kyrian-lebenamlimit · 10 months
Formular - Resümee...
Nun ist es schon eine Weile her das ich das letzte MAL geschrieben habe und es ist viel passiert… Aber erstmal der Reihe nach! Ich kam zurück aus der Türkei wo ich “Das Formular” als Kur probiere durfte. Zwei Kuren lang jede ca. 5 Wochen, 6 Wochen davon war ich vor Ort in Antayla, die anderen Wochen Zuhause in Hamburg und unterwegs in Deutschland. Die Kur bestand aus 2 Komponenten einem…
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antalyaetkinlik · 3 years
Konyaaltı… #turkey #akdeniz #antayla https://www.instagram.com/p/CTVBFCYokvY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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davidmesquivel · 7 years
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negordumcom · 6 years
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www.negordum.com hizmette sınır tanımıyor ve Antalya'yı ayağınıza kadar getiriyor. Bir tık kadar yakın . . . #negordum #negördüm #negordumcom #seyahat #gezi #travel #traveller #gezgin #hayat #life #city #şehir #today #bugün #love #aşk #wanderlust #wander #antayla #çiçekaçanşehirler #alanya #alanyakalesi #konyaaltıplajı #düdenşelalesi #düdençayı #lara #şubat #mart #waterfall #2019 (Antalya, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvZsW8KgQIx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=99i0d3r7jyzz
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*sighs heavily*
It’s time to get ready for church. And get in a dress and go to Young Women’s. And I’m fairly certain all the hardcore church members are transphobic or something like that.
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newsfindy · 2 years
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emine--yalaz · 2 years
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Name: Emine Derna Yalaz
Nickname: Little Psycho
Birthday: August 1
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Antayla, Turkey
Places Lived Since: Antayla and London
Current Residence: With Kerem in their apartment in Haringey
Nationality: Turkish
Parents: Ahmet & Diksha Yalaz
Number of Siblings: Technically she is an only child, but she considers Berat an older brother rather than her cousin.
Relationship With Family: She is estranged with her parents for the simple fact she never wanted to move back to Turkey. She is close with her aunt and Berat. Her aunt feels more like a mother to her. 
Happiest Memory: Her happiest memory, which there is two of them, the first one was when her aunt offered her to stay with them that way she didn’t have to move back to Turkey. And the second one, was when Kerem asked her out, saying he wanted to try with her. 
Childhood Trauma: Her childhood was normal for what it would be growing up around a gang. She wasn’t always the way she was, a psycho. It came at a price, and if she could remember her personality before, she would most certainly not ask for it back. She was barely sixteen and followed along when she shouldn’t have. Not quick enough she was caught by those Berat and them were pursuing. Emine was warned a million times to behave, but impulse failed her. She faced the repercussions of her actions. She suffered a major brain injury that turned her into who she is today. 
Height: 5'1
Weight: 115lbs
Build: She is on the slender side, but lean. 
Hair Color: Brown with golden blond highlights
Usual Hair Style: Down and wavy
Eye Color: Brown
Glasses? Contacts?: Neither.
Style of Dress/Typical Outfit(s): She likes to stay with fashion and likes to be a little flashy regardless of what she is wearing. She likes to make a statement that no one will forget her. This is something she would be seen wearing. 
Typical Style of Shoes: Emine wears heels as much as she can. Being shorter she likes to at least wear six inch heels to give her more height. She doesn’t cheap out on her heels either, they are all designer. These are her favourite Jimmy Choo’s. 
Jewellery? Tattoos? Piercings?: She has her ears pierced, her belly button and some other area’s. She has a rose and skull tattoo on her left shoulder and on her right rib cage a quote -- “I am under no obligation to make sense to you.”
Scars: She has one on her right side. It is very faint, but it happened when he was training with Kerem with knives. He still feels guilty about it. 
Unique Mannerisms/Physical Habits: Everything about Eminie is unique. She doesn’t hold back and speaks her mind. She has manners, but sometimes manners are pointless. 
Athleticism: She does train to be able to defend herself and how to take someone down with a knife in close combat, but she hates working out. She only does it with Kerem because she likes that she can get him to workout shirtless. 
Health Problems/Illnesses: None.
Level of Education: High school. The lifestyle she has now doesn’t really require her to have one. She is smart in her own sense, and a lot of it is street smart. 
Languages Spoken: English and Turkish
Level of Self-Esteem: High. She is very confident and assure of herself. 
Gifts/Talents: She can play the cello. 
Mathematical?: Not her strongest, but she knows a lot when it comes to drugs and what she should be paid.
Makes Decisions Based Mostly On Emotions, or On Logic?: Her decisions are based on impulse. Sometimes there is logic, sometimes there is emotions, but most time it’s chaos. 
Life Philosophy: You don’t have to love me. You don’t have to like me. But you will respect me and Live fast, die young. Bad girls do it well. 
