#antibacterial room spray
muslimcatboy · 1 year
If u want to know how disorganized I am right now I excused my self from breakfast to go to the bathroom and then I: got up to clean a bug I saw off the counter, started wiping down the stove top, started cleaning a pair of shoes I put next to the door to my room (only cleaned one and put the next down) , washed my hands and sat back to to eat, saw I had nothing left but some coffee, remembered I wanted to go to the bathroom, checked the washing machine , saw that it was done and started getting clothes for the next load, smelled smoke and then walked around the house looking for it, finally went back to my bedroom, stared at mattress for 5 minutes , checked if my packages are here yet, walked right back out to talk to her again, sat down again and then finally remembered why I got up in the first place
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serosblunt · 1 year
If u can, could u do showering with dekusquad?
I sure can my lovely, thank you so much for the request! I don’t write much for the Dekusquad so hopefully I don’t disappoint you x
DekuSquad: Showering with Them (Pt. 1)
DekuSquad x (Gender-neutral) reader
Characters: Midoriya and Todoroki
Warnings: Mentions of nudity and hints at spicer scenes, mental health struggles; insecurity and depression are very lightly touched on.
Description: Same as my Bakusquad showering thoughts, just with Dekusquad! Part two will feature Iida, Uraraka and Tsuyu :)
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Izuku believes that relationships are first and fore-mostly built on respect, and this extends to every aspect of your lives together.
Even before you were dating, his level of respect for you knew no bounds, to the point that you had to finally make the first move and ask HIM out.
He was too worried that asking you out would somehow demean the relationship or you.
In the bathroom, and bedroom for that matter, Midoriya clearly displays this inhuman level of courtesy.
Even if the door is open, eagerly inviting him in, he always ensures he knocks before entering the room. Once he does make it into your shared ensuite, if you’re nude or in the process of undressing, he refuses to let his eyes drift from yours without express permission.
You’d honestly be amazed by the amount of self-control he possess, considering Izuku’s reckless tendencies.
As a child, Inko used to always put your green haired lover in the bathtub to wash up. This was a habit he carried through to his adult life, favouring the warm embrace of the water surrounding him from all sides.
But Izuku’s hero career took a toll on him. And as he still learnt to get a handle on his quirk, your boyfriend coming home with a cast was not an uncommon sight.
Trying to navigate waterproof coverings for the plaster, and often being left to wash himself one handed, usually forced you both into the shower.
He saw how carefully you handled him when he was like that. Despite the event becoming less and less common the stronger he became, he couldn’t help but to feel guilty every time you sighed a long breath you thought he couldn’t hear.
In Izuku’s eyes, you were at your most natural state in the bathroom, both mentally and physically. He saw your walls come down as you let the spray of your shower embrace you, washing away some of your worry and his guilt.
Hearing the soft hum of the falling water became quite meditative to him. He would often sit in the next room and listen to you singing softly, healing yourself.
Izuku was your hero, he would always have your back, but he also knew there were some things he had to let you do yourself.
Midoriya didn’t really have a skincare routine, at least for his face. He was too busy trying to torture himself into being the next All Might to have a five step routine. But his wounds and injuries did regularly need tending to with any number of creams, ointments and bandages.
Perhaps out of remorse, or more likely another way to demonstrate his undying affection for you, your boyfriend would often slather you in these same products for even the tiniest of injuries you received.
A paper cut?! Oh no! He has to find the antibacterial wash, healing balm and themed bandaids immediately!
He acts like you could lose a finger, but it’s okay. Good thing you think his concern is adorable.
It would be safe to say that your ensuite was the heart of your home- it kept beating, kept repeating the same pattern, and kept you both running for each other.
He was there for you to lean on and curl into to forget the world entirely. And you were there for him to collapse into, allowing him to remember his safe haven was still a safe place.
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Shoto strives to show you all five love languages each day, he could never be convinced that you don’t deserve the best of everything the world has to offer.
But try as he might, his love of gift giving quite often exceeds the other languages by some distance.
Although Shoto rejects his father, his money does come in handy when it comes to buying you all the expensive self-care products you add to your wish list, often accompanied by a longing sigh.
Little do you know.
What can he say? He loves to spoil you.
When it came to his own skincare routine, the young Todoroki was already quite rigid about this process before he met you. He had trialled product after product for years on end to aid the prolonged effects of his scar.
He had even toyed with the idea of cosmetic surgery at one point. Ultimately, you managed to convince him that his scar was something to display- a mark of his family’s impact on him, no matter how he may feel about them.
Similarly, you were very secure in the knowledge that if your boyfriend wanted your advice on the subject, he would absolutely ask for it. But in the meantime, you left him to his accumulated mix of products, knowing that if nothing else, it helped him come to terms with himself and the way things were.
Long-term Shoto chose to nurture the mark on his face, rather than to try and rid himself of it.
Now, you…
Shoto adores you entirely, with every fibre of his being. And in his mind, there is no better opportunity to worship you than in the bathroom.
He can’t help but to admire how far you’ve come and how comfortable you’ve grown to be in your skin- a journey you’ve both being on parallel to each other.
He glances around the room itself, inspired by how you’ve created the perfect sanctuary in a slice of the home you had both carved out for yourselves.
If you were ever confronted with this information, he knew you would adamantly deny it. Though he saw the growth.
He worships your beauty and the marks of your struggles and courage. He marvels at your history, his history, all bared out on your skin like a map back to the heart of the person he loved most.
Todoroki could admit that his ‘words of affirmation’ had been lacking lately. Perhaps he would present you with a bunch of your favourite flowers, and those words he so desperately wanted you to hear, carefully concealed in an envelope.
He would lead you to the shower, as was custom most nights. He would then gently kiss his reassurances and praise into every inch of your skin before he bundled you up in his arms, letting the world fade away as you became entangled beneath the mist.
In those moments, Shoto knew the meaning of heaven on earth.
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taevbears · 1 year
To Be Loved - 02
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I want adventure in the great, wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell.
⤑ pairing: namjoon x reader (a bit of reader x jungkook) ⤑ genre: hybrid au, romance, hurt/comfort ⤑ rating: 18+ ⤑ word count: 6.4k ⤑ warnings: discussions about physical/domestic abuse, descriptions of reader in a toxic relationship, hybrids are seen as sub-human, kangdae is still an asshole, please be mindful of the warnings!!⤑ note: wow, i'm truly overwhelmed by all the notes and comments from the 1st chapter! it's always so nerve-wrecking for me to post new projects, and i can't thank you guys enough for sending me feedback. so i've decided to post this chapter a little earlier than i had planned lol. it's heavily about reader and the bunny hybrid rn, but namjoon definitely will have his chance to shine ;)
Chapters 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 (End)
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“Where are we going?”
That’s a good question. The obvious answer is out of this small, provincial town. Away from Kangdae and his owner. To the countryside, in a bustling city, or a summer cabin in the woods. Anywhere, really.
“I don’t know yet.”
Your hands tighten around the steering wheel as you keep your gaze on the road. The hybrid is sitting next to you on the passenger seat, wearing some of Kangdae’s clothes, including a black bucket-hat to cover his long ears.
Hours have passed since you and the bunny hybrid left your home and hit the road. 
You’ve wrestled with the idea of packing your bags and leaving everything behind before. It’s something you thought about more than you’d like to admit. After violent arguments between you and Kangdae, where you’ve had enough and where he’d leave you to “cool off” and come back whenever he pleases, you’d throw your things in a duffel bag: clothes, toiletries, a hidden wad of cash, food, the first-aid kit, whatever you could get your hands on.
But every time before, you weren’t able to cross that threshold out the door. You weren’t able to do this alone.
Fear has a tight grip on you. Insecurity as well. Kangdae is well off and financially stable. He could get any girl he wants and make her feel special, just as he’s done with you and all the other women he’s cheated on you with. He has nothing to lose if you leave, but you’ll lose everything: your job, your reputation, your family, your dignity.
Kangdae’s family has control of every business in town. It’s hard to find a job that isn’t directly influenced by them. Your reputation would be tarnished as well. You’ll be the girl who ran away from the most sought-after bachelor in town, and people would think you’re insane. Your family would be disappointed, and you know that running to them would mean they’d just try to make you change your mind and go back to Kangdae before you make things worse. And if you’re not able to make it on your own, what then? Could you even come back to this town once you leave?
The hybrid follows you from room to room, nervous as he helps you carry your things into the car. There were several times when you had a moment of reconsideration, second-guessing yourself that maybe you can’t do this after all and that this whole thing is stupid and reckless.
But the moment you catch a glimpse of his hopeful, doe-shaped eyes, your morale returns. You weren’t able to cross the threshold on your own, but this time, with another person depending on you, you did. With the engagement ring and your cell phone left behind, you don’t look back.
Soon, you find yourself here. In a car with a hybrid, and no real direction on where to go yet. Your options are limited, and the hybrid’s even more so.
You’ve stopped at your bank and withdrew as much cash as you’re able to before closing the account. You’ve stopped at a car mechanic to check your tires and do a quick maintenance, as you’re expecting to be on the road for quite some time. You’ve stopped at a 24-hour pharmacy to purchase more bandages and antibacterial sprays and ointments before re-cleaning the hybrid’s wounds in a parking lot. You’ve stopped at a library to do some research on inexpensive hotels and lodges that allow hybrids, and click away from any shelters and advertised sanctuaries that the hybrid doesn’t look comfortable staying in.
It’s been nonstop since you finally walked out the door, trying to drown away your fears and doubts by keeping busy. By mustering your courage and being prepared.
But now, things have quieted down. There aren’t many cars at this time of night. Many people are in bed or are out spending the rest of their evening with friends and their significant other. Streetlights illuminate the dark roads ahead, but your mind wanders as the music quietly plays from the radio.
It feels crazy. You feel insane doing this.
What if Kangdae comes home? How soon would it be until he finds you? How long would it take until your parents notice? Or your neighbors? Or anyone else? Wouldn’t the hybrid’s abusive owner be looking for him too? Wouldn’t this be considered kidnapping? Rescuing? Are you going to be arrested if you’re caught?
Yet, as you glance at the hybrid next to you, you know you can’t let Kangdae or the owner continue to hurt him. You have to take him somewhere safe at least, and then you’ll deal with the consequences later.
“Do you have a family? Friends? A place to go?”
“No…” the hybrid answers, shaking his head. He doesn’t have any of those. Your heart sinks at the realization.
So, you ask him something that he can answer. “Are you hungry?”
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The diner is relatively empty when you and the hybrid are seated. There are a couple truck drivers that are grabbing a quick meal and a cup of coffee before they continue on with their deliveries. A man in a janitorial uniform seems to have just gotten off his late shift and is tiredly eating a sandwich. And a small group of teenagers are enjoying a very late dinner together after a concert or party before they head home.
The hybrid makes sure that his ears are covered with the hat, tugging on the rim to keep it down as he glances at the warning sign on the window that disallows hybrids from entering the establishment. Though, the night staff seems too tired to really care or notice anyway.
“Go ahead and order whatever you want, okay?” you assure him, noting how he seems fixed on the page that lists their salads.
A waitress comes to take your orders and brings you hot coffee and the hybrid a glass of milk. While the two of you wait for your food, you’re so lost in thought, you haven’t noticed the hybrid eyeing you until he finally speaks up. “You’re so nice.”
