#another one from polly's insta
idasessions · 2 years
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Nancy Ross c. 1964
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inktog · 3 years
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To quote an earlier post:
Robots are babies. Polly refers to Frobo as “a big tadpole” and “a baby” upon their first encounter, and later coos over his first spoken words (Friend or Frobo?). Anne echoes the sentiment, calling him “a big metal baby” (True Colors). Even before his premiere episode, we see him stumbling around, slowly figuring out how the world works through trial and error (Anne Hunter)—like an infant does.
So Marcy's fascination with Frobo ("Oh. My. Gosh! Is that a robot? Where did it come from? What is it made of? Can I have one?" –Friend or Frobo?, emphasis mine), the fact that she spends a whole day studying him (Toad to Redemption)…the suggestion is that Marcy wants a baby.
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Maddie & Marcy focuses on resurrection, but the Frankenstein reference calls to mind another brand of necromancy: the bestowing of life upon inert matter, i.e. birth. So Marcy's eager apprenticeship to Maddie likewise reads as a desire to have kids. This is even reinforced by her role in the morality play, as she encourages Maddie not to neglect her younger siblings.
Flora are granted sentience three times in this episode, which also maps onto Frankenstein's birth symbolism. And Maddie's three sisters are all named after plants. So vegetation is loosely child-coded, in Marcy's schema at least.
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So the fact that Marcy is enamored by plants (e.g., Marcy at the Gates, Friend or Frobo?), cultivates them, scolds one of her own ("Branson, no! Bad Boy!" –The Sleepover to End All Sleepovers), "breeds" them ("Insta-vines! Bred 'em myself" –Marcy at the Gates), is compiling a plant-cyclopedia (Maddie & Marcy)—it all reads as yet more fascination with babies and birth.
Something something breaking the cycle of abuse and being better than her own parents, something something wanting to grow and change and reach her full potential and help others do the same, something something found family trope… If the desire for baby connects to the broad strokes of Marcy's character, I'm not quite sure how.
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writeraquamarinara · 4 years
as with everything else in life, I’m late to making this post. I tend to make one around Jan 1st every year, but it’s now a few days after that, and all i can say for myself is that time is non-consequential during a pandemic, right? right.
anywho, this is my usual “thank you for keeping me going this year” post, but with even more fervor. 2020 would not have been nearly as tolerable without you all in it. and when i say all i really do mean all. thank you to anyone who follows me here or has read and supported my work on AO3 or has sent me a message or an ask or even just likes my posts. you can never know how many people’s hearts you’ve touched, lives you’ve made better, but i’m telling you now: you made me smile and laugh and feel love in a year that could have easily stolen all that. thank you for sticking around.
a few more specific shoutouts are under the cut to keep from flooding your dashes. i hope you’re all having a wonderful start to the new year.
much love, mari
to @anniemurphys: ria, i cannot thank you enough, for so many things. you played such a vital role in turning this year around for me. your friendship, and the friendships you’ve helped me make through book club, kept me smiling from week to week. i never wanted to leave our meetings, no matter how long they’d already gone. I could listen to your literary analyses and life advice for days on end. you’re such a kind, patient, loving person, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. here’s to another year of freaking out over taylor swift albums and the power inherent in voluntarily turning oneself into vegetation.
to @bigdsgirl: heidi, you’re one of the sweetest, most hard-working people i know. you amaze me, and you graciously humor my latest hyper fixations—somehow always knowing, always reblogging content related to what i’m obsessing over at the moment. you give such great advice and have such a calming presence that i love being in chats and on calls with you. i cannot wait for more zoom movie nights in 2021.
to @hellodinoflower: raptor, you’ve supported me for so many years now, and whenever i feel down about my writing i’ll go back through the comments on some of my old fics and yours always make me tear up. you’re so thoughtful and kind and excited about my work that i cannot help but be the same. i hope you enjoyed the little dino reference in pride & publishing—i tried my best, i really did—and i hope you’re doing well. sending you so much love.
to @soyforramen: soy, i promise i’ll get to your head canon asks some day. i promise i haven’t forgotten them; i’m just uncreative and uninspired, but what else is new. you, however, are brilliant and kind and thoughtful, and your guidance in making both life and fic-writing decisions has been so important to me this year. wishing you so much luck with school this year, and even more happiness.
to @ithoughtyoulikedmereckless: rach, where to even begin? you’re the person i talk to when i’m feeling happy or sad or annoyed or angry or pretty much anything, really. our FaceTime convos are my favourite, no matter what time of day we have them at (somehow, the ones at 10pm are just as crazy as the ones at 3am, and i don’t really understand how or why, but i love that for us). i’ve learned so much about myself through my conversations with you, and you keep me level headed when i start doubting myself too much. you understand me on such an amazing level and i’m so lucky that you reached out to me so many years ago. i’m so lucky that we just happened to find each other on here and just so happened to move near each other this year. i still cannot believe i get to see you in person and go on walks in the woods with you. you’re such a talented photographer, writer, painter, baker, and all around artist; an incredibly kind and funny person; and i aspire to be you. i’m rambling now, but just know that i love you.
to @catthecoder: lav, my light, my love. seeing your icon and username on my dash makes me smile so hard. you just give off the best vibes and chatting with you always leaves me feeling like i’ve been basking in the sunlight for the past few hours. we need to make a resolution to sprint with each other more often this year, even if 2021 is going to be as hectic as ever, as i find so much joy in reading your snippets as we go along. you’re such a wonderful writer, and i often read your gift to me from years ago for inspiration and comfort. i hope you’re doing well and am sending so much love.
to @stirringsofconsciousness: stirrings!! i know you’ve had a super busy year, but you still made time to chat with me and i’ll be forever grateful. i often think about the advice you’ve left for me and the thoughtful responses you’ve given to my personal posts and find so much inspiration in your own words and actions. i also still cannot get over the time when you sent me a post of artful vases because you thought of me when you saw them. mortifying ordeal of being known who? anyways lol, i just wanted to thank you for being in my life and wish you a happy 2021.
to @heavy-lies-the-crown: alex, i just wanted to thank you for putting your time and energy towards answering my incessant questions this year. you’ve been an inspiration to me as a writer ever since i first found your work, but you’re also an inspiration to me as a person, and i’m always thinking about the advice you’ve given me. i hope you had a wonderful end to 2020, and that 2021 brings you even more joy than seeing your posts on my dash brings me. much love.
to @stonerbughead: maria, you brought so much happiness to my 2020. your support for my work took my breath away every time, and I swear I nearly cried when I saw your latest comments on pride and publishing. you put so much time and energy into this fandom, and into supporting the people in it, and I hope you know that it doesn’t go unnoticed. we all love you, and we’re so lucky to have you; your fics are brilliant, your podcast highlights are a joy to read, and your disdain for ras is hilarious. thank you for being you. sending lots of love.
to @sullypants: sully, it’s been years and i still marvel at how lucky i am to know you. you’ve taught me so much, from how to be more thoughtful to how to navigate therapy and self-love to how to be a kinder person in the world. you introduced me to ask polly and you send me really nice asks and you’re one of like four people who interacts with my posts on a consistent basis, which makes me feel a little less alone in the world, if that makes any sense. i’m going to stop myself from rambling on or else i might cry, but i just wanted to thank you for—here comes the cliche—changing my life (doesn’t everyone we meet change our lives, in some way or another? but you’ve changed mine considerably, and for the better). sending you so much love (in the form of both yellow and blue heart emojis)
to @justcourbeau: mel, our paths cross less frequently now than they used to, but that doesn’t mean i don’t think about you and the conversations we’ve had, or smile when i come across your posts on my dash, or when i happen to open up instagram once in a blue moon and see you’ve posted on your story. please never stop sending me sparknotes memes—especially cask of amontillado ones. your words of advice from the night i called you, distraught, a few years ago live in my brain rent free, and i will continue to carry them into 2021 with me. i hope 2021 treats you well, and that you achieve all you want and more. sending you an immense amount of love.
to @protectorofthesmoll: your string of comments on pride and publishing made me cry multiple times, i swear. i still read them back every so often, when i’m trying to muster the courage to start up on the new chapter. your support means so much to me, and it amazes me how far back it goes: I’m pretty sure I have at least two asks of yours sitting in my inbox, from back in 2018 when I had barely any followers or supporters, both of them writing prompts that I never filled. i promise i’ll get to them one day. anywho, i just wanted to thank you for your support this year, and every year before that. wishing you so much love and happiness in 2021.
to @panalegs27: 2020 was the year of figuring out that we have so much in common: a hatred of dating apps, confusion over tumblr’s obsession with the raven cycle, and an attraction to logan lerman with gray hair. thank you for chatting about all of these things, and more, with me; seeing that you’ve sent me a post always makes me smile, and our conversations make me laugh. wishing you even more love and laughter in 2021.
to @indiebughead: maria, it’s been so lovely getting to know you more over the course of this year. i love listening to your stories and living vicariously through you, lol. (i want updates on new neighbor boy, asap!) thank you for listening to my petty rants and for encouraging me to make bad decisions and be salty on main when i want to be. i couldn’t have asked for a more supportive conspirer ;) sending lots of love.
to @redundantoxymorons: iz, you’re one of the smartest, most eloquent, most supportive people i know. i know 2021 will be both stressful and exciting in many ways, and i wish you all the best. i know you’re going to thrive wherever you end up, and i’ll cheer you on as you navigate this new world, just as you’ve done for me all these years. i’m so lucky to have you as a friend, supporter, and beta, and all of our conversations bring me so much joy. pls continue to gush about taylor swift and rec books and send uquizzes with results that make me feel Known in 2021. i love you very much <3
to @cracklr: leda, i’ve missed your passive aggressive smiley faces, but your gushing insta comment more than made up for that, i promise :) sending you so much love and happiness in this new year <3
to @dottie-wan-kenobi: dottie, the posts we send each other make me so upset, but in a good way—the “if i just had to see this nasty shit then so do you” kind of way—and i love that about our relationship. who else would understand how disgustingly hilarious something is other than my wife? no one, that’s who. i often think about how you were the first friend i made in fandom, and i’ll be forever grateful for that: i couldn’t have found a better person. i love you so much, and am sending you all my love.
this list of shoutouts is really much shorter than it should be, but my brain is currently friend and i cannot seem to think properly anymore. therefore, i’m going to call it a day and reiterate my above statements that I love you all, and I hope you have a fucking amazing 2021.
