#anyway. tired tired tired. gn!
intertexts-moving · 1 year
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
“Oh, I’m sorry, baby. Want me to kiss it where it hurts?” Kirishima purrs up at you, his place between your thighs seemingly the closest thing he can get to ascension. His eyes are wide, his pupils blown out, any red swallowed up by the lust pooling in his eyes. he looks like the picture of adoration and worship, all faux worry and pure hunger as he bounces between your gaze and the pretty picture that twitches in front of his face. his eyes cross to watch the slick ooze from your hole, sighing.
“It’s the least you could do for me,” you pout to him, running your nails through his soft locks, tugging a little meanly at the root. “After using me like a toy on your cock for so long.” Your words are sighed wistfully, your eyes betraying just how much you want his mouth on you as he wants to taste you. Kiri moans at that, quiet and in the back of his throat, but you hear it none the less.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he repents, but it’s all for naught when his tongue laves over your sensitivity and doesn’t let up until you’re crying from the overstimulation once more. he’s so sorry—that you can only cum so many times before you tap out. he’s so sorry—that your thighs are more sore from tightening up around his head than his working jaw. he’s so sorry—that you’re so addicting, that he can lay between your legs until his last breath leaves him.
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stiffyck · 7 months
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its 3 am but can we appreciate the tits
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shiemori-writes · 2 years
Leona and jamil fairy gala hairstyles... WE WERE ROBBED I SAY
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Please leona stop it im supposed to be writing and clearing my inbox why
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crows-home · 10 months
A little fic about Vince the day before things went to hell. Warnings for mentions of cannibalism, murder, blood.
It will go like this:
“What’s this?” Rody will ask, surprised as he looks down at the plate you present him with. You will keep him late, after all the chefs have left for the day. Just the both of you, so you can savor the reaction, all to yourself.
“It’s-” for you. It’s a gift. It’s that ex-girlfriend you can’t shut up about, but who will now nourish you in ways you could never return. It’s all your love, neatly presented. It’s my heart, bared before you. It’s yours. Take it.
“-leftovers.” you will say instead.
[Also on Ao3]
Rody will take the plate, equal parts confused and curious. Tilt his head to the side and hum, like some mutt. He’ll eat it here, in the restaurant, he won’t take it home like he’s been doing all week. You won’t give him the choice.
He’s so stupid- too uncultured to comment on the presentation, but that’s not what you will focus on. 
The fork will sink into the meat, into its pre-cut slices, nicely. You will note the way his lips wrap around the utensil, how his eyes will widen as the flavor seeps in. Pupils will dilate and his breath will catch, so clear and damning in the echoing kitchen. You’ll note the way his throat bobs around the swallow, and the way he will grin.
“Vince!” Rody will look at you. His eyes will shine, that warm honey golden brown that haunts your dreams. His gaze is admiring, reverent. “This is amazing!”
You won’t be able to stop the way your heart will thump in your chest, so loud you will wonder if he can hear it. You’ve never been able to so far. Maybe it will be more. Maybe it will beat so fast it’ll leave you feeling winded. How will you cope? You should prepare for that.
“I know.” you will respond, airily, after taking a deep breath.
He’ll dig in, clean his plate with a gusto, the way no one has ever done before. It will disgust you, the way he shoves food in his mouth. Uncultured pig. But beneath the disgust will be a bone deep satisfaction that you’ve never felt before, so you can’t imagine it now.
While he eats, Rody will look up at you, every emotion clear as day on his face. Like it always is. He’ll be so clearly impressed and grateful and yes, happy. You will have made him happy.
And he would say:
“Whatever you did this time, it really worked. It’s so rich and the spices are blended so well! So moist and the baste is-”
Ah. No, not that. Rody’s not- he hasn’t got a sophisticated palate to have those opinions. He’d probably chew through half a boot without noticing anything wrong.
“They were so wrong about you,” he will look you in the eye. Trusting, honest, raw. Your mouth waters. “Those articles. The critics. You’ve always had it in you. This is just- it’s so good, Vince! I can taste the heart that went into this.”
He’ll ask if there are any more leftovers, desperate and hungry for more. You’ll say no, that’s all you had, just to delight in the disappointment that washes over him. Of course he will- it’s the best thing he’s ever had. He’ll be ruined, after this. He won’t be able to get the taste out of his mouth let alone settle for anything other than your cooking.
Now you know. Now you are able to- to touch people, like this. Touch him like this, in a way you will never experience. That’s a power that you’ll never give up.
