#apatite and pearly au
merfairymakes · 2 years
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Give it up for the most underwhelming gem of the family, Moldavite J3RRY!!!
Apatite Rick
Andesine Diane
Andesine Beth
Fire Opal Summer
Pearl Morty
There’s really not much to say about this guy, or at least not as much as the others. His backstory isn’t complicated; he emerged on Earth in another Kindergarten not too long after 837H did, and was quickly adopted by a two-gem fusion not too long after.
He ended up at a school that was founded to allow gems to expand their knowledge beyond what they were programmed with, which is where he met 837H. They were friends for some time before R1CK seemingly abandoned her on Earth for good that time.
While R1CK was gone, 837H sort of just threw herself into her relationship with J3RRY to try and move on from that part of her life, and eventually they developed romantic feelings for each other.
Throwing caution to the wind, they decide to become a permafusion and have a life together. There were no “accidents” that brought them together, but they were still reckless with their decisions nonetheless. 
They adopted 5UMM3R the day they came up the idea for it, with the reasoning that they could mentor a new gem better than R1CK ever could. Not much forethought and planning in the beginning, and it became increasingly apparent as they spent more time together.
He never took the initiative to help 837H with the chores she got used to doing while she was still caring for R1CK, and the more burnt-out she felt, the more she begins to resent him.
With R1CK’s reentry into their lives, the problems just became more and more obvious, with 837H now bending over backwards to please her Apatite and eager to do anything to get him to stay, he’s starting to see his life unravel from the edges.
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merfairymakes · 2 years
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Throwing my hat into the ring with both a Rick and Morty oc and a gem oc and bringing you Apatite Rick!!! Or Apatite R1CK, to go kinda along with the usual gem naming conventions. His name is still pronounced Rick though. He’s not really particular about pronouns, and will generally go by whatever you call him.
Basically, he lives on a version of Earth that was colonized by gems, but the gems that were there had a rebellion and gained independence from the diamonds. They still colonized the Earth though.
He used to serve as basically the supervisor to a bunch of Peridots working on a Kindergarten on the planet, planning out where everything will go and designing the structure. It was there that he met an Andesine (Diane) that operated one of the gem injectors. They fell in love, and because cross-gem fusions are not allowed, they ended up in the rebellion together.
Unfortunately, she was shattered close to the end of the war, leaving R1CK all alone without the gem he was fighting for.
I’ll add more once I get the other characters up.
Andesine Diane
Andesine Beth
Moldavite Jerry
Fire Opal Summer
Pearl Morty
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merfairymakes · 1 year
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Last but certainly not least, Pearl M0R7Y!!! His design is a lot different from the others, but that’s because I had a lot more of a clearer idea of what I wanted him to look like him coming into this
Apatite Rick
Andesine Diane
Andesine Beth
Moldavite Jerry
Fire Opal Summer
Like 5UMM3R, he was adopted shortly after emerging from the Reef on Earth. J3RRY and 837H got there pretty late, so by the time they arrived, he was the last one without a family.
He would most likely be considered defective by homeworld standards, with his singing voice not being even close to up to par with what would be expect from a Pearl. Earth does provide plenty of opportunities for gems to learn how to do things they weren’t originally made for, but the knowledge that he’s defective still gets to him at times.
As far as Morties go, his backstory is pretty standard. R1CK came crashing into his and his family’s life one day, and from that point on he became his Apatite’s sidekick. The main difference here is that 837H outright volunteered M0R7Y for the position, with the condition that R1CK always bring him home safe and sound.
Of course, he knows this whole thing is messed up, and he’s pretty forthcoming with his protests to R1CK’s immoral actions and insults. Still, he can’t bring himself to end this toxic relationship once and for all, and always returns to his side eventually no matter how bad it gets.
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merfairymakes · 2 years
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Here’s Andesine Beth!!! Lore under the cut because it got long.
Apatite Rick
Andesine Diane
Moldavite Jerry
Fire Opal Summer
Pearl Morty
After the war ended and the Earth colony gained its independence from the Diamonds, the time finally rolled around for the Andesines to emerge from the Kindergarten they were planted in all those years ago.
R1CK didn’t want to go. He was too busy mourning D14N3 to even think about leaving the house, but his friend from the war insisted, because they would be the first gems to be come out of the ground on this planet, and they wanted to celebrate and welcome the newcomers.
Eventually, he caved and agreed to go. Mostly to get them off his back. He spent most of the party sitting on a rock on some far off corner of the Kindergarten, when an Andesine that had just emerged approach him.
