#aph provinces: mention
NM: So, like, Canadians. Are they even real or are they just a figment of our collective imaginations. 
MI: *Vivid flashback to when ON literally screamed at them after some of their civilians drunkenly entered the country via Lake Michigan* Umm, yeah Canadians are real.
FL: *Vivid flashback of angry Canadians on the interstate during the hot Summer months in Florida* Nah, man, I’m pretty sure that Canadians aren’t real
Al: *Vivid flashbacks of his Capital being set on fire by Canadian troops* I’m, like, 90% sure that they’re real. 
WA: *Vivid flashback of BC* I have the sudden urge to fight someone. Or Kiss someone. I’ll figure out which when I get there.
AK: ....
YT: ....
AK: You blink first
YT: No, you blink first
AK: You blink-don’t you dare step one foot in my terri--HEY!
YT: Oh, I’m sorry, you mean like this- *brushes toe over the boundary line*
AK: ....
AK: Are you okay? Do you want some chocolate or something?
YT: *voice breaking* please
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lacheriecherry · 3 years
Jellyfish and Flowers
APH Estonia Week Day 2: AU Flower Shop, Belgium, mention of DenEst, hints of NethBel (I headcanon they are not siblings)
Chap 3: Daffodils
Warning: mention of self-harm
He tried every day to hear from his father, but there was nothing. Day after day, Kalev had to deal with the dark emotions in his heart that always waited to take over his mind and drive him crazy. He seemed to live in a half-real, half-dream world of pain and sadness. All the things he saw, when he was awake or when he was sleeping, seemed to turn into a hazy fog or a thick gray mass. The people and scenery around him only made him think of his loved ones or caused him to burst into a frenzied rage that left him feeling empty or made him tremble in fear and sadness. He felt like he didn't belong here, he couldn't be here. He did not know how he would go. He just knew that he had to go. There were times when he was afraid that if he left, no one would be at home waiting for his father to return, the house filled with memories of his mother would be left unattended, and if he left, when letters from Matthias arrived, who would receive and keep them? But one day, a cold wind blew in his face shook him awake from his unconscious state. He realized that his feet had stepped halfway off the edge of an apartment building's rooftop. The void below was deep and dark. He didn’t know if he fell down, would it be a gentle relief or endless cold loneliness? He stepped back, collapsed on the ground, soaked with sweat even when this freezing Northern air was still burning the back of his throat. He looked down at his hands and wrists and suddenly noticed that there were faint cuts there, too. At that moment, he realized that he had no choice but to leave if he didn’t want to be driven crazy. If he was caught, he would probably die. But if he stayed here, he might as well die, die meaninglessly. At least if he died on the way, he knew he'd tried.
If Matthias had made it through the Iron Curtain and got here, he might as well escaped, though he didn't know exactly how Matthias did it. He put everything he found useful - not much, mainly his personal things - into one bag.
He left on an early summer morning, hoping that he could also let go of the unpleasant memories, like the way he left behind his house with its sunny terrace and beautiful little garden.
On his journey, there were many difficulties, but fortunately, nothing was too dangerous. He realized that many things he had known and seen before now appeared before his eyes differently. The darkness didn’t threaten him but protected him. When he lay down to rest, the soothing sounds of the woods sang to him and thousands of twinkling stars smiled at him, telling stories of so many years of history. At that moment, he felt as if his pain and sorrow suddenly disappeared. Sometimes he stayed up until dawn, watching the movements of the stars. The galaxy looks docile like a flock of sheep moving towards the other side of the planet. In the morning, the warm rays of the sun woke him up with warm kisses and the sound of the stream flowing with his footsteps. The farther he went, the lighter his heart became.
Kalev finally escaped through the Iron Curtain. The day he set foot on the land in the western part of the continent, he looked a lot thinner and tired. But at least now he felt like he’d come back to life, as his heart beat faster and his eyes could see things more clearly.
He decided to buy train tickets to go as far as possible. When he reached the western edge of Germany, he decided to walk to save money. Every day he would randomly choose a route and then kept on walking until he was tired. Many times he strayed from one side of the city to the other, sometimes he even crossed the border of provinces. Every so often, when Kalev felt tired, he leaned back on the bench of an empty park, intending to stay here until someone discovered him and asked him if he needed some help. But he didn’t have the mood for dealing with anyone, especially the police. Besides, he's always been like that. He never wanted others to see his weakness, even though deep down he was yearning for even the smallest gesture of care.
