ghostinacardboardbox · 3 months
My favorite thing about the dictionary running gag in Ghosts on a Train is that it isn’t just that Andrel reads the dictionary for fun. She also announces, every time without fail, “I read that in the dictionary!” whenever she uses a big word. The more specific the word the funnier it is (and also the reverse being true when she sees snow for the first time, doesn’t know what it is, and then says “I haven’t gotten to the letter S in the dictionary yet”).
Because it gives off the vibe of this excited little girl who wants everyone to know that she’s smart! She uses big words, correctly, and knows what they mean because she read them in the dictionary. She loves proving that she knows things!!! It’s very cute.
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infiniteandrelic · 29 days
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thedragonagelesbian · 11 months
guidance is back babyyyyyyyyy
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queen-scribbles · 3 months
For the Not So Nice Asks! How about... ghost, heartbreak, & secret for Kina? 😁
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ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
There's not a lot that haunts her, bc for something to haunt you, you have to care, and caring is what gets you hurt(emotionally and sometimes physically), so for a long time she didn't do connections close enough to haunt her if something went belly-up. That starts changing at the end of the Smuggler story, and she's definitely more caring after forming the Alliance.
That said, one thing she did wonder/feel bad about was Momi Andrell, the socialite-activist from Nar Shaddaa. She wonders if her father was able to actually buy treatments that cured everything Lazhae did to her, or if Momi was left with a painful incurable condition or three the rest of her life. The few times she tries to look into it, she can't find anything(the Andrells probably covered things up either way).
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
She hasn't had any relationships that ended badly in the sense of high drama or thing imploding or anything like that, but she has semi-ghosted a couple guys and it would be really awkward to run into them.
She was pretty heartbroken initially when her mom wound up in jail, but surviving on the streets alone at 13 took enough focus and willpower she didn't dwell on it long. She doesn't even know what happened to either of her parents, ultimately, and doesn't see how it would make much difference if she did.
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
How much she likes Rass' sideburns. It's such a silly thing to find so stupidly attractive on someone, so while she'll own up to liking them if someone asks, she'd die before admitting HOW MUCH. watch them be gone the next time he shows up ingame 😅
Not So Nice Asks
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strawbubbysugar · 1 year
I just saw chapter 3 come out!!! I’m so so so excited!!!!!! I’m going to read it immediately after writing this ask oh my gosh oh my gosh
I have a human OC named Andrel, a cartographer who in his teens worked as an escort/guide for people traveling in dangerous (urban) areas and unmarked trails. Through his 20s and 30s, he changed careers to making detailed, highly accurate hand-made maps based on the places he used to travel throughout Porphyal. :D He still guides people occasionally, and he still keeps tabs on the places he used to trek through, but he’s generally settled down a lot lol
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He has a couple friends who still work as guides, and I wish I could draw them but like. I have not drawn in forever. And boy is it tiring trying to start up again. Also i am horrible at coming up with clothes designs…so…oof
Either way, he’s made a lot of money selling them over time, as well as stuff he saved from his time as a guide, and tends to spend it all on little trinquets that line his home and the back-end of his cartography shop. :3
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lireensilence · 1 year
“You’re under arrest!”
It was following these words that the cursed life I lived truly began.
It became this way under the jurisdiction of a boy – Yes, a boy, who shouted these words at me from atop a white horse. I looked up at him, but in place of the looming officer I should have found at such height, it was a fellow who'd looked only around thirteen years of age – he couldn’t have been much older than me.
He was blond, his hair thick and waving onto his cheek, upon which sat an insolent grin that made the rest of him entirely unbearable. He was dressed head to toe in white and gold, colors which only the most arrogant of men could dare to wear in public – But on the breast of his coat was embroidered the crest of the Holy Guard.
A boy as young as him, as cheeky as him, as lighthearted as him, was by all fact an officer of the most esteemed guards this side of the country had to offer-  and he was here for my arrest.
A joke – I thought, as I took running – This is a joke!
But I was well aware by that point, that I was God’s most favorite thing to laugh at.
My name, Alexandre De Graham, was read from the boy’s roster as if it were a mere chore he’d completed. I knew that I was one of many; my crime of petty theft was not worth the Guard’s time, but served well to provide training to the youngest of the troupe. The boy who pinned me to the wall took it quite seriously in that regard, and fought my every move with such vigilance- but my role as a training dummy became clear when he smiled again.
“There,” he’d said. “Are we done now?”
His playful tone scraped against every nerve along my back.
“Aren’t you going to arrest me?”
