#and yes gryffindor arthur ALSO makes a lot of sense
potionboy3 · 10 months
to answer @gaygryffindorgal last request which i accidentally started to make as a post... here are brion mclaggen & judy bones children (yes they also get 3)
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name: spencer sean mclaggen
gender: male
general appearence: dark curly hair, tall, blue eyes, handsome
personality: loyal, hardworking, focused, charming, fair
special talents: is into mystery and potions but usually succeeds at both by pure luck.
who they like better: judy
who they take after more: judy
personal headcanon: gryffindor, everyone has a crush on him, is kind of clueless in general, prefect and headboy material cause everyone likes him and he is trying his best.
face claim: thelonius serrell-freed
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name: lana wynn mclaggen
gender: female
general appearence: freckles, has bangs, kind of unique style, short
personality: a bit odd, friendly, creative, responsible, a bit short tempered
special talents: artistic and good at solving riddles and puzzles
who they like better: judy
who they take after more: somewhere between both or neither
personal headcanon: ravenclaw. has a hard time finishing projects and is often confused and can't remember where she put things, is both of her brothers favourite sibling, easily gives up and can be hot headed.
face claim: zoe margaret colletti
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name: joseph brion mclaggen
gender: male
general appearence: dark curly hair, wears a lot of black, looks grumpy (and cute but would punch you if you told him that)
personality: sarcastic, lazy, sloppy, reckless and stupid-brave
special talents: plays quidditch
who they like better: judy
who they take after more: brion
personal headcanon: gryffindor. lacks the sense of responsibility, likes to break rules, is not intetested about school, loyal to his friends
face claim: zackary arthur
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selfprove · 4 years
so ..... what if instead of gryf!arthur, huff!gwen, sly!melrin and rav!morgana we .... switched things up a little ?
hufflepuff arthur ravenclaw merlin slytherin morgana gryffindor gwen
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theeslytherinslut · 4 years
12 Grimmauld Place (5/?)
Pairings: Sirius Black (post Azkaban) x reader, Remus Lupin x reader’s brother, Sirius Black x Slytherin!reader 
Word Count: 2,909
Warnings: lil angsty
A/N: The longest chapter yet and it’s entirely in Sirius’ perspective! Hope I wasn’t too far off from his inner monologue. Also lots of spicy Tonks cause I love her. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6
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Sirius’ POV
Feeling intrusive, I caught Tonks’ eyes as Remus and Y/N hugged each other, her sobbing into his shoulder. With a quick twitch, I signaled to her that we let them have a moment. She nodded and followed me into the living room. 
“Still haven’t gotten around to cleaning anything, have you?” she teased, gesturing to the layer of dirt and dust that seemed to cover every inch of the house. 
“Whenever you feel up to joining in...” I teased back. 
“Well, it looks like you’ll have Y/N to help you with that,” she responded, raising her eyebrows at me in a funny way. 
“What?” I asked. 
“Y/N,” she looked at me meaningfully. But not knowing what she meant, I stared blankly back. “You men--it’s a wonder you make it up in the morning by yourselves...Obviously, her flat is no longer safe. She’ll have to stay out of sight for a while too. What better place to both be safe and stay out of sight than here?” 
“Stay here?” I asked dumbly. Sure, I figured she’d stay the night, but it never occurred to me that this would be the best place for her. But now that Tonks pointed it out, it did make sense. Not like she could go back to her blown flat; besides, she was vulnerable there. Vulnerable and alone. 
“Yes, cousin. Are you alright?” she laughed at my bewildered state, but I didn’t find it so funny. It was difficult to ignore my feelings for her when I wasn’t seeing her every day. How was I supposed to manage now? 
At school, it was easier to manage. In the hallways, I’d look at anyone but her, smirking at any girl I caught looking at me, any sort of distraction. But when Moony wanted to go have a chat with her, well, I’d have to plainly look away, instead contenting myself with glaring at passing male members of her house, daring any of them to speak up or look at her. 
Remus had made his views very clear in the year of her arrival. He’d been gushing about since first year, always saying how she’d enjoy something or another. I still remember her terrified face during Sorting dissolving into a bright smile when her eyes found us seated at the Gryffindor table. Remus waved excitedly at her from his seat, the rest of us doing the same--all hoping she’d soon join us. However, upon seeing the rest of us with him, her face turned bright red, and her eyes went terrified once more. Before I could even shoot her a reassuring smile, she’d turned back to McGonagall. Unfortunately, she’d been placed in Slytherin, something we never let poor Moony forget. That night in the common rooms after everyone else had long gone to bed, he’d made us all swear to never lay a finger on her--to essentially be another three big brothers--never to look at her in any sort of way. Of course we all made the promise, but I couldn’t honor it. 
I still found myself scouring the Great Hall for her face at mealtimes, ducking around shelves in the library in between classes looking for her. I always made sure to be on my best behavior in front of Remus, but behind his back, my eyes couldn’t wait to hungrily devour his sister. Her witty remarks as some Gryffindor teased her, her filthy mouth when a fellow Slytherin made the wrong comment--and just when I thought I couldn’t fall for her any more deeply, I’d caught her hexing a Gryffindor in the corridor. The poor bloke came out a few seconds later, clutching his jaw and nose, both of which were expanding at an alarming rate. She came skipping round the next moment, smiling broadly at her achievement. It was all I could do not to kiss her right then. 
“Sirius?” Tonks asked, pulling me from my memories. 
“Sorry, yes?” I asked, trying not to appear as anxious about it all as I was. 
“What’s your problem?” she asked. Looking at her, I weighed my options. On the one hand, the only living soul who knew about how I felt about Y/N was now no longer, in fact, living. On the other, keeping it such a secret allowed me to continue in my friendship with Moony. Lovely as she was, I couldn’t have anything come between us. Not when we were the only ones left. 
“I--” I started to begin the story, but upon remembering James, I stopped. “Nothing.” 
“Sirius,” Tonks started, an offended look on her face. “I am your cousin. You tell me right now, or I’ll go get Remus, and he will.” 
“You would, wouldn’t you,” I said, a fond smile coming on my face as I looked at her. 
“I most certainly would.” she threatened. With her hands on her hips, I was suddenly reminded strongly of Mrs. Weasley, which only made my smile bigger. “Now, go on and tell me, you grinning git!”
“Alright, lower your voice. Can you keep a secret?” I asked, looking at my hands. 
“Course I can,” she indignantly responded. 
“Well, there’s a, a slight--er, problem, with Y/N staying,” I said quietly, keeping an ear out for her sniffles. 
“Problem? What problem? Not like you don’t have enough rooms. Or is it you fancy her or something?” she said, laughing. I kept quiet, and after a moment or two, realization began dawning on her face. 
“Oh, but Sirius, she’s Remus’ sister!” Tonks said, looking at me scoldingly. 
“Don’t you think I know that, Nymphadora?” I barked, angry that she responded the way I feared.
At the sound of her birth name, her hair began burning bright red, and I retreated. 
“Sorry, it’s just--I know, okay? I’m very much well aware of the fact she is Remus’ sister. Why do you think I’ve kept my distance all these years?” I said. 
“Likely cause you were in Azkaban,” she pointed out. I gave her a nasty look, and she smiled softly. “Next time, don’t use my full name.”
I rolled my eyes and began anxiously pacing the floors. This was wrong; this was all wrong. The one girl Remus said was off-limits. All he let me get away with all those years at Hogwarts. With a fresh pang of guilt, I recalled a put-out looking Remus looking at me while I talked to a tall, blonde Ravenclaw during Charms. It was only years after I learned he’d had a thing for her--but to my defense, I’d have backed off without a complaint if he’d only told me. 
“All these years?” Tonks said, liking working things out in her head. “Surely that doesn’t mean...since Hogwarts?” 
“Yes,” I admitted miserably. “Since her first year.” 
“First year?” she shouted. 
“Keep down your voice.” I hissed at her, pausing to hear Remus speaking softly to Y/N. 
“Sorry,” she winced. “But really, since first year and you’ve never said anything?” 
“Well, I couldn’t. Remus made us all swear to leave her alone--and bloody hell, was that a job. After school, it was easier, once I was able to keep my distance. Out of sight, out of mind, as the Muggles say. Sorry, you know how Arthur loves his Muggles.” I laughed as she gave me a funny look. “And then--as you so astutely pointed out--I was in Azkaban. So it really hasn’t been a problem these last few years.” 
“But now she’s living in your house,” she pointed out. 
“Precisely,” I responded, running a hand over the scruff on my face. She remained quiet, looking thoughtful for a few minutes before responding. 
“Well, this is just bloody ridiculous. You’ve got to do something,” she said. 
“Do something? Do what? How could I betray Remus like that? He’s the only one left, Tonks. How am I supposed to betray him this way, especially after James, and then all the time apart, and then managing to let Peter slip through our fingers? I can’t do this to him.” I reasoned, beginning to harden my resolve. 
“Oh, you are bloody ridiculous, you know that?” she sighed, running her fingers through her now bubblegum-pink hair. 
“Excuse me?” I said, stopping my pacing to glare at her. 
“Bloody ridiculous!” she repeated, “Sirius, that was years ago. That was a feeble promise forced to be made by an older brother before his friends got horny and couldn’t think straight.” 
“What?” I said, pulling a face as I considered her words. 
“Remus made you all promise that so young so she wouldn’t become a plaything of yours, especially when the both of you turned out to be such whores.” Tonks laughed. 
“Whores? I was not a whore! And certainly not James, why after fifth year I don’t think I ever heard so much as a comment about any girl besides Lily.” I defended the both of us, vaguely aware of how I’d ridiculously brought my hands to my hips in indignation. 
“Sirius, you’re family, you know I love you--but Merlin, you were the biggest sodding slut the whole of Gryffindor has ever seen! I’d bet there isn’t a room in the castle you haven’t done something naughty in.” she laughed once more. I opened my mouth to protest, but couldn’t come up with a room fast enough--only proving her point. 
“Now, you two are not schoolchildren anymore. You are a grown man, Sirius. There’s no need to honor such a trivial and unnecessary pact.” She took a step towards me and put her hand on my cheek, dropping her voice. “Think of how much you’ve suffered, Sirius. Think of what you’ve lost; think of who you have lost. Remus has suffered the same loss. He lost James just as you did, but he also lost you. He thought you’d gone bad, thought Peter dead--James and Lily were dead. And then, years later, you return--innocent. You came back to him, and he, you. Things like that change a man. I’m sure there’s no one on this planet he trusts more with his sister than you. Don’t sacrifice your happiness for one more minute, cousin. Especially not when things look so similar to how they looked before, back when it all went wrong. Don’t waste another minute; I’m not going to either.” 
Shaken at her words, I remained quiet for a few moments. So much had changed since that night in Gryffindor tower. Maybe he wouldn’t mind the idea so much anymore. Besides, he trusted me enough to keep her safe.
My happiness...I’d never given the idea much thought, never considered it much of a possibility after being imprisoned. Never had reason to since. But now, my brain was swimming with possibilities. 
“Hang on,” I said, remembering the end of her monologue. “You aren’t going to either?”
She cursed under her breath before looking at me.
“Noticed that, did you?” she grimaced. I merely looked at her expectantly. “Alright, fine. Can you keep a secret?” 
“I mean, if I outed you, you could just out me,” I pointed out.
“True, alright. Well, it’s Remus,” she whispered, avoiding my eyes. 
“You and Remus?” I asked, frowning in thought. 
“And what about it?” she said, looking at me testily. 
“Well, nothing really. It’s just I never thought about it...are you sure?” I asked after a moment. I loved them both, but the thought had never even crossed my mind once. Surely if there was something between my cousin and my best friend, I’d have suspected something by now. 
“Of course I’m sure, you git,” she hissed at me. 
“So then why aren’t you together?” I asked. I couldn’t think of any reason they shouldn’t be if they both felt that way. Not like I had a sit down with the lot of them about not dating her. 
“Because he too is being ridiculous. Refuses to even look at me most of the time. Says I’m too young, says I deserve better than him.” 
“Better than Moony? Good luck with that one, cousin.” I laughed, shaking my head at the thought. 
“That’s what I keep saying, but he’ll hear none of it. Says I deserve better than a shabby, poor old werewolf.” she rolled her eyes. 
