#anyways her being a former baseball player is absolutely relevant
avianreptiles · 5 months
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Batter Up
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anxiety-trademark · 4 years
The week in review:
Raw 12/07 NXT 12/09 NXT UK 12/10 Smackdown 12/11
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Nia hyping up Shayna. That’s nice.
Shayna vs Asuka should’ve been a ppv match during Asuka’s reign. They don’t seem to care that much about protecting Shayna in tag matches, as she always eats the pin, so I’m not sure why they protect her so much in singles. She submitted Asuka (along with everyone else) in the elimination chamber, Asuka should want to prove herself better than Shayna. This is why I liked Becky’s reign, I loved the aspect of her collecting her debts against people who had wronged her, and the sideplates of the former champions she beat. That jacket was dope. The story was dope.
Man Shayna is so strong, that girl is built like a bull. I swear her bmi must be as low as Bayley’s.
How did Shayna of all people make taking a release German suplex look better than like a dozen other women in the past year? Good for her. Knows how to actually jump.
Lol so Lana willingly jumps onto Nia’s shoulders in the position of a powerbomb, and as Nia is walking her over to the announce desk, Lana sends Nia into it with a headscissors takedown. That’s great.
Lana’s just running away lmao.
Shayna just ate an L via rollup. See? Protection.
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I was gonna force myself to sit through Dana’s backstage segment with Ricochet, but then Riddle popped up, and honestly? Can’t be bothered.
Welp I don’t do mixed tag matches unless they’re compelling... which this is not.
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Hate: Asuka being a cheerleader for fucking Lana. She is the Raw women’s champion, does anyone remember this??? Terrible stuff.
Love: Asuka leaving Lana with some stupid mantra to repeat to herself before Lana turns to find herself face to face with Nia. Great stuff.
Nia just shaking her head as Lana slowly, oh so slowly, backs away. Fantastic. See this would all be a compelling midcard feud if the Raw women’s title wasn’t involved, is that a fair complaint? I feel like that’s a fair complaint.
Points to Nia for not breaking.
Highlight: Nia intimidating Lana backstage by merely looking at her
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Toni claims Ember stole her thunder, and honestly? I can see it. They both moved (back, in Ember’s case) to nxt the same night, and which one was given the promo time in the middle of the ring to start off the following week’s show? Not Toni. Who was propelled into a feud almost immediately against Dakota, a top player? Not Toni. Who got the opportunity to share the ring with former nxt champion Rhea in the main event? Not Toni.
Well apparently Io doesn’t like Toni lmao.
Io sets Toni up for the moonsault, and Toni rolls out of the ring. I criticize wwe for being predictable, but I’m gonna be honest when I say that I did NOT predict Ember running down from out of nowhere just to topple Toni. That was great. Shame this is absolutely leading to a tag match.
So Ember rolls Toni back into the ring and Io hits the moonsault... and then proceeds to pin her before she realizes what she’s doing and rolls off lol. Should’ve just committed, crowd would’ve counted to 3 for her and it would’ve been great.
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That’s right Raquel, go destroy Ember in the name of Dakota. Can’t believe my second favorite performer on that roster isn’t there tonight. BLASPHEMY.
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Xia out here striking wooden pegs and I can actually see the purpose. Boa getting the shit beat out of him? Not understanding the point there. They call it penance, but Wade is right, looks like torture. Guess it’s more of a mental thing though, right? Break the nerves and sensitivity?
*The Way celebrates their TakeOver victories* No.
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Wow Ember gets the main event match again? Man, yikes for Toni. Cool for Raquel though, this is the furthest she’s gone in her singles career without Dakota.
That Eclipse onto those 2 chairs was brutal, Dakota is a trooper.
I really dislike Ember’s persona, and I would love to see her be humbled. She did jack shit on the MR and has the audacity to run back to nxt beaming with arrogance?
Nice, Raquel hits Ember with a boot to the midsection as Ember’s in midair, and she flies back a few feet. Impactful.
Why is Ember selling her lower back? Is that genuine? An ongoing injury, or something from WarGames?
Kind of a slow moving headscissors into a tornado ddt, but it’s such a beautiful move that I don’t even care.
Does Ember typically do her suicide dive through the bottom and second rope? If so, I’m beginning to understand why hers looks so friggin brutal. Peeps going through the second and top rope always kind of gracefully land on their opponents. Ember looks like a missile.
