#anticapitalist demons in space
technoxenoholic · 2 years
if my nonbinary characters cannot be correctly gendered in a particular language as it already exists, then i will simply not allow the book to be published in that language until after a nonbinary person and linguist (either a nonbinary linguist or two separate people) who speak(s) that language fluently has/have
1) worked directly with me to create an appropriate way to refer to each character that does not misgender them, and
2) ensured that the translation team knows how to use the appropriate pronouns and grammar for those characters, and will consistently use those pronouns and grammar
in short: i will mandate the creation of neopronouns to avoid issues like what happened to murderbot being translated as male in some languages for example, so no one can get away with that shit with my characters
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whereserpentswalk · 11 months
All of these will have to live on earth after you win btw.
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Welcome to Our Blog!
[Last Updated: 6/17/2023]
This is a space for us from @reticent-fate to put posts related to spirituality. We are a disordered plural system, and collectively you can call us DG (plural they/them). A few of us from the system will be using this blog, and you can meet us below! We will also have our own expanded bio pages (eventually). Also at the end of this post will be our DNI (because boundaries are important! Block us if you don't feel comfortable with us interacting with you!).
We created this blog due to feeling like there was very little space in the resources we've been collecting for people like us, both specifically as a plural system and more broadly as a member of the neurodivergent (and psychpunk adjacent) community.
There's a lack of discussion on the intersection between spirituality and psychology in most of the resources we've seen, and we'll occasionally post quite a bit about that (we have a special interest in behavioral psychology and consider ourselves psychpunk); likewise, we'll occasionally post about how plurality in particular affects our spirituality.
Please note: many of our headmates are otherkin, including some headmates that identify as spiritual entites (such as demons and deities). Our system has very hard rules about boundaries regarding identification as spiritual entities; in general, systems cannot control what introjects appear, but as it stands, there are stopgaps and gatekeepers in our system that regulate our relationship to things we can tell might trigger splits of this variety. Additionally, we do not allow our headmates to maintain names of spiritual entities they may "split" from (unless they are insourced, like Narty). That said, if a headmate still identifies as a spiritual entity (ie: as a shard), then they only identify that way functionally within our system. Do not be weird about this, please. Please please please.
We mention it because it is a huge part of why spirituality has been so difficult for us, and we will bitch about it on occasion. We are not saying we are anyone's god, nor are we demanding you treat us that way. The spiritual connection to the divine is a complicated, messy thing. Especially for systems like ours. Don't. Be. Weird about it.
Ellia (she/her) - The brains behind this operation (/joking). From the same innerworld source as Artura. Responsible for an irresponsible collection of tarot decks bought on clearance for the sake of "science" (comparing the Five of Cups in them all). Also responsible for making this blog, because she got sick of hearing advice that's excessively difficult to employ for plural systems, let alone headmates with exomemories under other stars. Practices a mishmash hodgepodge of tiny things here and there. Trying to reconstruct her beliefs from fragmented exomemories, which included dice divination and a more casual/friendly relationship to the innerworld gods.
Sol (he/him, they/them) - The guy that's really interested in Christianity as a concept. The holy weirdo to contrast Heitaros's demonic shenanigannery and Narty's apathetic middle ground. Doesn't practice Christianity so much as the study of it is his practice (especially scholarship that remembers the more radical Table Flipping Jesus that was 100% an anticapitalist anarchist). Especially interested in the lens of self-care and "holy" endeavors through the body as extension of the divine; ie: "there is divinity in all things and thus it is my duty to be kind to all things not willfully cruel; that including the self."
Heitaros (he/him) - A fictive who has his own otherkin blog, but also is vaguely spiritually weird because of it. Both identifies as Heitaros (a character) and partially with the concept of Satan as Accuser (in his understanding/role in-system: that which questions, especially with regards to structures). Interested in the intersection of psychological and spiritual (like Narty) but more from the perspective of an entity that recognizes where psychological origins can exist while embracing the messy spirituality that his identity imbues him with. His practices primarily involve a lot of hodgepodge like Ellia (he's a system host, so he kind of has to keep a hodgepodge going), but he's interested in lucid dream working, as well as past life work due to his otherkin identity.