“Is that really what he thinks of himself as? A shabby old werewolf?” I asked, sad for my friend. If anybody deserved happiness, it was Remus. Before she could answer, we heard him calling. 
“Pads?” I suddenly heard. He entered the room alone, smiling softly at the two of us. 
“Hey, mate.” I smiled at him, opening my arms once more. Remus had always grudgingly accepted my affection, which only made me more inclined to give it knowing it bothered him. And as I knew he would, he rolled his eyes and smiled as he accepted. 
“Perhaps we should stay...” Remus said, looking to Tonks and then back to the kitchen. 
“Ooh no, you don’t. We’ve got to go, cut up sister or not. Besides, who better to take care of her than Sirius? Isn’t as if he’s got anything better to do. Perhaps she could persuade him in actually cleaning something in this wretched house.” Tonks added, gesturing to filth. I glared at her but remained silent; she was right. The house was filthy, but it was painful enough to be here, let alone restore the bloody thing.
“Suppose you’re right...” Remus said after a moment, “Take good care of her, Pads.” 
“Course I will, Moony. Always took good care of you, didn’t I?” I jeered.
“Not bloody likely! And don’t you go taking credit for that, that was all Madam Pomfrey,” he scolded, wagging his finger at me like he used to as a Prefect. “The group of you could hardly stand to sit still in the hospital wing for half an hour, let alone get me through a transformation!” As Remus told his story, Tonks looked at him with a funny look, and with an alarming pang, I realized Y/N often shot me the very same look. Did that mean she felt for me as Tonks felt for Remus? 
“That is bang out of order, mate! I worked hard at becoming an Animagi! Took years, it did. Don’t remember seeing Madam Pomfrey out trotting about with a teenage werewolf. Besides, kept your arse out of trouble!” I bantered back, smiling jovially. 
“Oh, it just as easily could’ve gotten me in trouble,” Remus shook his head at the memories.
“But it didn’t, did it?” I teased, “You know you loved it just as much as we did, Moony. Try as you might to remain all high and mighty. Ickle Prefect Moony,” I jeered, poking at him as he laughed. 
“Alright, alright. C’mon, let’s go before the two of you really start down memory lane. We’ve got to meet Dumbledore.” Tonks said, gently steering Remus towards the door. 
“Hang on, you’re going to Hogwarts?” I asked. I couldn’t help but be jealous. 
“Briefly. That wretch woman gets nosy when we’re there for more than a quick pop in.” Remus said; the disgusted look on his face told me he meant Umbridge. 
“Ah, well, say hello to Harry for me if you see him. I hear the little scamp likes roaming round nearly as much as we did.” I smiled after them. 
“That he does; I still remember catching him with that map...I don’t even know how he got ahold of it. James would’ve been so proud, out in the dark corridors taunting Snape. Like father, like son.” Remus smiled fondly at the memory before hanging his head slightly and ambling off to join Tonks. My chest hurt at the mention of James and Harry, and I was once more painfully reminded of my solitude. What I wouldn’t give to see James again...
I followed them to the door, waving goodbye as the two of them popped out of sight. I stared longingly at the spot where they’d disapparted. 
Standing in place, I gave myself a moment to gather my thoughts before returning to the kitchen. 
Tonks had made many good points, but were they just good because I was looking for any kind of reason to be with her? Did they actually make sense, or was I just looking for an out?
Remus had only made us promise once in the wee hours of the morning in the Gryffindor common room. Besides, if family was off-limits, well, that made him a right hypocrite, didn’t it? He did leave her here with me though, with the promise I’d take good care of her. That meant, to some degree, Remus trusted me with her. Would I be breaking that trust by going with my gut with Y/N? 
Good and evil continued to argue on my shoulders, but if I waited for a decision, I might be here for years. 
What’s more, was she even interested in me? I mean, sure, I’d caught her staring in school--but that was years ago; a lot had changed since then. But then there was the blush that always colored her cheeks every time I said something cheeky, the relief on her face when I’d met her in the port key room. Surely she wouldn’t let someone she detested bathe her, right? 
I resolved to simply flirt. If that went well, then she felt something too. And if she felt something too...well, let me not get ahead of myself. 
Taglist: @geeksareunique @fredweasleysbitchh  @green-intervention​ @stopbeingcurious
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
The Holiday (Hermione Granger x Reader)
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A continuation of, The Durmstrang. 
Taking place soon after The Departure, the golden trio gathers at The Burrow for the holidays, it there that they learn something that will change everything they ever thought about Y/N Y/L/N.
As every year, Christmas at The Burrow was a big event, Mrs. Weasley out did herself each year cooking even more and more each time. 
Harry and Ron dropped down next to each other at the table while the rest of his family prepared their plates, packing them full of food.  
“When is Hermione supposed to arrive, dears?” Mrs. Weasley asks and Harry smiles.  
“She should be here in a few days.”  
Mrs. Weasley smiles.  
“Hear that Arthur? Hermione will be round in a few days.”  
Mr. Weasley grins.  
“Ah, that’s fantastic. I have a few questions for her about the muggle world.”
Mr. Weasley rambles on to Bill and Fleur Delacour, his wife, about a toilet brush that had been enchanted to make a toilet dirty instead of clean, apparently many had been enchanted within the Muggle World, causing a lot of issues for the Ministry.  
Ron leans towards Harry with a snort.  
“I hope Hermione doesn’t have one of those.” He snickers, and Harry laughs.  
Harry glances around the table, wearing a small smile.  
If it wasn’t for the Weasley’s he wasn’t sure where he’d be throughout the holidays, certainly spending it with the Dursley’s or most likely at home alone in his room. 
Harry grimaces.  
He couldn’t imagine spending another holiday with the Dursley's, he did that enough as a child.  
A frown tugs the corners of his mouth downwards as he thinks of Y/N, wondering what she could be doing over the holidays.  
Ron gives him a nudge.  
“What’s wrong mate?” He asks, as per usual with a mouth full of food.  
Harry shrugs.  
“Just wondering what Y/N may be doing, that’s all.”  
Ron swallows roughly, grimacing.  
“She said she was spending her holiday with Karkaroff and Krum.” Ron grumbles Victor’s last name.  
Harry rolls his eyes with a smile.  
“Yeah, she’s probably doing fine.”
“AH!” Ron screeches when a snowball smacks him hard in the side of the head courtesy of Fred, or George, he isn’t sure which one.  
He lets out an even louder screech, falling back in the snow when a loud pop sounds close by, signifying the arrival of one, Hermione Granger.
“Bloody HELL Hermione!” Ron yells, growling when he’s again smacked in the face with a snowball, this time, by Ginny.  
Harry meanwhile makes his way to his friend, throwing his arms around her, giving her a tight squeeze, earning one in return.  
“I hope you had a Happy Christmas, Hermione.” He pulls back with a smile, taking Hermione’s bags from her and carrying them inside.
“You got here just in time to torture Ron with us.” She giggles, squeaking when Fred, or George hits her with a snowball, the younger girl launching her own assault against them.  
Ron gets up off the snowy ground, giving Hermione a hug of his own, pulling back with a grin.  
“Come on, Mum will be so happy to see you.”  
Hermione follows Ron inside, passing over the threshold.  
Seconds after Hermione is enveloped in a hug by the aforementioned Mrs. Weasley, the woman hugging her tightly, as if she’s one of her own.  
“There you are dear, so good to see you.” Mrs. Weasley smiles, patting Hermione’s arms.  
“Oh! There are you Hermione! I have a question about toilet brushes...”
Mrs. Weasley turns around, giving her husband a look, the man moving to envelope Hermione in a hug of his own.  
“Come dear, I saved you plenty of left overs.” Mrs. Weasley ushers Hermione into the kitchen, though the girl shakes her head.  
“I would love to Mrs. Weasley, but Mum and Dad made sure I ate before I came.” 
Mrs. Weasley shakes her head.  
“Dear, you can never have too much.”  
Hermione glances at Ron out of the corner of her eye, the ginger haired boy shrugging.  
“You know how Mum is.” He whispers as his mother begins making a plate for Hermione.  
Hermione's eyes widen when she sees Mrs. Weasley has pilled so much food on a single plate, way too much food for her to eat.  
“Mrs. Weasley I-
Mrs. Weasley turns around with a smile, placing a biscuit on top of the heap of food.  
“Oh, I’ve also got a present for you dear. I’ll fetch it to you.” She places the plate of food on the table before she hurries off.  
Hermione’s eyes widen in horror as she looks down at the plate full of food.  
Ron points at the plate.  
“You know, Mum will be insulted if you don’t eat all of that.”  
The trio jumps, a loud pop from outside startling them.  
“Oh! That must be Remus and Tonks!” Mr. Weasley smiles as he moves outside, the man shouting the second he steps outside.  
“Fred!” He yells, wiping snow off his face.  
“Wasn’t me! It was George!”  
Mrs. Weasley makes her way back into the kitchen, box in hand, a box Hermione knows all too well.  
“I know it’s not much dear, but I made it myself.” She smiles.  
Hermione opens the box with a smile, grinning down at the jumper that’s neatly folded inside, a jumper with a big HG across the front.  
Hermione places it in the box, wrapping her arms tightly around Mrs. Weasley.  
“I love it Mrs. Weasley, thank you so much.” She whispers, squeezing the older woman tightly.  
“It was my pleasure dear.”  
Mrs. Weasley’s attention turns to the front door where Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks had just entered, Mr. Weasley following close behind.  
Harry, Ron and Hermione take a seat at the table, Hermione taking the biscuit off the top of the massive lump of food.  
“Have you heard from Y/N?” Harry asks, and Hermione frowns.  
“I sent a letter to Victor, and asked about Y/N, but he has yet to reply.” She shrugs, keeping a straight face, though Ron and Harry can tell she’s upset about it.  
Remus gives Harry a pat on the back, leading the boy to move to his feet, wrapping his arms around his old teacher, one of his father figures and friends.  
“Nice to see you again Harry, Ron, Hermione.” He nods to the two, smiling when Tonks slips around him, wrapping her arms around Harry, giving him a tight squeeze.  
“Pleasure as always to see you Harry.” She squeezes him rather hard before moving to Ron, then Hermione, giving them both just as tight of a squeeze.  
“I see Molly’s made you a plate.” She nods to the plate of food and Hermione giggles.
“She did.”
“Oh, Tonks would you like a plate dear?” Molly asks with a grin, the pink haired woman shaking her head.  
“Uhh, no Molly I’m fi-
“I insist.”  
Tonks watches the older woman disappear into the kitchen with wide eyes before she glances at Hermione’s plate, realizing what is in store for her.  
Remus takes a seat beside Harry, Tonks sitting across from him and beside Hermione.  
“How has your time at Hogwarts been this year?” Remus asks with a kind smile, his eyes darting from Harry, to Ron, then Hermione.  
“It’s been going well.” Hermione smiles.  
“Yeah, Hermione fancies our newest transfer.” Ron snickers.
Hermione’s eyes widen as she punches Ron, HARD, in the arm.  
“Ohhh, tell us more.” Tonks grins, only making Hermione’s cheeks flush darker.  
“What’s this I hear about Hermione fancying someone?” Mrs. Weasley asks as she places a plate in front of Tonks, piled with even more food than Hermione’s.  
Hermione shakes her head, covering her face with her hands.  
Suddenly, the door swings open, Fred, George, and Ginny making their way inside, cheeks pink from the cold.  
“I heard Hermione fancies someone?” Fred smiles and George grins.  
“Let’s hear more about this lad.” He flops down in an empty seat, only to be pushed out of it by Fred, before he can sit down though, Ginny does, leaving her brothers on the floor.  
“If it’s who I think it is...” Ginny trails off, and Hermione whines.  
“This is all your fault Ronald.”  
He shrugs.  
“They would’ve heard anyway.”  
Mrs. Weasley pats her back. 
“Tell us about him dear...”  
Hermione glances at Harry fearfully, she hadn’t ever told anyone other than her parents, that she was interested in women and now, she felt she had no choice but to tell those who were staring at her expectantly. 
Hermione takes a deep breath, glancing at Ginny who nods with a grin.  
“Go one Hermione, it’ll be alright.” She urges her and Hermione nods, taking a deep breath.  
“It’s not...” She wiggles nervously in her seat, unable to hold anyone’s gaze.  
Tonks senses her fear and reaches for her hand, giving it a pat. 