So you will tell him no, sorry, that’s all that was left.
“What’s your favorite food, Rody?”
I’ll make it for you next. There’s plenty of meat left.
“You never told me.”
“Still don’t have one…” He rubs his chin and looks up. Where will the two of you be then? Still in the kitchen? Or will you have this conversation outside, after the dishes are left and as you shut and lock the door behind you? Every thought about her will be so far from his mind as you both leave her- what’s left of her- in the freezer.
“Although,” he’ll smile at you, cheeks flushed and oh so happy. So alive. “I guess tonight my favorite is- whatever you make!”
The knife slips out of Vincent’s hand and clinks against the tile floor.
He blinks back to himself, away from the daydream, and scowls. His breathing is labored and his face is flushed.
“Always distracting me, even when he’s not around…”
He bends down with a sigh and picks up the knife. He takes extra care to step around the puddles of blood to make it to the sink and rinse it off. Too much blood, so much more than he’s used to, is making things more slippery than he’s used to, but the general process is the same. Second nature for him.
It doesn’t disgust him- what he’s done. Who he’s done it to. Her eyes weren’t the familiar brown he ached for. Her hair was too light, too neat, not the wild, fiery ginger mess that’s been dashing around his dining room. Barely presentable for his job but- it’s soft. Vincent knows it’s soft. His hand remembers the way it felt underneath his skin when he dried Rody off.
Vincent shivers again, and realizes the tap water is still running.
Shutting it off, he makes his way back to the counter. There’s still much to prepare before the day begins.
The countdown doesn’t even begin; Rody just had to go snooping where he doesn’t belong. 
Now there’s blood, his blood, that fills your mouth. His cartilage, soft and squishy between your teeth. You swallow it down. A piece of him, inside you.
Rody staggers and screams, his expression growing more horrified, pained, disgusted by the second. His eyes go buggy and he brings his left hand up to his wound, he’s crying. No. No, no, no, no-
You think about his smile. His kind, soft, moronic, naive eyes were supposed to be fixed on you, were supposed to find you. It wasn’t supposed to be this way-
He’ll never love you now.
It’s- it’s his fault. All of this. Here you were, trying to do something nice, and he spits it back in your face. It’s not like you were ever going to tell him what [who] he was eating. He could have lived in blissful ignorance. Happy, content, with you-. He would have forgotten about her eventually.
He calls you insane, and he might be right, but he doesn’t have to be so dramatic about it.
Ugh- now he’s accusing you of being a fucking cannibal, Jesus Christ. Imbecile. Your eye almost twitches in annoyance. Of course he’d jump to that conclusion, it’s not like he uses his brain to think for more than two seconds. You ought to take the other ear, for that. Or a finger. A hand.
…An arm. A leg. Your eyes trace his body, slowly.
Did- did his ear taste like anything, going down? You can’t remember. It- maybe it did. Maybe what you need is something meatier.
The girl never would have tasted like anything to you and in hindsight, of course she wouldn’t have. Maybe not even to Rody either. You never loved her, and she never loved you. Rody, though… Rody would be made with all your love. That’s what people talk about, right? That’s what you needed all along.
He comes to the realization at the same time you do. Your eyes meet. Honey brown. Alive, alive, raw.
He’s what you needed all along.
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Something that without fail always makes me cry about Soriku is when I think about Riku’s feelings post KH 3, and other times when he’s separated from Sora, and the time when Sora is missing. Like, I think about Sora’s emotions and turmoil when he has his memory problems, he’s separated from Riku and he’s desperately trying to get back to him, and think about everything he goes through in all the KH games.
But then Riku comes into my mind, and specifically the post KH 3. Like…I just imagine Riku is so worried and desperate just like Sora was in KH 2, possibly even more. I always imagine that Riku and Sora knew, before the whole KH story began, where each other were at almost all times. They were best friends since they were little, and they were together very often even when Kairi joined them. If they weren’t together, they at least knew where they would be or had a good guess.
And they weren’t apart for long either. Maybe a day AT MOST.
But then the whole KH series happens, and they’re apart for so long and filled with tension, BUT I feel like Riku knew where Sora was, especially since they kept running into each other. And then I just think about Riku’s headspace in 358/2 Days since, like, once again Riku knows where Sora is. He’s sleeping and is in a safe place that Riku can reach if he feels like something is wrong. Going back a little, even in CoM he knew Sora was in the castle when he was there as well. He just had to find him. He knew where he was. That was good enough.