Artura (he/him, they/them) or Nova (he/him) ; Sometimes referred to as Narty- From the same innerworld source as Ellia. God of Light, Linear Time, and Magic. Technically a two for one deal. The local anthropology nerd(s), that essentially practices through research. Mostly research. Like an obscene amount of research. May only show up when he wants to complain about ableism and Ellia isn't able to type her thoughts on the matter. Particularly interested in the intersection between psychological and spiritual (like Heitaros), from the idea of psychology as a bastardized spiritual practice (this is a very reductive explanation, and we have a lot to write about it; this isn't saying psychology is religion, but it is saying that functionally speaking, structures associated with psychology lend itself to the interpretation of the psychological as intrinsically spiritual). Generally dislikes dabbling in practice if it involves the risk of disturbing entities or could exacerbate system-wide anxieties. Plays the role of headspace therapist and thus is more interested in dissection of craft and understanding psychology through the spiritual lens (especially at the edges of where hard science and data cannot map).
Important Tags
#[Mod Name] - Anything posted for the perusal of individual headmates* running the blog.
#[Mod Name] talks - What it says on the tin*!
#ramblings - Catchall for the above tag
#ref mats - Self explanatory as well!
#disability - Posts about disability, because this blog is about the intersection of disability and spirituality
#promo - Posts promoting other folks' stuff (ex: tarot readings, pendulum readings, etc.).
More tags to be added!
*Note: Since Nova and Artura are a median subsystem, sometimes their posts may include both their names. Narty is our fun nickname for the research disaster duo, but not a great functional tag lol.
queer exclusionist
racist, pro cop
anti-endogenic, anti-nontraumagenic, anti-thoughtform, etc.
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divinerodentiastudios · 4 months
Sixth Door to the Left Episode 2: The Mountain Troll's Awakening
If you somehow found this post without having listened, you can do so here or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Hello There! My Name is Pelle Frid, The only person working on Sixth Door to the Left and creator of Divine Rodentia Studios. Before today’s episode, I’ve got a great show to share with you all. From Tlacuache Theatre comes The Devil’s Plaything, a horror comedy about a guy named Greg, who through no fault of his own dies and is given a second chance at life by a demon in exchange for killing people. It is funny, anticapitalist and has demons in it, what’s not to love? I’m dying to hear more, and I think you might as well. You can listen to The Devil's Plaything on all the major Podcast apps, and subscribe to ensure you never miss an episode. We’re gonna play the trailer for it right now. Enjoy!
Gary Carrie: So uh what’s your name my man.
Greg: oh um Greg
Drathralas: You should really consider taking better care of yourself, even my last host was not such a disgusting oaf of flesh.
Greg: What is going on? How did I get from the floor to the toilet?
Drathralas: In exchange for your continued control of this fleshy bag you will bring to me more meat.
Greg: Dead? I I I can’t do that
Drathrals: Surely you must be joking, is that not what humans are known for? I did accounting for the somme, murder is the modus operandi of all humans. You are dead. You have died because of autoerotic asphyxiation. Your next choices are quite simple. 
Greg: Hey do you know what time it is?
Random Dude: Go look at a clock dude. 
Greg: I thought we had a deal Drathralas! 
Dave: You insolent fool I am not Drathralas! 
Samantha: Hello! Welcome to the TV station’s booth. Did you want to volunteer? You get a pin if you sign up.
Tommy: WHat the fuck greg! I’m not interested!
Greg: It's not me! I I I can’t stop it!
Narrator: The Devil’s Plaything is a new horror comedy by Tlacuache Theater Productions. Listen to it wherever you get podcasts. 
Now, without further ado, Episode 2 of the Sixth Door to the Left, The Mountain Troll’s Awakening.
explosion dripping water faint construction
[Troll]: Mmmmmaaughhhh!
(Cave Echo) The Drummer is here, bat squeaks seeking to blast me for my cursed deeds!
No, not the drummer, people-folk in their iron steeds.
Such is their way, taking my mountain away.
Long is the time I spent in these halls, So very many nightfalls.
My treasure is immense, So much so I must always be on the defense.
I hear them now, breaking my home, Evermore limiting the space I can roam.
Oh, how I wish to break the carapace, truck backing up
Force them to forever leave this place. I would tear and break asunder,
A proper and terrifying manhunter. But as it stands I cannot do that,
My every move would make me fall flat. For it is of iron these mounts are made,
And should I approach my power will quickly fade. Bind me to the wielder’s will unbreakable,
Render me magically incapable.