“You don’t have to tell us if you aren’t ready.” She smiles kindly.  
Fred and George both scoff.  
“Yes, she does.”
Ginny, who’s closest to them, smacks them both in the back of the head at roughly the same time. 
“Quiet you gits.” She mumbles.  
Hermione exhales loudly.  
“It’s not a boy.” She whispers, covering her face with her hands.  
Behind her hands she doesn’t see that everyone is still smiling softly.  
“Well? Tell us about her dear!” Mrs. Weasley exclaims and Hermione’s eyes widen, her hands leaving her face.  
The fear she had inside entirely dissipates when she sees the smiles directed at her.  
“You...” She starts, only to be silence by a sudden hug from Fred and George.  
“We love you no matter what.” George grins, Fred nodding in agreement.  
“Now tell us about her! The anticipation is KILLING us!”  
Hermione takes a deep breath, glancing at Ginny.  
“The Durmstrang?” She asks and Hermione’s cheeks flush.  
“Hermione was smitten since she came to Hogwarts for the Triwizard Tournament.” Harry smirks, only earning another glare from the bright Gryffindor. 
“She was quiet back then.” She shrugs.  
“And now?” Tonks grins.  
“She’s really sweet, and smart, and protective and-
Hermione stops midsentence, when she sees Ginny giggling at her rambling.  
“She hit Malfoy with a Bludger when he called Hermione a Mudblood.” Harry smirks, causing everyone in the room to laugh.  
“So, what’s her name?”  
Hermione smiles.  
“It’s Y/N Y/L/N.”
The expressions on everyone’s faces abruptly change, Hermione’s brows furrowing in question along with Harry’s, Ron’s, Fred’s, George’s and Ginny’s, Bill and Fleur looking just as confused. 
“Not sure if I’m fond of that look...” Hermione swallows hard, glancing at Harry who shrugs.  
“What’s wrong?” He asks.  
Mrs. Weasley makes her way around the table, moving to stand behind Hermione, a hand on her back, whereas Tonks covers her hand with her own.  
“Dear...” Mrs. Weasley starts, glancing at Lupin who nods.  
“Hermione... Y/N Y/L/N, is the daughter of one of the most feared Death Eaters in the entire Wizarding World.”  
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professorrw · 3 years
All I Want, Remus Lupin Fanfiction
Chapter Twenty-Two (The End)
Warnings: FLUFF, smut, death, violence, swearing, age gap, slight angst, major spoilers for Deathly Hallows
A/N: It’s the last chapter!!!! This is the first fanfiction I’ve ever posted on anything and I can’t believe how well it’s done! I also just hit 100 followers on here too! Thank you to everyone that’s read this series, I genuinely hope you enjoyed it! If you’d like to be tagged in future works message me or comment what franchise or character you want to be tagged in and I’ll add you!
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As the winter holidays arrived, the castle found itself empty. Students departed to be with family, leaving only a handful behind with the teachers. Snow covered the castle and it's grounds, creating a winter wonderland for those that remained. The weather was extremely cold, although beautiful at the same time. Most stayed inside though, relaxing near a fire while drinking from hot mugs.
Students and teachers alike switched to casual attire for the holidays. Everyone in the castle was wrapped up in thick sweaters, trying to keep cozy. On Christmas night the Great Hall was lit with hundreds of candles, illuminating the room with a warm glow. Christmas trees, decorated with ornaments and garlands, lined the walls. For the few people that remained, a feast of turkey, potatoes, cranberry sauce, and other enticing items appeared on the tables.
Teachers ditched formalities and moved to sit with the students, who had all joined at the Gryffindor table. Since Voldemort's death, dislike and prejudice between houses had dwindled. Many of the former Death Eaters' children didn't return to school so most Slytherins were innocent students that just happened to be placed there. You, Remus, and Minerva chatted with Luna, who was going on about the new things her father had planned for the Quibbler.
Hermione and Ginny both decided to go to the Burrow to celebrate the holidays. Like you, they were both in new relationships. Just as you predicted, Harry and Ginny got back together, and Hermione and Ron finally confessed their feelings for one another. A while after the battle Hermione informed you of the impromptu kiss between her and Ron which caused them to realize their mutual feelings.
Harry and Ron were both starting their training to become Aurors, which made Hermione feel better that they weren't attending school. Things were moving forward in the blink of an eye. The battle felt like it was just yesterday, yet it had been more than half a year. It was nearly foreign to you that things could be calm for this long, but this was the new normal.
Remus squeezed your hand under the table. You smiled fondly at him as he began to stroke the back of your hand with his thumb. The sensation made your whole body go fuzzy, that was the effect Remus had on you, even now. Over a year ago you both departed from the Burrow to be safe. Who would have known things would end up like this?
Even with the small crowd, dinner lasted longer than usual. Almost everyone was spending more time socializing than actually trying to eat. There was no need to be in a hurry, so you and your fellow teachers enjoyed the company of each other and the students.
Over an hour after the feast started, people began to leave the Great Hall and head to wherever they pleased. You and Remus were the last remaining in the Hall. You were about to leave as well when Remus stopped you, tugging on your hand to get your attention.
"Let's go on a walk."
It was lightly snowing outside and was getting dark, but the street lamps of Hogsmeade were wrapped in twinkling lights. The shops were open, allowing lone witches and wizards to stop by for something to drink and someone to talk to on Christmas. You had added gloves and a scarf to your already warm outfit and Remus had done the same. No matter how beautiful it was, you didn't want to catch a cold out there.
You and Remus strolled past the storefronts and stopped a little ways away from the end of the path. The light from the street lamps created a soft glow on Remus' face as he gazed at you. Your fingers of one of your hands were intertwined with Remus' and he brought that hand up to his lips and pressed a soft kiss against your gloved knuckles.
You couldn't help but notice how quiet he was being. He didn't speak too much normally but as you walked he didn't talk and he still wasn't.
"Remus are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm just thinking."
"About what?"
"I've been through a lot in my life yet, I would go through it all again if this were the outcome. Being with you... is all I could ever wish for. You are the light in my dark life. I have lost so much, so many people. Never again will I waste the time I have with the people I love. Y/N I know we haven't been together long, but you are everything to me. I would be a fool to not do this."
Remus stops talking and gets down on his knee. You're filled with emotions as you realize what's happening. He pulls a velvet box from his pocket and opens it in front of you. Inside lies the most beautiful ring you've ever seen.
"Y/N Y/L/N, I promise to always be by your side, no matter the circumstances. I want to be yours for the rest of time. I will cherish every moment spent with you as if it were my last. Will you marry me?"
You sink on your knees and wrap your arms around Remus. Tears stream from your eyes as he returns the embrace. "Of course I will."
He gives you a long kiss before taking your hand in his. He pulls the glove off your hand and slips the ring on your finger. Everything felt so perfect. Nothing could possibly make this moment more special. No words could describe the pure joy you felt.
The next few months leading up to your wedding was a whirlwind. You and Mrs. Weasley corresponded daily making arrangements leading up to the wedding in June. You and Remus agreed you wanted to get married as soon as possible.
You sat in your bedroom with Hermione and Ginny, your maids of honor. They were dressed in beautiful champagne colored dresses that you picked out together. Your stomach was doing flips inside of you. In just a few minutes you would walk down the aisle, Remus at the end of it. The thought made your heart flutter.
There was a light knock on the door. Mr. Weasley poked his head in, "The music is starting girls. Harry and Ron are waiting at the door for you two."
Harry was Remus' best man and Ron was his groomsman. You walked down the hall and to the double doors that led to your backyard. In front of you Harry and Ginny linked arms and began to walk out. Trailing after them was Hermione and Ron. Mr. Weasley held his arm out for you to take and looked over at you.
"You've grown so much. Your parents would be proud."
You replied with a warm smile. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were like your second parents. Being close to their kids caused it. During the holidays you and your parents would go to the Burrow to celebrate with the Weasleys. It felt like ages since the last time you spent Christmas all together. You were all very close, so it felt right to have Mr. Weasley walk you down the aisle. He was glad to do it too.
You and Arthur walked out of the doorway together and began to walk. A few yards away was Remus, tears glistening in his eyes. He looked magnificent in his suit and tie. As the distance between you was closed, your eyes never left Remus'. You couldn't stop yourself from smiling. The nerves you felt before dissipated. As you got to the end of the path, Remus took your hands in his.
You both listened and got through vows and the wedding ring exchange as rehearsed.
"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Remus and Y/N Lupin. May now kiss the bride." The officiator steps out of the way and a camera flashes as you kiss. The small crowd of yours and Remus' friends cheered and stood as you both walked back down the rose petal covered path to the house. Looking around you saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, George, Bill, Fleur, and Victoire in the second row. Mrs. Weasley had tears in her eyes as she clapped. George gave you a thumbs up, which made you laugh.
You made it through the double doors and back into the house. You cupped Remus' cheek as you kissed him again, more passionately this time. His forehead rested against yours as he whispered, "Mrs. Lupin.?"
"Mr. Lupin?"
"I love you."
"I love you too." You kissed Lupin on the cheek and then went back outside to find that your backyard had been transformed. In the center was a dance floor and off to the sides were tables so everyone could eat. Beige drapes hung on posts over the dance floor. Twinkling lights were wrapped around the trees and hung from their branches. Garlands were placed in the center of the tables along with white roses in vases.
All the Weasleys, Luna and her father, Harry, Hermione, Minerva, Hagrid, Kingsley, and Tonks were seated, awaiting you both to return.
The music started again and Remus pulled you onto the dance floor for your first dance. He pulled you into him and wrapped his arms around your waist. You pressed your cheek to his chest as your arms went around his neck.
You sighed, thinking about everything you went through to get to this point. Remus sensed your unease.
"What's wrong dear?"
"It's just... we've been through so much. We've lost so many people along the way."
"I know darling. There's nothing that can bring them back, but gaining you is a blessing I won't take for granted."
It was true. They had faced enough pain and loss to last lifetimes. In the past two decades Remus had lost his best friends. In the past two years Y/N lost her parents and one of her best friends. Nothing could bring them back but being together would heal so many other wounds. Together, you could mend the holes that had been left behind.
As you two swayed in time with the music and gazed into each others' eyes, anyone could see that you were looking at your universes. Because no matter what, nothing could break the bond that had flourished between you.
Nine months later you would welcome a new life into the world, your son, Farris Lupin, who was named after your father. You and Remus were both granted leave from teaching until the new school semester so you had plenty of uninterrupted time to spend with Farris.
One night, a few months after he was born, you went into Farris' bedroom. Sitting in a large leather chair was Remus and Farris. Farris was laying on Remus' chest, sleeping soundlessly. Remus too was asleep, the book he was reading to him lying in his lap.
Extra: (this happened at your wedding)
As the night began to wind down, you were sitting with George at a table. You both sipped out of your glasses, reminiscing on your adventures at Hogwarts.
"Hey Y/N?"
"Yeah Georgie?"
"Me and Fred had a bet."
"Oh really?" You were surprised George was freely talking about Fred. After his death, George broke down for weeks. Anything related to Fred was a sore topic for you both. You three were best friends all through school, and even past it. So close in fact, that Mrs. Weasley secretly thought you would marry one of them.
"Yeah. I just won it today." George looked down at his fire whiskey and tossed it back, downing it in one gulp.
"What... What was it about?"
"I promised Fred I wouldn't tell you." George would never break that promise, and it was possibly for the better. The bet was made in their fourth year, and would stay a secret for the rest of time.
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Taglist: @bellamy1998 @sxsalvatore @ottjord @lina1945
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adenei · 4 years
Her Favorite Color
Ron took one last look in the bathroom mirror, hoping he was presentable enough for dinner tonight. It was stupid, really. He’d met the Grangers before. Spent loads of time with them in Australia, even. But this was the first time he’d been invited to Hermione’s childhood home, and he wanted to make a good ‘first’ impression. 
His dad had helped him choose the outfit, mainly because Arthur wanted a chance to shop in a muggle clothing store. Harry was also there for moral support and to help with muggle money. Ron was dressed in khaki trousers and a light blue button-down that complimented his eyes. Knowing he needed to get going, he inhaled deeply in an attempt to settle his nerves and made his way down the stairs.
“Heading to Hermione’s, dear?” Molly asked.
