#appearance: sitting room only with tony marion
derekklenadaily · 2 years
firesidechat: Phone a friend? #moulinrouge #broadwaytiktok #nyc #musicaltheatre #derekklena
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moonbeammuses-a · 7 years
👍 (Erik, Tony, Marion)
Send 👍 for 5 headcanons about my Muse
 Erik takes incredible care of the watch Charles gave him. He opened it once to memorize the gears and parts so that if it ever got damaged he could reform it. He also is so in tune with it that he can FEEL when it needs to be wound. After he and Charles had their faling out, he kept the watch on him at all times, and kept the coin from his childhood inside the cover, so when he opens it, he is greeted by the sight of the coin on one side, and “not alone” on the other. 
 Erik can sing fairly well, but will only do so for his children. The exception to this is if he is drunk with Charles. 
 Erik’s favorite season is spring, because everything is so vibrant and alive and colorful and different from that one white room. 
Eirk isn’t bad with technology, not by any means, because he was around as technology advanced, and had time to learn the ins and outs of coding and computers.   
Erik prefers nighttime over daytime, because the dark can be comforting to him compared to harsh bright light. Harsh lighting makes him incredibly uncomfortable.
 Tony holds mega-grudges. That’s not to say that he is petty. He is petty in a joking manner. But he is also forgiving of most things to a point, as he is the sort for outrageous practical jokes himself. to make Tony truly hold a grudge against you is to cross a really big line. For most incidents where this has happened, there is no stepping back across it. 
 Tony texts a lot for work, but when communicating with one of his friends or loved ones, he prefers to call. Prefers to hear their voice and let them hear his, both because it is more personal, and because there’s an honesty in a voice that you can’t hide the way you can in a text.
 Tony’s least favorite season is Winter. Being cold in any capacity makes him incredibly uncomfortable, and can trigger a panic attack if the setting is wrong. 
 Tony likes being complimented, but rarely takes compliments seriously. Especially when they are about his appearance or his company. Complimenting his work, his suits, his passions, the strides Stark Industries made in humanitarianism over weapons manufacturing, that will make him take note. Recognizing and appreciating the things he’s done to try and undo some of his own damage to the planet is a kind of validation he truly appreciates. 
 Contrary to what people might think from a quick glance at him, Tony is incredibly fit. He exercises daily, often while working out issues in his plans and projects, and is surprisingly strong. 
 Marion had a blanket as a child, that his adoptive grandmother made him, that he carried with him everywhere. Over the years, it became scratched and torn, and eventually little more than a ragged cloth. Hr still has a square of the material from the original blanket, and it’s one of the only material items that he treasures. 
 Marion takes little stock in either insults or compliments, to a point. insult his appearance, his singing, whatever, and he won’t really care. Say he looks stupid in a suit, whatever. Call him a freak of nature, or play off of his mutation and use it against him, though, and you’ll hit a nerve, even if his face never changes expression. The worst things he’s been called are a freak and a monster. 
 Marion has very messy handwriting. His slender, graceful-looking hands might make you expect pretty, flowing script, but he has godawful handwriting. 
 Marion never completed a formal education. He is not, however, unintelligent. He’s crafty and great at problem-solving. He’s also not wholly uneducated, because he used to copy out and complete Luka’s homework with her every night when she came home from school. I she could bring her schoolwork home with her, he’d do that, too. He can read and write without sounding like an idiot, though there are a lot of grammar rules he never learned about. Reading often, as he does, helps him maintain a large vocabulary, even if he rarely uses it.
 Marion deals very well with being bored. He can be content to sit quietly for hours, thinking about a variety of things, from running over a story he read, to thinking over the next songs he wants to sing at the bar, re”watching” a movie in his mind, or just relaxing and enjoying peace. With his mutation, peace is treasured. 
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derekklenadaily · 2 years
firesidechat: Derek Klena talking about getting to originate his role in Dogfight #derekklena #musicaltheatre #broadwaymusicals #broadway #newyorkcity #moulinrougebroadway
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derekklenadaily · 2 years
Kathryn Gallagher's Instagram Story (October 18, 2022)
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derekklenadaily · 2 years
Derek Klena's Instagram Story (October 18, 2022)
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