Nearly a month after a series of aimless wandering days, he came to a small street that was separated from the crowded part of the main street. In the late afternoon, the autumn sun was shining. The sunlight looked like honey that poured over the ground, dragging Kalev’s shadow along the gently sloping cobblestone road. This place was so quiet and deserted. It was different from all the bustling cities he had ever set foot in. It made Kalev feel like he had just stepped into another world. His feet suddenly stopped in front of a lovely shop, a flower shop. That small building had the usual Western European architectural style, modestly nestled among the surrounding houses. He stood dumbfounded by its beauty: The shop was painted in an elegant cream color, its roof was covered with a red and white striped storefront awning. The shop was marked with a mix of wildflowers and garden-grown florals both cut and potted plants, as evidenced by the beautiful overgrowth spilling from the front of the shop. There was a large oval window next to the door and through it, he could take a look inside. Radiant alabaster walls and vintage tiled floors gleam with natural sunlight and serve as the most beautiful backdrops for the curated floral forest. As far as he could see, there was nothing in the shop but plants and flowers. There were delicately detailed blooms and botanicals spilling out onto every available surface. The flowers with all the colors of the world were interspersed with each other, arranged so artfully they evoked feelings of old Dutch Masters. From graceful roses to faithful lavender, from small and lovely white baby’s breath to big and bright sunflowers, from brilliant tulips to gentle cosmos flowers, ... They all fluttered slightly in the wind, making him imagine that someone had used magic to tie all the colors of the rainbow and force them to stay here. However, he did not have much knowledge about plants, he only knew a few popular flowers. What caught his attention the most was the shop's name. It was printed in purple braille, attached directly to the wall: "Jellyfish".
Writing a long fic is more tired than I thought :/
Link to the previous chapters:
Chap 1
Chap 2
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APH England Headcanon: On Top of the World
Hey look another song headcanon. Idk why I get so much inspiration from songs but here it is. Long, Long, Long, Long, Long Post Warning (I went into detail here so... you’re warned)
Basically a look at this song (On Top of the World by Greek Fire, not Imagine Dragons, one of my favorites, please listen) through England’s eyes, because I think it really fits him, mostly discussing his imperial times (colonies, America, all that fun stuff):
Ok so: Imperial England, in my headcanon, is a Sly Old Bastard exactly the way China is/was at his height. And this post is going to be focusing on England’s sly, cunning nature and weaknesses (?) he might have felt at the height of the British Empire. Most of the song is reminiscing (“I remember”...), so it could also be when England’s empire has crumbled and he’s wondering how it all went down.
Anyway, first couple lyrics are just “on top of the world/on top of it all/trying to feel invincible”, the refrain that goes on throughout the song. I guess it just kinda sets the scene, I think as his empire got larger and larger, and as England got more and more colonies, he would become somewhat aware that all the things he’d been building, the states/lands he’d been conquering, would crumble one day, and then his empire would be no more (trying to feel invincible).
Slight Digression: Britain was a Roman province, however the whole of the British Isles were never quite subdued by military conquests, and I think England would have existed at the time and would be resisting the Romans with his mother Britannia (even though I think Scotland was the one left unconquered, although they were defeated in battle lots of times, England would not have willingly surrendered either). Therefore, he would also witness the fall of Rome, and carry with him the knowledge that all empires fall, no matter how great they are or how much land they have. So this would also factor into his state of mind of inevitability I guess (I was thinking of insecureness but that’s not fitting, England is too egotistical to be insecure imo) that his empire will end one day, and the least he can do is to enjoy (?) or pay attention to how it feels to rule while it lasts
Ok anyway: “I remember the nights/Caught up in dreaming my goodbyes/Watching the door for anything more than an ordinary life"
I have no explanation, maybe this was when he was first starting out as a country or when he was starting to grow his empire, when things used to be ordinary for him maybe? Idk what it means about dreaming goodbyes but rationale is: he somehow has a premonition that his empire will die someday? Actually wait, even better is that he’s saying goodbye to Britannia, who is dying, and perhaps deciding to build something great in her legacy? As a tribute (and also maybe a fuck you to Rome) to her, he wants her legacy to be “my son(s) did something great” rather than to be a forgotten woman to history. I interpret the next line as England perhaps being excited about the prospect of his growing empire, excited about leading, conquering. I think during imperial times he had the same god-complex America does; the US often markets itself as “doing good” for the world (eg. Ridding Communist Scum !!!) which, although it may actually be disastrous, is usually seen as “right” in some way (I have major issues w/ US politics as you can see but let’s not talk about that). So the wishing for a better, more exciting life might just be his wish to “make the world more civilized, more British, more gentlemanly” etc.
Next: “I remember the days/New beginnings on an open page/With something to prove/ And nothing to lose, not a soul to betray”
I think this could be about his relationship with young America as the 13 colonies, before the American Revolution. I believe (correct me if wrong) most of the Age of Imperialism, when England, France, Germany etc. started scrambling for land was in the 1800s, and so I think America was like England’s test run colony, and therefore the first person he really had to “care for” as a brother and a child. He didn’t have anything to lose with America, all he could do is build a relationship with this small country and open his heart to friendship and love from America. I don’t think England was as uptight about stuff then and America was his test run, his “new beginning” if he messed stuff up at home (idk if he really did though). He didn’t have any “history” or previous relationship with America before they became like a father/son duo, so he didn’t have to worry about damaging a previous friendship with him (”nothing to lose” by getting to know him).
Side note: I think America’s independence sort of broke England, and I definitely agree with @hongkongenthusiast ‘s hc that England distanced himself from his other colonies because he didn’t want what happened with America to happen again.
Next: “Here I am/Living a dream that I can’t hold/Here I am/On my own”
So this just kinda speaks to England’s loneliness ig. He’s literally living the dream: power, colonies, wealth, everything, but he still has the premonition/wisdom (?) to see that it won’t last (“...that I can’t hold”). He won’t be king of the world forever. He’s also up on a pedestal. I think after the Age of Imperialism England owned the most colonies (I think France is a close second), and like America with his modern-day “police of the world” status, I think lots of people knew about and admired/were jealous of England’s power (maybe they didn’t “look up” to him, but I think they certainly wanted his power for themselves), and being without an equal can make it feel pretty lonely at the top of the food chain.
