :D
buh bye!!
102 here!!!
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chunkymamatam · 5 months
Hi omg welcome back! Thank you so much for the detail on your description about the classes! When and if you have time, I would love to hear more! Have you had classes with Crewel yet? And are there any other teachers aside from the ones we know from the game? Thats something Ive always wanted to know! Also, have you gone to Sam's shop yet? How is he? He is my favourite staff member!
Oh and how long did you stay? Did you experience any events ingame and maybe some that werent in the game? Have you gone to anyones homecountry like the events?
PS: If there are too many questions, feel free to chose some to skip! I dont want to overwhelm you :) <3
It's not too much to answer the questions! There's only 2 asks now including this one and the other one if for one of my fanfic blogs so I should have enough energy/time now lol
First The rest of my classes for the current semester:
Animal Language Class
No Magic required
Consists of basic body language of different animals that might accompany you on your journey through being a "Proper mage" as Professor Trein would put it lol. This includes cats, dogs, rats, etc (basically any animal you can find in a Disney film.)
As the class goes on you learn how to decipher what they're actually saying verbally and non verbally. Unlike here animals are sentient, they will make fun of you later trust me. Ace and Deuce are frequently the victim of this lmfao
Its pretty difficult for me personally but I'm bad at communicating with humans so I wasn't really expecting any less lmfao Its as difficult as learning any new language in all seriousness so if you find that hard then welcome to the club I made cookies.
Difficulty: 4/5
Potions/Alchemy (Creation/material studies)
Magic materials will be provided by class instructor, minimal magic is needed from the mage
Consists of different creation techniques, what materials have what properties, what the different potions do, etc. There's a potion for anything and everything, most only having temporary effects but some are more permanent (base level and under specific conditions). Honestly this is one of my favorite classes. Its the most fun in my opinion.
It's not at all difficult because we're allowed to have our recipes at all times.
Difficulty: 1/5
Spell casting
Magic required
Now this is where being magicless really sucked (I still got a really good grade). I wasn't able to participate much in the begining and I was stuck memorizing spells I would never be able to use. I shit you not this man (The prof) looked at me and said
"You may not have the proper abilities to cast spells but I'll be sure to turn you into a grimoire of them by the end of this class"
Honestly stayed true to his word ngl. The amount of notes and textbooks and reciting the damn things, practicing proper spell casting formation/posture. I could instruct the other students at this point. I'm having flashbacks just thinking about it lmfao
The class consists of the actual spells, the motions needed to enact each spell, the proper posture to take when casting. We learn what each spell does, and the proper situations to use them in, etc. It is mostly just actually casting spells though and a I've only relatively recently learned how to use magic. I'm getting there with the help of Azul and my professors tho.
I wouldn't say its the worst difficulty wise but my memory is decent when it comes to academics.
dificulty: 3/5
This class consists of studying the stars, constellations, planets, and the moon cycles and how they affect the magic we produce.
"Just as the ocean is affected by the moon and the stars, so too is our energy and magic."
Corny shit but accurate and factual lmfao. It's a really easy class and that's really all there is to it. It's mostly so you understand why your magic is stronger/weaker on different days. this also used as a reference in other classes. Like "X spell is more affective during Y Moon cycle"
Difficulty: 1/5
There's definitely more classes that I don't know of yet but we'll get to them eventually!
''Have you had classes with Crewel yet?"
Yes! I'm actually his favorite student weirdly enough lol. He's chill as long as you act right (paying attention to the lesson, doing your classwork/homework, etc). This man fr defended me from these bitch ass guys who were like
"She doesn't even have magic why does she have the top scores????"
To which he responded "Maybe if you were as diligent of a student perhaps you could also be part of the top scores, until then however, return to your seat"
Never felt safer with a teacher I swear.
"Are there any other teachers aside from the ones we know from the game?"
Yeah. I can't remember their names right this moment cuz I haven't been back there in a minute. My mental health has been ass and I fell out of love with shifting for a long while but I'm back now! I'm hopefully going back soon. I miss my boys and my classes. Mostly my boys tho. I'll have to share who they are and what their names are after I go next.
"Have you gone to Sam's shop yet? How is he?"
