#aphidae aphidae aphidae
sleepy-bear-den · 2 years
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recently my brainspace has been invaded by a colony of woolly aphids. look at them! fluffy bug! how cool! I know it's technically, like, wax, but still! and their wings are so pretty. this picture I like especially because they kind of have a rainbow shimmer. so pretty. so magical. little fluffy fairies fr
I've been reading some articles about aphids recently. apparently there's some confusion regarding their taxonomy. It's very confusing for someone as new as me but it's still so cool to learn about.
photo isn't mine, definitely one of my favorites tho. the credits are in the bottom right corner :]
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cnestus · 2 years
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some bugs i saw at work 18.V.2022 - 31.V.2022
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theymightbebipeds · 6 months
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(Macrosiphum euphorbiae x2, Macrosiphum rosae, Hyalopterus pruni) An Aphidae evening! My iNaturalist 📸: Nikon COOLPIX P100
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memurfevur-archive · 9 months
avonis had to go through SO much fucked up shit because someone in the past was like 'oh magic people are being hunted down and killed what if i killed the magic people then they wont be hunted down and killed because i killed them first!'
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eventcharts · 6 years
Protests spontaneously occur outside Northside Dunkin Donuts.  
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sofdshrine · 6 years
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in memory of sidstudios, reblog this with one of your furbies saying fuck
sid, wherever you are, we wish you well. bakedbeans your legacy will live forever
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Prehistoric cave art suggests ancient use of complex astronomy
Some of the world's oldest cave paintings have revealed how ancient people had relatively advanced knowledge of astronomy. Animal symbols represent star constellations in the night sky, and are used to mark dates and events such as comet strikes, analysis from the University of Edinburgh suggests. 
Saturn (time, observation, analysis system) sextile Typhon (ceremonies conducted in caves). Amycus (pictographs and petroglyphs, descent into the underworld (use of caves or kivas)) quincunx Altjira (remote viewing). Mercury (reason, speaking, writing, education, scientific (analysis)) conjunct Jupiter (education, higher learning) sextile Makemake (data collection to support a doctrine or cause, cave ceremonies) sextile Logos (use of natural order and law to describe and define life (perhaps as far back as 40,000 years ago, humans kept track of time using knowledge of how the position of the stars slowly changes over thousands of years)) square Aphidas (out of body, remotive viewing) quincunx Albion (archetypes).
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The artworks, at sites across Europe, are not simply depictions of wild animals, as was previously thought. Instead, the animal symbols represent star constellations in the night sky, and are used to represent dates and mark events such as comet strikes, analysis suggests.
They reveal that, perhaps as far back as 40,000 years ago, humans kept track of time using knowledge of how the position of the stars slowly changes over thousands of years. 
The findings suggest that ancient people understood an effect caused by the gradual shift of Earth's rotational axis. Discovery of this phenomenon, called precession of the equinoxes, was previously credited to the ancient Greeks.
Around the time that Neanderthals became extinct, and perhaps before humankind settled in Western Europe, people could define dates to within 250 years, the study shows.
The findings indicate that the astronomical insights of ancient people were far greater than previously believed. Their knowledge may have aided navigation of the open seas, with implications for our understanding of prehistoric human migration.
Researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh and Kent studied details of Palaeolithic and Neolithic art featuring animal symbols at sites in Turkey, Spain, France and Germany.
They found all the sites used the same method of date-keeping based on sophisticated astronomy, even though the art was separated in time by tens of thousands of years.
Researchers clarified earlier findings from a study of stone carvings at one of these sites -- Gobekli Tepe in modern-day Turkey -- which is interpreted as a memorial to a devastating comet strike around 11,000 BC. This strike was thought to have initiated a mini ice-age known as the Younger Dryas period.
They also decoded what is probably the best known ancient artwork -- the Lascaux Shaft Scene in France. The work, which features a dying man and several animals, may commemorate another comet strike around 15,200 BC, researchers suggest.
The team confirmed their findings by comparing the age of many examples of cave art -- known from chemically dating the paints used -- with the positions of stars in ancient times as predicted by sophisticated software.
The world's oldest sculpture, the Lion-Man of Hohlenstein-Stadel Cave, from 38,000 BC, was also found to conform to this ancient time-keeping system.
This study was published in Athens Journal of History.
Dr Martin Sweatman, of the University of Edinburgh's School of Engineering, who led the study, said: "Early cave art shows that people had advanced knowledge of the night sky within the last ice age. Intellectually, they were hardly any different to us today.
"These findings support a theory of multiple comet impacts over the course of human development, and will probably revolutionise how prehistoric populations are seen."
Minor planet keywords developed by Philip Sedgwick, used with permission http://philipsedgwick.com/
Centaur, TNO & Asteroid Aspectarian http://serennu.com/astrology/aspectarians.php
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calosoma-amitch · 7 years
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Woolly alder aphid (Prociphilus  tessellatus) , Newark, DE. December 2016.  A species of aphid that is obvious in the winter due to the fact that they tend to cluster and that they have white, waxy masses found on their abdomen, giving them the moniker of ‘woolly aphid’. Although they cluster in large groups, they are unlikely to cause damage to the trees they feed on, of which silver maple and alder trees are their preferred host. These aphids have a complicated life cycle, which involves a wingless form that is mostly immobile, feeding on the vascular tissue (phloem) of trees. These individuals are all female, and are able to asexually reproduce without fertilization ( a form of parthenogenesis) and give birth to live clones of themselves. In early summer, a second morph is produced that includes winged males and egg-laying females, capable of sexual reproduction. These aphids disperse from their host plant and search for suitable mates. 