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deepdonutkid · 4 years
Social media and the Shelby Family
Let’s go from youngest to oldest…
Finn, as said in the first part, is an influencer, who likes to live his life online. He tweets a lot, he has a ton of insta stories and likes to keep his followers updated. Also he follows some trends like trying bubble tee or these weird tik tok dances. Finn even bribed his brothers to try some with him. They refused of course. Tommy said a no and walk right out of the room. John laughed and brushed it off. Arthur tried, but failed hilariously. Good for him, that Finn was teaching him the steps and not filmed the miserable attempt.   Michael did and was actually good… and Ada did quite okay. Well, Polly wasn’t even asked, because Finn already knew her answer was no.
A lot of his pictures online are with his friends, especially Jesaja.  They skate sometimes and film their tricks. (I added this, because I saw a video of Finn’s Actor- Harry Kirton- skating and I thought it also fit Finn) Whenever he is eating something instagramable, he definitely take a picture. Finn also take good selfies, but he only uses funny filters. So no Dog ears or sparkly flowers here!
He answers messages mostly direct, no waiting time, ‘cus this guy doesn’t play games, but as a Gen Z he would definitely be scared of phone calls. Especially if it’s Polly and there are already two missed calls. Then he just freaks out right away.
And to add a little funny extra: Finn tried among us on his phone and he is kinda sus!
His Whatsapp status would be: “my milkshake brings all the bees to my car. Shit… there are bees in my car!”
Michael is king of selfie. He knows he looks like god’s gift to the women and he plays that card. His phone is filled with all kinds of selfies. Little narcissist, here! Well, he needs to take a picture from every ankle to capture his beauty.
He also posts some stories on insta, but not so often like Finn. Michael keeps it casual. Just a few party pictures with friends or something super cool like new car.  
But as we all know Michael Gray, he likes to play games with da ladies. So sometimes you wouldn’t even get a goodnight from him. If you tease him, he’ll tease back. Probably posts a picture with another woman. She is just a friend, but you’ll not know that. Yes, he can be mean, but if you’ll call him drunk and late at night, that you miss him, he’ll be glad to hear that.
His status would be: “P1 cleaner than your church shoes.” And yes, this is a weeknd lyric from the song starboy
Ada. Yes. I almost forgot her. How could I? She is gorgeous!
Already mentioned in part one… She knows her stuff pretty well. Technology… no problem for this gal right here. Ada can hack into stuff and write codes and programs, but this also made her very aware of data getting misused or stolen from bots. This is why she chose to keep distance from social media. She doesn’t use the gram or snapchat or whatsoever, but she uses secure text messenger and is likely to be found on a super dank meme page and to understand the memes you need the knowledge of years and years internet culture. And Ada talks to Finn and Michael about unprotected data and how they shouldn’t spill so much information about them online.  
But she takes a lot of pictures from her kids, her husband, her cute outfits, her house and garden, their vacations. She doesn’t use a normal cloud and prefers to show you the pictures together. One after one and she’s making a comment to every single one of them. About that she could talk for hours.
Her status would be… well, she wouldn’t have any!
So… John-boy! Here isn’t much to say. He uses Instagram, but it’s a rare thing. John might follow some artist, so he is up to date for new concerts to go to and also some friends, but that’s it. On a good day which happens to be every half year he might post a picture, when he went somewhere. To get a new tattoo or if he went to see a game, probably soccer and rugby. If he gets the chance to travel, he’ll make pictures, but he totally forgets to post them or even show them to his family. He prefers to talk with his brothers about the experience of traveling and not starting a slide show.
What he is talking pictures of? Selfies are rare, but do happen, if they are a special request from a gal… and it’s probably shirtless, ‘cus he has got the body.  Then again, he took pictures, if he was abroad, not on the usual roads, but only a few. While texting he might send a funny meme, if he sees any and thinks of you. And the occasional picture of “Look what I just got”… and it’s a Vinyl or a band shirt. Even though, he answers his family rarely, when he is in Birmingham, he’d be texting with his lady a lot, having this grin on his face, while Ada asks who he is writing to.
His status would be something like: “punk in drublic.” Which is a festival for said genre, but he just finds it funny. Likely to add “Y/N with an emoji of choice”, when he is in a relationship.
Tommy hates social media and refuses to try it for a long time, but Finn uses it so much, that Tommy had a little interest, what’s going on there. His youngest brother had a lot of explaining to do, which probably went like:
T: “How do I tell the person I like the picture?”
F: “There is the comment button.”
T: “No, I mean the… like thing.”
F: “Double tap on the picture, Tom.”
T: “Good, so… what’s next?”
F: “Nothing. What should happen?”
T: *shrug* “So, this is completely useless!” *deletes the app immediately*
And Tommy is also not the guy to answer private messages directly or often. Sometimes you said on read for days with this fellow, because he is super busy and doesn’t have the time to type. If you’re lucky, you get a quick okay. But if it’s important, he’ll call you right away and asks what happened, and if you need any help. With business he always answers straight and don’t like to waste time.
He doesn’t take pictures really. There may be some incidences where he hit the button by mistake. And there some photos of documents, which he need proof of… so he doesn’t have to rip out a page from a book like its 1920s. And all the pictures of his family has been send to him, he just don’t delete them.
His status would be: “Available” or “At work. Only important calls.”
Arthur… well… he has Facebook and uses it like anyone going on forty… really weird boomer mems, that might have been funny ten years ago. He sends them to everyone and they’re so annoyed by it, but he spares Tommy as his time is too important to waste on ‘funny pictures’.
Some gave him an Echo thing, the one with Alexa, you know, and he was so frustrated by it, that he threw the thing against the wall. Arthur couldn’t get past the set-up and got to angry. His family laughed about it, but it’s better this way.
Thanks to Finn and his little videos, Arthur became a meme himself, because his little brother filmed him while Arthur did something ridiculously stupid. That vid went viral. (Unsure what he did exactly)
His status would be: “Hey, there I am using whatsapp!”
I don’t know what to say about Polly and Freddie… so I leave them out now, but if you have something to add or whatever, feel free to do so!
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Avenging Riverdale: Riverdale x Avengers/ Sweet Pea x OC!Tony Stark’s Daughter. My Reaction After Completing it and A Year Of Working On It.
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This will include spoilers to my fanfic her is the link if you want to read it:
Avenging Riverdale
One paragraph is one chapter.
(not a chapter) Im going to be honest, in my mind their are two sections of Avenging Riverdale. Before my Brain Surgery and after because if you have read my fanfic all the way though, Author Notes and all, you know that I had to stop writing Avenging Riverdale for awhile so that I could focus on healing from that.
A trigger warning, good. Two part cast. Prologue. Tally is in deep shit. Steve picked her up and took her hungover ass to the living room. To Riverdale she goes. The horrible fake screenshots. I stopped doing that though because I couldn't find one for a group chat. Her and Tony's fights are rough. She snuck out to a soup kitchen. I feel bad for abandoning that. Cap found out. Tony put a tracker on her. Wtf but they are getting along. Now the Avengers are worried tho. They are shook they are getting along. After her dad became Iron Man things went downhill in her life.
Welcome to Riverdale. 'Murcia is Cap's group chat name. Short Stark is Tally's and Deadpool just got in it. His is World's Biggest Cry Baby. Peter's explanation of how he knows Deadpool is the most Gen Z thing ever. MJ is Tally's Slut. Tally is MJ's Bitch. Hello Cheryl Blossom.
Bucky has been eating Tally's cereal. She's acting betrayed. Veronica is surprised she didn't kill him. She heard someone mispronounce her name. She corrected them. Betty Copper. Kevin Keller. Kevin is fan-girling. She has blueberries. Jade Keller. Jade is trying to hate on her and her family. Cat Andrews. Jade is dragging her by the wrist while Cat is acting like this is a completely normal thing. Andre Clayton. Jade and Tally would've made a great couple. God damn my crush on Malachi and Sweet Pea. Andre is questioning why Jade just kidnapped Thalia Stark amd why she's at Riverdale High. Tally is questioning why there are so many redheads.
Betty warning Tally about Jade. Song writing with her new friends, Jade, Cat and Andre. She's allergic to roses. She doesn't want to talk about her family problems. The Welcome Back Dance. Archie Andrews. Jade and Tally are dancing together. I swear to god my gay-dar is broken. She rejected Reggie Mantle.