I have! Actually when I got my monthly allowance from Crowley (I manifested that in with the intention method cuz I'll be dammed if that cheap bitch fucks me over) it was the first place I visited. He sells damn near everything you need to live on campus. I got soap, an African net sponge (its called Savanna net sponge cuz ✨Afterglow/Sunset Savanna✨) and some lotion. I barely had enough for my groceries after that month. I was living on Ramen and the school allotted lunch (。﹏。*) This being said be prepared for Sam to over price everything. This is a rich people school and I mean eat the rich and all but PLEASE HAVE MERCY
As for how he is as a person, he's really chill. Very nice but he is still a salesman so keep that in mind with your interactions. He may have mercy if he's feeling generous (pity) lmfao. Jokes aside hes actually pretty nice outside of his business. He allowed me to talk to him about struggling with living with Vil for that month with his unseasoned dry ass chicken 😭
"How long did you stay? Did you experience any events in game and maybe some that weren't in the game?"
Currently I'm dealing with STYX and Idia's overblot. Up until that point its been about 6-7 months over there. Everything in the main game happens so fast and in such quick succession. I've experienced the Halloween events, birthdays, and the New Year events. I didn't participate in Sams event cuz I was dealing with living with Vil training for the SDC/VDC and calming down from everything with Jamil. TBH there might have been events that weren't showcased but I was just too busy with the main events and classe/hanging out with other students.
"Have you gone to anyone's home country like the events?"
Not yet but we are staying at Rooks many homes while on our way to STYX to rescue everyone rn. Hopefully soon tho because Idk it seems like a lot of fun to learn more about my friends and their homes.
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succulentlesbians · 2 months
"I should send an ask for the nice reply i got" Brain: Windows dial up noise. Anyway, hi, hello! :D thanks so much for your reply, it made me feel emotions and now im sueing for damages <3 YELENA WAS GONNA RUN FROM THE RED ROOM TO BE WITH DAISY??????? pain. suffering. a g o n y. im now imagining an au where she did manage to escape actually. they are happy and young and free and being goofy. yelena keeps them safe and daisy keeps them hidden. canon. to me.
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omg young skye and yelena together would be so fun. sorry for your agony that they couldn't, i am similarly distraught. was thinking about writing a prequel (can you believe the audacity, i haven't even finished the sequel yet) about them but the emotional devastation of having to rip them apart would absolutely kill me so we shall see about that.
yeah the whole assassination thing was something that i hadn't fully considered in terms of what skye would be cool with when i offhandedly wrote that oneshot. i'd now imagine that yelena would have deliberately misled her for as long as she could (ie. "help me break in here for this information and no that people died wasn't me, it was a coincidence lol") and that skye was kinda naive and really wanted to believe that she was just stealing info and similar things. yelena at first was just using her as a resource and prob knew like yeah skyenet is cool with this sort of stuff only. but i think skye kinda charmed her and they kept talking and talking until yelena was like oh shit i care about you and you made me believe in the good in this world and i dont want to do this anymore. and skye after a bit maybe was wavering btwn like hmm i can read between the lines here, im not stupid, but also ive talked to you so much and i believe that you are good and i believe that you dont have to do this and then she learns about the actual situation that yelena is in with the red room? and shes like oh youre a whole ass victim. this is not your fault.
and yeah a situation where skye has to choose to save yelena over someone else (a target?) or something? bc the red room would kill her? could be both a demonstration of love but also kinda jarring for skye to make that decision and so even moreso something for yelena to be like omg skye cares about me so much. good god anon you're giving me ideas.
anyway. yelena coming out of the red room. im thinking she sorta tracked daisy while she was there, in a way where she was keeping tabs on the rising tide, shield etc. she doesn't want to draw interest to daisy after all but she wants her to be safe and to know about her. when she gets out, literally the only support she has could be daisy or natasha and she thinks that natasha abandoned her. she literally does not have a good relationship with a single other person in the world. she was in the red rooms hands since she was a Baby (this is so sad). so yeah theres a lot of courage that she has to reach out to daisy when she hasn't been heard from in ten years and to try and trust that she'll help, but there is absolutely a sense of 'i have no one else.' daisy is her first and basically only stop. but also. daisy taught her how to live once. and i think that absolutely she was thinking, oh daisy can help me figure out life. And! also being like hey, wtf is daisy up to shes kinda going crazy and maybe she needs help too. (this all being on top of, she just wants to see daisy again). so many reasons.
they are absolutely pairbonded kittens.
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this is them. i don't make the rules. if i separate them again... you have my permission to kill me.
tysm for your ask and support, you're giving me so much motivation and thoughts to write about. i'm so glad you enjoyed the fic!