“Oh, but such paperwork.” Drawling this, he pulled his arm back and stepped away. My feet became ridden with a powerful urge to run again, but feeling that it would only delay the inevitable, I strove to take comfort in his lackadaisy.
“So what, then? You’re letting me go?”
“Well. I can’t do that. But I’ll tell you this– If you return what you stole, I’ll let you off with a warning!”
-- A warning? 
I couldn’t help but to scoff at it. Once again, ‘the inevitable’ whispered its vows overhead – But I considered the coins in my pocket, and their matches within any other’s pocket. My name was on a list, that much was true. But if they allowed that list into the hands of a boy such as this, then perhaps the money I had could buy at least a number of months uninterrupted. In that time, I figured, I could imagine a better way to deal with such a nuisance.
I drew out the coins and offered them to him– But likening further to the ache in my back, he shook his head and pointed in the direction we'd come from.
“Go back. Apologize.”
This was the future of the Holy Guard..!
Predictably, when the old woman was made aware of the situation, she was quick to fawn over his kindness, his radiance; I felt my skin burning from the grin behind me.
As I was readied to leave, though, the woman took my arm, and her smile, a vague shape casting between the both of us, became directly pointed toward me. “You’ve grown quite a bit for one day, young man,” She said. “You’ll have to eat to catch up, won’t you?” - When she said this, she pushed a coin back into my hand, and nodded to us both. “Have a lovely evening, boys.”
When she turned, she took the arm of a man, and tapped her path out with a cane. Figures,  I thought– But the boy grabbed my shoulder to turn me around, and held two more coins up to me.
“She’s right, you know~ You have a lot of eating to do!”
Laughing, he pushed those into my hand, too.
He'd said goodbye not very long after that, and climbed back onto his horse. I, attempting to let this strange afternoon roll off my shoulders, tried to turn my thoughts to how to best make use of the gifts. Just as I’d begun to sort it out, I heard the horse’s feet come to a halt, and the boy called to me once more.
“My name is Andrel Baker,” He said, and I looked at him. His smile, for the moment, was no longer cheeky and grating, but looked an odd sort of.. sincere.  In that moment, I recalled how few boys my age I actually spoke with, all while running about in the thick of it– I wondered how many he spoke with, from the hallows of that awful house. 
But then his face twisted, spitting at me with that same boyish amusement. 
“I’ll see you again soon, won’t I~?”
With that, he rode off. 
I took my winnings to the nearest pub, and asked for a small chicken pie.
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messmersflame · 2 years
we found a book from aeorian scholars about trying to kill gods
andrel (cleric): uhhh that's bad, you shouldnt fuck with the gods
grima (warlock): idk some of them suck
elliot (paladin): agree, MOST of them suck
andrel: wtf theyre like, metaphysical and the forces of the world tho? you cant just kill them?
grima: what if they deserve it though? what if theyre evil?
elliot: some of them definitely deserve it
andrel: okay even if they deserve if you CANT JUST DO THAT
grima: well this guy is giving it his best shot
eden (bard): sitting in the corner wondering what the fuck theyre all talking about and hoping none of them ask why he pings whenever they use detect evil and good
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dungeonsandblorbos · 2 years
Campaign Intros: Curse of Strahd Prequel
because one campaign in this setting wasn't enough for me or my husband (the DM), we decided to pass the time between sessions of the main game with a prequel solo game! we're only about 6 sessions in, but it got off to a pretty grim start and has only gotten grimmer
which, ya know, is lowkey the goal for a gothic horror campaign, so it works!
the setting (and some backstory)
if you're familiar with Curse of Strahd as written (or you read my last campaign intro), you've probably got a decent understanding of the basic setting already, so i'll go into more detail here about Kire's immediate circumstances—in other words, how this mess all started
once upon a time, there lived a family; a mother named Ravena, a father named Barov, and two sons named Strahd and Sergei. they lived peacefully as the rulers of a happy little country centered in a prosperous valley. but their neighbors grew envious of their good fortune, and one day, they conspired together to attack and take the wealth for themselves. they killed the king and queen, but left the boys alive; and placed Strahd, the older of the two, on the throne as a puppet ruler
but Strahd was cunning and coy and bitter, and as he grew, he studied and practiced everything he could, and became a skilled fighter and mage. soon, he took his vengeance, slaying those responsible for his parents' murders and conquering their lands. he named his new domain Barovia, after his father, and called the castle he built there Ravenloft, for his mother
and then, unsatisfied, he kept going, conquering and devouring and leaving ruin in his wake
the rest of the continent watched his spree with apprehension, and when they could stand their fear no more, banded together to form a massive army to take him on. in time, they were able to drive him back to his castle, where they defeated him. Strahd, finally, was dead. except, well . . .