MJ being possessive on insta. Thalia punched Reggie Mantle. It's so weird looking back and seeing Tally not know what's going on her mom. Bucky trying to be a supportive boo. The first mention of Nick St. Clair. Her telling Jade what happened. Jason Blossom's body being found.
Omg, I published chapter 5 for 100 reads. That seems so long ago now that the book is almost at 45k reads. Tony and Pepper are getting married.... I didn't get them married until Endgame. Tony and Tally are going to Pop's. She is not at liberty to answer the question of whether or not she jacker War Machine's suit just so he would do the macarena without a lawyer. Bucky, it's her job to make you feel old.
Hydra nightmare. She's talking to her dad about the nightmare. Then she was like now that we had a hard time going down to the basement to tinker. Whether she wants to admit her or not I wrote her a lot like her dad. Malachi. Malachi obviously cares about Tally. Malachi knows that Nick St Clair hurt Tally. They had sex. I'll be honest with you, I wasn't sure if in the end she was going to end up with Malachi or sweet pea at this point I was still debating it. Malachi kept her hair brush.
Tony just apologized to her for pushing. Jade just stole her for a minute. Malachi left hickeys. I love Tally and Bucky's relationship. Tally is Pepper's maid of Honor. Tony's cooking?
Jade now knows about Malachi. Veronica brought roses in his school and Tally starred sneezing. Tally telling Reggie I don't need the Avengers to kick your ass.
Kevin knows about Malachi now. Nat as chasing Bucky. I love how tally is a moderator for these little fights. Tony is going to spar with Tally, he's going to get his ass kicked so hard. Bucky that $50 on tally. Cap betted $50 on Tony saying that her emotions would get the best of her. Tally won. But Tony is blowing it off like oh I let you win. Thalia Stark got a pep rally who would ever see the day. Tally thinks her dad's hiding something from her. Jughead expected her to have a stick at her ass. I love tally I really miss writing her. It's because of lines like Tony Stark is my dad, iron Man's just suit that just really make me miss her.
That was really sweet and it almost made me cry I forgot I wrote that part. Cheryl just got arrested for lying. Tally proving her genius. Reggie asked her on a date.
The Avengers just found out she's going on a date, they're not exactly happy well, the male Avengers aren't especially since she punched the guy in the face. Pepper is getting emotional. Cap answered the door. Mantle is shook. After the date, he dropped her at home and closed the door before he had a chance to kiss her.
Reggie mantle trying to slut shame tally. She is pissed, she ran into that boy's locker room. She's threatening to expose his dick pics. Which he thinks that it matters that she's not in New York anymore when she's the one with all the security clearance and she's Thalia fucking Stark. The extra points she got just because Reggie met The Avengers. Everyone keeps reminding her murder is illegal. Tally wants to destroy his car, Nat is like go for it and everyone's like Nat, no do not influence her to do this. Rhodey it doesn't think Tony should be supporting her in this. She got her revenge. Mantle is pissed, just actually wanted it. Her dad had a screaming match with the principal.
Malachi is starting to miss her. Toni Topaz. Sweet Pea. Fangs Forgarty. FP Jones. Beck Oliver. And Sweet Pea's nickname is born, Sunflower. Toni loves her. Mantle tried to apologize, but it was a shit apology so she blew him off.
The drive-in is being bought. Malachi wants me to come over after school. Malachi asked her out. He's giving her time to think about it. Family dinner.
Really bad nightmare. Then she had a panic attack because of the nightmare. Tony got pops burgers for breakfast.
Malachi and tally are officially in a relationship. The meeting of the New York friends and the Riverdale friends. Her dad's wearing an iron Man onesie. Steve is wearing Captain America pajamas. Clint is wearing a big bird onesie. Her dad is leaving from New York tomorrow to present an invention and wants her to go.
She is staying in Riverdale. Her dad asked her to stay away from The lodges. Tally you telling off Cheryl. Steve you fucking snitch. Talking about Tally's pranks. Peter is worried about her.
The accords. Tony wants her opinion on it. She thinks it's the most stupid idea ever. The governor wants her to sign it but she's refusing to. He doesn't want her to sign it either. She knows more about her mother than he's talking about. Honestly it is so weird looking back at this and having her mom not being revealed like this.
The accords meeting. Tally just walked out of school to be there. Tony knows he fucked up.
Rest in peace Peggy Carter my queen. Yes Nick, help her stop the fight in a Target parking lot. Tally is such a mom. When tally even bosses the King around, threatening to reveal his internet browser history. She just compared them all the toddlers. She just met Ant-man. Ruby Lodge is her mother.
Ruby Lodge also happens to be Hiram Lodge's little sister. Tally was born in Riverdale. I really abandoned the UN plot line.
Her and Jade are going to sing at the variety show. Take A Hint for the audition tho with Mantle in the crowd. Josie wants to talk to her alone. Veronica is pissed she didn't her they were cousins. Dinner party at the Pembroke.
Deadpool. After the variety show her and Deadpool are on the roof eating chimichangas. She's helping Betty look for her sister. She's going to go clubbing with Veronica, Kevin, Jade, and mantle. Cap is really easy lie to. Malachi is there and he's cheating on her.
She called Malachi a dirty mouthed whore. She just got a package from the Ten Rings. PROJECT INTERMISSION. right now she's thinking Hydra in the 10 rings are working together. She can't go to Polly's baby shower because she's doing some investigating of her own.
Soup kitchen talking to the serpents. Tony just asked what's the tea. Tony has so much faith in his daughter taking over Stark industries it's so sweet. Her and Cheryl are starting over because tally gave her some really good advice about being a female daughter getting ready to become a CEO.
Another letter from the 10 rings. Chuck is back. Jugheads surprise party. I forgot I put Cat's bibble addiction in here. The ones that watched Victorious will know what I'm talking about. I think Tally's birthday present is the best one he is received for a while. Cheryl wanted to know about the scars on her back during the game of secrets and she even it was like exposed herself basically she really didn't care though. To the Southside with Sweet Pea.
They really want to challenge Tally at call of duty. They're playing never have I ever. Toni knows about what happened.
Her mom was a serpent, and she went to the serpent's for help. Everyone is surprised that tally is a serpent by blood.
Her father told the truth. Jade scares Joaquin. That's cute, Sweet Pea thinks he can be tally in a game of pool.
She won. And sweet pea is confused why she is open about almost everything but her ex. They had sex. Tally is saying that they can't date because of everything that's going on and she doesn't want to put him in danger. Tally is in deep shit.
Tony and Tally had a big fight. Tony's kind of suspicious of tally right now because she's been acting off. Steve heard something about project intermission. Tally is terrified that Hydra is going to kidnap her.
They're still asking about project intermission. FP was just arrested for the murder of Jason blossom. They're holding an intervention for tally because they're worried about her. Malachi what are you doing there I don't remember this.
He regrets cheating on her. Malachi can read her like an open book. The blackmailed him into cheating. Tally just save Fred's life I forgot that's how she gets kidnapped. Alice Cooper is Thalia's godmother. She's dead. I wrote this and I'm about to cry. Someone stole the body. Project intermission.
Tony freaked out at the mention of the 10 rings. She's alive. The Avengers are finding out what happened with Nick St Clair.
Jade really just spilled everything to them I mean I would too if meant getting my best friend back but still. Tony went to go see Malachi. Malachi said he was more afraid of tally than he is of Tony. But he's still told him a lot.
Tally has powers. Thalia is so sarcastic I love her. Tally was able to send a message to them. By the time they got there the Hydra base was in flames and she was walking out of it. They forced her to go to the hospital where everyone was waiting. Tony tried to keep her in her in the hospital room but she was like no❤️.
The sexual tension between her and Sweet Pea tho. Interview by Sheriff Keller. Welcome home party. The Whyte Wyrm. Sweet Pea wants a slurpee. Toni accidentally ate a weed brownie.
Fangs has skittles in his jacket? FRIDAY you sassy AI. Movie night code red. Tangled vs The Conjuring. Nat has Thor in a choke hold. I always forget that Rapunzel's name translates to Lettuce. They all suggest movies and fight it out. First one is Sweet Pea vs Tally. I FORGOT I BROKE THE FOURTH WALL. Tally won. Tony is having a talk with Sweet Pea. Tally doesn't think Hydra is done. Imma be honest I don't remember most of this because the close it get to when I had my surgery the more fucked my memory became.
Reggie is calling her the walking dead. Swalia date. This is going to be adorable.
The memes tho. They ended up watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Things got heated then Tony texted tally. Her and her dad ended up working on the Impala when she got home. Tally told Reggie to fuck off. Her adoption papers came in so that she will legally be Pepper's kid. Archie's an idiot.
I love Pepper. Sweet Pea and Tally are officially dating. Jade and Kevin are freaking out. Her dad is freaking out not like Jade and Kevin. Cat is pissed at her brother. Bulldogs and Serpents showed up. Jade, Cat, Veronica and Tally stopped the fight. She headed to Sweet Pea's.
My fake insta posts were the best. Beck, Fangs and Sweet Pea just got arrested. Nick St Clair is coming to town. Mantle vandalized her locker. Apparently the same thing happened to her mom. She's not going to talk about Nick St Clair.
Tally telling Archie to keep an eye out for Nick St. Clair. Date night with Sweet Pea. He took he took her their hideout. She's contemplating filing a police report on Nick St Clair. They had sex in a treehouse.
