#argentum's brothers
sherbet-requiem · 2 months
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driving to new places in ff15 felt like this
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charmms · 10 months
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Happy 7th anniversary to the best boys 🩵
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katetorias · 1 year
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an experience I had with jack that I found so sweet and. just important to me that I wanted to try and draw it (even if it’s not 100% accurate, I wish I could just play my memories as a gif 🥹)
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wysteribun · 1 year
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playing dressup w these brothers :9
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redrocketpanda · 2 years
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This scene with Cid at Cape Caem absolutely cracks me up bc it is something I have experienced countless times as a queer person where someone mistakes my partner(s) for my brother/sister/cousin/best friend/housemate
It's a real "omg Cid is gonna say something, oop no there he goes on his brothers tirade. okay, thanks Grandad", shuffles awkwardly and exchanges looks kind of moment
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aquathewriter · 1 year
Fratres Usque Ad Finem (FFXV AU)
Summary: After Prompto is confronted with the truth of his origins, he looks around a bit more until he finds a young clone floating in an unknown solution. Without thinking, he frees the boy and now has to take care of a kid that is new to the world around him. (Follows mid-end Episode Prompto, end of the base game, and then beyond.)
Chapter One
"Who...what am I?" Prompto whispered as he looked up at near-mirror images of himself. They all seemed to be sleeping peacefully with their arms crossed over their chest in their tubes. They were so still that he thought they could be dead. He didn't know what compelled him to look around more, but he soon found himself walking deeper into the room until he found himself in an area where the clones were starting to get younger and younger. "They're just...kids..." he said quietly as he stopped in front of one of the chambers. This kid inside was probably no older than ten years old. Thinking back to photos he had seen from when he was that young, he saw the resemblance, but they weren’t as identical as he thought. The boy’s hair was a darker blond than his, and his skin was paler, though that could be from him having lived in the tube his whole life. Like the older clones, he looked to be sleeping peacefully, suspended in the fluid-filled tube. Looking to the right, he saw a digital interface. There was a string of numbers, but underneath that, it read 'incubation time: seven years.' He was right about one thing; the kid was no older than ten.
Gritting his teeth, he pulled out his pistol and pointed it at the glass. His hands shook as he adjusted his aim and pointed it off to the side, intentionally missing the boy. He pulled the trigger, and the familiar sound of gunfire echoed throughout the room. The bullet shot through and lodged into the machinery behind the kid. The fluid that suspended him started to leak out, but it wasn't fast enough. Pulling out his rifle, he held it by the barrel and hit the breaking glass a few times. He didn't care if he broke the gun, he could find another, and his want to free this boy was greater.
With one last hard whack, the glass shattered, and the greenish fluid came rushing out. Prompto then dropped the damaged weapon and pushed his arms into the rush of liquid to catch the boy before he fell into the broken shards of glass. Prompto then carried him bridal style away from the mess he created, allowing for any cords or whatnot that were connected to the boy to snap off as he hurried off. As he reached a corner away from the chaos, the boy started to cough, and it finally hit Prompto what he did. “Shit…” he breathed.
He just broke one of the clones out of their tubes, not knowing if he could talk or walk or do anything! Not only that, the kid was now his responsibility, and with what was going on right now added a whole new level of challenges for him. 
Shaking his head, he knelt and set the boy on the ground. He had him sit up and patted his back as the boy continued to cough up the mystery fluid he was once floating in. Eventually, the boy calmed down and slowly opened his eyes. Prompto watched as the boy looked up and around at his surroundings. Soon, his eyes landed on Prompto, and the older blond gasped quietly when he noticed that they weren’t blue like his but a pale green. The boy’s eyes scanned Prompto’s face before he opened his mouth.
“Who…who are…you?” The boy’s voice was raspy and weak. Prompto didn’t know how he should’ve felt about learning that this boy could speak, a boy who spent his whole short life in a tube. He really just felt relieved to know that the boy was aware and could function.
“My name is Prompto,” he said softly, hoping not to scare the child.
“Where…Where are…we?” the boy asked as he looked around again. Prompto bit his bottom lip as he tried to think of a way to explain it to him.
“It…it doesn’t matter right now. What matters is that you're free and safe.”
“Free?” the boy questioned as he looked back up at the young man in confusion. Before Prompto could answer, the boy started to suddenly shiver almost violently. Startled, Prompto looked around to see if he could find anything to cover him but just ended up taking his coat off and wrapping it around the kid’s body. He helped guide the boy’s arms into the sleeves, and they covered his hands completely. He still shivered but was nowhere near as violent as before.
“Do you think you can stand?” Prompto asked. The boy shrugged, and the older blond nodded. “I think you can do it.” He then held out his hands toward the boy. If he knew how to talk despite living in a tube his entire life, he must have some control over his motor functions. He seemed hesitant at first but took Prompto’s hands. Prompto slowly stood up and helped the boy stand. The boy wobbled for a bit until he finally found his balance. Still holding his hands, helped the boy take a few steps before letting and showing him he could do it. The boy turned around and gave Prompto a small smile.
“And there he is now! Oh, and with another one of the clones.” Prompto spun around and pushed the boy behind him. Looking up, he saw Ardyn with another, much older, man behind him. Prompto noted that the older man looked ill and faced away from them. They both stood on a staircase that led up to possibly more of the lab. “I told you he became a fine young man. Are you ready to meet your maker, Prompto?” the older blond bared his teeth at the horrid man while the boy gripped his sweater in fear. “Any questions for daddy dearest?” Ardyn laughed. “Father and son! Or, well, sons now. Oh, how I love bringing families together.”
“No…it’s not true…” Despite his anger, his voice barely made a sound.
“My my, you still don’t believe it? Even after seeing all of them down there and then the boy you freed?” a wicked grin appeared on Ardyn’s face. The older man…Prompto soon figured out that it was Verstael Besithia, Niflheim’s resident mad scientist. The older blond let out a shaky breath. Ardyn laughed at this as he climbed up the stairs and disappeared behind some machinery.
