lilgreenfox · 5 months
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A map of the Shattered Steppe, a swath of land guarded by the draco-lich Amontiquette 💎🏔️🗺️
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xploringmap · 4 years
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Dragon's valley. . . #map #bnwart #dragon #sketch #drawing #mapmaker #cartography #rpg #rpgmap #ttrpg #fantasy #fantasymap #handdrawn #dndmap #dnd #maps #artwork #inkwork #gamemap #roleplaying #mapping #fantasyart #areamap
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kemp3d · 6 years
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An #AreaMap can be a nice addition to your marketing package when selling #NewHomes or building a new #Development. Have Kemp 3D create an area map for you! We can even create an online version with clickable links! #Builders #Developers #Architects www.Kemp3D.com https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqu_Pvjg5Yu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v17jp3l0srhd
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brightonhomes-blog1 · 6 years
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Brighton's new homes are located in Burlington, WA and are now available for sale. Discover directions when you plan your visit to view our beautiful new community. 
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urbansoulrelax · 5 years
2019.09.07sat_heuvel 2019 at Grand Cereus Village [伊東市,静岡県]
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2019.09.07sat-09.08sun heuvel 2019 at Grand Cereus Village [伊東市,静岡県] Entrance   ¥2,000- Tent site[one tent] ¥1,500- [music] 09.07 13:00-22:00 09.08 09:00-15:00 poodle Y-park(URBAN SOUL RELAX) DATCH(THREE1989) KOW aimi 401 Lene Kadotech saorinn DENDEN SHOGO okada *22:00-33:00は、音止めになります。 [Live paint] おきももい [Food] 吉原食堂 main Bar COSMOS = = =
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Camp site: Grand Cereus Village
https://www.grandcereusvillage.com MAP ( https://www.grandcereusvillage.com/about/?AnchorLinkID=AreaMap ) [GRAND HATTE]:: music,Bar,Food,Livepaint [GRAND PICNIC FIELD]:: Tent site [Access] 熱海駅から宇佐美駅までJR伊東線で17分。 ※宇佐美駅から施設まではタクシーをご利用くださいませ(タクシーは基本的に常駐しております)。 ※徒歩の場合は約25分(長い坂を登る形になりますので、ご注意ください)。 more https://www.grandcereusvillage.com/access/ [SPA info] テント泊ではなく近くの民宿に泊まるという選択もあり。タクシーで1メーター近くに温泉などあるので、そこで汗を流すことも。 https://onsen.nifty.com/usami-onsen/
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= = = [Outline] 昨年にオープンしたばかりの静岡県伊東市宇佐美にある、キャンプ場。grand cereus village にて東京都内を活躍中のDJのpoodle Y-park DATCH(THREE1989) KOW aimi 401 rena kadotech saoriin DENDEN SHOGO okada Live paintには都内を中心に個展など精力的に活動しているおきももい。 food shop吉原食堂やmain BAR COSMOSなどありますが、 友達ときて、自身で買ってきて、BBQなどを楽しむのもあり。お酒などもご自身で準備してOKです。 キャンプ場内の一部のスペースにて、都内で活躍のDJ達が夏が終わるのを惜しむかのよう彩る日。 日帰りでも!泊まりでも! heuvelオランダ語で「丘」という意味です。 *台風などの自然災害の時は、中止になる可能性があります。
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japaninfostand · 6 years
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happycloud0108 · 7 years
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這裡,我想是自己在旅途中經過,必會按鈴跳車的地方; 這外型十在頗為吸引人, 這神宮入口的造型,也太像印象中動漫中的"龍宮"了吧!! 也或許是恰巧面對著關門海峽, 也讓人有更多的聯想吧!!
