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Beguinas (2024)
Lucía de Avellaneda (Amaia Aberasturi) appears in a beguinage after a message from her mother. Lucía questions her previous life and will discover love through a pure but forbidden passion.
Segovia, 1559. Lucía de Avellaneda celebrates her engagement party with the Marquis of Peñarrosa, a nobleman chosen by her brother. This marriage promises to reinforce the financial and social status of the family, but, in the middle of the celebration, the fiancée receives an unexpected letter from a woman who claims to be her mother and who claims her on her deathbed. Lucía shows up at the beguinage, where her mother has summoned her. In this place she lives with other women independently and outside the Church. The young woman opens up to a new world that will make her question everything she has known until now. And, furthermore, she will know love through a pure and uncontrollable, but forbidden, passion. She will risk everything for Telmo (Yon González), a Jewish man who must hide his beliefs and his past.
Soon this series will be on air. The pictures above are some promocional pics (I have some more that I Will probably post during these days), plus here's the official trailer and teaser trailers.
If you want to read about the main cast and the characters, go to this post.
#beguinas#beguinas 2024#series#period dramas#upcoming series#promo pics#official trailer#teaser trailer#Youtube#beguines#beguines the series#yon gonzález#amaia aberasturi#meritxell calvo#lucía caraballo#ella kweku#jaime olías#laura galán#elisabet gelabert#javier beltrán#ignacio montes#antonio durán#jonás berami#cristina plazas#bea segura#silma lópez#melani olivares#carmen esteban#jorge kent
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Un suceso pocas veces contado
Un suceso pocas veces contado #aperturaintelectual #palabrasbajollave @tmoralesgarcia1 Thelma Morales García
#AperturaIntelectual#palabrasbajollaveAI#19 de octubre de 1811#Alejandro Ostoa#Arte#Aurelio J. Venegas#Carlos María de Bustamante#cerro del Calvario de Toluca#Cultura#Gustavo G. Velázquez y los recientes de Alexander Naime#Holocausto Toluqueño#Inocente Peñaloza#Isauro Manuel Garrido#Javier Romero Quiroz#Leopoldo Flores#Lucas Alamán#Miguel Salinas#Norberto López#Pedro Antonio Martínez#Periplo Plástico#Personajes#Pilar Iracheta#Plaza de los Mártires en Toluca#Poesía#Raymundo César Martínez#Thelma Morales García#Vicente Riva Palacio
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L’ultimo dissing vero e proprio che si è avuto nell’era pre-social network è stato quello tra Fabri Fibra e Vacca. Un dissing epico, che ha portato la scena musicale, per forza di cose, a schierarsi e a dire la propria. Nitro che fece gli elogi a Fibra, Jamil che prese le parte del suo padrino artistico Vacca, Il Guercio che recentemente in una live con IlMasseo ha espresso quanto lo avesse colpito quel dissing, senza schierarsi da nessuna delle due parti. Oggi sembra che ci troviamo di fronte un altro dissing coi controcoglioni.
Luchè vs. Salmo: il primo scontro nel 2019.
Era il 2019, e sia Luchè che Salmo stavano vivendo un periodo d’oro. Luchè un anno prima aveva pubblicato il suo quarto disco da solista, Potere, che aveva confermato la sua presenza colossale nella scena, mentre Salmo stava ancora macinando i numeri di Playlist mentre iniziava a raccogliere i primi frutti con Machete mixtape 4, ad oggi l’ultimo mixtape Machete realizzato da tutto il crew.
Con un post pubblicato su Instagram, Salmo decise di vantarsi proprio dei numeri che stava raccogliendo nella sua carriera: i tanti platini col suo disco da solista, e le certificazioni che stavano iniziando ad arrivare col mixtape della Machete non si contavano neanche più. Il suo messaggio si concludeva con delle parole molto forti: “questi sono i due migliori dischi del 2018/2019”.
Affermazione che ha fatto un po’ storcere il naso a tanti. Qualcuno potrebbe giustamente dire: “certificazioni ≠ qualità”, e tra questi infatti c’era anche Luchè. Luchè non perse tempo: subito rispose al post di Salmo, esprimendo il proprio personale dissenso nei confronti del messaggio del collega sardo. Il succo del discorso era: “sei tutto marketing, e niente musica”, azzardando, poco dopo, anche ad un paragone con Fedez (“sei Fedez 2.0”).
La situazione prese ancora più fuoco quando, appena Salmo lesse i messaggi lasciati da Luchè, registrò un paio di Instagram stories per attaccarlo. “Dal vivo non sei bravo, il messaggio che mi hai lasciato solo al post te lo sei cancellato da solo, non puoi accusarmi di averlo fatto da me”.
Fu Luchè a registrare però più storie di tutti, in cui mise in chiaro parecchi punti che lo avevano mosso a rispondere al post di Salmo. Durante quelle Instagram stories, Luchè spiegò anche la frustrazione che aveva provato, nel corso degli anni, ogni volta che qualcuno aveva puntato a screditarlo, soprattutto da dopo lo scioglimento dei Co' Sang.
Quelle Instagram stories fecero subito il giro del web: se da un lato Luchè tirava in ballo Fedez con il suo “sei Fedez 2.0” (oltre al clamoroso “pisciazz”), dall’altro Salmo tirava in ballo @inoki-ness (“almeno Inoki quando aveva qualcosa da dirmi ha scritto una canzone”). Ironia ha voluto che sia Fedez che Inoki avessero realizzato anche le loro storie per entrare nella questione: Fedez fu lapidario, con il suo “non mi tirate in ballo”, mentre Inoki fu decisamente più logorroico, e la tirò alle lunghe, senza mai sbilanciarsi e cadere nell’insulto nei confronti dei due rapper.
Le frecciatine nei brani.
Se in molti iniziarono a pensare a una mossa di marketing per fare pubblicità ad un loro pezzo insieme (ricordiamo che a inizio 2019 fecero la stessa cosa anche Highsnob e @juniorcallyantigas-blog, coinvolgendo nomi come @datboidee-blog, Andry TheHitmaker, Shade, Nerone e via discorrendo), la cosa fu evidentemente smentita dai fatti. Nessuno dei due, infatti, pubblicò niente insieme, e i rapporti si fecero decisamente freddi. Come spesso accade, anche durante quello scontro si scelsero le proprie parti: di lì a qualche mese, @capoplazabis-blog comparve nel remix di Yoshi insieme a Fabri Fibra, @thasupreme1-blog, Dani Faiv e @jbalvin-fanpage, Gué decise di schierarsi con Luchè, anche per via di alcune incomprensioni che c’erano state con l’ex membro di @tantaroba nei mesi precedenti (il commento-sfottò “salmini” di Gué ce lo ricordiamo tutti). @marracash descrisse alla grande questa situazione di “civil war dei rapper” nell’intro di Persona, paragonandosi alla Svizzera (“civil war dei rapper: Thaurus e Machete, io sono la Svizzera che è ricca e dove si sta bene”).
Salmo e Luchè non si sono mai veramente dissati nei brani rilasciati negli anni a seguire. Salmo fu però il primo a portare qualche frecciatina nella riedizione di Playlist: in Salmo 23 rappava “lo senti che cantano tutti / (ehi, ehi, ehi, ehi) anche se i ritornelli sono brutti”, in riferimento all’insulto mosso da Luchè (“i beat che produci sono scopiazzati dai miei, e sono anche bruttini”). Anche in Flop l’album Salmo ha lasciato delle frecciatine nei confronti di Luchè.