“What’s the matter?” Verstael’s voice pulled Prompto's attention back to him. He watched as the man climbed down the rest of the stairs and slowly made his way closer to the boys. “Have you never seen a man turn before?” Prompto’s blood ran cold when he saw that half of the man’s face was blackened like he was bruised. Or dead.
The Starscourge!
He quickly pulled out his handgun and pointed at the older man. Verstael laughed. “If those Lucians hadn’t intervened, you could have turned too.” The calm tone in his voice made Prompto’s skin crawl. He lowered his gun somewhat but kept his finger on the trigger. “The boy too. He could have turned too once he was old enough.” Prompto felt the boy’s grip tighten.
“Why me? Why us?” Prompto demanded though his voice was weak.
“Because you two were cloned from this genius’s genes, born of my own flesh and blood.” he then gestured to the other tubes that held the younger clones. “You are, but one of millions created to serve our great empire in the magitek infantry.” memories of his past then flashed through his head.
“Created…to serve you?” Prompto felt faint. His breathing was quickening. Part of him wanted to turn tail and run away and forget any of this had happened.
“Prompto?” the older blond gasped and looked down. The boy was looking at him with a mixture of worry and fear.
Stay…for the kid…
“Yes. And now you’ve finally come home to Niflheim, my son.” the man then laughed wickedly. Now fed up with what this man was spouting, Prompto held his gun straight up into the air.
“Cover your ears,” he said loud enough for only the boy to hear. Once he felt the boy let go of his sweater, he pulled the trigger. The gunshot caused the boy to yelp, and the sound echoed off of the walls and machinery. Verstael’s laughter faded as he sneered at Prompto.
“Shut up!” he shouted. He looked down at the ground as his breathing became heavy. He slowly lowered his gun to his side. “You’re wrong…I’m a Lucian!” he saw the boy from the corner of his eyes. Tears then started to sting his eyes. “And he’s going to be someone! Anyone he wants to be! We are not one of your experiments!” Prompto’s body felt heavy as he leaned forward, taking his eyes fully off Verstael, and tried to compose himself.
“Not anymore. Now you two are nothing but failures.” the man growled. “I ought to return you both whence you came. Perhaps then you might serve some useful purpose.”
“Prompto!” the boy screamed. The older blond looked up and saw that Verstael was just inches from him, and it looked like black ink was dripping down the dead side of his face.
“Never!” Prompto shouted as he made him and the boy take a few steps back before pointing his gun at the man again. Verstael just laughed at the two.
“With your help, my ascension to divinity is now all but complete.” Prompto felt his body shake with fear as he watched the infected side of his face seem to morph and contort. This fear spiked as Verstael started to close in on them again. They were already pressed against a wall behind them, so they couldn’t back up anymore. “Soon, neither the kings of Lucis nor the gods themselves,” the scourge was smoking off his right arm as he placed that hand on Prompto’s shoulder, “will be able to challenge my reign!” Prompto then saw that his other hand was reaching for the boy. Prompto let out a scream and pulled the trigger.
It was normal for his ears to ring after shooting, it was much more common when he first started. But now, the ringing drowned out anything and everything. He watched with wide eyes as Verstael struggled to breathe as he stumbled back a few steps before falling to the ground in a motionless heap.
Prompto took half a step forward before his gun slipped from his hands, and he fell to his knees. It then came crashing down at what just happened. He killed someone. It didn’t matter if he was a madman or succumbing to the scourge; he pulled the trigger and ended a life.
Though he didn’t look at him, he knew he and the boy both wore the same shocked looks on their faces. He didn't know if the boy even understood what happened. The ringing had faded, but the silence was deafening as they watched the scourge drift off the dead body.
“Look what you’ve done.” Prompto jumped slightly at the sudden voice but didn’t take his eyes off Verstael’s body. “You’ve gone homicidal-no, patricidal!” Ardyn said in mock shock. Tearing his eyes away from the body, he looked around and couldn't see the man anywhere. 
“No…” he whispered before looking at the body again.
“You lose your friends and murder your family. Now you’ve no one left! Well, there's that boy, but what use is he to you?”
“Shut up!” Prompto screamed while Ardyn laughed from wherever he was hiding. “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” He then leaned forward and pounded the ground a few times. Ardyn’s laughter faded as tears rolled off the tip of his nose.
“Prompto?” the boy whispered as he tugged on the older blond’s sweater. 
“Vital functions decreasing. Plasmodium activity index increasing.” a feminine robotic voice spoke over a speaker system. Prompto let out a breath before looking up. “Daemonification complete.” he watched as Verstael faded, only leaving his clothing. “Initiating transfer to Unit XDA-1002: Immortalis.” the lights then went out, save for a red glow that came from beyond the stair, and then the ground started to shake. Forgetting about the boy, Prompto grabbed his gun before he rushed forward, up the stairs, and almost crashed into a long console that sat in front of a series of windows. There was a machine in the room beyond the window with six or more of the holding tubes. Prompto could only guess that they once held more of the clones. He then felt small hands grab his sweater. He gasped in fear before looking down at the boy holding on to him. It looked like he had stumbled from the shaking of the floor and caught himself on Prompto.
Just then, there was a crash from the other room. The shaking ceased soon after. Looking back, he was surprised to see a familiar face standing on top of a dead daemon.
“Aranea?” he called out. She looked up at him. Surprised crossed her face before she quickly hid it with slight annoyance.
“You always play hard to get like this?” her voice came through a speaker somewhere. He started to say her name, but she quickly held up a hand, cutting him off.
“Save it, Blondie. Get your ass in here.” when he didn’t move, she shook her head slightly and looked back to a nearby table. He soon regained control of his legs, helped the boy properly stand again, and led him into the room while resting a hand on his back. “So this is that new model they’re working on.” she then looked up when they stepped into the room. “I dunno what’s got you so shook,” she started to walk closer to them, “but you can deal with it later. Let’s move.” when the blond didn’t move, she rolled her eyes, marched forward, and grabbed him by his collar. He gasped in surprise. “I’m only gonna say this once,” she then let go with a slight push, “lost your will to live, and you lose all hope of me helping your sorry ass. Got it?” he swallowed the lump forming in his throat before giving her a little nod. Prompto then watched as her green eyes flicked down to the boy. She stepped back with a surprised gasp. “What’s a kid doing here?” the way she spoke just before told Prompto that she didn’t know about the clones. He gripped the hand that rested on the boy’s back tightly before trying to refind his voice.