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這裡其實是挺有歷史意義與傳說的地方, 且加上旁邊的日清講和���念館, 更是讓喜愛舊時代與新時代歷史的朋友們, 都會想來一探究竟的地方。
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赤間神宮是祭祀在平氏和源氏發生爭執的大規模內亂, 源平合戰(1180年- 1185年)的最後的戰鬥,壇之浦合戰;
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敗北的平家由二位尼抱著幼帝·安德天皇投水的與平家有關的神社, 這也記錄著平家的滅亡。 當時兩位尼姑抱著年僅八歲的幼帝·安德天皇投水自盡, 這裡就是為了紀念安德天皇所建的。 
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赤間神宮倚靠著山,並遙望著當時投水的海所建; 對面就是門司港,左邊是關門大橋。
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引人注目的水天門,被塗裝成朱紅色的模樣, 鮮艷美麗就像是龍宮般的模樣, 讓人好奇想入內, 但知道這裡的歷史後,不免讓人有些心寒, 聽說在安德天皇投水後都未發現他的遺體, 因為要慰鎮的的怨靈,所以才興建了阿弥陀寺,到明治維新以後改為天皇社, 後來才改成我們現在所知的"赤間神宮"。
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引此與一般神宮不同的是, 這裡一開始的興建是寺廟,並非是神宮, 所以跟我們熟悉日本神社的模樣略有不同; 且這裡還是日本著名怪談「無耳芳一」的舞台, 更讓這裡增添了不少靈異的神祕感。
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今日天氣晴,因此較不會感受到詭異的氛圍, 加上,我們並未特別走近平家一門の墓(平家一族的七盛塚)。
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據說每年5月的「先帝祭」在安德天皇的忌辰舉行, 用以懷念幼時絕命的安德幼帝, 去曾經的平家的女官赤間神宮參拜的話, 可以看到豪華絢爛的猶如再現的時代畫卷; 這應該會很有畫面,但也必須要對這段歷史有所了解。
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來到時候恰巧是秋季, 神宮角落有著楓紅, 即使是沒有陽光灑落的角落, 依舊挺美麗的;
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聽著旁邊的團體說著日本怪談「耳なし芳一」的故事, 名為芳一的盲眼法師住在阿彌陀寺裡, 他有一天受邀去人家家裡演奏, 後來對方希望他可以連續七晚都來這裡演奏;
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但寺院裏頭的和尚看芳一行徑怪異,後來就尾隨在後頭, 才發現原來芳每晚都到了安德天皇的墓前演奏, 且周圍還有無數平家的鬼魂圍繞.....
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後來其他和尚為了保護他,就在他的全身上下寫滿了經文, 說這樣平家鬼魂就不會發現他了; 後來,夜晚鬼魂又來了, 他找不到芳一人,但卻發現了一雙耳朵, 就把芳一的耳朵給帶走了, 原來是和尚忘了在芳一的耳朵上寫上經文................
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啊~~~還好現在不是農曆七月, 不然還真是有點毛毛的耶!! 赤間神宮內確實也收納了與平家有淵源的珍貴資料寶物館, 如有興趣的朋友們,可以付費入內參觀哦!!
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說真的,歷史與傳說的結合, 這種似有似無的鬼故事還真是最嚇人的, 不過,這也最能讓人傳頌許久; 如果對於平家的歷史有興趣的朋友, 相信這裡是很重要的一站。
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在高處看著對面的港口, 想起了幾年前播出的大河劇"平清盛", 彷彿更能了解那段歷史了。
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旁邊的高級旅館春帆楼據說是當年李鴻章簽屬馬關條約的地方, 旁邊有一棟"日清講和紀念館",
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這裡,應該是不少台灣朋友們, 所不想來的地方;
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帶我們前去的日本友人,表情有點尷尬的模樣...... 紀念館中保留著當年中國與日本簽訂馬關條約的文物,
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主要的代表是大清帝國的特使李鴻章,李經芳, 日本的代表則是伊藤博文和陸奧宗光, 就在這裡,這張桌子上,台灣就這樣割讓給日本了,
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簽署了馬關條約; 外頭還有兩位的雕像......
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嗯~~~~這段歷史,就不多聊了!! 對了山口縣的河豚很有名, 外頭的河豚雕塑很可愛, 另外連走在街道上看到的水溝蓋是"河豚", 還真是可愛呀!!
