#are capable of. and ik it's just time war 2.0 but I think it would be fun to see the whole thing on screen
noodles-07 · 9 months
okay I'll say it I want the Doctor to go on a full villain arc. like what they could have done with Ten's Time Lord Victorious thing but give it more time. more spice. I want their companion to be genuinely afraid. I want them to go too far and know it but not be willing or able to stop. I want to see their companion either fight back on their own or go to an enemy for help. having to call on the daleks or even the Master to snap them out of it. I want to see them be honest to god evil. and then here's the important part. I want them to have to live with it. no regenerating get out of jail free card. they have to reckon with what they did. maybe they ask someone to lock them up. maybe Jack throws himself in front of them as they're about to hurt somebody and that's what breaks it. because Jack is a fixed point and he's inherently wrong but they don't kill things because they're wrong. or maybe the TARDIS locks them out. like once they heal from the time war trauma do it again but a little to the left. there is something wrong with me
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