#approximately 14 work hours on getting the mods in and doing basic tweaking; engineering; and testing
violet-dragongirl · 9 months
...so sadly I'm back in the Bethesda Caves....again...[angrily] chasing shadows and modding FO4... So far things work...but knowing how that game is...*sigh*
Anyway main thing is I've been really into overgrowth/forest environment mods lately for that game and I decided to take my old one out since it was giving me so much trouble last time and try another, but there's another out there that's actually more overgrowth AND trees than just...trees.
But it's still in beta and requires so much reading (reading the process to get it in the game ain't the problem btw) that I decided to just sit in the discord, read, and wait.
The one I have now should suffice with the theme of the game I got going so far but yeah...for a while I got tired of the Scorched Apocalypse look cos seriously that's been over done for games/stories that start like...200+ years (basically Post Post Apocalypse) after the Post Apoc started and like...I'd like to think that nature is a LOT more resilient than we'd like to write about in stories sometimes so having a mod that reflects that...ish...not perfect or scientifically accurate, but enough to where like...it gets the point across that you're in a world that's been through a lot worse nature wise and is now "healing"...even if that healing is just...Not Good for your chances of survival in said Post Post Apocalyptic Story.
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