“I’m just trying to do the right thing,” you reply with a tiny shrug, grabbing the little cups of coffee creamer and packets of sugar.
“Not a lot of humans would do what you’re doing for me,” he says quietly.
Again, you feel your heart sink a little.
Hybrids have been around for thousands of years, yet they’ve always been treated as sub-human. For centuries, humans would overtake their natural habitats, hunt and capture them for sport or to make money, separate them from their packs, enslave them or force them into violence and entertainment. Co-existing with them is still a fairly new and controversial concept as the politics dictating hybrid rights and laws are a heated topic every year.
How much humanity or animal instincts hybrids have or not never really mattered to you. They’re still intelligent, some even more so than humans are. They look human other than some distinct animal features they can’t hide. Yet, they’re treated like vicious monsters, even if humans are the worst.
“More people should,” you simply say as you mix your coffee with cream and sugar.
Soon enough, the waitress sets a big bowl of salad in front of the hybrid and a plate of pancakes and strawberries for you. Just like before, the hybrid scarfs down his food quickly, barely letting himself savor the taste. As if he’s worried that someone would snatch the bowl away from him if he doesn’t eat it fast enough.
“Hey, slow down a little,” you warn him, and he immediately puts down the salad bowl. His eyes flash with guilt and fear, afraid that he made you upset. You offer him a small, friendly smile. “I just don’t want you to choke. Here, I’ll give you some of mine too. This diner claims to be famous for their hot cakes.”
The hybrid watches as you cut up a generous portion and place it on his plate. He still seems a bit confused and hesitant with your actions, but nibbles on the red fruit first.
“You’re nice,” he repeats, more as a reminder to himself than anything.
“Thank you.”
“Why are you with that mean human?”
Your smile fades a little. “You mean Kangdae?”
He nods his head, chewing on his bottom lip, as if he’s still a little nervous about making you angry.
You sigh. “That’s another good question.”
To be honest, it’s something you wonder about all the time. Other than your beauty, you don’t know what else he sees in you. Neither of you really have anything in common. His lifestyle indulges in women, parties, and whatever puts him in the spotlight. Yours is quieter, calmer, and ideally, surrounded by arts and books.
There have been times when it was actually nice to be with him. Days where he’s in a good mood and makes you feel like you’re the one. When his flattery actually charms you and he remembers things like your birthday or an anniversary. Dating him has also opened doors that you wouldn’t have been able to walk through on your own: your job under his parent’s company, a nice apartment in town, trips to resorts and beautiful places, financial stability among other things.
A lot of people say you’re lucky to have him. And at some point, you started to believe that Kangdae is it. That you can’t do any better than him.
Kangdae loved you, and you thought, maybe, you could love him in return.
Even if it isn’t what you envisioned love to be at all.
Things started to become worse after you two moved in together. His gigs as a rapper, an influencer, or a vlogger, weren’t making much income, and he refused to work under his parents, so he never contributed to the bills. He argued with you all the time: about money, about bills, about some random guy being too friendly with you when he’s taking your coffee order, about you spending too much time away from home when your company throws a mandatory get-together, about you not getting dinner hot and ready for him the second he comes home, about you always being too tired or not in the mood for sex. The list goes on.
Yet, somehow, he convinced you to stay.
Out of convenience. Out of the inevitable threat of financial instability. Out of knowing you’d be disappointing everyone who ever told you you’re lucky to be with him. Out of insecurity that you’d honestly not find anyone else who’d love you.
But the hybrid before you is your last straw.
He’s chewing on the lettuce. The motion of his mouth reminds you very much of actual bunnies as he continues to stare at you with big, round eyes, waiting for you to continue.
“It doesn’t matter why I was with him,” you decide, stabbing your fork into your pancake. “What matters is that I’m never going back to him again.”
“Did you love him?”
You frown at your plate. Other than what you gave to the hybrid, you haven’t taken a bite. “I thought I did. But now, I’m not sure. Love always seems so different in books and movies. It looks nicer. Warmer. Sweeter than anything.”
“I think love can be like that in real life too,” the hybrid tells you, seeming a bit shy. “But you won’t find it with that guy. You’re too nice to be with someone like him.”
You smile a little at that. Perhaps it’s because he’s part bunny, but you feel incredibly endeared by him. “You know, I don’t think I ever got your name.”
“I’m good with any name,” he replies with a tiny shrug. “That guy… the owner… he didn’t give me a name.”
“Is there anything you want me to call you?”
The hybrid rolls his eyes to the ceiling and scratches his cheek in thought. “Jungkook. That’s what I used to be called.”
He nods his head. A small smile forms on his lips. “It’s nice when you say it.”
You laugh a little. “Thank you.”
“No, no. I should be thanking you,” he insists, looking at you quite seriously. “I’ll figure out a way to repay you. I promise.”
“You already did.”
He blinks. “I did? When?”
“Earlier, when you asked me to help you,” you tell him with a wry smile. “I couldn’t save myself, but I had to save you. From your owner, from Kangdae, from all the other mean people. So, thank you for giving me the courage to get us both out of that situation.”
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For the next couple of days, you and Jungkook drive as far as you can without much of a destination in mind. 
At first, the two of you stopped at different shelters and adoption centers, but there was always some excuse that made you pull out of the parking lot before you could even make it to the building. The place looked too shabby with faded paint and deteriorating plaster, or the place looked too sterile and heartless to be called a home. Jungkook didn’t trust that they’d actually take care of him, or you’re afraid his owner would find him too easily at that location. 
Eventually, you stopped bothering and skipped potential centers altogether. Jungkook doesn’t seem to mind, though. He seems to rather be with you than to be dropped off at a mysterious and scary place, and part of you doesn’t even mind.
He’s good company and an easy person to talk to during the long hours on the road. Even when the radio is off, he’d sing to you or talk for hours straight.
Sometimes, he talks to you about what it’s like to be a hybrid.
“So, you can actually turn into an animal?” you exclaim, shocked by the news. You assume that hybrids stay stuck as a mix between human and animal forever. When Jungkook doesn’t answer you, you glance over at the passenger seat and see a black bunny with the same, doe-shaped eyes staring up at you. “Oh my god, you can!”
He transforms back in a blink of an eye, grabbing the steering wheel when you begin to swerve off the road as he shouts, “Be careful!”
Sometimes, you talk about what it’s like to be human.
“You’re actually a little weak, aren’t you?” Jungkook teases, helping you carry a pack of water bottles among other snacks and road trip essentials to the trunk. “Are all humans like this, or is it just you?”
“I can return the ice cream you picked out, you know,” you threaten as he loads up the trunk. “And the banana milk.”
“No, no, don’t do that,” he says with a chuckle and a shake of his head. It’s the first time you’ve heard him laugh.
Every now and then, you’d stop by at gas stations, rest stops, convenience stores, motels, and fast-food joints. It’s tolling on your body to drive for hours at a time, but the hybrid tries to keep you entertained. And you’re thankful for his company.
“I didn’t think you’d be into this type of music,” Jungkook admits as he fiddles around with the radio. The passenger side where he’s at is wide open as you hand him a drink from the vending machine.
“Why? You don’t like hip hop?” you ask, opening a bottle of water and glugging it down. The two of you are parked at a rest stop so you could stretch your legs and use the public restroom. 
“I like all kinds of music,” he tells you, his thin lips stretching to a shy smile that exposes his bunny teeth. He uncaps his own bottle and asks, “Who’s your favorite artist?”
You almost choke at the question. Honestly, you haven’t really thought about it much, but there is one person that comes to mind. “I don’t think you’d hear him on the radio.”
“Oh yeah? What’s his name?”
“Rap Monster.”
While traveling on the road is daring, fun, full of deep talks, laughter, and singing, it’s also a little scary. In the back of your mind, there’s always that fear that you’ll get caught. That the police would take you back to Kangdae, or that Jungkook’s owner would find you and force him back into more brutal fights and beatings. That someone suspicious would approach you when you’re filling up for gas in the middle of the night, or that you’d end up in an unsafe area.
“Don’t be scared,” Jungkook whispers to you, placing a hand on the small of your back. He eyes the group of men loitering in front of the motel wearily. “If they try to mess with you, I’ll protect you. I’m strong.”
“Thanks, Jungkook,” you murmur back, feeling a bit safer. Taking a deep breath, you briskly walk across the parking lot with the hybrid right behind you. Your gaze is kept firmly on the building, even as the sleazy men in front of it try to whistle and call for your attention. You hear them laughing at how scared you must look.
Had it been Kangdae instead of Jungkook, he’d either start a fight with those men and put the blame on you – claiming that you wanted it, that the way you’re dressed was asking for unwanted attention, that you’re trying to make him jealous by making eye contact with them. If he really felt like being an asshole, he’d shove you toward them until you’re crying and clinging onto him, and Kangdae would laugh and simply say you should feel flattered by the attention.
By the time you check in, Jungkook is already taking all your belongings from the car into the room so you don’t have to go back out there. He doesn’t question you when he finds you sitting on the bed and crying. And you don’t ask him about the redness on his knuckles when you check on his wounds later that night.
At the motel, Jungkook lets you take the bed as he plops down on the couch. It can’t be that comfortable, but he always insists on sleeping there, claiming it’s better than the cage he usually sleeps in. Your heart drops every time he mentions it.
Without a phone, it’s hard to keep researching hybrid centers, checking on the reviews, and looking up their locations. But there are pamphlets of maps, restaurant menus, and local business fliers on the nightstand.
“This place claims to be a humane shelter for hybrids,” you read out loud, looking at the picturesque photos of a variety of hybrids with humans: dog-hybrids of mixed breeds, domestic cat-hybrids with pointy ears and fluffy tails, birds with talons on their feet, and bunnies like Jungkook with long ears and a cute tail. “No kill, free-range, very thorough adoption process to ensure your hybrid finds a new forever home.”
“They’re lies,” Jungkook bitterly states without even looking at it. “All of them are.”
You toss the flier in the nearby wastebasket and sigh. “We need to at least look at some of these places. We can’t keep driving around like this forever.”
Jungkook peeks over at you. Then, in a quieter voice, he asks, “Why not?”
“I want to find you a proper home. With a home gym where you can workout anytime you want. And a nice kitchen with a full fridge where you can eat actual meals instead of living off ramen packets and potato chips. And maybe even a karaoke machine with colorful mood lights so you can sing your heart out,” you explain, imagining he’d have so much fun and be well-taken care of. “I want you to feel comfortable and happy instead of being stuck in my car all the time, and just wandering around aimlessly until our money runs out.”
You see the pout jutting out of his lip. “What if I just want to stay with you?”
“I’m not exactly living in the lap of luxury right now,” you tell him with a sad smile. It’ll be hard to let him go, but you know it’s for the best. Even if he doesn’t agree.
“Then what about you?”
“I’m… still figuring it out,” you reply, sighing again. Finding a home for Jungkook is a priority, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t been thinking about your next step. “I have a sister who might be able to take us in for now. I haven’t talked to her for years. She might not even remember me or want to help. But I can’t think of anyone else. She still lives far from here, but if we cut through the forest instead of taking the main roads, we’ll get to her much sooner.”
His silence makes you wonder if he’s thinking the same thing: this is a bad idea.
“It’s going to rain,” he reminds you with a frown. You don’t need animal instincts to know that. The looming, grey clouds in the sky tells you that a storm is near.