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theblissfulstars · 7 years
Aphidas: Taken Unaware
Aphidas: Taken unaware
Number: 121725
Energy: yang
Nature: fixed
Element: water
In mythology, Aphidas was a centaur who attended a wedding, a battle ensued during the wedding. Though he was quite drunk, and fell into a stupor, and was killed in his sleep.
In a natal chart, it's where we are stabbed in the back, taken by surprise, accidentally play the victim, try to escape our pain, drown our sorrow.
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minervarosewilliams · 3 years
Asteriod Astrology November 13th 2021
Nov13 Achilles 27 Aries 24
Nov13 Orpheus 29 Aries 59 Rx
Benedict MOON 28 Aries 55
<Achilles is a weak and vulnerable point, Orpheus tried to save his bride from the underworld. Benedict’s Moon is his feelings. In Aries it wants to be independent; square his Sun in Cancer which is quite nurturing and care taking, he’s often at war with himself about what he really wants.><Any way you slice it, this reads (at the moment) as a man who is worried about his ‘wife”>
Benedict’s Sappho 19 Aries 16 conjunct
Sophie’s Roachapproach 19 Aries 3 <This has always been the advent of gambles.>
opposition Sophie’s Spacewatch 18 Libra 51 Rx
Rebekka 18 Libra 58 Rx
SE 19 Libra 23
Nov13 House 19 Libra 22
<I imagine Spacewatch refers to the astrological commentary; Rebekka will forever be the Daphne du Maurier novel referenced by Hamish; and her pre-natal Solar eclipses where she has something to teach the world (positively),>
Nov13 Psyche 11 Virgo 45
Nov13 Aphidas 12 Virgo 35
Nov13 Orcus 14 Virgo 4
Nov13 Apophis 16 Virgo 51
Nov13 Eurydike 18 Virgo 58
Nov13 Ophelia 19 Virgo 48
<Aphidas – Centaur who’s name means ‘not spared’. Yet another Centaur killed at the wedding of Pirithouse, he joined in the drunken raping and killing that made the Centaurs such bad guests. While passed out, he was struck in the throat by a javelin. I would call that instant karma, or at the very least paying the consequences for one’s actions. Alcoholism, killed while defenseless.>.
<Orcus is a Dwarf Planet like Ceres and Pluto, named for the Etruscan god of the underworld ><Punisher of broken oaths.><Apophis is an Egyptian god who looks like a giant snake. He’s known as the god of evil, chaos, darkness and destruction. ><Eurydike was Orpheus’ wife, whom he tried to rescue from the Underworld.> <Ophelia, instead of being Hamlet's betrothed, committed suicide because he shamed her.>
SOPHIE Theoklymenos 9 Virgo 39 Rx
Bus 10 Virgo 48 Rx
Dulcinea 10 Virgo 59 R
Sappho 11 Virgo 27 Rx
Fleming 13 Virgo 47 Rx
Panacea 15 Virgo 47 Rx
Pyrrhus 16 Virgo 19 Rx
Arsinoe 17 Virgo 9 R
Donar 17 Virgo 14 Rx
Achilles 17 Virgo 40 Rx
Unitas 17 Virgo 55 Rx
Fiducia 18 Virgo 19 Rx
<A Seer who foresaw a death and was not believed. Dulcinea was the cheap barmaid prostitute don Quixote saw as a grand lady, Sappho wrote classical poetry about romantic lesbians. Fleming wrote James Bond (who did not respect and was unable to protect women… seeing a theme here yet?)><Panacea is a cure-all, a Pyrrhic victory is one that comes with the cost of losing everything, Arsinoe is Cleopatra’s sister, whom she murdered. Donar is Thor, Achilles again, united and finances.>
BENEDICT Oscarwilde 9 Virgo 25 <Wonderful writer, The Picture of Dorian Gray, famous gay man at a time it was illegal.>
Graves 10 Virgo
Daedalus 13 Virgo 28 <Built wings that were stolen by his son, who fell from the sky.>
Oenone 14 Virgo 11 <First wife of Trojan prince Paris. He dumped her when something better came along,>
Thetis 14 Virgo 18 <Mother of Achilles.>
Bacon 14 Virgo 19 <Romantic poet or delicious breakfast food. You decide.>
Roachapproach 15 Virgo 0 <gambles again.>
Cheshire Cat 15 Virgo 2 <Disappearing cat of unhelpful advice.>
Conscience 15 Virgo 13
Aeternitas 15 Virgo 24 <Eternity>
Whiteknight 19 Virgo 12
Lynch 19 Virgo 28
Geisha 19 Virgo 33 <Lynch the geisha.>
Sophie Sappho 11 Virgo 27 Rx opposition Nov13 Nessus 11 Pisces 58 Rx
Nov13 Sappho 28 Aquarius 21 opposition Nov13 Heracles 28 Leo 36
Nov13 Circe 28 Leo 44
<,Nessus gave Herakles’ wife a coat of poison to ‘gift’ him with. Not only does he rape her, he tricks her into murdering her husband.>
<Circe turned men into pigs or great cats,>
Nov13 Dejanira 15 Libra 14
Hygiea 14 Libra 38
Atropos 15 Libra 53
Narcissus 16 Libra 39
Benedict Zero 14 Libra 32
Truth 15 Libra 38
Sophie Astronomia 15 Libra 31 Rx
Pluto 15 Libra 31 Rx
Arthur 15 Libra 53
Sophie Dejaneira 25 Aquarius 26
Benedict Tempel 25 Aquarius 5 Rx
Porta Coeli 25 Aquarius 13 Rx
Lovers (Arabic) 25 Aquarius 33
Jonbach 25 Aquarius 56
<Everything that Benedict has at 25 Aquarius would rub her the wrong way.>
,Dejanira was Herakles’ wife. This is where you can be hurt and have no defense.>
,<Hygiea – goddess of health and cleanlines>
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hereticaloracles · 5 years
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer: Day of Destiny