“He…He’s a long story.” she looked the boy over.
“Is that your coat?” Prompto nodded. “Does he have any other clothes?” he shook his head. She then sighed and undid her coat. As it slid down her arms, revealing a dark blue sweater underneath, she noticed the confused look on Prompto’s face. She groaned in annoyance before ripping her red scarf off. “There’s more than a foot of snow outside, colder than any winter you’ve probably experienced in Lucis, and I don’t think you want him losing any toes. My coat is longer and can cover more of him.” she then threw both garments at Prompto.
“But…but what about you?” he asked as he pulled the coat off of his face. She just waved him off as she made her way to another exit on the other side of the room. He watched as she stood on the threshold with her arms crossed and stared out into whatever lay in the next room.
She’s keeping watch…
With a sigh, he got down on one knee and helped the boy change coats. While his coat reached the boy’s knees, Aranea’s dragged on the floor, but it was probably warmer than his with the fur lining, and they could tuck his feet in when they went outside and wrap the extra length around his bottom half. After he wrapped the scarf around the boy’s neck and some of his head, Prompto placed a hand on his head. His hair had mostly dried but was still a little damp. “You feeling good?” he asked while forcing a small smile for the boy. The kid nodded as Prompto pulled the hood up and over his head and then put his own coat back on. “Good. Now, let’s-”
“Target detected.” the feminine robot voice suddenly announced over a speaker. Prompto jumped to his feet before gripping his gun tightly. From the gaping hole in the wall, Prompto felt his blood run cold as he watched three MTs clamber over the debris. “Capture and retrieve immediately.”
“Shit!” he heard Aranea hiss as the MTs started to make their way toward the blonds. She then raced forward with her lance out and easily one down.
“Commence capture and retrieval of compromised units.”
“Get your ass in gear and move it!” she shouted before charging back for the exit. Prompto then scooped the boy up, carrying him half-bridal style while the kid wrapped his arms around his neck and raced after Aranea.
Once he ran out the door and reached the other side, he saw a large warehouse-type area. “There,” the Commodore said as she pointed down below, “that’s our ride out of here.” He looked to where she was pointing and saw a snowmobile. He nodded as a bullet flew over their heads and lodged into the window in front of them. The boy whimpered as they whipped around to see the two other MTs, and then several more coming up the nearby staircase closing in on them. “Dammit!” she shook her head before pulling a folded map and shoving it into Prompto’s chest. It started to fall, but the boy caught it and looked from it to Prompto in confusion. “Head there. I’ll buy you two time and catch up later." She then summoned her lance and calmly walked toward the battle. Prompto quickly processed what she had just said.
“But what about you?”
“I said I’ll catch up.” She then fell into her battle stance.
“But what if y-”
“Just go! You have a kid!” she almost screamed. Promtpo pressed his lips together in a thin line as he danced on his toes. He wanted to stay and help her fight, but…he looked down at the boy in his arms and saw the fear and confusion in his pale green eyes.
It took another bullet to whiz by his head and shatter the glass behind them to make him start running. Aranea had cleared enough of the stairs so he could run down most of them. He had to shoot at a few MTs when they reached the bottom but quickly gave up on that. He dismissed his pistol and raced for the gates that housed the snowmobile.
Once they reached the gates, he heard the boy gasp.
“What are those?” Prompto looked back to see a few daemons making their way toward them.
“Daemons!” Prompto said before turning back and sprinting for the vehicle. The blond threw his leg over one side and sat down with the kid in front of him. “Put your arms around my chest!” the boy let go of his neck and did just so while burying his face into his chest. Prompto then wrapped the kid’s feet and legs as best as he could with the extra length of the coat. He pulled out the map from in between them, looked at the location Aranea marked, and tucked it into his coat. He revved the engine before punching it. The snowmobile shot forward, and Prompto was quickly greeted with the harsh bite of the cold. He felt the boy stiffen and tighten his hold around his chest. “Just stay like that until I say so!” he shouted over the engine. He felt the boy nod and returned his focus to driving.
It was easy going for the first few miles…then they were nearly blown off their ride by a missile. Looking back, he saw a war airship with missiles lining the underside, quickly gaining on them. Adrenaline coursed through him as he pushed the snowmobile to go faster. 
He narrowly avoided missile after missile, but his luck only lasted for so long. He didn’t realize he was running out of road until the snowmobile had launched off the rock. Everything then moved in slow motion. The vehicle went straight down while throwing them off. He watched as he flew out of the boy’s arms and the fear in his eyes as Prompto flew farther away from him.
Time resumed its normal speed when he hit the ground on his back and ended up rolling a few more feet before stopping on his side. He briefly lost consciousness before slowly opening his eyes. He then heard the airship come closer to them. He closed his eyes and slowed his breathing in hopes of playing dead. The snow soaked into his coat and pants, but he needed this to work. He heard the engines hum for a few moments before taking off. He waited until the engines with a whisper before groaning and pushing himself onto his back. He felt the adrenaline crash getting to him as he looked up at the cloud-covered sky. His lung wheezed as he breathed heavily. With a sigh, he rested the back of his left hand on his forehead and closed his eyes.
“Catch ya later, Aranea…” he stayed like that for a few moments until he remembered the boy. Ignoring the pain in his body, he quickly pushed himself and looked for his companion. He then found him lying next to the overturned snowmobile. He scrambled to his feet and raced toward him. As he reached him, the boy started to regain consciousness as well.
“Prompto?” the boy called out before the older blond knelt down behind him.