KH 2? He knew where he was and helped him and they FINALLY reunited. I feel like Riku didn’t show it much, but he felt such relief, excitement, love and SO many other emotions. It’s overwhelming, but he hides it because he has to. At least he feels that way then.
But anyways then DDD happens and Riku kinda knows where Sora is. He’s in dreams and it’s all confusing, but eventually he learns where he is and knows what’s wrong (from what I remember but I may be wrong). They were separated at first, but they KNEW they were together at the same time, so there wasn’t much worry or fear. They literally talk about each other 24/7 and certain problems get fixed BECAUSE OF THE OTHER ONE COMMUNICATING AND HELPING THE OTHER. And then the ending of KH 3 happens. And it hurts (massively) to think about how this is one of the few times in Riku’s life, that he doesn’t know where Sora is.
He doesn’t know where he is, and it eats at him.
I think about their connection with their hearts and Riku’s dream eater symbol. A constant reminder that Sora is dreaming whether it be good or bad. If he’s dreaming, then he’s alive. He’s somewhere and he will find him. He won’t stop until he finds him, and though the mark hurts at times, because of nightmares, it brings a sort of comfort. If he’s dreaming, then he’s alive. He must be. And then their connection in his heart is still there. It’s not as strong as it once was, since I believe with everything going on it’s definitely stressed, but its. Still. There.
So he must be somewhere.
And once again thinking about the dream eater symbol, I’ve always seen it as burning when Sora is having a nightmare. And so I feel even more sad for Riku because he KNOWS he’s hurting, it keeps him up on certain nights from the pain, and he can’t help. This is the time when he wants to help (unlike KH 1), when it is literally a craving and NEED for him, but he can’t. He puts in the effort to help without being there physically, but the burning feeling doesn’t go away, so he’s still suffering.
The only moments I feel like Riku would feel some peace is when the DE (dream eater) symbol feels…cool. Like it gives him a cold feeling but not freezing. It just feels cool and nice, so he knows he’s having a good dream and not a nightmare. For that time, he knows he’s okay. Or maybe not okay, but having peace for a moment. But still, he doesn’t know where he specifically is. He cannot simply call him on the phone and talk and see his face line he did in KH 3 when he and Mickey were in Radiant Gardens.
I imagine this genuinely hurting Riku bc ofc they get back together finally and are facing some of their problems, only to be pulled apart AGAIN, and both suffering in their own ways and adding to the trauma they both already have. I imagine this separation making him push himself to his limit, and possibly over it, using his abilities and any keyblade powers in the desperate hope of finding him. But it doesn’t work. It feels hopeless. I haven’t played Re:mind or the Symphony game (I can’t remember the name rn it’s literally 2 AM), so I’m missing some lore ik, but still these plague my mind.
And then another sad headcannon/idea I toss in my head late at night or at work is the possibility of their connection being broken suddenly, since I’ve seen theories for that. Their connection is strained and then it suddenly snaps. He no longer feels a burning pain or cool feeling from the DE symbol reacting to Sora’s dreams, and he doesn’t feel that pull in his heart anymore. He thought he would feel relief when the mark didn’t burn anymore at times, but now he wished IT DID. With that pain, like I’ve said, he knew he was alive.
But now a haunting and cruel thought is in his mind. A possibility that he doesn’t want to accept. If he’s not dreaming, then he might be dead. No dreams or nightmares? At all? Not like Sora. Not like any person. At least a LIVING person. So that thought haunts him on his late nights or when he’s pushed himself past his limit, once again out of the MANY times I feel like he would, and he’s not thinking straight and it hurts. His chest is tight, he’s slowly starting to hyperventilate when he sits in bed at night, his head hurts from working too hard, and then his pillow is covered in tears because he can’t stop them anymore, and then his head hurts WORSE because of the tears and the sadness he literally can’t hold back anymore.
He’s faced hurt before, he’s faced things he feared…but this one thing he refuses to face. He won’t accept it, not until he sees Sora’s body for himself, not until he feels the warmth from Sora gone completely. His light snuffed out like a mere candle.
He won’t accept it. He won’t face it. I feel like the thought of Sora being dead or severely hurt to the point where their connection is broken, is a fear and hurt that Riku won’t face for awhile. He’s strong, we know that duh (and Sora is too), but still. He’s faced the darkness, he’s faced Ansem, he’s fought everything that’s scared him head on…but this is something he can’t fight. He just has to let it sit in the deep part of his heart and eat at him until he finds Sora and tells himself that he’s there. He found him AGAIN.
