#anyway sorry i'll shut up about carols now
katya-goncharov · 1 year
ooh maybe i should try to record some covers of my favourite autumn carols
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 5 months
Stars Align: Part 7
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Warnings: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Pining, Mentions of Abuse, Violence, Angry Bradley, Sexual Themes, Alcohol, Swearing, Just Really Soppy Scenes.
-- Part 6 Here --
18+ Only
Bradley decided to skip the party that night. Michelle was getting on his nerves and he just really missed his best friend. He hadn’t spoken to you in over a week and withdrawals began to set in.
You plagued his dreams and he longed for your company, your adorable laugh to ring out when he made a really bad joke, or just to have a genuinely interesting conversation with someone who wouldn't look at him like he was looney.
All he got these days was stale conversations about the latest fashion, who slept with who, and how that guy they met at that party that one time got a fake ID.
He was growing quickly bored of this new lifestyle, and wished he’d taken the time to savour his old life when he had it. To savour you.
Bradley was finally coming to terms with the fact that he should have told you how he felt before you left, but the opportunity was now long gone and he would likely never have the chance again.
But that didn’t mean he couldn’t still tell you how much he cared.
“Ma, I’m home!” Bradley called as he jogged up the stairs to his bedroom.
Carole poked her head out of the kitchen, “I thought you were at Michelle’s tonight?”
“I was gonna, but I really just need to talk to Birdy.” He said as he stopped at the top of the stairs.
“Okay sweetheart, I’ll get dinner started.”
Bradley disappeared into his bedroom and shut the door, he took a deep breath as he picked up the phone.
“Hi this is Y/N, I’m not here right now. Please leave a message and I’ll get right back to you!” Your sweet voice rang over the other end, and it gave Bradley goosebumps. Simultaneously it also filled him with guilt. You kept missing one another, and it was mostly his fault.
The line beeped and he cleared his throat.
“Hey Birdy, sorry I missed your call yesterday, looks like we keep missing each other.” He chuckled sadly, cleared his throat again and sighed, “I really, really miss you, kid. Life’s not the same without you. Please call me back, I don't care what time it is, just call, I'll answer.”
He hung up and rubbed his face frustratedly.
Part of him wanted to pack a bag and catch a bus or plane over to you, but he knew it wasn’t the right time.
Not yet anyway.
Bradley looked around his bedroom for a moment, until he had an idea.
He got up and crossed the room to his desk and pulled out a sheet of paper.
If he couldn't tell you how he felt, he decided he'd write about it instead.
The weeks passed in a beautiful blur, and you were really growing accustomed to life in the little bungalow with Bradley.
He couldn’t keep his hands off of you, and he was your biggest supporter when it came to your art, which was flowing out of you with ease.
He made it hard to concentrate when he kissed your neck from behind while you tried to paint, but once he’d taken care of you, well and truly breaking the bed, that’s when some of your best work was created.
One day you were lounging in the back yard catching some sun, while Bradley did some gardening, shirtless and in his favourite jorts. The sun glistened against his tanned, sweaty body, and you couldn’t help the way your core throbbed as you bit your lip and watched his muscles ripple as he worked hard to move around a series of large stones.
He glanced over at you and caught you staring, and a wide grin spread across his face.
“Really? Like this? I’m disgusting.” He chuckled.
“I know, but it's really doing it for me. Please?” You stuck out your bottom lip and pleaded.
Bradley couldn’t resist you if he tried, especially not when you lay in such a small bikini, face flushed by the sun and lust. He straightened, wiping the sweat off of his forehead with the back of his hand. He sauntered over to you slowly, teasingly, and gave you a wink as he grabbed your calves, slowly sliding his hands up to your thighs and pushing your legs apart, crawling in between them.
He captured your lips hungrily and took your breath away as your hands wandered his sweaty abs.
You wrapped your legs around him and he moved his lips to your neck, and down, down, sucking marks into the valley of your breasts until he reached your bikini top. He tugged at it gently with his teeth and -
“Hellooo? Anyone home?” A voice rang out, and you pushed Bradley off of you, blushing bright red. Bradley groaned as he pushed himself up and off of your lounger.
“Who is it?” You whispered, flustered.
“Nat.” He mouthed back, then took a deep breath to calm himself. “Out here Nat!” He called. “I really need to start locking that door.”
You chuckled and adjusted your bikini. No one knew about you and Bradley yet, you'd been keeping your relationship in a secret little bubble of bliss, not keen on other peoples unwanted opinions just yet.
Nat poked her head out the back door with a grin. ''Hey guys! I did knock, but I guess... never mind.'' She could obviously tell she had interrupted something by the flushed looks on both of your faces. ''I'm heading over to the Hard Deck for a few drinks, just wanted to see if you're interested?''
Bradley looked over at you and you shrugged, ''Sounds fun to me, I just need to get changed.'' you smiled.
Bradley sighed, ''Yeah ok, can I shower first?''
Bradley was positively bouncing as he waited at the airport's arrivals terminal, you were finally getting off of the plane to come and stay with him for the summer, and it had been months since he had last been able to hold you, even if it was just platonic.
He craned his neck as he waited for you to arrive, growing more and more impatient by the second, until he saw your smiling face bobbing along with the crowd. You'd had to jump to see over the heads of some of the passengers, but when you spotted Bradley, you ended up in full sprint, zig zagging past everyone to get to him.
As soon as you were close enough, you dropped your suitcase and jumped into Bradleys arms. He spun you around with his face buried in your hair, and he felt as if he could fly in that moment, he was so happy.
''Oh my god, you have no idea how much I've missed you lil bird.'' he mumbled into your hair.
''I missed you more!'' you exclaimed as you pulled back and cupped his slightly less chubby cheeks to inspect him. ''I've missed you and your dumb moustache.''
Bradley chuckled as he put you down, grabbing your suitcase and your hand as he walked you to his truck.
You sang along to cheesy 80's hits and caught up on the past few months as he drove you to his house, and Bradley couldn't stop glancing over at you, thrilled that you were finally back with him, even if it was just for a little while.
''So how's Michelle?'' you asked, teasingly, ''Have you done the thing yet?''
Bradley blushed and cleared his throat as he eyed the road, ''Uhm, we broke up, and no.''
You looked over at him with wide eyes, ''Oh, I'm sorry Brad, you never said anything. What happened?''
''I took too long.'' He shrugged.
''Took too long to do what?''
''Sex, Birdy, I took too long to fuck her.'' He said plainly, a hint of humour behind his lips.
''Ah, gross, Brad. Didn't need to put it so crassly.'' You cringed, ''I am sorry though.'' you nudged him gently.
''It's okay, she wasn't right for me.''
You wanted to say 'I knew it.' or 'I told you so.', but you didn't. You didn't need to, you knew he knew.
''Why did you hold out on her? Thought you just wanted to get it over and done with.''
''I couldn't stop thinking about what you said, about the first time needing to be with someone I actually care about.''
You blushed and nodded, ''Yeah, that's sort of why I still haven't done it either.''
Bradley glanced over at you for a moment, but he said nothing, turning his attention back to the road.
Before long you were pulling up on his drive and you hopped out before the truck even fully came to a halt. You legged it inside and skidded into the kitchen, where Carole stood brewing a cup of tea.
''Carole!'' you screamed, running over to hug her.
''Oh sweat pea! I'm so happy you're finally here.'' she hugged you back and kissed the top of your head. ''It's gonna be so nice to have another woman in the house again.''
Bradley walked in and put your suitcase against the wall. He scoffed, ''You mean 'girl'.'' he said teasingly.
You shot him a glare, ''Shut up Bradshaw, I don't even wear princess pyjamas anymore.''
Carole laughed and shooed you both upstairs to unpack.
Bradley showed you to the guest bedroom and sat with you while you unpacked your things into the little chest of drawers.
''So, any boyfriends or anything your side?'' he asked as he leaned back on his elbows.
You scoffed, ''No, they're all dreadful where I live. I have got a friend though, her name's Gabby, I think you'd really like her.''
''I'm glad you're fitting in, but don't forget where you really belong.'' he sighed, laying back against the bed, his torso exposed. You pried your eyes away and forced out a chuckle.
''And where is that?''
''With me.'' he said simply.
You stopped for a moment, but then realised he must have meant physically, as in back in your home town, and you said nothing.
''Woaaah, what are these?'' You heard him say suddenly, and turned around to find Bradley fishing a pair of thongs out of your suitcase.
You gasped and snatched at them, but Bradley moved them out of reach.
''Give them back, Bradshaw!'' you swiped again, falling onto the bed as Bradley held them up high.
''Not until you tell me what they are, dental floss?'' he teased.
''Shut up, I'm not a kid anymore.'' you threw yourself onto Bradley and pinned him under you, snatching the underwear out of his hands. You looked down and you were now face to face with him as he chuckled, and your face must have looked even redder up close.
''I know you're not, Birdy, you haven't been for a long time.'' he was suddenly serious as you hovered over him.
You pushed yourself up and shoved the thongs back into your suitcase, zipping it up.
You stuck your tongue out at Bradley, ''I'll unpack the rest later. Once you're in your own room.''
The Hard Deck was packed by the time you arrived, and Bradley took your hand as he lead you through the crowd towards the pool table at the back. You smiled as you saw the familiar group you'd come to adore over the past few weeks.
You said hi to everyone and wedged yourself in between Jake and Bob as they asked you to help settle a debate.
Bradley went to the bar and grabbed a round of drinks.
''So Baby on Board here says showering at night is better, but I say showering in the morning, so you're fresh for the day, what do you think?'' Jake drawled and took a sip of his beer, sure you would agree with him.
You laughed, ''Well, I think it depends on your lifestyle, but personally I shower at night, you're not gonna get dirty or sweaty while you sleep, and if you do I'd suggest a morning shower. But the way I see it is if you shower before bed, then you're all soft and clean and sleep better, and should still be clean in the morning for the day ahead. If you only shower in the morning, by the time you go to sleep you'll be all gross again.'' You shrugged and Jakes face fell, he looked defeated. Bob hooted and gave you a high five.
''I'll have you know, I do get very dirty and sweaty at night, so I'll stick to my mornin' showers thanks.'' Jake said sarcastically, and sauntered off. You and Bob laughed, and he rolled his eyes.
''Last week I lost the debate, so it's only fitting I win this one.'' Bob grinned. ''So, how are...things?''
You blushed and lowered your voice, ''Good, really good, but no one else knows. Can you just keep it between us three for now?''
''You got it.'' he smiled.
You found it difficult to act normal around Bradley for the rest of the evening, having to catch yourself from flirting with him out in the open, and he kept finding himself staring at you across the room for prolonged periods of time before having to remind himself that no one knew.
You were tempted to pull him into a bathroom stall, but as packed as the bar was, you knew someone would notice.
You were sat on a stool as Nat told you an embarrassing story about Jake, who stood not far away trying to convince you that she was telling it wrong, when you noticed Javy's face drop. He immediately stopped his game of darts, and tapped Jake on the shoulder, whispering something in his ear.
Jake looked over and sighed, you couldn't see what they were seeing from your seat, but Jake made his way over to you and leaned over so only you and Nat could hear him.
''Heads up, chickadee, Alice just walked in.''
Your heart began to thud, but you smiled a calm smile and nodded. ''Thanks Jake, where's Bradley? We should probably let him know.''
''Not sure, I'll go find him.'' He patted you on the back gently as he walked off to find Bradley, and you went back to your conversation with Nat, trying to push the fact that Alice was more than likely still unhappy and would be looking to pick a fight with you or Bradley.
You and Nat laughed along to her reminiscing about the days before she was friends with Jake.
''Anyway, so then when I pointed it out to Hangman, he acted as if he didn't do it, and he tried to...'' she suddenly trailed off, distracted by something over your shoulder, or rather someone. She frowned as she stood from her seat.
''What?'' you asked as twisted in your seat, but just as soon as you had turned around, you wished you hadn't. It was if you were inside a horrible, realistic nightmare. You thought you were going to be sick.