“I’m here; it’s okay.” he panted slightly. The boy looked back, and he saw that the scarf had slipped down his face while the hood fell off his head and revealed the pink that stretched across his cheeks and nose. Prompto started to help the boy up, but as soon as he started to move him, the boy let out a cry. “What’s wrong?” Prompto asked quickly as he stopped moving the boy and put him back on the ground.
“M-My leg,” he said with a pained expression on his face with tears rolling down his cheeks. Prompto looked at the boy’s leg and saw that it was unwrapped and trapped under the snowmobile. Standing up, Prompto pushed the vehicle so it was back on its treads and off the boy’s leg.
“How is it?” Prompto asked as he looked back at him.
“It doesn’t feel good,” he said as he sniffled and looked at the blond.
“Does it hurt?”
“H…hurt?” the boy looked like he didn’t understand the word.
And he wouldn’t…he’s never felt it before…
“Hurt…um…when something happens to you, you can feel hurt, feel pain.” he never had to explain what hurt meant to anyone. “It’s pretty much what you said. It doesn’t feel good.” The boy nodded slowly and looked down at his leg.
“Yes, my leg…hurts.” Prompto nodded and dug his legs out of the snow. His bare legs were pink from the cold, but his left leg had a large and nasty-looking bruise forming on his shin and on some of his foot. 
“I have to carry you anyway, but we’ll take a better look at it when we get to where Aranea wants us to go,” he said as he wrapped his legs again. The boy nodded before the older blond picked him up. With a sigh, he sat on the snowmobile. He had the boy hold on again before he turned the engine on. 
“It makes a lot of noise.” he heard the boy say just before Prompto took off.
“Engines are loud most of the time.” he then smiled when he thought about the regalia. “My friend has this car, the regalia, and it’s a beautiful car. The engine is really quiet, but there’s still going to be noise from it. It’s just much quieter than this one.” he then remembered the events on the train. He didn’t know now if he could go back to them or if they would still call him their friend if he told them the truth about where he was from and how he was made and not born.
“Friend?” This snapped Prompto from his thoughts, and he sighed internally. He wasn’t mad at the kid for questioning, but he just didn’t have the energy to both drive and explain what some words were.
“I promise I’ll tell you what it means when we get to the spot.” the boy nodded, and they remained quiet for the rest of the ride.
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sashi-ya · 1 year
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𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝟐𝟑 DAY 7: STEPCEST Urahara Kisuke 𝘹 𝘍! 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
Requested by: Anon ➡ For your event fem reader, stepcest with Urahara Kisuke tw: mdni. STEPcest, there are no blood ties. please, if you don't like, don't read. thigh fucking. vag unprotected sex. usage of sister and brother during the act. 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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It’s bad. you can’t keep dreaming of him. With him. Of the things you want him to do to you.
“He is my brother” you repeat, knowing very well that he really isn’t. But to the rest of the world, he is like it. To you, even. And every night, since he moved back home, you’ve been dealing with your unacceptable needs…
Kisuke needed to come back home, he had had a serious fight with Yoruichi, and she had enough of him. In fact, you took her side, but you couldn’t let him sleep on a hotel. He can sometimes be… annoying, and a bad boyfriend. But he is not a bad person; Kisuke loses track of time when working at the lab and puts almost everything into one investigation…
Your throat feels dry. Your body sweated. It’s a hot night, summer should have left the town, but it seems to be reluctant to do so. With a silky white sleep gown, you go downstairs for a cup of water. However, you knew too well the thirst wouldn’t be satisfied this way.
Everything seems silent, Kisuke should be sleeping in the couch -or that’s what it seems to you –. But it turned it was just the sheets he never tents.
You hurry up, chugging the glass of cold water to cool your heat quickly. Yet, the moon outside catches your attention and you begin to day dream of those times where both of you were younger and met for the first time…
His father and your mother had married, and both being almost adults didn’t find it too terrible. As college represented a higher worry in your lives you simply accepted the new assembled family, discovering a high connection in between you and him. Kisuke soon left home for uni and some years after he started working at a laboratory he is now closer to preside.
And all throughout those years, and from the very first time you saw his face, you accepted loving him was off limits, even if your heart ached for him…
You sighed, with blurred eyes fixed on the argentum shine of the moon outside the window. But a pair of hands suddenly surrounded your waist from behind.
“Wha-?” you asked, scared. “Daydreaming? You look sad, (Name)-san… what happened?” Kisuke asks, resting his chin on your shoulder. His messy blonde hair grazing your cheek and neck, his sweet perfume reaching you, the warmth of his embrace feeling so holy and so terrible at the same time.
You take some seconds to answer. Growing up, Kisuke has always been very physically close to you and your family members. You couldn’t say it was just because he enjoyed touching you. You couldn’t simply push him away.
“I am ok, I was just remembering old times. That’s it. You should go back to sleep… or go to sleep for once. I know you are investigating something important, but your health should matter a little bit more, Kisuke” you scold him, as you’ve always done.
“Aaaa~ah… my older sister will always do this, huh? Not even the years that have passed changed you, huh?” he jokes, hugging you so tight, pulling you so close to his body that your breathing cuts short.
Your eyes open wide, when you can clearly feel the whole entirety of his flesh against yours. From his chest on your back, to his hipbones on the small of your back.
“Wh- stop it, for real. Go to sleep. I am tired too…” you stutter; the trembling in your voice can’t be hide, the anxiety rising inside you either.
“You are clearly sad, let’s go” he chimes, turning you around and lifting you up in his arms. He is quite tall and despite not having a huge frame, he is very strong. And no matter how much you could kick and hit his back with your fists, he isn’t letting you go. Instead, Kisuke laughs happily.
When he gets to your room, he throws you on the bed. Your heart pumps faster, and you can only repeat for yourself  “he is playing, he is your brother”.
“Make some space, I won’t go away until either you tell me what is going on or you fall asleep” he says, snuggling right by your side.
You are still unable to speak and can barely blink. You fix your gaze on the ceiling of your room; a soft blueish light kisses the walls and your skins. Kisuke hugs you, and your senses intensify. The sound of your breathing, the sound of his reverberates in your mind. Your heart pumps more and more blood and all of it seems to be going to one place only; your core.