Next part is the refrain, the new lyrics after that are: “I remember the lies/Caught up in building paradise/The angels were slaves and demons behaved/And everything was alright”
This could represent the propaganda England fed to his people at home to make them support colonization. I don’t think it would’ve taken much convincing, because of the “white men superiority” idea that were colonizers’ way of justifying colonialism and imperialism (actually called White Man’s Burden). However, even though that idea was prevalent, there are still historical propaganda pieces that glorify colonization; one example is called “ABC for Baby Patriots” (full text in link). It basically convinces people colonizing is good for the mother country, and I’d like to think England also told his people that to make them support it (“I remember the lies”). I don’t know how physically old England the character would be, but if he was still young and maybe not as cynical (unlikely but still possible), he could tell these “lies” to himself as well to justify his actions. I mentioned earlier about him wanting to make a better world by introducing British ways to his colonies, and maybe that was the version of “paradise” he envisioned. The last two lines strike me as a flip-flopped world where the bad are free and the good are punished, so maybe idk that was the actual situation, where England’s colonies were suffering instead of being helped, like he thought? Anyway this is getting into kinda political ugly history so...
Next! “I hear the crowds beneath me/I'm wishing they could reach me/But I'm on top of the world/Up here I'm dying alone”
Not really any analysis here, just another example of England being lonely ig as the leader of the imperial world. I feel like this part can be summed up in a more positive light by this
Next: “Inside the walls of gold/Outside of happiness/(It's all been a show, too late to confess)/No room for heart and soul/No room for innocence/Innocence”
To me, this is England reminiscing when he still had compassion and when he was young. I feel like nations, like humans, get more cynical as they age; they stop seeing good in the world and start just seeing people as things they can manipulate, pawns on a chessboard who can achieve their own interest. In the context of England’s imperialism, this is basically him thinking back and thinking what have I done. Maybe he finally acknowledged negative impacts of his colonization, and wishes he could go back to the days where he was just a small nation, minding his own people, instead of forging an empire that stretched across continents. I guess the whole imperial episode is: “I thought this was a good idea, I thought it would bring me happiness and glory, I thought I could make the world better, but instead, it only showed me the worst in people, and the worst in me”. Idk, I still don’t know if imperial England deserves compassion (Aftereffects of colonization are still being felt today, eg. when original India was split by Britain into India and Pakistan. Britain never clearly specified the India-Pakistan border, and that led to a whole lot of wars and shit and people are still fucking tense about this to this day) But I guess this song and my consequential thinking about it gives him a bit of humanity in spite of his Sly Old Man status?
Ok that’s it! You’ve made it to the end of this long-ass post! I’m so conflicted about England’s character now! I’ve literally disliked him so much ever since I joined the fandom (I also don’t really like FACE fam in general) but bruh my head just warps canon so it’s more palatable for me I guess hhhh. What do y’all think? Feedback Appreciated!
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qualityrain · 5 years
Random ramble:
 so you know that one manga of hetalia where aph denmark’s boss (king frederick III of Denmark if im not wrong) asks aph denmark to ask aph norway to raise taxes in Norway, yeah that one
It always struck me as unusual because at that period somewhere after the 1670s ( when King Frederick III’s reign started) Norway did not have political influence so why even ask aph norway anyway?? It’s not like he could say no?? Back then I don’t think you collect taxes this way(the person in charge of the fortress in that province collected taxes I think or it changed down the road I’m probably still in medieval mode)??So what’s the point??? Of even asking aph norway??? And Norway at that point in time literally had a status of a province of Denmark (but was never danish)  so why bother asking??????????
 Scandinavia After the Fall of the Kalmar Union: A Study in Scandinavian Relations,1523-1536, the book(pdf) states at the beginning while stating the sources:
“Rian made another contribution to the study of Scandinavia’s history in 1997, this time along with Danish historian Esben Albrectsen. Together they wrote a two-volume work on Denmark and Norway from 1380 to 1814... Rian’s volume continued Albrectsen’s discussion by beginning with the coming of Christian III and his charter of 1536, which dissolved the Norwegian council and made Norway a province of Denmark...... 32 Rian argued that although Norway lost its place as a separate kingdom in the charter, Denmark kept it quiet from the Norwegians and in official documents dealing with other countries, Norway still appeared as a separate kingdom.” ( pdf page 18-21)
“Rian argued that although Norway lost its place as a separate kingdom in the charter, Denmark kept it quiet from the Norwegians and in official documents dealing with other countries, Norway still appeared as a separate kingdom.”
(there was another part of the pdf mentioning this but I can’t find it)
So here’s a crazy idea and an even crazier concept: aph denmark doesn’t know that Norway’s a province of Denmark and his kings have been lying to him and to the rest of the world that Norway was a separate kingdom. 
That whole manga linked above was not King Frederick III asking aph denmark to ask aph norway to raise taxes but to continue instilling the illusion of Norway being a separate kingdom, with it’s own council and charter and those stuff only a kingdom would have, in aph denmark’s head. 