“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.” ―L.R. Knost
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Helios’ Astrological Angle on the Lunar Eclipse in Cancer– Here we are, Heretics- on the brink of chaos, an eclipse to rival any other, in a year where fate hangs heavy around our necks like an anchor. What else is new, right? The world still turns, regardless of who is in power, and whether or not we are here to mark its turnings. We lived through the Cardinal Crisis and Mutable Meltdown, and all that came after… all of that feels like so long ago. Things felt more important and desperate then, so much bigger. Now everyone I talk to is just tired. So tired. And that is fair- you’re allowed to be exhausted right now. Eclipses have this way of sucking everything out of you. What you are going through is valid.
And this isn’t just any eclipse, no ma’am- we’re also under the first act of the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. This part is just Pluto and Saturn, Jupiter will come in later in the year, but that’s the big headline. This is the time we’ve been preparing for. This is it. You already know it, deep in you- this is what you’ve been struggling for, this is the reason. More than that you know that this is your time; Time to step up and own who you are, and show us all what you’ve got.
Are you ready? Cause you’re up, Heretics. Let’s see what you can do!
The Sun and Moon, Mercury, and Saturn– Yes, it feels like the world is ending and everything that you have built is falling down around you. Accept that- but it does no good wailing and moaning about it, wringing your hands in consternation. Your choice with this Astro is to fully stand in your own personal power and accept the burden of changing the world to suit your vision or to own your impotence and accept that you cannot stop the worst of what can come; so you must, therefore, shrink your focus to what is under your purview and within your control. Both come with downsides, and neither can be chosen for you. Whichever story you tell yourself right now will be true, whether it is one where you are weak or powerful.
Not only are the stories we tell ourselves important right now but so are the secrets we keep. Eclipses have a way of revealing truths that you might prefer to stay hidden. These will be your Achilles heel right now. My advice would be to disclose what you can and make it so that what you can’t disclose will never ever come to light by any means. This will be uncomfortable for a lot of you, and is not an easy thing to ask- but this is not easy Astro, and it’s more of a demand by the cosmos than them asking nicely. You were given time to come to this of your own volition, but you didn’t, and now your time is up. The goal here is liberation so that you are not held back by anyone or anything. You think that hiding your secrets makes you safe but all it does is make you a slave to them. This is your chance to disclose them before you are exposed.
Minor Planets used: Ceres, Juno, Eris, Arawn, Deucalion, Borasisi, Rhiphonos, Hebe, Arachne, Sphinx
Venus and Pluto– Okay so here’s the thing: You need to choose. You’ve been torn between two very different paths in your life. You are drawn to both of them and both have merit- but here’s the thing, your heart cannot serve two masters. Your choice must be made from the heart, and the hard part is that you are emotionally invested in both paths- but you must choose. You will need to make your choice never knowing if the choice you made was the right one, and you will have to make it knowing that you are actively choosing not to pursue an entire life. There will be an entire version of yourself you are saying no to. This has its consequences, but it may come as a relief to some. In choosing, you will be free of an entire life, its trappings and consequences. Let your choice release you, and boldly go into your new life, unfettered and unafraid.
Minor Planets used: Pallas Athene, Sedna, Hygiea, Hidalgo, Narcissus
Mars, Jupiter, Chiron, and Uranus– With all of this heavy fatalistic Astro in the air, what can you actually DO about any of it? Quite a lot, actually. This is a time for you to show what you are made of, and you can’t do that by bitching and moaning, talking about how much better things would be if they were different. Things are NOT different, they are what they are. Start there and go forward, taking action that gets you from where you are now to where you want to be. Define your goals, and take action to get there. This is major Astro that can help you overcome just about any obstacle in your path, but it has to start with you. Heaven helps those who help themselves, after all- and the more you do on that front, the more that you will find this Astro a ready and willing ally. You are not alone, but you have to walk your path. The only one who can live your life is you. Nothing is set in stone or decided yet, you are still able to change the narrative- but your window to do so is closing. Act now.