“Yeah, Mum. I won’t be out too late. Promise,” Ron reassured her.
She smiled lovingly at her youngest son. “I know. Before you go, I’ve been thinking about sweaters for the holidays this year. It’s about time Hermione receives one, don’t you think?”
Ron looked partially surprised, even though he should have known this was coming. “I’m sure she’ll appreciate not having to wear my old ones,” he agreed.
His mother chuckled. “I should have made one for her years ago, but money was—” she cut herself off as she shook her head. “That’s beside the point. What’s her favorite color?”
Ron opened his mouth to answer but froze. What was her favorite color? He knew what it wasn’t: no yellows, oranges, or reds. The question was bothering him. He’d known her for seven years. He could answer almost anything about her, yet he couldn’t answer this. 
“I—I don’t know,” he said, completely perplexed. “I know she wears a lot of blue, but something tells me that’s not it. I’ll check tonight.”
“Perfect. Have fun, dear!”
Ron nodded as he walked out the door so he could apparate to her house. He turned on the spot and felt the familiar lurch in his stomach. Seconds later, he opened his eyes to find himself at the end of the lane near her home. He looked around, ensuring he wasn’t seen before making the short walk to her house.
He knocked on the front door, and Jean answered shortly thereafter. “Hi, Ron! Welcome!” she said cheerfully as she ushered him inside. “Hermione’s upstairs if you want to go get her. I believe she’s finishing up a letter. Second door on the right.”
“Er, right. Thanks,” Ron said as Jean gestured toward the stairs.
He hesitantly made his way up the carpeted stairs. It was quiet. Much quieter than the Burrow. He walked the few paces down the hall and stopped at the second doorway. Ron peered in to see if Hermione was there, but was immediately distracted by something else.
Purple. So much purple. It was as if someone had eaten all the grape-flavored Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans and vomited all over Hermione’s childhood bedroom. The walls were a light shade of lilac, and the bedding a deep plum color. Even the curtains were purple, although a shade in the middle of the other two. The overwhelming color made the Gryffindor pendant on her tackboard seem woefully out of place.
“I didn’t know you were a fan of purple,” Ron said, causing her to jump in the seat at her desk.
“Ron! When did you get here?” she said as she set the quill down.
“Just now. Definitely wasn’t what I was expecting when I imagined what your room would look like. Thought you’d go for boring and smart colors, like browns or creams. I quite like the whimsy of the purple, though,” he grinned.
“It’s been this way since before I left for Hogwarts,” Hermione shrugged. “I’ve always loved the color.”
“Why don’t you wear it often?” The wheels were turning in Ron’s mind.
“I—it’s barmy, really,” she said, but Ron didn’t speak, hoping she’d continue. “One of the boys in primary school teased me for wearing an all-purple outfit once. I guess I let his comment get to me, and I stopped wearing it altogether. And then Gryffindor colors were red and gold, so it made sense to choose similar colors for muggle clothes.”
Ron nodded. “Well, you know you can wear whatever bloody color makes you happy, right?”
Hermione smiled. “Yes, I do.” She walked over to him and kissed him sweetly in thanks before changing the subject. “We should get downstairs and see if Mum needs help in the kitchen. Maybe we’ll be able to escape back here for a bit after dinner.” 
Ron pulled her in for another kiss before following her back downstairs. A smile played at his lips as he remembered his Mum’s inquiry before he left the Burrow. Purple, he thought, now knowing exactly what color Hermione’s first Weasley sweater should be.
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nasir-simp · 4 years
Percy Weasley
I will not tolerate any Percy Weasley slander! He is such a good character and no one talks about him as much. He’s probably the only person that met his parents expectations, yet they were still disappointed by him! 
As a child he didn’t really have anyone. He was too young for the two oldest, and too old for the two youngest. And he couldn’t ever be a part of the twins. He also was probably compared to a lot with Charlie and Bill by Molly. Always talking about how he should be top of the class, then prefect, then head boy, and then settle down with a good ministry job. And yes, he did do everything Molly told him to yet they were still disappointed. 
Not to mention, the twins teased him a lot, as a child and as an adult. They teased him so much that you start to wonder if they’re crossing boundaries and that they’re actually bullying him. I have a feeling that when he got to Hogwarts and was under the sorting hat, he was almost put into Slytherin. Think about it, he has the ambition and he’s clever enough to get what he wants. He would be perfect for Slytherin, but he begged the hat to keep him in Gryffindor. He couldn’t bear to stand more ridicule by the twins on not being a real Weasley. Also, Ron used to look up to him when he was a first year. But he quickly changed his ways and began to also ridicule Percy after becoming a second year. 
When Percy came home and told Arthur his promotion at the ministry. Arthur did not react like an adult should, and it pains me that I used to believe that Percy was in the wrong. The Weasley name wouldn’t be able to handle more ridicule for long, he was trying to make the Weasley name a name you say out of respect. He tried to go up the ranks, to make a name for himself. All he wanted was his parent’s to be proud of him. 
After Harry saw Voldemort and announced to the world that he was back, the ministry quickly stated that he was lying and that he was still dead. Obviously we knew this as false, seeing as we are reading from harry’s POV. When the ministry claimed he was lying for attention, obviously people would believe the ministry over a boy who hasn’t even reached puberty yet. It makes sense to believe the ministry, they are the wizard equivalent of a government. Most people trust the government, very few people actually believe it’s corrupt. 
But ever since Percy was a child, he looked up to figures of authority, and treated them with respect. So of course Percy is going to side with the ministry over his younger brother’s best friend. He thought this was the right choice, he was trying to do the best for his family.  Don’t forget that he sided with his family when the time came though! During the Battle of Hogwarts, he fought with his family and quit his job at the ministry. By doing do, he got his family to forgive him. 
Also, during the Battle of Hogwarts, he was fighting with Fred. He even made a joke with him, causing Fred to dye with a smile on his face. He died doing what he loved most, laughing. 
So no, I will not stand for Percy Weasley slander! He is a great character that I not appreciated enough! 
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missnight0wl · 3 years
Do you think the Metamorphmagus is someone we already know? Or at least a name we’ve heard before like Lomelia Prounce?
Sorry that it took me a while to respond, but you made me so excited by mentioning Lomelia Prounce and happy that there are people remembering that name (even if there’s a handful of us). And then, it also sent me on a bit crazy thought process, and I’m still not sure what to get from it… But first things first.
Currently, I feel pretty confident about the idea that the Metamorphmagus is Olivia Green. Let me explain. (Also, I’m gonna use “the Imposter” from now on as it’s more convenient, but each time I’m talking about the Metamorphmagus).
I’ll start by saying that I’m fairly certain that the Imposter has to be either someone young or inexperienced – or both. And it’s mostly based on the situation with Amos Diggory. I mean, look, there’s no way it was the Imposter when MC met him shortly after coming to the Ministry. Just compare it to how they were impersonating Tonks. Yes, there were some giveaways, but they were immediately trying to cover their mistakes. They were smart enough to deduce that Tonks would want to impress Moody, for example:
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Yet, you’re telling me that they wouldn’t know MC’s name (or pretend to not know)? When most of the wizarding world knows it because of Jacob and the Cursed Vaults? And that would be their reaction to hearing Arthur’s name?
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No way, Amos was badly Obliviated. Yes, he told us that:
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… but notice that we never checked his alibi. I mean, why would we? We checked that Amos we talked with right then was real, so in MC’s little head it doesn’t matter if the one from the morning was the Imposter or there was something else going on.
Also, the Imposter impersonating Amos doesn’t make much sense logistically. We know they came into the Ministry as Reg since Reg was registered twice at the entrance. Then, they’d have to change to Amos when MC arrived, but even later when Tonks returned for her quill and notebook, she encountered Reg again. 
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Why would the Imposter changed into Amos, just to tell MC to go to Umbridge, and then back to Reg? Like, they could tell us that as Reg. “Oh, I’ve heard that Dolores Umbridge took care of the students, you better go to her office”. Not to mention that there were much subtler ways to let the players know that Amos is in fact the Imposter. For example, MC could tell him that Cedric wanted to say hi to him, to which Amos would be like: “Cedric?”. MC: “Um, your son?”, Amos: “Oh, yes! Of course! Anyway, back to why you’re here…”.
So, there’s all of that. And so, I believe that the Imposter just panicked for some reason, and that’s why they impulsively Obliviated Amos. 
Another thing that might suggest that they’re not super experienced is actually the fact that they impersonated Tonks at all, in my opinion. See, I don’t think they were planning to do that. Tonks wasn’t even supposed to be at the Auror Office at the time – she just had to go back because of her forgetfulness. I assume that the Imposter went there to snoop around, they saw Tonks, they knew or deduced she’s MC’s friend, and so they decided on the spot that they can learn even more that way – which potentially would help them impress their supervisors and get higher in the hierarchy (which a beginner would probably care about). And the thing here is that “Tonks” was indeed snooping around quite a lot.
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In the middle text, she might’ve been placing Reg’s wand under the desk, but the rest is from the Auror Office. Perhaps it was about checking the Aurors’ progress on R’s case?
Now, why I think it might be Olivia in particular? Well, it’s a bit of reach, but Nearly Headless Nick told us this about her:
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So, a Ravenclaw with some Gryffindor traits... I mean, yes, he talks about bravery here which doesn’t have to mean anything else. But for the sake of this discussion, I just want to point out that it kind of fits the Imposter who’s smart enough to avoid being caught for a quite long time, adjust to Tonks’s behaviour etc., yet also impulsive enough to panic and screw up with Amos. As I said though, it’s not a very strong argument. 
But even if it’s not Olivia Green, I still feel pretty confident with saying that the Imposter is someone young, not very experienced, who potentially want to make a good impression on their supervisors.
Now, let’s move to Lomelia Prounce. For people not remembering that name, she was mentioned twice around the time we were investigating the Whomping Willow:
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I really doubt it was a coincidence because it’s a very peculiar name, and the second text didn’t even really need any name being mentioned whatsoever. So, why drop it again? Also, since her name appeared around the events leading to finding the message from R, I wonder if Lomelia wasn’t responsible for writing it as well. And let me remind you, it was a bit odd…
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I was always bothered by that: “come ye all”... Like, it’s not how R writes. Or at least, it doesn’t fit their past pattern. So, again, it might be pointing to someone who knows enough about R to replicate their Black Quill, but not necessarily a tone of the message.
Another thing is that a while ago, I had that stupid realisation that you can totally get “Merula” out of Lomelia Prounce.
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The thing is that the letters which are left don’t make much sense. Unless it’s Merula’s secret last name…
Either way, with all the above in mind, I think we can be dealing here with one of many combinations. Like…
The Imposter and Lomelia Prounce is the same, but it’s also Olivia Green.
The Imposter and Lomelia Prounce is the same, but it’s also someone unknown.
The Imposter is Olivia, but Lomelia is someone unknown.
The Imposter is Olivia, but Lomelia is Merula.
The Imposter is someone unknown, but Lomelia is Olivia.
The Imposter is someone unknown, but Lomelia is Merula.
The Imposter and Lomelia Prounce are not the same, and they’re both also someone unknown.
The Imposter and Lomelia Prounce is the same, but it’s also Merula. (LOL, PLEASE NO)
I think that the most likely scenario is that the Imposter and Lomelia is actually the same, mostly because it’d probably be the easiest way to explain Lomelia Prounce (assuming that this name will appear again at all).
Now, it messes a little with my mind when it comes to the meeting in Knockturn Alley where we found out about the mole for the first time, but frankly, I might need to make a separate post on that. I was worried that it screws with the Rogues theory, but I believe we’re good there after all. I just don’t have a full grasp on that yet.
Anyway… yeah, I think I’m going with Olivia Green for now. I mean, it’d also be the easiest way to bring her name back again. If it’s not her, I want to say that it’s someone we don’t know.
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potteresque-ire · 5 years
(I wrote this as a response to another post. It got long, potentially upsetting, so I decided to move it here.)
(TW: Criticism of Draco Malfoy under the cut.)
I think the best analogy I can come up with for Slytherins in an Americanized Hogwarts is if they are the children of the tech giants (Hello Draco Bezos) and multi-company conglomerates, the top-earning Wall Street hedge fund managers, the property moguls like the Trumps and the Bloombergs, and the legacy politicians like the Bushes and the Kennedys. This would be a fairer comparison to the social-economic power of Slytherin families in the books because conservatives in the USA mostly do not come from privileged homes. And I suspect even this American analogue may pale to its UK counterpart, for it lacks the centuries of practice ("tradition”) as a convenient excuse for continuing its underlying bigotry.
