#aquila at it again with all the genius ideas
concernedacfan · 5 years
aquilaofarkham replied to your post “So according to new sources, Connor Kenway/ Ratonhnhaké:ton’s story...”
"no avenue to tell his tale in other media" connor and io:nhiote game for the nintendo switch lets do it
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First thought was a 2.5D platformer like Super Mario or Cuphead where Io:nhiote is the speedy bruiser who hits enemies with her bow, certain kill streaks have her Eagle do sick finishing moves on the baddies, she solves problems and sees solutions and powerups/items that even her dad can’t see, can head stomp enemies with the exception of Templars since they are elite class enemies. She also has the high double jump.
 Connor is the big guy that handles all the baddies. Close/mid quarters with bow,pistols, and melee weapons. Customizable weapons from his iconic tomahawk, sword, native american warclub, and heavy axes. Higher health bar. Can fight and defeat Templar class enemies. Moves slower than Io;nhiote. Can compensate by doing dash attacks. Can’t double jump.
................boy that was a long thought.....
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unbiasedcabaret · 3 years
love death + robots
objectively the most badass name for a tv show
anyways here's my review of the first season. it is ranked. but rankings change depending on whether I wanna look at pretty animation or be invested in characters/story. there are short, slightly (extremely) stupid reviews next to them too.
(Also rankings are so hard. Am I basing it off of rewatchability? how impressed I was on the first watch? would I want to go back to that world? the animation? the characters? my investment in the story? Currently, I'm going off of what feels right and how excited it makes me basically)
18. The Dump: Eh. I couldn’t get into it. Boring animation, like it was definitely good quality, but nothing particularly interesting. Like okay, dumpster monster. Cool cool cool. This felt so long when it was relatively a shorter episode.
17. Alternate Histories: Never have I been so disappointed so fast. The premise sounded so cool, I was really hoping they’d go realistic with this one, explore some really interesting theories/possibilities. If I look at it objectively, pretty okay. I liked hitler’s long legs, did not enjoy the weird prostitute part, and had an okay time at the ending. Eh.
16. When the Yogurt Took Over: I don’t get it. Oh wow, humans are so dumb even the yogurt left us. Or oh wow they were so smart they got everything they wanted genius yogurt. Okay so? I didn’t care about anything happening, because I got over it kinda fast.
15. Lucky 13: Fun. I love pilots loving their ships, especially with this slightly sentient(?) ship thing going on. I enjoyed the rise to the top, could’ve been a less predictable fall perhaps.
14. Ice Age: Great start, I was hooked from the second the civilization started developing. Might’ve helped that I was high as fuck while watching this. Didn’t really go anywhere, there was no resolution, no reason, nothing. Honestly just felt a little underdeveloped, they should’ve pushed it a little. Very cool premise though.
13. Beyond the Aquila Rift: I don’t fully get the hype not gonna lie. Like I was interested definitely but the twist didn’t blow my mind it just seemed like it made sense. Didn’t have the ‘oh fuck’ moment and wasn’t especially blown away by the animation
12. Sucker of Souls: My favourite part of this was when they literally killed the exchange student. Very fun. Also when his head was split in half and it split into layers. Other than that, eh. The cat thing was interesting but then they never actually used it so what was the point. It just went nowhere and wasn’t that cool. Okay, I take that back the chase scenes/fight scenes/anything action was very engaging.
11. Shape-Shifters: I agree with that one guy who said bad-ass. I love it when fight scenes are actually all out because you KNOW motherfuckers tend to hold back for the sake of plot or whatever. I like it as a short though because it’s interesting to think about, I’m just not too interested in seeing where it goes after. (Which is a good thing because they did all the fun things in the short).
10. Three Robots: Really interesting, loved the characters, loved their skewed understanding of human history (kinda makes me question how much we really know about the past). Odd ending but high me was impressed
9. The Secret War: I was super into it. I love a good fight scene, great backstory, great animation. I just watched Aquaman and the creatures reminded me of those guys from the trench, especially with the flare at the end and I’m not complaining.
8. Blindspot: Why does this episode get hate. It’s a heist with robots how is it boring. I personally love heists, especially in the fast&furious style thing. I loved the characters too, and I’m now questioning my ability to get attached to robots this fast. Also enjoyed the murder, because I’m so used to people being saved at the last minute. I would definitely watch the fuck out of this movie because there could definitely be fun ways to fuck with the whole ‘there are no stakes because we can’t die’ thing.
