#artemesius goodparty
yourbelgianthings · 1 year
bumbershoots is possibly the funniest thing justin has ever made also ephemera montrose pretty special interest this has been my steeplechase update post for the day
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cookie-nom-nom · 2 years
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This one scene. Did so much for my polycule head-canon AND my Ace Emerich head-canon.
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yourbelgianthings · 6 months
"when mr. pretty rolls up, you are ensorceled."
a short montrose character study! ~500 words, spoilers for what the fourth heist is but nothing else, no tws
montrose remembered the first time he put the mask on, but now it felt like he had never lived without it. it was easier in so many ways. working at the arcade, for one: he would recommend anyone with a customer service job try it. customers being unable to see his face improved things for everyone. deeper than that, though, it allowed montrose to approach relationships on his own terms. he liked having full control of what he shared with people and when, rather than accidentally letting things slip through his expression and others drawing conclusions or misinterpreting him. for most of his life, he had been nobody special, just some guy whose childhood fixation on a particular amusement park had never faded. montrose pretty, gentleman thief, became almost a role to play. the charisma was natural, but now it had a direction, a way to be channeled and best utilized. for good? well, not necessarily, but the company he kept didn't mind. between beef, emerich, and him, someone needed to be the face of the operation. it was surprising that the three of them got along at all, but there was no point questioning it. "hey, earth to montrose!" beef's voice snapped him back to the discussion at hand; he really had been lost in thought. "i'm sorry, gentlemen. forgive my lapse in attention, back to planning the heist, shall we?" theft as a profession suited montrose almost too well. he oozed charisma and his easy southern drawl had a way of charming anyone he wanted something from. beyond montrose pretty, the base role, he also had a penchant for creating additional aliases (all under the surname goodparty, of course). something about bringing someone else to life was just irresistible to him. acting was easier than authenticity, playing a part was safer than sharing his own personality. was that an issue? probably, but he could deal with that later, and if it was always for later, then it would become never. if nothing else, montrose pretty was an expert in compartmentalizing. gathering supplies to steal the gallspire was all that was on his mind at the moment. well, that, and his excitement to return to ephemera. it had been far too long since his last visit; he couldn't wait to introduce his friends to artemesius goodparty, hawkblade of the emerald coven. hold on. montrose froze in the middle of donning his long coat. did he just think of beef and emerich as his friends? they had always been his coworkers, but as their criminal exploits around the park escalated, their camaraderie had also grown in a way that hadn't registered with him until now. smiling softly under his mask, montrose headed out to the main area of the arcade where the others were already waiting. "sorry to keep you boys," he said jovially, "let's do this!" putting an arm around each of their shoulders (or more like their lower backs, beef and emerich were both much taller), and telling them: "i can't think of two other people i'd rather steal the gallspire with!", montrose felt ready for anything.
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