Still, you turn on the TV to look at the weather forecast. “I’ll drive slow.”
“It’ll still be dangerous.”
Breaking news. Missing person report. If you have seen this woman, please contact your local authorities immediately. Last seen wearing—
You stare at a photo of yourself on the television. Your heart picks up as Jungkook’s eyes widen. If you thought the cops were after you before, they surely are now.
They’ll find you if you take the main road to your sister’s place.
“We don’t have much of a choice.”
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A thick tension hangs in the air between you and Jungkook. It’s something that you haven’t felt since the night the two of you spontaneously decided to run away from your abusers. Every passing car has you on edge, making you wonder how long the two of you can pull this off. If you could even make it to your sister’s place.
Would someone recognize your license plate? Are the cops already on your trail? Would Kangdae and Jungkook’s owner be out there looking for the two of you? What if they catch you? What would you do then?
The windshield wipers swipe back and forth against the heavy rain, but it doesn’t do much good. It’s still so hard to see as your car pulls up to the road leading into the dense forest.
“Just drive slow,” Jungkook reminds you, his voice gentle.
You nod your head. Then, carefully, you step on the gas.
Tall trees cover both sides of the narrow road. Under much nicer weather and better circumstances, perhaps it would be a relaxing, scenic drive to go through. But as it is, it’s terrifying. And dark. You can barely see past what your headlights illuminate.
But at least no one is following you two. For now, anyway.
After a while, everything starts to look the same. It makes you wonder if you’re just driving around in circles. In the corner of your eye, you see Jungkook yawning and trying hard to stay awake with you. But the constant rainfall and the occasional rumbles of thunder seems to lull him to sleep.
“If you’re tired, you could take a nap,” you tell him. It’ll still be a little while until you get to your sister’s place anyway.
“No, no, I should stay up with you,” he mumbles, though his eyes are already closed. His head starts to droop as he nods off, but then, Jungkook suddenly snaps awake. His whole body stiffens as his hand shoots up to grab you.
“Ow! Jungkook, what–?”
Then, you hear it.
A deep, animalistic roar.
Your heart hammers in your chest as your car halts to a stop. It sounds so close.
“Don’t stop. Keep driving,” Jungkook urges.
“Right,” you mutter, stepping on the gas again. You’re not even sure what kind of animal it is, but you can’t see anything but shrouds of darkness among the trees. Whatever it is, though, has Jungkook spooked.
“Faster,” he insists. His hand around your arm tightens a little. You push the gas pedal a little more. “Faster!”
Somehow, the roar sounds closer.
The two of you are speeding through the dirt path as safely as you can. Rain continues to fall without letting up. The heavy patter of raindrops hits hard against the rapid swipes of your windshield wipers. You can’t even see what’s even chasing you, but it has Jungkook terrified.
“What do you think it is?” you try to ask him, eyes flickering toward him worriedly.
“I don’t know, but— WATCH OUT!”
A deer is in the middle of the dirt road. Caught in the headlights, it stands frozen.
It feels like everything happens in slow motion.
You and Jungkook are screaming as your hands turn the wheel, swerving out of the way before you hit the poor animal.
Your foot is on the brakes, but the roads are slippery. You’re not able to stop.
Your car slams against a tree. Jungkook’s arm protectively shields you as the airbags trigger upon impact.
Everything feels slowed down, but it happens in an instant.
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“Don’t hurt her.”
You’re not sure when, but you must have passed out.
With effort, you try to open your eyes. Your vision is blurry, but you can see that you’ve been pulled out of your car. The front is completely wrecked. Your car door is open and the airbags on both sides are deflated.
It’s still raining. You can feel yourself getting soaked, but you’re pressed against something solid and warm. How did you get here? Is that deer okay?
Where’s Jungkook?
“You don’t need her. You don’t need any of them.”
You don’t recognize that voice. It’s deep and has a bit of a drawl. But you can practically feel the hatred in their voice as you start to drift back into unconsciousness.
“No, she’s different. Please. Please don’t hurt her,” you hear Jungkook begging. His voice wavers as he holds you tighter. “She’s my human.”
“Guys, that’s enough.” A different voice cuts in. This one, somehow, sounds familiar. Deeper than the previous speaker, but warm and smooth. Whoever this voice belongs to seems to recognize one of you too. “Is that— Who are you?”
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When you wake up again, you can still hear the rain. It’s soothing this time. The heavy pellets hit the large window, obscuring the view with a watery, grey blur. Your eyes are drawn to the curtains, velvet in color and tied with a knotted rope. There’s a bench in front of the window, stacked with cushions, that looks cozy. You could easily imagine yourself curled up with a book, a blanket, and a bunch of pillows in that spot.
You don’t remember seeing a little nook like that at the motel before.
Actually, you don’t remember any of the motels having one at all.
Where are you?
Panic starts to seep in when you don’t recognize the room you’re in. It looks old. Stuck in a forgotten time with antique furniture and outdated flooring and wallpaper. As you move beneath the duvet, you realize that your clothes have been removed and you’re now wearing one of Kangdae’s shirts that you let Jungkook borrow.
Did he do this? Where is Jungkook anyway?
It looks like you’re alone in this room. But beyond the bedroom door, you’re not sure what’s waiting for you out there.
Across the room, you’re surprised to see your belongings on a chair. Whoever Jungkook was talking to, they must have brought you and your stuff here. You waste no time to get out of Kangdae’s clothes and dress into your own, your feet creaking loudly against the floorboards as you make your way to your duffel bag.
Other than your hybrid friend, nothing else seems to be missing. Everything you packed, including what money you have left, is still there.
You glance over at the door again. One thing is for sure. Jungkook is on the other side somewhere. You can’t just wait around here forever.
The floorboards continue to creak beneath your feet as you make your way to the door. Once you pull it open, the hinges squealing as you do, you nearly scream.
A tall man with dark, wavy hair and small, round ears is just at the other side. His face is strikingly handsome, and his gaze is penetrating as he rests his arm against the doorway and leans so close to you, you can see the tiny beauty marks beneath his eye, on the tip of his nose, his cheek, and his bottom lip.
“Little human. Aren’t you being too noisy?”
“I’m sorry!” you quickly reply, thoroughly mortified. It must have been the floorboards, or maybe even when you were rummaging through your duffel bag for clothes. You didn’t think you were being too loud, but…
“Taehyung, don’t scare our guest away,” another voice says from the hallway.
When you look at the newcomer’s voice, your eyes widen in shock. For a moment, you think you’re looking at an angel. His face looks soft and kind, with full lips and a defined jaw. Some of his dark bangs cover his sharp eyes. But where one of his arms is human, lean and toned with muscle, his other arm is a long, feathered black wing that makes him somehow look more ethereal.
“I’m not scaring her, Jimin,” the one named Taehyung whines, straightening up. It’s when he’s at his full length when you realize just how tall this man is. And how sharp his claws are. He peers down at you and confirms, “Right, little human?”
“Um. Yes?”
The one named Jimin moves so gracefully as he approaches you two. There’s a friendly smile on his angelic face. “Don’t mind him. He usually hibernates around this time, so he’s a little cranky. Bear hybrids tend to sleep more than the rest of us.”
Taehyung snorts and scratches his belly. Even if he doesn’t admit it, Jimin must be right. There’s a hint of tiredness in his stoic face.
“It’s all right,” Taehyung mumbles, now scratching his head.
“You must be hungry,” Jimin guesses, and at the very mention of food, your stomach growls in agreement. Heat colors your cheeks, but Jimin continues to smile and merely nods to where he came from. “Follow me, then. I’ll tell Seokjin and Yoongi to make something for you.”
Again, it looks like he’s floating with every step he takes. It’s obvious that he’s a bird hybrid, but his graceful movements remind you of a swan. A black swan.
Behind you, much to your surprise, Taehyung follows. Earlier, he seemed so adamant about going back to sleep. There’s still a grumpy, tired look on his face – brown eyes glazed over with drowsiness and his lips pouting slightly – yet, he still trails behind both you and Jimin.
The swan hybrid notices and smirks a little. “He’s curious about you.”
You can’t really imagine why. Or if that’s even a good thing.
Jimin leads you both to a foyer. There are more hybrids sitting around the fireplace. It’s warm, orange glow casts lights upon each of their animalistic features.
From the lounge chair is a man with pale skin and leopard-printed ears and a long tail. Along one side of his neck, shoulder, and arm are spots that look like tattoos. His gaze feels intimidating the moment he locks eyes with you, and his long tail swishes back and forth slowly.
On the other chair, another man turns to look at you as well. Like Taehyung, his face is strikingly handsome. Pointed ears and a long tail indicate that he’s a wolf, but bigger. You’re not sure if it’s the reflection of the fire, but his sharp eyes look golden and are practically glowing.
The last one, sitting comfortably with the predator hybrids, is an elaphocentuar – half-human, half-deer. The upper-part of his body is of a human man with strong antlers on his head, but the bottom-half is of a spotted deer. The reddish-brown of his fur matches the hair on his head.
A few days ago, you’ve rarely seen a hybrid in person. Now, you’re in a room full of them.
“You’re awake!” a familiar voice exclaims before a solid mass just pulls you into a tight hug. Relief washes over you when you recognize who it is.
“Jungkook! Are you okay? Did you get hurt?” you immediately ask, your voice a little muffled from his hold. You pull away enough to get a good look at him. There are some fresh bruises from the accident, but no broken bones or concerning wounds from what you can tell.
“I’m fine. I was more worried about you,” he admits as he begins to ramble. “I was a little disoriented, but I managed to get out of the car. I pulled you out of the driver’s seat too. The car is completely wrecked! I don’t know if you’ll be able to drive it anymore. But that deer we almost hit was a hybrid!”
You glance over at the deer hybrid. He moves a little closer to the leopard-hybrid, body entirely stiff since you stepped into the room, and staring at you like he’s still caught in the headlights. You feel awful and you don’t blame him at all for being scared of you.
“I’m so sorry. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”
The deer-hybrid merely blinks, as if he isn’t sure you’re talking to him. Then, meekly, he replies, “I’m not hurt.”
“Good. I’m glad you’re not,” you tell him sincerely.
“Me too,” Jungkook agrees, offering a small smile at the deer-hybrid as well. “They found us right after the accident. You were so cold and wet, I was worried you wouldn’t wake up. They said I had to get you out of your wet clothes or you’d get sick, but I promise I didn’t do anything weird! And then, I just waited for you to wake up on your own. You’ve been asleep for a while, and I’m glad you’re okay.”
“We recognized Jungkook as one of us, so we had to check on him,” the leopard-hybrid explains, his gaze not once leaving you. You vaguely recognize his voice as the one Jungkook was arguing with. “He insisted that we had to help you too.”
“She’s different from the other humans!” Jungkook defends. His arms are still around you rather protectively. “She’s so nice. She’s been helping me and taking care of me. I couldn’t just leave her behind.”
“We don’t normally allow humans anywhere near this place,” the handsome wolf adds on. It’s obvious why. Not only are they hybrids, but they’re exotic. Black swan, clouded leopard, dire wolf. Even the bear and deer hybrids are uncommon compared to the rabbits, dogs, cats, rodents, and bird hybrids. “But the young master of this manor made an exception for you.”
“The master?”
“That would be me.”