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walnutcookie · 10 months
you should infodump about misfortune like. now /nf
im not sure how to tag all of this, doing my best but some of it Might be a little disturbing (with cartoony visuals). if you need it tagged with something specific please ask !!
(reblogs ok !)
misfortune is this silly raven thing . it is the Embodiment of misfortune and misery and feeds off of it, which means it is often causing harm to others for its own benefit
Its like . Ten feet tall or something HVXKDBD it can shrink and grow as it pleases actually (so long as it has enough power). Since it wants to feed off of and make someone miserable, it tries to choose its victims to be the most vulnerable people it can find. people who are isolated and dont have much support mostly, but also people who already have a lot of trauma and people dont know how to manage their emotions very well
Cappuccino was a perfect canidate !
i should give some more info about misfortune before i get into that though ,,, using its host/victims body, its able to cause things to happen (stack of papers getting scattered, bookcases falling over, lighting striking dangerously close, people around them getting hurt/even dying, generally unfortunate events). it tries to make things basically just The worst it possibly can be for the person it inhabits so it can achieve Maximum Misery (which is a tasty snack for it ! ). it can also do fun and silly things like cause its victims to grow bird parts - wings, talons, feathers, a beak, combinations of these things, etc - in a very Painful and grotesque way !! which also causes them to feel miserable! though it doesnt want to kill the host so it always makes these things temporary. additionally it can possess people and control their every move, causing feathers to grow from their skin the longer theyre posessed Which they will have to pluck later. also painful.
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^ cappuccino growing wings
also Misfortune does not want its victims to die. if its victims die then that means their suffering is over - it would have to find a new host. So it makes the person suffer as most as possible while also protecting them and keeping them alive
that also includes keeping them from trying to kill themselves
using its previous host/victims body (my oc golden leaf cookie at the moment but that may change), it killed cappuccinos parents. For what reason im uh. not sure yet i still need to figure that out HDBFKH but it was Incredibly gruesome and uh. unfortunately little cappuccino was there to watch !
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cappuccino's parents were Not nice people. they were incredibly abusive and neglective. cappuccino is like ,, age 5-10 at this time (another thing to figure out) and while her older sister latte was there she Got scared and ran away leaving cappuccino to fend for himself (latte is still fillwd with so much guilt over that bUT THATS A ramble for another time)
cappuccino is an Already traumatized young kid who just watched her parents die and is now all alone and an orphan . and is now going to watch as this giant bird thing claws through its host, causing them to scream out in pain and bleed out to death on the floor as the bird talks to little cappu !!! in spanish because for some reason me and my gf decided it speaks spanish but hey it works out cause so does cappu!
misfortune then crawls inside cappuccinos mouth. which again. is very painful. And very disturbing especially as a child
cappuccino lives with this thing for like twenty years, vaguely aware of its existence yet still filled with doubt. He knows she has bad luck either way and tends to isolate herself as to not harm others !!! all of the friends he made in school had bad things happen to them so hes become paranoid about getting too close to people. hes basically just accepted that shes not capable of doing good ,,, anything he tries to do just ends up going bad anyways. Which is why hes become a prosecutor !!!! you see Misfortune naturally gives her an advantage since giving innocent people (or anyone for that matter) lengthy sentences and other punishments causes a lot of misery and feeds Misfortune quite nicely ! it doesnt exactly Garuntee cappus win like. she still has to work for it. but he does get an upper hand (unknowingly) as misfortune encourages it. the reason she smokes a lot is because it helps him not feel so anxious and paranoid constantly that bad things will happen to everyone she cares about
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theres a lot of habits hes picked up after dealing with this thing for so long. no cars/buses since hes been in FAR too many car crashes. keep pencils/writing tools dull as he tends to accidentally stab herself a lot. dont bother keeping places clean and tidy since theyll become dirty somehow anyways
cappuccino has a vague memory of misfortune. though since it was so long ago and also During a very traumatizing moment his mind has kind of distorted it to be some incomprehensible monster that appears in her nightmares. is it real? is he just imagining all of this? when wings grow from his back, is she hallucinating it? is something causing all of this bad luck, or is he just imagining everything? he cant tell if its real or not . she KNOWS something is wrong because it seems like life itself is determined to keep her from being happy. the thing is misfortune constantly lives inside of her ,, hes never seen misfortune aside from that very fuzzy (and distorted) memory from when he was a child. finally he Cant Take it anymore and just talks out loud to himself, trying to talk to whatever it is keeping him from being happy - again, not knowing if anything is actually there.