Stessa cosa ha fatto Luchè in Dove volano le aquile, nello specifico in Si vince alla fine, ha fatto riferimento a Salmo (ma anche a Inoki e Vacca) con il passaggio: “quello disabilita i commenti, quei due mi sfottono su Twitch”). Questo pezzo è stato l’ultimo brano che conteneva riferimenti di ciascuno dei due rapper nei confronti del collega. Niente sangue, solo un po’ di frecciatine lanciate un po’ qua e un po’ là.
Il 64 barre di Salmo.
Il 64 barre è diventato, in pochi anni, uno degli eventi più attesi dei social, per chi ama il rap italiano, in cui gli artisti sputano le loro barre in brani senza ritornello: solo amore per questa disciplina. Ad ogni nuovo 64 bars, la @redbull chiama un rapper ed un produttore che dovranno mettere a disposizione le loro arti e i loro talenti per realizzare dei freestyle potenti. Nel corso degli anni, ci son passati moltissimi nomi: Anna, Madame, Emis Killa, Fabri Fibra, Gué Pequeno e Marracash (rispettivamente per due e per tre volte), e tra i produttori Tha Supreme, @gemitaiz-blog, Carl Brave, Low Kidd, ma anche lo stesso Luchè, giusto per citarne alcuni.
Qualche settimana fa, è arrivato il turno di Salmo. Salmo, che sarà anche uno degli ospiti del prossimo 64 bars live a Scampia insieme a @geolier, Rose Villain, @noyznarcosblog e Lazza, ha rappato su una strumentale di Luciennn, produttore già presente nel suo progetto Blocco 181 – original soundtrack, sul quale sta puntando molto. Nel suo freestyle, tra le altre cose, ha deciso di rispolverare una vecchia questione: “l’Inferno lo conosco bene / ci tornerei per farci un mese / una vita di promesse spese / driiin: squilla il telefono inglese”. Chi ha seguito il dissing di Luchè e Salmo nel 2019, non può non aver fatto caso a questa frecciatina, arrivata a più di un anno di distanza dal pezzo Si vince alla fine, e a quasi quattro anni tondi dallo scontro social tra i due rapper. Durante quello scontro, Luchè aveva dato a Salmo dell’ipocrita dicendo al pubblico che nel 2016, quando era uscito Malammore, Salmo, che stava dicendo di non conoscere la musica del rapper partenopeo, gli aveva mandato un messaggio in cui si complimentava con lui per quel disco. Ha poi concluso questo discorso con la frase: “devo prima trovare il telefonino inglese su cui si trova questo messaggio”.
Nel corso di questi anni, questo fantomatico telefonino inglese non è mai uscito: anche Nitro, in un freestyle realizzato a poche settimane di distanza dallo scontro tra i due colleghi, fece riferimento a questo telefonino con la frase “sei sparito come il telefonino inglese di Luchè”. Ma di quel messaggio non si è praticamente avuta più traccia.
Questo almeno fino a pochi giorni fa.
Pare che il 64 barre di Salmo, infatti, abbia riacceso l’attenzione nei confronti di quel messaggio. Proprio sui social ha iniziato a circolare, a proposito di complimenti, il video di Salmo che presenta Luchè sul palco durante un concerto. Il concerto si tratta, probabilmente, di un concerto tenutosi all’arenile di Bagnoli il 27 luglio 2018, un anno prima dello scazzo via social tra i due colleghi. Fece riferimento a quella serata anche Luchè nel 2019, durante le sue Instagram stories, spiegando al pubblico che Salmo avrebbe voluto cantare per ultimo, cosa che Luchè non gli ha concesso, essendo Napoli la sua città. In quel video, Salmo accoglieva Luchè definendolo “uno dei suoi rapper preferiti”. Ma la fine sembra ancora non essere arrivata, anzi: proprio qui inizia il bello.
Lo scontro in musica.
Se c’è una cosa che in tantissimi stanno apprezzando di questa nuova fase del dissing è la fame di portare lo scontro lontano dai beef via social, di cui a godere saranno solamente i ragazzini col telefonino in mano. Al centro sono ritornate, per magia, le rime, come ai tempi del dissing a cui ho fatto riferimento a inizio articolo, che ha lasciato tutto sommato un gran bel ricordo nella memoria collettiva.
Salmo è un genio, e su questo non ci piove. Ed è quasi fuori discussione che abbia dissato nuovamente Luchè nel suo 64 barre per la Red Bull senza aspettarsi una risposta, una reazione da parte di quest’ultimo. La posta in gioco è troppo alta, se si considera anche che Salmo dovrà suonare proprio a Napoli per il 64 bars live il prossimo 7 ottobre. Salmo potrebbe rappresentare un vero e proprio system error durante quella data, un bug nel sistema, visto e considerato che nella stessa serata si esibirà anche Geolier, amico stretto di Luchè, nonché suo pupillo. La presenza di Geolier e la location scelta, Napoli/Scampia, implicherà quasi sicuramente la presenza non solo di tantissimi fan di Luchè, ma anche di un noto organizzatore di eventi campano, tale Enzo Chiummariello, amico stretto di Luchè e non solo. Ma andiamo con ordine.
A circa una settimana di distanza dalla pubblicazione del 64 bars di Salmo, Luchè, a sorpresa, ha pubblicato il 4 luglio il suo freestyle Estate dimmerda 2. Il riferimento è alla hit del 2016 di Salmo, Estate dimmerda: web hit, a dire il vero, che fu anche ampiamente criticata da una fetta di pubblico generalista, a causa di alcuni riferimenti all’attentato avvenuto ad un concerto di Ariana Grande qualche mese prima. Attentato rivendicato dall’isis, all’epoca al centro delle cronache per i numerosi attentati avvenuti in Europa, la maggior parte dei quali a Parigi.
In Estate dimmerda 2, Luchè ha deciso di togliersi numerosi sassolini dalle scarpe. Il suo approccio è stato un approccio meno tecnico, ma più contenutistico: non si è fatto sfuggire nulla. Dal mutamento stilistico di Salmo (cui ha fatto riferimento citando Il cielo nella stanza, la hit più ascoltata del rapper sardo) alla polemica legata all’invio di foto non richieste alle ragazze su Instagram. Non si è fatto sfuggire neanche il riferimento al sold-out allo stadio san Siro, accusandolo di aver regalato diecimila biglietti per riempire lo stadio (pratica che in realtà fanno un po’ in tanti, non solo per riempire gli stadi, come fa notare anche Rebel mag).
Nel dissing, Luchè ha anche paragonato Salmo a Inoki e Fedez, scatenando anche la risposta del primo citato, che su YouTube ha replicato al dissing con Cazzominomini (come detto da Inoki stesso, realizzato più per rispondere alla provocazione che per la voglia di attaccar briga col collega partenopeo. Si tratta comunque di un dissing di buon livello, specie se si considera la natura decisamente scanzonata del gesto, anche se il testo e il mood lasciano intendere tutt’altro). Sul finale, però, arriva il bello: infatti, Luchè riprende e inserisce due audio di Salmo: il primo in cui Salmo dice di aver ascoltato “quel disco” (con ogni probabilità Malammore), dicendo che “era figo”, e il secondo audio tratto dal videoclip di cui sopra, in cui Salmo, durante un concerto (presumibilmente quello all’arenile di Bagnoli) ha presentato Luchè chiedendo al pubblico di far casino per lui.