Your breath was knocked from your lungs and you stumbled off of your seat, tears prickling in your eyes as you blinked rapidly and fought to breathe.
''Hey pretty girl. It's been a while.''
-- Part 8 Here --
Taglist now open 💛 please let me know if you'd like to be added!
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snippy-tano · 2 years
I just finished watching the Blue Shadow Virus duology and all I could think of was Kix being Very Upset And Concerned when the love of his life was caught in the bunker and almost died/now needs to be nursed back to health…could that possibly be a fic, with lots of soft and worried Kix? (Take this any direction you want and take your time…I’ve been stalking your blog for a couple years and you’re amazing! I’ve read and reread so many of your fics 💕)
okay so i was a lot closer to finishing this one than i thought lol. i hope you like it @social-mockingbird and it was what you were looking for!! thank you for stalking my blog for so long and i hope to see you in my asks again real soon (hint hint)!! hope y'all like this one! honestly i feel like i'm on a roll so maybe i'll try to write something else tonight. i'm just in a fluffy mood i guess. what can ya do? anyway, enjoy!! let me know what you think!! :)
masterlist is here!
taglist is here!
tagging: @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life; @marvel-starwars-nerd; @mackstrut; @dissapointingpancake; @ahsokatano-thetogruta; @welcometothepedroverse; @lightning-wolffe; @fractiouskat; @mandaloriandin; @lussyyung; @lowkeyodinsong; @str-wrs-fics; @bantha-shit; @badbatch-simp24; @katelynnwrites; @s1st3r; @leotatombs; @torchbearerkyle; @rain-on-kamino; @the-navistar-carol; @bombshe77; @arctrooper69; @lucyysthings; @dominhoe-squad; @snipskixandbeskar;
Close Calls
In the end, things had worked out. 
The situation was definitely shaky in the middle, but between the troops, Senator Amidala, and Commander Tano, you were able to get everything under control. If you asked Kix however, you would think the world had ended. He had been by your side the moment you were pulled out of that bunker, datapad in hand, spitting out questions about your symptoms, asking about how you were feeling, and already talking about your treatment plan. 
At the time, you were too tired to fight him, raising a hand to pat him on the arm before you fell back unconscious. You were satisfied the moment you met his eyes, knowing he was okay and you were again in safe hands. It was enough for you to drift back off immediately. Which after the day you had, was welcomed.
You regained consciousness in the medbay, which had been repurposed to compensate for the large number of people who needed treatment. You could see Commander Tano a few beds down, already whining to Captain Rex (who was in the bed next to her) about being stuck in bed. Leave it to her to already be complaining about their confinement in the medbay. 
“Next time, try not to get infected with a deadly disease.” 
You chuckled lightly, turning your head to see Kix stroll up, datapad in hand. 
“I’ll try not to.” You let out a light cough, eyes squeezing shut. You opened them again to see Kix staring down at you. He let out a sigh, glancing around him. After seeing no one was paying the two of you any attention, he sat down on the edge, very carefully taking your hand in his. “I’m sorry I scared you.”
“I know you didn’t mean to. But don’t do it again. Doctor’s orders.” Kix said, his thumb stroking the back of your hand. 
“Sir, yes sir.” You smiled, raising your other hand in a weak salute. Kix laughed lightly before lifting your hand and gently kissing the back of it. His thumb rubbed a few paths against the back and you smiled up at him.
It had been scary, not knowing if you would last long enough to get out or even if you were going to escape. You didn’t want anyone else to catch this or for this disease to go back into the galaxy, but you were terrified of losing Kix. Now that you were safe and he was here with you, things seemed like they were finally better.
“Now, how are you feeling? Do you feel sweaty? Bloated?” Kix asked as he stood up, picking up his datapad. 
Nevermind. You hated him.
You groaned. “Kriff Kix, do you really need to know that? It’s hardly romantic.”
“I’m your medic. So yes.”
You huffed, crinkling your nose. “Fine. A bit yes.”
Kix continued on, going through question after question. You always answered them honestly, knowing he was just doing his job, but you did enjoy throwing in some jokes here and there. It keeps him on his toes. If he was going to hover, you were going to make it a little hard for him to focus, sue you.
This routine continued for the next few rotations. 
Kix would come by any chance he had, he’d sit by your side, give you updates on the rest of the men, and always hold your hand. These moments were fleeting, as he was exceptionally busy, but you cherished every second you got with him. 
As you continued to take medication and were continuously monitored, you started to get your strength back. The sunken, ashen color that had taken over your skin slowly faded, as did the exhaustion. Every day you felt stronger. 
By the time you were cleared by the medical staff, you felt strong enough to go right back to work. 
Of course, the medical staff also advised that you needed at least a few rotations before going back to work, but there was some work you could get done from your bunk. Kix must have sensed your plan, because he decided it was a good idea to escort you back to your bunk. You tried to get him to leave once you arrived, but it was at that moment he revealed that he had the next two rotations off and would not be leaving your side.
So much for work. 
You were in the refresher, taking a well deserved shower for the first time since waking up in the medbay when you heard a knock on the door. 
“Yeah?” You yelled over the running water.
“Are you okay? Not lightheaded?” Kix shouted back. You let you a sigh and continued washing your hair.
“I’m fine Kix! I’ll let you know if I’m not!” 
He said something else, but you didn’t catch it. Instead you finished washing your hair and quickly stepped out. You threw on the comfiest clothes you had and tidied up the refresher before stepping out. 
Kix was there the moment you stepped into your bunk, hand at your elbow.
“Kix for kriff’s sake I’m fine. I’m feeling much better than before and I’m capable of walking on my own.” You whined. 
The medic hesitated, head dropping. You stopped, hand coming up to rest over his.
“You really had me worried. I thought you weren’t coming back.” He said softly and your annoyance deflated in an instant. You sighed. 
“Alright. I understand. I’m sorry for being pushy, it’s just good to be out of the medbay and I am feeling better. But I’d love for you to stay if you want.” You said, giving his hand a squeeze. Kix took a stuttering breath and looked up at you, nodding once. 
“If you’ll have me.”
You smiled. “I’d love for you to stay. Now go wash up. There’s some spare blacks in the bathroom.”
Kix returned the smile, giving your arm a squeeze and pressing his lips to your forehead before heading into the small refresher. 
You looked after him for a moment before finishing your nightly routine. By the time Kix finished in the ‘fresher, you were curled up in your bunk, fighting off sleep. He chuckled lightly, setting down his own clothes and turning off the light. 
“I guess I was more tired than I thought.” You hummed as Kix crawled into your small bunk. You shivered at the air entering your warmth, but it was quickly replaced by Kix’s warm arm pulling you back against him. 
“It’s a good thing I was here then.” He breathed against your ear. You elbowed him lightly in the stomach and tried to ignore his soft laughter by burying your face further into your pillow. He pressed another kiss to the side of your head. “Good night.”
“Night.” You breathed in response. “Love you.” Kix held on a little bit tighter, breathing against your skin. “Love you too.”
You drifted to sleep, warmer than you had been a while, sure that the future was bright as long as Kix stayed by your side.
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amrv-5 · 1 year
hm…16, 17, 18, and 19? (ik that’s a lot sorry)
Don't apologize I'm addicted to never shutting the fuck up (on here. in real life [Carol Burnett in "Once Upon a Mattress" (1959) voice] I've always been SHY!!! I confess it, I'm SHY!!!!!!)
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles?
Varies fic to fic. With Aspirin or Sorrow, I was on a Bukowski kick, and had thought the poem I ripped the title from was just about perfect, so early on. Moved on Memory, that one was an accident -- Less Than Jake's "Ghost of Me and You" came up on shuffle while I was brushing my teeth one night, and I went, well, fuck, just about any line in this could fit, so that one was partway through. Nothing is Real was a prior-to-posting pick. Somewhere to Get To was named nearish the end, but I had a running list of alternate titles going at the top of the doc the whole way though (the runner-up title was "Leisurely from the Disaster" from the same Auden poem, but I thought it sounded too melodramatic).
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic?
Emergency surgery is the answer that came first to mind. Second is 1950s telephony. Third is the application process for VA benefits. Fourth is that you'll always miss something no matter how thorough you try to be with your setting accuracy, which is okay because somehow there will always be one person who is an expert in, like, the history of laundry detergent manufacturing reading your work who will absolutely let you know what you've biffed, which is beautiful and a little unbelievable every time. How do you guys know these things? I love it. Anyway.
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
Answered this earlier, which is good 'cause I can pick a different line yaaaay. It's hard to narrow these down to single lines, but I'll go with this one from the penultimate chapter of Somewhere to Get To: "It was a lovely day and he was a beautiful sharp instrument that cut through the world like an expensive and well-designed ship."
I like that one 'cause I think it's as neat and clean and precise and gets across exactly what I wanted it to get across. Hawk on the ups -- what will he do? Worry his life-partner, that's what.
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
Small? Sure. From the untitled Radar Oneshot (he writes that book he threatened to in the show), dropped for a while and now up to 10K, we've got: "It became his hallmark—O’Reilly, competent, quiet, always writing something. Fine. There were worse things to be known for."
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punderfulowl · 3 years
Top 10 Anime (That I've Seen) in 2020
Well now, it has certainly been awhile. I'm currently sitting at eight months too late for posting this, but, y'know, something something life happens. More accurately, I already made this list, but wanted to try out what response I'd get from Reddit. Turns out, they're not as cool as you guys!
Anyways, as the title states, this is not a list of my favorite anime that came out during 2020, but instead my favorite anime that I just so happen to see during that year. While it's fun to have an end of the year retrospective, I find that having a list in this format not only adds variety, but also helps bring attention to anime that might have been lost in the shuffle in previous years (I also don't have enough time to stay caught up in seasonal releases).
Honorable mentions:
Aggretsuko S3, My Hero Academia S4, Today's Menu For the Emiya Family, Interspecies Reviewers (yes, really), and I Couldn't Become a Hero So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job
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10. Maid-Sama (2010)
In hindsight, I find it a bit funny that I wanted to watch something wholesome to kick off 2020. Anyway, Maid-Sama is about a high school girl that is also a no nonsense Class President and she kind of has to be at a school where, until recently, was an all boys school. While she kills it in academics and is good at shutting down any shenanigans from the male student body, her financial situation isn't the greatest and has to balance a job at a maid cafe along with her school-related responsibilities. She does her best to hide her employment there to keep up appearances, but is one day found out by one of the boys who happens to be a big flirt and, yeah, hijinks ensue. While this anime doesn't have too many surprises, our main leads bounce off each other well enough to keep me entertained. Nothing I haven't seen already in other anime Rom-Coms, but I think it has more than earned its place at the start of this list.
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9. Haganai NEXT (2013)
It's a personal rule of mine when making these lists that I don't include sequels of shows that were in previous lists. While I DID see the first season of Haganai a couple of years ago, it didn't quite make it into the top ten at that time. Because of that, it meets the criteria for this year's list. While I found the characters were just as charming here as I did during the first season, the development of their relationships really took off. It's a shame that it will most likely not get a third season, but I'm happy with what ride this show gave me. But hey! At least I can read the light novels/manga to continue the story! Wait, nevermind, the Haganai fans on Reddit are saying that's a bad idea.
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8. Engaged to the Unidentified (2014)
Based off of a Four Panel joke manga, Engaged to the Unidentified tells the story of a girl in high school suddenly getting some life changing news. As it turns out, her grandfather made an arranged engagement with her and the son of a family he knew. Next thing she knows, the boy in question, as well as his little sister, moves into her family's house! While the boy is unassuming at first, there may be more to him and his family than he lets on. Plain and simple, this anime has charmed me. There's a decent amount of drama and mystery despite the source material and I applaud it! Even though this also doesn't have much new to offer, even to the point where I would compare this to Maid-Sama, what made me pick this at the 8th spot were the color choices and animation quality. Give this a shot if you can!
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7. Grimoire of Zero (2017)
It's a fantasy/adventure story starring a loli sorcerer and a huge, anthropomorphic white tiger man. I honestly can't say anything else. I won't be able to do it justice. That first sentence should intrigue you a lease a little bit. Read it, again. Please check it out. It's an underrated gem that no one is talking about.