7. Suits: PERFECT. So perfect there is nothing wrong with this like absolutely nothing wrong. I was into it, loved the robots, loved the characters, loved the world. Would wanna go back into this world and see more of it. Just the idea of casual alien encounters is so fun to me. I’d definitely watch this movie. Honestly felt bad when Jake died which is surprising with an 18-minute runtime. Basically, I view this as a little Pixar version of the show and I had a fun time.
6. Fish Night: So pretty so mesmerising so mystical. I wish the fish part went on for longer I would’ve watched the shit out of it. I kinda wanna go and see that whole scene again. Great short. Very perfect.
5. Helping Hand: Gravity but gory. Did not see it coming so it was a very fun surprise. Nothing wrong with this and I would watch again. Especially liked the part where no one somehow managed to save her and she figured it out on her own. (Not from a feminist point of view, more from a predictability point of view)
4. Sonnie’s Edge: Brilliant fucking animation (when the neon outfits/parts thing came I had to replay several times), great fight scene. I shouldn’t have been deceived by that dude’s girlfriend but she was good, so when she extended her nails through Sonnie’s skull it was great. Apart from the animation and the direction, the story did kinda fall flat now that I think about it. Like it felt a bit, okay so? types I think.
3. Good Hunting: Very great animation, great story, great storytelling. Loved the world and the way the world developed. Loved the automatons. Loved the combination of magic and machine. I didn’t expect her to be able to transform at the end so that was extremely fucking cool. Loved that she got her agency back and that the son was able to break away from his father’s habits. Hated seeing that one guy’s dick.
2. The Witness: SEXIEST animation. Spider-verse vibes especially with the bang! or whatever and I wish there was so much more of this. I was definitely more interested in the action sequences than in the weird sex stuff mostly because I saw no point to that. What was the point of the whole vladmir character when we don’t even know what he’s like. Like he was given way too much importance in my opinion. Technically she didn’t even have to leave that room. The loop stuff was pretty cool though like I had to go back to the beginning to make sure because- slight mindfuck. But I think this animation, and this beautiful beautiful world, was wasted on this average ass story. Could’ve been way cooler.
1. Zima Blue: Oh god this was a good fucking episode. Didn’t think it was gonna be this good. First of all the art itself was so cool. The were spray painting literal space rocks you cannot get more anything than that. Then his whole story? His origin? His truth? FUCK me. Also the animation was so distinct. It was so, it’s own. So specific. And it worked so well with the story. I don’t want anymore of this short in the best way possible. Also I thought of this art thing that starts like this but the blue starts becoming better and then a whole universe comes out of the blue and it starts right back where he started - murals of the universe. And his final work is a universe with like a tiny blue square to show that it repeats forever? Idk what that means but I kinda wanna make it but it’d definitely be plagiarism. Also I can’t do art.
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hellolittleogre · 4 years
Dusting off the Archives
Before the Magnificent Seven-Jane Eyre AU there was another unfinished Jane Eyre AU- the Eagle-Jane Eyre AU. I did not come up with this genius idea, it of course comes from Passion and Profession by Demon Rum.
Under the Cut: A Jane Eyre/ the Eagle crossover where Marcus is Rosamund Oliver and Esca is the Reverend St.John Rivers (occasionally channeling Maurice and a teetotal Brideshead Revisited).
Uncle Aquila is Mr Oliver and Marcus is sent to him in Morton when he is twelve and his mother has remarried and his stepfather does not want him around. She’s sent him away to protect him. St.John is maybe eleven or younger, they meet on the moor when St.John admires Marcus’ horse. His family’s financial difficulties has just started and all their horses have been sold, including Esca’s pony. Marcus shares the horse with him and they spend a magical summer on the moors before Marcus has to go back to school.
St.John eventually goes to Cambridge, makes friends with a group of young students, among them Amis Leash, a young student who is also going to be a priest.  They have a very close friendship, walking arm in arm, sleeping in each other’s beds, leaning heads on laps etc and St.John realises he is in love. Immediately tries to cut all emotional ties to Leash without disrupting their friendship too much. He is equally unhappy about the possibility that Amis might love him back as if he does not. Amis becomes engaged and is genuinely in love with his fiancé. They graduate and Amis marries and St.John understands that he loves his wife and spends the night in the church sincerely thanking god for sparing his friend’s soul from the same taint that his own carries. He feels profound relief and joy at the same time as being torn apart, his greatest fear was his feelings being requited.