[In the hall of the mountain king by Edvard Grieg plays softly, growing in intensity over time]
Once, a bride to the mountain I took, Only for a priest to read from the book.
Such terror such pain. I wish not to suffer again.
Were it I only settled elsewhere,
I may have not been so ensnared. Hmmmm.
For the  hated iron is all surrounding, Demanding, perhaps, my announcing.
(Echo Stops) Haaaaa! Teleportation spell, electricity, construction work stops
(Outside) Brids singing[Construction worker]: What?
[Troll, changed his voice]:Take heed, people-folk, and hear what I have to say,
I live in this mountain and wish to stay. Say, then, please tell, how may one
stop this disquietude? The noise, the rumble. The
clamor of a great magnitude. If it’s riches you seek,
I could fill your bags within the week. All I as is that for this churn,
You leave, to never return. Leave this mountain, tear down your fences,
I beg of you, come to your senses. For should you continue destroying my residence,
You will not be pleased when you learn of my vengeance.
Hmmmm. Your power over this world dwindles,
The protection brittles. The book, the detested bells of old,
Helped you grow and expand, like mold. Rewarded your cooperation would be,
And just as terrible my anger, if set free.
[In the hall of the Mountain King crescendos and end] (Birds fade away)
The Mountain Troll’s Awakening was written and sound designed by Pelle Frid
The Troll was played by W. Keith Tims and Brady Flanagan
The Sixth door to the Left Cover was created by Yendysear.
The Divine Rodentia Studios Logo was created by Zacharias Frid,
The music was Music was In the Hall of the Mountain King, by Edvard Grieg,
performed by the Czech National Symphony Orchestra
Sound effects was taken from various sources.
Special thanks to H. M. Radcliff for her invaluable help getting me off
the ground with the sound design, as this was the first piece I made from scratch.
This project is a labor of love and is created on my free time. If you would
consider a one-time donation to my ko-fi that would be greatly appreciated and goes towards
developing the show and future projects. You can do so at ko-fi.com/divinerodentiastudios, all one word.
Links to everyone that’s helped create this project can be found on our Tumblr, link in the show notes.
And, for all things Divine Rodentia  Studios you can find our linktree in the show notes as well
[AUDIO LOGO] This has been a production By Divine Rodentia Studios
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ok actual articulated takes on netflix archive 81 because i've been thinking about it all day and the more i think about it the less i like it, spoilers for the show and podcast under the cut
probably goes without saying but i wasn't a fan of Straight Melody, especially since it seems like they did it just to make space for a dan/melody romance?? i get so tired of media shoehorning in romance just for the sake of having it there, especially so when that involves straightwashing a character who is very clearly specified to be queer in the source material
also wasn't crazy about how they made these whole intertwining backstories for dan and melody, it made the whole thing feel kind of contrived and someone else already said this but part of what's appealing about dan in the podcast is that he's literally just Some Guy who needed a job, there was no grand conspiracy to get him specifically to the archive
probably my biggest gripe with it is kaelego, i HATED that they threw out the leviathans in favor of making it a demon!! i get that the leviathans would be difficult in some ways to portray in a tv show, but like. netflix Has The Resources, i think there was definitely a way to make visser work rather than just having it be a demon
going with a demon also takes away a huge chunk of the Weirdness that is so much of the appeal of the podcast (at least to me), i feel like they made that change to make it more palatable to a broader audience which... i get it, but also you can totally make Weird Shit that people aren't familiar with and have it do well, falling back on demons felt lazy to me
didn't really love the whole thing with melody coming from a bloodline of witches, same kind of thing as with dan where she was just Some Lady and they gave her this whole grand destiny thing. give us more media where regular-ass people get caught up in incomprehensible weird shit and it doesn't turn out that it was fate or prophecy or whatever
what was that whole thing with the random woman who stole melody's identity?? did i miss something or was that just super random and never came up again???