Nick St. Clair is back. Veronica doesn't know shit. She finally told her dad. She going to report him. She told Veronica. Veronica confronted him at the party and now everyone at the party knows. She went to SVU. Then she went to MJ's.
They are going to arrest him at the open house. He has been arrested.
No more secrets? Holy shit. She now knows Alice Cooper is her God Mother. Really Tony? Why did you call her out in front of everyone? You could've just talked to her. He wants her to see a therapist. St Clair had a bail hearing. No bail. Southside High was raided. When he only like Sweet Pea because he's taller than Cap. Tally didn't realize it. Drag Race. Malachi vs Tally. Bucky is so chill about it.
(So Chapter 47. Is the where you guys find out that I am having surgery) Sweet Pea finds out about Malachi. Sweet Pea feels betrayed, angered. They're having a fight. Sweet Pea is afraid that because she kept this one secret EX from him the next thing you know she'll be cheating on him. Tally just told him I don't want anyone else. They said I love you. The drag race. Tally won fair and square but Malachi still thinks she cheated. Tony scheduled the appointment.
Apparently you can't teach Thor how to cook. Tally isn't allowed in Asgard. Tally just called Vision a toaster. And in response Tony said don't call your little brother a toaster.
Family dinner. Everyone is there. Sweet Pea just got there. Thalia is the moderator. Nick Fury scares him. They are grilling him. Mario Kart tournament. Cap won.
Sweet Pea sending her bad pick up lines. MJ approves. Jughead asked for a favor. FP is getting out of prison.  Sweet Pea and Tally are talking about their future. (This is the last chapter I published before my surgery)
FP's retirement party. Tally inviting Sweet Pea to the Avenger's Christmas party and New Years Eve party and everyone else.
Her first appointment. Afterwards she went to the Wyrm. FP wants to talk to her. Tally has a spare key.
Social media special.
Trial of Nick St Clair. He lost.  Southside High has been shut down. Jade's period is late. Jade is pregnant. Welcome to Riverdale High Southside Serpents. Mantle being a dick.
The uniforms. Message from Hydra, her mom is alive.
She's known. (Srry, this is when my short term memory was hell so I don't remember it.) Her mother is a hydra agent and was using Tony. She even talked to her when she was kidnapped. FP isn't happy that Ruby lied to them all.
Sweet pea trying to stand up for tally when Jughead was trying to use her Fame for peaceful protest now that's awesome but Tally's okay with this because it's a peaceful protest and something she agrees with and told him it's okay. They bugged his trailer. They have the tesseract from Odin's Vault testing against Tally's blood panel. It keeps calling her name.
Even though they told her not to tell sweet pea she did. Peaceful protest. The statue had no head the next day and tally woke up with a fever, despite the super soldier serum. And she has a fever. Bruce thinks it's because of the tesseract because they have similar energy they're fighting dominance. Next day she's feeling better, and is being questioned by the sheriff.
Foreshadowing much. She's realizing that she was born to her mother just become hydras soldier. Tally's idea is that well her mom's playing chess they have to play poker. Sunnyside is getting evicted.
Her mother is at the Wyrm. Hello Ruby Lodge. That was intense. Tally just thanked Pepper for being her mom. FP trust her.
Veronica's confirmation. Jughead and Betty found the head. Back at the Wyrm. Tall boy was the one who did it. Going to Lodge Lodge.
I think that's an accurate description of Cheryl. Jughead had to reassure them that everything was fine. The Jughead Veronica kiss. They get to stay in Sunnyside trailer park.
Hiram Lodge bought the Riverdale register. The break-in. They decide to go after tally instead of Veronica because you know she's a Stark. That was a mistake because they isolated her and her room and she was able to overpower one of them and take their shotgun away. She also paged her dad. Hiram Lodge owns pops. Ethel dumped a whole strawberry milkshake on Veronica. Reggie being a dick. Ruby Lodge broke into sweet peas trailer talk to him.
Ruby wants to make a deal. Basically what happened with Malachi where he cheated to protect his sister. Ruby said she wants to make sure her daughter is dead inside. Cheryl's missing. Sweet pea has been distant. Sweet Pea is drinking away sorrows. And he cheated to protect his little sister and his mom.
Jade slapped him. Tony is there. Fangs sent her a photo of Sweet Pea cheating. She's questioning everything. The Avengers want to kick his ass. She went to his trailer. Swalia is over until they get their shit together. Carrie The Musical.
She went to Malachi. She went there for help but they ended up sleeping together. They agreed to be one time thing. The plan started, Malachi would pick her up from the musical the opening night. Ruby stopped them, saying she would kill Malachi if she didn't go with her. into which Malachi admits that he still loves her. But she loves sweet pea. The tranqed her and she woke up in a chair. 5 months later she was in Sweden by herself safe and sound. What you saw an article about Archie Andrews being questioned for a murder. And she thought she might have evidence for it or could get it so she's going back to Riverdale. Then flashback 5 months ago Tony's point of view, Malachi showed up to the school after Midge was murdered. Tally is prime suspect right now. She killed a hydra agent. Then 5 months later. Tony is a pops when he sees his daughter walk in with blonde hair.
She got lectured from Steve about running off for 5 months. She wants to tent city. Her and Sweet Pea had a good to talk. Ruby Lodge.
She just wants to talk. Ancient Norse prophecy. Tony asked Thor and he gulped. There is a prophecy and Thor and Loki believe it to be about Tally. Odin agrees. In the final battle she dies. Thornhill.
Ghoulies. Malachi questioning Penny Peabody's motives and then putting the fear of Tally. Jughead wondering what that was about. The iCarly reference though. "If you ever do that again you're grounded for... Till college." "For till college?" "For till college!"
(So the reason I kind of stopped doing the Instagram post was because after my surgery I kind of just lost all creative initiative to do it.) The video tally turned in was ruled of questionable origin. Thalia Stark is under arrest. I don't remember this plot line. They don't have a very solid case. Matt Murdock, Tally's lawyer, wants to push the case to New York. Charges were dropped thanks to Nicholas fury. Archie pleaded guilty, Malachi is leaving. He wants to see her before he leaves. Tally told him he would hold a special place in her heart. Riverdale high, next day.  They want to get Hiram Lodge arrested.
Sweet Pea and Tally are talking about what happened and Tally finally said what's been running through her head. Thalia is Jade's child's godmother. She told Jade about the prophecy.
Tony is acting weird at The mention of a game that hit Riverdale. Ghoulie hideout with Penny and Ruby. She scared the shit out of Penny Peabody. Veronica's grand opening. Tally is willing to let Sweet Pea try to earn her trust back. They kissed... No, they had sex. The manual.
Flashback episode. Secrets and sins. tally roasting her father. Ruby and Hiram arguing. The Ascension party. Tony basically explained everything to his daughter.
Sweet peas playing the game that Tony told her not to and she asked him not to. She said if you can please playing the game the deal is off so he said well done the deal is off and walked out. She's heartbroken. Archie prison fight club. Since tally is the closest thing they have to a trained doctor she is the one that's going to be at the bunker ready to patch Archie up. sweet peas apologizing. Starting Hiram lodges case.
Swedish Mafia. Sheriff Minetta grilling Tally. Casino night. Sweet pea and her hooked up again. Sweet Pea asked her on a date. After good advice my father she accepted it. When he came to pick her up Tony threatened him saying you already cheat on my daughter again I'm going to kill you which I think is Fair. After a good date he asked tally to be his girlfriend again. She said yes.
Cap wanting her to join RROTC. Not tally paying for Fangs mom's hospital bills. According to Pepper Starks are caffeine dependent insomniacs. Tally had cancer. Thor smashing a toaster. Cheryl the bitch.
Tally helping Sweet Pea study for SATs. Hiram got shot. Fangs is back in the Serpents. FP is Sheriff. Ruby Lodge. Half-sister Alicia von Strucker.
Sweet Pea is worried. Alicia meeting Sweet Pea. Jade's water broke. Thalia regrets not being there for Jade. She gabe her sister a nickname. Captain America Fitness Challenge. To the hospital to see her god child. Violet Thalia Oliver.
Alicia is 100 percent Ruby's daughter. Josie tried to ask sweet pea to go to her mom's wedding with her, Sweet Pea denied. Thalia defending her sister to the Avengers. The Pretty Poisons beat up Sweet Pea and Fangs. Tally rushed over to the Jones trailer where she had a run kn with Jughead's mom. She doesn't like Starks. Jughead now knows about her prophecy. Tally meet Jellybean and calls her an adorable human being. Jellybean fangirling. Jughead trusting Thalia with his life.
Jughead's mom being skeptical af. Tally didn't trust her. Chemistry Lab break in. Jughead asked her to help deal with it, as a favor. Kurtz just called her Malachi's ex-bitch. Sweet Pea is pissed but Tally's got it. After a little violence. She's going to go call Malachi. He gave some food advice. She made Jughead promise something. She caught Kurtz trying to kill Fangs. Jughead made her let him go. Sister bonding time.
Alicia's life story. The Gargoyle King sent her a message. Tally is keeping it a secret from Sweet Pea. FPs 50th.