He knows where he is, and Sora knows where Riku is. Finally. Their connection can heal, they both can help each other and open up more, finally go home, or at least someplace safe. Because honestly where is home for them anymore? Thats a problem to face in the future.
Because he’ll find him. Because he’s not dead or completely lost. He’s out there, and Riku knows it. That has to be it, right? He has to be alive. Sora wouldn’t give up or give in so easily, he’s literally bested death before. He can’t be truly gone…right?
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salsedinepicta · 4 months
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"Not every haunting is for horror / sometimes it's just for company" (murmur - C. Barnett), or some kind of handers ghost AU, part 2/?, part 1 here
+bonus: detail and original sketch, because I genuinely like it 😶‍🌫️✨
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twoa-plus · 6 months
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i don’t think i ever posted these here so here u go. take them
sorry if they look wonky these are just quick refs i did a while ago !! also i didn’t feel like drawing their unit outfits all over again so they get. whatever these are
ok i go eepy now
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talksosweet · 1 month
oíche mhaith tá sé beagnach 3am (in like two mins) 🙏🏻
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English major Aether, who you can always ask for help when you miss class and need the notes.
English major Aether, who shows up to every single class because he knows someone is probably going to end up asking him for notes.
English major Aether, who you always sit next to in class because he’s just so easy and fun to talk to.
English major Aether, who always asks to be your partner because he knows that you’ll actually do your part of the project, definitely not just because he wants more time to talk to you.
English major Aether, who you always have to talk out of “helping” people with papers.
English major Aether, who is somehow always helping someone with their work, at a party, with his friends, or passed out in his dorm.
English major Aether, whose sister terrifies you when she shows up to his dorm while you two are studying.
English major Aether, who is somehow sitting near the top of the class just because he’s such a hard worker.
English major Aether, who takes you with him to a party and you have the most wild night since he was always up to doing something or going somewhere.
English major Aether, who loves how you’re his one normal thing he can hold on to in his incredibly chaotic life.
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moonshynecybin · 19 days
pecco’s little marc fixation. fascinating to me personally. marc was stronger marc was this marc was that. did i tell you already about marc. let me say it again, and to marc directly too, just to make sure he knows i think he was great. what is marc doing. what is marc saying. i’m about to repeat word for word what marc said. mental games don’t work on me btw and marc won’t get to me
using marc as a reference in the wet last weekend and finding pace that way unfortunately a very poignant metaphor for my guy pecco
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
Miles, literally fighting for his life daily: fuck it we crawl
Miles when Ganke texts him “hey” instead of “haiii !! (o´∀`o)”:
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hacksawboy · 2 months
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why explain your tf2 oc lore when you can meme it instead
(for the record though if anyone wants to ask me abiut my tf2 oc lore PLEASEPLEASWP LEASE PLEASEPLEAS)
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prostocupoftea · 5 months
funnies from the kinitomap discord whiteboard (again)
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fellas by me
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fella for me by once again amazing and awesome @luix33 <3
and some more that are not as good but still (: (science kissed them so now i am obligated /hj)
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trentskis · 9 months
my phone died and i wasn't bothered to charge it but um. serving cuntis jones. quansah masterclass business as usual. szobo unreal. beautiful little mo goal icing on the cake. captain trent for the girls. joe gomez season of his life. darwin brilliant today imo showed how much quality he has outside of goalscoring, elliott excellent too. ibou you rock my world. gakkers banger goal and little lovely speech to curtis. i could go on. crying. stefan voice that game had EVERYTHING-
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trashdragon4 · 3 months
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Jedi padawan besties (they're studying btw)
My baby girl Alema again, this time before she became a mando.
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Lore dump + extra sketches under the cut :)))))))
Putting this in dotpoints so that i have some semblance of order
Alema was raised in the jedi temple
she wanted to become a temple guard and wielded a double sided lightsaber
Zif (the zabrak in the first image) was her best friend
she and her creche mates had a tooka called Lutal
became a padawan at age 13, shortly before order 66 and the end of the war
was on a mission in the outer rim with her master and their troops when order 66 happened
her and one of the clone medics (whose chip malfunctioned) managed to escape via escape pod
they crash landed on an uninhabited planet
where they met my other, yet to be introduced mandos
I have so much more for her and the rest of the gang but i'm gonna call it a night for now, will probably post more about her tmrw.
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