That’s cool; Ember’s crazy ass was climbing up some metal thing, Raquel goes over and pulls her off, Ember lands perfectly on Raquel’s shoulder in a one armed fireman’s carry, then Raquel tosses her face first into the ring post. Ember landed perfectly on the apron, too. Good spot.
Raquel is dangling through the ropes with her head near the ring post and Ember charges at her on the apron. Raquel eats a knee to the side of the head but puts her hand up between her and the ring post so she doesn’t accidentally smack her head against it. She’s very safe and aware of her surroundings, I’m noticing. That’s gonna take her really far.
That was a good match. I can see why Raquel is getting set up for a push. She’s safe, strong, sells well, has an intimidating look, and is serviceable on the mic. I can see the appeal.
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Toni’s come to deliver a receipt to the receipt she received herself.
LMFAO Toni goes to pull up Ember and jumps when she hears Rhea’s music. That history runs DEEP. That was hilarious, she genuinely looks shook.
Oh that focus in Rhea’s eyes is great. Man she’s come so far this past year.
Rhea is such a solid babyface. She does all the right things as a leader of the division would without going overboard and coming off as a doormat. Asuka is the complete opposite; does nothing to help her division from unfair shenanigans, and when she does, she come off as an idiot.
Man that tension between Rhea and Toni is thick. They’re like the same age too, right? Their futures will be heavily entwined.
...Alright well honestly I was more enchanted by the concept of a Rhea/Toni feud, even though we’ve seen that like 3 times, than a rehash of Rhea/Raquel. I knew this was coming, but you’re kind of killing my vibe, here.
I actually really liked the Raquel/Rhea fight but I feel like they have subzero heat outside of an actual match. They suck at hyping a future fight between each other. Basically they’re the exact opposite as Rhea/Toni, since Rhea and Toni have like... never had a good match, yet always know how to sell one to me anyway lmao.
Highlight: Ember vs Raquel
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Jinny out here calling Piper a wild animal lol. Her in-match dialogue sucks, but I’m here for her as a promo.
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“[Isla] has yet to really kick out of first gear [...] what does Isla Dawn need to do to keep her momentum moving forward?” She needs to literally move out of first gear and work on her stamina, holy shit. She’s one of the weakest in the cardio department imo.
Since I’m already being critical, Xia is super overhyped and I need everyone to calm down. She has a lot to work on before she should even be considered midcard.
Yes sure, Xia has technical fundamentals and literally nothing else. Oh she’s only 22? That makes more sense. Man the UK stars are young lol.
We’ve finally moved past wrist locks, miracles have occurred.
Imagine being a kickboxer and not utilizing that in your arsenal. Look at that, suddenly I’m actually being entertained by Isla for the first time. More miracles have occurred.
Xia “look at my fundamentals” Brookside, can you please explain who you’re yelling ‘come on’ to? There is literally nobody there. Are you hyping me up? Hm?? Hyping me up for another hurricanrana???
Xia very obviously helped roll Isla out of the ring there.
I really need announcers to stop assuming every wrestler is about to do a suicide dive/is gonna fly/do a high risk move. It’s seldom they toss out this assumption and are wrong, but every time I’ve seen it the performer went to do a mere baseball slide beneath the bottom rope, having typically never performed a suicide dive before.
That was awkward. Isla did no offense as Xia went to grab her off the ground, but Xia backed off and just looked at her. Then Xia no sells a punch to the midsection. ???
Oddly enough, suitcase luggage being delivered ring side isn’t the strangest thing I’ve seen in this match.
So they’re props for a mid-match promo from Nina meant to distract Xia. Distracted Xia turns around and eats an awkwardly slow kick to the neck, which she awkwardly sells, before Isla wins with a... back body drop?? What a finish :/
Highlight: That fleeting moment where Isla entertained me
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Sasha gets to kick off the show? That’s a first.
Saw someone today say that Sasha only works as a babyface if she’s an underdog or if she’s generally more of a “fun” character. Said there was no positive energy around her as a babyface right now. Honestly her character sucks.
Also saw someone claim Carmella was a better version of Sasha and I’m not disagreeing with that sentiment. They should probably be on different brands in their current characters.
“How fast can I make Carmella cry” Sasha sweetie, you are the last person that should be mentioning making someone cry.
God she even has that stamp. Why is this girl not a heel? What the hell are wwe doing pushing Charlotte and Sasha as babyfaces? They gonna try to turn Becky heel again if she comes back before crowds return? Imagine a world where Charlotte and Sasha are babyfaces while Bayley and Becky are running around as heels. oof. 75% of the way there.