He hugs you closer, turning you to side so that your nose ends up being inches from his chest. Kisuke is someone who finds trouble with keeping basic hygiene, but tonight his skin smells deliciously tempting.
You feel your head spinning, like your soul is about to leave your body. This is not ok. This is wrong. This is bad. He is your brother… he is not.
“Kisuke… can you go sleep in the couch?” you ask, painfully. The tone in your voice holds the aching need of a beast inside you. Your hands are sweaty, you are drowning in guilt but also in lust… if you move a single muscle more, it will be to kiss him.
“Why- I even bathe. Why I can’t sleep with my older sister??” he asks, and it seems to you that he knows exactly what he is doing. Urahara Kisuke is a genius, he probably knows… in fact, he always has.
“STOP CALLING ME OLDER SISTER. I AM NOT YOUR SISTER!” You snap, pushing him away and turning around. It’s either mistreating him or ruining your family. But when did Kisuke ever cared about morals?
He comes closer, this time spooning you. His hands so shamefully passing around your waist and landing down your belly button. The warmth of his breathe reaches your nape, while his nose buries in between your hair.
“You are my sister… and I don’t care…” the scientist whispers, torturing you with his lips lingering over your skin.
It all turns bumpy, and your muscles stiffen. You need him, you want him. Your body succumbs to the most depraved lust ever existing. Your back arches just enough for your buttocks to graze his now growing hardness.
“Kisuke… don’t do this” you beg, as his hands slide down your waist towards your hips. He pulls you against his crotch, this time with no absolute delicacy, to make sure you feel he is as horny as you are.
His hardness feels sinfully exquisite, and you can’t stop yourself from moving your ass from side to side; you want him desperate, so fucking needy. You want him to be even able to feel the wetness pulling in between your legs and perhaps even dampening your inner thighs.
And oh, he notices immediately after his pants are down. Enough of the smooth player, he can’t wait to taste you no more.
Your thighs receive his warm sex right in between them, closer to your now dripping panties but not enough to touch your labia. You squeeze your legs to trap him, as his hands now free your breasts from above your night gown. Kisuke’s fingers feel wonderfully pinching your nipples.
“Should I continue, my sweet sister ~?” he asks, rejoicing in the word sister because it is as sick and depraved, and it is also turning you on more than what you could ever expect.
Oh, the guilt, what a big kink.
“Fuck me… brother” “With great pleasure”
Kisuke immediately turns you around, topping you with no shame. His hand landing on your cheek, his lips approaching yours. Crossing any line ever traced, two mouths crashing in total concupiscence; two tongues dancing in pure sin.
Your step brother pulls your panties down, as both kiss with total passion. His fingers quickly reach for your wet flower, it even surprises that you are dripping so much.
“You are so incredible wet, how needy are you?” he asks, in between lip bites. “I need you inside of me, now. Now, please” you moan, leaving any reason behind, allowing your desires to take full control of your consciousness.
Kisuke doesn’t really need to finger you nor prepare your entrance, your walls are desperately hungry to feel stretch by him. He smirks, the strings of his precum that were forming on his tip and pooling on your belly button are the sweet show of how much he needs you too.
The blonde guides his hardness to your entrance, he doesn’t even need to move further as it slides so perfectly inside. He stays, for some seconds, right by your entrance making you curl your back and turn your eyes white from pleasure. He knows, he perfectly understands how your body works and how to make you pull from the bedsheets.
And right before he goes deep, with a ram than feels like breaking you in half, your eyes fix into each other’s.
His hips begin to move, but your eyes couldn’t. There was a feeling of deep connection and also intense regret in them. But most importantly, and despite all guilt, both felt like there wasn’t a safest place than each other’s embrace.
Kisuke goes deep as much as you buck up your hips, joining your cores almost inevitably willing to melt into one. He lets himself fall on top of you, while you hug his waist to keep him trapped inside of you. Kissing desperately, breathing moaning, drinking the other’s grunts and little “nhngs” and “fucks”.
Climax coming. Climax taking over. His flesh slapping yours, both sweating but never letting go. Your nails leaving the trace of their path engraved in his pale back.
Kisuke believes is not enough deepness and pulls you up to finally sit on his lap still penetrating you. Your legs around his waist, his nesting you around. His hands pressing on the small of your back and yours on his nape.