Ma Luchè non ha avuto ancora l’ultima parola. Non con Estate dimmerda 2, almeno. Infatti oggi, il 5 luglio, alle 12:30, Salmo ha pubblicato su YouTube la sua risposta al dissing di Luchè. Il beat che parte non è inedito, ma è la strumentale di Full clip dei Gang Starr, e la cover del dissing è la faccia di Luchè con sopra i capelli biondi di @brigittebardot. Il riferimento nel titolo del dissing è all’ultimo disco di Luchè, Dove volano le aquile, che Salmo storpia in Dove volano le papere. Nuovo dissing, nuovo approccio, diametralmente opposto a quello di Salmo del giorno precedente: molte punchline, e molte prese in giro nei confronti dell’ex Co’ Sang: dal “faccia di cazzo”, alle compagnie pseudo-mafiose di cui Luchè canta nei suoi pezzi. Tra le varie punchline, a metà freestyle Salmo ha anche attaccato Esse Magazine, con cui non ha certo rapporti idilliaci. Già qualche giorno fa, infatti, aveva pubblicato una storia Instagram in cui manda platealmente a cagare la redazione. Nel passaggio in cui ha nominato Esse Magazine, ha anche fatto riferimento al fatto che Luchè sia ampiamente propsato dalla realtà di @antoniodikeledistefano, forse persino troppo, a costo di risultare quasi la prostituta del magazine (anche se Luchè è solo uno dei tanti che ricevono questo tipo di trattamento. Si tratta di una cosa già ampiamente risaputa, che han provato a spiegare anche nomi come gli Arcade Boyz, Vacca, lo stesso Inoki, e non solo).
È finito qui? A quanto pare, assolutamente no. Infatti, se Salmo ha impiegato meno di 24 ore per rispondere al dissing di Luchè, pare che quest’ultimo avesse ancora altro da dire. Infatti, qualche ora dopo la pubblicazione di Dove volano le papere, il rapper campano ha continuato a rispondere al dissing di Salmo, aggiungendo altre tematiche: dal fatto che Salmo abbia perso la propria direzione artistica, specie da dopo il featuring con Fedez in Viola, fino al fatto che abbia cambiato genere musicale nel corso degli anni, accusa già rivoltagli nel 2019, quando gli rinfacciò il fatto che inizialmente facesse il batterista nel gruppo rock degli Skasico. Tagliente anche il riferimento all’allontanamento di Salmo dalla Machete: infatti, sebbene negli ultimi tempi abbia ricucito i rapporti con molti colleghi, tra cui anche En?Gma, invitandolo a cantare sul palco con lui The island durante l’evento Red valley festival del 2022, da un sacco di tempo Salmo non collabora con i suoi colleghi membri della Machete. Luchè su questo ci va giù diretto: “la Machete ti ha abbandonato”. Il secondo dissing di Luchè si conclude anche con una sorta di minaccia velata: “Venerdì suono in Sardegna, vuoi venire? / ci vediamo a Scampia, o hai paura di uscire?”, facendo riferimento al fatto che Salmo dovrà suonare proprio a Scampia a Ottobre.
E ora?
È da veramente anni che non si vedessero addirittura tre dissing (quattro, se si considera anche quello di Inoki) fatti in musica nel giro di due giorni. Peraltro si tratta di due artisti già ampiamente affermati nell’ambiente urban, che non han bisogno di attirare attenzioni sulle proprie carriere e sui propri nomi. Sebbene lo stesso Inoki abbia definito i dissing, nel suo dissing, “un male” per lui e un po’ per tutte le carriere artistiche, in realtà aumenta l’attenzione sul genere musicale e fomenta il pubblico, portando anche a far smuovere le acque e rimuovere quella patina di ipocrisia che generalmente c’è in un ambiente di successo dove va sempre tutto bene ed è sempre tutto okay. Anche Fabri Fibra, che di dissing ne ha fatti in passato, esprimeva lo stesso parere: solo così si capisce chi fa le rime più fighe nei pezzi, diceva durante gli Mtv day di Bologna del 2006.
Non si sa per quanto ne abbiano ancora Salmo e Luchè, ma se si continua così, potremmo vederne veramente delle belle. Si tratta di un vero e proprio botta-e-risposta, visti anche i tempi ristrettissimi con cui i due rapper si stan rispondendo, cosa che neanche i Fibra e Vacca del 2014 erano riusciti a fare, spalmando la loro diatriba in un lasso di tempo che arrivò addirittura a superare il mese di tempo. Ma sono già in tanti appassionati di hip-hop che chiedono ai due artisti di non smetterla adesso, e di continuare, se dovessero farlo, solo tramite musica. Boh Magazine ha pubblicato un post con scritto “meno Instagram stories più dissing”, Il Purista ha pubblicato un post con scritto “lo spettacolo deve continuare. Grazie Luchè, grazie Salmo”, con tanto di emoji dei popcorn. Ormai lo scontro a suon di rime è iniziato, e non possono tirarsi indietro proprio adesso.
Quando Salmo e Luchè si rispettavano.
…Ma vale la pena anche fare un salto nel passato. Infatti, Salmo e Luchè non hanno avuto sempre un rapporto pessimo come quello degli ultimi anni. Sarà pur vero che le loro divergenze artistico-musicali sono belle evidenti a parecchi da tantissimo tempo, ma c’è sempre stato rispetto reciproco prima del 2019. Lo testimonia anche il video di Salmo che presenta Luchè sul palco a Napoli nel 2018.
Ancora prima di quel concerto, fu lo stesso Luchè a pubblicare nel 2016 un post su Facebook. Il post ritraeva Salmo e Luchè insieme dopo aver passato una serata in un ristorante, e le parole usate dal rapper partenopeo per descrivere la serata furono le seguenti: “mi ha fatto piacere conoscere meglio la persona che è mauri. Anche se diversi siamo molto simili. Una persona semplice che ha un’enorme passione per la musica. E’ bello vedere 2 artisti rispettarsi nelle loro diversità”. Anche nel 2014 Salmo e Luchè sono comparsi insieme in una foto caricata da @clementino-blog su Facebook: non erano soli, in quanto con loro tre c’erano anche altri artisti, ovvero Marracash, Achille Lauro, Dj Tayone e Bibo De Angelis. Notizia dell’ultima ora: Salmo ha pubblicato nella giornata di giovedì 6 luglio un ultimo dissing di risposta a Luchè, in cui afferma di non dare più attenzioni al collega napoletano. Il titolo del dissing è Stupido gioco del rap 2, che va a riprendere lo storico dissing che avvenne tra lui e Inoki dieci anni orsono. Nel pezzo, Salmo si serve del campione musicale di Tu vuo’ fa’ l’americano di Renato Carosone per criticare Luchè per il fatto di essere una copia spudorata di molti rapper americani, e ad un immaginario cui non appartiene veramente, essendo, per l’appunto, italiano e nello specifico napoletano.