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6. ID: Invaded (2020)
Hey, here's something recent! Unfortunately, this is also not something I can say much about. There may not be too many deep characters and the secret bad guy isn't hard to figure out, but BOY is this anime cool! The best way to describe this series is that it's like the movie Inception, but instead of brain heists, it's brain murder mysteries.
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5. Carole and Tuesday (2019)
A runaway rich girl has a fated meeting with an orphan and they decide to make music together...oh, this also takes place Mars. Joking aside, this show was something special with its music (a new song almost every episode no less), interesting setting (freaking Mars, dude), and endearing main cast. Shoot, the music itself would be top 3, maybe number 1, but what bogs it down is the show's second half. I can easily see myself watching this again someday, and maybe my opinion will lighten up, but for now, 5 is a dang good spot.
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4. Fate/Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front - Babylonia (2019)
Part of me hesitates placing this high up on list due to this show being animated, fan service spectacle for Fate fans. However, that hesitation is overshadowed by the fact that I am a Fate fan myself and I can do whatever I want with this list. Even if you're not a Fate fan or play FGO, if you enjoy some solid fight animation, this is worth a look.
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3. K-On S1 (2009)
I'll admit it, I might regret not watching the second season then putting the series on the list as a whole, but this how I've been doing these lists and I'm such a creature of habit. There's not much I can say about K-On that hasn't already been said. By itself it's an anime classic and one of Kyo-ani's biggest properties. It's a sweet and wholesome watch, but be sure to have some insulin within reach.
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2. Princess Principal (2017)
Imagine you're working with a team of programmers trying to make a mobile game then all of a sudden someone asks to make a show out of it. You know, a show with different character motivations, plot, twist and turns and all that? Most might say that's just a shameless, shallow cash grab, but it turns out okay for Princess Principal. Sure, most might summarize this anime as, "cute girls doing espionage things," but with its cast, visuals, and interesting alternative timeline, it works! Apparently there's a new season or movie in the works and I am all for it!
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1. Beastars (2019)
I was not expecting this to be number one, but with much deliberation (with myself obviously) this feels right. It tells a pretty unique story while showing itself to be the exception to the rule when it comes to 3D anime.....it being that it's actually good. While I acknowledge that shows like K-On are classics and deserves to be number one on many different lists, it didn't line up with my personal criteria like Beastars did. My biggest deciding factor is: Now that I've watched this, do I want more? It's true that while I'm excited to start K-On S2, Beastars intrigues me more and ever since season two was announced, I'm looking forward to that more.
Sorry again for this list being so late, but at least the silver lining is that the next end of the year list is about four months away (in theory)!
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
Sometimes moving on is good
Ch5 pt2
(pt1 here)
Again sorry idk what's going on, it's hard to know how many chapters there is (tumblr's bad for multi ones so feel free to read it on wattpad it's easier and there's music.)
Anyways so
WARNING: a bit of smut
It had been a week since you had asked diane to go with you to the fun fair.
You were nervous to ask her again but, since she said that she was willing to try you did.
"Diane, will you go out at the fun fair with me tomorrow, they arrived two days ago already ?"
After a bit of esitaton she agreed, but told you she would not be doing the horror house or whatever that thing was called.
"So it's a date then, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 4pm and we'll have a nice evening then maybe if you are nice to me, I'll take you for a walk and we can have dinner at my house. Sounds good '?"
She nodded and you left before you were late for work. She always asked why you didn't work from her house since you worked at home. But you told her you didn't want to mess up her clean house with your stuff and your atelier was better for what you did anyways.
You gave her a quick kiss before leaving and she held your hand as you did.
The next day you were a bit nervous, not like you're first date, but rather because there was a lot of ways diane could not enjoy herself or even worst be hurt.
But you pushed that aside as you went to pick her up, she looked good, as usual, And she was even smiling.
"Hey !"
"Hi y/n, good to see you" she said before giving you a peck on the lips.
"You ready to go ?"
"Yeah Sure let's do this"
When you got there you opened up the door for her to come out, and closed the vehicle.
She looked a bit amazed
-"i haven't been there since I was a kid"
She said her eyes a bit watery.
So you hugged her lighltly from behind and placed a kiss on her neck.
"Let's make new memories then diane."
As you saw the first ride you took her hand and lead her to it
-"no, no no no wait we can discuss this...OMG it's huge"
you laughed and paid for your tickets as you pulled diane to your seats
"Oh are you scared now ? Don't worry I'm here i won't let you throw up"
"Aha very funny y/n, i am not scared ju...AH"
She was straddled by the small rollercoaster's move.
And clung to you for dear life.
"Diane you are not going to fall you are attached here"
you said as you pushed the bar in front of you. But she didn't stop holding you for the intier ride.
When you got out her hair was a mess and you were both laughing slightly.
You spend the afternoon going on different rides, and then stopped at a food truck.
"Do you guys have chichis or like what are they called churros?" You asked the cooking guy.
"Yes ma'am indeed we do"
"Well I'll have 25 with powdered sugar."
"Here goes 25 churros max !"
You turned around and diane was lost in her thoughts looking at a cute girl drinking a soda so you pecked her cheek softly and told her she was beautiful while you put a strand of hair behind her hear.
"Diane...tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
-" I'm happy"
-"what?" You asked a little stunned at what she'd just said.
-"I'm happy, right now, with you. Before I met you I would have seen that girl and immediately get angry because her parents have her, and i don't have chloe. But now, with you I'm happy, happy that this girl ever there is smiling and laughing while drinking this sugar field stuff."
-"oh Diane, you don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say that, you know I really care about you...and"
-" 25 CHICHIS OVER THERE MA'am" you were cut of by your order, so you paid and took your food.
"Here you NEED to taste this" you said as you handed her one.
"This really looks like a penis y/n"
-"Well yes It does"
You both burst out laughing as you held a churro in your hand.
You continued to walk while eating and doing some of the rollercoaster and games for a few hours talking about everything.
You took her hand again and lead her to a
"Okay imma try to win you this one"
-"I'd like to see you try"
-"you underestimate me diane"
-"well do it then"
You had to shoot all of the blue balloons in order to win. After your second try diane said that you both should try something else but you insisted.
-"wait you know what they say, third time's the charm"
And you won, she looked at you with wide eyes.
-"How did you get it ?! Those games are rigged"
-"i know but as soon as you get were the trap is, you can avoid it"
It was almost 7pm and the sun was starting to set.
"So have you been good today diane ?"
-"what ?"
-"I told you if you were good i'dd take you somewhere so...were you a good girl today ?"
She couldn't help but get a little aroused at your words but it was something you'd explore later.
-"i think so ?"
-"Okay that's good enough for me" you giggled softly and took your car and drove of.
-"where are we going y/n"
-"it's a surprise diane now close your eyes"
"Oh..okay" she said shyly.
You both arrived a few minutes later at what looked like a dead-end.
"Are you sure you took the right road darling"
-"yed, i took the exact one i wanted"
You stopped the engine close to the edge of the road.
"There we are diane, time to get out of the car".
You both got out and she was confused about where you were. So you went to her side and lead her by the hand to where you wanted and she smiled at you.
"Here, don't move and don't peak"
You went back to the car, at some point she got scared you were going to leave her here and drive off, like her mom did to her once because she wasn't doing what she wanted.
Somehow you understood her fear and yelled from the car;
"don't worry I'm not leaving you here, just grabbing some stuff."
She laughed at how ridiculous it was for her to fear that you'd leave, you were too gentle and caring for that.
You got back with a cover that you set on the grass, a few pillows and what looked like a
Cool box.
You helped her sit as she still had her eyes shut.
"There, you can open them".
She blinked a few time to adjust to the light before she took in the amazing picture she had in front of her. You were at the edge of a cliff, with the sun setting on the horizon, and she could see green fields and forests from kilometers around.
"This view is so beautiful y/n"
"It is..."
You told her as you were looking at a very different landscape, her. Her beautiful brown eyes shining orange as the sun goes down, her long and golden red hair cascading down her naked shoulders. She looked at you and your replied.
"It is...this view is beautiful" emphasizing that you ment that she was the beautiful view.
She smiled lovingly and you share a few kisses.
"I know I said we'd have dinner at my house but I couldn't help but think that a picnic here would be perfect. So I brought a few things, wine...pasta...cheese...and cake"
You pulled everything out of the cool bag and set it on the blanket.
"Oh y/n ! You have the best ideas."
You ate as you chatted and stared at the sky,  when you finished the cake she said.
-"See i told you, you had overcooked it last time, now it's perfect."
"Yeah, i gotta admit, i did pretty good here"
You stayed like this for a while cuddled together as the night came. You felt her shiver and as much as you didn't want to ruin the moment you knew you should get back.
"Hey... it's getting cold here, we should go back home"
"I don't want the night to be over, of we go home, I'll only see you tomorrow."
-"no it's fine you can sleep at my house tonight."
She held your gaze for a while.
"No funny business, I promise"
She chuckled and agreed.
You drove back to your house, diane staring at the moon, and your hand on her lap most of the ride. When you got to the door she asked ;
"Wait, i don't have my stuff to sleep should I get it?"
-"No it's fine I'll hand you some stuff"
-"oh okay"
-"So do you want to watch a movie or go to bed directly ? Or both at the same time for that matter, i have a tv in my bedroom."
-" don't ask me, I'm asking you diane."
-"well both then"
-"Both it is"
You took her hand and lead her to your bedroom. You found some oversized t shirt and shorts for yourself and asked her if she wanted some too, which she did.
After you got ready for bed she got out of the bathroom and she looked really sexy, the short showing her slim legs.
-"hi..." She replied in a small voice.
"Don't shy away diane, you are very beautiful like this, and If you don't want me to sleep here, I'll sleep in the guest room."
-"okay...so what are we watching ?"
-"i got 'tomorrowland", "gravity" or "the fault in our stars or literally anything else here, "Carol" or "elisa and Marcela"?"
-"the last one please"
-"the last on it is"
You put the dvd in and got up on the bed next to her. When the movie was over you were ...-horny-...no happy and so was diane.
"I had an amazing night y/n"
-"me too diane"
-"i wish everyday could be like this"
-"yeah..me too"
"Thank you for tonight, it was perfect"
-"thank you for being perfect"
She giggled and it send a shiver down your spine.
You were both really close, your back against the headboard and her back between your legs. She turned around and sat on her heels.
-"I really appreciate everything you do form me"
-"and i appreciate that you let me do them for you, and that you are here with me"
you softly replied before kissing her sweetly.
It was just a peck at first but then she started kissing back and by the time you were done you had her on her back,  your hands caressing her hips and you were making out with her.
Your hands went under her shirt and found her bra covered breast that you kneaded lightly. She moaned against your lips and you started to kiss your way down her neck, as you worked on getting her shirt off. You heard her soft whimper of pleasure as you bit her skin gently and traced your fingers over her nipples.
You took off her bra and kissed her chest electing soft cries from her as she arched her back. She wasn't very vocal but her breathing was a good indicator of what she liked.
After you started to sick on her buds she held your head up slightly looking at your eyes "wait".
You immediately got the message and was quicker to put it into words.
"Hey..we don't have to do anything tonight, we can stop anytime and just cuddle for a while before we sleep...we can take this as slow as you want."
"I...can we...I'm not sure I'm quite ready to have sex with you tonight"
you pushed yourself off of her. And laid next to her while you whispered softly;
"alright do you wanna put your shirt back on and cuddle maybe ?"
-"i'dd like that...sorry"
-"hey no no no no... No need to apologise sweet thing...we are not doing anything you are uncomfortable with okay ? I'm already happy with being here with you. I can wait as long as you need."
You got off the bed and she got worried, but her fears vanished away when she saw you were just looking for her shirt that you threw in excitement.
"There, found it" you said as you handed it to her.
You got under the covers and she finished putting her clothes back on. Once she was done you scooted close to her and asked her if she was okay with you spooning her.