The final resident of this house of hybrids steps in. He’s tall and muscular with perfect body proportions. He has short, brown hair and tanned skin. But the fullness of his lips, the deep dimples in his cheeks, and the dark sunglasses over his eyes are things you instantly recognize.
You haven't seen him since that night all those years ago.
“Rap Monster?”
His lips stretch into a smile. “I haven’t been called that in a long time.”
Jungkook looks between you and the master of the house, eyes wide with awe and surprise. “That’s Rap Monster? Your favorite artist?”
Rap Monster arches an eyebrow. “Favorite artist?”
You feel your cheeks heat with embarrassment. “Yeah, you, uh. You rap good.”
The leopard snorts, and you feel the curious gazes of the hybrids around you. You’re ready to crawl back into the room you woke up in and hide forever until you hear Rap Monster’s laughter.
Unlike the other hybrids, Rap Monster doesn’t have any animal parts to his body. No round ears or fluffy tails, no antlers or hooves, no feathered wings or webbed feet.
He looks completely human.
Except for one thing.
“I’ve gotten a lot better at rapping over the years. I’ll have to show you sometime,” he says, taking off his sunglasses. The move is unexpected to the hybrids living with him as he reveals to you his serpent eyes. The irises are a beautiful blend of indigo, deeper and more purple on the outer edges and bluer and lighter in the inner parts – unlike anything humans could naturally have. Warm brown is around the dark pupils that are vertically slitted, and they’re even more beautiful than you remember.
You could never forget eyes like his. They’re mesmerizing.
“That would be really nice,” you tell him, forcing yourself to look away from them. “But I don’t want to be a bother. I really appreciate the help and I can’t thank you enough for bringing us in, but I’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
He arches an eyebrow at you again. It makes your stomach flip a little, and not in an entirely bad way. “How? The storm is still going and your car is damaged.”
Your heart sinks a little. “I don’t know. I’ll think of something.”
Truth be told, you have no idea what to do now. Your car was your only means of transportation, and it’s undrivable. It’s too dangerous for you to travel around in the forest by foot, especially if you don’t know how far you are from the main roads. And even then, you’re reported as a missing person. Kangdae and the others are trying to find you.
“Don’t be silly. Just stay with us,” Rap Monster kindly offers. “I wouldn’t have allowed you in if I thought you’d be a danger to my pack.”
You glance at the other hybrids in the room. They’re looking at you with uncertainty, and perhaps, a bit of annoyance. They’ve told you themselves that they’re weary of humans, and given the history between your species and theirs, you can’t exactly blame them for that. “I don’t want to overstay my welcome.”
“You won’t,” he assures you gently. In those two words alone, the doubt and hesitation start to leave your mind. “Stay as long as you like.”
It feels crazy and stupid, but at this point, trying to leave this shelter in the middle of a storm feels crazier and stupider.
“Okay,” you decide, peering up at his beautiful eyes again. “Until the storm passes.”
“Until the storm passes,” he agrees, as the clash of thunder and lightning seem even louder than before.
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Thank you for reading ♡ Comments & reviews are greatly appreciated!
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cordeliawhohung · 8 days
ok bonding exercises answer every single one of these (or just a few ones ur comfortable with!)
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
i don't really have one? simon riley and i are basically the same person tho
lighter or matches?
do you leave the window open at night?
dogs are too loud and so is the moon
which cryptid being do you believe in?
skinwalkers for sure
what color are your eyes?
wouldn't you like to know weather boy
why did you do that?
thought it would look cool (it never does)
hair-ties or scrunchies?
i usually use claw clips. my hair is too thick
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
i hate coffee
would you slaughter the rich?
favorite extracurricular activity?
what kind of day is it?
the kind that needs to end already
when was the last time you ate?
maybe 6 hours ago
do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
can you drive?
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
extremely nearsighted
what hair products do you use?
shampoo, conditioner, mouse, some refreshing spray that sorta helps the frizz
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
only if you want them done poorly
do you say soda or pop?
something you’ve kept since childhood?
what type of person are you?
exceptionally mediocre
how do you feel about chilly weather?
would take it over the triple digit desert heat any day
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
perfume/body spray or lotion?
body spray
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
getting away
about how many hours of sleep did you get?
maybe 5?
do you wear a mask?
sometimes at work but not usually
how do you like your shower water?
is there dishes in your room?
some water cups ):
what type of music keeps you grounded?
the music i like usually ascends me
do you have a favorite towel?
thin beach towels, i hate things that are too heavy
the last adventure you’ve been on?
just went on a backasswards adventure with my partner trying to get his truck
is there a song you know every word to by heart?
wayfaring stranger
what’s your timezone?
wouldn't you like to know weatherboy
how many times have you changed your url?
have kept the same one since i created it
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
my partner
a soap bar that smells good?
don't usually use soap bars except the dial antibacterial one that smells like old man
do you use lip balm?
usually at work
did you have any snacks today?
my partner brought me a smoothie
how do you take your coffee?
hate coffee
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
my phone says second to tumblr is google chrome lmao
what’s your take on spicy foods?
love spicy foods
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
his name is on the tip of my tongue but i couldn't pull the trigger then and i don't think i could now lmao
can you remember what happened yesterday?
do most people not?
favorite holiday film?
don't really watch movies for the holiday ):
what was the last message you sent?
"religion gets away with too much and also puts their hands on too much" (we're talking about cults okay)
when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
my father left his beer laying around when i was a kid and when i was like 5 i snuck a drink because he was always drinking it and it was so gross i didn't touch that shit again until i turned 20 lmao
can you skip rocks?
i can get like 3 skips maybe
can i tag you in random stuff?
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
Ok, I don't know if this already exists.
But here I go, how would the adoptive family of the teenager from Record of Ragnarok react to her showing up with a real Baymax complete with charging station?
(ignore it if it's too weird, bye and good night)
This was such a cute idea!
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-You received a suitcase from one of your friends, asking you to test it out and give him feedback. Tadashi was always a talented person, with a bright and creative mind, and his newest invention, Baymax, was in the final testing stages. Now all that needed to be done was test it.
-He had several prepared for many of his classmates, wanting their opinions on his invention.
-You saw it in action at school, it was brilliant but at the same time, it looked so cute and cuddly!!
-When you arrived home with the large case under your arm, “I’m home~!” you heard a few voices call out as your struggled to get inside without dropping the case, which you managed to do after a few moments.
-You walked into the living room and eyes went to you as you set the case down, eyes went from the case to you, wondering what it was before you pulled your bag off, “This is Baymax, one of the projects my friend Tadashi made. He asked me to bring one home and try it out with all of you.”
-Loki popped up behind you, his arms wrapping around your neck, hugging you, “So what’s a Baymax?” Nikola approached the case eagerly, like a kid on Christmas, as you answered, “Tadashi described Baymax as a personal healthcare provider attendant, to put it simple, Baymax is a robotic nurse.”
-Sparkles and roses surrounded Tesla as he spun on you, eyes beaming brightly, “Can we see him?!” you can’t help but giggle before you pull out the manual and flip through it for a moment before you turn to Loki, “I need you to hurt someone, just enough to-” SLAP!!!
-Lu Bu leapt up, turning on Loki, “Ow! You bastard!” the case beeped and slowly opened and all attention turned to what could only be described as a walking marshmallow, inflate himself before stepping out of the case.
-Loki was wide eyed, floating around Lu Bu as Zeus was stroking his beard, “What in the world have you humans made now?” Baymax approached Lu Bu, who was standing, and he began to speak after lifting a hand in greeting, “Hello, I am Baymax, a personal healthcare companion. I was altered to the need of medical attention when you said ‘ow’.”
-Tesla was gushing while many of the others had stood to circle Baymax, inspecting him, Eve poked his arm, “Oh- he’s so soft!”
-On Baymax’s belly, a screen appeared, “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?” Lu Bu’s eyes were twitching lightly, looking over at you and you gave him a smile, motioning him to go along with it.
-After running through he scans and applying some antibacterial spray to Lu Bu’s chest, where a red handprint was still visible, several members in the room couldn’t help but snicker as Lu Bu took the lollipop, shadows covering his eyes before you spoke, “Thank you Baymax, we are satisfied with your care.”
-Baymax thanked us and went back to his case, deflating and boxing himself back up.
-Everyone was silent for a moment before you instantly found yourself in Tesla’s arms, his eyes sparkling up at you before you giggled, “You can study him, but don’t take him apart. And I can ask Tadashi if you can come to the lab again.” His cheeks was instantly rubbing against your own, thanking you.
-It was definitely a weird week with Baymax, you asked your family to try him out as much as possible, not to purposely injure themselves, as he was able to help with emotional and mental issues as well, as you wanted plenty of feedback.
-When you went back to Tadashi, you left Baymax at home, as he had become a member of the family and Tadashi couldn’t help but laugh, telling you that the other five people he asked all said the same thing, but that’s what he wanted.
-Tadashi was then surprised when Tesla popped up again beside you and began to praise his invention. It wasn’t the first time these two had met and they were quickly in a deep discussion as you waved at them, heading for the campus café for some coffee before class.
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mings · 2 years
Chicken update:-
This "The Last of Us", avian version. These are the three surviving girls. Although they're not in good shape, at least all three are alert, even if only one is sufficiently mobile to venture out of the coop. (The purple is antibacterial and antimicrobial spray on their injuries.)
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I found a vet who'll see them tomorrow. I'm dreading it in case they recommend euthanasia. I'm not sure how or even if I'll cope with that. The bird rescue had some good advice, but they come from an ethical position that says every life is worth saving. Their success rate is better than 75% with raptors that have been involved in collisions with cars. They can't take on domestic birds though, so I'm dependent on the vet.
The coops have both had security upgrades. I didn't realise weasels only need a 20mm gap (that's about the size of a US quarter if I recall correctly). So, I've temporarily blocked the ventilation holes (not entirely, of course) and there's no gap more than a few millimetres anywhere now.
That doesn't help during the day. The pens are fox-proof, but an emboldened weasel would have no trouble. There are stoats and pine martens about too, although they're much bigger and mostly abroad at night. We've seen foxes on our land, but no evidence (yet) of pine martens. I'm hoping we're too open for them to venture this far out of the forest.
I'm currently struggling with my feelings. I have no idea how or why I get so attached to animals; I just do. They're a huge part of what makes me who I am.
My instinct was to lash out and put down kill traps for the weasels. Today I'm more rational. The weasel was doing what weasels do. Why? To survive. Simple as. What's wrong with that? OK, the carnage is distressing, but that kill mode is survival too. As long as the hens are shrieking, the weasel is at risk. All mustelids (and foxes) will do the same. They kill until it goes quiet. Ironically, if the hens froze in silence, they'd probably only lose one per visit. How many of us would be able to not panic in the same circumstances?
Killing weasels for being weasels doesn't sit well with me. Heck, we have crows that plague the life out of us by attacking our windows every morning as it gets light. Local farmers say "shoot them". I disagree. I'd rather try to engage with them and give them something more interesting to do.
If I take revenge on the weasel population, it won't bring back my hens. Neither will it dent the weasel population because more will move into the vacant territory. It certainly won't make me feel better, and it will make me every bit as bad as the farmer who gives their animals "the best life" when they only have the express intention of killing them.
So I'll pick up the pieces and do a better job on the new generation's coops. We literally only just committed to a breeding program that will focus on rare and endangered breeds. That is paramount; it's not too dramatic to say that some breeds will simply die out otherwise. I have to do better for them.