#trauma#trauma mag#trauma art#Inoki#Junior Cally#Dat Boi Dee#Capo Plaza#Tha Supreme#J Balvin#Tanta Roba#Marracash#Red Bull#Gemitaiz#Geolier#Noyz Narcos#Brigitte Bardot#Antonio Dikele Distefano#Clementino#.
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Lugo, Spain (No. 2)
The town lies on a hill surrounded by the rivers Minho, Rato and Chanca. The difference in altitude between the city centre and the river banks is considerable: the former being at an altitude of 465 meters above sea level, whilst the Miño River Walk is at an altitude of only 364 metres (1,194 feet). The municipality of Lugo is the second largest in Galicia, with 329.78 square kilometres (127.33 sq mi) and 59 parishes. The outline of the city was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO on 7 November 2002, this being the most important recognition at international level regarding the conservation of landscapes and habitats of this Atlantic European region.
Source: Wikipedia
#Xardíns do Pazo de San Marcos#Magnolia#Plaza Sto Domingo Lugo#Lugo#bronze eagle#marble column#Galicia#A Mariña Occidental#Spain#España#Northern Spain#sjou#Southern Europe#architecture#cityscape#landmark#tourist attraction#summer 2021#Antonio González Trigo#street scene#travel#vacation#original photography#flora
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Corrida de Conquistas en León
#Toros Corrida de Conquistas en #León
Paola San Román en León. ** Paola San Román, la torera de la Fundación Los Ángeles Taurinos AC, convenció a un público que terminó gritándole: ¡torera-torera! León, Guanajuato / Com Soc – Marysol Fragoso / Foto: Ángeles Taurinos / Gus Pelayo / Mayo 26 de 2024.- Sergio Flores salió a hombros tras el corte de una oreja en cada toro; Antonio Ferrera, cuajó una gran faena al toro que abrió plaza,…
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Plaza de Oriente, de noche: el Teatro Real (Madrid)
La Plaza de Oriente es uno de los sitios que no pueden dejarse de visitar cuando se hace turismo cultural en Madrid. En el blog ya he tratado otros dos monumentos que también están en esta plaza: el Palacio Real (1, 2, 3), situado al oeste (es decir, queda a nuestra espalda si tenemos la anterior vista delante) y el Convento de la Encarnación (queda al norte de la plaza). En esta entrada nos…
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#Antonio López Aguado#Arquitectura#Arquitectura Civil#España#Isabel II de España#José I Bonaparte (Pepe Botella)#Juan Bautista Sachetti#Madrid#Narciso Pascual y Colomer#Palacio Real de Madrid#Plaza de Oriente (Madrid)#Teatro Real de Madrid#Urbanismo
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Acá se viene la Jam San Antonio
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Indoor Wedding Venues San Antonio | Sonesta Suites
Make the most of your San Antonio stay with our hotel near The Alamo and the picturesque River Walk. Enjoy free breakfast and easy access to both business and leisure activities with the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center and Legoland Discovery Center both just half a mile away. Settle into our generously-sized suites, designed with your comfort in mind.
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Cemeteries of Pila
Town Plaza, 1800s: Teodoro A. Reyes, a Pila descendant: The town plaza in the 1870s was used as a cemetery.
According to Cora Relova of the Pila Historical Society Foundation, “Our Pila ancestors later transferred the cemetery to another site.”
Cora Relova, Pila Historical Society Foundation: The front of the current (present-day) church of Pila used to be the location of the 1870s cemetery (before it was transferred). The old cemetery location is now the church parking lot.
"Lumang Cementerio" ("Old Cemetery") Old Pila Public Cemetery built in 1957: Bel Tomas Ranosa: The old Pila cemetery is now the location of the Villa Zorella Resort in Victoria. Former Pila Judge Ramiro "Lolo Judge" Relova and Corazon de Rivera and the Del Mundo family (Renato "Lolo Ato" and Marina Llamas de Mundo) and Pila ancestors used to be buried in the old cemetery and were later moved to the inside of the present-day Pila church.
Pila Memorial Park, 1986 Owned by Bernardo Relova Jr.
Pila Crypts:
Pila’s prominent ancestral families are interred inside the present-day Pila Church.
See Crypts of Pila
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Crowne Plaza San Antonio Airport Wake up to a magical day and enjoy all that San Antonio (TX) offers with a stay at The range of services provided by Parking is available and free, provided by the hotel for guests with their own transportation. While lodging at this wonderful hotel, the helpful staff at the front desk can assist you with multiple services that include concierge service, luggage storage and safety deposit boxes. If you want seats to city's best entertainment, you can get help through the hotel's ticket service. The hotel's on-site laundromat, dry cleaning service and laundry service help you keep your favorite travel outfits clean so you can pack less. In-room conveniences include daily housekeeping, so you can relax and enjoy your stay. Some small or last-minute needs can be quickly fulfilled by the convenience stores without having to leave the hotel. The hotel is entirely non-smoking, ensuring a clean air environment. Smoking is restricted to the designated smoking...
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Halour, I'm kinda curious... What crimes have Cale done, exactly? I see a number of "crime list" videos about him but the wiki don't really confirm anything💀
— 🌄
...The Time Has Come. 😌
I have long promised this list, so perfect timing! Thank you very much for this question! Allow me to introduce you to:
Cale Henituse's Crime List
(Just for the fun of it, I tried to give a different example for every single one of these. Some events repeat, but not the crimes!)
1) Accessibility of Records for Tax Department
Cale looted significant amounts of money from the Magic Tower and many other places, without leaving any legal trace.
2) Affray
Multiple occasions, like pretty much everything that happened in the Molden Kingdom.
3) Aggravated Assault
Cale rarely gets physically involved in a fight, but I think suddenly strangling Prince Adin qualifies.
4) Aggravated Burglary
Every single time "Real Arm" is in business.
5) Allowing Dog or Cat To Be a Nuisance
How else would you call encouraging your animal shape-shifting kids to be involved in criminal activity? Also Fluffy the Puppy was under Cale's command even if he technically belonged to Princess Jopis, I say it totally counts.
6) Ammunition – Possessing, Acquiring or Carrying
Cale intentionally pocketed magic bombs from the Plaza Terror Incident and used them later on.
7) Animal Cruelty
...Does Cale subjecting On to his "nice act" in front of Litana counts? Oh it definitely counts. That poor child.
8) Armed Robbery
That time Cale & co. robbed the Mercenary Guilds in Leeb-An City, for instance.
9) Arson
Setting the Wind Island on fire.
10) Assaulting or Resisting Police
That time Cale & co. went to Sez Kingdom. Pretty sure the knights trying to stop them from kidnapping the king counts as "resisting law enforcement".
11) Being Disguised With Unlawful Intent
Priest Cale in a nutshell.
12) Blackmail
That time Cale talked to Antonio Gyerre.
13) Breaking and Entering
Cale coming to the Sekka Estate.
14) Careless Driving
Debatable since a fantasy world doesn't own cars – but. I count Cale breaking through walls of a maze on a mother-effing Stone Imugi as "irresponsible driving". Just think of what kind of example you're setting for the kids, Cale!
15) Carrying a Loaded Firearm in Public
Cale has Raon following him everywhere, so.....?
16) Carrying Out Plumbing Work Without License or Registration
Cale has an underground villa in the Forest of Darkness. I'm pretty sure whatever construction work they did there would count as illegal.