Draco Bezos or Draco Trump or Draco Bush has as little choice as being of these surnames as Draco Malfoy. The members of the Americanized Slytherin house, likewise, don’t deserve to be seen as all evil, and maybe — and very likely — they’re not. But consider what Americanized Ron would think about the Slytherins as a group, bearing in mind that the books are written in the POV of Harry, a child himself and Ron’s fierce friend, if…
(Under the cut, for I’m VERY talkative today ...)
- If this Americanized Draco still buys his way into the Quidditch team with a Nimbus 2001. The obvious bribery aside, everyone in this Slytherin team can readily afford the same thing, and likely already has, at least, a Nimbus 2000 in possession.
- If Americanized Lucius also interferes with school policy with connections to Washington; he rubs shoulders with Secretary of Education Umbridge, who he got to know back when they were lobbying together in the capital.
- If the execution weapon of choice for Buckbeak is a golf club, a gift from the President Goyle of MACUSA. Walden McNair, former Slytherin, has just received a medal of honour for being able to wield it with style. This is a tale retold by a very bitter Theodore Nott, whose father owns the golf course resort where President Goyle plays but Nott Sr. only gets to keep the hamburger wraps of the President’s lunch. The other regular attendee of these lunches is the landowner of the entire Hogsmeade, who happens to be Gregory Goyle’s father.
And speaking of Hogsmeade...
- If Goyle Inc. hikes the rent of the town after every visit by Hogwarts students. Prices of items sold in Hogsmeade shops hike accordingly to deflect the cost. The Weasleys haven’t been able to afford anything there for years.
Goyle Inc. has also been looking to invest in Ottery St Catchpole, re-develop the area into one with ... farmer’s market. Lots and lots of farmer’s markets where a loaf of bread costs $10.00 apiece.
- If American Hogwarts is also free but God knows for how long. Its profits from the previous years — sorry, not profit, but endowment as should be referred to for non-profit organisations — has been channelled into the stock market and the stock market hasn’t been doing so well. Mrs Zabini, the manager of the fund, still gets her commission even if Hogwarts goes bankrupt. In fact, a volatile market with high trading volumes is a godsend for her income, and her yearly bonus is large enough to run Hogwarts for a year. She’s very generous, however, and donates 1% of it to the school, which gets her name engraved on the Gryffindor-Zabini Tower.
Meanwhile, if the Weasleys go home every summer not knowing if they can return to the same tower on September 1st.
- If Skelegro and other potions in the infirmary are rationed due to high cost and every time a Weasley find themselves injured in a Quidditch match, the Malfoys, father or son or both, would remark on the Weasleys having more children than they can afford, and recommend the school board that these potions should be rationed by surname as well. The Slytherins have no such concerns of course; the Parkinsons are heads of an international potion conglomerate and they can always import extra potions from Brazil, which are sold at a small fraction of the cost they sold to Hogwarts (yes, they have the licence and patent to produce the Skelegro. Why did you ask?).
Perhaps -- assuming my understanding of UK’s class system isn’t too off the mark -- these if’s can provide a sense of Slytherin’s privilege in canon to the American audience, and related to this, how Draco’s prejudice towards Ron cannot be put on the same moral scale from Ron’s prejudice against Draco. I’d also like to emphasize this: I haven’t touched at all, on this list, on Voldemort’s reign of terror. I haven’t touched, at all, on the fact that Voldemort’s war had been spearheaded by the parents of many current Slytherin students, and this war had only been suspended -- not ended -- for just short of a decade when the Class of Harry Potter entered Hogwarts. The wounds were still fresh. Arthur and Molly could’ve easily suffered similar fates as the Potters and the Longbottom’s. The bigotry of the Slytherins, and of the Malfoys, wasn’t merely a suspected thing in the canon years, like how we feel about a celebrity who’s made a questionable tweet. Not only was their bigotry a fact in the canon years, but it was also a real, ongoing threat that, if permitted to run its course, could and would ruin the lives of the Weasleys.
Ron seeing the Slytherins as a threat arguably served the dual function of keeping him safe -- perhaps not at the moment, but in the future. Draco, on the other hand, had nothing to fear about Ron and above all, the socioeconomic class that the Weasleys represented.
They never stood on equal grounds.
And here’s the thing I don’t understand. Or I think I understand it, having seen this Ron-is-as-bad-as-Draco-and-Slytherins-are-victims-of Dumbledore’s-prejudice debate in various forms over the years — this isn’t new or controversial, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this has become the dominant view within the ship — and I’m not sure I can get myself to face what I’ve understood, because what this is is worrisome for me.
Please hear me out.
The Drarry fandom on Tumblr has, in my observation, always taken a very strong, hardline stance against prejudice. The post that says something along the line of 10 people who sits with a Nazi makes a table of 11 Nazis get numerous likes and reblogs. And yet in this situation, we have a boy, Ron, who is directly affected by the prejudice, who’s familiar with the connections between his Slytherin classmates and those who have not only worked to make their brand of bigotry the law but helped murder those who do not agree, and his distaste for these oppressors as a group is somehow seen as equal as his likely future oppressors’ disgust at his presence.
The reason given is inevitably a variation of this: Draco was a child. He was parroting his parent’s beliefs. He was too young to be responsible for his words, or his actions. He was a victim.
I’ve not seen this defence offered, not even once within the Drarry circle, for a real-life bully. Tumblr’s user base is young, and many have a history of being bullied due to their race, gender, sexuality, disability, socioeconomic class. After a bit of subtraction (Young Age - Bullying History in Years), I’d take that many of these RL events happened when the victim and the perpetrator were about the age of Ron and Draco in canon. And yet, not once have I seen a shipper on my dash suggest the bully was a victim, or that they weren’t at fault because they were only parroting the prejudice of their conservative families, their schools, their religion etc. That maybe they didn’t mean what they were saying or doing.
This is a (very) good thing. But it also makes me wonder: defenders of Draco and the Slytherins do know, deep down, that the excuse they’ve offered Draco isn’t nearly good enough to exempt him from his behaviour.
Draco might not have understood the greater political ramifications of his bullying, but he knew he was hurting Ron. Bullying cannot a be mindless act; it cannot be a passive reflection of one’s lessons from school or family for It’s a pre-meditated, targeted behaviour, and a good bully like Draco — he came up with a bullying chant that the whole school knew in the end — tailors his acts to serve a specific purpose of hurting the victim. Draco might not have known that calling Hermione a Mudblood could devalue her life enough to make it ripe for elimination when Voldemort came to power, but he knew perfectly well that the term was derogatory. This is especially true if one agrees with the common headcanon that Draco was second only to Hermione in marks in school, that he was no Crabbe or Goyle and he was intelligent.
Our ship celebrates Draco’s sharp tongue, but that tongue was used exclusively to ridicule, to bully in canon -- it’s fandom that has given it a better / higher / romantic purpose. His father’s tongue spoke the language of bigotry to the ears of the Ministry; this was the Malfoy’s weapon of choice and Draco was forging his own in the books. His bullying ways in canon was written with humour, with Weasley is Our King being the epitome of the laughs. I don’t believe it was JKR’s intention for her readers to fall in love with Draco via his bullying style, however. The HP world was built as a mirror of our own (rather than as a manual of what an ideal world should be, as many in fandom has seemed to assume), and Weasley is Our King showcased how easily bigotry can creep into our day-to-day language when it’s masqueraded as a joke (Even Luna was singing it at some point):
Oh, relax! It’s perfectly fine for everyone to know the Weasleys were born in a bin, into poverty! Funny, isn’t it? HAHAHAHA!
Imagine seeing this kind of behaviour on Tumblr. Imagine trying to defend this kind of behaviour on Tumblr.
I have faith that most of my Drarry friends cannot, will not do the latter.
So please, please reconsider what you’re really saying when you call Draco the victim, the vulnerable one, when you insist that he and the Slytherins had been wronged. I don’t mean to start another debate and I don’t plan to engage in one; this isn’t a call-out post either, I enjoy reading all the opinions expressed and I understand many of the sentiments I’m questioning comes from a place of love. I just hope that everyone who’s reading (thank you) can sit back, think a little. Imagine for a moment that table with the Nazis. Even if, at the table, there’re actually 10 Nazis and 1 who isn’t, who is more vulnerable? The non-Nazi sitting with the Nazis? Or the person who refuses to sit at the table and makes a bad judgement call on the 11th sitter by assuming they are a Nazi as well? Who is more the victim, or more likely to become one? The 11th sitter who’s wrongly labelled? Or the standing person who is being eyed by the 10 Nazis with disgust, the 10 Nazis who already have a family history of hunting down the standing person’s family and friends?
Or does the answer -- and this is the understanding I’ve got but haven’t dared to face -- does the answer depend on if he character in question had white-blond hair that glinted so beautifully in the sun? Is that the reason why Draco Malfoy, bigot, bully, has been given this special treatment, this carte blanche in the sense that he’ll always remain on our good side, be exempt from our moral judgement regardless of what he did, because his physical description doesn’t contain a single hint of melanin?
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(Not So) Secret Letters
word count: 2010
pairing: scorpius malfoy x rose weasley (harry potter)
A soon-to-be sixth year Scorpius Malfoy had his fair share of troubles. He had a healthy stack of homework he had yet to do (and school was starting in two weeks), the summer was too hot for him to bear, and the Potters and Weasleys were on vacation. Especially the latter. He had been so bored the entire summer without Albus to accompany him. Of course, there was his father, but he was so busy at the Ministry that it made Scorpius wonder how Harry, Ron, and Hermione had managed to catch a two-month break.
So yeah, he missed Albus and their stupid little adventures. No one else. Just Albus.
The blonde boy rubbed his hands over his face and groaned. Who was he kidding? He missed his best friend, of course, but there was also Rose Granger-Weasley. A beautiful, charming, and feisty Rose Granger-Weasley.
She was...perfect. She had a mesmerizing smile that rivaled the sun in its brightness. Her laugh was like music to his ears. It was adorable when she would bite her lower lip when thinking. Even her scowls made her appear more attractive.
And there he goes again, staring off into space thinking about her. The boy sighed. He liked her too much for his own good. It drove him crazy that he couldn’t see her until September 1st, and the first was still so long away.
Still so long away regarding Rose, yes, but not so long away considering his pile of homework, the dutiful student part of him thought.
Shut up, conscience, he retorted.
Oh god. Did he really start arguing with himself inside his head? Scorpius shook his head. What was wrong with him? (He knew perfectly well what was wrong; he was lovesick. But knowing that didn’t mean that he had to admit it.)
“Ugh. School’s starting in two weeks and I’ve barely touched my homework. Dad’s gonna tell me off again,” muttered Scorpius as he lifelessly flopped back down onto his bed.
At that exact moment, a noise from his window decided to interrupt his quite depressing monologue. The blonde lifted his head to the right slightly, before hurriedly heading towards his window. It his haste he almost tripped over something on the floor, but he didn’t bat an eye.
It’s Albus’s owl!
He eagerly opened the window, and in came Arthur, his best friend’s owl. It carried an envelope, and after tearing it apart, Scorpius discovered a postcard. He smiled fondly. It was sweet of Albus to send something to him.
If Albus could send stuff to him, then...couldn’t he do the same?
Scorpius almost face palmed. It was so obvious! He could’ve just sent letters to Albus via owl from the start.
As Arthur was about to take off, Scorpius hurriedly closed the window. The owl looked over, and Scorpius shot it an apologetic smile. From the postcard, it seemed like they were in Scotland for their vacation. Of course, it was definitely closer than many other locations in the world, but flying back and forth probably took a toll on the poor animal. He made a mental note to give it a treat later.
Excited, Scorpius sat down at his desk and pulled out some parchment, a quill, and ink. Sometimes he preferred to write with the Muggle pen, but his handwriting looked a lot prettier with a quill and ink.
The letter to Albus was quick and easy; just a summary of his boring summer and how much he wished he was with Albus. They were best friends; he didn’t need to put everything into words for them to understand each other.