Minor Planets used: Varuna, Quaoar, Rhadamanthus, Pholus, Nessus, Aphidas, Klotho, Ophelia, Niobe, Tantalus, Astraea, Magdalena, Siva, Sisyphus, Orpheus, Asclepius
Neptune– The malaise is thick and heavy, and it’s coming from him, y’all. Neptune is the backdrop of the eclipse and he is dragging it all DOWN, yet simultaneously making it bearable. That is the tradeoff with him. So on top of EVERYTHING ELSE, you are going to feel super sluggish and lackadaisical. That, and you’re going to be confronted with serious questions of worth and fulfillment- mostly of if what you’re doing right now is providing you with a sense of fulfillment and self-worth. Are you living your path right now? Are you aligned to your truth? Are you willing to let go of what isn’t aligned, even if it hurts you or others to do so? How far are you willing to go to find your path if you’ve lost your way?
More importantly, in getting lost, have you been able to find others that were similarly off their path? Have you been able to help them find their way as well? The true point of this astro is to bring us home to ourselves, in our truest selves. No one gets left behind- least of all you, Heretics.
Minor Planets used: Mors-Somnus, Dziewanna, Iris, Burney
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer: Day of Destiny was originally published on Heretical Oracles
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isle-of-misfit-joys · 6 years
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thursday says Trick Or Treat! he was too busy to find a more elaborate costume, so he is going as a retractable bollard… whatever that is
[submitted by @acosmic]
ohmygoodness Thursday sweetie you’re doing so good you’re excellent never let anybody tell you differently 
did you know that plaid is my favourite color
in any case
you get an extra Long Tale to befit such a long friend
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that’s ominous
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“would you release me even knowing it might be a trick?” asked Phoeborb, eightly
Hodgepodge hesitated…..
finally, she said “yes. sometimes love takes trust”
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and so Phoeborb was free, and Hodgepodge was very glad
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but Phoeborb had a caution
“do not celebrate overmuch my Noodle Gf” Phoeborb said in her many voices
“there is long and long to go yet, and your journey is not over”
“i know i must go on” said Hodgepodge softly
and so….
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she mcfreakin went forth once more
in another place…..
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Phoeborb found herself in the Furby Cave with the others who had had their shapes used for Tricks
“uh-oh” Flux said
“uh-oh indeed” Aphidae replied
“forBode forbode forbode forbode forbode forBode forbode forbode forbode forBode forBODE  FoR-” chanted Amadeus 
and so it was that the chanting was really annoying, actually, like really annoying like could you cut it out please
but Amadeus had a narrative function to fulfill, and would not cease forboding
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Aphidas got the Adidas! 
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memurfevur-archive · 2 years
Friends Forever
Character(s): Avonis Llabel, Ribrel Masino, Aphida Hollis, Kyllia Dyeyin, Hirnon Llabel, other NPCs
About: A memory from Avonis' childhood; the day he first became intimate with betrayal and blood.
CW: blood, character death, childhood trauma, parental neglect, religious trauma
Words: 3,539
A young Troll sat with his knees to his chest and his hands clutching his ears to hide the mutation everyone knew he had. Hot tears streamed down his cheeks, despite being chastised and lectured how unsightly it was for a child of the goddess to cry so pathetically. It should sound beautiful, saintly, laced with love, not scared and angry. 
He was scared and angry though, and helpless.
His life relied on who would win the argument with the elders. Half of the council believed Avonis should be killed--but not out of hemoist hatred, no; but because he's the child of the goddess spirit. They would be letting her blessing be nurtured and explored early, for they knew Avonis held the genes that would revive him. It would be a show of mercy and awakening. The other half however seemed torn on this, for they believed they should let the process happen naturally with little mortal intervention. Let Avonis die by whatever divine plan the goddess had laid out for him. He was only 2 sweeps. None of them considered that.
"Hi-Hirnon…" Avonis couldn't keep back the fear in his voice. Hirnon looked at him with the same eyes that mirrored back, and the same face that would someday grow into Avonis’ own. He wore the robes of an Auxiliator; he shouldn't have been here ,but his contribution had brought divinity into the world and so he would sit with the rest of the elders. Though Hirnon could see Avonis, he did not feel for him, and looked away, yet Avonis still had hope for someone who didn't love him.
And so for hours, Avonis sat listening to the people who had raised him bicker amongst themselves when the right time to kill the child would be. Avonis didn't understand. He knew he was a child of the goddess; they told him this near nightly. Should this mean he ought to be brave? Maybe the elders would be pleased if he volunteered himself? But shame boiled within him as he knew he would be too cowardly. After all, what if he didn't have those rainbow drinker genes dormant inside him? Was it okay for him to fear the end?
Then, the elders rose in their decision, with Hirnon casting the final vote. Avonis, lip quivering, bolted from the room. He ran as fast as his legs would carry, navigating blindly through the caves and tunnels that made up his small world. He cried, tears blurring his vision; screams of an innocent child echoed, 
"They're going to kill me! Help! Please! They're going to kill me!" 
But every cavern worker knew the price of a blessing and looked on with silent pity. The child was alone; no matter how crowded a chamber was.
"Avonis!" Ribrel looked at him with wide eyes. She too was only a child witnessing the abuse of an angel. She ran to Avonis' side and grabbed him by the wrist. "Come on!"
"Rib! They're going to kill me!"
"I know. Maybe the Overseer can help!"
They raced to the chambers where the Overseer's office was. A balcony overlooking the main lobby and the guards' station further in. Ribrel wasted no time and threw open the door. "Overseer Tokiri!"