17) Carrying Out Work Without a Building Permit
Cale had Dragons teleport an entire castle into the Forest of Darkness. Yet again, involves a building with no legal paperwork.
18) Causing Injury Intentionally
Obviously. Like making fiery lightning bolt strike in the middle of an Elf Village attack. Or hitting a radish with a rock.
19) Collecting or Making Documents Likely to Facilitate Terrorist Acts
Everything involving Knight Rex after he became a terrorist.
20) Conspiracy
Cale and Alberu talking about anything.
21) Control of Body Armor
After reading it up, I decided that mana disruption device ABSOLUTELY falls into this category.
22) Control and Use of Dangerous Articles
Cale adopting pretty much everyone on his team.
23) Corrupting Benefits Received By Commonwealth Public Official
Cale using Alberu's golden plaque to trap the White Star with Embrace. I mean, if being infected with that clown doesn't count as corruption, I don't know what does.
24) Cultivation of Narcotic Plants
Cale letting Hong eat plants in the Forest of Darkness. It IS, in his own words, his own backyard.
25) Dangerous Non-Guard Dog Attacks or Bites a Person or Animal with Person in Control
Cale letting Choi Han beat up Adin. ...Well, Choi Han COULD be counted as a Guard Dog, but. They never formalized the paperwork? I say it counts since Choi Han isn't legally registered!
26) Dealing With Property Suspected of Being Proceeds of Crime
Cale renting a house from Odeus Flynn.
27) Dealing With Property Which Subsequently Becomes an Instrument of Crime
Cale buying the Magic Tower before he proceeds to kidnap Mueller.
28) Delaying the Entry of Police
Cale not letting the law enforcement know about the Plaza Terror Incident beforehand. Also, activating the mana disruption device, knowing it would hinder their efforts to stop terrorism. ...Yes Cale & co. prevented said terrorism better on their own but it still counts.
29) Deliberately Omitting Information
Cale making an Vow of Death to Choi Han claiming that he can't tell him anything.
30) Destroying, Damaging and/or Interfering with Any Works of a Water Corporation
Setting the Lake of God's Tears on fire.
31) Destroying or Damaging Property
Cale destroying houses in the Gyerre territory.
32) Destruction of Evidence
Cale and Raon blowing up Hais Island 5 to cover up Ron's infiltration.
33) Directing the Activities of a Terrorist Organization
Cale's entire career in a nutshell, really.
34) Discharge Missile to Endanger Person or Property
Cale blowing up the whirlpools in the Ubarr territory.
35) Dishonestly Cause a Loss
Cale tricking the White Star into the abandoned underground city.
36) Disturbing Religious Worship
Cale messing with the Sun God's Church for being mean to Mary.
37) Driving an Unregistered Vehicle
Cale & co. using Mary's bone Dragon.
38) Drunkards Behaving in Riotous or Disorderly Manner
Cale pretending to be drunk in the Gyerre territory.
39) Endangering Safety of Aircraft
Cale letting his allies abroad an airship during the Jungle battle.
40) Entering a Place Without Authority or Lawful Excuse
Cale rescuing Raon.
41) Extortion With Threats to Destroy Property
Cale threatening the slave traffickers in the Gyerre territory.
42) Failure to Notify the Authorities of Criminal Activity
Cale doesn't notify Alberu of crap, unless it's to make him clean-up the aftermath.
43) Failure to Register a Pet
Pretty sure Cale registered exactly none of his allies. ...Except maybe the Tiger Tribe that one time they moved into Harris Village with Deruth's permission. Everyone else? Not a chance.
44) Falsifying or Concealing Identity
Cale acting as Naru von Ejellan in Endable Kingdom.
45) Forgery of Documents
Cale and Taylor faking an ancient document to fool the White Star.
46) Fraud
Cale promising Plavin Singten benefits for siding with the new Sun Church.
47) Getting Funds To, From, or For a Terrorist Organization
Cale sponsoring his allies, like giving Rosalyn magic stones.
48) Going Equipped for Stealing
Cale making Real Arm uniform.
49) Handling Stolen Goods
Cale using Divine Items.
50) Identity Theft
Cale introducing himself as Bob.
51) Indecent Assault
Cale telling Choi Han to strip that one time. (Yes, it actually happened. ...Not the way shippers wished for, obviously.)
52) Inducement to Be Appointed Liquidator
Cale helping Princess Jopis overthrow her sister on the condition of benefits for the Roan Kingdom.
53) Insider Trading
Cale selling Alberu dead mana from a Dragon.
54) Intentionally or Recklessly Causing a Bushfire
Cale setting that bush monster on fire in Xiaolen.
55) Introduction of a Drug of Dependence Into the Body of Another Person
Cale letting Rosalyn drink coffee on Earth 3.
56) Kidnapping
Cale & co. capturing Venion Stan.
57) Leaving Children Without Supervision
Cale letting the kids look for Mueller.
58) Lighting of Fires in the Open Air
Cale using Fire of Destruction against Sky Attribute.
59) Loitering Near Schools
Cale & the kittens in the Sez Kingdom.
60) Loitering With Intent to Commit an Indictable Offence
Cale letting Clopeh Sekka spot him that first time.
61) Manslaughter
Cale letting Choi Han, Rosalyn and Lock go and destroy the Archduke's Estate.
62) Membership of a Terrorist Organization
Cale making up Real Arm.
63) Murder
Cale killing the White Star.
64) Negligent Manslaughter
Cale letting Ron go on a vacation.
65) Non-dangerous Dog Attacks
Cale letting Choi Han spar with Hilsman.
66) Obtaining Property By Deception
Litana giving Cale free stuff.
67) Offences Connected With Explosive Substances
Cale commissioning Eruhaben to create Dragon's Rage.
68) Other Acts Done in Preparation for, or Planning, Terrorist Acts
Every morning Cale drinks lemon tea.
69) Possessing More Fish Than the Catch Limit
Cale dealing with Whales. ...Whales are fish, what are you talking about?
70) Possessing Controlled Weapon, Housebreaking Implements, and Things Connected With Terrorist Attacks
Everything Cale owns in the Super Rock Villa.
71) Possession of Precursor Chemicals
Cale making Billos buy alchemy ingredients.
72) Prohibited Weapons
Cale utilizing the Dragon Bones in battle.
73) Providing or Receiving Training Connected With Terrorist Acts
Cale letting his people train in his backyard.
74) Public Nuisance
Cale letting Choi Han act.
75) Reckless Conduct Endangering Life and/or Endangering Serious Injury
Cale every time he uses his Ancient Powers.
76) Recruiting for a Terrorist Organization
Cale adopting the Tiger Tribe.
77) Robbery
Stealing magic stones from the Alchemy Towers.
78) Sabotage
Cale going behind the Empire's back while he helps out the Whipper Kingdom.
79) Setting Traps to Kill
Cale Ghost Operation during the sea battle against the Indomitable Alliance.
80) Smuggling
Cale helping Cage and Taylor into capital.
81) Stalking
Cale entering Alberu's bedroom whenever he wants.
82) Stating False Name When Requested
Cale never letting anyone know about the transmigration and calling himself Cale Henituse.
83) Tax Evasion
Willful tax evasion for sudden wealth increase.
84) Terrorist Acts
Cale & co. detonating a bomb at Maple Castle.
85) Theft
Cale obtaining the blood drinking crown.