This would explain why I keep thinking that manga was kind of off to me and how aph finland mentions in the nordic CD:
Finland: ... By the way, Nor was supposed to be living with Denmark back then, but his stance was… ( Hetalia Drama CD Interval Vol 3: Nordic Five! – Track 02 “The case of Sweden beating up Denmark too many times”)
Aph norway not living with aph denmark, as conquered countries/under another country’s rule do, would further emphasise how Norway was a separate kingdom when Norway clearly was not. 
Now there are big gaping holes in this such as why would aph denmark’s kings lie to him and if aph norway wasnt living with aph denmark doesn’t that imply aph norway knew about this lie?? Well, I’d think the answer all these questions are for you to find out yourself, because I think that these questions can be answered differently through your own headcanons and interpretations of the characters.
 Other huge gaping holes I don’t know the answer for: 
1.How did historians find out about Denmark keeping Norway as a province of Denmark quiet from everybody?? 
2.When did historians find that out?? 
3.Why did nobody realise no. 1 happened if it was so obvious that the council was gone and won’t the ex council members tell somebody??
4.Did anybody realise no 1. ??
I’m going to end with saying i’m not a professional in norwegian history or any  history in fact so there might be historical mistakes and I am unsure of some things here as you can tell. All this is just for fun and I mean no harm. 
If you actually read this whole thing I hope you have a great week ahead <33
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 Q: If there are two Italies, how come Veneziano is referred to as Italy and Romano isn’t?
A: There’s no real reason given. It’s just how it is. 
The other nations generically refer to Veneziano as Italy, and Romano as “Italy’s older brother” – Romano gets pissed off at this since he resents being stuck in Veneziano’s shadow.
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Nonetheless, BOTH are Italy.
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Q: What did Chibitalia represent? Did anything change?
A: Nothing’s changed in what he represents. Veneziano has always represented the north of the country, and Romano, the south. 
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The only difference then is that Italy was fragmented into several small city-states after the Roman Empire fell. The country wasn’t as consolidated.
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By this, I mean that each city-state was diverse and different enough to be considered as a nation in its own right. Veneziano and Romano were the collective personifications of these states. Similarly, their names are each likely references to Venice and Rome, city-states that were thriving with culture at the time.
Veneziano refers to his half of the country as his house, meaning that when city-states under his jurisdiction were conquered, he would also be conquered.
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This is seen when Milan gets thrown into a war between France and Prussia. When Milan gets taken over by Spain, it’s Veneziano who’s captured. Again, he represents the collective of these northern city-states.
“This is how the War of Austrian succession looked like. Basically, everybody just bullying Austria. At one point, Northern Italy (Milan) got caught in a war between between France and Prussia, not noticing Spain surrounding him from the South until he got kidnapped.” [x]
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The same thing goes for Romano.
He was once conquered as Naples by France [parts of Veneziano were also conquered here].
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Q: Would APH Genoa still be alive today?
A: It’s difficult to say since we don’t see him in the present, so I can only speculate.
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However, I would guess that it’s possible for a variety of reasons.
1) Personifications are personality-based. These personalities are based on how strong the culture(s) of a collective organization of people are [x]. Since Italians are so diverse and tend to identify themselves regionally, it’s possible that while Genoa is no longer a city-state, he can still be a personification of Genoan culture.
2) It’s stated that when the culture dies and the personification loses their nationhood, they either die or become a representative of the region. In other words, he could be active in politics. [x]
3) This one is more unclear and open-ended, but it’s still substantiated in canon. We’ve seen personifications that technically should be dead still existing well past their date of dissolution.
Ex: Holy Rome.
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If that’s the case, then Genoa could still exist, either because his culture is still there, or for no explicit reason. Nationhood is often very flimsy and loosely defined in the series.
You also have to factor in the existence of the micronations, where even Hima states that the reasons that founded their existence are “amazing” – as in no concrete rules apply to them. It also has to do with the bizarre reasons regarding how they formed in real life. [x]
It’s likewise important to mention that real nations are often just as perplexed by the existence of micronations.
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In sum, it’s possible for Genoa to still be alive if you use the canon rules I provided; however, it’s not canon.
Q: Is State-talia real or OC?
State-talia is real. You can find notes on states and provinces if you search the tag in the English translation of Hima’s blog (Bamboo Thicket)
Tag: states and provinces
Ex: China’s provinces are personified.
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Ex: Japan’s prefectures [blog only] and feudal clans/territories are personified [make appearances in the manga]
Interestingly, these feudal clans/territories still exist during Japan’s Westernization phase. Again, the rules of nationhood are loose, and personifications don’t always die and fade out right away. 
Sometimes it takes a while before they die, and other times they won’t die at all.
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Osaka, a previous feudal domain, later evolved to become a prefecture from the Meiji era – present.
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Ex: America’s states are not personified, but Hima does provide a hypothetical description of what they would be like in their relation to America [x]. There’s also a brief dialogue between some states.
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Notice how America refers to his country as his house in the case that his states were personified. It’s the same exact situation with North Italy. Point is, there’s a consistent rule here.
Given that Genoa is personified, it would be possible for the city-states in each Italies’ house to be personified as well.