"Yes I'd like that too"
You pressed her back against your front and circles your arms around her middle as your legs were touching.
"Goodnight beautiful"
"Night my sweet y/n"
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rogue-barnes-16 · 5 years
Summary: after the too convenient disappearance of Natasha Romanoff, the Avengers —a local biker gang— search for help in the most unexpected place in order to get their friend back. Will it help, or will the situation just get more twisted and dangerous?
Pairing: biker!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Genre: angst-ish (biker gang au)
The mysterious disappearance of Natasha Romanoff:
@shirukitsune @retrxbarnes
Permanent taglist:
@notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @1a-girl-has-no-name1 @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver
Warnings: language, kinda angsty but not too much
A/N: third part of these because I think I'll go crazy if I stay in this kind of semi-hiatus any longer. Hope you enjoy my darlings <3.
The mysterious disappearance of Natasha Romanoff masterlist
Rogue-barnes-16 masterlist
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Her hands were on the sides of my ribcage to provide her some balance while I was riding to the nearest diner.
It was an odd, though familiar feeling. The way her grip on my leather jacket briefly tightened when I took a turn, or the contact her the front of her legs made with the back of mines.
And I really really didn't want to stop driving, because I had missed that feeling, even if I wouldn't admit it out loud, even if I wanted to think I had moved on.
But I started to slow down the moment we reached the nearest diner's parking lot, and her hands left my jacket to hold herself steady using to the back of the bike.
As soon as the bike was parked, my feet reached the ground, still straddling the vehicle for us to be safe while taking off the helmet.
Once I had accomplished that task, I looked over my, slightly turning my torso to see if Y/n had done the same.
"Wow! okay" I chuckled while that magnetic girl I had just met in the bar —thanks to Carol— combed her recently messed hair with her fingers. "that was... Wild." her eyes were still widely open, but a half smile was now tugging the corner of her lip. "such a ride."
"first time riding a bike?"
"first time in bike with you" she replied, climbing off in a very surprisingly smooth way . "you really gotta slow down, I didn't even have helmet, boy."
I mimicked her movements and grabbed my things before approaching her. "well, I can fix that." we walked side by side to the bar. "I'll get you one."
"you seem pretty confident about me riding with you ever again."
"got a feeling you'll end up liking it" I replied with a smug smirk, opening the door of the establishment for her.
She shook her head no, peeking at me with a half smile tugging the corner of her lips. "Keep dreaming, Bucky."
"with you?" I questioned, following right behind her back into the bar, where both the gang and Carol waited for us. "Always."
I let the helmet rest on my seat between my things while I combed my hair with my fingers. No matter how short or covered it was, with or without helmet, it always ended up tangled.
I had forgotten that minor inconvenience of riding a bike, specifically with the man I rode with.
"Ready?" he asked, holding the handlebars firmly. I gave him a lazy nod in response and proceeded to hop off the bike. "Let's go then." he walked side by side with me to the diner and when we reached the door, he opened it for me.
As soon as we sat down on the booth that was the furthest from the patrons of the place, the waiter came to take our order, which were just two black coffees, one of them iced.
Bucky waited until we had our coffees to speak, in order to avoid nosy ears, I figured. "It was two days ago." he started, swallowing the first sip of his coffee. "Nat had been keeping an eye on a guy for a while." I motioned for him to continue.
"Why would she do that?" I questioned with a frown. "Thought you were that type of gang, now were you?" I added with sarcasm.
"Wait a fucking second, will ya?" I motioned him to keep going with my hand. "the dude was following this girl." I tilted my head with confusion. "Stalking her."
"I got it the first time, James, I'm not that dumb." he muttered something under his breath, taking another sip of coffee. In reply, I just scoffed. "Why help that girl in particular?"
"We owed his brother a favor. Big one" he added, not quite focused on what he was saying. "Tasha's gonna scare him y'know? But turns out this guy wasn't a creep." he nursed his cup. "He's a rival gang member."
I opened my eyes widely, letting myself fall against the backrest of the booth. "Holy fuck." I always had assumed the Avengers were the only gang. Never in my time with them had I heard about a rival gang, I only knew that was dangerous shit.
Bucky’s blue eyes flickered to me, realizing too late that this was completely new information to me. "Yeah... I told Natasha to quit, we could protect this girl in other ways." he shook his head no. "she said she'll stay, just in case what was happening involved us."
"And then she dissappears." I sighed, massaging my temples, wondering what the fuck I was thinking when I decided I would help. "Bucky, I really don't see why I'm the only option."
"I-- listen." he lifted his gaze subtly to check no one was observing us. "I'm not supposed to be tellin' ya this."
"But you're gonna do it anyway."
He straight up ignored my comment as he mirrored my posture. "we have an inside problem."
"a something or a someone?" I was now definitely regretting the decision of going to my ex's house to lend a hand to his gang. "fuck, James, you better tell me it's a something and not a someone."
His sorry eyes and pursed lips killed my lame hope. "you want me to lie?"
"Yeah, for once I actually want you to lie." he clenched his jaw and diverted his eyes from me. "I went to your place and you have a fucking mole." Bucky’s gaze returned to me intently, shushing me. "don't fucking shush me" I retorted, internally freaking out. "I just put myself in danger 'cause I was stupid enough to decide to help."
"You're not in danger." he replied in low voice.
"okay now, you don't fucking know that."
"Whoever the problem is, they ain't there."
"Yeah sure." thousands of different scenarios that ended up with my corpse in a ditch went through my panicking mind as I stood up to walk away. "this was the worst fucking idea I've ever had." I mumbled under my breath, stepping out of the diner.
The fact that I didn't hear Bucky’s heavy combat boots after me in order to try and change my mind was surprising enough.
What was also surprising was finding another bike approaching the parking lot of the diner, and Clint almost jumping off it.
He took off his helmet way too fast for it to be safe before close to shouting my name. "Y/n!" For some reason, I stopped walking to wait for him to get to me. "Listen--"
"I'm out, Clint. I'm sorry." my apologies were genuine, because I knew how much Natasha meant to the dirty blonde man.
"No! Fuck- hold on for a second please." he begged, raising his hands in front of me to stop me. "I don't know what Barnes told you but--"
"Said that you got a mole inside."
"Fuckin'... Okay, I know you feel like your life is in danger if you help us but listen," his eyes spoke how desperate he was to get to his bestfriend on time. "Nat... You know I can't lose her and I swear if you help us, I'll protect you with my life okay? But please, Y/n... I'm sorry you got mixed into this but we- I really need you to help us."
I clenched my jaw, trying to meditate coolly about my reply to his beg.
I had put my feelings aside in order to think clearer, and that was one hell of a headache, given the people who were involved.
"Y/n please. Please, I swear on my fucking life I won't let anything bad happen to you." Clint assured me in a whisper. "please."
I stayed sat in the booth for a brief moment after Y/n had left.
I really didn't know what else I could do to convince her to help us. I didn't know how to make her believe me, to assure her that she wouldn't get hurt on my watch.
I didn't know how to get her to trust me if I promised to keep her safe at all costs, because once you break someone's trust —specially someone's like Y/n's— there was no going back 99% of the times.
I rushed to the door, attempting to reach Y/n, because I had to convince her. I owed it to Natasha, to Clint, to Sam, to Steve; I owed it to myself, because I kept losing my grasp on Y/n, and in this situation, letting her leave wasn't an option anymore.
When I got out, both helmets in my hands, I saw Clint in front of Y/n, practically begging for her aid.
"Clint... I'm sorry. I really am..." she spoke. "I can't."
"Yeah, you can." she spun around at the same time as Clint's eyes laid on my form over the girl's shoulder. "you can, and you have to."
She was suddenly fuming. "what the hell did you just say?"
"Bucky shut the fuck up and stop making it worse." Clint warned me while Y/n took a couple of steps towards me.
"You have to." I repeated as confident as I could whilst my heart pounded in my chest. "You have to, that's why you came all the way from your fancy ass apartment in Manhattan." it was the fourth sort of conversation I had with the girl I hadn't talked in a year, and I had decided to push her buttons. "'cause no matter how you fucking hate me, y'know you won't be able to sleep at night—"
"Shut the fuck up, Bucky." Clint repeated, almost hysterical as I went on, my eyes locked with Y/n's in an attempt to make her know I meant every word.
"—if something happened to Natasha when, knowing you could've, you refused to help." Y/n pursed her lips, refusing to retort anything. "whether you like it or not, I know you Y/n, and I know you're not gonna leave."
It was the riskiest stunt I had pulled in a while, but after a dreadful instant of silence, I realized it had worked.
"You're so goddamn confident about it, aren't you?"
"I also know you're probably considering leaving, just to fucking prove me wrong."
Silence again, her eyes dug into mines as she closed the distance between the two of us to grab her helmet. "You're so full of yourself."
"I'm right, though." I couldn't help but retort with the lightest tinge of amusement in my tone.
"I'm riding with Clint."
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lxdyred · 5 years
Lining up for you
Requests: Open!
Request: Yes! This was a request that I had a few weeks ago. Sorry for being so late posting, once again! Still, hope you like it, anyways Anon!
Warnings: Cheating, Angst (once again), Shitty writing...
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader, Carol Danvers x Fem!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Steve Rogers.
A/N: English is not my maternal language, there can be gramatical errors. Sorry about that.
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"Hey, Danvers!" exclaimed Y/N as she walked to the front door of the avengers' compound, keys in one hand and her jacket in the other. "Would you like to come with me for a drink?"
Carol looked up and saw the female with a strange expression on her face. She looked at Thor who was sitting in front of her at the coffee table, and he nodded, implying that the interesting conversation they were having could be resumed at any other time.
"Okay let-" tried to speak the blonde woman, as she got up from the chair, before being interrupted by another female voice.
"Y/N! You can't just walk away while we're talking!" Natasha spoke as she appeared in the room, her breathing shaken and her hair half-railed.
"Oh, well, watch me, Romanoff," said the formerly named Avenger, as she gave a cold look at the black widow. "Are you coming or not, Carol?"
Carol looked at Natasha and then turned her attention back to the young woman who had called her. She meditate a few moments when she realize that it seemed that both women had had a heated discussion, but when Danvers saw that a small part of Y/N's gaze reflected supplication for someone to take her out of there, she agreed without doubting.
"Yes, let's go." She responded to the female avenger as she put on her brown leather jacket and said goodbye to Thor with a nod.
"Y/N! You can't leave," exclaimed the redhead again. "Y/N/N, please! We have to talk," she continued, Y/L/N ignored her.
Carol dedicated a fulminant glance to the ex-assassin. "She can do as she pleases."
"I'm so done with all these dramatic situations, Natasha." said Y/N as she opened the front door.
"If you go out through that doo-"
"Now you come to me with the ultimatums!?" the woman screamed furious as she slammed the door shut. "Don't be a hypocrite to me, Natasha!  And shut the fuck up, because you're not in a position to demand anything from me! You hear me?" she exclaimed this time with tears in his eyes. "Oh, and this 'thing' that we have is over! I don't want to be the selfish one to keep you in this 'boring, dead relationship'!"
"Y/N, let's go now," Carol whispered as she rested her hand on the female's shoulder and opened the door herself again.
Once both women came out of the Avengers compound's threshold, a Thor flickered perplexed as he processed all the information to which he had been exposed. "Are you- were you a couple?  Were you and Y/N courting each other?"
Natasha only looked at the Nordic god, in silence and with a sad little smile on her face, she answered: "Yes, Thor. We were."
"And why did she say-" Thor was interrupted when he saw that the door, from which Romanoff had appeared a few moments ago, opened when the Captain America himself came out. Steve had unkempt hair and red cheeks, accompanied by swollen lips, he had the similar look that Natasha had.
"Romanoff," whispered Roger as he saw Natasha standing in front of the principal door with her back to him.
"I see what happened now," Odinson whispered with a strange, nervous grin. "You knew something, Rogers?" he asked as he looked at his mate with a bit of deception.