But there is !
And she is horrified as it starts to crawl out of his mouth!
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theres a sense of relief and reassurance as At least now he knows its not all just his imagination but also. holy fucking shit. its not her imagination.
its all real. the memory from when she was a kid. hes being haunted by this Fucking Thing (which she realizes is a bird and not an incomprehensible monster) and its effectively ruining her life. it speaks to her - he figures out that it feeds off of his misery and that its been doing that for the past 20 years. And she just has to live with that
I could go on ,,, theres more to it actually but this post is getting Very long and i want people to Actually read it HXBDKHD
if you have any questions/comments PLEASE let me know i love talking about this thang !!!
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icaruskey · 1 year
can i ask you something? i dont know how to word it without coming off offensive however i am curious as to what trans men think about manhood as a concept. i consider myself to be pro-trans rights but as I've learned more about gender and sex, I've started to interpret male/female binaries as being inherently rape culture compliant (not the individuals who partake in gender/sex as a construct, just the construct itself like as a concept). my question is i understand the whole concept of positive masculinity but also i genuinely cannot come up with any set of qualities that are inherently and only masculine (also have the same problem with feminine qualities). like every man (not just trans, cis too) who wants to deconstruct masculinity ends up sounding a little sexist to me because i just do not know how something like idk "protectiveness" can be seen as only masculine. the way i view gender (and sex) honestly is mostly as a relic of the past but i dont know if this line of thinking is transphobic or not. bcuz i dont want trans people to not exist or not be trans, i welcome it while humanity is in this transitional period but i also think that gender neutrality is/should be the norm. i hope this wasnt offensive or anything, you dont have to respond or anything i just would like to know more i guess and understand better.
Well, luckily I'm able to read things in good faith, regardless of the actual words used. It's hard to discuss things sometimes without coming across as a dolt, especially if you're struggling with a concept as complex as gender identity.
I've been going back and forth on how to reply to this because I could like. Respond with a detailed breakdown but I'm not sure it'll help you, not really.
Because look at how you write. You're coming at this from like this inherent idea that men as the villains. Rape culture is a particular tell, as rape culture focuses on women as victims and minimizes/erases male victims. Meanwhile, since 2008, when I first became truly aware of how often women are victims of assault and harassment, the statistics on male victims have been slowly creeping up to meet female statistics. Rape culture is also a phrase I personally find adjacent to SWERF rhetoric, as they have this idea that all sex work is inherently rape, regardless of the actual autonomy of the women (never the men) in the situation.
You also focus on how masculinity and men deconstructing gender come across as sexist, with little thought to how women are just as sexist when it comes down to it. There are a lot of problems within feminism, and it's something we see clearly as they constantly have to redefine what a woman is as they acknowledge (or refuse to acknowledge) the different experiences of womanhood.
I'm not blaming you for this. Feminism makes dissecting womanhood and villainizing manhood the default for almost all discussion, and there's been a lot of work done to allow for a diverse array of women to exist in the world. Masculinity and manhood though, it's hard to pull it apart from the villainization that's been done to it. Because honestly, it's easier to demonize men than it is to deal with the fact the reality that the true villain is the very societal framework we exist in (capitalism).
I realize I'm probably not making all that much sense right now. But while I largely agree with you that we are heading down the long and arduous path of decoupling the idea of gender entirely from existence, becoming something we may choose for ourselves rather than something given to us at birth, I disagree with how your thought patterns betray your current biases.
Trans men, and indeed men at large, are not a monolith, nor are women or nonbinary people or agender or genderqueer identities. We are all at the faults of whatever framework we approach it from, and largely the group I am part of speaks from a very Western idea of gender. The fun part, though, is deciding what your gender means to you. Which is why I do see myself as a protector, very stereotypical, but I love glitter and silly and goofy bright musicals and magical girl stuff. I don't wear skirts or dresses, but maybe I'll pick a romper. And I work very very hard to see more than just my side of a story and don't try to make a list of "what is wo/man" cause honestly, I don't see the point.
This is my positive masculinity. I wonder what my followers see as theirs.
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Heyyy if you rlly like monster, i recommed checking out a brazilian TTRPG named "Ordem Paranormal"! They got a bunch of cool monsters!