Last night I sat on the floor in the room nearest the coops with Bailey snuggled against me. I couldn't sleep; the days events and images just replayed continually. Today, I've watched over the hens constantly. Now, they're secure in their upgraded coops and I'm exhausted. Emotionally and physically a wreck. Tomorrow I have to be on my game early for the trip to the vet, so I have to try and rest tonight.
If you read this far you deserve a pat on the back. Thanks for bearing with me.
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infernalwitxhcraft · 2 years
Lemongrass Herbal Profile/Magical Correspondences
Ah, lemongrass. Not only is it one of my favorite ingredients for stirring up family recipes that remind me of home, but it is one of my all-time favorite herbs for magic and healing. Underneath my picture of dried lemongrass is a list of its correspondences.
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Plant name: cymbopogon citratus
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Gender: Masculine
Main magical properties:
• Cleansing & protective. Can remove jinxes, hexes, and curses.
• Strengthens psychic abilities.
• Can be used in sex magick or for lust spells.
• Removes obstacles in your path.
• Opens pathways for communication (both with people & with spirits).
• Used to gain mental clarity.
• Can open yourself up to love & be used in love spells generally speaking.
• Used in baneful magic to open the enemy's life up to all sorts of obstacles.
Main healing properties:
• Aids digestion.
• Alleviates respiratory problems.
• Relieves pain; acts as a muscle relaxant.
• Promotes joy & relieves stress, reduces anxiety.
• Good for nausea & headaches.
• Reduces fevers.
• Has antimicrobial & antibacterial properties.
• Can bring relief from menstrual pain/cramping.
• Relieves exhaustion.
Spell Uses:
• Use in a floor wash to purify your home and banish negativity. You can also incorporate this into a cleansing room spray for the same reasons.
• Lemongrass tea is potent for heightening psychic abilities. Use it for divination or for meditation when you want to communicate with spirits.
• Often is used in lust spells to heighten attraction. Make your own "come to me" attraction oil to use in a multitude of spells with it. Anoint figure candles to bring someone to you for love or sexual reasons.
• Use for mental clarity and to uplift you.
• Helpful in sachets for love, self-love, or lust. Can use in spell jars for same reasons.
• Use to open up any blockages you are experiencing.
• You can use it to hex someone by opening up their lives to all kinds of obstacles. Also can be used to open them up to whatever hex or curse you are trying to send their way to make it more potent.
• Use it to remove hexes & curses from yourself.
• Cooking with it with healing and/or magic intentions for the listed properties. Tastes excellent in many dishes. Have you ever had a chicken lemongrass soup while you are sick? No? It's amazing. Go try it next time.
*Do not ingest without consulting a medical professional. If making a tea with dried lemongrass, make sure it is safe to consume (food grade). This is not a cure to any illnesses or chronic conditions, work with your doctor and see if you can combine it with your treatment plan.
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angelauratears · 2 years
My favourite Herbal/natural remedies I use regularly and what I use them for <3
Horehound: Nausea, dry mouth, anxiety, stimulates bile and saliva (so good for digestion!!)
Echinacea: immunity, colds, flus, infections of any kind really, antinflmaitory, reduces the amount of time I spent sick
Goldenseal: works well with echinachea
Elderberry: immunity, helps inhibit viruses from entering cells, might prevent illness but definately helped reduce recovery time from being sick
Dandelion: Constipation
Senna: Constipation
Ginger: Nausea, immune system and really in general good for just about everything, antinflammitory, circulation, cardioprotective (actually really helps reduce any Cardiac symptoms I have on days I take this)
Tart cherry: sleep, oh my God this stuff is like magic
Honey: Nausea, sore throat, immune, antibacterial, anti inflammitory
Clove: tooth pain, oral health in general especially oral infections
Witchazel: topical. anti-odor (this is the only thing that got my armpits to stop stinking when i started T!!!), disinfectant for skin, astringent, anti Itch for bug bites, minor scrapes , reduces sweat, acne
Tea tree: keeps lice and bed bugs and bugs and flies away, really most bugs leave me alone if I spray this on myself or my sheets/ furniture, anti odor (I use these things by azuna fresh and my house has never smelt better), room spray, might be helpful for some people's acne, anti fungal (good at getting rid of the infections I get near my nail beds, used it for that successfully multiple times). Putting it in a diffuser has helped when my family was sick (kept some of us away from being sick) or when I was sick (helped me be sick for less time). I'm guessing it helps with bacteria in the air or lungs. Though I doubt vaping or huffing or directing like putting ur nose up to the diffuser would be good for you. Not as good for being sick as others mentioned here but it's also nice to be able to smell something when ur nose it full of snot.
Vinegar: for cleaning. Removes pretty much any grime so easily. It's also good at Getting rid of germs on surfaces. Can add to especially dirty laundry loads (I usually run one cycle with vinegar and then another with the laundry soap so the smell isn't leftover).
Baking soda: I use this on my carpets or in my laundry also for cleaning garbage disposals. Sometimes I presoak my especially dirty laundry with baking soda and borax before I wash them (don't do this often but it works ).
Lemon balm: anxiety reducing, sleep
Valerian: sleep, stress reducing
Oatmeal: for eczema
Topically I love cbd, ginger, thc, and Menthol for pain relief.
Frankincense and myrhh: I burn this to help with my depression and anxiety. I've heard they also have anti bacterial/anti viral effects?
Clove and mace are my favourite herbs for taste.
Not one I'd consider an herbal remedy I use but yarrow is my favourite herb for spiritual protection.
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pudumjeehygiene · 16 days
Essential Hygiene Cleaning Solutions for Professional and Home Use
Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in both professional and home settings is crucial for ensuring a healthy and safe environment. Whether it's in a bustling office, a healthcare facility, or your home, hygiene cleaning solutions play a key role in preventing the spread of germs, bacteria, and viruses. Today’s wide range of cleaning products offers advanced technology and ingredients to tackle various cleaning needs.
In this article, we will explore the essential hygiene cleaning solutions for both professional and home use, focusing on their importance and best practices.
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Why Hygiene Cleaning Solutions Matter
Hygiene cleaning solutions are designed to go beyond simple cleaning to disinfect and sanitize surfaces, removing harmful pathogens and reducing the risk of illnesses. Proper use of these solutions in professional settings such as hospitals, schools, offices, and restaurants ensures compliance with health regulations, while at home, they provide peace of mind in protecting your family from everyday germs.
Professional Hygiene Cleaning Solutions
Disinfectant Wipes and Sprays: Disinfectants are a critical part of professional cleaning routines. They are effective at killing germs on high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, keyboards, and countertops. In professional settings like offices and healthcare facilities, disinfectant wipes and sprays should be used regularly throughout the day to keep surfaces free from bacteria and viruses.
Best for: Office spaces, healthcare environments, public restrooms, and classrooms.
Key Benefits: Quick and convenient to use, reduces cross-contamination, kills 99.9% of germs.
Industrial-Grade Floor Cleaners: Large-scale commercial areas require industrial-grade floor cleaners that can handle heavy foot traffic while ensuring a sanitary surface. These cleaners are designed for deep cleaning and are often used with specialized equipment like auto-scrubbers or mops. Some solutions come with disinfectant properties to ensure both cleanliness and safety.
Best for: Warehouses, hospitals, shopping malls, and hotels.
Key Benefits: Deep cleaning, durable, removes stubborn dirt and grime, provides antimicrobial protection.
Antibacterial Hand Soaps: Hand hygiene is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to prevent the spread of diseases. Antibacterial hand soaps are crucial in both professional and home environments to ensure hands are free from pathogens. In professional settings, touchless soap dispensers further minimize the risk of contamination.
Best for: Offices, healthcare facilities, schools, and restaurants.
Key Benefits: Reduces the spread of germs, encourages proper hand hygiene, safe for frequent use.
Surface Sanitizers: Professional cleaning teams often use surface sanitizers that are formulated to be used on food preparation areas, equipment, and hard surfaces. These sanitizers help in killing bacteria without leaving harmful residues, ensuring that surfaces are safe for further use.
Best for: Restaurants, food production facilities, kitchens, and cafeterias.
Key Benefits: Safe for food-contact surfaces, quick-drying, no rinsing required.
Air Purifying Systems: Air quality is another important aspect of maintaining a clean environment. Advanced air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters or UV-C light are used in professional settings to remove dust, allergens, and airborne pathogens, creating a safer breathing space.
Best for: Hospitals, offices, conference rooms, and public buildings.
Key Benefits: Removes contaminants from the air, reduces airborne bacteria, improves overall air quality.
Home Hygiene Cleaning Solutions
Multipurpose Cleaners: At home, multipurpose cleaners are versatile products that can be used on various surfaces, including kitchen counters, bathroom sinks, and appliances. These solutions are designed to tackle grease, grime, and dirt while leaving surfaces sanitized. Many of them are formulated with eco-friendly ingredients, making them safe for families.
Best for: Kitchens, bathrooms, and general surface cleaning.
Key Benefits: All-in-one cleaning, safe for various surfaces, eco-friendly options available.
Bathroom Cleaners: Maintaining cleanliness in the bathroom is crucial for home hygiene. Bathroom cleaners are formulated to remove soap scum, hard water stains, and mildew, while disinfecting surfaces like sinks, toilets, and showers. For those looking for natural solutions, there are products available that use plant-based ingredients without harsh chemicals.
Best for: Toilets, bathtubs, and sinks.
Key Benefits: Removes tough stains, disinfects surfaces, available in eco-friendly formulas.
Glass and Window Cleaners: For sparkling clean windows and mirrors, specialized glass cleaners ensure streak-free results. These products are designed to remove dust, fingerprints, and smudges from glass surfaces while leaving behind a clean and transparent finish.
Best for: Windows, mirrors, and glass doors.
Key Benefits: Streak-free finish, quick-drying, safe for glass and mirrors.
Natural Disinfectants: More and more homeowners are turning to natural disinfectants that utilize ingredients like vinegar, lemon, and essential oils. These disinfectants are safe to use around pets and children while still providing effective germ-killing action. They are ideal for those who prefer chemical-free cleaning solutions.
Best for: Kitchens, nurseries, and pet areas.
Key Benefits: Chemical-free, safe for family use, disinfects without harmful residues.
Floor Cleaners: Whether you have hardwood, tile, or carpet, using the right floor cleaner is important for keeping floors sanitary and looking their best. For homes with pets or children, it’s essential to choose non-toxic cleaners that effectively remove dirt and spills without harmful fumes.
Best for: Living rooms, kitchens, and hallways.
Key Benefits: Tailored for different floor types, non-toxic options available, easy to use.
Best Practices for Using Hygiene Cleaning Solutions
Follow Label Instructions: Each cleaning product comes with specific usage instructions that should be followed carefully. Overusing products can lead to residue buildup, while underusing them may not effectively kill germs. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for the best results.
Regular Cleaning Schedule: Whether at home or in a professional setting, establishing a regular cleaning routine ensures that surfaces remain clean and free from harmful pathogens. High-touch areas, such as door handles, countertops, and electronics, should be cleaned and disinfected more frequently.
Use the Right Product for the Job: While multipurpose cleaners are convenient, certain areas like bathrooms, kitchens, and floors may require specialized products for deep cleaning. Choose products that are designed for the surface and level of cleaning required to achieve the best results.