Overseer Tokiri was a tall and lanky troll who wore her hair so tightly in a bun that it pulled at the skin on her face, making her appear sharp and vulture-angled and complete with a hooked nose and talons for horns. Despite her appearance, she was usually a warm and kind woman, especially to the younger Jades. Sitting across from her was such a Jade, with short bobbed hair and a scar over her lip earned during her time in the Trials. She nearly jumped to her feet at the sight of her friends entering the office, complete with a warm and excited smile. Tokiri, on the other hand, didn't seem as pleased. 
"Hi Kyllia," Avonis murmured quietly.
"Overseer Tokiri," Ribrel began, "We need your help! It's urgent!"
The smile on Kyllia's face faded and her gaze landed on the Overseer, who grew just as concerned. "What is it?"
"They're going to kill Avonis!"
"The elders and priestesses!"
A relieved expression fell over Tokiri. She settled back down in her chair, "You both knew this day would come."
"We need your help, please!" Ribrel held tightly onto Avonis' hand, her voice cracking, "I don't want to lose our best friend."
"Me neither!" Kyllia spoke up defiantly. "Avonis doesn't deserve to die!"
"Tokiri, he's a wriggler. We're all wrigglers. We can't let him die! It's not fair! Please help us!"
Tokiri let out a sigh, pushed herself from her desk, and approached the children. Kyllia soon joined them, holding tightly onto Avonis' other hand. Tokiri herded them out of her office gently, "Do not be afraid. It'll be okay."
"Thank you Overseer Tokiri," Avonis looked up at her, "I don't want to die."
"I told you," Ribrel beamed, "I told you she'd help us."
Voices were heard echoing down the corridor, and instantly Avonis stiffened. Before long, the council, headed by the Prioress Aphida and Hirnon, poured into the chamber. Avonis felt Aphida's cold eyes land on him, and Hirnon's held no emotion. The child looked up at Tokiri, hopeful of her words.
"Here you are, Hirnon."
"Wait, what?" Ribrel stared wide-eyed at her, "I thought you were helping us! Don't do this!"
"My dear," Tokiri hummed, "It is only temporary. The Goddess Spirit has blessed him, and we are helping this blessing to grow."
"That is right," Hirnon nodded as he approached the kids. "We want only what is best for him and the goddess."
"But," Kyllia spoke up, "What if he doesn't come back?"
Hirnon and Tokiri exchanged a silent look, then, "Come, Avonis, my son. It will be okay. It will only hurt for a bit. You're so important to us. Can't you see how loved you are by even our creator?"
"It's because of my ears, isn't it?" Avonis was visibly shaking, his eyes welling with tears. "You're going to kill me just like all the mutants! I'm a Mutant! I'm nothing but a Mutant!"
"Avonis," Ribrel breathed, horrified. "No--"
"You're not, Avonis." Avonis watched Hirnon fall to one knee and rest his hands on his small shoulders. "You are worth so much more than a Mutant. The Goddess Spirit, she watches over us; she makes sure we are safe, fed, sheltered. She smiles on us the most out of any caste, for we help her bring life into this world. She has given you her wings, for you are her favorite helper. We only want to see you get stronger, Avonis." Hirnon's voice dropped then, "You're my son. Would I let anything bad happen to you?"
Avonis stared at him in shock. The first time he had ever heard any emotion other than religious pride coming from his Ancestor. He let out a choked, "Dad..."
"Avonis, no," Ribrel pleaded. She broke out of Tokiri's grasp and dragged Avonis with her. "He should have a choice! It's not fair!"
"I am disappointed," croaked Prioress Aphida, meeting Ribrel's gaze. "Since when have we started raising sinful priestesses?" Ribrel and Kyllia exchanged horrified expressions; they loved their friend and feared their goddess, but feared expectation and consequences more.
"Come, son," Hirnon stood again and pressed Avonis to him. "It is time."
"I don't want to die," Avonis sniffed, but when that fell on deaf ears he growled and pulled away from his father. His ears shifted and the wings began to rub together making a loud cascading hiss. "I'll cut them! I'll cut my wings!"
"Don't be so foolish," Tokiri hissed.
"Avonis, just run!" Ribrel shouted, making eye contact with Avonis for a brief moment. Nodding, Avonis turned quickly and ran off. Frustrated yelling came from the council as they began to give chase.
"Ribrel! Kyllia!" Tokiri growled, "Enough of this. You are dismissed to your chambers! Now!"
"Yes, Overseer--" Kyllia said in a small voice, but the otherl wasn't as complacent.
"I can't believe you." Ribrel's vision was hazy with jaded tears. A deep chasm opened in her chest, but she felt empty inside, filled only with betrayal and disappointment. "Someday, I'll make sure that I'm the next Overseer; and I will never be like you."
As Avonis ran blindly through the tunnels and rooms of the underground caverns once more, looks of pity and pride glowed on the cavern worker's faces. He tried to block them out; he trusted no one here anymore. The people he loved wanted him dead. He was a small boy in a small world made of rock. He didn't know how it worked, how some Jadebloods could come back to life, but he knew there were some who didn't. He knew that he would be in pain, and Hirnon had confirmed as much. He thought about his own blood coming out of his body. He thought about the people he had trusted watching him die, and only then did he finally realize that they never cared about him. They only wanted him for a mutation he should have been killed for. Should he have been a man, this would incite fury and hurt, but he was a child and for all he knew he was not someone to be loved.