"No. I didn't know anything, Thor," Steve said, turning to Thor. "I didn't know I was the third person I've always avoided being.  I didn't know Romanoff was dating one of my best friends, whom I just also betrayed without even know it," said the Captain as he lifted his gaze from the floor, with huge tears in his eyes." Goddammit..." whispered before trying to leave the room.
"Steve." Natasha called her lover, now apparently former one.
He tried to turn to face her and look at her, but the pain he felt in his chest at that moment, the betrayal and the deep sadness, made him not to do it. His gaze was fixed on the ground.
Don't leave me you too, please... Steve. Please?" the redhead approached the blonde man and hugged him from behind, hiding her face in his neck. "Please..."
Steve broke the hug and stepped forward, shaking his head and and still facing his back to Romanoff.  "This is something I think you've earned on your own, Nat."
Steve left the place and Natasha fell to the ground, on her knees and began to cry silently. She put her hands in face and let a loud sob escape through her lips as she began to tremble. "Fuck..."
"Hey..." Thor whispered as he approached Romanoff with insecurity and crouched in front of her. "Easy, Romanoff," he whispered as he attracted her in a hug she reciprocated without thinking.
On the other side of the threshold, in the stairs at the entrance, Y/N was crying uncontrollably. Carol, in the other hand, was trying to comfort her friend in all the ways she could, while Y/L/N was felling broken in Danvers' arms. "Y/N...  Everything will be fine, okay? You'll get out of this." she whispered in her friend's ear as she rocked her in her arms and rested her head on the young woman's.
"I don't understand... Why the person who supposedly loves you the most has to betray you this way and would say such horrible things?" the female Avenger try to say among whimpers.
"I... I don't know, Y/N." said the blonde woman sincerely. "But I do know, that you are not the one to blame for anything of this. It's all her fault, for playing with you like that, Y/N/N. For not being honest and putting you through this unnecessarily pain."
"Thank you so much for staying with me. I know you didn't... That we haven't known each other for a long time and that you may find all this a nuisance...  But thank you very much, Carol," said the the avenger with crystallized eyes as she turned away her tears and smiled weakly.
"You don't have to thank me, that's what friends are for. No matter how long we've been friends, these things are done for the ones you care about, okay?  So don't give them to me, because you don't have to," Danvers said as she got up from where she was sitting and extended a hand to her friend. "Now let's go get you out of here."
Y/N looked at the hand of the blonde Captain and accepted it without thinking. When she got up from the stairs she was a few millimeters away from Carol's face, making their breaths to mix. The young avenger glanced Danvers' lips, making her move a bit away, because of the  nerves that began to invade her before the closeness in which both women were implied. In the attempt to retreat a bit, Y/N almost stumble and fall to the ground but the quick response of Carol, who held her firmly at the waist, made her to restore her balance quickly.
"God, this is embarrassing..." whispered almost inaudibly Y/L/N. "I think we should be going now..." she whispered, still with shame, as she pointed her head at her car.
"Sure." Danvers agreed. "Although I was thinking maybe you'd like to ride my motorbike, maybe..." she suggested with a little smile.
Y/N he looked at the ground and nodded, she licked her lips and smiled at Carol. "Sure, of course. It's been a while since I've ridden one of those," she whispered as she followed the Captain to where her motorcycle was parked.
Carol extended her helmet and Y/N took it. "You won't use one?"
"I'll be fine. Don't worry," Captain Marvel said without looking at her, while sitting on her vehicle.
Y/N tied the helmet as sge got ready to ride the bike before being interrupted by Carol, who took her by the hand and approached her slowly. "I want to you to know something, Y/N." she whispered in her ear to get her attention.  "Although I know that everything is very recent, and than just a few minutes ago that you have left a long relationship... I want to let you know, that you will be upset for a while and that's fine..." Danvers spoke as she ran her hand over the young woman's face and looked at her with gentleness and compression. "It's good that you feel those things, it's a normal thing. Is even boring."
Y/N, with tearful eyes at the words of the blonde woman, nodded and smiled with sadness, while she bit her lip and played with her hands.
Carol took her teammate's hand to reassure her.  "The people in there respect you and love you just the way you are, they care about you. They really like you, some even feels something else..." that caused a little laugh in the girl.  "And I want you to know also, that when all this happened and you feel better, there will be people lining up for you."
Y/N laughed with nervousness due to the the declaration, because the situation she had gone through that night made her doubt the whole moment. "Who would... do that, Carol?"
Carol shrugged and approached the ear of Y/L/N again. "Well, you'll know it, whit time." She whispered slowly, before starting the bike and winking at the girl.
Y/N, with the red face because of Carol's answer, rode the moped. She clung to the Captain and swallowed saliva, as she noticed how her heart felt like it was going to come out of her own chest at any moment, it was going at a thousand of miles per hour.
Y/N hadn't felt nothing like that for a long time. It was like if she had even missed that sensation.
As they drove away from the Avengers' compound at great speed, Y/N watched the starry night sky of the road to the city, she wished with all her strength that this was not the last time she felt like that, so alive.
She wished too, that Carol would never stop making her feel that way.
With some luck, everything would be alright this time.
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caroldanversmohawk · 5 years
Quidditch Captain Danvers
Summary: Natasha Romanoff is the Slytherin Prefect. Carol Danvers is the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. They both like to get on each other's nerves...along with other things ;)
Inspired by this post. Thanks to @romanova-maximoff-danvers and anon for the super fun inspiration!
Rating: PG13
"What's up, Danvers?" The smooth voice came out of nowhere, a quiet but coy question from nearby, very nearby.
Carol jumped, so focused on her potion that she hadn't seen Slytherin's Prefect leaning on the table next to her. Unfortunately, that meant the entire contents of the vial of powered rue in her hand now spilled into her potion. Carol gaped, momentarily stunned that she just ruined another potions assignment. Her dread quickly turned to anger, which wasn't helped by looking over at Natasha, leaning on the table and smirking at her, with her perfectly straight red hair that clashed beautifully with the green-outlined, black robes she wore.
"Bloody hell, Romanoff!" Carol managed to keep her voice down enough that their professor didn't notice yet. Except that Carol's potion was now gurgling, and steadily turning more red much like the face of its potionmaker.
"Sorry," Natasha's smirk was still in place. Carol's fists clenched automatically, wishing she could wipe the smirk off that face. Natasha raised an eyebrow at her, as if to say Here? Now?, but aloud she said, "You may want to to care of that," thrusting her chin at the increasingly turbulent potion.
Carol opened her mouth, to say what, she wasn't sure, when an authoritative voice cut her off, "Danvers. Failed again, I see." Carol gritted her teeth but said nothing. "It'll be a miracle if you pass your N.E.W.T.s this year. And I'll be watching you closely to make sure you don't cheat again." Carol just glared at Professor Snape, knowing that if she opened her mouth to retort, she'd only just lose points for her house.
She didn't cheat on her O.W.Ls. She just didn't have a certain redheaded Slytherin there to distract her. She kept her composure by imagining all the ways she was going to murder Natasha once they got out of class.
Snape's eyes snapped to Natasha, who was still casually leaning against the table facing Carol. "And what are you doing here, Romanoff?"
Natasha straightened up, turning around to face him. Carol's protective instinct kicked in, and she opened her mouth to reply, but Natasha got there first. "Just trying to warn Danvers that her potion didn't look right, sir." Natasha said, sweetly. Carol was instantly back to wanting to punch her.
Snape's eyes narrowed, suspicious, but not willing to push the matter more when his own house was involved. "Get back to your desk." Natasha turned, brushing so close to Carol that she almost touched her. Carol stiffened, but Natasha was already gone.
Snape turned back to Carol. "I'm an effort to teach you anything, I'm assigning you additional homework, Danvers. I want a list of the 20 most common potions that use powered rue, write down their full ingredients list and their amounts. I expect it on my desk tomorrow."
"But I have quidditch practice tonight!" Carol whined, knowing it was useless.
"Maybe you should spend more time with books and less on the quidditch pitch," Snape suggested coldly. "Ten points from Gryffindor for talking back." He added, with a smirk.
Carol just glared, sighing, resigned to keep her mouth shut. She'd figure something out. She wasn't going to miss practice. The Slytherin match was next week and her team was far from ready. Snape waited a moment before turning away, realizing that Carol wasn't going to dig herself any deeper at the moment. As soon as he was gone, Carol was surrounded by sympathetic Gryffindors, mostly from her quidditch team.
"He's an ass," one whispered to her.
"It wasn't even your fault!" Another whined.
"Too bad Romanoff's not on the Slytherin team, it would be easier to explain why she was hit by a bludger," another threatened.
Carol snorted at the image. "She wouldn't want to mess up her hair." Carol shook her head. "Don't worry about it, Avery. I can handle revenge on Romanoff myself." They looked as her doubtfully, but no one wanted to question their team captain aloud.
Carol took solace in her friends, trying not to let it get to her that she was scolded in front of the whole class again. She really shouldn't care. She was doing great on Defense Against the Dark Arts. And she was killing it on the quidditch pitch. All things were going her way, really. She just needed to get back at Natasha.
She knew it was a cycle. That Romanoff was just getting her back for the incident last week. The incident that involved "accidentally" dropping a levitating toad into Natasha's hood and her not noticing until it started croaking. Carol would never forget the way she had completely lost her normally cool composure, flailing around so much that the toad was somehow dislodged into her hair, which had her shrieking even more. Finally it had hopped from her hair, completely unaware of the panic it had caused. Natasha had immediately knew who to blame, but other than snickering Gryffindors, no one had witnessed Carol's guilt.
She could also be getting Carol back for the incident two weeks ago at Hogsmead. Where Carol may have slipped Whizzing Worms into Natasha's Butterbeer. There was no being coy about that one. Carol had just had to not-so-casually dash by and drop them into her cup, and then boom! Romanoff suddenly had an overflowing mug of worms instead of Butterbeer. Those things were well worth the galleons she had spent. Carol hadn't stuck around to hear anything more than Natasha shout, "You're dead, Danvers!" before she was out in the streets of Hogsmead, cracking up with her friends.
So did she deserve this? Maybe. But damned if she was going to put up with it. She had a plan.
As soon as class ended, Carol left, winding her way through the halls back to her room. She was so engrossed in planning her scheme to get Natasha back, that she didn't see the hand that snaked out of the alcove in the hallway. She yelped as she was tugged into the alcove, half hidden by curtains.
"Shush, Danvers, unless you want to get caught," Natasha was smirking at her, still holding Carol by the lapels of her robe.
"I'm gonna kill you," Carol glared, fists clenching.
Nat's smirk bloomed into a full grin. "Save it, little lion." Natasha's lips were on Carol's before she could respond.
Carol tried not to melt at the pet name. She tried not to let Nat distract her with her demanding lips. But the moan that escaped her mouth gave her away. She could feel Natasha smirk again as she deepened the kiss. Carol switched tactics. Instead of trying to resist her lover's kiss, she pushed into her. She let the rage inside her burn into passion. She had a good few centimeters on Natasha, and she used them to her advantage, pushing the shorter girl back against the other wall. Carol's lips took control, her hands came up to cup Natasha's cheeks and tilt her head at the right angle, so Carol could sneak her tongue in. She pushed her body against Natasha, knowing that the other girl didn't like to be pinned. Nat's responding growl confirmed that. It was Carol's turn to grin into the kiss.
When she pulled away, they were born gasping for air. "You ruined my potion." Carol narrowed her eyes at Nat.
Natasha shrugged, unperturbed. "Wasn't my intention. But it was adorable. Didn't realize I had such an effect on you." She teased. It wasn't entirely true. They had been sneaking off for some time now, getting to know each other much better in the shadows of Hogwarts.
"You just surprised me," Carol grumbled. Not willing to admit that it was more the sound of Natasha's voice that had affected her.
"You keep telling yourself that, Danvers." Natasha pulled Carol down for another kiss, retaking control. She snuck a hand up into Carol's hair, tugging the other girl by it as she fit her lips to hers.