Religious Stance: None
Cautious or Daring?: Daring.
Most Sensitive About/Vulnerable To: Her family being hurt.
Optimist or Pessimist?: Optimist
Extrovert or Introvert?: Extreme Extrovert
Current Relationship Status: Taken
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Past Relationships: They don’t matter
Primary Reason For Being Broken Up With: Too much for them to handle her.
Primary Reasons For Breaking Up With People: They bore her.
Ever Cheated?: No.
Been Cheated On: No idea. There would be only one person that would bother her. The others, they were just piece of ass. 
Level of Sexual Experience: High, she is always wanting to try new things, but it also at Kerem’s level of comfort. 
A Social Person?: She is very social, considering that she is a drug dealer. 
Most Comfortable Around: Kerem (Keremlin King), Berat (Beratatioulle), Leyla (Ley Bug), Deniz (Denni)
Oldest Friend: Deniz
How Does She Think Others Perceive Her?: She doesn’t really care how others perceive her. There is no fucks to be given. 
How Do Others Actually Perceive Him?: Someone to be respected and not messed with. 
Life Goals: One day to be Kerem’s Queen when he finally takes back what is his. 
Dreams: Marry Kerem. She lives her life to the fullest each day. Tomorrow is not guaranteed and she is quite happy with her life. This was her dream.
Greatest Fears: Losing Kerem especially to Nevra
Most Ashamed Of: Nothing really. She has no shame and doesn’t regret anything. Life is too short for regrets.
Secret Hobbies: Playing the cello
Crimes Committed (Was he caught? Charged?): Dealing drugs, putting customers in their place that couldn’t pay and roughing people up. There may have been a death here and there, but that is no ones business. She has never been caught or charged with anything. 
Night Owl or Early Bird?: Night Owl
Light or Heavy Sleeper?: Light
Favorite Animal: sloth
Favorite Foods: All food. She is a foodie.
Least Favorite Food: anything that has no spice on it. 
Favorite Book: If she has to read, any reserve harem books.
Least Favorite Book: Books in general
Favorite Movie: Anything horror - Psycho
Least Favorite Movie: Anything cheesy, including romance movies. Someone has to die or get seriously hurt.
Favorite Song: Diva - Beyonce
Favorite Sport: Doesn’t have one. She’ll watch whatever Kerem is watching, or Berat when they are hanging out.
Coffee or Tea?: Both
Crunchy or Smooth Peanut Butter?: Smooth
Type of Car She Drives: A C-Class Benz, black. 
Lefty or Righty?: Right
Favorite Color: Red
Cusser?: Fuck yeah. Language to her soul
Biggest Regret: None. 
Pets: A dog, Spectre. Which she has to remind Kerem that she is their dog, not his.
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lizacstuff · 4 years
How do you feel about SCK episodes since episode 13 and the upcoming one ? The drama doesn't bother me, and the slower pace compared to the begining makes sense to me. But I feel like the popular feeling among fans is that it's getting boring, it lackes its magic from earlier days, that characters (Serkan, Selin and Aptekin) have been butchered. I don't it is fair because the drama is necessary and I actually think Serkan character development is very consistent and make the most sense.
Anyone who thinks Serkan’s characterization has been butchered isn’t really watching. I agree with your assessment that his development has been consistent. It sounds like the people who were pissed that he took Selin’s side in that office situation. Good GAWD, it was a professional problem and then Serkan spent all episode trying to make it up to Eda. The tables will turn on Selin soon enough, just wait. Speaking of Selin and also Aptekin, they’ve been selfish from day one, they’re still selfish. What’s been butchered? Their characters were barely sketched to begin with because they are not the point of the show. 
As for the negativity, does it matter what the “popular feeling among fans” is? Also I reject that. Who says what the popular feeling is in a fandom that spans the globe, like 20 different languages, and a diverse set of people? Honestly, I’m going to chastise you a bit, because by you taking the loudest complainers and deeming their negative opinions as that of the group, you’re playing right into it. Don’t do that. From what I can see on other platforms, it’s just a subset of vocal people who criticize everything. Honestly, it seems to me there’s a bunch of overly-emotional people who each week convince themselves that this week there’s going to be a kiss and reconciliation, and when it (predictably) doesn’t happen they channel their disappointment into wrecking the place with negativity. Immature and ridiculous.
There’s also an element of people who are used to binging and can’t handle the slow burn of the story from week to week. I’m an old fangirl, so am more than used to the wait (Josh and Donna from The West Wing took SEVEN YEARS in real time to get together). To that, I say that the joy is in the journey. Watching something unfold over weeks, months and even years is ultimately so much more satisfying that inhaling it all in one weekend and then it’s over. ENJOY THIS WHILE IT LASTS. 