i didn't necessarily dislike putting iris vos in the 1920s, especially since a81 does plenty of weird time stuff with the golden age, but it did take some straightening out in my head
mark was annoying. i'm just gonna say it. i did not like how they wrote him, he came off like a douchebag frat boy who listens to joe rogan. also who says fuck that much, like i say fuck a lot but good lord take it down a notch
also didn't like how they wrote davenport, he didn't seem slimy enough until near the very end
like some other people have said too, they gutted the anticapitalist themes of the podcast and i hate that they did away with such a big part of the show. i should've expected that from a show made by a massive multibillion dollar corporation, but still disappointing
i was really excited to see how they did the city/otherworld, but it wasn't all that interesting to me when they got there :/ like i guess making it the realm of a demon rather than a whole-ass other dimension ruled by the whims and conflicts of unknowable eldritch beings is gonna make the situation pretty different, but i was hoping for something a bit weirder than "looks like the regular world but sometimes the hallways go in loops and also your dead family is there"
they also took away like all of the mystery and weirdness of lmg, like they just kinda made it a Generic Business Company (i yelled at my tv when they said what the acronym stands for :/)
it looks like it's been pretty well-received so far so it's not unlikely that we'll get a second season -- how are they gonna do that?? if they do a season 2 i'll have absolutely no expectation for them to stick anywhere close to the podcast, they just didn't set things up in a way that it would work at all. like how would rat or the curator or like. any of it happen with the way they left it off
i did like seeing more of cassandra wall at least, i've thought she was an interesting character from the podcast so it was cool to get more of her
samuel was pretty good, they kept the creepy but charismatic vibes up with him pretty well i thought (wish he had still become a flesh abomination though :/ also him coming out of literally nowhere in the otherworld at the end felt kind of cheap, plus where did he go?? melody made it out but where is samuel, he was literally dragging her with him)
i LOVED jess, i wasn't expecting to but she ended up being my favorite character in the show
thank god they put ratty in, he didn't die too so that's a plus
yeah overall i think i would've liked it enough had i never heard the podcast, and i get why they made some of the changes they did in translation from the podcast to the show, but overall i feel like they overly simplified and watered down a really good story and rich worldbuilding for the sake of making it more widely appealing, and if they continue into a second season it's just going to depart further from the source material which is unfortunate because the second and third seasons of the podcast are SO GOOD
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m0-ve · 5 years
before you follow
Stuff I am:
- Sara, born 1997, Italian (therefore white, I can't believe I have to say this but some demons out there think we're all ari*na gr*nde)
- cis, demi bisexual
- I suffer from generalized anxiety, panic attacks, depression (depressive episodes + suicidal tendencies), anger management issues (intrusive thoughts)
- I am chronically ill (Hashimoto's Thyroiditis: autoimmune chronic thyroiditis), but that just means I'll be on meds all my life, nothing lifechangingly bad (thankfully)
Stuff that's important to me
- please don't roleplay under my posts it makes me cringe a lot. Idk why cause i dont have anything against it it's just... i dont like it so please try to avoid that
- aro/ace people belong in lgbtqipa+ spaces and community. Full stop. Non arguable.
- I won't tolerate any kind of hatred towards any sexual orientation, gender identity, religion or ethnicity.
- I am a feminist (terfs and any kind of exclusionist don't interact)
- I am an antifascist
- I am an anticapitalistic socialist
- I am against pedophilia (the fact that I need to explicitate this.......)
- you won't find any harmful (or willingly harmful, contact me if anything triggers you and I'll either delete it or tag it accordingly) content on my blog, as I don't condone any type of content that trivializese rape, incest, bestiality or any form of that...
- smut is good. but you won’t find any nsfw content on my tumblr blog. there’s other ways you can find my nsfw artwork tho.
- I am convinced that you cannot be biphobic when you're bisexual
- I am against people who are pro anorexia/bulimia/any other eating disorders
- queer is not a slur, it's been reconquered by the community (but I'll never refer to people who don't identify as queer as queer, like that's not what you do)
- if you message me anything hateful i won't answer and just block n delete the message/you
- I have always respected people and their view of things, literally there's no hate on my blog
- people have (wrongfully) called me a lot of things for literally anything I've ever done or said so if you want receipts cause you heard some of that, just let me know via dm and I'll link you all the stuff you need to know so that you can make your own opinion on the matter without basing it on anyone's opinion (not even mine, cause I know I've never been anything but reasonable)
[This is bound to be extended but for now this is it]
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knuckle · 6 years
i see this really troubling trend of like fifteen year-olds calling themselves ex-libfems because they found the terf community before they found communists & leftists & it's really heartbreaking to see kids get indoctrinated by this in the same way others get radicalized by white supremacists
deplatforming terfs won't mean that only liberal feminism will persist. all it means is that young girls dissatisfied with liberal feminism will find actual anticolonialist, anti imperialist and anticapitalist feminists who don't get it horrifically wrong by spending a large portion of their time trying to explain why some of the most oppressed and demonized women in society don't deserve space within our movement or our solidarity and love
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downtheaxon · 7 years
I should delete this eventually but, as usual, an exercise in vulnerability and a shout to loneliness. it’s been an unexpectedly rough weekend. content warning for themes of abuse, suicide, and self harm. 