Now, the one for Rose. There wasn’t a single doubt in his mind in regards to writing to the red-head. It was only a matter of how. The blonde boy wasn’t blind; he had seen how annoyed Rose was whenever he tried to talk to her at school (although he’s sure that she’s slowly warming up to him with time). Chances were, no matter how harsh it sounded, the girl was probably going to throw the letter away when she read the “from Scorpius” on the envelope. So, he decided he was just going to have to write it anonymously.
Dear Rose,
I hope you are having a wonderful summer. I happened to hear that you were on vacation in Scotland. I’ve been there before, years ago. It was quite a lovely place overall.
You probably aren’t interested, but for me, summer this year has been quite boring. The sun shines all day, yet it seems a little dimmer than usual, for I don’t see you. The sun is no match compared to your smile. When I take a walk outside, the vibrant flowers remind me of your hair. The wind reminds me of that day last year at the Quidditch finals. It was pouring, the rainwater being accompanied by the sounds of thunder and the streaks of lightning. You almost fell off of your broom because of the gusts of wind, and I was so relieved when you managed to stay on. It was quite an exhilarating match, and Gryffindor definitely deserved the win. I think I’ve never seen you happier when your team received the trophy. It was a beautiful sight.
When I try to work on my homework, the bookish smell reminds me of you. My thoughts are filled with you to the point that I can’t focus on the homework. It’s no wonder you smell like parchment and ink; I feel like your nose is always in a book, except when you’re playing Quidditch. (I’m not saying it’s bad; I personally love the smell!)
All in all, I can’t wait for the school year to start. Merely a look at you is enough to make my day.
Your Secret Admirer
Before his thoughts could convince him otherwise, Scorpius enclosed both of his letters into their individual envelopes, simply writing a “To Albus Potter” and “To Rose Granger-Weasley” on each. After attaching it to Arthur, the owl flew away, leaving behind an anticipating Scorpius Malfoy who was wondering if this was such a good idea after all.
Rose awoke to the sound of knocking at her hotel room door. Glancing down at her watch, she was even more annoyed to discover that it was five a.m. Sure, she woke up at ungodly hours like this often when at Hogwarts, but this was summer vacation and she was having none of it.
“Go away, I’m trying to sleep,” she cried meekly, pulling the covers over her head in a fruitless attempt to block out the noise.
“Rose, it’s me,” said a voice she knew all too well. “There’s mail for you.”
“You’d think that it would make more sense to give me this at breakfast, but no, gotta give me this at five a.m. in the morning,” muttered Rose, walking over to the door. She was tempted to just ignore him and go back to sleep, but the thought of something arriving from one of her friends was more than enough to convince her to get up. Plus, it was Albus. She always found it hard to say no to the green-eyed boy.
Opening the door, Rose found a yawning Albus on the other side of it. He smiled down at her before handing her an envelope.
“Here,” he said.
“You know you could have picked a better time, right?”
He merely laughed. “I was afraid I might forget it later.”
“Yeah, right.” Albus was incredibly thoughtful and attentive, and the girl knew it. He wouldn’t forget to give her something. She guessed he just wanted her to have it as soon as possible. “Thanks,” she added.
“It’s nothing. See you later.”
Rose closed the door and settled back onto her bed. After examining the envelope closer, the only thing written on it was “To Rose Granger-Weasley.” It didn’t even say who it was from.
With the first few sentences, Rose was confused and slightly concerned. Did she have to deal with another stalker on top of that Malfoy? But after she was finished, she could conclude that this was from Scorpius himself.
That idiot, she smiled to herself with a slight smile. He just doesn’t know when to quit, does he? And this whole anonymous thing is so lame. It’s not really hard to figure who this “secret admirer” person is. Plus, I recognize his handwriting.
It was stupid, but it was sweet.
The red-head shook her head. Sweet?! Since when did I think Scorpius Malfoy, of all people, was sweet?! My brain needs to stop working.
So, Scorpius being (not) sweet aside, Rose decides she might as well humor him by writing back.
Dear My Apparent Secret Admirer,
I would just like to express my gratitude that you seem to think of me quite excessively. No words could possibly express how flattered I am by your delightful compliments. However, as prefect, I would like to remind you to finish all of the homework that you have been assigned over the break. I think it would be quite a sight to behold to see you receive detention before even a single week of school has passed just because you failed to complete a reasonable amount of assignments in the span of over two-and-a-half months, most of which I’m sure you have wasted by doing nothing productive.
I am pleased to read of your recognition for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, although I have to admit that last match wasn’t exactly the most “exhilarating” by far. The current Slytherin team seems to lack a bit of talent and skill in regards to their Chasers, and their Keeper, the only good player, might I add, had received a fairly troublesome injury a week prior to the match, and subsequently had to be replaced by a far inferior player.
I myself am also looking forward to going back to Hogwarts. I believe that if you put as much effort as you do thinking of me into your schoolwork, you will no doubt become one of the top students of your year. Just some friendly advice.
Yours Truly,
Rose Granger-Weasley
Satisfied with her letter, Rose gave it to her owl to deliver it. All she had to do now was wait. She was looking forward to Scorpius’s reply.
A smile blossomed onto her face as the girl looked out the window, her mind filled with a certain blonde boy with gray eyes.
Scorpius glanced up from an essay that he could care less about at the now familiar pecking sound.
To hell with homework. Rose is more important.
The boy eagerly opened the window and received the letter. Even before reading its contents, a smile made its way onto his face.
The two teenagers had been communicating for a week at this point. Aside from getting put off by the first letter, the experience had been pleasant for Scorpius. He had managed to learn a lot more about Rose (and managed to fall even more in love, if that was possible), and he found himself looking forward to these letters everyday. And Rose seemed to buy the fact that he was some random person who liked her. Made the process a lot easier. He sometimes wondered what her reaction would be if she discovered that it was him she was writing to all along.
For some odd reason, Scorpius doesn’t think it’ll end well, and decides to never tell Rose about this.
It’ll be his own special memory, and even if she never knows, it’s enough for him.
(Turns out luck isn’t by his side, for Rose broke the news to him that she knew all along that it was him she was writing to a week into school, and made it her life mission to tease him about it every chance she got. Scorpius swore he forgot how it felt like to not be blushing that school year. The only positive was that they were dating by April.)
This is my first story on tumblr, hope it wasn’t too bad hahaha. Constructive criticism is always welcome!
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theazkabandreamer · 4 years
A Mother’s Fury
Part 2: Aftermath
Part 1
Harry had won, Voldemort was dead. Molly wasn’t sure whether or not she was dreaming- She couldn’t believe it was all over.
It was noon and Molly hadn’t slept a wink after that exhausting night. She had spent the hours after Voldemort’s death receiving the thanks from many of those who had lost a loved one to Bellatrix. In the eyes of those people, she was as much as a hero as Harry was.
“Nice one, Mrs Weasley,” Neville Longbottom had said, grinning at her whilst holding the sword of Gryffindor. Molly remembered Harry holding that very same sword five years ago when he had saved Ginny from the Chamber of Secrets.
“Thank you, dear,” Molly said smiling at him. “Well done to you, too”
Molly made sure to give him a big hug. She had remembered hearing the news about Frank and Alice Longbottom and she was certain that if they were in the right state of mind today, they would be very proud of him.
She spent the rest of the morning sitting at the house tables. But no one was sitting according to Hogwarts House anymore. They were all jumbled together.
“Are you okay, Mum?” Ginny asked, jerking Molly out of her thoughts as she sat down next to her.
“Yes, dear,” Molly sighed. “I will be.”
The pain of losing Fred left a hole in Molly’s heart that she knew would take many years to fill. She still hadn’t entirely gotten over losing her brothers Fabian and Gideon. But losing a son was more painful and Molly knew that the entire family would have to pull together to get through this.
“Thanks for finishing off Bellatrix,” Ginny said quietly. “You were brilliant. I’ve never seen you fight before.”  
Molly had earned a lot more respect from her family after defeating Bellatrix. She was initially shaken up after killing her-. The thought of killing someone was never on her mind. But after seeing how many lives Bellatrix had taken, how many lives she had ruined, Molly couldn’t have stood there and watched Bellatrix kill her daughter.
If she didn’t stop Bellatrix, she would’ve gone on to kill more people, splitting more families. Bellatrix didn’t know what it was like to be a mother. She didn’t know what it was like losing a son. She didn’t experience the joys that motherhood brought. The joys of holding your child for the first time, watching them take their first steps.
Bellatrix didn’t understand any of that and Molly felt a sliver of pity for her.  
“I was doing my job as a mother, Ginny,” Molly said quietly. “It doesn’t matter if you are sixteen or thirty-six. I will always be here for you.”
“Thanks,” Ginny said, resting her head on Molly’s shoulder. “I appreciate it.”
The two of them sat there for a while watching things unfold around them. Families were reunited or mourning the loss of a member.
Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan were sitting with Parvati Patil looking very solemn. The poor Lavender Brown girl who Greyback had attacked was sent to St Mungo’s earlier, her condition worsening. They didn’t know if she was going to make it.
Horace Slughorn was pouring tea for Madam Pomfrey and her team of volunteers who all looked emotionally drained and exhausted.
Professors McGonagall, Flitwick and Sprout were talking with the newly named Minister for Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt. All of them looked grim as they surveyed the damage to the castle.
Argus Filch wasn’t sitting down. He was already sweeping the rubble, the large gash in his left arm bandaged up and Mrs Norris was at his heel. Molly had to admire his work ethic.
The three Malfoys were reunited together but looking unsure as if they were supposed to be there or not. Molly was pleased to see the Malfoys reunited with their son. There had been enough tragedy already. She felt no ill will towards Narcissa Malfoy who had a protective arm around Draco’s shoulder. At least she, unlike her sister knew what it was like to be a mother.
She caught Narcissa’s eye. She looked uncertainly at Molly and then to Ginny who was still resting her head on Molly’s shoulder. She gave Molly a nod and a small smile which Molly returned. Molly could see in Narcissa’s eyes the regret that she felt at Fred’s death.
Molly looked at her family and her sense of pride overwhelmed her. Apart from Fred, they had all made it. It was as if it were yesterday when they were all little boys playing in the Burrow, climbing trees and de-gnoming the garden.
But those days were long behind them now. The boys she had raised were now men in their own right and Molly loved them all so much.
Bill and Charlie were both chatting together as Fleur was tending to a cut on Bill’s arm. Molly smiled at the sight-. She felt ashamed of the way she had judged Fleur when she first met her. She clearly cared about Bill even when he was scarred by Fenrir Greyback, she remained at his side. 
She was pleased to see Charlie with them. Because he was living in Romania, she didn’t get to see him as much as the others and had missed him a lot. Molly noted with a pang of irritation, that he could do with a haircut.
Arthur and Percy were sitting at the end of the table, Percy’s robes were ripped and he had a cut on his cheek but he and Arthur were chatting amicably. It was nothing but a miracle that Percy was back with them again.
A huge weight lifted from Molly’s shoulders as all of that sadness and pent up anxiety lifted away.
George and Lee Jordan were sitting together, looking lost without Fred. Molly couldn’t bear to look at George a second longer than necessary, but then Angelina Johnson joined them, said some words to George and then put an arm around his shoulders.
That single gesture of kindness brightened Molly’s heart. Of all the people affected by the loss of Fred, George felt it the most. But he needn’t suffer alone. He had many friends that could help him and for the first time in ages, Molly felt hope that things will get better.
Ron and Hermione were sitting a table away, their heads close together and Molly was sure that they were holding hands. Molly hadn’t seen Ron for months. He had grown a lot. He looked more of a man than he did in August and it pleased her that he and Hermione were finally together.
She had watched them growing closer together for a long time and had been doing wonders on Ron’s self-esteem.
Then there was Harry; the reason why everyone in this hall was still alive.
He was sitting a table away from Molly and Ginny with Luna Lovegood and he looked exhausted- the poor dear- He had spent the entire morning being thanked and his hand shaken by so many people.
He had come a long way from being that polite little boy who asked to get onto the platform. She had watched him grow over the years and he too became a man in his own right. She was as proud of him as she was her own children.  
Ginny was also watching him, her head still on Molly’s shoulder.
“Are you going to talk to him?” Molly asked. She knew how much Ginny cared for Harry. Ginny had told her of their brief relationship last summer.