HEATHERS PART 1. Call from Detective Benson, telling her Nick St. Clair is getting released because of 'overcrowding'. The Avengers are pissed, so is Sweet Pea. Tally is playing Veronica Sawyer. Alicia came to see her sister at rehearsal and brought her a red bull. Party. Okay, I'll admit that was a bad pun. Big Fun. She was tipsy for a second because of Asgardian beer. She steps outside, Ruby is there. She threw up on her biological mother's shoes. Tbh I tried to put more references to the musical in here. Dead girl walking. Practice next day. Everyone finding Nick St. Clair got released and them being pissed. Cheryl wants to castrate him, Reggie agrees. Que Nick St. Douchebag's entrance.
HEATHERS PART 2. When I published part 2, Chadwick Boseman passed away. Rest in Power. Sweet Pea and Archie holding her back but everyone who know exactly what happened was ready to beat his face in. Nick called Tally a ticking time bomb. He mentioned the prophecy. Tally threatening him. Tally has some explaining to do. Her going to Sheriff Jones to get a restraining order. Tally shading Steve. Seventeen. Dr Stephen Strange saved her life. Alicia texted her to meet her. She gonna blow up the school. Alicia cuffed her in vibranium cuffs, she called Shuri. Dead Girl Walking Reprise (What a bop tho) Kevin met her at the door she told him to evacuate the building as silently as possible. Boiler room. The fight for the gun. Alicia was dead. She was able to deactivate the bomb. She went outside where everyone was waiting and trying to calm Sweet Pea and Tony down. Then she saw Ruby and saw red. FRIDAY record the convo. Tally just said it's over amd told her mom to fuck off. Ruby is pissed because it's not her ending. Tally just walked away and kept walking. I'mma be honest these are my favorite chapters.
Since the funeral, tally isolated herself in a depression. Now she has a text from an unknown person to meet her at Sweetwater River. Chic. Malachi came to see her. They had a good talk, he made her realize some things.
Cheryl preaching the farm agenda to tally who's just trying to grieve her sister. So she gives Cheryl a verbal SmackDown. Toni being pissed about it. Tally doesn't want to go to prom, so instead she wants to take sweet pea on a date in New York. Betty's dad's prison bus exploding. Veronica being confused on why they would miss prom. I'm telling explains it she's like well I know when that used to be your preferred choice of setting. He's asking him to move on after the prophecy is complete and she's dead.
Veronica's Pop deed is fake. Veronica wants Tally to fight her father. Tally is unsure about it, she could kill her dad with a single punch. Toby agrees the best bet us Tally. Archie taking the ring with Hiram, could possibly get Archie killed. Fight night. He broke her nose. Tally did more damage to him of course. Hiram Lodge has been arrested. When her family and sweet pea find out that she was the reason Hiram Lodge got arrested in the first place. They were starting to get ready to go into business together and tell you didn't want Lodge industries to fuck over Stark industries. When she figured out moves from Avatar to last Airbender and legend of Korra. Her mom escaped from prison.
Avengers discussing protection for tally. Package for tally. Thalia Stank. It was from the gargoyle King but she played it off in front of the Avengers and just left. To go to the hunting cabin of the blossoms. Her mom is there. Time for the final quest. The first one is for Archie the grizzled beast. I love tally. Because when Archie says oh crap, she says I think you're allowed to say fuck in this situation. Archie wins though. Tally had to play Russian roulette to get her in with the swedish Mafia. The next task is for Veronica. All the chalices were poisoned so Betty and Veronica are both poisoned.
Tally's turn. The assassin card. Battle of Blood. Biological mother vs daughter. Thalia killed her biological mother. Jughead's turn. He had won. And finally Betty's turn. She shut off her dad's fingers. After Penelope give the order to kill them all Thalia made a giant barrier with her powers. The farm ascended, leaving Kevin behind. The Avengers were shocked about what happened.
Filler chapter. Therapist appointment. Pop's with her dad. Tally remembering. Sweet Pea checking on her. Sweet Pea wants to run away with her, maybe run away from all of it but tally knows she can't. Then the next week tally knew the prophecy would be complete.
The beginning of infinity war. Dr strange. Wong knows about the prophecy while doctor strange doesn't. Tony just trying to protect his daughter. Tally got knocked unconscious. Bruce woke her up, Tony and Peter Parker are in space trying to save Doctor strange and keep the time Stone out of thanos's hands. At the compound talking about what to do. Tally knows someone.
Tally dreaming of the infinity Stones and seeing Thanos. Shuri. Things have entered the atmosphere. Tally's iron daughter suit. The fight has begun. Cap saying fuck. Thanos is coming for vision. Telling us what's happening to the stones right now. She bloodbended Thanos but the Avengers couldn't get to Thanos quick enough to get the glove off so he snapped. They lost. Tally is gone and so is half of the universe.
Nat is regretting not getting to Thanos quick enough to get to the glove off of him while tally bloodbended him. Tony found out that she's able to bloodbend. Tony passing out. Going to go kill Thanos. Nat and Thor explaining Thalia to Rocket. Thor went for the head.
5 YEARS LATER. Natasha's point of view. Meeting, Barton murdering people, Steve stopping by. She's remembering tally, reminiscing with Steve. Scott Lang. Quantum realm. Tony's point of view. Morgan Stark. Them telling the plan to Tony. Him thinking it's risky. Tony is salty about the fact that if they were close enough when tally bloodbended than Thanos they could have been done they could have won but they lost. Scott's trying to play with his heartstrings, mentioning tally, his first born daughter.
Bruce banner/hulk talking about the time travel thing . Tony's POV. While washing dishes he looks at a photo thinking of his daughter, tally. He decided he has to do it to see her again. He figured out time travel. Pepper finding out you figured out time travel. He's going to do it. Natasha's POV next morning. Scott time traveling going wrong. Steve POV. Walking outside seeing car pull up. Cap getting his shield back. But there's something Tony has to do before he gets to work.
He went to go see Malachi. He want to let Malachi know that there was hope. Malachi gave him a flash drive of Tally's research guy she entrusted him with five years ago. Clint testing the time travel machine worked. When Tony opened the flash drive he realized that a lot of it was mapped out for him already. Tally made a video titled if we lost. Time travel time. New York 2012. Time Stone.
Tony's POV, then Steve's POV. Not Steve saying hail Hydra. Tony's POV. Scott giving 2012 Tony a heart attack. Tesseract sliding to Loki. Steve POV. "That is America's ass" I think that's all I have to say for that part. Bruce's POV. Him telling her that Strange gave it away. She gave him the time stone. Tony POV. Deciding to go to New Jersey.
1970. Tony's point of view. Tony seeing his dad and getting the tesseract. Steve's point of view. Getting Hank Pym to run down the hallway. Tony's POV. Talking to his dad. Avengers compound. Natasha was gone. Grieving Natasha. Making the gauntlet, Thor going to stop his fingers then stop him Bruce snapping his fingers. It worked. Then disaster struck a missiles blew away the Avengers compound. Thanos sat waiting for the Avengers. Thanos vs Steve, Thor and Tony. Tony getting knocked out. Steve POV. Picks up Thor's hammer. Everyone is back. Tally is back.
Tally POV. Tally and Tony reuniting. Female team up without Nat. Tally took the stones before he could snap."You are so fucked." She turned to dust. Tony's POV. She started glowing. He grieved. Sweet Pea is at Stark Tower. He found out she sacrificed herself. The funeral. Tally is alive.
The scene with death. When Tally woke up she didn't remember anything. Everyone is shocked. Wanda jogged her memory. She explained everything. She met Morgan.
Graduation. Tally's POV. She was the valedictorian. She's going to MIT. Sweet Pea proposed. When she graduated, taking on Stark industries, she made sure it was clear the weapons will never be apart of Stark Industries again. When Sweet Pea and Tally got married she found out she was pregnant. Sweet Pea's name is this is Nathan Mantle. In the end they had 3 kids. Nick St. Clair got killed by the Swedish Mafia. She is the Iron Daughter.
Overall, I'm going to admit I don't remember writing half of this story because of my brain surgery and I was working on it during this. I love this story, it is my first time reading it all at once but I am partial to it because I worked on it for almost a full year and is the first Riverdale x Avengers crossover fic on wattpad. There is somethings I was contemplating, like who she was going to end up with, if she was going to die in the first snap or not. I was also going to do a part where she goes into hiding with Harley from Iron Man 3 and works as a waitress in a little diner as a cover, saying she's Harley's cousin, wearing a wig and contacts but I felt that'd make the story too long. But there are a few things I'm iffy about so 9/10.
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thatiranianphantom · 4 years
Recappin’ Riverdale, 1x08: The Outsiders
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S1 is this very odd mix of humanizing the Serpents, while also demonizing them. That would be weird enough, but we also don’t know enough about them, and not enough time is spent on them, to know why we should care either way. Riverdale clearly wasn’t sure what they were doing with them. They were a thing that just kept popping in an out throughout the show’s run and demanding to be important, despite having little to contribute. That’s evidenced by the fact that S2′s plotline is basically built on the Serpents, and yet they drop off dramatically in S3, and by S4, despite Jughead still ostensibly being their leader, they are a nonissue. My gut sees this as a merch opportunity, and some scenes to fill the lusting-on-bad-boys-in-leather-jackets fanservice, but it was never given time to be much more....
More thoughts under the cut!
- This photoshoot bit is SO awkward I can’t watch it
- So how serious WAS Polly and Jason’s relationship? Polly says he was happy about the baby and they were running away together but we also establish that they were very off and on and they fought a lot?
- Ah yes, because all good plans start with “He was going to fake his own death.” 