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原本只是覺得這赤間神宮宛如龍宮入口的門很吸引人, 沒想到入內之後,看到了平家衰敗的那段歷史與日本怪談「耳なし芳一」;
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離沒幾步的"日清講和紀念館:,竟然還是馬關條約的簽署第..... 繞了一圈,過了馬路再次看到赤間神宮的水天門, 心情也就大不同了。 ...........................................................未完,待續
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相關資料,有需要的朋友們請自取: 赤間神宮 網站:http://www.tiki.ne.jp/~akama-jingu/ryuguden/index.html 地址:750-0003 山口県下関市阿弥陀寺町4-1  電話:+81 83-231-4138  開放時間:参拝時間6:00~18:00、宝物館9:00~17:00 如何前往:從JR山陽幹線「下關車站」乘坐巴士約10分鐘。 從JR山陽新幹線「新下關車站」坐巴士約20分鐘。
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日清講和記念館 網站:http://www.kanmon.gr.jp/areamap/seen/karato/k_10.php 地址:750-0003 山口県下関市阿弥陀寺町4-3  開放時間:09:00~17:00
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【日本,本州,山口縣】來唐戶市場(Karato market)感受當地人吃河豚,立足本州看九州,左右觀日本海與瀨戶內海。
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marlaluster · 5 years
This not posting as a pic, a map of the Carribean w some mention of the ownership.....
Gif link: https://www.worldatlas.com/img/areamap/continent/caribbean_map.gif Google search result link: https://images.app.goo.gl/HS2w4tgCp17BVEtM7
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tokyo-burari-blog · 7 years
Odaiba(お台場) | Tokyo, Japan " Tokyo Burari" [ Let's Walk The City TOKYO!] Vol.19
◆The woman who walks the town(Sanponin) Hina Sasaki:佐々木���な Twitter : https://twitter.com/NNyon56 Blog : http://ameblo.jp/hinaispicaso/ HP:https://www.nbgf.jp/archives/team/sweet_surrender
◆Odaiba (Tokyo,Japan)  http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3008.html http://www.gotokyo.org/en/tourists/areas/areamap/odaiba.html
"burari" means "Being without any purpose" in Japanese Tokyo is the capital city in Japan. You may already know about another several downtown in Japan like Shinjuku, Shibuya, Asakusa and Akihabara.
However, there still exists Japanese ancient streets and landscapes when you choose one other street in such towns
In this channel, looking for The landscape we, Japanese, haven't seen yet with Sanponin (a person who take a walk with us) and introduce you the beautiful town in Tokyo.
「Let`s walk the City Tokyo!」
Guess, what kind of spot you can see! You'll be able to find a new spot. "Let's walk the Tokyo!" with Sanponin!
“ぶらり”(burari)とは、日本語で「目的や当てもないまま」という意味です。 日本の首都、東京。新宿、渋谷、浅草、秋葉原など外国の皆さんもすでにご存知の街も数-多くあるのではないでしょうか?しかし、そんな街にもひとつ道を入れば日本の情緒溢れ-る町並みや風景が数多く残っています。
このチャンネルは散歩人とともに、私たち日本人も知らない風景を探しながら美しい東京の街並みを皆さんにお伝えします。 どんなスポットや新たな発見があるのか?