“He looks like he could do with some rest,” Ginny said. “There’ll be plenty of time to talk. We’ll have years.”
Molly was pleased with Ginny’s answer. There would be plenty of time to talk but for now, they had loved ones to bury and a world to rebuild.  She hoped that they didn’t have to go through another war.
She had had enough trouble for a lifetime.
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bookishable · 5 years
harry potter opinions
not all of these are unpopular
dumbledore should have been in slytherin
the only reason people ship dramione is because they think the actors are good looking, if the characters had been played by actors who aren’t conventionally attractive people wouldn’t ship them
draco and hermione are just not compatible at all
fred’s death was the worst one
the golden trio belong in gryffindor because they use the traits they have from other houses in order to be brave (harry has ambition to survive and a strong sense of self-preservation, ron’s loyalty helps him defend others “if you want to kill harry you’ll have to kill us too”, yeah thanks for ruining that movies, and hermione often uses her intelligence to find solutions and work a way out of a situation)
kreacher is more likeable than dobby
on balance the order of the phoenix is the worst film
i agree that the sorting system should be based on the traits you value most not the ones you have, and if this is canon then it should have been made clearer in the books
snape is not a good person but one of the best characters
it’s pointless to compare james and snape to figure out who is a worse person they had totally opposite lives
slughorn is a better example of a flawed but good character/person than snape
luna embodies ravenclaw house more than any other character
it sucks that ravenclaw has only luna as good character representation, we had cho who became a bigger character, but so many people in the fandom hate her and her relationship with harry ended badly from his pov
harry potter is the most underrated character in harry potter which is a crime
kreacher’s tale should have been in the films
percy, fred, george and ron could all have fitted in slytherin fight me
the best portrayed character in the films was snape
most of the hogwarts professors were also very accurate to the books and well acted, especially mcgonagall, sprout, lockhart, flitwick and madame pomfrey (although she should have had more lines from the books)
oh and also filch
daniel radcliffe looked most like harry potter in prisoner of azkaban
charlie and ginny fit in gryffindor the most out of all the weasleys
ravenclaws are probably the ones who procrastinate the most
peter pettigrew is such an interesting character
dean thomas needs more appreciation
ron and hermione are simultaneously the best couple and the most annoying couple
pettigrew should be viewed as a true marauder not just someone who tagged along with the other three because that’s what made his betrayal so terrible
regulus black deserved better
fleur delacour is underrated but i’m glad to see she’s starting to get more appreciation now
i could write a 300 page essay on how amazing harry and ron’s friendship is
it annoys me when people make harry potter as vines videos and just stick the name padfoot over any video of a dog even if it has no relation to sirius
most of harry’s escapes were due to luck and i love that he acknowledges that
but this doesn’t make him any less brave or skilled
the deathly hallows is the best book
the idea that mary poppins is a witch is more canon than hogwarts being a school (which isn’t saying much because honestly the only thing the students learnt there was that they lived in close proximity to several things that could kill them)
dumbledore is a better person than everyone makes him out to be
aberforth dumbledore is underrated
the best house pairing is slytherin and hufflepuff
harry should have named his children sirius, remus and ruby (rubeus), but i totally get why he used his parents and dumbledore’s names even though i can’t accept severus or luna
i still love harry and luna’s friendship and i guess since ginny was close friends with her too they both chose her name
jk rowling is not a bad person, yes she has done some controversial things, but people should be more appreciative of the world she created and how she encouraged generations of children to read
harry and hermione’s friendship is so precious
i love ron because he is a realistic character and a great guy
the crimes of grindelwald should have been named ‘the rise of grindelwald’
people need to stop complaining about characters being portrayed as poc in fan art, these artists dedicate their time to creating something and it’s their choice how they interpret the characters
also i’m sure lots of artists don’t design them this way just to encourage diversity, it can simply be a stylistic choice and some probably just prefer to draw them this way
not all slytherins are obsessed with the colour green omg
same applies to the other houses and their house colours, i just see the slytherin one more frequently
voldemort’s movie death is atrocious
but cool use of cgi i guess
ginny and ron were ruined by the films but not the actors
so was the entire weasley family a little
arthur and bill should have been in ravenclaw
molly should have been in hufflepuff
the whole “calmly“ thing doesn’t really annoy me, but i do think that dumbledore was too angry generally in the fourth film (maybe this was purposeful for the character i just prefer book dumbledore)
this leads to my conclusion that goblet of fire is the second worst film
i actually liked crimes of grindelwald, but i thought the first film was better because it was quite different to the harry potter series
however,, even though cog was very plot heavy, bear in mind that they are setting up for 3 more films. the first has to be simpler to set the scene and kick off the franchise, just like philosopher’s stone. the next film will naturally have more to it. it was dark because grindelwald played a bigger part. this is just like the chamber of secrets film (a lot of people dislike it) which was also plot heavy and had a different feel to it. people need to give it time, there’s 3 more films
jk rowling needs to write a new children’s book with a new universe to harry potter, and leave the harry potter franchise alone after fbawtft. it’s fine as it is. she still has the talent to create something great
the books are infinitely better than the films
even though i disagree that all the weasleys belong in gryffindor, i support the idea that they all have the same values and would probably choose to be sorted into gryffindor over the other houses
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hayleysstark · 5 years
*Queenie appears wearing a Hufflepuff robe and scarf* I'm curious...which Hogwarts house would you sort the Merlin characters? And, if you're comfortable sharing, do YOU identify with a particular house, or multiple houses? Have a pleasant day, and a cookie, too! *Hands you a chocolate cookie* P.S. It's from Publix. I can't bake to save my life, but Publix can turn out some damn good cookies lol
OH MAN YOU’RE A HUFFLEPUFF ?????? lucky bastard, you get friendly housemates and your dormitories are right by the kitchens ???? unfair. im calling bullshit. wtf. who allowed this. who allowed Hufflepuffs to be the luckiest honestly. unfair. ALSO all chocolate cookies are good cookies, i appreciate any and all chocolate cookies on offer tbh. actually. i appreciate any and all cookies period. 
also i am a Ravenclaw!!!! not v smart, but i value knowledge more than anything else, so it’s the only House that i fit lol
fghyghgbn all right all right but i’ll have you know, one (1) immortal warlock emrys is too old, too tired, and too sober for all the drama and Discourse™️ ((and believe me, Sorting fictional characters brings a lot of Discourse™️)) so the consequences for this are firmly on YOUR head, my Queen.
Merlin is a Slytherin. and don’t none of y’all @ me about this. don’t none of y’all come at me with “uwu he’s actually a hufflepuff, sometimes he can be a halfway decent human being for two (2) seconds” don’t!!!!!! do that to me!!!!!!!! i’m old!!!!! i’m tired!!!!! and i’m too sober!!!! Hufflepuff Merlin is honestly dead to me !!!! also this would get WAY too long if i stopped to list all the reasons why one Merlin Emrys is, in fact, more Slytherin than Salazar himself, but this is obviously a controversial choice, so i’ll just remind y’all that this is still where i stand: 
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tl;dr: Merlin Emrys may be an absolute dreamboat but don’t let those gorgeous clavicles or peg-me eyes fool you, he is still a man who will stop at absolutely nothing to get what he wants, including manipulate his best friends, attempt to murder his best friends, actually murder somebody who presented zero threat to him just to protect his secret,,,,,,, need i go on????
Arthur is a Gryffindor, with strong Hufflepuff tendencies. all right, i admit it, this is one area where i could absolutely change my mind at any point. Arthur definitely has as much Hufflepuff in him as Gryffindor, to be honest - he makes mistakes, sure, but he’s got his heart in the right place, and he genuinely just wants to love and be loved. he’s the heart and soul of the series, and Camelot as a whole, and i do think he would be an excellent fit for Hufflepuff House, but ultimately, he prizes his courage far more than his compassion, so i think he would wind up in Gryffindor either way.
Gwen is a Hufflepuff, with strong Gryffindor tendencies. we got a complete reversal for our beautiful Queen here!!! Guinevere has a lot of Gryffindor in her, there’s no doubt about that, but she’s the polar opposite of Arthur. she holds kindness in far higher regard than bravery, and for all her nerve, the Hat would put her firmly in Hufflepuff.
Morgana is a Slytherin, with strong Gryffindor tendencies. honestly, i could go either way with this bitch. yes, she’s cunning, she’s ambitious, she’s determined, and like Merlin, she’ll stop at nothing to get what she wants (although, terrible as Merlin is, Morgana’s motivations are far less admirable.) but, for all her faults, Morgana is a lady with a strong, unshakable sense of justice. she doesn’t want to kill Arthur and claim Camelot as her own just for kicks. she wants to remake Camelot, reshape it, she wants to tear it all down and rebuild it from the ground up. she wants  to make a haven for sorcerers. she wants to create a sanctuary for magic. she wants to build a safe place for people like her. as twisted as her viewpoint is by the end of the series, she genuinely believes she is fighting for what’s right, and her own sense of her nobility could easily place her in Gryffindor.
Gaius is a Ravenclaw. don’t get me wrong, Gaius definitely has a Slytherin streak of his own, and you’d better believe it’s a mile wide, but he values knowledge and intellect above all.
Kilgharrah is a Slytherin, with strong Ravenclaw tendencies. not to say Kilgharrah isn’t absolutely brilliant, because of course he is, but he’s no scholar, and ultimately, he’s cut from the same cloth as Merlin and Morgana. he will do what it takes to survive. and the pursuit of knowledge will always come second to that.
and for all the rest:
Leon is a Gryffindor, with strong Hufflepuff tendencies.Lancelot is a Gryffindor.Gwaine is a Gryffindor.Elyan is a Gryffindor, with strong Hufflepuff tendencies.Percival is a Hufflepuff, with strong Gryffindor tendencies.  
great to hear from you, as usual, Queenie!! 💖💖💖 have a wonderful day!!
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the-potter-analyst · 5 years
Chapter 5 - The Whomping Willow
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text word of the day: Responsibility
So much happens in this chapter yet so little lol. I saw responsibility in a lot of different ways, such as small menial things like getting ready in the morning, irresponsibility, and accepting consequences for actions taken. I want to start with the utter chaos that was the Weasleys getting ready to leave for King’s Cross lol. At first I wondered how the family didn’t finish packing the night before or at least have some sort of system to get ready by now, but then I remembered that this was the Weasleys. Utter chaos probably is the system they stick to every September 1st haha.
The biggest moment of responsibility is obviously Ron and Harry’s decision to take the flying car to Hogwarts. I found it interesting how their thought process was: can’t get through the barrier -> train already left -> therefore take the convenient flying car. Well, actually Ron’s first thought was to use muggle transportation which is kinda surprising and logical lol. But when he realizes that won’t work, his mind goes to the flying car and his logic does make sense. They consider this an emergency and under whatever clause Ron tries to state, that makes their actions legal. It’s not even their fault that they missed the train. In their 12 year old minds, there’s no other possible way to get to Hogwarts. I honestly don’t remember what I thought about this as a kid (I did wonder why they didn’t wait for Arthur and Molly), but as an adult I just have to laugh at their reasoning. It reminds me of how they made decisions in book 1: not trusting adults to help them in times of need. Because as McGonagall said, they had a means to contact people at Hogwarts. They could have even waited for Ron’s parents to come back to figure something else. But instead they choose to take things into their own hands. And Ron tries to be responsible for this irresponsible action, like making sure no one is looking before turning the car invisible and going into the clouds when the Invisibility Booster fails (because it’s a wizard’s responsibility, especially an under-aged one, to not use magic in front of muggles). Ron also takes responsibility by accepting what he thinks is the consequences of his and Harry’s actions (expulsion).
This whole scenario makes me wonder what happens when students miss the train to Hogwarts. Like it’s bound to happen at least every few years tbh, I can’t imagine that every year every student makes it on the train, that’s just unrealistic lol. Unless wizards are just magically on time all the time. The hosts had talked about how Percy never noticed Harry and Ron were gone, since it would be his responsibility as a prefect to take attendance, but I have to disagree with that a little. Percy, or at least one of the Gryffindor prefects, had to have noticed, because how else would Snape have known the two weren’t there when the train arrived at Hogwarts? And considering the hurry the Weasleys were in to get to the train, I doubt Percy would have realized Harry and Ron weren’t there until the train already left.