it didn't stick
through some unholy magicks, he had escaped death. all that effort, all those deaths, for naught. in order to keep him and his army from continuing their path of destruction, a curse was placed to keep him confined to his homeland, and Barovia—and everyone within it—were banished to the Shadowfell, a demi-plane of evil
it's about five years later. with no one else to conquer, Strahd has turned on his own people, and in turn, some of his own men turned on him. the war continues, now a fight for the freedom of Barovia against its own king. it is a fight for the very soul of the nation—and, unfortunately, the people of Barovia seem to be losing
the party
Kire Dalca: my PC! you know her, you met her here. a variant human eldritch knight. though she was once an idealistic young soldier, the war has taken nearly everything from her; her friends, her mentor, her idealism, her mental health, even her chance of ever seeing home again even if she does survive. wary and hyper-alert, she can be suspicious and jumpy. her sense of humor has become dark and wry. she was never much of a people-person, but she's even less of one now, alternating between distant and gruff. even so, she remains compassionate and clings to hope, willing to throw herself in harms' way to save an ally or in the name of the greater good
Carlen II: an elven NPC and an incidental companion from Valakia, stronghold of the resistance. named for his father, and hopes to pass the name down to his grandson. a kind and compassionate family man, he's studied some holy magic and uses it to help where he can
some NPCs
Carlen I: Carlen II's father. a serious man and notably strong mage, deeply involved in the resistance, serving as one of its big three alongside Andrel and a mysterious third who recently quit
Andrel: a holy man who once served as Strahd's personal pastor and healer, and was even a close "friend" of his, until their moral differences became too great. an incredibly powerful cleric. about twenty years ago, he ventured into a nearby valley in service of his god, the Morning Lord, and returned with suddenly red hair and an aura that drives away evil things. he’s one of the few people Strahd truly fears or respects—he's also an excellent baker!
Pete Durst: a physician in Barovia. he's thin and has a bit of a skullet and deep, dark eyes. not a very nice person. though a member of the Chertobog-worshipping community group, he's been acting kinda weird and suspicious lately
Gustav Durst: Pete's cousin. a hearty and robust "family man" who hasn't gone to Chertobog church meetings in about a year. may be cheating on his wife
Elisa Durst: Gustav's wife. she was pregnant about a year ago, and then she wasn't, and none of their friends have seen the baby. come to think of it, they haven't really seen her, either. may be part of a blood god cult
Harkis Wayburn: a large, jovial man with a big bushy red beard and hair. doesn't quite know his own strength. an excellent entertainer, his stores of wine are plenty and his were-boars-in-blankets are a hit with party guests. hosts the Chertobog meetings at his home. his family came to Barovia from Calatia about 50 years ago, and made their fortune through the fur trade. he's incredibly generous, sending Kire and Carlen on their way with roughly a pound of were-pigs and a fur coat each
Andrei Wayburn: one of Harkis's sons. these days, he's busy being a teenage rebel and having his own little religious meetings centered on Chertobog's evil rival, Shuderbog, a god of blood and death and violence. apparently, he's inherited his mother's charisma and converted some townspeople (cue group glare at Pete)
The Order of the Silver Dragon: a brotherhood of paladins devoted to different gods, led by the silver dragon Argynsvost. they were instrumental in the fight against Strahd, being the first to start the counterattack against him. they pushed his forces back to Barovia, giving armies like Kire's the opportunity to enter the country while Strahd was distracted. many of their dead have returned as revenants
The Order of the Feather: an order of paladins devoted to the Barovian storm god Retrut, they historically served as the von Zarovich family's personal guard. they were part of Strahd's forces when his conquests first began, but joined the resistance when he turned his violence against his own people. their initiation rituals are a closely guarded secret. many, if not all, of their members are raven masters; as such, they're a crucial part of communication networks. some have been said to also use their ravens in battle. in uniform, they're easily recognizable; matte black armor, tall shields marked with a raven, the leader's helmet winged and beaked, all carrying spears that seem to hum like lightning