Plus who gets to say the magic is gone? I don’t let pessimists dictate anything for me. EVER. The magic is gone for them because they put themselves in a bad headspace while watching. The lens they view everything through is of their own choosing and its on them. I see plenty of magic. Life lesson: and this is more than about a TV show, it’s a key cornerstone of happiness. Like what you like, love what you love, don’t let other people’s internal neurosis or unhappiness dictate anything for you. Ever. 
Honestly, when it comes to Sen Cal Kapimi, they’re missing the point, because it’s just not that serious. Constructive criticism is fine and all, but this is not a deep piece of art. This is entertainment for entertainment’s sake.  A broad comedy with a dose of melodrama, and everything is about the romantic journey of these two people falling in love. Constantly finding something to complain about is like complaining about dessert. I’m in the US and yesterday was Thanksgiving, I was able to have a small, outdoor celebration with family. It went great, except that the pumpkin pie was ruined. Oh no, pumpkin pie is the traditional desert everyone looks forward to and we can’t have it! Did everyone get upset and decide everything was ruined? No, of course not, that’s not how I or anyone in my family rolls, everyone just got on with it and enjoyed the other pies. BECAUSE IT’S PIE. It’s all good, just another flavor. 
Enjoying this show is 100% being able to sit back, relax and enjoy the love story between Eda and Serkan. If that’s not for you, this show is not for you. If you get mad every week because things didn’t go your exact way, then I don’t know how you enjoy watching anything, because no show goes exactly to anyone’s wishes. 
I actually saw a great tweet yesterday, someone was sick of the negativity and nit-picking from certain people and reminded them that they fully bitched and complained after the Antayla episode. Apparently they hated it, had all sorts of problems with it, nitpicked like crazy, blah blah. WHAT? Seriously WTF? I wasn’t around, but those terds were complaining and bitching after we got the hotel fashion montage, room sharing, swimming, volleyball, stargazing, climbing waterfalls and the red dress paparazzi beach rescue!?!?! SERIOUSLY.  That right there tells you that it’s more about who these people are, than the show. 
Nothing will please them, ever. Don’t let it get you down. Block, mute, stay off of platforms where it gets negative, but protect your experience with something you enjoy. 
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thestylesplash · 5 years
A Day Trip Exploring Antalya + Sunday Reflections link up
A Day Trip Exploring Antalya + Sunday Reflections link up
After a break of a couple of months the Sunday Reflections link up is back 🙂 This week’s instalment is picture heavy, such is the nature of a travel posts. Although it seems like a long time ago now, I’ve finally got around to organising my photos of a day trip exploring Antalya. We were staying at a hotel on Lara Beach, which isn’t far from Antalya. But rather than go it alone, we decided to…
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pencerebayrak · 6 years
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KALİTELİ MASA ÜSTÜ BAYRAK İMALATI MEDİKAL HEKİM BAYRAK. #eğitim #okul #makambayrağı #makamodasıbayrağı #ilkokul #ortaokul #lise #millieğitim #ofis #ankara #istanbul #antayla #turkey #turkiye #assa #turkey #turkiye #turkey🇹🇷 #flaglife #flaglifestyle #organizasyon #tanitim #flag Şişli masa üstü bayrak imalatı www.pencerebayrak.com (Taksim, Istanbul, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/BSmcyQ3l87H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1htnaqh0vbaw4
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hediyekutuatolyesi · 7 years
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#Elbise #Giyim #instagrambutikleri #gunlukgiyim #Abiye #dugun #objektifimden #Mezuniyet #aydin #ankara #izmir #istanbul #musteri #musterimemnuniyeti #Memnuniyet #kayseri #butik #kiyafet #adana #söke #manisa #afyon #amasya #antayla #balikesir #bursa #denizli #kütahya #mugla #eskisehir #mezuniyet #amasya #denizli #ankara #musterimemnuniyeti #gunlukgiyim #memnuniyet #butik #elbise #kiyafet #izmir #manisa #objektifimden #instagrambutikleri #söke #balikesir #aydin #abiye #kayseri #mugla #kütahya #antayla #giyim #eskisehir #musteri #bursa #dugun #kozmetikpasaji
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Enfes lezzetler
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kullerindebogulanka · 6 years
Tek çantayla bütün Dünya'yı dolaşmak istiyorum. Özgürce. Kimseye hesap vermeden.
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mektupgazetesi · 3 years
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Groggy at Home...
Einer meiner ersten Tage in der Türkei… Ich fühle mich als wäre ich einen Marathon gelaufen, Alles tut weh! Mein Hüften schmerzen, die Beine auch, habe Krämpfe und kann kaum stehen. Was ist das? Magnesiummangel und andere Nährstoffe fehlen? Gestern bin ich den steinigen Weg gelaufen durch “die Wüste” bis hin zur Schlucht bei gleißender Hitze, war das zu viel? Keine Ahnung ich fühle mich mies und…
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