Opt for Eco-Friendly Options When Possible: When possible, opt for eco-friendly cleaning solutions that are safe for both the environment and the people using them. These products use plant-based ingredients that are biodegradable and non-toxic, reducing chemical exposure in homes and workplaces.
In both professional and home environments, hygiene cleaning solutions play an essential role in ensuring cleanliness, health, and safety. From powerful disinfectants and multipurpose cleaners to eco-friendly solutions and air purifiers, there are a variety of products that cater to different cleaning needs. Whether you are maintaining a large office or keeping your home spotless, using the right hygiene solutions is key to promoting a healthy and safe environment for everyone.
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bmvfragrancesltd · 25 days
BMV Fragrances Manufacturer and Supplier: A Comprehensive Guide to Essential Oils, Fragrance Oils, and Perfume Oils
BMV Fragrances stands as a leading name in the world of fragrance manufacturing and supply. With years of expertise, cutting-edge technology, and an unwavering commitment to quality, BMV Fragrances has established itself as a go-to source for essential oils, fragrance oils, and perfume oils. These products, each with unique characteristics and applications, play a pivotal role in industries ranging from personal care to aromatherapy. In this article, we’ll explore the nuances of each product category, delve into their manufacturing process, and highlight their diverse applications.
Understanding Essential Oils
What Are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that capture the natural aroma and beneficial properties of the source plant. These oils are typically obtained through steam distillation, cold pressing, or solvent extraction. BMV Fragrances produces a wide range of essential oils, including lavander, peppermint, eucalyptus, and more.
The Manufacturing Process of Essential Oils
BMV Fragrances, a leading Essential Oils Manufacturer, employs state-of-the-art distillation techniques to extract essential oils from plants. The process begins with harvesting the plant material at the peak of its aromatic potency. The plants are then subjected to steam distillation, where steam passes through the plant material, vaporizing the volatile compounds. This vapor is condensed and collected, separating the essential oil from the water.
Applications of Essential Oils
Essential oils have a multitude of applications across various industries:
Aromatherapy: Essential oils are central to aromatherapy, a practice that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Oils like natural lavander and eucalyptus are popular for their calming and invigorating properties.
Personal Care Products: Essential oils are often used in personal care products such as soaps, shampoos, and lotions. They not only provide a natural fragrance but also offer skin and hair benefits.
Household Cleaners: Certain essential oils, such as lemon and tea tree, are used in natural cleaning products for their antibacterial and antiviral properties.
Medical and Therapeutic Use: Essential oils have been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Today, they continue to be used in alternative medicine to treat ailments like headaches, anxiety, and muscle pain.
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Exploring Fragrance Oils
What Are Fragrance Oils?
Fragrance oils are synthetic or natural blends that are created to produce a specific scent. Unlike essential oils, which are derived from a single source plant, fragrance oils are often a mix of various essential oils and aromatic compounds to achieve a desired fragrance profile.
The Manufacturing Process of Fragrance Oils
At BMV Fragrances, a renowned Fragrance Oil Manufacturer, the creation of fragrance oils is both an art and a science.The process starts with a precise formulation, where expert perfumers combine different aromatic ingredients, such as sandalwood synthetic, to create a harmonious scent. These ingredients may include natural essential oils, synthetic aroma compounds, and sometimes even absolutes. The blend is then stabilized and tested for consistency before it is ready for use.
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Applications of Fragrance Oils
Fragrance oils are incredibly versatile and are used across various industries:
Candles: Fragrance oils are a popular choice in candle making. They provide a strong and lasting scent that can transform the ambiance of a room.
Air Fresheners: Whether in the form of sprays, gels, or diffusers, fragrance oils are key ingredients in air fresheners, offering long-lasting and customizable scents.
Cosmetics and Skincare: Fragrance oils are used in a wide range of cosmetic and skincare products, from moisturizers to makeup, to impart a pleasant aroma.
Home Fragrance Products: Products like potpourri, reed diffusers, and incense sticks rely on fragrance oils for their distinctive scents.
Delving Into Perfume Oils
What Are Perfume Oils?
Perfume oils are concentrated forms of fragrances that can be worn directly on the skin. They are typically more intense than alcohol-based perfumes, as they contain little to no alcohol, allowing the fragrance to last longer on the skin.
The Manufacturing Process of Perfume Oils
BMV Fragrances, a leading Perfume Oil Supplier, takes great care in the creation of perfume oils. The process involves blending aromatic compounds with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or fractionated coconut oil, to dilute the intensity and ensure the oil is safe for skin application. The formulation is meticulously balanced to achieve a desired scent profile, whether it’s floral, woody, oriental, or fresh.
Applications of Perfume Oils
Perfume oils are used predominantly in the personal fragrance industry:
Personal Fragrance: Perfume oils are often used as an alternative to traditional alcohol-based perfumes. They are ideal for those with sensitive skin or who prefer a longer-lasting scent.
Layering Scents: Perfume oil can be used in combination with other scented products, such as lotions or body washes, to create a personalized fragrance experience.
Luxury Skincare: High-end skincare products sometimes incorporate perfume oil for their aromatic and moisturizing properties.
Why Choose BMV Fragrances?
BMV Fragrances stands out in the fragrance industry for several reasons:
Quality Assurance: BMV Fragrances is committed to delivering the highest quality products. Each batch of essential oil, fragrance oil, and perfume oil undergoes rigorous testing to ensure purity, potency, and consistency.
Sustainability: The company is dedicated to sustainable sourcing and environmentally friendly practices. BMV Fragrances works closely with farmers and suppliers to ensure that their products are ethically sourced.
Innovation: BMV Fragrances is at the forefront of fragrance innovation, constantly developing new scents and improving manufacturing techniques to meet the evolving needs of the market.
Customization: BMV Fragrances offers customized solutions for businesses looking to create unique fragrance products. Whether it’s a specific blend of essential oils or a signature fragrance for a brand, BMV Fragrances can tailor their offerings to meet precise specifications.
BMV Fragrances is a trusted name in the fragrance industry, offering a diverse range of essential oils, fragrance oils, and perfume oils. Their commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability sets them apart as a manufacturer and supplier. Whether you are in the market for aromatherapy products, personal care items, or bespoke fragrances, BMV Fragrances has the expertise and product range to meet your needs. By choosing BMV Fragrances, you are not only investing in top-quality products but also in a company that values sustainability and innovation.
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monotheisticpagan · 3 months
Thorns And Wart Curing
Folk Magick Of A Maine Village
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Walking along the hedgerow I stepped upon a stick of thorns. Used in protection workings and baneful magicks these will come in great use. 
There among the hedge grows greater celandine which is no celandine, but within the poppy family. A folk cure for warts states to rub the fresh juice of the stalks on the wart and let it dry. 
These are some of the practices I perform while I continue my journey into the craft. 
A little background
Recently I moved next door to my previous residence. I have been looking into the folklore since, of the building and the land.
Insofar I have found that the building was constructed somewhere between 1900 and 1920. The village it dwells in had a large fire in 1905 and the village folk had to rebuild. 
During my move in I turned to the cards. I inquired about spirits present in the home. I received the five of swords reversed. Same burial or funeral rites. 
I continue my research being ever open to experiencing my waking life. 
One last tidbit on this subject for now. Upon moving I audibly heard what sounded like a woman with a rich Southern accent make comment about my spiritual interests. 
This leads me to feel those that dwell here invisible to the naked eye, are disapproving of pagan ways in a sense. These are older spirits, whom may not agree with certain practices or belief systems. 
With this short introduction we delve further into the village history, discussing the folklore of local spirits and plants. 
Local spirits and hedgerow plants
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Among my hedgerow grows white campion flower. This produces a heavy scent at night. 
This is often seen growing by graves and headstones and for this they have been termed flowers of the dead. 
A ritual to bring in spirits of the land specifically to this yard can be to bring these flowers in and place them in a vase. Especially if these flowers are indeed growing around a grave, possibly that or those of the previous owners. Bringing them back into the house they once owned. 
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This mirror I think to be as old as the building itself.
The circular molding on the piece is found within the building on the front door. There are other circular moldings above the doorways and windows of the place. 
Along the property hedge grows rhubarb. While the stalks are great for desserts and savory dishes the leaves, though toxic, serve a purpose as well.
Antibacterial rhubarb leaf wash
Rhubarb leaves
Lemon juice
Pan of water
On the stovetop bring water to a boil. Add in rhubarb leaves. Let this boil 30 minutes. Add in your lemon juice and simmer a few more minutes. Let cool until warm enough to touch but not completely cool and use as a magically protective and anti-bacterial floor wash. 
Room spray created in this village.
Spring Blessings Spray
Home blessing oil found at a local metaphysical shop
Visions oil found at a local metaphysical shop
Witch hazel
Spray bottle
Horseweed, American Elm, and Mugwort
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Among the hedge today I identified these three. All three of these are potent for protection and American Elm can be used offensively.
Remember that stick full of thorns I stepped on while exploring the hedge for the first time? This has been identified as a shrub of Red Raspberry. Thorns being protective can also be used offensively, and a benefit of this shrub is the sweet fruits. 
Next year I am hoping for raspberry and rhubarb pie. 
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Virginia pepper weed
Cleansing with a kick
1 part mugwort
1 part Virginia pepper weed
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nathank77 · 4 months
9:40 p.m
It took me awhile to fall asleep. I used the older xanax just to troubleshoot if the newer stuff was fake. I guess not cause if it was- I would have passed out immediately. I slept solidly through the night until 3 p.m. I peeded and then I laid back down and was out until 4:14 p.m without drugs... that's a good thing but I don't like sleeping that late cause I may struggle to sleep tonight.
Anyways I was going to game but I was aggravated and my house is always a hell hole. I have this whole dilemma:
1) I want to finish the attic and the shared closet/my room but not in that order. I want to finish the shared closet. Then my room closet. Then the attic. Cause I want to bring my nicest things down from the attic for clothes and put them in a storage bin on top of my movies storage bin and my blanket storage bin which I want an extra set of sheets and an one extra pillow top mattress cover for when I inevitably spill juice on my bed which is fairly common and the later I do it at night I can't wash it and I have to sleep on a towel. So I'm going to buy a pillow top mattress cover. Not extra sheets I'll ask for that for Christmas. Wash it and put it in the storage bin in the shared closet.
2) The dilemma is I want to join the gym Monday but- if I join before I get all this stuff done it will become a tedious project and I'll be hellbent on using my very expensive gym membership bc I'm joining at the wrong time of the year. If I joined January 1st or something it would be a 1$ start up fee instead of a 60$ start up fee.
I don't want to lose my fire for either things bc it's coming to a head. The true dilemma is that the gym is going to be 70$ to start out of pocket Monday if I joined.
I want to keep buying l salivarius. I want to give cbd one more month. I want to get storage bins so I can continue my organization. I want to buy that pillow top mattress cover. And I'd really like to buy a microfiber queen sized blanket as a comforter... I have one already and I would swap them... put the old one in the storage bin in the closet with the old pillow top mattress cover as a spare.
The dilemma really is money and how I spend it and energy. Yea I can go Monday to the gym and swipe my card and start working out but then I'm out a decent amount of money and I still got to pay for the annual fee two months later.... and then I can't really afford the storage bins... I can't really afford the pillow top mattress cover or the microfiber blanket... it would be nice to have a spare washed and conveniently put away in the shared closet..