- Polly was, when Betty saw her, pregnant enough for it to obviously show, but now her pregnancy seems to have been rewound? 
- A very rare scene where Jarchie act like teenage boys playing video games and their room stinks
- As soon as Betty and Jughead start dating, they are almost always sitting together. I know that’s a dating thing but...still cute.
- Cheryl with the gang. We love to see it. 
- Vanity Flair. I will never get used to those names. 
- Oh the boyfriend word is being tossed around. Betty’s smile is adorable.
- Literally one of my favorite tiny moments of S1 is when Alice calls for both Betty and Veronica and Veronica silently goes “me?”
- Again, S1 Alice is awful.
- Fred’s plotline is still more interesting than Hermoine’s. 
- Ah, yet another opportunity of forgiving super toxic people (Alice and Penelope Blossom) 
- “Our maple empire” LOL
- As much as the parents are all trash, they rarely interact with each other so this is nice
- Yes, Hermoine, you and Alice were both mothers but you both were not teens
- Jughead you have nice arms but the hard hat is....not a look
- I read this in a review once, but I think it’s so true - why do they all treat Polly like a simpleton? I get it, she’s under stress but they treat her like an actual child
- Ah, Val, you still exist! 
- Proof here that stupid, reckless decisions were Archie’s MO from day 1
- Betty and Jughead sitting practically on top of each other. We thrive. 
- I could write an entire essay on the VERY odd ways drugs are presented in Riverdale. I won’t, but I could. 
- We all know my thoughts on FP Jones, particularly S1 FP Jones. So, like, we’re going to move on. 
- Had to throw in a bughead scene for us. I actually love Jughead in the cable knit sweaters. 
- Jughead looks mildly upset when Archie accuses him, but as soon as he says it in front of Betty, he looks at her and he looks genuinely panicked. 
- Moment to commend Nathalie Boltt. She takes an uneven character that nobody has really figured out yet, and gives her this undertone of sinister, while being just an aces actor and covering an accent. She’s actually, at least here, much more solid an actor than Madchen. Also I follow her on insta and she’s an animal activist so go her. And I enjoy the fact that both her and her TV daughter are South African and now I really want to visit JoBurg. 
- Genuinely, Bughead are setting up the foundation for such a healthy relationship. They are so open and honest with each other.
- “I’m not a perfect father.” *OneDirectionHahaSong.mp3*
- This light flare around Bughead as they kiss is so telling. They are literally bathed in light when they’re in physical contact and in darkness separately. 
- It never ceases to be hilarious that on a show featuring incest and teen sex, they can’t bring themselves to say abortion. 
- The little mumble I love it. But why did no more time get put into developing the Jarchie relationship. 
- Again, this Joaquin stuff is not endearing FP to me
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Klavier releases a new single and part of it features Taka's screeches as part of the song, Apollo thinks it's weird but it's hailed as artistic and avant garde.
Hey did you remember this ask from a month ago because I did and here’s the payoff.
“It would be hilarious.”
“You let Fräulein Cykes talk you into making him an Instagram.”
“That is different.”
“And a Twitter.”
“That is also–”
“Just say that you like her more than me, ja? I won’t be offended.”
“You should already know that I like her more than I like you.”
“I should have expected that.”
“Do you not have work to be doing, Gavin-dono?”
“I do not. I have nothing better to do than bother you. I imagine the Fräulein would quite enjoy some photos of our dear Herr Birdie in a recording studio for his insta, ja?”
“You are not going to ask her–”
“It is far too late; I texted her ten minutes ago.”
“You are an absurdity of the likes of which I have only ever seen on a witness stand or the defense’s bench. What compels you to be as you are?”
“In general, or specifically why I want my next single to feature Herr Taka?”
“There are too many music critics with heads so far up their own asses that they can taste the prohibitively expensive wine which they drank with lunch, whose superiority complexes have bid them to dismiss every song I have ever written simply because teenage girls like me, and I want them to be crushed under the weight of their own pretentiousness as their alleged artistic sensibilities struggle to reconcile the avant-garde aspect of featuring a bird of prey on a track with the fact that I was once the lead singer for a boyband.”
Klavier waits, his elbows propped up on Simon’s desk, grinning at him, waiting for any sort of reaction. The seconds tick by as Simon, staring past Klavier, slowly blinks once and refocuses his eyes on him. He blinks again. Klavier is still grinning.
“You are not… actually going to bring him into a recording studio, are you?”
“Of course I am. I am an artiste.”
“You are a witless lunatic.”
Apollo has not had time to close the door of the office behind him before Trucy, bouncing, has appeared in front of him with a grin on her face to inform him, “Prosecutor Gavin put out a new single!”
“Uh-huh,” Apollo says, trying to feign disinterest, which is difficult given the special powers of every single other person who inhabits the office. Athena has appeared in the doorway, grinning at him. She doesn’t stop grinning, either, and her expression doesn’t waver in the slightest, like some static image at home on the poster for a horror movie. “Athena, why are you grinning like that?”
“No reason,” she says, and her smile reappears larger than ever.
“Uh-huh,” he says. He decides to ignore her. “Have you listened to it yet, Trucy?”
“No, I was waiting for you, since it just came out this morning!”
“Don’t these things usually happen at midnight?” Apollo asks before he realizes that knowing this fact probably does not help his intended image of appearing disinterested in the music industry and Prosecutor Gavin’s career.
Trucy shrugs. Athena has not stopped grinning. “Stop making that face,” Apollo says.
“No,” Athena says, through her teeth, her smile still plastered across her face.
“You look like Professor Means.”
“Augh!” That did it. Her face twists like she is trying to get peanut butter out of her mouth, massaging the remains of the smile out. “That’s mean, Apollo, that’s really mean.”
“It’s Means, I think you mean,” Trucy says, expertly dodging the smack that Athena aims for her arm. “Have you heard it yet, Athena?”
“No,” she says, now looking like she is trying to stifle the smile that is again spreading across her face.
“You’re lying,” Apollo and Trucy say in unison.
“Ooh, Athena, do you know something about this?” Trucy asks, bouncing again as she makes her way over to her laptop.
“I don’t even need my bracelet to tell that you’re lying now,” Apollo says.
“Is this finally the love confession for Apollo that all his music from the past year has been building up to?” Trucy asks.
“The what,” Apollo says.
Trucy waves a dismissive hand at him. “I’ll explain later; I have charts to back me up.”
“You have what,” Apollo says.
“If it is that,” Athena says, “then he didn’t tell me.”
“What did he tell you?” Trucy asks.
“Just play the stupid song,” Apollo says.
“Finally!” Widget crows and Athena slaps her hand over her necklace.
If Apollo were to admit it, which he won’t, most of Prosecutor Gavin’s music isn’t bad. Some of it isn’t to Apollo’s tastes, especially not at the cacophony of a live concert, but all of the Gavinners albums are at least okay in places, and the solo stuff is better. And it’s probably good for his sanity that he thinks so, because every time a new single drops, Trucy plays it on loop for at least a week and never ever uses headphones.
He sort of hopes she won’t do that with this one though, because it’s just… weird. Not Klavier’s usual style, inasmuch as there has been a coherent thread between his solo releases, and not to Apollo’s liking. Trucy is bobbing her head though, tapping the desk as they huddle around the laptop, and Athena is the one bouncing on her heels now. “What’s that sound that keeps coming up?” Apollo asks when he’s turned it over in his brain enough to decide that whatever the hell is going on in the background mixing is neither an instrument that he knows nor a normal human sound.
“Shh!” Trucy hisses, and her frown means that he’s earned himself a second loop of the song for talking through part of it.
About twenty seconds later, he asks, “Is that some sort of bird?”
“Looklook look!” Athena has an arm around his neck in a second, pulling Trucy close with the other, and she shoves her phone under their noses. “Look!”
“That’s a bird in front of a microphone,” Trucy says, a little confused and probably more disgruntled that Athena is now talking over the music too.
“That’s… that’s not Taka, is it?” Apollo asks. His head is starting to hurt.
“It’s Taka!” Athena drops her phone on the laptop keyboard and does a hopping dance around the desk. “Taka’s a singer now! Look!” She wedges herself in between them again to swipe through more pictures on her phone, the first eight of which are the first picture from slightly different angles, with Taka barely having moved. There’s one that is obviously a candid with Klavier talking to someone off-camera to the left, his guitar in hands, Taka on his shoulder; another with Klavier doubled over laughing at something, Taka halfway out of the frame, Simon standing off to the left staring straight at the camera with the barest hint of a smirk on his face; Klavier sitting on an amp, Taka perched on the head of the guitar. A selfie of Athena making a peace sign in front of a shelf of shiny awards; a wobbly picture obviously not taken by Athena because the subject is her grinning and poking one of the trophies. A video looking to be taken accidentally, unfocused angled at the ground as Klavier’s voice comes from somewhere: “–murdered with that as the weapon they will find your fingerprints and arrest you for it.”
“Then we spent like twenty minutes talking about what the best murder weapon in the room would be,” Athena adds.
“It looks like you had fun,” Trucy says. Apollo can hear the jealousy seeping into her voice and Athena’s head jerks up in alarm.
“I was only there because Prosecutor Gavin told me about the idea of having Taka on the track, so that I could help convince Simon, but then it turned out that Simon agreed because - something about spite, I don’t know what they were saying - and then I blackmailed him into letting me come to the recording session too because otherwise I could tell the world about his upcoming single. I’m sure if you wanted to see the place you could ask him! I’ve wanted to tell you guys about this for like a month!”