And such was the day Avonis stopped loving himself.
He found himself in the guards' training room, thankfully vacant for now. But there was nowhere else to go; he had run himself to a dead end, and he could hear Hirnon not far behind. He quickly armed himself with a sword from a rack. It was awkward for him to hold, he was too small and his hands smaller. He wasn't even sure if this was a real weapon; do they use real weapons in training? Whatever. It could buy Avonis just a little more time.
"Avonis," Hirnon stepped into the chamber. To Avonis' surprise, he didn't sound angry; rather,  warm and cautious, replacing the troll he knew. Avonis' ear flicked to show that he was listening. "Please, end this. I promise, everything will be okay. Can you turn to face me please?"
"You said you wanted me dead. You and the others."
"I did. But Avonis, this isn't really dying. You'll be alive, still."
Alive? What was Hirnon talking about? Avonis briefly thought of the elders; some say they had died at some point in their lives, only to be brought back by the grace of the goddess. Would it really be okay?
"I'm so proud of you."
"You are?" Avonis almost dropped the sword he hid in front of him. His ears lowered, shoulders slumped; he blinked back the tears in his eyes. "You've…never been proud of me before."
"There's been nothing to be proud of until now."
Those words sliced through Avonis like a red hot knife. He'd spent much of his nights studying as hard as he could, and when he was a focal point of worship he did his best to rehearse hymns and prayers just as the priestesses taught him. If Hirnon raised him, shouldn't he be proud? A child of the goddess working so hard to please…and yet it had come to light that it was never enough until now. All along…all he had to do was die. The young boy couldn't hide a tearful hiccup. Hirnon would be proud of him, and it would be okay.
Hirnon stepped closer and placed his hand on Avonis' shoulder. "It will be okay, son. Would we, everyone who has done their part to raise you, let anything bad happen to you now?" Avonis thought about all the grub eggs that were culled on the daily, for being mutants and freaks and everything that didn’t fit. He thought about his ears, the intricate insect wings that he was hatched with. The hand on his shoulder squeezed, "We love you, don't we?"
Avonis had never been sure of this, but to a child clinging onto the final threads of hope…solemnly, Avonis quietly nodded.
"Then come. Put down that silly sword. Everyone's waiting for you."
"I don't want to feel pain."
"You won't."
"But…isn't death painful?"
"Sometimes. But it won't be this time, I'll make sure of it. I'm the one who's going to do it, so you know it will be okay, right?"
"I don't want to be blessed anymore." He began to tremble as hot tears spilled down his cheeks. "Hirnon… make it *stop*."
"You know I can't; you know it shouldn't be, deep down. You're special, Avonis."
"I don't want to be," he hiccuped. "I want to be a nobody. Like you."
Hirnon's grip suddenly grew tighter on the child's shoulder, causing Avonis to cry out. "People would *kill* to be in your position. Be more grateful."
"I don't want to be."
"You must--"
"No!" Avonis broke from Hirnon's iron grip, and tightened his own on his sword. He spun, having difficulty lifting the heavy blade, but in a sudden leap of panic he heaved it high just as he remembered the guards would do. Hirnon's eyes widened, surprised at the show of dexterity from such a young child even with a disproportionate weapon, but there was little time to react. Though he tried to move, the blade drew a dark jade line over his face.
Hirnon cried out as blood spattered to the ground, grimacing loudly. He covered his face that was soon stained by green. Avonis' heart dropped to his stomach, fear pooling where dread had been. 
Hirnon slowly peered at him over his fingertips, scleras that were once gold now a burning crimson. "You little *brat*!"
He lunged and gripped Avonis' shirt, roughly pulling the kid to him and making him drop the sword. The child screamed, his hands and face smeared with his father's blood. Avonis tried to break free, but Hirnon's fingers dug deep into him. He cried out in pain and tried reaching for the sword again, but ceased when Hirnon yanked his head back by the hair. "That is enough!"
"Please," Avonis croaked in agony, "Please don't hurt me."
Then, suddenly, Hirnon's eyes widened and his hold on Avonis' loosened. He coughed, and a waterfall of blood began to trickle from his lips. Some of it landed on Avonis' forehead. Hirnon pushed his child away, and Avonis fell on the ground where his eyes caught a glimpse of what had happened.
Ribrel trembled behind Hirnon, her hands wrapped around the hilt of another sword, not unlike the one Avonis had just held. Tears streamed down her cheeks; Avonis remembered suddenly that he had never seen her cry before. But after the fear passed, she met his eyes and nodded, and Avonis then understood that this would be the only way to save his life. He lifted the heavy blade and struck blindly, letting the sword sink in. 
It was an uneducated poke, but a fatal one nonetheless. The weapon found its way between the ribs to pierce Hirnon’s blood-pusher. His breath hitched, and he convulsed weakly between the two children. Avonis' lip trembled as he saw his own reflection in Hirnon's frightened eyes; he was looking into a mirror, finding his own face as his father's blood bled all over his hands. 
Hirnon fell onto his side: the mirror was broken.
Quick footsteps echoed down the hall; no doubt the others had picked up the scent of blood. Ribrel ran to hide behind a pillar of rock, leaving Avonis alone to face the consequences. He hissed her name, but she did not come back. 