So idk what to do. I ended up cleaning out our shared closet. I put all the water bottles in a huge box. I got out 3 old comforters that were on the floor and put them in that box. I threw away a bunch of drinks. The closet is CLEAN! but not done yet.
I already have two storage bins thanks to Katie. One clear smaller one without a top unfortunately but with movies and one large gray one with those waters. I had to clean the water one out with antibacterial stuff cause a soda busted in there. I cleaned that out. Put my movies in there and they fit much better so that's done.... I'm happy with it.
Then I grabbed the storage bin my sister provided me from the basement and used antibacterial spray on it and put the blankets in it. I still got to wash the blankets and I may throw out a few in order to fit the old pillow top mattress cover when i get a new one and the old microfiber blanket when I get a new one. There are def a few blankets in there I wouldn't feel bad about throwing out... but I didn't have time to wash them yet, that's a later activity..
I have the clear bin without a top on top of the blanket storage bin. It has virtually nothing in it but I felt the need to "set it all up" so my mother didn't take over the nice space I created. I absolutely plan to buy the smaller clear storage bin and grab the nicer clothes from the attic basically only what I just put up there, my old medium boxers, the shorts and pj pants and the old shirts with coconut oil stains. They are all nice stuff and once I get the stains out they are wearable..
So this is my updated list. I feel accomplished and below that is what the closet looks like now. I got to figure out if putting the gym off and spending extra money on the bins and blankets make sense. Now that I have an almost perfect set up just lacking the clothes, the lid, and the extra bedding, it's like I want to do that but I can't do the gym and that. I got to figure it out.
Imma wait on my sister to get me more storage bins for free. I can buy them from Walmart but Walmart will only ship the clear smaller ones for free otherwise its store pick up... my car can't fit them.... so me and my sister have to go grab some in her truck.. whenever she will work with me on that.. I'd at least buy a few for the attic.. to get that going.
I mean I could benefit from 2 or 3 of the clear bins. One for the shared closet for my clothes. One for stuffed animals like from my childhood up in the attic prob the one without a top... but I mean- I really need the huge ones. I like that they are clear but they lack the space to be worth the money honestly.
So yea I'm over here going if I spend all this money between l salivarius and the blanket, the pillow top and a few clear storage bins/the larger ones... not to mention cbd next month when I get paid-i have to put the gym off.
Also energy wise even if I had the money I don't have the energy to start fitting in the gym and doing all this stuff around the house...
Erin won't be a therapist anymore in July... so my time will really free up... I will try to get on Mike's schedule two days a week and then I can really fit the gym in even with this amount of stuff left to do... I'm not going to bother looking for another therapist cause I'm a voice hearing trans person. I'm done with the rejection.
But yea, I wish I could join the gym, buy all this stuff and have the money. I wish I could do both the gym and finish this project without worrying about putting one off... if I spend all that money on the gym, I can't not commit. That's the thing. Part of me is like wait until January. If I don't kill myself... all these new years resolutions... it's always 1$ start up new years.. but I mean I've plateau weight wise and those skinny jeans will not fit if I don't go...
I got a lot to think about. Should I keep buying 100mg of cbd? Should I keep buying l salivarius when it can be so good for someone with gum disease despite its cost? Should I forget about the dentist until my annual instead of calling Husky and paying out of pocket which I can't really afford for a 6 month cleaning and give up on my brown stained tooth and just do whitening strips in January? Should I finish my house projects while I'm motivated before I join the gym when money is going to be an issue? Should I say fuck the attic and go to the gym?
Idk..money is tight. I want organization. I want the stuff that didn't get destroyed to stay not destroyed. I want that clear storage bin with my nicer clothes to stay down here with me. I want the extra blanket and I def NEED the extra pillow top mattress cover cause I'm a spiller and I'm stuck in my room 24/7. I spilled tea on my bed 2 night ago and had to sleep in a wet spot.
If I put off the gym I got one pair of jeans. If I go to the gym, I will spend 59$ more on a start up fee and my house projects will come to a screeching hault bc for one I can't buy the storage bins. For two I'm going to use all my energy going to the gym and on the days I don't go I won't want to do anything. Once I don't have Erin as a therapist and I figure out what day Mike can see me my schedule will clear off a little making the gym easier to fit in...
Money will never be easy... the closer i get to January the more I think 1$ start up fee... saving 59$ that I could spend on stuff I need makes sense but I really want my body to be the best it can be.
What should I do? Idk. Even buying all this stuff on credit will be tight but it's on credit and as long as I don't do glasses (that's never happening), and I don't do the 6 month teeth cleaning and I put off my gym membership.. I mean I can do that. I can do the gym but I can't swipe my card on the stuff I want to buy.
Do I need l salivarius right now? Nope but it makes sense to put it on the 100$ no interest if paid off in 6 month thing with all the storage bins.
So yea that's where I am. This is what I have left to do. And I'm confused but the shared closet although not finished is in a finished state just missing the lid and the clothes from the attic but I'll do that another day.
Idk if I'm doing the car wash tomorrow. Idk If I'm going out for a chicken tomorrow. Dads house on Sunday is stressful and I have to drive all the way over there... gas money. Money issues constantly and bc I didn't really relax at all today- maybe I should tomorrow. I'm overwhelmed.
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thearomya · 4 months
Discover the Best Fragrance Oils from The Aromya: Elevate Your Senses
Best Fragrance Oils are a gateway to a world of sensory delight. They can transform any environment and elevate personal care routines. The Aromya, a leading brand in the fragrance oil industry, offers a diverse range of high-quality products designed to suit every preference and need.
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What are Fragrance Oils?
Definition and Composition
Best Fragrance Oils are synthetic or natural compounds specifically formulated to produce pleasing aromas. Unlike essential oils, which are derived from natural sources through processes like steam distillation, fragrance oils can be a blend of natural and synthetic elements to achieve a consistent and desirable scent profile.
Difference between Essential Oils and Fragrance Oils
While essential oils are extracted from plants and have therapeutic benefits, Best Fragrance Oils are designed primarily for their scent. Essential oils may offer health benefits such as anti-inflammatory or antibacterial properties, whereas fragrance oils are crafted for a lasting fragrance and can be customized more easily.
Benefits of Fragrance Oils
Aromatherapy and Mood Enhancement
Best Fragrance Oils play a significant role in aromatherapy. Certain scents can uplift mood, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. For example, lavender is known for its calming properties, while citrus scents can invigorate and energize.
Skin and Hair Care Benefits
In addition to their aromatic properties, some Best Fragrance Oils can be beneficial for skin and hair care. They can be incorporated into homemade lotions, shampoos, and conditioners, providing not only a pleasant scent but also nourishing properties depending on the oil's composition.
Home Ambiance Improvement
Best Fragrance Oils are perfect for enhancing home ambiance. They can be used in diffusers, candles, or room sprays to create a welcoming and refreshing atmosphere. The right scent can make any space feel more inviting and comfortable.
Types of Fragrance Oils from The Aromya
Floral Scents
Floral scents are timeless and versatile. The Aromya offers a range of floral oils like rose, jasmine, and lavender, each bringing a unique and delightful fragrance perfect for relaxation and creating a soothing environment.
Citrus Scents
Citrus Best Fragrance Oils such as lemon, orange, and grapefruit are known for their refreshing and uplifting properties. They are great for invigorating spaces and boosting energy levels.
Woody Scents
Woody scents like sandalwood and cedarwood provide a warm and grounding aroma. These scents are perfect for creating a cozy and serene environment.
Spicy Scents
Spicy scents, including cinnamon and clove, add a touch of warmth and richness. These are ideal for colder months or for creating a festive atmosphere.
Fresh and Clean Scents
Scents like eucalyptus and mint offer a clean and refreshing aroma, perfect for promoting a sense of cleanliness and purity in any space.
Popular Fragrance Oils from The Aromya
Lavender is renowned for its calming and soothing properties. It’s a top choice for relaxation and stress relief.
Rose fragrance oil is elegant and romantic, often used to create a luxurious and serene environment.
Lemon oil is fresh and zesty, perfect for uplifting and energizing any space.
Sandalwood offers a rich, woody aroma that is both grounding and comforting.
Vanilla is a warm and sweet scent, ideal for creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere.
How to Choose the Right Fragrance Oil
Personal Preference
Selecting a fragrance oil often comes down to personal preference. Consider scents that you naturally gravitate towards or that bring back positive memories.
Purpose of Use
Determine the purpose of the fragrance oil. Whether it’s for relaxation, energizing, or simply creating a pleasant home environment, different scents serve different purposes.
Seasonal Preferences
Some scents are more suitable for certain seasons. For example, floral and citrus scents are perfect for spring and summer, while woody and spicy scents are more fitting for autumn and winter.
How to Use Fragrance Oils
Using a diffuser is one of the most common ways to enjoy Best Fragrance Oils. It disperses the scent throughout a room, creating a continuous and even aroma.
Topical Application
For topical use, Best Fragrance Oils should be diluted with a carrier oil. They can be used in massages or as part of personal care products like lotions and balms.
DIY Beauty Products
Incorporate Best Fragrance Oils into homemade beauty products such as soaps, shampoos, and body scrubs to add a personalized touch and delightful scent.
Household Cleaning Products
Add a few drops of fragrance oil to homemade cleaning products for a fresh and pleasant scent while you clean.
Safety Tips for Using Fragrance Oils
Dilution Guidelines
Always dilute Best Fragrance Oils before applying them to the skin. A common ratio is 3-5 drops of fragrance oil per ounce of carrier oil.
Patch Testing
Conduct a patch test to ensure you don’t have an allergic reaction. Apply a small amount of diluted oil to a patch of skin and wait 24 hours to check for any irritation.
Safe Storage
Store Best Fragrance Oils in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight and heat to maintain their potency and longevity.
DIY Recipes with Fragrance Oils
Homemade Candles
Create personalized scented candles by adding your favorite Best Fragrance Oils to melted wax before pouring into molds.
Bath Bombs
Enhance your bath experience by making bath bombs infused with relaxing or invigorating Best Fragrance Oils.
Body Scrubs
Make exfoliating body scrubs with sugar, coconut oil, and a few drops of your chosen fragrance oil for a luxurious skincare routine.
Room Sprays
Mix fragrance oil with water and a bit of alcohol to create room sprays that freshen up any space instantly.
Customer Testimonials and Reviews
Success Stories
Many customers have shared positive experiences with The Aromya’s Best Fragrance Oils, praising their long-lasting scents and high quality.
User Ratings and Feedback
The Aromya’s products consistently receive high ratings and favorable reviews, highlighting their effectiveness and value.
Expert Insights on Fragrance Oils
Aromatherapist Opinions
Aromatherapists often recommend The Aromya’s oils for their purity and therapeutic benefits, noting the careful formulation of each scent.
Dermatologist Advice
Dermatologists suggest that while Best Fragrance Oils are safe for use in personal care products, they should always be diluted properly to avoid skin irritation.
Fragrance oils from The Aromya offer a wide array of scents to suit any preference or need. Whether for relaxation, personal care, or home ambiance, these oils provide a simple yet effective way to elevate your sensory experience. Explore The Aromya’s collection and discover the perfect fragrance to enrich your life.