86) Threats to Inflict Serious Injury
Cale & co. threatening King Bakehe.
87) Threats to Kill
Cale cheerfully informing Adin he's going to personally kill him.
88) Torture and Interrogation
Cale ordering Beacrox to deal with the Magic Spearman.
89) Unauthorized Access to Restricted Data
Cale & co. coming to the Directory. ...Yes Bud was the Mercenary King so technically it was legal, except from the Mercenary Guild's perspective, it was break and entering.
80) Unlawful Assembly
Cale hanging out with Dragons.
81) Unlawful Oaths to Commit Treason
Cale promising to destroy the Alchemy Belltower to Rei Stecker.
82) Unlicensed Driving
Cale riding Dark Tiger Alberu.
83) Willful Damage
Cale employing Archie to destroy Duke Sekka's statues.
Any other crimes I forgot to list? Let me know!
With the help of others, we've expanded the original list of Cale's crimes!
84) Aiding and Hiding Fugitives
Cale helping out Hannah and Jack.
85) Aircraft Hijacking
Cale & co. taking over the Empire's airships.
86) Being an Accessory to Crimes
All Cale's deals with Billos in a nutshell.
87) Child Labor Law Violation
Cale making children work for their meals. Even if he's actually just adopting strays under the guise of formal work, said formal work is still illegal. Just admit you care, you weirdo.
88) Defamation
Cale spreading recordings of Adin being evil acros the Empire.
89) Deliberate Damage and/or Destruction of Currency
Cale happily throwing coins into lava.
90) Ecoterrorism
Wiping whole islands off the map counts as severe destruction of the environment.
91) Fly-tipping/Littering
Cale casually defenestrating Adin. Watch where you throw garbage, Cale. There are trash bins for a reason!
92) Harassment
Cale ordering Beacrox to beat up mountain bandits.
93) Illegal Detention/Imprisonment
Capturing prisoners of war, like the Dragon Half-Blood or the Flame Dwarves.
94) Illegal Goods Trade
Cale selling and buying items at the Caro Kingdom Auction.
95) Impersonation
Cale pretending to be different people in the Indignity Test.
96) Intentional Destruction of Cultural Heritage
Cale setting the Lake of God's Tears on Fire. Also, blowing up the Magic Tower.
97) Plunder of Public Property
Cale & co. destroying the walls of the capital of the Empire.
98) Trafficking Endangered Plants Accross Borders
Cale transporting the Fake World Tree in his badge.
99) Treason of the Crown
Cale treating his Hyung-nim with utter disrespect, such as comparing the Shining Sun of the Kingdom to a squirrel.
100) Trespassing
Cale in Endable Kingdom.
Not technically illegal, but:
101) Crime Against One's Well-Being
Cale abusing his health in such horrific ways even a regeneration power cannot keep up with him.
102) Crime Against Fashion
Cale preferring only black and plain clothes when he could look good in anything.
103) Crime of Self-Delusion
Cale thinking he still has a chance at slacker life.
104) Spreading Misinformation
Cale's track record of causing misunderstandings everywhere he goes is frankly terrifying.
Cale's fabulous looks are a crime in of itself. It deserves a spot on the list.
#tcf#trash of the count's family#lcf#lout of count's family#tcf humor#cale henituse#cale#tcf cale#cale's criminal record#q&a#replies
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Antena 3 presented this Tuesday, October 10, in the first edition of the South Festival, Beguinas, a series inspired by the beguinages, communities of women who, since the 13th century, defended an alternative way of life independent of marriage and Church. The new fiction bet will be available sooner for Atresplayer premium users.
Beguinas, which has ten 50-minute episodes, is produced by Atresmedia TV in collaboration with Buendía Estudios. The Beguines dedicated themselves to contemplation, but also to action, through crafts, teaching, or caring for the sick, which provided benefits to society while allowing them to be. This new series takes as reference the history of these women, which has remained hidden throughout the centuries.
The actors Amaia Aberasturi and Yon González star in the fiction. They play, respectively, Lucía de Avellaneda and Telmo Medina, two young people who will overcome the social impositions of the time and risk everything for love in a context that is not conducive to them. Beatriz Segura, Melani Olivares, Jaime Olías, Ella Kweku, Lucía Caraballo, Javier Beltrán, Meritxell Calvo, Silma López, Laura Galán, Elisabeth Gelabert, Ignacio Montes, Antonio Durán 'Morris', Jonás Berami, Jorge Kent and Cristina Plazas, among others , complete the cast of the series.
Beguinas is a production of Atresmedia TV in collaboration with Buendía Estudios. Montse García, Sonia Martínez and Amparo Miralles are the executive producers of this fiction, which will be directed by Rómulo Aguillaume and Claudia Pinto. The script will be written by Irene Rodríguez, Esther Morales and Silvia Arribas.
Marta de Miguel signs the Production direction, Iván Caso and Álex García the Photography direction and Jorge de Soto the Art direction. Bubi Escobar will be in charge of Wardrobe, while Makeup and Hairstyling will be directed respectively by Mariló Serrano and Fermín Galán. Juan León is the Casting Director.
Segovia, 1559. Lucía de Avellaneda celebrates her engagement party with the Marquis of Peñarrosa, a nobleman chosen by her brother. This marriage promises to reinforce the financial and social status of the family, but, in the middle of the celebration, the fiancée receives an unexpected letter from a woman who claims to be her mother and who claims her on her deathbed.
Lucía shows up at the beguinage, where her mother has summoned her. In this place she lives with other women independently and outside the Church. The young woman opens up to a new world that will make her question everything she has known until now. And, furthermore, he will know love through a pure and uncontrollable, but forbidden, passion. He will risk everything for Telmo, a Jewish man who must hide his beliefs and his past.
Main cast and characters
Lucía de Avellaneda (Amaia Aberasturi) Intelligent, curious and combative. Educated and innocent, until her mother's call disrupts her life. In the beguinage she discovers an environment of sorority and critical thinking that revolutionizes her idea of the world and breaks down the walls that her status as a Christian noble woman has imposed on her. When she meets Telmo she feels for the first time an attraction that she has never experienced, but his commitment and loyalty will stop her impulses, determined to fight for what really matters to her.
Telmo Medina (Yon González): Telmo is an attractive, lucid and mysterious young man who hides his Jewish origins. He works in a bakery and supplies the beguinage with what it needs from outside. He doesn't want problems, but he doesn't avoid them either. Loyal, sincere and honest, he cannot help but risk everything for a Christian noble woman.
Marie Anne (Beatriz Segura) Beguine and the successor of The Great Lady, she is wise, strong and enigmatic. Its mission is to protect the beguinage from certain ecclesiastical authorities who fear its independence. Guiding Lucía through the truth, she will help her connect with her mother's spirit and live in the beguinage with other women who, like her, long for a freedom that they cannot find outside. In her past, she loved intensely and had to overcome a traumatic breakup, but that passion is unleashed again, although this time she does not want to repress herself despite the danger of remaining in love with a clandestine and sinful love.
Sibila García (Melani Olivares): A distrustful, surviving and sensitive woman, who grew up in misery and prostitution. Pregnant, she decided to escape and found her place in the beguinage. Her biggest concern is her daughter and, even though she reproaches her for it, she will do everything possible to try to protect her. The succession of Lucrecia is disputed and she competes with Marie Anne for the position of Great Lady.