Carmella is great, truly. One of the best promos in the women’s division, probably in my top 3 tbh. Glad to see her relevant in the spotlight once again.
They really are 2 sides of the same damn coin.
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Sasha shouldn’t need Bayley to prop her up anymore. Enough of that well. It’s bone dry.
To be honest, it does still feel like Bayley’s show; it does still feel like she runs things, and that’s a testament to not only her booking and her massive success over the past year, but also to how she carries herself and how far her character has come. She’s absolutely on par with Becky and Charlotte now imo (which is why I wanted her to win the Royal Rumble and potentially main event night one of WrestleMania, but I digress) she’s beyond the need of having a title to be the main attraction. I never thought the 3 of them would all surpass Sasha in accolades, star power, and promo skills... but here we are.
Bayley back there talking shit about Bianca rofl.
Omg that captain thing was great. Bayley is creative and fun, and knows how to keep herself from becoming stagnant or dull. Points to Bayley.
Oh Bianca kept those insults from last week’s online exclusive. I love when wwe tests shit in online exclusives, sees the reaction, and then has the talent run that same promo/interview on tv the next week. This happens constantly. Love it.
Friggin love Bianca’s shirt. wwe should’ve printed out a ton of them. I would’ve copped the coin for it.
Girl has legit receipts rofl alright.
Called Nattie the boat. Subtly hyping up her coworkers. Solid.
Lmao Bianca ran Bayley off with her receipts. This is fun. This is a fun feud.
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“I’m gonna beat the disrespect out of Sasha,” that’s a good line.
See Carmella has been doing that cackle long before Sasha started it up, and she’s better at it too. Sasha just needs to change things.
Why is Carmella calling Reggie ‘Tommy’? Is this like a dig at his name not mattering or was that a screw up? Couldn’t have been a screw up, she would’ve improvised. Do I have his name wrong? Am I the dumb one???
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I need to start watching Raw Talk and Talking Smack. They won’t be a part of these “reviews” (ramblings) but still. I feel like I’m missing out on a lot of fun.
So I know this partnership between Nattie and Billie Kay is super temporary, but I still find it curious.
Okay so Liv tags in Ruby, runs to her, and Ruby sweeps up Liv into a wheelbarrow before Liv rolls through and trips Ruby, driving her into Billie Kay’s midsection. I’m gonna be honest guys, stuff like that is cool to see, but you could’ve literally just speared Billie Kay and saved everyone a ton of time and effort. Work smarter not cooler. Maybe situationally that potentially wouldn’t be terrible, but that was terrible tonight.
“Natalya probably the most powerful in this matchup” lol SIR. Natalya is probably the most powerful in the entire main roster, and only Bianca could be a contradiction. Curious to know which one is stronger, pound for pound and in general.
...Is Ruby okay? I’m concerned. She goes to give Billie Kay a Riott kick before Liv even gets her part of their combo finisher in, and then after she delivers her Riott kick, she crawls over to Natalya’s corner. Was Natalya not in place for a spot or something? Is Ruby on 4 shots of espresso too many??
This match was serviceable. Obviously it’s meant to merely advance Billie Kay’s storyline, so.
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*Mario Lopez weighs in on Sasha vs Carmella* I’m good thnx.
Was... was that sheet real? Does Carmella actually dance behind a real sheet that drops down for her to walk down the ramp??
Man I gotta hear Sasha’s awful remix twice tonight, shame.
Lol how is Carmella being a WrestleMania battle royal winner more impressive/important than her being a champion for like 100 fucking days??? She has wins over Asuka, Becky, and Charlotte. THAT is more impressive than winning that stupid battle royal. 
I guess I can see why Sasha being Snoop Dogg’s cousin is more important than some of her previous accolades, but jfc Carmella resume to casual viewers is dumb.
Someone in the audience had their camera pointed up to a ceiling fan and you know what? Points to that person.
I like the countering of each others’ submissions. Both scouted their opponent well.
Carmella will always be such a natural trash talker with a snappy attitude in the ring. I’m not saying her current gimmick is bad, but the trash talking princess of Staten Island will always live inside of her.
Minor petpeeve: I dislike when wwe cuts to commercial during a 10 count.
Sasha was not manipulated into tonight’s match, nor was her hand forced. Her ego spoke for itself.
Sasha has really graceful footing. She reminds me of a cat.
“Banks might have a dislocated shoulder after that,” “and if that’s the case, there’s no way Sasha can lock in the bank statement,” fun fact: Sasha went into her elimination chamber match in 2019 with a fucked up shoulder. She also ended that match the victor by locking in a modified bank statement using one arm and a bent leg. It was creative, it was cool, and it worked.