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tarzantips · 4 months
Home Remedies for Blocked Nose: Quick and Natural Relief
Breathing and sleeping can be difficult when one has a blocked nose. When it comes to reducing this congestion, many people favor natural home remedies for blocked nose over prescription ones.
Simple ingredients and methods can be used in home remedies to deliver gentle and effective relief.
There are several methods to help clear a stuffy nose, such as using steam inhalation or herbal teas. These treatments promote general respiratory health in addition to relieving discomfort.
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Home Remedies for Blocked Nose
1. Steam Inhalation
Inhaling steam is a useful method for relieving a blocked nose. Boil a pot of water and transfer it into a large bowl to accomplish this. Place your face over the bowl, being careful to keep a safe distance to prevent burns, and place a towel over your head to capture the steam. Warm vapor helps thin and moisten mucus in nasal passages, providing easier removal and relieving congestion. Inhaling this vapor can help.
2. Saline Nasal Spray
Making a saline nasal spray at home is simple and effective alternative home remedies for blocked nose. One teaspoon salt and two cups of warm distilled water should be combined. Fill your nostrils with the solution using a nasal spray bottle. By eliminating mucus and allergens, the saline solution helps to relieve nasal congestion and irritation.
3. Warm Compress
For a blocked nose, using a warm compress can also be helpful. Put a cloth over your nose and forehead after soaking it in warm water and wringing out the excess. The warmth relieves congestion quickly by helping to widen your nasal passages and lower inflammation.
4. Stay Hydrated
It is important to drink plenty of water when managing a blocked nose. Be sure to stay hydrated by consuming lots of water, herbal teas, and broths. Drinking enough water thins the mucus in your nasal passages, providing clearing and relieving congestion symptoms.
5. Elevate Your Head
Try sleeping with your head raised with an additional pillow at night. A more restful night's sleep can be achieved by making this easy adjustment, which can help clear your nasal passages and minimize congestion.
6. Use a Humidifier
By adding moisture to the air in your room, a humidifier can help relieve irritated nasal passage tissues. The increased humidity, particularly in dry weather or the winter, can help reduce congestion while helping breathing.
7. Spicy Foods
Including spicy foods in your diet can help relieve nasal congestion. Natural decongestants in foods, such as horseradish and chili peppers, help in clearing the nasal passages. Your mucus may thin and flow more easily as a result of the heat from these foods.
8. Essential Oils
You can use essential oils for steam inhalation, like peppermint or eucalyptus. Inhale the steam from a bowl of hot water that has a few drops of oil added to it. These oils' anti-inflammatory and decongestant qualities may help in clearing your nasal passages and easing congestion.
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9. Apple Cider Vinegar
Another treatment for nasal congestion is apple cider vinegar. Drink a glass of water that has been mixed with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. By thinning the mucus, this solution supports sinus drainage and relieves congestion.
10. Ginger Tea
Having ginger tea is another useful treatment. Heat up some water, add some ginger slices, strain, and drink the hot tea. Because of its anti-inflammatory qualities, ginger may help clear up nasal congestion while improved respiratory health in general.
Read: Home Remedies for Nail Fungus
11. Honey and Lemon
For relief from a blocked nose, try a warm water solution containing honey and lemon. Lemons are high in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, and honey has antibacterial qualities. When combined, they can lessen traffic and improve general health.
12. Chicken Soup
A traditional treatment for blocked nose at night is to consume chicken soup. Warm broth thins mucus and reduces inflammation, which simplifies nasal passage clearance and offers comfort.
12. Garlic
Lastly, the antibacterial and antiviral qualities of garlic are well known. Garlic cloves can help fight infections and reduce nasal congestion, providing a natural blocked nose remedy when chewed or added to meals.
13. Peppermint Tea
Tea with peppermint leaves is a good way to relieve sinus congestion. Menthol, which is found in peppermint, helps clear nasal passages to help breathing. All you have to do is high peppermint leaves in hot water for a few minutes, strain, and sip warm.
14. Basil Leaves
Nasal congestion can be relieved by chewing fresh basil leaves in the morning and right before bed. Due to its antiviral and anti-inflammatory qualities, basil helps lessen nasal passage swelling.
15. Turmeric Milk
Before going to bed, add a teaspoon of turmeric powder to a glass of warm milk and stir. Due to its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, turmeric can help lessen congestion and inflammation in the nose.
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16. Carom Seeds (Ajwain)
Another blocked nose medicine is after bringing carom seeds to a boil, breathe in the steam. Thymol, found in carom seeds, is a natural decongestant that helps unclog nasal passages.
17. Fenugreek Seeds
After fenugreek seeds are boiled in water, strain and drink the liquid. Because of its anti-inflammatory qualities, fenugreek can help relieve congestion and lessen nasal passage swelling.
18. Ginger and Honey
Juice some fresh ginger by grating it. Blend it with honey and eat it. Honey is calming and antibacterial, and ginger has anti-inflammatory qualities that can help ease nasal congestion.
19. Onion
Roughly chop an onion and take in its powerful scent. Sulfur compounds found in onions can help in clearing congestion and nasal passages.
20. Herbal Inhalation
If nose feels blocked but no mucus then add a few drops of oregano, rosemary, and thyme oil to boiling water. Breathe in the steam for easier nasal passage opening. These herbs can help because of their antimicrobial and decongestant qualities.
Read: Home Remedies for Stomachaches
21. Massage
Give your temples, the area above your eyebrows, and the bridge of your nose a gentle massage. By lowering sinus pressure and increasing blood flow, this can help clear nasal congestion.
22. Acupressure
Apply pressure to particular body points, like the sides of your nose or the space between your thumb and index finger. By stimulating specific points and enhancing circulation, acupressure may help in the reduction of nasal congestion.
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23. Probiotics
Add probiotics to your diet by taking supplements, kefir, or yogurt. Probiotics can strengthen your immune system and lessen nasal congestion's intensity and duration.
24. Neti Pot
Rinse your nasal passages with a saline solution using a neti pot. This can significantly reduce nasal congestion by assisting in the removal of mucus and allergens.
25. Hot Shower
Steam from a hot shower can aid in clearing the nasal passages. Mucus can be released and congestion can be lessened with the use of the steam's warmth and moisture.
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ontimesigning · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Glissant Huile D’Amour.
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vidhyateckey12 · 4 months
Discover Tea Tree Essential Oil's Benefits for Skin and Hair
Tea tree essential oil is a multipurpose, all-natural solution that offers numerous advantages for hair and skin. Tea tree oil is made from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant, and its therapeutic benefits have been known for generations. We shall examine the many advantages of tea tree essential oil in this blog, with an emphasis on its use for skin and hair. Tea tree oil has benefits for those who use it as a natural deodorizer or to treat dandruff or acne
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Acne Treatment
For acne, tea tree essential oil is a useful natural therapy. Without drying out or irritating the skin, its antimicrobial qualities aid in the reduction of acne lesions and inflammation. How to treat acne with tea tree oil:
Dilute a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil (like coconut oil).
Apply the mixture to the affected areas using a cotton swab.
Leave it on for a few hours or overnight before rinsing off.
Dandruff and Scalp Health
The antifungal qualities of tea tree oil can aid in getting rid of the fungus that causes dandruff, and its calming benefits can ease irritation and itching. For a more wholesome scalp:
Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo.
Massage into your scalp and leave it for a few minutes before rinsing.
Use regularly to maintain a dandruff-free scalp.
Natural Deodorizer
Tea tree essential oil is a fantastic natural deodorizer because of its crisp, clean aroma. It can be applied in a variety of ways to invigorate your area:
Add a few drops to a diffuser to eliminate odours and freshen the air.
Mix with water and use as a spray for a natural room deodorizer.
Add to homemade cleaning products for an added antibacterial boost.
Insect Repellent
Tea tree oil can repel certain insects, such as mosquitoes and lice. It’s a useful ingredient in natural insect repellent sprays and lotions:
Mix tea tree oil with water or a carrier oil.
Apply to exposed skin before heading outdoors.
For lice prevention, add a few drops to your regular shampoo.
Oral Health
Due to its antibacterial properties, tea tree oil can help combat bacteria that cause bad breath, gum disease, and tooth decay. To improve oral health:
Look for toothpaste and mouthwash that contain tea tree oil.
Make a DIY mouthwash by adding a drop of tea tree oil to a glass of water. Gargle and spit out (do not swallow).
Nail Care
Tea tree essential oil can help treat fungal infections of the nails and prevent recurrence when applied topically. For healthy nails:
Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil.
Apply to the affected nails using a cotton swab.
Repeat daily until the infection clears up.
Discover the power of tea tree essential oil and transform your skincare and hair care routine naturally. For the best tea tree essential oil products, visit Moana Essentials.
Ready to Experience the Benefits of Tea Tree Essential Oil?
Visit Moana Essentials to explore our range of high-quality tea tree essential oil products. Transform your skincare and hair care routine today!
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You can get many advantages including healthier scalps and clearer skin by using tea tree essential oil in your everyday regimen. Tea tree essential oil is a crucial part of any wellness arsenal because it's easy to use, natural, and effective.
FAQs About Tea Tree Essential Oil
What is tea tree essential oil?
Tea tree essential oil is derived from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant, native to Australia. It is known for its potent antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a popular natural remedy for a variety of skin and hair issues.
How can I use tea tree essential oil for acne?
To use tea tree essential oil for acne:
Dilute a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil (such as coconut oil or jojoba oil).
Apply the diluted mixture to the affected areas using a cotton swab.
Leave it on for a few hours or overnight before rinsing off.
Can tea tree oil help with dandruff?
Yes, tea tree oil's antifungal properties can help eliminate the fungus that causes dandruff. To use it for dandruff:
Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo.
Massage the mixture into your scalp and leave it on for a few minutes.
Rinse thoroughly and use regularly to maintain a dandruff-free scalp.
Is tea tree oil safe to use on the skin?
Tea tree oil is generally safe for topical use when diluted properly with a carrier oil. However, it can cause skin irritation in some individuals. It's important to do a patch test before using it widely on your skin. Avoid using undiluted tea tree oil directly on the skin.
Can I use tea tree oil as a natural deodorizer?
Yes, tea tree oil's fresh, clean scent makes it an excellent natural deodorizer. You can use it in a diffuser to freshen the air, mix it with water as a spray for a room deodorizer, or add it to homemade cleaning products.
How can tea tree oil be used as an insect repellent?
To use tea tree oil as an insect repellent:
Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with water or a carrier oil.
Apply the mixture to exposed skin before going outdoors.
For lice prevention, you can add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo.
Can tea tree oil improve oral health?
Yes, tea tree oil's antibacterial properties can help combat bacteria that cause bad breath, gum disease, and tooth decay. Look for toothpaste and mouthwash containing tea tree oil, or make a DIY mouthwash by adding a drop of tea tree oil to a glass of water. Gargle and spit out (do not swallow).
How can tea tree oil be used for nail care?
To use tea tree oil for nail care:
Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil.
Apply the mixture to the affected nails using a cotton swab.
Repeat daily until the fungal infection clears up.
Where can I buy high-quality tea tree essential oil?
For high-quality tea tree essential oil products, visit Moana Essentials. They offer a range of premium essential oils that are perfect for your skincare and hair care needs.
Ready to Experience the Benefits of Tea Tree Essential Oil?
Visit Moana Essentials to explore our range of high-quality tea tree essential oil products. Transform your skincare and hair care routine today!
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