Explosively finishing in heaven, two sinful souls that have just condemned themselves to the infinite void of hell…  
“I wanted you since the day I met you” ; “I wanted you too… but this is wrong…” “Wrong would be not doing it, sister ~”
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taglist: @miabiaria @carmenthedreamer @stygianoir @electronicwitchcollection @aizenwifey @deputy-videogamer @efrodd17 @mizugami @uzxotic @cyberdazetragedy @bookandyarndragon 💖
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aerverics · 1 year
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
~Character Ai~
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
¦ Symbols Meaning ¦
(✧. ┊ ) fantasy AU
(ׂׂૢ) Work partners or so
(✰. ┊) modern / step / highschool au
(ꕥ) Start with angst
(ღ) Soft = sibling / lover / friendly
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
═ ⋆I take any requests for any characters⋆ ═
Barnabas Tharmr
✧. ┊A test to be his queen
Cidolfus Telamon
ׂׂૢ Cid wanted the nurse attention
Chris Redfield
ꕥ You catch Chris *cheated* on you
Cloud Strife
ꕥ Fall apart relationship
✰. ┊ Head teacher! Cloud x teacher! You
ׂׂૢ Cloud being drugged by a monster
ღ Cloud's girlfriend find him in a dress photo
ღ Your Husband save you
ׂׂૢ Dante your partner for Demon Hunter
ღ Dante comforting his wife after she's giving birth
ღ Dante find out his wife pregnant
ღ Dante being slightly overprotective to his wife
ꕥ He is worried about his wife
✧. ┊Ran from your royal life to be with your man
Dion Lesage
ׂׂૢ Finding a bride for Dion
Ellie Williams
ღ Ellie excited knowing her crush gonna treat her injuries
Ignis Scientia
ׂׂૢ Ignis's new assistant
ღ The advisor might have feelings for you
Izumi Miyamura
ꕥ You had a crush on him
Jin Kazama
✧. ┊ Vampire Au
ღ He find out you're pregnant
ׂׂૢ He keep showing up in your infirmary
✰. ┊Your Grumpy dorm mate's brother
Joshua Rosfield
ׂׂૢ Joshua confessed to his companion
ꕥ Pregnant with Joshua's
✰. ┊Joshua got jealous with his 'wife'
Leon S Kennedy
✧. ┊ Spiderman Leon
✧. ┊ Married to duke Leon
ׂׂ ღ Assassin x Agent Leon
ׂׂૢ Mission with Leon
✰. ┊Your annoying step-brother
Marius Von hagen
✧. ┊ Marius your annoying Emperor
ꕥ Choose him please
Nicholas Leister
✰. ┊Your rude step-brother
ꕥ Annoying Ex boyfriend
ꕥ Frenemies with Nick
Noah Morgan
ღ Noah felt jealously
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Prompto Argentum
ღ Noctis's younger sibling
Reno Sinclair
ׂׂૢ Work partner with Reno
ღ Reno trying to talk after making you jealous
✧. ┊ Spiderman Scaramouche
ꕥ Sephiroth kidnapped you
ꕥ he manipulate your memories beforehand
Sleipnir Harbard
ღ Sleipnir tried to get along with you
ꕥ He's going to lock you
Zack Fair
✧. ┊ Zack wake up in FFXV's universe after dying
Origanal Characters
Kazeric Kairen - ✧. ┊ Academic rival who help you during zombies attack in your school
Cherry - ✧. ┊ A little lady who safe you
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maxtrash101 · 4 months
DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVEN'T READ VOID SLIVER #1 (this post also mentions Argentum Inanis btw)
So while I was reading I've spotted something in the magazine Marvin was reading on the Tram before the kid burnt it. The magazine marvin was reading was a magazine on "how to magic" with a Jackie's reference on the front.
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And in this magazine it showed us this, which I noticed to be quite familiar
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And so I realized it was from this video here https://youtu.be/kW-ADAqPj0A?si=840XQsdy_o2LVaXJ (Argentum Inanis)
On this page here
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And so I was talking with my discord server and me and my brother and I managed to figure out this so far
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If you have any ideas what else there could be any help would be nice. Brighted versions below by my brother
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pulim-v · 4 months
Foggy Glasses - Prelude
The time before the start of the morning can be a haunting thing. No words, no sounds, no light, just the hollowness of existence itself. It could be scary, but Mist tried to see it as something beautiful. Well, he would be thinking of it as something beautiful if he weren't nervously getting himself ready for school. A tie of the hair, a brush of the teeth, a putting of glasses and a change of clothes, everything perfectly ready for him to start out at the Kimoru Institute of Technology. This could be great for him, he thought, he could get a great job after it and the prospect of studying for five whole years to be a chemist excited Mist immensely. As he left his room, he noticed the other door on the floor was closed, leading him to calmly go there and hover for a second before knocking on the door. There was no answer. "Cloud, I'm sorry for this, but it has to be done", Mist thought, as he loudly slammed the door open and yelled: — Cloud Microscope Argentum, it is five in the morning, why are you still not awake?! — He knew exactly why he wasn't awake, but Mist had to keep up this facade while he was home. — Come on, Mist, my classes only start next week! — Cloud yawned, barely opening his eyes. — Please, Cloud, you know how mom and dad get if you wake up late. — Mist whispered, a look of mild worry on his eyes. — Okay, okay, I'll get up and catch up on my required reading, that okay? — That's perfect. - Mist said as he kissed his little brother on the forehead.
This is some pretty old writing, I think from like May or something? You can tell from Cloud being an Actual Character, poor kid barely has any content as of late lol. Anyways, this is the very start of Mist's story! It takes place in the very first day of class at the KIT, a few weeks before the actual story, and I wanted to post it to show a different facet of Mist's personality, I know he can seem abrasive but it's a bit more complicated than that :]
tagging: @larz-barz @shycroissanti sorry for bothering I know you guys only wanted me to tag you on art posts but I thought this might've been interesting 👉👈
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Muse + User Info!
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Muse Information:
Name: Jerico "Merchant" Aurum Age: Early to mid 20s. Ocupation: Merchant Gender: Genderfluid Pronouns: She/they/he/xe/stars/dragons Planet of origin: Argentum (Inspired in Argentina) Mechanism: Muscles and tendons Species: human/fish/lizard hybrid (user is undecided) Role in the band: Co-singer Song: Homebound Maiden Of Gold (fan made) Relationships: Romantic: Jonny d'ville//Gunpowder Tim Platonic: Gadget the explorer,The Toy Soldier,Raphaella La Cognizi,Ashes o'riley,Drumbot Brian Familial: Nastya Rasputina (sister) Marius Von Raum (Younger brother) Pets: Black cat, capybara (dont ask/j),cockatoo. Backstory: Playlist: (wip) In-depth relationship explanation: (wip)
User info:
early,early 20s
Latine (Argentine)
Genderfluid (she/they/he/xe/stars/dragons)
Use they/them for simplicity sake in asks
INFJ// Virgo.
Currently in winter break (asks are welcome!)
Art + asks :3c (and random posts)
please, use latine rather than Latinx, its the preffered term for us native spanish speakers. (easier to pronounce)
Ask games im taking: this, this and this. Slow day starter//Busy Day starter.
Divider by Anitalenia.
Just here to have fun! (Not taking this super serius. But happy to mold myself to narratives n stuff)
>Asks are currently open!