Now, the rest of the council grouped around the entryway, looking with wide and horrified eyes at the sight of Hirnon. Accusing eyes lingered on the blood on Avonis' hands. Then, whispers; the council talked among themselves with words too soft for Avonis to hear. The child stood, shaking like a leaf, holding the sword used to finish off his own ancestor. He dropped it and backed himself up against the wall.
Prioress Aphida stepped forward, observed the body closer, and nodded as she turned back to the council. "Auxiliator Hirnon Llabel has gone to the arms of the Goddess, sent to her by her very son."
"In cold blood?"
"No." Aphida looked over her shoulder at Avonis cowering against the wall. "Tell me child, did you do this by yourself?"
Avonis swallowed a lump in his throat. He was tempted to look in Ribrel's direction, but feared it would give her away. What would they do to her if they knew? He nodded slowly.
"For a child your age to lift one of those swords is astounding, let alone two. And to land such fatal blows..."
"The Goddess protects you," Aphida gave a warm smile, but it was the type of warm that was so hot it felt stinging cold. "We were wrong in our judgement."
"Does that mean you won't kill me?" Avonis looked up with wide, hopeful eyes.
"For now. The blessing will grow however the Goddess Spirit sees it to." Aphida looked to Hirnon one last time, "We will mourn the departure of an earnest man, but we thank you, Goddess, for such direct and swift intervention." Gratitude and prayers echoed behind her. Before long, Hirnon's body was carried out of the room. 
The council resumed their seats, the priestesses observed their holy rituals, and the Overseer filled out the paperwork to declare the death of one of her workers. Avonis was searched over for injuries, and once none were found, he was sent back to his chambers to continue his studies. No one questioned the murder further, but no one moved to comfort Avonis, for he was too holy to be touched. They had escorted him at a distance that felt too large in such a small corridor. Afraid that the council would change their mind if he didn't do what he was told, he studied hard for the rest of the night so the bad thoughts wouldn't come.
Ribrel stopped by that same night. She seemed so surprised and frightened when Hirnon had been announced dead earlier that evening, as if she hadn't had a hand in it at all, as if she didn't give Avonis the signal to do it. Avonis was scared to talk to her, and so the two friends sat in silence for a long time until that, too, became unbearable. Avonis started to cry.
"I killed him," he sniveled. "And no one cares!"
"Shh! That's what's keeping you alive!" Ribrel looked back and forth quickly, in case someone were to hear.
"What if they change their minds? What if they think…I'm a bad person, and then come back and kill me when I sleep?"
"I won't let that happen."
Avonis blinked at his tears, "Promise?"
"Promise. I'm going to really try my hardest to be the Overseer someday."
"So you won't have to die."
"What if they kill me before then?"
"Avonis Jakobb Llabel," Ribrel huffed and crossed her arms, "I *said* I won't let that happen."
"But what if they kill you?"
There was another knock at the door, and silence fell over the children, but it was only Kyllia's face that peeked into view. 
"Hi guys, can I come in?" A quiet permission, and then Kyllia ran to hug the other two. "I was so scared!"
"Everything's okay now," Ribrel assured her.
"Did you really do it?" Kyllia shyly looked up at Avonis. "Did you really…kill your ancestor?"
Avonis stared at her blankly, then swallowed a lump in his throat as he glanced to the ground. "Yes."
Kyllia's eyes widened, "And you're not in trouble?"
"Prioress Aphida says the Goddess Spirit did it, and that she acted through Avonis," Ribrel said.
"That makes sense. You are her son after all!" Kyllia seemed in much chippier spirits compared to the other two, but then paused with a slight tilt of her head, "...What was it like to kill?"
Avonis and Ribrel exchanges glances. Ribrel shook her head, but Avonis was the one to wither, "It... Felt good." The answer shocked both of the girls. 
"Good?" Kyllia said, "How can killing feel good?"
"I don't know, it just... Did. I still see him though."
"As a ghost?"
"No. When I close my eyes, I see his face, how it was when... When I did it." His voice began to waiver. "Am I a bad person?"
"I don't know," Kyllia looked to Ribrel, who shrugged. She sat on the other side of Avonis. "But we can still be friends." She wrapped her arms around Avonis in a hug. "We're friends forever, right, guys?"
"Yeah! Friends forever!" Ribrel grabbed Avonis' hand and squeezed it.
"Maybe that's why the Goddess Spirit made you do it! Maybe she wanted us to be friends forever." Kyllia smiled against Avonis' shoulder. Once again, Avonis and Ribrel exchanged glances. He tried reading anything she would give him; the slightest worried glint, the assuring quirk from the eyebrows, but he found nothing but a knowing look. This was their burden, one that only the two of them could have. But through it all…
Ribrel would protect him.
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eventcharts · 6 years
Dunkin’ Donuts Employees Fired after Dousing Homeless Man with Water
As predicted, Dunkin Donuts on North Salina Street faced a problem with national implications. As the Social Media displayed outrage after a live video that apparently shows a Dunkin Donuts employee berating and then dousing the homeless man with a pitcher of water.  The video has since gone viral.
Orius (the balance of values - professional, personal and relationship (not only violated our written policies, but goes against our core values)) trine Aphidas (kind, compassionate, empathetic, “walk a mile” in the other person’s shoes consciousness) sextile Nessus (generous, benevolent, compassionate, willing to lend a helping hand (A GoFundMe campaign organized on behalf of Dufresne has raised nearly $15,000)).