Strahd: the man monster, the myth, the legend. you know him, you love to hate him, but he's younger and not quite so bored yet. ruthless, cunning, powerful, he craves revenge and control and cares very little who he has to step on to get what he wants. according to Andrel, he's been getting very creative with his experiments lately; in addition to self-experimentation and figuring out how to create vampire spawn, he's also been making awful horrible evil monsters like the skin kites
[redacted]: a horrifying eldritch family who lives in a cute little blue farmhouse surrounded by impossibly vast fields of "corn" and "scarecrows." that's right, they made an appearance in the prequel too! well, appearance is a strong word—we never actually see them here. we just know there's a father, a mother, and a child, whose disembodied voices speak in charming southern (US) drawls and teleport around you, asking you to stay for dinner. and, when you refuse, they sigh and say, oh well, at least a descendant of yours will
the plot
stationed in Barovia village with nothing much to do, Kire jumps at the chance to help investigate a strange occurrence troubling the town: from this area alone, three hundred and twenty-one people have gone missing over the past year. they suspect that it is not the vampire spawn or werewolves to blame, but humans, perhaps a cult of some kind
while out in the woods searching for evidence of cult activity, she meets Carlen II, who is out on his own investigation. apparently, someone has been attacking people on the roads to Valakia, and just leaving the bodies there. concerned the investigations could be related, they agree to work together, and make their way to Valakia to follow up on a lead
when they arrive, the city is in the midst of a siege. they barely manage to get inside in one piece, and spend a tense evening with the resistance at the temple. two of its big three members are there, but the mysterious third left some time ago. no one really wants to talk about him, but it does come up that Andril and Carlen Sr. had been working on a magical sword (named the Sunsword) for him to use against Strahd before he left
the next day, Valakia is sent into a panic when a ballista bearing Strahd's personal battle flag flies over the wall and slams into the ground. worried the fight is unwinnable, Nedrick, the new leader of the Order of the Feather, suggests Andril use the Sunsword and take Strahd out. unfortunately, the Sunsword will not be powerful enough to do that except in the hands of its intended owner
and so, Kire and Carlen hit the road again, travelling back to Barovia in the hopes that they can find the mysterious third there and convince him to take up the cause again before it's too late
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444names · 2 years
world countries + american forenames
Aacque Aarlebby Aartielay Albarnonn Alberinige Alberria Alfren Aliamy Allydia Allyn Alpher Alucilace Alvian Amarl Ambil Amensthle Ancessie Andraisty Andregoldi Andrel Aneigh Annatterra Annicath Anter Anuatro Apolis Arathel Aresovia Arshle Arvia Auline Bahris Baryannet Baryle Becia Bella Berick Beris Berla Berry Bertrathy Bhuthia Bildredia Bobbillene Bobbis Bonga Bouguat Bricar Brietty Brinn Brisalisa Bulie Bulingera Calan Calind Carde Cargie Caric Carly Caroya Cattie Changor Chatie Chrialada Cinicia Cisey Cliba Clizab Coberiangie Codne Colaite Corobel Couis Crafasha Cranlebon Critne Crola Cuand Cynda Czecton D'iva Dacell Dagne Daguy Dandana Darle Darlyn Deannissie Dearosonie Desia Diteroly Dommi Donacecia Dorea-bique Dorosey Dovandy Dovie Dwarie Dwistin Eanniam Echri Edgenthaney Edrestine Elbertacky Equelin Errya Esotte Eughan Eulil Eundro Felinetchra Fingo Flois Florazann Florey Fraquel Fredwil Fredwindix Fritterthan Galeend Ganne Genice Geonique Geredne Geriete Geris Gernanda Gerry Gerton Gland Gleene Glends Gor-lernia Goregor Greanua Greateron Groon Guaric Gueli Haelie Hanceycey Harait Hareddia Harent Harmann Heliene Hellaus Hellice Hellomarl Herbel Herly Holanya Howarrie Hunier Huria Icheillawna Irafren Irencelia Irgie Iricamon Iscily Jacoma Jacque Jaind Jamill Jamyanya Jandia Jandy Japalie Jasey Javetha Jeandren Jeann Jeatand Jeffell Jefferta Jeffor Jefinda Jeney Jenrithaele Jerondy Jesieline Jesloly Jestanie Jesti Jibabevalte Jibia Jikelly Jillica Joanda Jodnathunie Jodnee Johallis Johan Johnn Johnna Johnnetteva Johnnia Jonna Joren Joriamau Josca Joshertoyd Josie Juandriscan Juank Juathon Julial