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
beedok replied to your post: “@ask-aph-acadia, @lilcutiebear, I’m making a new thread to reply to...”:
I still don't see the Language divide as being an Eastern thing pushed on the West. Not only are there plenty of Francophones in the west of the country (especialy Métis) but there are loads of people of Italian, German, Polish, Ukrainian, Gaelic, Punjabi, etc. descent in Eastern Canada (I've got plenty of that Polish and Ukrainian myself) who were pressured into learning English the same as those out West. That's a nation wide thing.
See, that’s because you live in the east and you are aware of the nuances of the east and you know that it is not a monolithic Evil Block of Oppression. From a Western perspective, particularly a historical western perspective as I’m getting at here, people don’t care to make those distinctions. Often when we refer to “Easterners” in a derogatory way, we are specifically referring to the federal government which is located in the east. Your argument for the presence of people of French descent in the west and Slavic descent in the East is basically the same as me arguing for the presence of French learners in the West or Slavic learners in the East, it’s true, it’s more than possible, but it’s not addressing the particular history I’m getting at.
You also have to realize while French speaking people in the East were given concessions (I’m talking Confederation and the aftermath here) and protective laws in government, French speakers in the West were given those concessions with conditions. Because, as you mentioned, many if not the majority of western French speakers were Metis, racism and ethnocentrism was one of the strongest factors driving the Red River Resistance/Rebellion against the federal government, a federal government that was made up entirely of Eastern Canadians willing and able to make Western Canadians second class citizens and those with First Nations background into third class. While Quebec supported Manitoba and planned to send francophone immigrants (colonizers), Ontario had already flooded Manitoba with White Anglo Saxon Protestants to the point where Manitoba no longer required the laws protecting French culture they had fought for. The first founding father of Confederation from the west was arrested as soon as he and the rest of his government set foot into office. French speaking Metis, the founders of places such as Edmonton, no longer felt safe there and had to move further into the country into their own separate communities (ex. St. Albert). New immigrants were absorbed into a dominant English culture, a culture that may not have existed in the first place had Ontario not been so friggin paranoid of having French, non-white Catholic neighbours. When the gates were opened to “the scum of Europe” in the 1890s, they had no choice as to which culture to assimilate to. The pecking order was established, and English was at the top and French cast down for its associations with Metis/Aboriginal people/Liberals etc. The linguistic fight translated into an economic one, but the hurt, the perceptions, etc. were still there.
I’m not trying to say only certain things happen in the east or the west, I’m trying to explain that because of Western Canada’s treatment as property, as lesser, historically, that shapes our perspective, our politics, and our reactions to even little things such as the PM forgetting us on Canada Day, or big things such controlling our own resources. I’m not saying that our decisions are all right or justified or that we remember why we are so angry about them in the first place, but you have to understand our particular history and our particular associations in order to understand our perspective, even if it seems stubborn or unnecessary. The way history turned out, the way language was established, etc, leaves marks on our view of it.
In modern terms, there’s also the education/access issue: Eastern Canada has a lot of access to native French speakers due to the close proximity to Quebec or New Brunswick. I grew up in a rural middle of nowhere school that was technically a satellite town around a large city and I was very privileged to have access to French programs that people in smaller towns may not have had. I did not however have access to native French speakers in my backwater town, and living on an acreage and being unable to drive severely limits your options in rural parts of the province. The French taught was international French, the school trips when they were affordable were typically to Europe and not to Quebec because European French was “easier” and “accessible”, etc. Not everyone has the access to those programs, and even the people who did have access to them saw them as pointless or forced, which is part of the reason places like Calgary have dropped the mandatory part of French altogether. It was impossible to get any work out of some of my classmates while I was trying to practice the language because they simply don’t care, rural kids don’t see the point of learning a language they are never going to use, either because of lack of interest or because they literally have not been able to leave their small town. Furthermore, governments in the past have generally seen French programs and language programs in general as superfluous and among the first to receive cuts. French is not considered a priority or a necessity by either the people living here or the people in charge, it is a luxury or a privilege. Like you don’t have to convince me of the benefits of learning a second language and you don’t have to convince me of the benefits of French, it’s convincing little Timmy or whoever that learning this language is important when all he cares about is getting the cows in and chewing tobacco. Because the prairies are so intensely rural and so intensely isolated, we have all those problems (plus outdated textbooks, non-native-speaker teachers, inadequate immersion programs etc etc).
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feynavaley · 7 years
Hetalia Navigation
Since a big chunk of this blog’s content (and most of my original content, probably) is Hetalia-related and I use a strict tagging system, I found out a new way to procrastinate figured I should write down a bit of tags to make the navigation easier. 
First things first: this is probably obvious, but anything concerning Hetalia will be under the main tag #hetalia, no exceptions.
Every character has his/her own tag (#aph character name), however, sometimes they won’t be tagged in general posts that mention too many of them. Some group tags are the Nordics, the Allies, the Axis, the NA brothers, the ACE family, the FACE family (note: aside from rare and obvious cases, everything is intended as platonic), America and England, Canada and England (in both cases, as brothers or father and son), France with a former colony/younger nation, the Slavic siblings and the Italian brothers.  If you want to look for posts including more than one character, type in the bar “/search/%23aph-character1+%23aph-character2”. The posts won’t be in chronological order, but they should all be there.