Apollo has a sinking feeling that Trucy won’t be the one overplaying the song, but rather Athena instead will. This suspicion only intensifies when she retrieves her phone to show them the last of the pictures, which includes a selfie of the four of them, Taka perched on Athena’s head, and at least two dozen more of Taka from various angles, in front of a microphone, on the amp, on the guitar, doing absolutely nothing, scratching his head, sleeping. “I was going to delete some of these,” Athena says, “the ones that are basically the same as others, but then Simon asked me to send all of them to him and I didn’t get around to it.”
“I can’t believe Prosecutor Blackquill’s pet bird is now a rock star,” Apollo mutters. “I can’t believe Gavin featured a bird on one of his songs.”
“Believe it!” Trucy says. “And since you talked through it, we will be listening again. Hey! Don’t walk away! Polly! Get back here!”
Apollo sighs.
“What are these papers?” Simon slowly lifts the offending stack from his desk, gingerly rifling through as though he expects a threat to spring from the pages.
“Reviews,” Klavier says, “of my new hit single. These are all the ones that said artistic or avant-garde. I highlighted every instance for you.”
Simon sets the papers back down and slowly shakes his head. “A question for you now,” Klavier says. “Is it you or Fräulein Cykes who runs Herr Taka’s insta?”
“She does.”
“I will have to apologize for her for being inundated with follower notifications.”
“What do you mean?”
“I tagged the account in my latest post.” Klavier holds his phone up to Simon, showing a picture of him with his guitar and Taka sitting on it, a microphone positioned in front of him. It was purely a photo-op that Athena wanted; I’m not going to accomplish anything with a bird on my guitar, ja? “So I imagine that several thousand of my followers, at least, have gone to follow Herr Taka.”
“Is he famous now?” Simon asks.
“Perhaps - if not yet, then soon.” Klavier glances at Taka asleep on his perch. “He is handling his rise to stardom very well, but he does have the best manager.”
“Would that be you?” Simon’s lips twitch in a smirk. “The most humble as well, I suppose.”
“Oh yes. I am very humble. You put enough dents in my ego on a daily basis for me not to be.” Klavier stops in the doorway and grins. “Enough that what Fräulein Cykes told me about your ringtone won’t go to my head.”
“She said what to you?”
“Ach, brushes with stardom make informants of the closest friends. It is nothing unusual for the celebrity world, that she sold you out.”
“She said what?” Simon repeats.
His phone rings, loudly, and he cannot lunge to silence it quickly enough. Klavier’s grin, impossibly, grows wider. He raises his phone in his hand, the screen showing that whoever he called has just hung up on him, and waves it. “It won’t go to my head,” he repeats. “It was not me, but the featured artist with me, ja?”
“Do you not have work to be doing, Gavin-dono?”
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the-peachy-girl · 6 years
Tumblr media
Cute/trendy/Insta-worthy day-to-day and going out clothes:
Princess Polly ($$. Super cute and trendy!)
Revolve ($$$. Amazing free 2-day shipping on everything so perfect for those last minute event invites. Pro tip: the brand by the way. is super affordable!)
Stelly ($$. Pretty and girly with the best dress selection.)
Showpo. ($$. Cute, trendy and girly with affordable prices)
Tigermist ($$. Super Insta-worthy!)
For Love & Lemons ($$$. The prettiest dresses and lingerie.)
Mishkah ($$. Trendy, girly and boho vibes.)
Sabo Skirt ($$. Really pretty and trendy with a luxe)
Nasty Gal ($-$$. Really inexpensive (they have a never ending 50% off sale) and a really cool selection. You can find some really unique pieces here.)
Sundae Muse ($$. Super cute and pretty.)
Planet Blue ($$$. Boho chic.)
Lola & B ($. A small boutique with girly and trendy pieces at amazing prices. The things I’ve ordered have been amazing quality!)
Cry Baby ($$. Another small boutique. Pretty and trendy with some vintage vibes. The things I’ve purchased here have been great quality and definitely a hit on Insta.)
Lioness ($$. They have a really cool and pretty collection but their shipping to the US is expensive (25?!!) so I recommend grabbing their stuff from Urban Outfitters and Revolve.)
Shopbop ($$$. Similar to Revolve.)
Brandy Melville ($. So everyone already knows about Brandy but they really deserve a shout out for their basics. Their t-shirts are around $15-$20 and are my favorites ever. They’re really affordable and in my opinion look nicer than a lot of other ts in that price range. Definitely my go-to place for basics.)
Reformation ($$$. Gorgeous dresses that can be dressed up or down.)
Realisation ($$$. Similar to Reformation.)
Beginning Boutique ($$. One of my favorite places to shop right now. They have the cutest everything.)
White Fox ($$. Trendy and luxe. Be the best dressed girl around without breaking the bank. Amazing dress selection and a super cute activewear line.)
Largo Drive ($$$. Similar to Revolve and Planet Blue. Great designer selection for every day clothes, swimwear and activewear.)
Wildfox ($$$. The cutest and comfiest things you could ever possibly own.)
Style Addict ($$. Has major Reformation and For Love & Lemons vibes for a fraction of the cost.)
C&C Luxury ($$. Gorgeous jewelry that’s super affordable. The quality is great and the pieces are stunning.)
Mura Boutique ($$. Girly and trendy but a little more sophisticated. Very wear to work friendly.)
Lulu’s ($$. Huge selection of dresses for every occasion and a great shoe selection.)
Tobi ($-$$. Everything is always on sale. A great place for going out dresses and outfits.)
Urban Outfitters ($$-$$$. You already know what Urban is.)
Free People ($$-$$$. Pretty and boho. Their intimates are great and affordable.)
Topshop ($$. Popular jeans, a big shoe selection (actually a big everything selection) and outfits for any occasion.
Camp ($$ Super retro and comfy.)
Sugarhigh Lovestoned ($$$. Also really retro. Like major 70s vibes. They also have cool are prints that are totally affordable.)
Stoned Immaculate ($$$. Keeping the retro theme going.)
Anthropologie ($$$. Boho chic.)
Jack Wills ($$. Pretty preppy. Great for interview and business casual clothes.)
Pretty Little Thing ($. Really inexpensive trendy clothes.)
Fashion Nova ($. Really inexpensive and trendy.)
Missguided ($. Another inexpensive and trendy website. They also have petite and tall lines.)
Boohoo ($. Trendy and inexpensive.)
Peppermayo ($$. Cool and laid back. Has Urban Outfitters vibes.)
Babyboo Fashion ($$. Really trendy and ~sexy~ going out clothes.)
Hazel ($$. A cool boutique. They have some really cool custom handmade pieces.)
Public Desire ($-$$. Shoes!)
Chinese Laundry ($$. More shoes!)
Nordstrom ($$-$$$$. Nordstrom has a great selection of totally affordable (check out BP and their juniors section) as well as mid-range and designer clothing. They also have Topshop and Brandy Melville departments. You can find great wardrobe staples here.)
Asos ($$. Basically an online mall (you can find everything there). The shoe selection is a must. They also have an outlet on their website with amazing sale prices.)
Bershka ($-$$. Like Topshop but less expensive.)
Dollskill ($-$$. At first glance looks super ~edgy~ but they have really cool and unique pieces for every style.) 
Meshki ($$. Lots of trendy basics.)
Here are my favorite sites to shop for workout clothes:
Carbon38 ($$$. The cutest workout clothes ever from a ton of cool brands.)
Revolve ($$$. Listing Revolve again because they really have a great activewear selection.)
Nordstrom ($$-$$$. Also listing Nordstrom again. My go-to place for gym clothes. They have everything from Nike and Adidas to higher-end brands all in one place. They also sell Alo and Zella leggings. Nordstrom Rack is also worth a visit!)
Lululemon ($$$. Not to be dramatic but I don’t think I would be surviving college without my Align leggings.)
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thisoldsid · 2 years
“Hello,” Polly Simpkins said to the caller on the end.
“MIZZZ POLLY IS THAT YOU?!!,” the voice asked almost surprised.
“OH MY SIR HENRY!!, How are you?” she responded just as excited.
“So well, so well – Would master Kramer be at home,” he asked.
“Yes, he is – one minute – Spitfire out,” she said with a chuckle.
Simpy was standing right beside his mom and knew exactly who was on the phone – the one and the only Sir Henry Spitz – the manager of the Roosevelt Ridge Spitfires – the local competing equestrian team. His mom had been one of Sir Henry’s biggest stars back in the day, as she liked to say.
“Hi Sir Henry!!,” Simpy said.
“Mr. Kramer, I have an assignment for you,” he responded. “We are thinking of expanding our social media, and I know you youngsters understand all of that stuff like InstaSnap, GramChat, whatever…”
Kramer didn’t mean to but he burst out with a laugh. “Yes, I can do that for you,” he said joyfully.
Two days later, he was at the High Ridge Corral on the dusty southwest ledge overlooking town. Sir Henry’s Spitfires were going through tryouts – he saw Maia and Denton, both of whom had horses on their family farms outside of town. Maia had been on the team for three straight years, winning the county fair individual championship. Denton really wanted a spot.
As he shot his videos, one of them caught a palomino being ridden into the ring. Simpy didn’t think anything of it, and the rest of the day went along.