Heres a few i think u would enjoy:
The Lurker(og name is "O Espreitador")
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It's first appearances(episode 1, season 4) in the TTRPG were only in stalks, only it's eyes appearing. Making the main characters paranoid, because right when they said they saw the eyes, the eyes disappear.
its full appearance only appeared in episode fourteen(still season 4), the characters actually fight it this time. This folk is able to summon almost perfect clones of the victims it watched for a long time, using they to fight the characters.
Its main thing is just stalk people. It can even drain someone's sanity while they sleep and leave them with insomnia for a few weeks just by watching they.
Also, it technically it was created by one of the characters from the first season (Daniel Hartmann), he was a writer and The Lurker was one of his tells... I dont remember how his creations created life my bad.
Alright next one.
The foreigner("O Estrangeiro")
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If you accompanied R/Place you prob heard of this one.
This one is quite a mistery yet from what I heard, but we know this folk got a big connection to the "Bells of Tenebris". Everyone who had an experience with this being went back to living their lives normally, as if nothing had happened, but still with a feeling that something is wrong, even though they don't know exactly what it is.
He just appeared in the second spin-off of the TTRPG, "Sinais do Outro Lado"
Next one.
The Needy("O Carente")
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(its original introduction to the TTRPG is really, really good. It gives me chills every time I watch it. REALLY recommend taking a look)
This one was also one of the tales of Daniel!! The original story is about a creature that devours the internal organs of women who have given birth thanks to its envy of beings who receive love even before they are born.
And the devil himself says Needy is his child... Cool as hell. And yeah we got the devil in the TTRPG, we will talk about that guy later..... We got a recording from a character of Needy and Devil walking together
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Anyway next.
I have like... Two more to show u, but i think these are already enough. So we are going straight to the GOOD PART.
The Relics of Calamity("As Relíquias da Calamidade")
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The relics are.... complicated.
They are fellas of great power. And only "markeds" can have control of them. Having a relic is equal of having 100% of paranormal exposure.
Long story, quick response: they are very powerfull paranormal object that when a marker takes control of them, that relic becomes one with the wielder. Sometimes, the relic takes more control of the wielder than they.
The relics are also a representation of the elements of the paranormal, energy, blood, death and knowledgent. But for now, we dont have someone to represent the element of fear, being it a very mysterious element.
In the relics, we have:
The Host(Anfitrião), relic of energy
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Very chaotic guy, my favorite!! Sadly he just appeared for a few episodes, and for not having a wielder, he doesnt appear anymor :[[
His personality in general is the representation of chaos, making sick games that already distort reality making people go against each other. He doesn't care about anything that isn't his own fun.
Host doesnt like the other relics, but Devil seems to be an exception.... They are kinda of besties.
Love this guy.
The Devil(O Diabo), relic of blood
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I dont know if I have much to say bout this one? Not a big Devil fan lol.
While Host just want to have fun, Devil wants to, well, fuck people's life, and he was never manipulated, defeated or imprisoned.
He is known as someone who makes pacts for people, giving them gifts after making the pact, with the payment not coming until some time later... Hes also able to summon any paranormal creature whos envolved with the element of blood, any.
The Magistrate(A Magistrada), relic of knowledgent.
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The relic knowledgent is actually a mask, and whoever wear it, becomes Magistrate, the leader of the cult of mask, and their only goal is to protect the balance of reality. (We still don't know why or how...)
The Magistrate knows and remember everything that happened on earth. Everything. However, they can't interfere with reality with their wisdom
Unlike Host, Magistrate is calm and much more reserved. And because Magistrate wants this whole not interfering with reality thing, Host hates they.
God of Death(Deus da Morte), relic of, well, death.
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Also known as "Parasite of Dimensions", God of Death is the relic that protects the chronology of the universe, able to manifest in multiple places and multiple forms at once via his Time Warp. When he doesn't have a wielder, he manifests himself in the form of an anachronistic civilization, which may vary in name between Holy Cradle, Sacred Beginning, Divine Beginning or Eternal Beginning.
Because God of Death have this thing or protect time and stuff, Host ALSO hates him because of a thing that happened... But if I explain this situation I would do 40 lines of explanation, and this is already big enough.
Hope u enjoyed ig. If you want more monsters from OP i have a few more i think u would like.