prompt: I’m sick tired and saddened (by)
I’m sick tired and saddened and it’s 5:30 in the afternoon and absurdly humid and I’m washing my bed sheets and towels to feel fresh one day maybe and I told myself I would do work today but instead I’ve battled a puzzle and watched orphan black and caught myself wanting to start crying
I’m sick tired and saddened by feeling like an outsider on all fronts. I’ve always belonged to liminal spaces, and I can see that so clearly. I’ve started talking about my sexuality now more recently for once when the topic comes up and most of the time it is made clear that my place is not in one community, or the other, or the third even because I do not do x y z. 
I’m sick tired and saddened by my relationship with my family. I’m hurt (jealous surprised perturbed anguished) when I realize that even people who I expect to have gone against the grain display affection towards their parents and get affection back and I remember that in most families a difference in opinion does not warrant emotional (insert noun, torture is too strong) or isolation. as it hits me that yes all unhapy families are unhappy in different ways but my god there is something truly twisted about telling your child that they cause life and death hospital visits because of who they are. and I think what kills me the most today and all days is that I don’t reveal who I am at all, only tiny tidbits, only a percentile, and yet that is enough to bring ambulances to my door and become a demon. 
I’m sick tired and saddened by how my body fills with sadness like heavy molten lead that flows from the bottom of my chest and into my arms and feet and pools at my wrists and ankles as a reminder of urgency (the pulse says run and reminds me that I am alive). google search: how to cope with feeling ashamed to be alive at all, ashamed of breathing air that other people should breathe instead, how to cope with a desire to run and a backend of memories that don’t even seem real. 
I’m sick sad and tired of neoliberal anticapitalist vegan polyamorous bullshit devoid of compassion and filled with aggression and I’m sorry this is not about a political position but a human one. I am sick sad and tired of knife imagery matched with pastel imagery and discussing threats of violence that remind me continuously of battling against my own violence and wrestling a knife away from someone several weight categories above me. I am fucking sick of the hypocritical bullshit of vegan sausages wrapped in cheap plastic that washed up in the ocean will choke multiple fish and of rich girls with channel perfume and a latte talking about smashing capitalism. I am sick sad and tired of being included only if I out myself (as a bisexual, as an abuse survivor) and then facing exclusion again because I perform my roles wrong (wrong relationships, wrong type of abuse). of course I am bitter of course I am angry because “power and peace to those healing from violence” cannot and should not be coupled with imagery of knives and thought policing and active exclusion and yet and yet and yet. but enough about this.
I’m sick sad and tired of living in the aftereffects of trauma and in the liminal space and doing so alone. and I say that but of course I have people who love and talk to me, of course, I know I know I know, I’m well taken care of I know. and I do not mean unsupported but god this remains a lonely trip anyway because I am ashamed to talk and it is too much to talk and what do I even talk about. I am the only one who can carry this who can feel these feelings who can try and make sense of the survival who can feel the pain of my mother’s attempted suicide and my brother breaking furniture and wrestling a knife from my abuser’s hands and throwing up after I’m assaulted and wanting to hurt myself end my life cut cut cut I’m the only one who can feel all this at once and that is so fucking lonely that it hurts. and I can never feel one thing at a time. 
I’m sick sad and tired of being the only one who can feel the tension between wanting to leave my family entirely, disappear, call it a day, never speak to them again and crave the moments when... it’s not good, exactly, but I have roots and they are strong and I am more dependent on them than I let known. of course a sixteen year old cannot be responsible when their mother attempts suicide of course (but that never happened right) of course. can a twenty one year old be responsible for their brother ending up in a psychiatric ward and throwing a chair through the ward’s window? now almost twenty four, can and should I be responsible for finding his next doctor and not one that might work but one that will definitely work since, remember, he is paranoid and trusts no one. 
I’m sick sad and tired of all of this at once. I’m sick sad and tired of loneliness, the real lonelinss of trauma, the geographic loneliness of long distance relationships, the tangential loneliness of knowing that things could and would have been very different without the toxicity, without the fear and pain and shame and the molten lead that flows through my body.
these feelings are too heavy; where do I put them?