Julipe Julis Karettermau Karleene Karya Katen Kathark Kathon Kattan Kayssicarl Kazegren Kazil Kazilaul Kelia Kelleney Kente Keycharry Kinda Kistisra Koranda Koristis Kosheridita Krasomerd Krianda Kricton Krictor Krinanla Krioloydia Kritnet Kurinie Kurtim Kuwarge Lando Lanie Laniftoy Lanthance Latel Lelaran Lesia Lessa Leste Litine Lixie Lizann Lliber Loldrey Lomelia Lored Loria Lorie Loronya Lorwazan Loutallip Loutine Luperry Maguan Malasoley Malia Malie Malize Malla Mandanya Mandredone Mangent Maniecili Maraq Marced Marine Maristinet Marmallyn Maron Marray Matium Matrianda Matricey Mauda Maulia Maurtifri Mellawn Mered Merna Misie Moniet Monighae Monio Monya Morahanna Morda Moricarace Mormabony Moroccante Namoth Nelie Nestifforg Nezuelyn Nitris Norellyn Norgameg Nortie Olaurk Paicton Pakimela Pakirent Pakisyra Pakity Pambia Paminez Panda Parve Pathurkel Pattim Patvinata Paudie Paulianne Pedgam Peghae Penna Poree Portne Portune Qatellen Racey Rafgh Raithandra Ralley Razecubya Razere Razil Ressanna Rinevend Roanda Robarna Robbis Rolarren Rolatacque Rolatan Romelleall Ronighan Rooke Rosaymorild Rostandon Rotsyrae Roxana Rucel Runda Runes Runia Rusie Rwaystina Sabis Sable Saithrisey Salben Salgary Sambil Sambit Sandaijango Sanesloista Sanne Saosa Seangie Semace Sephian Shawille Sheandroxan Sheles Sheli Sheristas Sielip Solourmara Somel Soneandy Sonew Sonjaven Sovindia Sravisa Stamell Stannez Stemyrgel Styrice Sudia Suelia Suellarly Surictorthy Sustica Sustie Suzbelordo Swith Syleinar Syrosove Tance Tanlette Tannala Tannez Tannya Tarrayn Telsemoneg Tembeline Thadoldia Thath Thrill Thugle Thylvivan Tinaosti Toiri Tomarus Trasepalu Tugari Turidgerie Turta Ughte Ukrith Unine Vakisarcill Valuist Vandannei Vantogo Vellenn Vennalarcur Verma Vetthawin Vialysidne Vidgene Vindsamina Vinisterta Vistat Waitandy Waray Warla Wayemori Wigharley Wigua Wiguan Wilin Yvonsta Zilta
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trinitydigest · 21 hours
Acclaimed Novel “Man and Wife” Unholy Matrimony by Andrelle Leandre Available Now on Amazon
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ghostinacardboardbox · 3 months
Okay im thinking now about how in Ghosts on a Train, Andrel is literally just. Never around people her own age. She lives and works exclusively with adults. Like obviously there are teenagers who travel on the train, but Andrel doesn’t interact with any of the passengers on a personal level.
Leaving the orphanage has (debatably) been a net good for her but it comes at the cost of never being around her actual peers during adolescence. To her, her peers are Drix and Pip, and there’s more than a decade between her and them but she literally doesn’t get why people treat her differently when she does the same job for the same paycheck and shares the same living quarters and goes to the pub with them on their days off. Of course she gets weirded out when Drix tries to parent her; she literally views him as her friend and coworker and feels like he’s overstepping if he tries to treat her like a child.
Just. Andrel spending her middle school years without interacting with any other kids her age. Andrel’s two closest friends in the world being significantly older, one of them a traumatized drunk and the other a himbo who wants to look out for her but doesn’t know how without making it weird. Andrel having to listen to Candace’s guilt ridden rant after Candace forced her into indentured servitude. Andrel having to reckon with her own mortality, daily, at the age of thirteen and then not leaving when she has the chance because it’s not a real choice, not when her current job includes room and board and she doesn’t have anything else to fall back on. Andrel going through everything basically alone, apart from her coworkers who made their own choices in life while she had to do this.
Andrel having to grow up too fast and having no one to relate to.
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infiniteandrelic · 9 months
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thedragonagelesbian · 2 years
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newsheadlinesnow · 23 hours
Acclaimed Novel “Man and Wife” Unholy Matrimony by Andrelle Leandre Available Now on Amazon
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thealphareporter · 23 hours
Acclaimed Novel “Man and Wife” Unholy Matrimony by Andrelle Leandre Available Now on Amazon
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hopetribune · 23 hours
Acclaimed Novel “Man and Wife” Unholy Matrimony by Andrelle Leandre Available Now on Amazon
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