Carol moaned, letting Natasha push her back against the wall. Nat used the hand in Carol's hair to hold her head to the side as she lowered her lips to her lover's neck, nipping and teasing her way down the column.
Carol moaned again, arching into Natasha. "I have to go. I'm going to be late for practice." Carol gasped reluctantly.
"Hmm," Natasha hummed into Carol's collarbone, not letting up as she worked her mouth along the skin there. She latched on particularly hard near Carol's shoulder, where she knew she could leave a mark no one else would see. Carol wriggled under her.
"Is that your plan then?" Carol let out a breathless laugh. "Sabotage my team by keeping me away from practice?"
Natasha chuckled. "Wasn't my original plan. But I like how your mind works, Captain Danvers." She brought her forehead to her lover's in time to see the flash of lust in her eyes at the title. "Isn't this more fun anyway?" She teased.
Carol realized she was panting. These make out sessions with Nat were intense. But she thrived on intense. Passionate. Wild.
She pressed her lips to Natasha's again, swallowing a moan from the other girl. She let herself sink into the kiss for a few more moments, allowing the world to slip away. It was just Natasha's lips on hers, the fire she ignited as her hands slid down Carol's curves, and the heat where their bodies were pressed together. But they both knew that this couldn't go much further, tucked away in the middle of a hallway. Not to mention, Carol really had to get to practice.
Carol pulled away. "Another time, love?" It wasn't really a question. Neither of them could keep away from each other. Not with this burning inside of them. They had tried. And it had only led them to this. Tangled up in alcoves, violently kissing until both of them gasped for breath.
Natasha grabbed Carol's sleeve, not ready yet to lose the moment. "You're getting handsy, Romanoff," Carol challenged with a smirk.
It was Natasha's turn to narrow her eyes at her lover. "I'll make you pay for that comment, next time we're in bed." She threatened.
Carol gave her a lopsided grin. "I count on it."
Carol burst into her room, in a much better mood than how she had left class. But much more chaotic. She tossed her robes aside, throwing on her quidditch uniform. She hastily stuffed the notes she scribbled for practice into her bag, gathering her extra equipment in a heap as she shoveled it inside too.
A indignant squak halted her haphazard progress. A tiny, fuzzy owl stared at her with big eyes, holding a parchment that was taller than itself. It was comically adorable. "Well hello there, handsome." She praised the owl, carefully taking its burden. It blinked at her, which she took at permission to pet its tiny head. Its eyes closed instantly, swaying contently under her fingers. Carol wanted to dote on the thing all day. But she really didn't have time.
She did keep petting the tiny owl while she peaked at the contents the scroll with the other hand. A smaller, hastily scribbled note fell out on the bed. But Carol could see that the scroll held a list of potions. And on closer inspection, she saw that they all had powered rue in them. She dropped the parchment on her bed and reached for the smaller note. It said:
Dear Danvers,
We haven't met. But I saw what happened today. Thought you could use a hand, since it wasn't your fault. Do me a favor and copy the list please? Professor Snape knows my handwriting. I really don't want to get in trouble.
Your Ravenclaw Friend
P.S. Tip for potions class: don't measure your ingredients over the cauldron
Carol glanced at the owl curiously. "You've got a wonderful master there, you know that mate? Sit tight a sec?" She found a scrap of parchment to write back. She kept it short and sweet.
Dear Sassy Raven friend,
You're a life saver! Come say hi sometime in person?
Your Gryffindor Friend
Carol smiled to herself. Then decided to add one more thing.
P.S. Your owl is bloody adorable
Perfect. She got the tiny owl situated with the note back, and it took off immediately.
Carol had a goofy grin still plastered on her face as she raced down to the quidditch pitch. She didn't even care that she was late. Her day had just improved immensely.
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things 2 Fanfic
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Chapter Two: Trick or Treat, Freak
   Halloween, Phina's favorite day of the year. She already had her costume laid out for tonight, last night, this year, she was going as a witch. She just couldn't wait. She had agreed to go Tina's party tonight, after a little persuasion from Nancy, her original plan was to go hangout with Jonathan and the kids, but, she had a feeling that he'd show up anyway.
Since the high school didn't allow costumes, Phina decided to go a little all out with makeup. She had a dark red smoky eye, and matte black lipstick. She wore a black crop top the created an upside down star on her chest with her leather jacket thrown over it and black skinny jeans, if she couldn't wear her costume to school, she would get as close as she possibly could to it during the day.
As she walked down the stairs she heard her mother pestering Mike with photos. She let out a chuckle when she heard Mike groan.
"All right that's the last one," he tells Karen.
"No, just one more," she tells him, "come on, please?"
Phina gets to the bottom of the stairs and turns to look at them, smiling widely at her little brother. He looked cute in his little Ghost Buster outfit.
"Oh Phina! Come stand next to Mike," Karen orders her.
Phina doesn't argue with her, skipping over towards Mike. He looks at her outfit and shakes his head.
"What," she asks him with a little smile.
"Don't you think that's a little," Mike ponders, "revealing?"
Phina laughs, "oh don't you go all over protective brother on me."
He smiles at her and they hear the click of the camera. Phina smiles widely and pulls Mike into her side suddenly, causing him to laugh as he almost falls over. Karen takes another picture of the siblings, laughing.
Mike tries to find his balance again, "can I go to school?"
"Ok, wait," Karen holds up the camera again.
Mike gives her an exasperated look. Phina smirks at him, pinching his side so he jumps, laughing. Click.
The picture is Karen's favorite, Mike and Phina we're looking at each other, laughing, Mike holding his side where Phina pinched him. It was the perfect picture.
   When Phina got to school, she got more stares than usual. Underneath the heavy weight of their eyes, she did not buckle, she held her head high, even more confident. As she passed by, boys would stare at her, and girls would glare. She was the freak of Hawkins, an outcast, a loner, but no one could say she wasn't attractive, no one.
   As she passed by him, Billy looked her up and down multiple times, ignoring the girl he was with at the moment. If she wasn't already on his list of girls he wanted to get with, she was now, and she was definitely at the top.
   On the other side of the parking lot, Steve leaned against his car, glaring at every boy in sight. His anger rises up significantly when Billy lays his eyes on her, and he almost wants to go over to her and zip up her jacket, but he knew that would get him to the nurses office faster than he could even blink, or even to the morgue.
   Billy pushed off of his car, leaving the girl he was with, he had already forgotten her name, to walk up to Phina. He got up next to her and reached to put his arm around her shoulder.
   "I'll rip your arm out of its socket if you touch me," she said, not even turning her gaze towards him.
   "Hm, fiery, I like it," Billy smirks, letting his arm fall down to his side.
   "If you like fiery, I'll set you on fire, now leave me alone," she snaps, stopping to turn and glare at him.
   "Now why would I want to do that," he smirks, looking down quickly and back up, "when I could stay here and admire those curves you got showin' there."
   His eyes, again, go down to her chest, then her waist, slowly coming back up to her eyes. When he does, he's met with her emerald eyes glowing in rage, a living fire lit inside of them. It unnerved him, his smirk faultering.
   "Listen here asshole, I'm not some easy chick that'll let you get into my pants with some lewd complement about my body," she growls, "if you want that, go find Carol."
   Billy steadies himself, regaining his confidence, "you're right, you're not easy, but I'm a guy that's always up for a challenge."
   Phina steps a little closer to him, "I'm not some prize to be won."
   "I'd say you're a prize, especially in those jeans," he licks his lips.
   Phina's glare deepens again, her fists clenched, her nails digging into her palm. Her eyes began to glow, the golden circle around her pupils brightening a little. Billy felt heat start to radiate off of her.
   "Fine Hargrove, if you want me, come and get me, but I can guarantee you will come back in a body bag," she basically spits at him, the air around her growing warmer.
   Suddenly, she's being pulled away, by none other than Steve Harrington. Billy, stood completely shell shocked, her threat hitting him deeply. He knew she meant it, and something told him, she could very well kill him.
   "Let me go Harrington," she snapped.
   Steve glares at her, "once you cool off you hot head."
   He puts emphasis on the word hot, her powers. Her temper was triggering her fire, and the entire school almost just got a show. She lets Steve drag her off towards the school. People parting ways to let them through. He held strong onto her bicep, not trusting her to walk on her own, not trusting that she might go actually kill Hargrove. He finds an empty classroom, and pulls her inside quickly. Once the door is shut and locked, he lets go.
   "What was that," Steve asks her incredulously.
   Phina's temper flares again, "I don't like be looked at like a piece of meat waiting to be eaten."
   He gives her a look, "why didn't you just walk away?"
   It's her turn to give him a look, "I don't walk away from a fight, you know that better than anyone else Harrington."
   He nods, his eyes traveling down to her clenched fists, "shit Phina! You are bleeding!"
   She jumps a little when he shouts, looking down at her hands, slowly starting to feel the pain in them. There was dried blood on her fingers.
   Steve grabs her left hand and slowly pulls her fingers open, stopping when she winces. Four little cuts now adorned her palm. The bleeding had stopped by now, the little wounds beginning to scab over already.
   "Holy shit Phina," Steve whispers, "wait here."
   He gently lets go of her hand, turning towards the door and rushing out. She still feels the warmth of his hands on hers. She sits on the counter, and crosses her legs, waiting for Steve to get back like he told her to do.
   When he does, he holds a wet paper towel and a few dry ones. He doesn't say a word, just holds out his hand towards her. She lifts up her hand and he gently grabs it, bringing the wet towel up to clean the blood off her fingers, and then moving towards the actual wounds. He touches the towel to the first little cut and she hisses in pain.
   "Sorry," he whispers.
   She shakes her head, "it's ok, just a little sting."
   He continues to clean the wound, apologizing every time she winced, which resulted in her telling him to stop apologizing while chuckling at him. He switches to the other hand and repeats the whole process.
   "I can't help it," he laughs, "I don't like hearing you in pain."
   She falters a little bit, not ready for that answer, looking down at her lap. He falters too, an awkward silence falling over them. This was new to them, the friendly conversation. They had always been at each other's throats all the time, and now? Everything had changed, feelings developed.
   "You still have that," he asks.
   Phina looks up at him, "what?"
   He points to the base of her neck, underneath her dramatic Witchy necklace, where the emerald flame sat, "that, you still have it? I would have though you would have thrown it away."
   She reached up and grabs it, a small smile lighting up her face, "no, I actually like it, a lot. I haven't taken it off since I opened the box."
   "Really," he asks, actually surprised.
   "Yeah," she whispers, looking down again.
   Her hair falls in front of her face. She twirls the charm between her fingers, keeping her eyes down so that they won't meet his. He almost lifts his hand, to push her hair back, to lift her face so he can see her again, but one thought stops him in his tracks. Nancy.
   The bell rings and Steve takes a step away from her, finally aware of how close he had been standing to her. She looks up at him, her emerald eyes for once, not fiery. They were calm, and for the first time, he sees past the fire. The gold is no longer the burning fire, but a ray of morning sunlight. Inside the emerald, just outside of the gold, little specks of blue water shimmer in the sunlight. The emerald was not a fire, but a summer forest, dark and light, warm and cold, ever changing. Then, surrounding it all, was a thin circle of the night sky.
   "We should get to class," she whispers, wanting to squirm under his heavy gaze.
   "Yeah," he whispers back, "we should."
   Then, reality came back, and she knew, they would act as if this conversation never happened. That they had not spent minutes gazing at each other, analyzing each other's features. No, they would go back to glares and hateful words, to hide. To hide the feelings that they shouldn't feel, but do.
-1690 words-
A little Steve and Phina moment for you guys. Again, very oc chapter, but once we get to the Halloween party, we'll see more of the canon stuff. I promise.