St.John returns to Morton and the parish there, he yearns for glory and power. Meanwhile Marcus has become a soldier and lost the use of his leg in the war. Uncle Aquila/Oliver comes to ask St.John to come and talk to him and lift his spirits during his convalescence and when St.John declines he promises a donation to the church and school and effectively buys his services. 
Esca comes to talk to Marcus, who is very low. By this point St.John has schooled himself out of compassion and is very cold, made from marble. If Esca, with his horrible soul can live righteously then anybody should be able to do it, and he has no compassion for anyone who falters.
He tells Marcus: “God does not give us more than we can bear and he has made you strong.”
 Slowly, slowly they fall in love, each subtly responding to the presence of the other, St.John flushes and kindles and becomes more compassionate, less marble but understands his emotions and refuses to let them rule him. Declines the invites Marcus makes him, even when he is obviously stupidly in love. Marcus is much more oblivious to his own emotions and can’t understand why Esca treats him like his dearest friend one moment and so cold the next, and his refusal to extend their intimacy.
Jane Eyre arrives to Morton. A variation of the scene at the school where she realises that S.t John/Esca is in love with Rosamund Oliver/ Marcus. Esca can sense her shrewd eye seeing him but also that she understands him and his wish to live better and more gloriously than his circumstances. Jane Eyre inherits the money from here Uncle and finds out that St. John and his sisters are her relatives and shares her good fortune. When his sisters no longer has to teach he decides to go where his soul is not chafing at the bit, and become a missionary for the glory of God. Esca fails to persuade Jane to marry him, in the last minute she turns away from him and he mourns that she has gone to live in sin with Mr Rochester. 
When Marcus hears that Esca has decided to travel the next month without taking leave of Marcus he goes to the church in Morton and confronts him They fight it out in the church and Marcus lays out his emotions and demands that Esca answer him. St.John answers that he loves him but for the sake of their very souls he has to go or act on his feelings. It is precisely because he loves Marcus that he has to leave him. To his view it  would have been better if they had not spoken and not acknowledged their feelings. 
“So you do love me?” Marcus asks,the joy on his face cutting Esca like a knife.
“Like my soul is melted with yours.” Esca answers him
They kiss until St.John declares that they absolutely cannot. And then they kiss some more. St.John declares that they can never see each other again, if they see each other again they will only fall into sin, the physical rendering must be complete and total.  
“Every contact with me taints your soul, that I love so dearly.” he tells Marcus, who clings Esca, holds him and begs him to stay but he is like stone and can’t be swayed.
St.John leaves the next day, sees Marcus from the train, he’s riding along the tracks on a hill.
St.John goes to Kolkata, is a complete failboat, he finds that nobody wants to convert. Builds a school in a rural district, takes up the abolitionist cause, catches malaria and dies. 
Or nearly dies, on his deathbed Esca has a vision of being safe and sound with Marcus. The missionary reinforcement arrives and finds him nearly dead underneath the cross in the church. They take him back to Kolkata and then as soon as he is even slightly recovered they stick him on a boat to England (nobody likes St.John, he has a stick permanently up his ass and he makes everyone else look bad). Esca gets better when the weather becomes cooler but his health is ruined forever and he can never go back. He arrives back at Morton earlier than anticipated  and instead of waiting for the carriage he decides to walk, which is a bad idea. Halfway home he collapses on the moor and is found by Marcus out on a ride. “How did you find me?” he asks, he had asked his sisters not to tell anyone he was coming home.
“Didn’t you call me?” Marcus answers. “For the past six months I have heard your voice every morning calling me out of the house to ride the moor.”  Marcus puts him in front of him on the horse and they ride to the house, they snuggle. Esca is content, his soul is whole.
“I left a part with you and man cannot live without his soul,” he tells Marcus.
After his relapse on the moor Esca must convalesce, he finds out through gossip under his window that Marcus is likely to get married to a local lady, when Marcus visits and is surprised by his chill he makes a stilted reference to this. 
“I should not presume, and on the whole it is better for you” he says and Marcus laughs and assures him he is not getting married. They talk and kiss. St.John suffers qualms but the flesh is weak after like five years of pining. Now God has given him joy and he would be ungrateful not to take it. Marcus makes him see that they are not put on the earth to be unhappy and all creatures must exist as God made them. St.John writes to Jane to apologize for being an ass.
And then they are happy gay Yorkshire farmers.
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