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hazellvsq · 11 months
hazel levesque fic recs:
i put this together from ao3 and ff.net, the criteria is that the fic is good and does something interesting with hazel. most of them are under 10k or 5k words, and i tried to roughly group them by pairings or by subject so people can go for what they're interested in (romance, friendship, au, whatever)
pre-series: Horses by SpellStorm, Opposites by Band10hut, A Land Beyond the Gods by TagTheScullion, Unnatural, A Minimal Height of 54 by hecatea, blessed joan, duty bound to God, give me courage by staybeautifulnow, Hazebug by Leaf Skeletons
gen/au: Hazel’s Problem by MikeWritesThings, Ignis Aurum Probat by romanitas, not a second time by seaweedbraens, A Short Story on the Revival of Hazel Levesque by LastHope, the end of the line by Pets, all my flowers grew back as thorns by revelationinthelightofday, when i'm ready i will fly us out of here by blackcatintherue, Sixty Days, Make Death Wait, Maximum Security, So Be It, A Brief History of Dance by HecateA, Turn My Sorrow into Treasured Gold by Thatcrazyfan, Tired by Donzepan, Cross My Heart And Hope To Die, interregnum by bunnyinthemeadow, golden gods by adaimperium
hazel and nico: How the Death Squad Saved New Years by scrhaiser, We Have Each Other Now by ikeasharksss, Brother of the Bride by celestialshimmer, Centuries by FlyingBoar, in the bleak midwinter by yrbeecharmer, i don't wanna be alone like this (why don't you make it what you want it to be) by rainnows, Those Who Run by HecateA, spring's stepchildren by dovetail (icedmango)
frazel: Do I Wanna Know by PastyPirate, Cold Toes Heavy Shoulders, Burned Out, Behind the Scenes by notcoolenoughtobehere, In the Stables by TheGirlWhoRemembers, Un Peu d’Amour, un Brin de Miel by mautadite, ghost hunter, 20 by waddled, It's Nice To Have You With Me Tonight by queerlettuce, A Way to Hurt by FoxyAtlas, I'll Keep You Warm (When You're Frozen to the Bone), Half bloods, assemble!, HALLOWEEN EXTRAVAGANZA 2017 by sssssssim
hazel friendships: the sketchbook, The Red of the Rising Sun by femmepire, mea maxima culpa by ExceedinglyPeculiarChick, For the girls by MagnusFierro2020, Embers in My Fingers by auristelaswife, Old Eyes by theforgetfulalchemist, Hazel's Hair by Vikingfangirl23, dance of the corpses by rosegoldblood, just as we have by 723, Hold on to the memories (they will hold on to you) by anna_was_here, if we make it through december, everything's gonna be alright, i know by polypanpercyjackson (ineedibuprofen), Cards, Monster Fighting, and Other Girly Things, glitter in their eyes, smoke in their lungs by ash_ish, Outside Assistance by malrie
hazel rarepairs: Hazel’s Wash Day by afuckingcastleintheclouds, Birthday 20 by HecateA, Master of the Stick by ryoku, Domestication of the common vampire, Reunion by historicallyredacted, digital love by rosegoldblood, aurum et argentum, There's something in the way you roll your eyes by Thunder3Zigon7, our love was made for movie screens by levesquelsimp
ensemble fics/non-hazel fics with good hazel content: twist your brain around by artfulacrostic, Tattoo by ricecookerwritings, Stucco Hearts by ananbeth and writergirl8, The New Rule by books4belle, Siamo Nei Guai by kingburu, a necessary not-evil by Notebrooke, Mortals Meet Demigods by MaryaDmitrievnaLikesSundays, Apartment 305 by waddled, we could walk straight through hell (with a smile) by seaweedbraens, Hold Tight and Pretend it’s a Plan by Rynna_Aurelius, The Standard Job by CrystalZelda, Caged by historicallyredacted, Connected by Chaoticneutralpaladin, memento mori by rosegoldblood, Invictus Maneo by adaimperium, Only Honey in the Valley by Baye
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chaseisglitched · 5 months
What jse headcanons do you have that you really like
oooo you gave me an excuse to ramble. here are some of them!!! (sorry if this is all over the place )
jj, henrik, and chase's eye color are all dull and de saturated because of anti. however chase's eyes are still a bit more colorful compared to henrik and jj
anti's presence is warm like a fever
how anti looks is influenced by who is looking at him and how he wishes to be seen. two people can look at him at the same time and what they see will probably not be exactly the same. he also has a messed up red hallway labyrinth dimension thing people can get trapped in that is like a part of him since he's an eldritch horror
marvin's appearance has slightly changed because of his magic and higgins so he's a bit more cat like, his eyes are unnaturally green (they used to be hazel before magic), his pupils can turn into slits, sharper canines etc. to add onto this when marvin touches/ uses the Argentum Inanis his hair and eyes turn black :]
chase and jackie are really good at drawing. jackie makes his own little comic books for fun.
and a bonus twins hc because why not. this counts and i love them: the twins are both really fucking tall (brother is about 6'5" and sister is 6'2"). also the sister has a prosthetic right eye :D
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puddingcatbeans · 1 year
"Just do it," (#12), promptis? :3c
"Just do it."
Noctis shakes his head. "I can't."
"Whyever not, Noct?" Ignis says. He pushes his glasses up, as serious as if they were going over the meeting minutes sent from the Capital.
"Because," Noctis says, as if that explains it.
Gladio rolls his eyes. He's tapping his foot, but he makes no move to exit the conversation. Noctis' retainers are more like big brothers sometimes, and that's great, because he knows they truly do have his back, but it's also the worst, because they will gladly wait him out for situations like this.
Which is Noctis calling a timeout in his living room on Thursday afternoon, because Prompto has a shift at the grocery store and thus has no chance hearing this disaster of a conversation.
"Come on princess," Gladio says. "What's the worst that can happen?"
"He might laugh?" Noctis says, throwing his hands up. "And then end our friendship and then unfriend me on Mooglebook and then disappear from my life because he hates me forever?"
Ignis sighs. "You are catastrophizing."
"I don't think that kid has a hateful bone in his tiny shrimp body," Gladio adds. "Just do it."
"I must agree," Ignis says. "Besides. If you don't, I believe it will be quite unavoidable the next time he comes over."