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girlhomosonly · 6 years
You're welcome lovely❤ I'm looking forward to your other stories too of course, though right now I could do with some angst. I'm feeling super sad about Carol being.. you know. The best thing for that would be some major angst with a happy ending, but alas, I haven't come across any in this fandom. People mostly write smut, which is totally fine lol but right now I'm not feeling it. Anyway, idek why I decided to ramble here, I'll shut up now. Sorry xd
oh, you poor thing. i’m also really heckin’ sad about carol being y’know.. :((
but i’m absolutely dying to write some carol angst with a happy ending!  i did start an angsty one-shot last night at like… 3 in the morning? but it felt silly so i might not post it :p 
don’t apologize for rambling! i could happily talk to you all day if i could lolol. i actually don’t mind if you decided to send me a message? if you’re comfortable, of course! i’m always down to talk about carol and possibly bouncing off ideas for stories :)
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general-du-vallon · 6 years
Aw I found a sick christmas/new year fic on my cloud :) have a fic guys, Porthos is sick there’s carol singing idk they’re poly
“Wait up, wait up,” Porthos says, shutting the front door and jogging a bit to catch up with Athos.
Athos waits for him, watching Aramis and d'Artagnan walking ahead, laughing together. Porthos puffs hot air into the frigid air, making it fog up. He's wearing a big scarf, one of Aramis's that is a blanket in all but name, and his thick skiing coat, and gloves, and he still looks cold. Athos offers his arm.
“It's bloody freezin',” Porthos complains, shoving his hands into his pockets.
Athos drops his arm. They walk shoulder to shoulder, brushing one another now and then. d'Artagnan laughs joyously and Athos smiles, focussing on him, the way his head's back, stumbling into Aramis with mirth. Aramis drops back, grinning ear to ear.
“d'Artagnan thinks it'd be a good idea to stop at the Co-op. To buy Haribo.” Aramis says.
“You just ate twelve mince pies,” Athos says, “and a piece of fruit cake.”
“And dinner,” Aramis says.
“Yes, but what did I not get to eat? Snakes. That's what. The Co-op doesn't have snakes, but they do have Haribos, so I'm going to get Haribos. Instead of snakes,” d'Artagnan says.
“You can't eat the geletin free jelly snakes I bought specially for Constance,” Porthos says, still hidden in his scarf, “unless you happen to be Constance in disguise.”
“If I say I am, can I run back for-” d'Artagnan starts.
Porthos cuts him off by feinting forwards. d'Artagnana skitters out of the way, laughing again.
“Come on,” Athos says, “we'll go on ahead and get you sweets.”
d'Artagnan links arms with Athos and falls into steps, talking about the snakes and how unfair it is he didn't get any. Aramis smiles after them, settling at Porthos's side. Porthos sneezes into his scarf.
“Bless you. Can you not sneeze on my scarf?” Aramis says, more irritable than is really necessary.
Porthos pokes his head out of the scarf, turns away from Aramis, and sneezes again. Then again.
“Better?” he asks, sniffing hard and rubbing his nose.
“Yes. Bless you.”
“What's got up your arse and died?” Porthos says, unwrapping the scarf and re-wrapping it around his face.
“Nothing,” Aramis says, “You're just getting on my nerves tonight. It's not anything you're doing, it's me.”
Porthos nods and they walk on. Porthos sniffs again, and Aramis gives him a dark look, but says nothing. They wait outside the Co-op, silence settling over them. Aramis sniffs. Porthos sniffs.
“If you've given me your cold,” Aramis says, “I'll… I don't know. Stop making you ginger and honey. And banish you from the bedroom. Jelly can sleep with me.”
“Stupid name for a cat anyway,” Porthos says.
“It's short for Jellicles,” Aramis says, “as you know. Stop picking a fight.”
“Oh yes, it's me picking.”
Porthos pops his head out of the scarf and sneezes again, sniffing hard afterwards. Aramis pulls a packet of tissues out of his pocket and hits Porthos in the chest with them. Porthos pockets them.
“They were to blow your nose,” Aramis says.
d'Artagnan and Athos come out of the shop before Porthos can retaliate, and Aramis walks ahead to the bus stop. Porthos trails behind. Athos and d'Artagnan, ignoring the tension, walk hand in hand between them. Aramis sits, and Porthos sits next to him. They wait for the bus in silence. When it comes, Aramis sits next to d'Artagnan before Porthos or Athos can do anything. The other free seat is at the back.
“What's wrong?” Athos asks.
“No clue,” Porthos says.
“Are you feeling alright? You sound rough.”
“Got a cold.”
“I know.  I asked how you were feeling, not for a diagnosis.”
Porthos shrugs, lower lip pushing out. Then his teeth bite into the lip, and he ducks his head.
“Sorry,” Athos says. “I just meant are you okay?”
The issue off the bus, once more falling into an odd sort of triangle – Aramis leading, Athos and d'Artagnan arm and arm in the middle, Porthos tagging along at the back. d'Artagnan and Athos's heads bend close to whisper together then they unlink, Athos sticking his hands in his pockets and whistling, d'Artagnan dropping back to shove a hand into Porthos's pocket and find his hand, leaning into him with a happy sigh.  
"Got your sweets?" Porthos asks.  
"Mm, yep. I'll eat them at just the right moment, when Athos and Aramis are singing quiet. Set up a right noisy crinkling, embarrass Athos for being a hopeless audience member," d'Artagnan says, voice laced with unspoken laughter.  
"Maybe I should join the choir too," Porthos muses.  
"Oh yeah," d'Artagnan says, not stifling his laughter, letting it ring out.  
"Oi," Porthos says, getting a good bit of growl into it.  
"You're lovely my darling, however, your voice is currently hoarse as a... as a... badger's arse," d'Artagnan says, laughing still then laughing harder at his analogy.  
Porthos shoves him gently away and goes for him, setting d'Artagnan running out of reach, still cackling. Aramis listens, wishing Porthos wasn't rubbing him up the wrong way today. There's no reason for it, he'd quite like to be cuddly and warm and nice but then Porthos says something or does something and Aramis will be cross again. He sighs.  
"So," Athos says, catching up as Aramis slows to listen to Porthos and d'Artagnan.  
"No," Aramis grumbles. He's not going to have a heart-to-heart with Mr. never-talks-about-emotions-without-application-of-a-crowbar. "Just, no."
Athos shrugs but looks relieved. Aramis puts an arm around his shoulders and Athos's arm automatically comes up around Aramis's waist, then up to his shoulder. They head into the church like that, and Aramis sighs as they step in. It's a little warmer, but that's not what's made Aramis lighten, every darkness falling away. The architecture is beautiful here, all the thick beams and lovely glass windows, candles lit. The bustle and clatter of setting up chairs and the hustle to see each other and say hello is familiar and Aramis sinks into the welcome of it. About halfway through greeting people, having been roped into helping with mulled wine in the interval, Aramis's bad mood falls away entirely. He squeezes Robert's arm and slips away from him and Sue, scanning the hurry and rush of people arriving to try and locate Porthos. There aren't enough seats and Clare and John and running about for more, but Porthos has a seat, over by the heater. He looks a bit miserable. Athos is stood next to him, and d'Artagnan behind, two little old people sharing the bench seat with him. Aramis goes over and shimmies his way to stand in front of Porthos. There's not space and he's too close and Porthos keeps his arms between them even while he tips his head back to meet Aramis's eyes. His own are slightly pink. Aramis kisses him, bussing his cheek with his knuckles.  
"Hey," Porthos says, voice hoarse.  
"Sorry," Aramis say, smiling. Porthos nods, his arms dropping, one hand to his knee the other to Aramis's waist, fingers sneaking under Aramis's jumper to tangle in his t-shirt, looking for assurance. Aramis leans in again and kisses him, holding his face carefully, going gentle. "Sorry."
"It's ok," Porthos says. He seems a bit bewildered though so Aramis kisses him again. This time he laughs. "It's fine."
"Good," Aramis says.  
"Can I sneeze in your scarf now?" Porthos asks, lips fighting a grin. Aramis kisses him again because he's lovely.  
"Don't push it," Aramis says.  
"You alright to stand up, Pip?" Athos murmurs, ever so softly so only the four of them will hear. Aramis follows his gaze and sees more than one person who look like they need a seat.  
"Dunno, probably," Porthos says, and gets to his feet.  
He and Aramis are pressed very close and Porthos starts to laugh, hanging onto Aramis to stay upright. Aramis pushes him to sit again and nudges Athos aside so he can get out, then tugs Porthos after him, still laughing, leaning into Aramis's back and shoulder. The old people shuffle down and Aramis shuffles forward, moving them all until they're still under the heater but can all stand properly, instead of just tangled together and in a mess. Porthos is still holding onto Aramis, arm looped around his shoulders and neck now, giggling to himself, eyes shut, burried in Aramis's scarf.  
"This is gorgeous on you," Aramis decides, wrapping it more firmly around Porthos. "And I love you silly. If you must sneeze on my scarf I suppose I will survive. Just wash it before you return it."
"Never giving it back," Porthos says. "It's warm."
Father Hearn gets up then to explain why they're having a fancy service on New Years (because they wanted to) and what they're going to be celebrating (Twenty Seventeen's death) and what they want from the year ahead (good lord anything will be better than last year). Aramis wraps an arm around Porthos and smiles happily to himself, then sighs in pleasure and leans into Porthos, settling in to listen to the father. Father Hearn, Aramis knows, is a trans man, very queer, and Aramis loves him because he's Chillaen as well. Not many people know he's trans, in fact Aramis is pretty sure no one does because he'd probably not have been ordained if they knew. Or maybe he would, Aramis has never asked, it seems and intrusive and rude question. He loves listening to him either way, the familiar accent, the warmth, the tolerance for queerness.  
Athos reaches around Porthos to nudge Aramis, drawing his attention to Porthos who's falling asleep where he stands. Aramis pulls his attention away from the front and gazes at Porthos for a long moment before hoiking him up and waking him. Porthos snorts, surprised, and sneezes three times. Athos gives his shoulder a rub and Porthos turns sleepy eyes on him and smiles, head resting heavy on Aramis's shoulder still. Athos clicks his tongue as Porthos's eyes slide shut and Porthos laughs very quietly and shakes himself awake, standing up straighter. Athos nods. Porthos promised he'd listen to Athos singing, he had damned well better stay awake for it. Athos is surprised by a heavy arm sung across his shoulders, he glowers up at Porthos. Porthos is looking fixedly forward, face lit by the orangey light of the heater, lips twitching at the corners. Athos sighs and gives up on being grouchy. Porthos is warm and heavy and very present, Athos gives in.  
d'Artagnan moves into Athos's spot when Athos and Aramis make their way to the front, wrapping an arm around Porthos's waist. Porthos leans into him more than d'Artagnan expects so he looks around, but all the seats are taken. He shifts to take Porthos's weight more comfortably and presses close into his hair to find an ear and ask if he's ok, just a whisper. Porthos nods and tips his head back, grinning. d'Artagnan lets go enough that Porthos starts sliding to the floor and Porthos gets his feet under him standing up properly. He stands up straight and all by himself when the Sylvie, conducting tonight, introduces the soloists and Aramis comes out all in his neat black, his colourful jumper removed, his hair sorted into a neat ponytail. Porthos cheers, his hoarse voice calling out in happy pride. d'Artagnan claps along, locating Athos, stood with the main body of the choir, at the back, only just visible, making himself small and unnoticeable. d'Artagnan cups his hands around his mouth and yells and Athos, d'Artagnan knows, goes pink. Porthos laughs and leans into d'Artagnan's side again.  
