#anyways hi my name's ali im a sucker for reincarnation and Suffering Intensely
kvlpa-moved-blog · 6 years
Plot + Cordelia!
plots ahoy // accepting // @thesolitaryblade
GOD okay so this one is. kind of o ddly specific and kinda requires a bit of verse jumping? maybe? it depends on how it’s done but anyways
i really. wanna use cordelia’s fates verse more than i do, honestly. WHICH I KNOW… might sound odd bc she’s an awakening 1st gen and fates is a trainwreck and fitting things places is weird and anyways ok i’m rambling i’m gonna stop and explain what/why i wanna use it more.
there’s a more thorough description under the verse tab on cordi’s about page but the basic gist of her fates verse is that during the final battle w/grima in awakening she gets shot off her pegasus and uh. dies. :)and she ends up being reincarnated in fateslandia. but NOT as caeldori as would be. the obvious go-to, you would think but NO. two different characters folks pls stop calling them basically the same ANYWAYS she’s reincarnated in nohr as a 1st gen there. 
and  what i specifically want in this verse is interactions with other awakening characters. give me the trio getting to nohr and meeting cordelia for the first time at castle krakenburg and being stupefied bc they’d seen her die but here she is, same face, same name, same class and mannerisms and attitude and speech. give me selena freaking out because she’s already had to go through this before, losing her mom and then meeting someone who was her but also wasn’t quite and then losing her too and she can’t go through it again. give me her meeting other members of the shepherds post-awakening, be it in ylisse or fateslandia, them remembering her death and having to come to terms with it all over again. cordi ending up in ylisse somehow and being disturbed by the fact that this place looks so much like the one she dreams about every night. give me her memories of her past life coming back, some or all of them; give me her realizing she died, realizing everything she felt in those dreams was real. give me her realizing she broke her promise not to leave severa alone.
just. i need it.
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