Guiomar Ruy (Ella Kweku): Nigua, an Antillean slave, was sold to a doctor from Seville who gave her her new name and educated her when he noticed the maid's innate curiosity. She learned the trade of midwife from her mother and cultivated her interest in the human body and botany. She obtained his letter of freedom and decided to move to the beguinage of Valladolid where he can develop his concerns and care for the sick. She has judgment, instinct and knowledge. She gets upset with ignorance, prejudice and evil. Shee feels a deep complicity with Gonzalo, the clergyman, a harmony that sooner or later, she will have to give a name to.
Beatriz García (Lucía Caraballo): Daughter of Sibila and one of the youngest of the beguinage. Innocent, happy and lively. Her sexuality is awakening and she enjoys her body with curiosity and without fear until life outside the walls pushes her to hide her most intimate impulses. Her freedom of thought and work contrasts with that of Lucía. She has a relationship with her mother that has ups and downs, but the love they have for each other is above all. Each has a lot to learn from the other.
Juana Aranda (Silma López): Daughter of Sancho, the owner of the workshop, and sister of Lebrín. She enjoys an independence that was uncommon at that time. She has chosen to enter the beguinage to avoid a bad marriage or ending up dependent on his brother. Intelligent, prudent and thorough. She is in love with Telmo, but wants to be reciprocated. He has such a noble heart that his love does not prevent him from empathizing with Lucía and helping Telmo when things go wrong.
Lebrín Aranda (Jonás Berami): Close friend of Telmo, son of Sancho, the owner of the bakery and the only brother of Juana, the beguine. Rogue, generous and lively, he knows how to live avoiding laws, rules and sins. He enjoys carnal pleasures and lets himself be carried away by Jimena's lust until he discovers her danger and her evil ways. He will use his best resources to try to save the Beguines from the Inquisition.
Rodrigo de Guzmán, Marquis of Peñarrosa (Javier Beltrán): He is Lucía's fiancé. Castilian nobleman, of ancient ancestry and fortune. He is very well connected and has negotiated with his future brother-in-law to settle his debts and open the doors to him in Court in exchange for this marriage. He loves Lucía, she seems to him the right woman to fulfill her role as marchioness. He is dutiful, splendid and traditional, but he does not hesitate to bring out his most sinister side when his commitment is threatened.
Munio de Avellaneda, Count of Vellaví (Jaime Olías): Lucía's brother and heir to the County, but also to the debts left by his father. He needs to recover privileges and fortune, and his sister's marriage is the perfect deal. Arrogant, irascible and proud. He is willing to do anything to save his lineage and keep up appearances.
Jimena Suárez de Córdoba (Meritxell Calvo): Munio's wife. Intelligent, frivolous and capricious. He hoped to live up to his condition, but the Avellanedas' fortune is in debt and the only thing that can solve it is his sister-in-law's wedding. She will do everything possible to help her husband achieve it. She likes to seduce, get the most out of life and cleverly circumvent the rigid rules that her lineage demands. She won't hesitate to play with fire when she meets Lebrín, a hummingbird who, like her, doesn't want to miss out on the pleasures that life offers.
Catalina (Laura Galán): Lucía's faithful maid. Affectionate, smiling, devout and superstitious, she is torn between loyalty to Lucía and fear of Munio. Lucía, her mistress, and the beguines, who will pay dearly for her ignorance. She will do everything possible to correct her mistakes and ease her conscience.
Lucrecia de Avellaneda (Elisabeth Gelabert): The Great Lady of the Beguinage. Daughter of its founder, Leonor Labrit and heir to her legacy for which she had to sacrifice her children, distancing them from her side. Married to Pedro de Avellaneda, who called her crazy, she took refuge in the beguinage where she served as Great Lady. Cultured and mystical, her life and death are surrounded by mystery.
Gabriela Grijalvo (Cristina Plazas): Widow of a renowned printer and mother of Gonzalo. Cultured and respected lady from Valladolid renounced her true love for fear of facing her son's rejection.
Gonzalo de Grijalvo (Ignacio Montes): Clergyman related to the beguinate. Intelligent, attractive and empathetic. She admires the Beguines for their devotion and devotion to those in need, but above all Guiomar, with whom he has great complicity.
Father Lasarte (Antonio Durán 'Morris'): A priest with pretensions, whose greatest ambition is to end the privileges of the beguinages and become part of the Court of the Inquisition. Cunning and scheming, he uses fear and ignorance to manipulate the people and get them to demonize these women, inventing falsehoods about them. His main objective is Marie Anne, the Great Lady, whom he cannot defeat.
Commissioner Utrera (Jorge Kent) The executing arm of the Inquisition in Valladolid. Pursue crimes that threaten the power of the Church. He has the beguines in his sights, but knows the risks of attacking them because they enjoy important social support. Shrewd, arrogant and libidinous, he exercises his power with the arrogance that his position gives him.
#beguinas#upcoming series#period dramas#amaia aberasturi#yon gonzález#beatriz segura#melani olivares#ella kweku#lucía caraballo#silma lópez#jonás berami#javier beltrán#jaime olías#meritxell calvo#laura galán#cristina plazas#elisabeth gelabert#ignacio montes#antonio durán#jorge kent#16th century#upcoming period dramas
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Late notice but
Today 10/5 is an international day of action protesting one year of the Gaza genocide!
Find a protest near you today or tomorrow 10/6! If you're in the US, look at the links below, from the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights!
October 5, 2024
Note: Tumblr has capped the number of outgoing links you can use in one post. Go to the USCPR link above and click on a protest for a flyer/organizer info for each and every one of these events.
Albany, NY | 4:30PM Dana Park
Albuquerque, NM | 2PM Robinson Park
Amherst, MA | Amherst Town Common
Anchorage, AK | 2PM Townsquare Park
Atlanta, GA | 2PM 190 Marietta SW
Austin, TX | 1PM Austin City Hall
Birmingham, AL | 2PM Victoria Square
Blacksburg, VA | 3PM Pylons
Boston, MA | 2PM Cambridge City Hall
Burlington, VT | 1PM Battery Park
Charleston, SC | 2PM Marion Square Park
Chicago, IL | 2PM Water Tower Park
Cleveland, OH | 3PM 11804 Lorain Ave
Columbus, OH | 2PM Goodale Park
Corvallis, OR | 12 NOON County Courthoue
Dallas, TX | 12PM The Grassy Knoll
Denver, CO | 12PM 400 Josephine St
Detroit, MI | 2PM 5 Woodward Ave, Detroit
Dover, DE | 12 NOON 250 Gateway S Blvd
Fort Myers, FL | 6PM Centennial Park
Gainseville, FL | 2PM City Hall
Honolulu, HI | 11AM Ala Moana & Atkinson
Houston, TX | 2PM Houston City Hall
Indianapolis, IL | 2PM Lugar Plaza
Kansas City | 1PM Mill Creek Park
Kona, HI | 12:30PM Old airport by the skating rink
Las Vegas, NV | 2PM 3449 S Sammy Davis Jr Dr
Little Rock, AK | 4PM 1200 Main St
Los Angeles, CA | 2PM Pershing Square
Louisville, KY | 3PM Water Front Park
Maui, HI | 11AM Kapuka’ulua (Baldwin Beach)
Memphis, TN | 2PM City Hall
Miami, FL | 5PM Torch of Friendship
Milwaukee, WI | 2PM Zedler Union Square Park
Missoula, MT | 7PM 200 W Broadway
Nashville, TN | 2PM Centennial Park
New York, NY | 2PM Times Square
New Haven, CT | 1PM New Haven Green
New Orleans, LA | 5PM Congo Square
Ottawa, Ontario | 2PM Parliment Hill
Orlando, FL | 4PM Orlando City Hall
Pensacola, FL | 5PM Palafox & Gregorary St.