Sir Henry drove out to the Simpkins house the next day obviously flustered. “Master KRAMER!!! A word please,” he stated at the front door. “What’s wrong Sir Henry,” he asked from the yard. “We don’t use PALOMINOS at tryouts – only our corral horses. This video on Insta something – why??? We now have a team member who didn’t ride a qualified animal – humph!!!”
He walked away in a huff. Simpy thought hard “How could have this happened?”
SIMPY FANS – How do you think this problem happened? Once again, the solution is in the story. For you fans in the 9-14 age range, try your hand at short videos of yourself, your family or friends – maybe even an event. Keep telling your summer stories!
We’re back Wednesday, July 20, with another case. A reminder Thursday, July 14 begins “Grandy R’s Basepath Bonds” stories.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
„And she’s a whore“ (Vatya) - Polly
Authors note: I was inspired by my own wish and all the requests for Vatya birthday sex. You can also see this as what happened previously to Violets ‚walk of shame‘ Insta story. Also the request for Violet leaving the stage after singing Happy Birthday to Katya inspired this whole thing. Not sure if anyone had something like this in mind but I had to get it off my chest, also this is kinda of short (sorry but I just wanted to write something)And I also had to mention the fact that Violet thought she was the top when they were dry humping on that damn couch because Katya’s reaction was priceless. Feedback is always welcome. I’m using Katya/Violet and she/her even when they’re not in drag.
Violet was wiggling her ass, making sure that her tassels were swinging wildly. She was vaguely aware of Katya standing at the side but didn’t know if she was watching. Violet however was putting on quite a show, wanting to make sure that Katya was watching, already having decided that tonight was the night she was going to fuck her again. They hadn’t hooked up in months, in fact haven’t even seen each other since December so she was kind of desperate. Violet had been exited to see Katya, they were friends after all but she hadn’t initially planned to have sex with her but then Katya had started to not so subtly hint towards sex. And Violet didn’t even want think about the fact that she secretly really really enjoyed their dry humping session on her booth’s couch. Only a few hours had passed since then and so did Katya’s flirting, Violet noticed with frustration.
When Jinkx was coming up to the stage to sing ‚Happy Birthday‘ to Katya, Violet decided to join her trying to sound as seductive as possible. The blonde though could not have cared less. However Violet couldn’t help herself but to smile anyway while looking at Katya who was happily stuffing cake into her mouth. But Violet felt her smile drop when Jinkx ended the song with exclaming that Katya was a whore. Which was true. Violet was reminded that Katya and her weren’t together, they in fact hadn’t even talked about ever hooking up again since this very much had the potential to blow up into their faces. Though to be fair, its not like there had ever been plans to hook up in the first place. It was just that their sexual chemistry was absolutely undeniable and one night they both had decided to give in on it and to not care about potential consequences. And they had not been wrong, the sex had been absolutely incredible which also explained while it happened again, and a couple times more after that. So Violet had been stupid enough to get her hopes up that sex with Katya was also in the cards for today but Katya was Katya, and Katya had people throwing themselves at her left and right. And while Violet knew that the same thing could be said about her, tonight she wanted Katya, only Katya. She was however unsure if the blonde felt the same about her, so she tried gathering her thoughts and left the stage, hoping that not too many of her emotions had been visible on her face.
When she got backstage and looked at the others laughing and having fun she suddenly felt strangely out of place. Even before Katya and Jinkx returned from stage, she had already thrown on some clothes over her costume and told Courtney to tell the others that she was too tired to stay. Violet knew that it was an asshole move to leave without even saying goodbye to Jinkx and especially Katya but she just couldn’t bring herself to stay longer.
Some time later Violet was laying in her bed freshly showered and horny as ever. She was deliberating wether or not to go on Grindr or to just jerk herself off when her phone started ringing. She saw Katya’s name on her screen and answered hesitantly.
„Hey.“ Katya’s voice sounded from the other end.
„Hey.“ Violet answered „Shouldn’t you do other things than to call me at 1am on your birthday?“
„Maybe, where are you know?“ Katya asked in a strange tone.
„At my hotel. Why?“ Violet answered confused.
„Come to my place, now.“ Katya demanded before hanging up. Violets heart was pounding. What was that supposed to mean? Katya’s voice had sounded urgent and while Violet could pretend to think about wether or not she should go over to Katya’s place, she knew that she had already made her decision. There was no possible way to read a 1am phone call like this as anything but a booty call and Violet didn’t mind at all. So she called for an Uber, packed her hotel keys, phone charger and her toothbrush and left her room.
The way to Katya’s apartment wasn’t a long one so not much time passed until Katya, now make up free and in her boy clothes, was opening her door for Violet.
„Look at you, giving me a booty call at 1am.“ Violet greeted her.
„Well, its not like I could’ve invited you personally. You didn’t even say goodbye bitch!“ Katya explained sounding genuinely offended.
„Yeah, I know. You just seemed to be preoccupied with eating cake.“ Violet said while shrugging her shoulders.
„Whatever“ Katya decided to let it go. „I liked you ass tassels.“ she continued with a smirk while scooting closer to Violet.
„You did? You didn’t seem to pay much attention to them.“ Violet contoured with a sly smile and raised eyebrows.
„Oh trust me! I did pay attention. I payed attention to your ass all day.“ Katya explained while mirroring Violet’s smile.
„Did you now?“ Violet grinned while following Katya towards the bedroom, not wasting time.
„Well to be fair, when we were dry humping earlier“ Katya said while looking back at Violet with a mischievous smile on her face „I was hoping that we could do that again but without clothes.“
„Fine by me.“ Violet said while taking her shirt of. „I’ll even let you be the top this time.“ she laughed with a wink.
„Bitch,“ Katya joined in laughing „You’ve never been the top in the first place.“ Violet just smiled at that and walked towards Katya to also take her shirt of before finally kissing her and all the joking tone vanished.
Violet felt Katya’s hands all over her body, almost aggressively pulling at her hair, she always loved feeling wanted and Katya definitely wanted her. And she desperately craved Katya. Both of their need was evident as their bodies were pressed onto each other. At some point they finally managed to land on Katya’s bed and took their remaining clothes off while still kissing each other with lust. Violet couldn’t tell where she began and Katya ended all she knew is this felt amazing and she never wanted to stop. Their hands and mouths were everywhere and Violet was once again astounded by how good sex with Katya felt. Their kisses had long before started to get messy while they were pressing into each other. The touches, the moans, the digging of Katya’s fingers into her body when she had finally started to fuck Violet made her body feel completely electrified. She was thrilled to find out that their sex was just as heated and longing even after they had already fucked time and time again. And while Violet had felt absolutely exhausted only hours before she now was sure that another night without sleep wouldn’t hurt, especially if it meant being fucked by Katya again and getting to feel like this for hours on end.
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bapakharyoso · 5 years
A mum has gone viral with her hilarious Instagram post on the 'upside down bikini' trend.
The trend of tying a string bikini around your breasts was brought into the spotlight by model and blogger Valentina Fradegrada.
In a now Insta-famous photo the 27-year-old Italian looks broodingly through half closed eyes into the camera, her thumb gently tugging down at her bottoms.
More than 92,000 people liked the shot.
Recognising that Valentina was on to a good thing, mum-of-two Laura Belbin used a black bin bag to recreate the raunchy get-up before asking her partner to take a quick snap.
A mum has gone viral with her hilarious Instagram post on the 'upside down bikini' trend.
The trend of tying a string bikini around your breasts was brought into the spotlight by model and blogger Valentina Fradegrada.
In a now Insta-famous photo the 27-year-old Italian looks broodingly through half closed eyes into the camera, her thumb gently tugging down at her bottoms.
More than 92,000 people liked the shot.
Recognising that Valentina was on to a good thing, mum-of-two Laura Belbin used a black bin bag to recreate the raunchy get-up before asking her partner to take a quick snap.
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  "When you want to focus on keeping the tan even, but you've had two kids and you've hit your 30s hard so your t**s look a lot like spaniels ears with saucepan areolas that sat on the hob for 40 minutes," she wrote on her Instagram[1] page Knee Deep in Life[2] .
"I was smuggling binbag up my crack as I swallowed. I had every intention of smiling but turns out clenching and looking sexy isn't as easy as it looks.
"When I asked Steve to take another photo he said 'I need a s**t, just use that photo..."
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  Laura’s 112,000 followers loved the look, praising her as a “hero” and calling her “so damn funny”.
“This woman is a legend,” one commenter wrote.
The photo is not the first time Laura has hilariously raised questions about the bizarre fashions trending on Instagram and the incredibly high beauty standards radiating from its thousands of bikini models.
In another she imitates a blonde "housewife" who has been caught having just baked some cupcakes, in her underwear.
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  In a mismatched blue top and black bottom combo with makeup smudged on her face and slippers on her feet, Laura holds up a half finished packet of cupcakes and a glass of white wine.
"When you thought you'd be the hot mum with the banging bod that all the playground dads fancied, but turns out you're the Mum who likes to say f**k a lot and doesn't always change her pants with a natural resistance to any form of physical activity," she wrote.
Laura's daring interventions come as the world's attention turns to the 'underboob'.
As people across the UK prepare themselves to venture to the beach this summer, fashion retailers such as Oh Polly are attempting to flog upside down bikinis.
The novel piece of swimwear inverts the fashion classic by exposing cleavage under the top, as opposed to above.
While possibly a little sturdier than Laura and Valentina's versions, the trend ticks all the same underboob based boxes.
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