散歩人とともに「Let`s walk the city Tokyo!」
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iksathrob · 4 years
Falling building activity during COVID-19 is poised to create a housing shortage that would make it harder for aspiring homebuyers to get a foot on the property ladder once the pandemic blows over. Development approvals for new housing this year sank to their lowest level in close to a decade, with building levels nearly one fifth long-term trend in some areas, analysis of ABS data showed. Building activity was especially low on the northern beaches, eastern suburbs, north shore and inner west, with most of Sydney’s new projects concentrated in Blacktown, Parramatta and southwest Sydney. MORE: Eight-year-old boy wins auction for five studios Sydney’s most popular streets revealed Property experts said the tight supply of housing would benefit homeowners as it would create a safety net for falling values and limit some of the damage from the COVID crisis. But it would throw a curve ball the way of first homebuyers, who would be competing for a dwindling level of stock in some areas, making it harder to get discounts. Consultancy group AreaMap’s director and former head of research at Charter Hall Group Chris Freeman said a similar situation laid the groundwork for a 2014 boom in prices. Underbuilding in the years after the global financial crisis in 2009, coupled with a sudden drop in interest rates, created a supply and demand imbalance that sent prices skyrocketing, he said. With rates expected to stay at record lows for years to come, the next housing shortage could have a pronounced effect on the market once confidence returns, Mr Freeman added. “One key factor for Sydney now is approvals relative to the population base, which at 0.62 approvals per 100 people in population is the lowest in recent history,” he said. Source: AreaMap. “In a normal market, Australia as a whole adds about one dwelling approval per 100 people on average each year.” A critical indicator of the looming undersupply was that Sydney was building fewer homes relative to the population than in 2013, just before the market went into a period of strong growth, he said. “It’s impossible to know what will happen to the market because of COVID but when it passes, if they find a vaccine soon, the (lack of supply) could cause a quick turnaround in prices in some areas.” The northern beaches had a particularly low supply of housing, Mr Freeman added. “Across the northern beaches during FY-20 only 523 approvals were recorded for a population of almost 275,000 people … property in the area is so tightly held.” The northern beaches has the smallest pipeline of new projects. My Housing Market economist Andrew Wilson said apartments in high-density areas would be the weakest markets in Sydney because there was an abundance of available properties. With rents dropping rapidly and vacancies rising, many of the investor owners of units may soon be forced to sell, which would further increase supply, Mr Wilson said. The supply and demand dynamic was different for houses in low density suburbs, considering there were fewer available properties and they tended to attract the most demand from families, he added. The post Housing shortage looming in parts of Sydney as pandemic drives down construction appeared first on realestate.com.au. from news – realestate.com.au https://ift.tt/3aw1lbG
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kurimshow · 7 years
" " -- My Comments : 今回はネット裏にがぶり付きます(笑)
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theiconfair · 4 years
Map & Navigation vector circle glyph icons pack 2
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15 Map & Navigation circle glyph icons pack icons pack free vector icons in SVG, PSD, EPS and AI format file available for commercial use. Read the full article
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akb48b · 7 years
【朗報?】ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL2017 タイムテーブル発表!欅坂46はGRASS STAGE!!【48G】
1: 47の素敵な(pc?)@無断転載は禁止 ©2ch.net (ワッチョイW 5735-q/w5) 2017/06/23(金) 14:30:31.03 ID:7CY+GAvs0 8/12 GRASS STAGE 10:30~ 欅坂46 11:50~ miwa 13:10~ KANA-BOON 14:30~ RIP SLYME 15:50~ きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ 17:10~ ポルノグラフィティ 18:30~ RADWIMPS http://rijfes.jp/2017/timetable GRASS STAGE 大草原に位置するROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL最大のステージ。 ステージの大きさも客席エリアの広さも、国内の野外ロックフェスティバルにおいて最大級。 http://rijfes.jp/2017/areamap 続きを読む From…
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kemp3d · 6 years
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An #AreaMap can be a nice addition to your marketing package when selling #NewHomes or building a new #Development. Have Kemp 3D create an area map for you! We can even create an online version with clickable links! #Builders #Developers #Architects www.Kemp3D.com https://www.instagram.com/p/BpmnTVBgHr3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gwfk7rf26bpa
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nothema · 7 years
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チーム8 全国ツアー 宮城県公演 チケット発券開始!座席表はこんな感じ
815: 47の素敵な名無しさん 2017/05/18(木) 00:24:50.57 ID:GNcv9qz2a 仙台サンプラザの座席表 http://www.sendai-sunplaza.com/hall/visitor/areamap/ 続きを読む Source: GIOGIOの奇妙な速報
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