#anti kimilia
Hi! Would you be willing to share your thoughts about J2 with us? Do you believe they are/were romanticaly involved or just close friends?
Hi, Friend. I've been a tinhat since April 2021. (So, yeah, I'm fairly new), at first I thought they were close friends who had fucked in the past. And then I became a fence sitter.
And then I went to Florida for a week came back and started tinhating. I read Speak The Truth and I was hooked. So, then I started to believe they were together.
@canonicallysoulmates really turned me into a tinhat.
Not only that I was Wincest shipper even before I became a tinhat.
I'm gonna go on tangent here so be warned.
So, in my other fandoms; GoT people tend to ship Kit Harington (who's happily married with a son), and his wife's best friend Emilia Clarke. I mean they edited his wedding photos called Rose horrible horrible names. And time & time again were just terrible. So, when I started to tinhat I didn't want to be like them. I just didn't want to turn out be an asshole to their wives.
Note: I did ship Joshifer back in middle school.
So, umm yeah.
I believe J2 are married and have kids. And their wives are beards. And not only that, I'm nerd with too much time on my hands. So, I go down rabbit holes about Hollywood (that could be a post in on itself).
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sayruq · 4 years
I ran into some kimilias on twitter who were talking about how Kit and Emilia were clearly having an affair and the marriage with rose was PR and it’s clear that Emilia actually hates rose. Someone had literally responded by saying that Rose and Emilia vacationed together while Kit was in London so wouldn’t them having an affair make more sense? It was really funny watching them freak out. The pr marriage talk is even funnier considering rose is now pregnant.
how are they still in denial?
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frazzledsoul · 4 years
Guys, if your fake ship relies on a) a decade old photo shoot that was weird across the board and your ship was the LEAST interesting dynamic there and b) red carpet pics that are clearly staged for promo purposes there most likely was never anything there.
Also, dragging on this agenda when one party's wife is weeks away from giving birth is just gross and tacky.
Also, as long as I'm ranting, I see Marvel is still denying the existence of Dane and claiming Sersi has had an unrequited crush on Ikaris for decades. Just fuck you guys, okay? I don't know why you hired Kit if you're going to continue ignoring him like this. Could you maybe attempt a marketing strategy not designed to purposely piss people off? Just a suggestion.
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Anyways idk how to make a whole a$$ meta on this, but shipping IRL people is not good at all and very bad.
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saltywinteradult · 5 years
In this house we love and support Rose Leslie
Because she has done nothing but love and support her husband through his struggles and does not deserve any of the hate she’s getting from people who actually want her husband to cheat on her because of a fictional ship.
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funkyfrogwhore · 4 years
just remembered that some people actually ship kimilia step back i think i’m gonna vomit
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aegon · 5 years
It makes me sad for Emilia, she already said that all that thing makes her uncomfortable because she's best friends with kit and rose and all those rumors make her cry, but those shippers don't care about that.
Oh god, that’s terrible! It makes me sad for all three of them, honestly.
For Rose, she’s barely been married a year to someone she clearly loves, and that’s not good enough for random strangers on the internet who feel she’s not “right” for her husband - who asked her to marry him (apparently to hide his true feelings for Emilia and cover their affair, according to some hardcore folks who can’t mind their damn business, god how horrible is that??)
She’s essentially been forced into total privacy because people are constantly judging her and accusing her of ruining the “perfect couple”.
Also the fact that whenever Kit says something positive about her, she’s the insecure bitch and if he doesn’t, then she’s still somehow the homewrecking bitch. She’s not pretty enough, or bubbly enough, or popular enough to these shippers.
God, as someone who once dated a guy people thought should have been with my best friend instead of me because I wasn’t edgy enough, it’s fucking crushing and it absolutely overshadowed our relationship. I totally feel for her.
For Kit, literally every interaction he has with these two women is scrutinized to death. He can’t hug Emilia or compliment her without people saying he’s in love with her, he can’t be with his wife without people looking for signs that his marriage is in trouble.
If he talks about his wife, then it’s called “being annoying” or “making up for something” or “being bullied by his insecure wife to affirm their nonexistent love”. If he doesn’t talk about his wife, then it’s like “aha! he doesn’t care about her! he’s totally in love with someone else!” He can’t fucking win.
And Emilia is such a darling and a sunshine baby who’s so expressive about things and people she loves and she just seems so damn nice and now she’s literally been turned into a homewrecker by a bunch of shippers who can’t tell the difference between fiction and reality.
They’re essentially calling her “better” than Rose, her friend, and pitting these two women against each other for a fucking man. Also she can’t even be around one of her close friends without people thinking they’re having sex. This is like....middle school level thinking. Girls and boys can’t be friends lolzipops. Gross.
Emilia is a fierce feminist and this just seems SO wrong for someone like her. It’s wrong for all of them, and I just can’t get behind or even sympathize with people who can’t mind their own business and project their fantasies on real people with real feelings and cause real pain to real relationships. K*milia has gone beyond harmless fun and is legit affecting these people, so can these shippers fucking not or just chill tf out, christ.
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ansheofthevalley · 5 years
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This shit is disgusting
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from my twitter any way emilia clarke stans shouldn’t have rights!
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sayruq · 4 years
So not long ago, you recieved an ask from someone saying they'd be concerned with what Kimilas would do if Rose Leslie and Kit H announced their pregnancy. Well they just announced it. Sophie T got a lot of shit from Dany stans, how bad do you think the Kimilas are gonna react to this?
they hate rose so much lol. they’re always calling her ugly and anorexic. a lot of them are racists so it’s funny seeing them hate her for being conservative.
still i doubt it will get as bad as the way they behaved with sophie. when the emmys aired, people made fun of kimilias so much. i know they went on to do really weird shit but i feel like a lot of them stopped shipping them because they didn’t want to be seen as freaks. meanwhile only sansa/sophie stans have called out the way they treat sophie so they didn’t have to restrain themselves or pretend they’re happy for her.
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frazzledsoul · 4 years
So I should probably put more words behind this, but we'll just settle for this piece of invective: not only are Kimilias disgusting and unethical for even bothering with the real life shipping business, but they are blatantly deceitful, delusional, insensitive assholes with no concern for Kit, Emilia, their actual friendship, Emilia's friendship with Kit's wife, Kit's mental issues, or Kit and Rose's unborn child.
Fuck all of y'all forever.
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alrightsnaps · 5 years
Twitter pushing Kimilia bullshit on my dash by Dany mutuals that follow shippers
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awwtommo · 5 years
i’m sorry but why people still ship kimila? this was always cringy, because kit was dating rose, but now they are fucking MARRIED, so stop please
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jonsa101 · 6 years
Kimilias are a wild breed man..... Dragging Rose Leslie, going in on her looks. Newsflash! Are we going to pretend that HBO/Kit’s PR team haven’t been putting in overtime for Kit’s behalf for YEARS!
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Stop being mystified by PR spin. He is real person with REAL ISSUES that are bigger than fandom or this dream idea that you have of him. Y’all are acting like he’s a prize when in reality he ain’t shit! Emilia is living her best life! She doesn’t need him NOR WANT HIM! Why would you want that for your fave?!
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Also instead of dragging Rose, people should be sending prayers/good vibes her way considering that she’s the one that’s had to put up with his shenanigans for years but still stays.....
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raskolnikovkinnie · 6 years
I know that anyone can ship whatever they want. But Kimilia fans hating on Rose Leslie is jut gross.
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aegon · 5 years
Do you ship kimilia like other jonerys do
Yeah, no.
Not into shipping real people just because they play a character, especially when one is happily married to another and all parties can be harmfully impacted by the fantasies of strangers.
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