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In website searches, “Dunkin Donuts Syracuse Homeless man doused with water” began to pop-up in search engine results. Allegedly, this incident occurred at the Dunkin Donuts location on North Salina Street, Syracuse.
As people from offices to corner stores; in Syracuse the video was being shared, you could hear snickering in the background.
Online, people began a campaign, calling the Dunkin Donuts phone simply saying, “Fix this!” The cause picked up momentum when Al-Amin Muhammad of We Rise Above the Streets, went live on Facebook as the community activist asked questions regarding the treatment of a homeless person. Muhammad has asked for the manager and is simply saying “if there is not a response, we will call for this Dunkin Donuts to be boycotted.” In later interviews, Muhammad has asked that the implicated employees not be fired, but corrective action should be taken.
After suspending the suspected employees seen and heard in the video, the Walak Group local Dunkin’ Donuts franchise decided to fire the staff involved in the incident.
Protestors arrived spontaneously, at the Northside Donkin Donuts continuing sporadically throughout the day.
Destiny Odom, I’m protesting the ignorance of the employee who dumped water all over that homeless man who was just sleeping and trying to charge his phone, he could have been better trained better to handle the situation and I want him fired.”
Jordyn Murray, “I’m here for the exact same reason she is, I just want the guy fired. It was absolutely rude and uncalled for, he wasn’t doing anything, bothering anybody, guy already has to walk home and he poured cold water on him. It’s cold outside, there’s no compassion for other people.”
Forrest Vohs, “There’s no compassion, no concern for his health or well-being, no concern for the community overall, obviously. That behavior has no place in it and he shouldn’t be working in it as well. That’s the basis of it. “Nothing wrong with Dunkin as a franchise location” Vohs adds he’s immediately backed up by Murray and Odom echoing the separation between the franchise and the employees.  Destiny continues, “The employee who was with him shouldn’t have encouraged the whole situation and should’ve stopped it.”
As the day progressed more became known about the “homeless man” named, Jeremy Dufresne victimized by the cruel attack. His family spoke out regarding his homelessness and condition. Horrified by what was done, an aunt said he was charging his phone so he could call his mother; and that relatives have offered him a place to stay.
Advocates for the homeless have connected with Jeremy Dufresne and his family. The hope is that this could be a new beginning, a sense of hope after being publicly humiliated.
Late afternoon on Monday October 1st a statement was issued by The Wolak Group, which owns the Dunkin’ on North Salina Street in Syracuse.
“Dunkin’ has been a part of the Syracuse community for many years, and as the franchisees who own and operate the North Salina Street location, we were extremely disturbed by the behavior of our employees captured in the video. It not only violated our written policies, but goes against our core values as an organization–which include creating a welcoming and hospitable environment and treating everyone with dignity and respect,”
“The employees involved in the incident have been terminated, and we will be contacting the individual in the video to apologize for the negative experience,” the statement continues. “We also intend to work with local advocates to make sure that our employees are better educated as to how to engage with homeless individuals and where to direct them in the community for appropriate assistance.”
A Community Responds
A local business Glazed and Confused donated 1,000 donuts to Syracuse homeless shelters today. Paul Valenti and his wife Sarah were so touched by what occurred that they decided to make the donation. This isn’t the first time the company has been engaged in sharing, Glazed and Confused has a tradition of giving back to the community.
District Attorney William Fitzpatrick has stated that those who were involved could be charged with harassment. However, the District Attorney said he will defer to Dufresne before taking any action.
The Dunkin Donut controversy has sparked new awareness of the plight of homeless people in the Syracuse community, their challenges and efforts that are being made to reach the most vulnerable living in of our city.  This unfortunate incident has bought together Dunkin’, the city, the Syracuse police department, John Tumino of the homeless outreach In My Father’s Kitchen and Al-Amin Muhammad of We Rise Above the Streets.
Perhaps this is the beginning of a new awareness among the general public, what it means to be homeless. We now have awareness that there are agencies and people who work every day to ease the plight of the homeless our most vulnerable.  As a community there appears to be an overall consensus that this should not be happening, and by working together we can prevent incidents like this from happen in the future.
Jeremy (Youngs) Dufresne of Syracuse ny. needs our help after having cold water poured on him while trying to get some rest at the Dunkin’ Donuts in Syracuse ny last night https://www.gofundme.com/man-sleeping-at-syracuse-dunkin
Minor planet keywords developed by Philip Sedgwick, used with permission http://philipsedgwick.com/
Centaur, TNO & Asteroid Aspectarian http://serennu.com/astrology/aspectarians.php
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i-mag-blr · 6 years
Alm. Blattlaeus, Fr. Pucéron, İng. Aphide. Familyası: Yaprakbitigiller (Aphidae). Yaşadığı yerler: Genellikle bitkilerin yapraklarında toplu halde yaşarlar. Özellikleri: Ufak ve yumuşak vücutlu böcekler. Boyları 3 mm’yi pek aşmaz. Kanatlı ve kanatsız olanları vardır. Bitkilerin öz sularını emerek ziyanlara sebep olurlar. Çeşitleri: Birçok türü vardır. Lahana biti (A. brassica),…
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