Some sub-tags are:
- Official Art [mobile link]
- Fanart [mobile link]
- Photosets [mobile link]
- Nyotalia (nyotalia characters are tagged both as their canon counterparts and as #nyo character name)
- Fandom-related posts
My thoughts on the feedback issue [x]
Why referencing to the Axis in the title isn’t disrespectful [x]
What I think about the proposition to change the main tag from ‘aph’ to ‘hws’ [x] [x]
Where can I see the anime? [x]
- Analysis in general (both mine and reblogged), with a sub-category for character analysis [mobile links: 1; 2] 
- My Meta Posts (more detailed posts that are either analysis explaining some headcanons of mine and supporting them with canon evidence, comments on canon facts, theories, character analysis or other longer posts concerning Hetalia. Some are comments in reblogs). List of my original ones:
Theory: The role of a personification [x]
Theory: How illnesses affect nations and the role of individual variability [x]
Theory: How ageing works for personifications [x]
Analysis: Canada’s characterization [x]
Reasons Canada is an overall positive character [x]
Analysis: Is Canada a pushover? [x]
Theory: Origins of Canada’s insecurities [x]
Theory: Kumajiro’s nature [x]
FACE family characterization overview [x] [x]
Analysis: Overview of America and Canada’s relationship [x]
Timeline of America and Canada’s childhood (to correct the widespread fanon misconception that Canada got to experience a long childhood while America didn’t) and why America may be, in part, envious of Canada [x]
Theory: why I think Canada is younger than America [x] [x] [x] (I actually have an entire tag about this)
Why I think Canada isn’t as strong as America (and clearing out other misconceptions) [x]
Fly, Canada-san, Fly!: An analysis of Canada’s reaction to America wielding that chainsaw. [x]
Canadian provinces and territories and their personifications (or lack thereof) [x] (short answer)
Were there two different personifications for Upper Canada and Lower Canada? [x] [continued: x] (spoiler: I don’t think so)
Analysis: a brief overview of France’s open displays of affection, his relationship with Jeanne and his own past, and his hidden depths. [x]
Parental figure or big brother? Canon vs fanon regarding England’s and France’s relationship with America and Canada [x]
Brief Overview: Origins of America’s fear of isolations vs Canada’s apparent lack of the same [x]
Brief Overview: The Slavic siblings [x]
Canada and Lithuania: Brief analysis of the differences in their similar personalities and struggles [x]
Canada and Romano: Differences in their self-esteem issues and how they could mutually benefit from a friendship [x] (no canon evidence here, but a speculation based on their canon personalities)
Common errors in the naming of Nyo!Italy and Nyo!Romano and more accurate alternatives [x]
Mistakes in the transliteration from katakana of some canon names [x]
- Headcanons: This general tag includes all the headcanons, both mine and those I reblog and consequently agree with. Sub-tags include:
Hetalia human names (in general, original and reblogged posts about the naming of Hetalia characters, not only name lists but also more accurate explanations)
General Headcanons (or, headcanons about the general working of the hetalia-verse)
- My headcanons (which, by the way, can all be considered valid for my stories, in case anybody’s interested.) There were too many links for a single post, but you can find a more detailed navigation page (divided per character and such) here: [x] [mobile].    Some particularly relevant posts (that are a mixture of headcanons and theories/analysis based on canon facts) and other tags:
Some lore about nationhood [x]
On America and Canada’s relationship:  angst [x]; America's protective and possessive side [x] [x]; Pre-revolutionary war age gap [x]; General overview + headcanons [x]
ACE family: whose side would Canada choose [x]
England and Canada’s relationship [x] [x]
France and Canada’s relationship [x] [x] [x]
FACE family overview [x]
FACE family and mental health struggles [x]
Canada and temporary death [x]
How nations approach alcohol/other unhealthy habits (Canada-centric plus general considerations) [x]
America during the Revolutionary War [x]
America’s biggest fear [x]
France’s melodramatic yet mature personality [x]
The matter between Canada and Cuba [x]
Characters info
My names lists [ canon characters | Nyotalia 1; 2 | 2ptalia 1; 2 ]
Incorrect Quotes [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 ]
- AU Headcanons and Fanfiction Scenarios:
Human Toddlers AU [ Australia | England | France | Germany and Prussia | Italian Brothers | NA Brothers ]
High School AU [plus bonus]
High School Staff AU
Jobs in a Human AU
Backstory in a Human AU [ Francis | Matthew ]
Alternate History [ War Plan Red | America winning the war of 1812 ]
Pottertalia AU [ sorting | Jones-Williams family | Kirkland Family ]
Dreams [ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
Frozen AU
Cinderella AU (mostly inspired by the 2015 movie) [ 1 | 2 ]
Miraculous Ladybug AU
NA Brothers Knights AU [ tag | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]
The Sword in the Stone AU [x]
- My writing: all my fanfictions posted chapter-by-chapter. There is also a general list with the links to each chapter and the other sites I post them in here. 
- Fanfiction recommendations: To try and give as much support as I can to fanfiction authors, anytime I read a completed fic I enjoy I’ll reblog it or post a link with the summary on this blog. (note: I’m extremely picky, and these fics will most likely be Canada-centric and gen.) You’re welcome to have a look, they’re all wonderful stories and I recommend every single one of them! The only thing I ask you is to leave the author some kind of feedback if you enjoy the story, even simply clicking the kudos button or writing a quick “Lovely story!” (or something of this sort) is a boost for an author :) I also collect all the shorter fics/snippets I reblog under the tag ‘#ficlet’.