History tells me that when Carmella starts letting her frustration in a match show, she will lose rather soon after. That’s where we’re at.
Peep that Sasha slid herself back so Carmella could grab her as she climbed up the turnbuckles. Knows her spot.
Don’t do a jackknife cover on Carmella, you’re setting yourself up for the code of silence so damn easily.
Good transition into the bank statement though.
Good progression into a dq by Sasha as well.
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OH SHIT Carmella just broke a fucking bottle of champagne over Sasha’s back. Is that gimmicked? Holy hell. It has to be right? That’s why it was a different color??
What a sound effect, oof. Oh Sasha’s selling that real well.
Lmao Carmella goes over and pours herself a glass, says “that’s good, really good,” before shaking the bottle all over commentary and Sasha. Carmella’s great at every character she plays, lesbireal.
Carmella needs to hop on down to nxt and teach those women how to trash talk in a match without fucking up. She’s fantastic.
Wow here’s Greg to FINALLY announce the winner. Yikes announcer, yikes.
This was fun.
Highlight: Carmella in general was fantastic tonight
*Smackdown easily shined the brightest. Everything was vastly entertaining and women dominated throughout the entire show. Loving the progression of everyone’s characters sans Sasha, but her match with Carmella was fun nonetheless.
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crijoh · 7 years
 YESTERDAY'S POST CAN BE FOUND HERE - 18/01/18 1 Month Anniversary Special Stat Spectacular!  Game Releases: Baseball Riot - EU/NA Release - €4.99 | $4.99 | £4.49 - eShop Link - Website - TrailerHelp Gabe Carpaccio take vengeance on the unholy alliance of his former team and a corrupt energy drink manufacturer Explodz Inc.! Baseball Riot is a fun physics based puzzle game packed with slapstick comedy and mayhem! Take control of retired star batter Gabe Carpaccio as he goes on a crusade to free his former team from the grasp of Explodz Inc. Smash baseballs at various Explodz fueled goons such as obnoxious fans, biased umpires, leery catchers and more. Bounce the ball of walls and platforms to knock out many targets with one hit. Detonate Explodz crates to launch the baddies sky high! See the enemies tumble as hapless ragdolls and try to master each level by collecting three stars. Conquer more than 100 levels and save the day! Vesta - EU/NA Release - €12.74 | $14.99 | £11.46 - eShop Link - Website - TrailerVesta is a witty 6-year-old girl who lives in a desolate underground maze – the ruins of a once-bright city inhabited by humans and perfect machines. Although this world can be lonely, she is kept company by her friend BOT. It advises her and encourages her to do the tasks she is assigned, although it knows much more than it lets on. In order to survive in this passive yet hostile environment, BOT will give Vesta a real helper – DROID. He may be a bit rough around the edges, but he'll handle physical tasks that would be impossible for a fully grown adult, let alone a little girl. Besides, he is the perfect weapon to defend against the dangers lurking in the remains of this abandoned complex. Join Vesta as she explores various environments over 36 levels full of obstacles and enemy robots. She'll need her brains and DROID's power to traverse this varied landscape, properly manage the little energy left in the complex, solve the numerous puzzles she finds in her path, and even fight to survive. But most of all she will need to discover the truth of this story. Nuclien - EU/NA Release - €3.49 | $3.99 | £2.99 - eShop Link - Website - VideoCount as fast as you can in this mind splitting game that forces you to locate numbers as fast as possible, and flip your perspective backwards and forwards at an almost impossible rate! The new universe is about to begin. In this empty void, there is nothing. All that remains is for the DNA architect to successfully sequence the DNA that will become the origin of everything that exists… Nuclien takes a simple concept and turns it into an addictive and challenging experience. Race against the clock to find the numbers in their correct order by counting up, down or even doing both at the same time! Brawl - EU Release - €9.99 | $9.99 | £8.99 - eShop Link - Website - TrailerStep into the darkness of The Emporium with 8 unique characters, each with a rich back story and a surprising plot-twist. Fight your way to the end using different play styles, from pure brutality as a Wrestler to hiding in shadows as an elusive Thief. Play with up to 4 players on Multiplayer Mode with 20+ interactive maps. Fight against your opponents and environmental hazards in 5 game modes, featuring Sumo, Color Domination and Classic Brawl. Team up with a friend and take a challenge on 3 different Challenge Modes. Use powerups to upgrade your bombs and be even more deadly than usual.  