#animus is from dinosaur planet fyi
Planet Biome and Environment Headcanons - Part IV
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Venom is evidenced to have been a versatile planet prior to some catastrophe that struck it eons ago, before recorded time.  Its regions can be broken down into two very distinct biomes-- the volcanic wastelands and the toxic jungles.  Rife with carnivorous plants, the toxic jungles of Venom are arguably the most deadly aspect of the planet’s hostile biome.  Thriving in the toxic air that radiates from the planet’s damaged soil, vividly hued flora and fauna alike make their homes in the thick of the jungles, which contains trees so ancient that their branches are often used as a sort of canopy-level highway for the natives.  Volcanic wastelands dot the continents, the soil varying from bloody red to midnight black.  Lava pits are an often sight in these areas, which can easily claim an inattentive traveler.  Venom’s continents are broken up by an ocean, which is said to radiate with a potent toxicity that can peel skin off of bone if proper protection measures are not taken. Withered, ruined colonies bearing the Cornerian logo can be found scattered here.  No scientist dares speak of why that is the case.  
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Animus is a primal land teeming with life.  Although the planet itself is quite small, its vast mountain ranges and thick evergreen forests feel as though they stretch forever.  It is said that a thousand nations rose and fell on this planet but looking at its sprawling wilderness, it is hard to determine how factual that statement is.  It is thought that perhaps some of the oldest kingdoms recorded to have existed dwell beneath the planet’s surface, but no exploration attempts have uncovered anything substantial.  As the oldest stories go, this is the planet in which all life sprung forth.  Some clans still dwell here, caught between the modern age and traditions that have been passed down for over a millennia. Ice caps sit on the north and south poles.  Most of the planet is cold but along its equator rests a series of islands that one might consider tropical.  
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Cerinia is a planet of sparking energies that seep into its flora and fauna, adorning them with vivid colors. Everything about this planet is otherworldly and teems with magic.  The denizens of this planet are attuned to the mystical nature of this place and work with it to survive.  White, pink, and red-flowered trees are common in the southern lands.  The beaches have white sand and the water is clear as crystal.  To the north in the forests, the land is filled with glistening mist and icicle-ridden caverns. The golden pyramids and ziggurats that dot the lands are timeless, crafted by hands long ago in devotion to gods that most of Lylat has long forgotten.
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Aparoid Homeworld was a world whose original name had long been lost.  Abandoned highways and skyscrapers covered the planet’s surface, the structures overwritten by aparoidedation.  It is said the roads there had eyes when the Queen still lived, and that nothing ever traveled there without her knowing its exact location.  It is not known if the aparoids constructed the planet-wide city themselves or if they found it, taking it over in brutal conquest as was their way.  The core of the planet was hollowed out, its center crafted into a nest for the Queen.  Careful observation of planet remains revealed that the planet itself seems to have traits similar to the decaying aparoid soldiers left over from the invasion.  Perhaps the planet itself was an aparoid...?
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