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
@ask-aph-acadia, @lilcutiebear, I’m making a new thread to reply to you both here p:
lilcutiebear: I took French immersion from k-12 so I’m very much in support of learning a second language and not monolingual. Personally I think there are two big factors in animosity towards French immersion in the west that have nothing to do with dislike of francophones. One is that I have seen articles complaining that it is like having a private school within the public school system (I’ve seen articles like that from basically every part of the country not just the west). More particular to the west is that many ppl here aren’t French Canadians or English Canadians and think it would make more sense to teach another language like German or Ukrainian or Chinese or Cree since more people here have those kinds of ancestry. So sometimes it feels like the east is pushing its linguistic divide onto us. I also feel like Anglophones here are different from Anglophones out east because a lot on Anglophones here are only Anglophones because their ancestors were forced to attend school in English rather than their native language. (I.e. My grandpa’s first language is Polish and even though he grew up in a community that was evenly split between poles and Ukrainians (with most kids understanding at least part of both)and his teacher was Ukrainian she wasn’t allowed to teach in any language other than English).
yes absolutely, this is another aspect of the issue that gets totally glossed over in the anglo/franco division. I don’t know about my personal family line but certainly people with my ancestry were discriminated against, forced to learn English, and also put in internment camps for their heritage and speaking Ukrainian. Canada making everything into a Catholic/Protestant or a French/English binary really does not evenly apply to the history of the West in particular but also can cause similar rifts elsewhere. Like we recognize bilingualism is good but 1. our educational systems are often garbage and 2. finding exposure to a native speaker of a target language can vary wildly, and learning French across Canada can be difficult if you are learning International French at School and Quebecois, Acadian or backwater prairie French at home. and 3. it’s always been grating that French (and English) are always prioritized over languages people already speak- we recognize Canada is a bilingual country, but there is not enough motivation or access to materials or native speakers in all locations unless you’re Really Super Determined to get a government job and can afford to move to a city with the programs. Canada is also a country of immigrants, and multilingualism should be celebrated beyond French and English.
ask-aph-acadia: For the criticism: I do remember seeing a few people draw the territories with darker skin, but since I couldn’t really see a big difference in their traits and the other provinces’ in the old art, I really had a hard time seeing if they were white or not, even though I know that First nations and Métis can have paler skin ( One of my characters is actually Métis and has pale skin, but I tried to make it easier to see with the other traits. ) I should maybe watch more of the ProCan videos though, just to make sure I don’t say things that were changed.
Lol i mean good luck, we basically do one video every three years and the projo has come to a standstill but yes Attempts Were Made 
I think that if PEI didn,t exist as a province at all I wouldn’t have had that much problems with NB and NS being a couple. I remember thinking that making it this way was excluding PEI from Acadia ( I can’t really say the Maritimes for this situation, since Newfoundland doesn’t have much to do with all of that ), forgetting that it’s been a part of NS too, maybe for a smaller time, but it still happened and gets forgotten a lot in designs for Acadia. PEI was also there when NB and NS talked about becoming one colony, so again seeing them as a couple made me feel like the smaller one was being kind of forgotten. I usually see people making PEI Nova Scotia’s sister/brother, while leaving NB and NS as a couple and I’ve always wondered what made them that different from Prince Ed for other people. 
Obviously I’m not a Maritimer, and I do tend to have my reading of the history shaped by what people have done in the past so I can absolutely see that there’s ambiguity in those relationships. I can’t speak for Sherry’s interpretations, I can only attempt to justify them in my own readings. I did get the sense that PEI has a very strong little sibling vibe i.e. the strong independence streak without wanting the responsibility, but I can read NS as the long suffering big brother figure for either of them. I think it’s the strong Scottish heritage that tends to tie NS and PEI together more than NS to NB, but I could be wrong.
As for Alberta and Saskatchewan, I think a lot of people see them as “sister provinces”, me included, and that’s why we usually see them as siblings, without mentionning the project of “Buffalo” ( I think that’s what it was called? Correct me if I’m wrong ).
Buffalo is correct: nowadays we tend to see each other as sister provinces but it can also depend on the reading of the history- Wilfrid Laurier dividing the provinces up can be seen as completely arbitrary with little regard for the people already living there, as an eastern imposition etc, but it rubs me the wrong way to just throw them together because they share a birthday (because I’ve got a personal Dislike of using Confederation as a literal birthday rather than a symbolic birthday and I really don’t like AB/SK portrayed as identical and interchangeable twins (even though lately our politicians have been playing that game loll a story for ANotHER Time). It’s definitely a close relationship that I tend to at least read as adoptive siblings since I’m Not a fan of literal biological relationships- they are definitely the closest out of the former Rupert’s Land territories fam.
For Poutines: I can tell you that when the cheese curds are fresh from today, it’s even better. I live in an area where the milk industry is very big and we’ve got that company called Chalifoux that makes the best cheese curds I’ve ever tasted. A lot of our restaurants use them in their poutines and it’s amazing. I know a few people that prefer shredded cheese but they obviously didn’t taste the best poutine in the region.