Today's News: Super Meat Boy and Forever physical editions probable...and they may release a collection at some point - LinkThe much beloved series dating all the way back 2010 finally arrived on the Switch the other day. The game wasn't just ported as it was either, they added a brand new "Race" mode to the game where you are timed against a friend and have to race through different levels. The game on the Switch also supported split joy-cons, which is always a positive, and the actual performance and patch job seem to be absolutely stellar. Anyway, when a Twitter user asked Team Meat whether their game would be coming to the physical market, the developers very kindly replied, ">99%"...now, I know maths may be quite difficult for some of you so to put that into other words, a physical release is definitely coming to the Switch. That isn't all the news though, as later on down the thread, another user asked whether it would be coming in the form of a Super Meat Collection and to that they replied, "A collection probably in the future, but not for a long time.". Although that means it isn't confirmed, it still shows that they are thinking about it. Can't wait, I just hope that the box art is there and we actually get some form of fancy looking manual!  Game Announcements/Updates: Korg Gadget - Announcement - Spring 2018Now this is an incredibly fascinating announcement. Korg Gadget, currently only a PC and Mac software, has just been announced to be coming to the Switch! Most of you are probably unaware of what this software/program is, so I would like to leave it to the website to give you a better explanation that I could probably muster up at 11:00PM GMT..."Plentiful instrumental gadgets combined with a simple and intuitive graphical interface enable speedy music creation. With this new music creation studio, one can create and perform music by actively twisting and turning the Joy-Con™. There is also a multi-player mode in which up to four people can collaborate in making music. Connect via an HDMI cable to enjoy playing on the TV in your living room, or use it with a projector for big live performances. Everyone can enjoy this new game-like DAW experience.". Holy crap, a music creation software for the Switch that incorporates the joy-cons and even allows for multiplayer! I guess the announcement for that other software arriving for the Switch has been pretty popular, and now I just want even more software companies to port there programs to the Switch. Super Beat Sports: All Star Pack - Announcement - TrailerIn a surprising, but definitely welcome announcement, a new song pack is now available for free for Super Beat Sports. Super Beat Sports is "a collection of five sports-themed mini games with a twist - everything is musical. That means that you’ll need swing, volley, and score to the music in order to come out on top.". This music based game is actually pretty fun and the fact that the developers are providing free song packs is pretty great of them. The song pack titles, "All Star Pack", will come will 6 new songs which are going to be featured in the Net Ball and Gobble Golf mini-games. You can read the full announcement in the link above. Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Update 1.2.0 - Patch NotesThis was very kindly discovered by a reader yesterday, so instead of updating the post 10 hours after it went live, I decided to wait till today's post so you all could be made aware of this update. If it isn't obvious by the title, yesterday saw the release of the brand new 1.2.0 patch for Xenoblade Chronicles 2. This game was the third and final major 1st party release for Nintendo last year and performed incredibly well, however not to the heights of Mario and Zelda but that was expected. Anyway, in this latest patch, several bugs were squashed and other fixes were put into place. They also added several user requested features to make their game even better for their playerbase. Some of these fixes include, "Added functionality to allow players to receive the first round of quests and the second round of items associated with the Expansion Pass.", "Voiced segments in menus can now be skipped with the A or B button.", and "Adjusted the Gormott regular quest “The Riddle on the Wall” to make it completable regardless of player progression in the main story.". This extensive patch is available to download now and the relevant patch notes can be found in the link above!  Top Reddit Posts: Games with tiny fonts have to stop. - Link - u/kravitzzYou think Switches success will bring back "Game Cube" era of all games released on Xbox, PlayStation and Switch? - Link - u/YarrrImAPirateWhat the Switch Really needs is a solid City Builder - Link - u/TheRealShubshubI’ve got a very talented friend. The tips glow in the dark! - Link - u/Fankuan19  If there are any errors or missed information, just let me know and I'll add it promptly.  Well today has been quite a busy day! I've released 3 articles today and have officially launched my website (moved it out of a "soft launch" state! I know I say it regularly, but I would like to thank you all for the continued support, without you I would never have continued this series for more than a week, I would never have hit a month of activity. Today was a little quiet in terms of news, but with the next Direct being rumoured to be a thing next month, I'm sure I'll be kept busy. Thank you to all of the wonderful people who allowed me to use their reddit posts from earlier today, you are part of what make this community amazing. Enjoy your day/night and I'm going to get some much needed sleep now, night night! Sam :) via /r/NintendoSwitch
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