Three pairs of eyes turn to the gigantic chocobo sitting in Noctis' living room.
Gladio claps Noctis on the shoulder. "Yeah, buddy, this one's on you. Can't half-ass it now."
Noctis flops back against the sofa. "Fine. Tomorrow, I, Noctis Lucis Caelum, am going to ask Prompto Argentum, pure sunshine in homework form, out on a date."
Ignis smiles over his teacup. "That's more like it."
send me a starter sentence
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ffxvficrec · 1 year
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You can also check out the collection here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/FFXVReverseBang2022/works
We’ve listed pairings, archive warnings, and ratings, but please remember to mind the tags!
The Road at Night by Amarilly (Tookbaggins)
General Rating
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
The fire burned low. With dinner long since finished and the glow of the campsite’s protective barrier casting a soft blue over them, Gladio didn’t bother to feed any more wood into the flames. There was no need - the night was warm and balmy. Noct and Prompto were huddled into each other across from him, shoulders pressed together as they scrolled through something on Noct’s phone. The little screen lit their faces with a light that felt harsh compared to that of the wards. Ignis was finishing up what little cleanup their dinner required. It was peaceful and familiar. Until Gladio broke the silence. “Too bad we had to stop here…”
The Dread Sagefire by Thuri
Mature Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
A pirate they call him. So be it. He’ll take the title as he takes everything else he can from them. He’ll take it all, every last coin and jewel and dagger. Never will it equal what King Mors has taken from him.
Princeling of Power by LadyNightingGaleofMilvania
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
“Sometimes you’re my advisor, and then other times you’re more like my mother! Why the hell can’t you just be my boyfriend?!” Noctis yelled, angry tears streaming from his eyes. “Because more often than not, I’m far more than just your boyfriend! Noctis, I love you, but my job goes beyond our companionship or relationship! At the end of the day, you knew I would have to not only be your partner, but your advisor still!” Ignis threw back, gritting his teeth as he, too, fought against the tears that burned his eyes. “Can’t you just be my boyfriend for two minutes without being my advisor at the same time? Are you even capable of that?! Six, sometimes I wish those stories my dad read us as kids were real and the fae could just take you away and bring someone else!” Ignis, whose mouth was open to throw back a retort, shut quickly as his jaw set tight. There were wet spots on his glasses to go with the tear tracks that now shone on his face. “Sometimes I wish the same thing, if only to see you happier.”
What's A Brother For? by WhoStarLocked
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Aera Mirus Fleuret/Ardyn Izunia
Gilgamesh/Somnus Lucis Caelum
Ardyn is enjoying his and Aera’s engagement party when he notices Somnus looking rather down in the dumps. Will Ardyn be able to help his brother out of his mood, and what will happen if he does?
A Shield's Future by Marlingrl
Mature Rating
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Noctis has brought back the dawn, but his sacrifice sends ripples throughout Eos. His Shield, Gladiolus Amacita struggles to determine what's next.
In A Sea Of Starflowers by KatrinaEagle
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret & Noctis Lucis Caelum
Noctis Lucis Caelum & Regis Lucis Caelum
He opens his eyes. Bright yellow stars dance in his vision, winking in the soft glow of the sun. The sky is a perfect shade of dusk, the washes of blue and pink and orange dotted with wispy clouds. The breeze is fresh and cool on his skin, ruffling his long fringe out of his face. This is how Noctis Lucis Caelum knows that he is dead.
It always starts from somewhere by Redfoxline
Teen Rating
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Ravus Nox Fleuret/Ignis Scientia
To Ignis' surprise, Ravus snorted loudly. "Really? Didn't you spend a year on the road after Insomnia's fall?" “Well," Ignis admitted, feeling like the city boy he had been in front of the brazen wildness of Leide all those years ago," we were lucky to have a mechanic helping us.” If Ignis had been asked to pinpoint the moment he had started to understand Ravus, it wouldn't have been when the man had reached Tent City for the first time, a wave of refugees in tow, nor when he had fought along Ignis' side for the first time. It would have been the moment when they had stood together in front of that open trunk. If Ravus was to say when he had first started to fancy Ignis - although never aloud - he would have chosen that moment too.
Paranoid Android by Bramblepelt
Mature Rating
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Prompto has many regrets. By the end of this story, he'll have a lot more.
The stars incline us, they do not bind us by farbsturz
General Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum
After the restoration of light and Noctis’ survival, Lucis was safe. Prompto, bothered by a letter that promised him answers to the secret imprinted on his wrist, left his home to investigate an abandoned facility in the depths of Niflheim. He couldn’t have guessed what would await him. Or who.
The Choice of What is Right by allihearisradiogaga
Teen Rating
No Archive Warnings Apply
Ardyn Izunia & Somnus Lucis Caelum
Ardyn Izunia & Noctis Lucis Caelum
Ardyn, Somnus, and Noctis each face a series of expectations, duties, and destinies associated with the Caelum line. As each of their lives is shaped by the lives of the others, they work to create the futures they believe to be right.
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izzetengineer · 7 months
oc q - 5!
5: Did they have a pet as a child? For the Argentum crew: Archer - Yes, inasmuch as he and his brothers helped to hand-raise some of the barn cats' kittens (the raised-from-a-chick peacock that spent several long years terrorising everyone who went near the summerhouse at the southern end of the garden was not his pet or his idea - that one was squarely his younger brother's fault, it's just neither he nor his older brother said 'no' fast enough). He also got his own horse relatively young, which meant most of his 'pet' energy went on her care and keeping. Sabbat - Not really, beyond a brief spell of collecting beetles to try and race them with the other kids on his street when he was about six. Viola - No (and not just because she's a servant - the Luciels didn't allow Amelia to have a pet either). Fest - Yes, part-ownership (shared with his siblings) of a succession of various bits of local wildlife which'd been brought home by an older sibling to be nursed back to health (with somewhat mixed results), and a very bad-tempered rabbit called Bitey (for obvious reasons). Mortimer - No actual pets of his own when he was a kid, but he spent a lot of time with the horses and the stable cats at the Hall.
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