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technoxenoholic · 2 years
all right, potentially weird writing research question:
people who use the subway frequently, what is the subjective experience like for you? what do the different steps in the process make you feel? ("nothing" is an acceptable answer! it's useful data!)
i've only used public busing as a regular form of public transit, so i don't know what the Experience of using a subway transit system to travel on the daily Feels Like. the only time i've ever used the subway, it was something like "this is new and unfamiliar to me and i am stressed out as a result", which is definitely not how a regular subway user like my main human character is going to experience it
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technoxenoholic · 1 year
coming up with some seriously dystopian shit for my story project but i can't even do anything with it right now because i'm supposed to be working on this fucking design UGH
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technoxenoholic · 2 years
i wanted a trio with all different pronouns for my "main" characters in the story concept i'm bouncing around, not only to avoid "same pronoun" problems more easily in any potential action scenes but also just for variety. i went with ze&he&she because as a xey/they myself i don't really want to use my own pronouns for my main characters? they all have bits of me of course but they're not me, so.
(and i mean, that's not to say that there won't be any theys or xeys in the story at all. just that the main characters won't use those.)
i was also motivated by like... there need to be more explicitly nonbinary human characters, and there needs to not be so much of the idea that nonbinary = robot and robot = genderless inherently. so if i make the human member of the main trio the one that uses neopronouns, albeit fairly well-understood ones to sidestep certain transphobic arguments, and also the main robot character is obviously a binary she/her woman (but not in a sexualized way; i'm staying well away from any weird "sexbot" tropes thank you), that works better for those particular goals.
and there will obviously be it/its users in the story as well, human and robot alike. i'm thinking one of the corporate employees who is leaking info to the revolutionaries on purpose (as much as it can, until it eventually gets found out and fired) will use it/its.
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technoxenoholic · 2 years
i think i know how i want to start the anticapitalist demons in space book
and i think i know how i want to introduce my three main characters (to each other and to the audience, at the same time, because i'm super clever)
do i have anything else about the plot nailed down yet aside from "they save the world"? nope
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technoxenoholic · 2 years
anyway i had a thought. so. on a scale from 1-10, how believable is the idea that in a cyberpunk dystopian society (which is not that much more dystopian than real life, because You Know), you have to buy transit tokens to use the subway or the automatic taxis or the interplanetary shuttles or whatever...
and the tokens have expiry dates.
transit token black market ensues. jailbroken, unexpirable transit tokens get you fined harshly or arrested if you're caught using them, even if you didn't jailbreak them yourself. people have to buy new ones all the time, and struggle to balance not buying too few or too many so they don't expire and/or run out. etc etc.
just trying to think my way through the worldbuilding here. precisely how much of this world is drenched in garbage capitalist nonsense and what kinds are new to the setting.
(real-world transit companies DO NOT get any ideas. do not build the torture nexus. fuck you)
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technoxenoholic · 2 years
i really should try and do another drawing of the au-of-a-crossover-of-an-au character that has now grown into his own as an original character in my anticapitalist demons in space project, because the one i did for him way back when as an au-crossover-au character is. well he is wearing nothing but a censor scribble and a few piercings let me put it that way
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technoxenoholic · 2 years
i think i will make the native flora of my original story's setting be largely purple... the fact that earth's plants use green chloroplasts to absorb light was a bit of an evolutionary accident (as well as an evolutionary miracle) and i'd like my planetary setting to vaguely resemble something not unlike an alternate earth (not "like" an alternate earth, just "not unlike"). it's going to be thematically relevant to the whole... idk, lots of things. some environmental messaging, the over-arching anti-capitalism thread, We And The "Aliens" Are Equally Valuable As Sapient Life, et cetera
plus it means i get to use the contrasting appearance of the foods eaten by various characters to deliver meaning, without doing weird racist "these people have gross food and eat unnatural things" stuff. it's just leaf colors. and i can do stuff like using purple runner beans, which are actually green when cooked...
as a side note, humans are actually the "aliens" in this setting. obviously. this is not earth. idk whether the other sapient species is from this solar system or not yet; all i know is the setting covers two planets sharing an orbit (look up "trojan orbit"), one with natural life and one without
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technoxenoholic · 10 months
what should i call future space dystopia parody amazon?
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