Hi I'm so sorry I only read like a little bit of this and looked at the pictures but
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autumnfangirler · 11 months
👀 mindscapes u say ?
the minute i saw this ask this popped into my brain
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insanity will go under the cut :)
step being step, and them being telepaths, i always thought they had ways to protect their mindscape just in case something happened, so those are going to be added along with the actual descriptions of the mindscape! ill add a bit of what their thoughts sound/feel like because it goes hand in hand for me
Caine- their mindscape is a mix of both the farm and the rangers HQ, because those two were the most fomative places in caine learning what to do and how to be. for a long time they werent anything but a vessel for what others wanted. his mindscape will shift depending on what caine associates the person with the most(fun fact, ortega is more or less at the midway point between the farm and the rangers. it makes for,,, an interesting look to his mindscape). the only thing that doesnt change, though, is that it always feels strangely impersonal, like hes viewing his own mind in a third person perspective. their mind is firm yet adaptable, and while his shields arent,,,,the greatest, they dont need to be. he keeps track of the mental feel of anybody in their brain, and arranges something accordingly. whatever seems to be a particular persons weakpoint, hell pick up on and project. its difficult to find anything in their brain (that sounds like an insult but i Swear its not) since its bare of more personal objects or revealing factors. they use their observations and skill to make sure nobody can do much to their brain– just like a fight, find his opponents weakness and take advantage of it to win.
i always saw his thoughts as a mix of ortega and chens, most of them being short and clipped, but restless. hell often get lost in them, though hes always aware of whats going on around him. their imagination is surprisingly active, and they also come with a healthy dose of overthinking :D
Cyrus- i was mentally shaking your hand when you talked about cyrus mindscape. the core of his mind is exactly what you described; its a blaze, with near welding-torch focus towards its victims. youll be burned if you try to get close. but hes making sure nobody reaches that far. the surrounding area is a icy and cold, giving anybody inside absolutely nothing. hes laid tricks, of course: fading tracks in the snow, an odd rustle of bushes here or there, but mostly speaking its entirely barren. its a test of endurance, and hes depending on people failing from the environment before they can do any real damage. only the people who know him or are observant enough can figure out which way to go. as a little bonus tidbit: prehb cyrus' mindscape was a forest in midday, where the heat was just intense enough to feel it beating on your back. there are still remnants of that in his current mindscape, though the trees are fallen over and theres no sun to be found.
his thoughts are very final, for lack of better word. theres hardly room for doubt in them, though often times he'll ruminate on an idea to make sure everything is up to his satisfaction. despite the outer shell of his mindscape, his thoughts Do feel warm, but its more like friction burn
Cecilia- her mind is surprisingly open, and it is showy. its a museum, and when you enter theres a velvet carpet with those massive marble stairs in the middle and a beautiful chandelier overhead. every floor has paintings of things shes done, with the first few floors consisting entirely of her proudest moments, including the sidestep ones. im sure theres at least one painting of the nanosurge in there, she didnt like the fact that nobody knew she stopped it. there are some more quieter, but still happy memories when people go up, ones with ortega, argent, herald, and more. theres an uneasy feeling at about this point, though. the farther up they go, the stronger that feeling grows, to the point where the mental pressure could crush them completely. ceci doesnt need tricks like the other two do; she exercises power as her means of defense. its coupled with more disturbing paintings too, ones that depict things like the farm and the void. the lights get dimmer, theres less exhibits, and the final floor is just. empty. empty, and utterly lonely. what are you doing up here? theres nothing for you.
shes in the same boat as ortega, aka her thoughts Never shut up. shes creative and excitable, and its easy to get wrapped up in her thought processes. there doesnt tend to be repetition or circling, she doesnt stay on the same thought for very long.
Cynthia- you know the "you... are... lost in memories" line in rebirth? thats what cynthias mindscape is like. its a house thats an amalgamation of every home shes visited before: tia elenas, anathemas, and of course ortegas. it invites nostalgia. every object sends a person into memories, using the same system that nightmare loops do, but kinder. the memories are wrong, though. faces can get blurred, voices are distorted, and touch is especially difficult to get right. it can be disorienting to experience these loops, and they become nauseating if you spend too long in them. the house itself is a maze, and it feels like it goes on forever. none of the rooms repeat itself, but they cant be used as a marker either, because it never seems like you can go back to the same room you were in before. thats how cynthia protects herself– nothing is the same, everything is a trap, and when a person falls for it, she can safely extract them from her mind.
her thoughts are long, slow, and careful, and she often goes back to earlier thoughts to consider them further. her thoughts are twitchy too, theyre easily affected by her environment. theyre warm though, and i imagine feels like somebody reading a story to you
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