She asked why he was sitting all the way over there on his own, and if he was okay. Andesine 837H didn’t look or act exactly the gem he had lost, but R1CK was reminded of her nonetheless.
That was enough to get him to tell her his whole life story. 837H listened to him talk the entire party about how he had loved and lost, and the grief he was dealing with now that the love of his life was gone.
It was therapeutic, for him at least. Enough so that he offered to let her stay with him, since most of the other new Andesines at the party had done the same.
She agreed, not fully realizing what she was signing up for. Their relationship mostly consisted of her comforting him when he was down, and him giving pretty much nothing in return.
It was supposed to be a sort of mentorship, with him teaching her the ropes of the new civilization they were creating, but he didn’t put that much effort into teaching her. 
He would leave her on Earth sometimes when her similarities with D14N3 became more painful to see than comforting.
Sometimes R1CK would remember he was supposed to be teaching this gem something, so he’d take her on adventures with him, like he would later do with M0R7Y.
Of course, these adventures were traumatic, and after losing her physical form for the first time, 837H drew a line in the sand and said that she was done dealing with all he was putting her through.
That shocked him, and so he left her on Earth for longer than he had ever done before. Long enough to make 837H believe that he was never coming back. So, in the meantime, she threw herself into a relationship with Moldavite J3RRY, one of the first gems to show interest in her that way.
One thing lead to another, and they ended up adding Fire Opal 5UMM3R and Yellow Pearl M0R7Y to their family.
Cue Apatite R1CK crashing into her life again.
Despite everything, she missed him desperately and accepted him back with open arms. She regretted everything she said back then, and was willing to do anything to get him to stay.
She all but shoved M0R7Y at him, saying that he could be his assistant, so long as he always returned him home periodically. It was mostly a bid to keep him tethered to Earth and their family, but it worked.
Often, she feels guilty for putting M0R7Y through all this, but if it means her Apatite comes back after every adventure, then she’s willing to let quite a bit slide. Anything to keep R1CK from abandoning her again.
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merfairymakes · 2 years
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Due to some miscalculations, the ship carrying the gem injectors and Andesines meant for Blue Diamond’s colony on Earth got hit by a passing commet, shattering most of the gems and all the injectors it was carrying. Luckily, Yellow Diamond had some Andesines and injectors to spare, and sent them over when she heard the news.
Among those Gems was a plucky little Andesine D14N3!!! She operated the injector filled with the materials to grow the colony some new Andesines just like her!!
Laid back and bubbly, she took an interest in the Apatite in charge. She thought it was interesting how he would rather spend his off time in his quarters, instead of socializing with the other gems or exploring the area.
So, she popped in unannounced one night, and found him inventing stuff beyond her wildest imagination. R1CK explained to her that he was bored building the same old things every time, when he knew his abilities were way beyond simple Kindergarten technology.
From then on, they would sneak away to tinker around while the Peridots built the Kindergarten. One thing lead to another, and they ended up doing more than just tinkering ;)
Of course, all good things must come to an end, and other gems found out they had been secretly fusing behind their backs. Like I said with R1CK’s story the last time, she ended up getting shattered in the war, leaving a D14N3 shaped hole in R1CK’s heart.
Apatite Rick
Andesine Beth
Moldavite Jerry
Fire Opal Summer
Pearl Morty
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merfairymakes · 1 year
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We’re almost done!!!! Here’s Fire Opal 5UMM3R, ready to quietly judge you from the sidelines!!!
Apatite Rick
Andesine Diane
Andesine Beth
Moldavite Jerry
Pearl Morty
As far as the beginning of her life went, 5UMM3R had a pretty typical life like any other new gem. She was welcomed into Andesine 837H and Moldavite J3RRY’s family pretty much as soon as she emerged from the ground, and was sent to a nearby school where she can expand her horizons beyond what she was made for.
For the most part, she uses school to make new friends and try to gain popularity. Though gems technically never really age, she’s not actually a teenager, but she is in a similar phase of her life where she’d rather just enjoy life than plan for the future.
Her relationship with her family is... complicated to say the least.
5UMM3R sees the cracks in her parents’ relationship, even before R1CK came along and really drove a wedge into things. Still, she’s not one to get involved with other people’s relationships, so she for the most part just stays out of it.
In all honesty, she’s a bit jealous that M0R7Y gets to go around and have adventures with R1CK instead of her, and argues that she would be a better fit because she’s actually made for combat, but R1CK refuses to take her on as his go-to sidekick.
Whatever. She has better things to do anyway.
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