Another day another reason to be sad and lactose intolerant ToT and yet i regret nothing
For Alberta: I see that Quebec and Alberta have a very different version of the story. Honestly, I never saw Quebec as a province that tried to bother Alberta, we’re so concentrated on our own politics  that we hardly notice what happens in the rest of the country most of the time. I think the last time I heard about Alberta in the news was during Fort Mac’s wildfires, and a lot happened since it started. But again, we’re so focused on complaining about Phillipe Couillard that we don’t even see what he does, for the most part ( Doesn’t change that he’s a shit PM to me, but that’s a story for another day. ) The only other time I’ve heard about AB in the news was for the pipeline and I can say it’s at that moment that I’ve heard the most people going against the prairies. 
That’s regionalism for you, most of us tend to only focus on our own affairs until the minute someone releases some bad poll data about how much one hates the other online and then everyone goes ballistic. p: Pipelines again are a nuanced issue and while I personally am anti-pipeline i understand the reasons AB doesn’t see it that way, again we just got over a long 44 year political dynasty headed straight towards economic dependence on a single resource that our current government is trying to undo, and frankly it’s overly simplistic to just paint us as the bad guys because we’ve made some dumb decisions and backed ourselves into a corner here. We’re dumb, we get it, but don’t say it to our faces lol. Again if you are interested in this stuff I try to reblog news articles frequently on my personal blog under the yeah y yeah alberta tag  (my political bias is Obvious)
The other part of the story is the federal government is built on pitting regions of Canada against each other, and right now the West is the favourite scapegoat. Former PM Harper did not help our image at all in the 2000s-2010s and I take IMMENSE satisfaction knowing that he’s now got to answer to a Muslim mayor and a New Democrat premier, you have no idea. But it’s fear mongering like that where ohhh the west is all about oiiillll and then ignoring the history of Eastern Canada literally just taking it from us and the federal government making it our current major export etc etc is really hypocritical at best (the scapegoating Alberta for the oil and saying ohhh it’s so baaad and unenvironmental and then wanting to live off the profits is something that really is an easy way to piss us off, and the federal government does it all the time. 
We really saw Alberta and Saskatchewan as the big bad guys and a girl I knew started to DESPISE the provinces, even though she also hated Quebec? ( She’s the one we had drama with when creating our version of the provinces, she hated Alberta so much that she wanted my character to die… That’s a lot of hatred, but that is also a story for another day. ) I think a lot of Quebeckers are not over that yet, it’s probably time for us to go complain about something else than that ahah.
This is one of those touchy subjects and it Really Pisses me Off when people like to use aph Alberta OCs as their stereotypical villain character without ever considering our perspective or history, it’s happened enough that I’ve not been seeking out ocs for my province anymore for that reason. We already get that enough in mainstream politics, and all it does is make us angrier and act even more out of spite. I’ve seen Quebec and Ontario both treated the same way, of course, but QUON is such a popular pairing that more often than not its just Oh here is Loud Obnoxious Alberta Here To Ruin Everything for Us Once Again. They’re all such good and nuanced characters that it makes me real sad to see them reduced like that. I’ve always seen the relationship as playful banter/teasing between the three of us (and really four because BC is up there with us) and I kind of feel partially responsible for my adlibbing in old IAMP episodes being taken Too Seriously.
Also hating a character is once thing, hating them to wanting them to die is beyond rude, and hating an aph oc for representing a place with real people is Beyond offensive to me, sigh... 
For French: I can get why a lot of people complain about having to learn it, it’s a hard language, even for native speakers. We’re also guilty of blaming the “anglos” for making us learn English. I do see how Quebec and Ontario look like they have been working together, but we don’t see it from inside Quebec, since we complain about Ontario as much as we complain about the rest of the provinces ( Ontario is actually our biggest target, it’s easy to do, since we’re so close. ) I don’t mind people complaining about French outside of Quebec, but it’s when people do it inside the province that it bothers me. I already see so many people choosing to speak English instead of French, thus loosing what’s supposed to be their native tongue that I and a lot of other people get on the defensive when we talk about language issues, like when we don’t know what language to speak in in Montreal. Remember when I talked about Phillipe Couillard? Well, he recently asked for English people to come back in the province and I can tell you that it wasn’t welcomed as a good thing by most Quebeckers… ( I could rant about Couillard for hours but I think it’s better if I stop it there) We’re welcoming of tourists but when we hear them complain about how everything’s written in French, it’s at that moment that we get a lot more like the stereotype.I would love to visit one day, and maybe these English class will finally be useful somewhere else than on the internet ahah
(of course once again see Amy’s response above for the western perspective on this issue) 
there’s a lot of common jokes that the only unifying thing about canada is everyone’s hatred of ontario and that the best thing to solve everyone’s problems would be if ontario were to separate and leave the rest of canada alone xDD but of course at the end of the day it’s still nothing personal and as much as I can’t quell the Stereotypical Albertan gut reaction to shake my fist at all things Ontarian, I am very fond of this place and have been treated exceedingly well whenever I’ve visited and I hope my good fortune will continue. But of course I understand wanting to protect French within Quebec, and I do really wish it was a more accessible language in other parts of Canada. But yeah, travel, education, all that gives me hope for the future (too bad Canada is so Damn Big or I’d be all over it already). 
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