"Don't let go," Porthos mutters.
d'Artagnan takes Porthos's word that he's not messing about this time and shifts so he can better support him, looking around again for a place to sit. There are seats that have people who look able in them, but that's an assumption d'Artagnan is not ever making. He bites his lip and tries to identify someone he knows. Or at least someone who Aramis knows. The choir is singing Dixit Dominus again, the thing they did for Christmas. It's nice enough d'Artagnan supposes, he doesn't really care much for classical choir whatever. He knows that the solos are hard because he's heard Porthos rhapsodizing about it and how incredible Aramis's control is and how clear he gets the notes and how he always hits every single one pitch-perfect and on and on. d'Artagnan finally recognises a woman who comes to Aramis's knitting thing. He pushes Porthos to stand and slips down to where she's sat, bending forward to whisper. She gives up her seat at once, flushing, but when she sees Porthos sat in it two minutes later she scowls.  
d'Artagnan could not care less, he stands beside Porthos and holds Porthos's shoulder, both of them quiet as Aramis steps forward to sing the first soprano part. Porthos sways as the music rushes over them and even d'Artagnan can hear that it's beautiful, the notes staying on after Aramis sings, as he sings the next and the next, almost harmonzing with himself, the music hanging in the air for him to play with. Porthos gets up to his feet to cheer as Aramis steps back and the next movement begins. It all goes smoothe as far as d'Artagnan can tell. He gets bored halfway through and cheers loudly at the end for its finishing as much as anything else. He beams when the soloists gesture to the choir and Athos gets applauded too, and when Aramis steps forward and everyone claps for a really long time. Aramis comes rushing over to them, talking a mile a minute, then rushes off again to help dish out mulled wine. Athos gets hold of d'Artagnan's hand, gets his back to Porthos's shoulder, and stands glowering between them.  
"Think Aramis'd notice or mind if you took Porthos home?" d'Artagnan murmurs into Athos's hair.  
"Maybe, mood he was in earlier" Athos says, glancing back at Porthos – he looks tired but mostly fine. Athos frowns.  
Sylvie comes over and distracts him though, commandeering him to drag him around to represent choirness. She's lively and bright, all burning energy, engaging everyone to tell them about the choir and her work with it and the charities they raise money for and how great it is they found such talented people to join in. She holds Athos's hand and kisses his forehead and smiles happily at him and he forgets everything but her, trailing after her warmth, content to be part of things. She eventually drops him back off by Porthos and d'Artagnan, settling with them for a moment. Already ready to flit back off again, busy with her things. Athos watches her, smiling. Aramis brings them mulled wine and wriggles between Porthos and Athos, nudging Athos closer to Sylvie, into her warmth again.  
"Got you a warm thing," Aramis tells Porthos, reaching so he can wrap Porthos's hands around the mug. "Non-alcoholic. It's probably disgusting."
"It's quite nice," d'Artagnan says, sipping his own.  
"Yours has wine in it though," Aramis says, watching until Porthos takes a sip. He frowns when Porthos coughs and sneezes into the scarf. "Are you ready to head home, baby?"
"Mm, little bit," Porthos says, looking only into his punch.  
"Ok, that's fine," Aramis assures, pressing close and kissing the top of his head. "I'll get the bus with you. Is anyone coming back to ours, tonight?"
"Think Athos might go with Sylv, if he has any say in the matter," Porthos says, laughing. It makes him cough again.  
"You're sounding pretty rough," Aramis says.  
"Just a cold," Porthos mutters, irritable.  
Aramis leaves him alone and turns to check plans, Sylvie says Athos is indeed coming home with her, in a tone of voice that suggests that they are going to have some kind of kinky sex (the tone of voice makes Athos go small and bashful, ducking his head in shy submission and batting his eyelids, shuffling into her side and allowing her to play with his hair).  
"I could take Porthos?" d'Artagnan offers.  
"No, I'm happy to go," Aramis says, smiling. It's not a lie, he wants to spend time with Porthos now.  
"Ok. I might come over, later?" d'Artagnan says, tentative, uncertain of his welcome. Aramis hesitates. Technically Athos and d'Artagnan are welcome any time. Technically. "I'm happy to go home? I think Constance is about."
I won't be alone d'Artagnan doesn't say. He doesn't like being alone, which everyone knows, he doesn't want Aramis to feel obligated to offer hospitality. He waits, and Aramis eventually nods, smiling. d'Artagnan knows it's a genuine offer, Aramis took so long to decide that saying 'no' would hardly have done anything more than hesitating forever didn't already do. d'Artagnan's heartrate returns to normal. He still isn't sure about asking for things. With Athos it's easy, Athos just grumbles if he isn't happy about something. Aramis though is intimidating. d'Artagnan smiles back and catches Porthos looking pleased, which probably had something to do with Aramis's decision. Porthos gives a rough, hoarse cough and hunches into Aramis's scarf, getting everyone's attention even Athos's. Athos pushes Aramis aside and lifts Porthos's face back out of his scarf, kissing him. Then he glares at Aramis before leaning back into Sylvie, going all wispy and submissive again.  
"I'll look after him," Aramis defends, hands up. "My bad mood fucked off ages ago."
Aramis offers Porthos his arm and Porthos takes it. They walk back to the bustop like that, Porthos exhausted and actually leaning on Aramis.  
"Are you ok?" Aramis asks.  
"Just tired," Porthos says, yawning, smiling as the bus draws up.  
This time Aramis sits beside him and fusses, re-wrapping the scarf around him, taking off his fingerless gloves and replacing them with Aramis's own mittens, zipping his coat up properly, tutting over his lack of thick woolly socks.  
"I knitted you some," Aramis says.  
"They're knobbly," Porthos says. "They're uncomfy in my shoes. I wear them for slippers at home."
"They're to keep you warm, it's warm at home already."
"Get better at knitting so there's less knobbles, then," Porthos says. He's grinning. Aramis can tell even though the scarf's over his face.  
"I'll make you a hat," Aramis decides, pulling his beanie off and stuffing Porthos's curls into it, tugging it over his ears. "With ear flaps. You'll probably just wear that as slippers too, though."
Porthos giggles at the idea and reaches over Aramis to ding the bell, then gets tired and just stays slumped there, shutting his eyes. Aramis hauls him up and drags him off the bus, Porthos giggling again. They stagger to the Co-Op and debate popping in for snacks (Porthos says it's a good idea, Aramis thinks they have enough leftover from Christmas to last them three million years). Porthos's energy runs out though and he tucks his hand into Aramis's and lets himself be lead home, breath coming hard. They take the lift, Aramis pulling Porthos close into his side and kissing his forhead, fussing again, wrapping the scarf better.  
The flat is warm as they left it, the debris of Athos and d'Artagnan spending a lazy day with them still scattered – plates, mugs, glasses, juice, a wine bottle, snacks. Porthos goes straight for their bedroom, ignoring the mess, ignoring communal spaces. Aramis follows. It's their room, no one else comes in here, just the two of them. They share pretty much everything else with anyone and everyone but this space is just for the two of them. Porthos sits for a few minutes, eyes shut, gathering energy to get out of his things. Aramis unwinds him from the scarf and gets his coat off, the hat comes off too with the coat. Aramis pulls his hair out of a ponytail and takes off his own coat and things, by which time Porthos has found energy to get out of his clothes and into pyjamas and a jumper.  
"Are you cold?" Aramis asks, cupping Porthos's face, worried at the flush and heavy eyes. "Do you have a fever?"
"Nah, just tired. I'm a bit cold, but I'm tired," Porthos says, leaning into Aramis's hands.  
Aramis crawls into bed with him, curling tight together.  
"You asked d'Artagnan to come over but you're sleeping in here?" Aramis asks.  
"Hmm? Oh, forgot," Porthos mumbles. He makes a vague gesture towards stretching himself out and getting back up. "Oh well."
"He'll be fine," Aramis says, laughing. "I'll put some lights on and leave something out for him to eat, he'll be happy."
"Constance'll come tomorrow if he's here," Porthos whispers, pleased.  
"Little schemer," Aramis says, admiring. "Clever."
"Mmhmm," Porthos mumbles, coughing, half asleep already.  
A stray sneeze half wakes him but then he drifts again, mouth falling open to breathe around the congestion. Aramis smiles and wraps around him, body still thrumming with the music from tonight. When he closes his eyes he can hear it. Every time he looked up when he was singing he found Porthos in the audience. He couldn't really see him clearly but still he knew exactly how Porthos looks. It's how they met, Aramis singing and Porthos on the bench in the park, head back, doped out and saturated with the pleasure of listening, as if Aramis's voice just made the world light up. Aramis sighs and presses a kiss to Porthos's skin, holds him tighter. He remembers d'Artagnan soon enough (ok so it takes him longer than it should, but, well, Porthos is right there asleep and warm in his arms, forgetting the rest of the world is permissible). He gets up and puts some lights on and, yawning, gets some food out. He's considering whether to microwave the leftover pasta bake or leave it for d'Artagnan to do when the man in question lets himself carefully in and tiptoes through to the kitchen.  
"Hey," he says, smiling. "Can I have some? I didn't stay long, Athos stayed for the second half but I got really bored and snuck out."
"It's for you," Aramis says, putting it in the microwave and turning to lean against the counter. "Porthos is sleeping in our room, you alright on your own? I can sleep with you."
Aramis doesn't usually offer stuff like that, it's mostly a whim this time but as he says it it's true. He wouldn't mind curling up with d'Artagnan, maybe having sex, maybe having sex in the morning. Maybe just sleeping together. d'Artagnan's lovely, especially kind of sleepy kind of keyed up like this. He's peering into the microwave, watching his food, leaning into Aramis seeing as Aramis is in the way of the microwave. Aramis wraps an arm around his waist and shuts his eyes, sighing, smiling. He's tired, but this is good. Having d'Artagnan and Porthos close is nice, and having Athos here all day, too, and singing together with people, making something beautiful. Making something beautiful with Athos.  
"I love you, you know that?" d'Artagnan says. Aramis opens his eyes and finds d'Artagnan watching him now instead of the food.  
"I know that," Aramis agrees.  
"Good. I'm fine on my own, sleep with Porthos, you were kind of mean to him this afternoon," d'Artagnan says, raising his hands at once, pulling a little away from Aramis, laughing. "I know, I know; not my business. No judgement, just, you're not annoyed with him anymore. I know you wanna curl up with him and reassure yourself."
"I do want to do that," Aramis admits. "I also want to curl up with you."
"So I'll eat dinner out on the sofa and we can curl up there and watch some TV or something, then you can go sleep with Porthos, and in the morning you can sneak in with me and we can have excellent morning sex before Constance turns up," d'Artagnan says.  
"That," Aramis says, stroking d'Artagnan's jaw making him grin, "is a fantastic idea, love," Aramis kisses d'Artagnan, to reward him for thinking of such wonderful things.  
They get through half an episode of... Aramis isn't actually sure what it is that's on he's sleepy and tired and mostly just focussing on snuggling up to d'Artagnan and watching him laugh and stuff, but they only watch some of it before Aramis gets restless. It's listening to Porthos's coughing coming from the bedroom. It worries him.  
"Go on," d'Artagnan says, pausing the TV. "Go, check he's ok."
"I'm sure he's fine, just a cold," Aramis says, wincing as Porthos coughs again, a rough harsh sound. d'Artagnan frowns, glancing toward the bedroom.  
"He didn't sound that rough earlier," d'Artagnan says.  
"He's fine," Aramis says, decidedly. Then he sighs. "Ok, I'll go. I'm no good for anything."
"We love you for it, go worry somewhere else though," d'Artagnan says. Aramis groans but it's true, he always worries. He starts to get up but d'Artagnan pulls him back down, into his lap, laughing when Aramis falls awkwardly. He kisses Aramis and gives him a squeeze then shoves his butt to get him to stand again. Aramis squeaks. "Oi!"
"Go on, goodnight. See you in the morning unless you're still ridiculously worried," d'Artagnan says, already focussed on the TV again.  
"Goodnight," Aramis says.  
He waits, but d'Artagnan's ignoring him so he trails back to the bedroom. Porthos is still curled up asleep and completely fine. Aramis lies behind him on his back and looks at the ceiling, listening to Porthos coughing. He turns onto his side after a particularly rough sound and wraps arms around Porthos, humming in case Porthos is awake.
"'m'fine," Porthos mumbles, turning in Aramis's arms.  
"Didn't mean to wake you," Aramis says.  
"You didn't. Technically I guess you did but ages ago when you got up, not just now, and not entirely, I've been mostly asleep," Porthos says, yawning, snuggling closer. "Staying now?"
"Mm, yeah," Aramis says, into Porthos's hair, holding him close. It's reassuring and warm. "Sure you're ok?"
"Mmhmm. Shh."
Aramis shushes, and falls asleep before Porthos.  
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