Pittsburgh, PA | Film screening, 3PM 100 S Commons St.
Portland, ME | 5PM Monument Square
Portland, OR | 3PM Unthank Park
Providence, RI | 3PM RI State House steps & 5:30PM 1 Finance Way
Raleigh, NC | 3PM Moore Square
Rochester, NY | 1PM MLK Park
Sacramento, CA | 2PM West steps of the Capitol
Salt Lake City, UT | 2PM 125 S State St
San Antonio, TX | 1PM Travis Park
San Diego, CA | 2:00PM 1600 Pacific Highway
Seattle, WA | 2PM TBA, with car caravans from Spokane, Pasco, Ellensburg
St. Louis, MO | Liberation weekend, 9AM-8PM 475 East Lockwood Ave
Tampa, FL | 2PM Bank of America Plaza
Toronto, Ontario | 2PM Yonge Dundas Square
Urbana, IL | 2PM 101 E Main St
Ventura, CA | 2PM 501 Poli St
Washington, DC | 4PM White House
West Plains, MO | 12 NOON Downtown Square
Wichita, KS | 12:30PM Spirit Aerosystems
October 6, 2024
Amityville, NY | 1PM LIRR
Boston, MA | 1PM Boston Common
Green Bay, WI | 5:30PM Leicht Memorial Park
Los Angeles, CA | Vigil, 6:30PM Echo Park Lake
Minneapolis, MN | 1:30PM Gateway Park Fountain
Ontario, CA | 1PM Euclid & C St
Paterson, NJ | 2PM Palestine Way with Gould Avenue
Roanoke, VA | Vigil, 6PM Heights Community Church courtyard
San Diego, CA | 4PM Centro Cultural de La Raza
San Francisco, CA | 1PM 16th & Valencia
San Jose, CA | 12 NOON City Hall
St. Louis, MO | 1PM Choteau Park
#palestine#free palestine#gaza#israel#cw genocide#cw war#united states#protest#direct action#humanitarian crisis#keep talking about palestine#gaza genocide#gaza strip#free gaza#palestine genocide#genocide#current events#palestine protest#palestinian genocide#i stand with palestine
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La Piedra de Chetumal o Tizoc en el Museo Nacional. México, D.F.
Ca. 1850-1900
Escultura circular con grabados de origen mexica redescubierta el 17 de diciembre de 1791 en la Plaza Mayor de la Ciudad de México por Antonio de León y Gama. Esta fue erróneamente llamada Altar de Sacrificios Gladiatorios por muchos años debido al vandalismo realizado en ella, donde se realizó un canal a posteriori en el siglo XVII. El canal no está documentado en la descripción detallada de la pi…
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#méxico#retro vintage#mexico#retro#cdmx#mexican#retrostyle#vintage#historia#arquitectura#arqueologia#arte#retro photography#urban photography#blanco y negro#black and white
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Texas Revolution: The Texan Army captured San Antonio on December 9, 1835.
#Alamo Plaza Historic District#Texas Revolution#Texan Army#captured#USA#San Antonio#Texas#9 December 1835#anniversary#US history#travel#vacation#summer 2011#original photography#architecture#the Alamo#tourist attraction#landmark#Tower Life Building#Emily Morgan Hotel#Saint Anthony of Valero Mission#Alamo Gardens#cityscape
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Michelangelo’s ‘David’ Was Carved Out of a Flawed Marble Slab
Two sculptors had tried and failed to chisel something out of the block—until Michelangelo stepped up.
Michelangelo’s David was recognized as a masterpiece the moment it was unveiled. In fact, its commissioners found the sculpture so beautiful, and so massive, that they decided its intended home, high up in the roof of a cathedral, just wouldn’t cut it.
The statue was conceived almost a century before Michelangelo picked up a chisel to create it. In the early 1400s, the Opera del Duomo, the workshop of Florence’s cathedral, began commissioning pieces for a series of 12 massive sculptures depicting prophets from the Old Testament. These would each be housed in niches of the church’s tribune, semi-domed apses in the roofline, over 260 feet high.
In 1464, Agostino di Duccio, a sculptor inexperienced with projects at such a large scale, was commissioned to create the statue. Duccio traveled to a Carrara marble quarry in Tuscany, where he handpicked a giant block of stone. Upon its arrival in Florence after a long, arduous journey, the block was found to be a flop. The hewed hunk of marble was tall but thin and riddled with holes and veins, imperfections both unaesthetic and potentially compromising to the structure of so large a statue.
Realizing his error, Duccio chipped at the stone with his hammers and chisels for a while, but soon gave up on his work. The abandoned wedge of marble went untouched for a decade until another sculptor, Antonio Rossellino, seized the mantle. After some attempts to salvage the work, he, too, deemed the block unusable. It was left naked in the Opera’s courtyard for another 25 years.
Finally, in the summer of 1501, the workshop’s overseers assigned the work to Michelangelo. In just over two years, he transformed the misunderstood marble block into the 17-foot-tall statue that is today one of the most famous artworks in history. At the unveiling, the unexpected size, weight, and beauty of the statue demanded a reshuffling of plans. In 1504, 30 Florentine cultural leaders, including Leonardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli, convened to determine David’s fate.
After months of raging debate, it was decided that the statue deserved a spot in the Piazza della Signoria, in front of Florence’s town hall. It took 40 men four days to transport a rope-bound David, caged in wooden scaffolding, from Michelangelo’s workshop to the plaza a half-mile away. Upon arrival, the artist took his chisel to his creation one last time, applying finishing touches. The statue had been designed for viewing from far below; this unexpected setting and perspective required slight modifications.
The statue became quickly known as “the Giant,” a symbol of liberty for the Florentine people, with his glare pointed at their rival city, Rome. Though beloved, the Giant fell victim to vandalism in his first year, when protestors pelted the colossal sculpture with stones. In 1527, a riot against the ruling class broke out in the plaza, and a bench thrown out of a window struck the statue, breaking its arm into three pieces. David went on to survive earthquakes and lightning strikes before the city council decided to protect him.
After almost 370 years, fans and art connoisseurs finally compelled the city to move David into the Galleria dell’Accademia for his protection in 1873; he still stands there today. Even in the confines of the museum, though, David was unsafe. In 1991, a mentally disturbed Italian artist, Pierro Cannata, snuck a hammer into the museum. With it, he lunged at David’s left foot, shattering a toe before being subdued by museum-goers. Cannata claimed that La Bella Nani, a figure from a Veronese painting, compelled him to strike David. Thanks to the attack, David’s beauty is now shielded from jealous hands and hammers by a wall of plexiglass.
By Adnan Qiblawi.
#Michelangelo#Michelangelo’s ‘David’ Was Carved Out of a Flawed Marble Slab#marble#marble sculpture#ancient artifacts#italian artist#sculptor#art#artist#art work#art world#art news
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