I had to look up the Whomping Willow to see why it’s so valuable since Snape was so hung up about it lol. From what I can get out of it, it’s valuable because it’s a very rare plant. Maybe parts of it can be used in potions? Tbh I just assumed Snape was using it as an excuse to dramatize the event that took place. I find it hard that Snape would be that attached to the Willow considering the reason why it was planted in the first place, unless something changed while he’s been a teacher. The metaphor the hosts made between the Willow and Snape is interesting to say the least (that the Willow represents Snape), but since I can’t quite convince myself Snape has a special connection with the tree, I’m not really on board with the metaphor.
I also wonder how different Gryffindor’s, sans Hermione and Percy, reaction would have been if McGonagall had taken away house points. We already know what happens when someone loses over a hundred points in a single instance, so I’m sure Gryffindor would have been extremely sour to find they lost a bunch of points before term even started. Like Harry said, McGonagall’s fair but strict, but she also wants her house to succeed, so after Harry pointed out the loophole in the punishment system, of course she complied lol. I’m not saying whether it was the right thing to do or not, but it was like a light bulb went off for her, like ahh yes, I see, a loophole. I want to think of McGonagall’s decision being due to how remorseful and ready to accept punishment Ron and Harry were. There are some punishments that are better off being lenient to let the person grow from it, and maybe this moment is just that.
Small things:
*Files Harry feeling jealous of Ron for having a loving family under The Opposite Ambitions of Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley*
Why couldn’t Ginny have forgotten that diary at home lol
Why did the Dursleys give 6-year-old Harry pocket money aksjfhsjkd
Special shout out to Hedwig. She’s really been through some shit this summer.
Previous:  Chapter 4 - At Flourish and Blotts
Next: Chapter 6 - Gilderoy Lockhart
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callumturncr · 6 years
A Different Path [Sirius Black AU] - Part 7
Summary: Post-graduation AU in which the reader, Lily and The Marauders have just joined the Order of the Phoenix. As tensions are at its highest in the First Wizarding War, the reader, who likes Sirius Black more than she would like to admit, is framed for the murder of Marlene McKinnon.
Parts: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8
Author’s Note: Firstly, thank you so so so much for 200 followers, I love every single one of you very much. Secondly, the next part (last part!!) will not be posted next week but the week after - I have a bunch of tests in school and I need the weekend to study!! Sorry for this delay but I will make Part 8 longer than the others to make up for it :) Also, if you would like to be added to my permanent taglist (or the one just for this piece of writing) please let me know!!
Gif is not mine. Words: 2.9k
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Y/N was early.
She stood at the doorway of the Potter’s for about ten minutes, tightly clutching the parcel containing Harry’s gift. She pondered walking around Godric’s Hollow to pass the time but at last, decided against it and knocked.
Lily would have been easy to explain to, Y/N had thought it all out in her head. She would simply say she’d come to see if they needed any help setting up (which wasn’t entirely untrue). Instead, it was Sirius who’d opened the door. Y/N swallowed her words and stared. He seemed to be as equally shocked to see her. After a moment, he stepped aside to let her in.
Lily and James Potter had a lovely home. Y/N had of course been here before but it looked like a different place entirely now that it was illuminated. The hallway led into a slightly bigger room with a flight of steps in one corner, a door to the living room on the right and a door to the kitchen to the left. Picture frames littered the cream coloured walls, most of them depicting Lily, James and their son, as well as Remus and Sirius. There was a fire roaring somewhere too, filling the whole place with a soft heat. Y/N was strangely reminded of the Gryffindor common room with its own blazing fireplace and the couches surrounding it – all that was missing was the scarlet gold paneling and the chatter of students.
But no matter how welcoming or warm, Y/N couldn’t shake off the image of the house it had been when she’d come here last. Sirius, as if sensing her thoughts, cleared his throat and gestured to the room on the right.
The state of the living room left Y/N bewildered. Decorations lay strewn across the floor and miniature models of Quidditch players, clearly enchanted, zoomed back and forth in front of the fire. Harry Potter sat on a pile of bright blue streamers in the centre of it all, watching the little figures with rapt attention.
“Did I get the timing wrong?” Y/N couldn’t help but ask, “It looks like the party just finished.”
Sirius gave half a snort. “Erm, n–no you’re fine. I was waiting for Remus to arrive before putting them up.”
Nodding in acknowledgement, she placed the parcel down on one of the couches. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the relief on Sirius’ face as clear as day and felt slightly guilty. I should apologize, she thought, I shouldn’t have thrown him out like I did.
Harry had turned from watching the Quidditch players to the new voice in the room. Upon seeing Y/N, he paused as if searching for some sort of recognition before letting out a small squeal. She bent down as he wobbled over, arms outstretched.
“Hello,” she murmured softly. Sitting down, she scooped him up onto her lap and the faint smell of baby powder flooded her nose. Harry held onto her hand with his small fists and cooed at her. “It’s nice to see you again too.”
“You’ve met?” Sirius asked as he took a seat opposite them.
“Lily brought him when she came to see me.”
Y/N wasn’t sure how to continue on from that. She remembered how fraught with tension their last meeting had been and thought that this moment would’ve been the perfect one to bring up her regret but Sirius spoke up.
“Right.” He cleared his throat again. “He likes you.”
The softest of smiles broke out on Y/N’s face and it startled Sirius momentarily. He took in her appearance in the time her gaze was fixed on Harry – she was very thin, like she hadn’t eaten properly for some time. Her cheekbones stood out sharper than before and dark shadows lined her eyes which in themselves were hollow, vacant. Her smile, once so radiant that it could’ve lit up an entire room, seemed too big for her face. The girl he’d known what felt like lifetimes ago was nowhere to be found.
Sirius wondered if she would ever find her way back to that girl again.
Y/N’s eyes flicked to Sirius more times than she would’ve liked to admit. He was looking at her so intently that he could’ve burned a hole through her. She noticed him toying with his fingers nervously, fingers which now had strange little runes tattooed on them. Frowning a little, she spotted another swirl of ink peeking out through the buttons at the top of his shirt.
“Do they mean anything?” she asked, gesturing to the little marks just above his knuckles, stark black against his pale skin. Sirius stopped fidgeting immediately. He seemed to think for a moment before shrugging.
“Not really.”
“How many do you have?”
“A fair few.”
“Including my name in a heart, right on his chest.”
James Potter had sauntered through the living room door, barely batting an eye at the mess. Ruffling Sirius’ carefully styled hair, he plopped down on the couch next to them and smiled at Y/N.
“I don’t doubt it,” Y/N replied quietly. The familiarity of their banter gave her some comfort, as it always had. She tried to smile back. Lily’s head peeked through the corner and her face lit up once she saw Y/N.
“You’re here!” she beamed as she rushed towards her, “No one told me, I would’ve come down sooner!”
“Yeah I thought I would come a bit early in case you needed any help,” replied Y/N.  
“Oh yeah, come,” Lily started back towards the way she’d entered. “Sirius and James do you mind doing the last of the decorations?”
“We’ll have it up don’t worry.” James waved his hand airily. Y/N could tell by the urgency in his voice and the little looks they were giving each other that he wanted to discuss something with Sirius.
“Here,” Sirius offered, holding out his arms for Harry so she could go. She handed him over, ignoring the brush of their hands. Straightening up, she followed Lily out of the room.
“I didn’t think you’d come,” Lily breathed once they were out of earshot. “Not after Sirius told us about… well you know, your argument.”
Y/N shrugged.
“I’m sorry if it was awkward back there. If I’d known you would be here so early I would’ve answered the door myself. I thought it was Remus.”
“It’s alright, I couldn’t put off seeing them forever.”
She watched Lily wave her wand, the cups filling automatically at her command. Y/N did hers without magic and if her old friend found it odd, she didn’t say anything. Lily was simply content to be in her presence once again, after having spent ages with only the four boys.
“Are a lot of people coming?”
“Mainly people you know, people from the Order. And a few other friends of ours,” she paused at the look on Y/N’s face. “You can stay with Harry if you don’t want to talk to anyone.”
Y/N only nodded.
“Don’t worry. You’ll be fine and if they say anything to you, I’m sure Sirius will gladly hex them on your behalf,” she bumped into Y/N purposefully on her way out, eyes twinkling.
Halfway throughout the night, Y/N had abandoned playing babysitter and lingered in the hallway, holding a cup in her hand. Over the noise, she heard another knock and went to open the door. On the other side stood a big family, all of them looking as if they had captured the sunset in their hair. They had brought 7 kids with them, two in the arms of the mother and the father, both of whom smiled at Y/N.
“Hello! Sorry we’re a bit late. Fred and George,” the woman eyed a pair of twins at her feet hastily before smiling again, “Kept switching their outfits and Bill took absolutely ages getting ready.” The little boys grinned up at Y/N at their mention, eyes glittering with mischief.
The man was holding out his hand. “Arthur Weasley. Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office. My wife Molly, and my children. The eldest Bill, then Charlie, Percy, twins Fred and George, Ron and lastly Ginny,” he gestured to the respective kids as he spoke. “Ron is little Harry’s age actually.”
Y/N shook it and introduced herself too, making a mental note of all the names. If they were wary of her they didn’t show it at all and as she led them in, Molly was talking to her as if they were old friends. Their children bolted as soon as they were inside, all except for Bill who hung around Y/N for most of the night, blushing and bashful. He went only when it was time to eat, although begrudgingly.
It was then that Y/N informed Lily she had to go back home. Resisting the temptation to stay for cake (which Lily and James used to almost bribe her), she gathered her coat in her arms and set off, making sure to say goodbye to Harry beforehand.
“Tell me if he likes the present!” Y/N called after her shoulder once she’d bid farewell. She didn’t properly hear what James yelled in reply but she acknowledged it for a yes all the same.
Y/N let the cold air fill her lungs as she walked, the warmth of the party ebbing away slowly. As she passed the small shops lining the street, she thought she heard the soft padding of paws behind her but she ignored it and walked faster, slowing only when the spire of the little church came into sight. Y/N contemplated stopping by Marlene’s grave but decided against it, climbing higher and higher up the lane until Godric’s Hollow had melted into the darkness behind her.
The street lamps after that were dim and flickered every now and then but she paid no mind to them. The sound of paws brushing on the ground was back. She shook her head and sighed.
“I know you’re following me.”
A gust of wind blew just then and swallowed up the soft whoosh of Sirius changing out of his Animagus form.
“Bill Weasley is going to be heartbroken,” his voice called. She turned to see him standing there, hands stuffed in the pockets of his jacket, mouth quirked in the tiniest smirk. “You left without telling him goodbye.”
Y/N let out a low huff and ignored the jest. He must’ve been watching at the party to know about the little Weasley boy and his fascination.
“Why are you following me?”
“Why are you walking?” Sirius had caught up to her with a few long strides and seemed keen for an answer.
“I felt like it.”
He raised an eyebrow. “You’re going to walk to the other side of London?”
She deflated at that and crossed her arms over her chest but uncrossed them immediately once she imagined how defensive it must’ve looked. She supposed it wouldn’t hurt to tell him the truth.
“I use magic as less as possible now.” Her voice was timid as she said it. “Using magic means I have to use my wand.” Sirius seemed to understand without her saying any more and remained quiet after that. Y/N realised she still hadn’t apologized to him.
“About the other day,” she started. He turned his gaze on her again but she couldn’t find it in her to return it. “I’m sorry for what I said. For throwing you out, I’m sorry–”
Sirius was shaking his head fiercely. “Do not apologize to me,” his voice had a hint of anger laced in it, though it wasn’t for Y/N. “I deserved that and more. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“But Sirius–”
He seemed to have trouble speaking. “You have nothing to be sorry for,” he repeated.
Y/N looked at him then, astounded at how quickly the tears had come to his eyes. She watched him blink them away and take a breath, stuffing his hands deeper into his pockets. This was the perfect time to bring up his apology too but like that day, his words left him. Sirius wished there was a way to show her how sorry he was, like how Dumbledore had shown him her memory in his office.
“You don’t have to,” Y/N murmured. He frowned at her; sure he’d heard her wrong.
She cursed loudly and let her head hang down.
“You don’t have to show me. I know you are.”
The blank look on Sirius’ face did not subside.
“Dumbledore said I might like to learn how to be a Legilimens. Know what people around me were thinking, especially… especially after everything,” she searched his face for a reaction but it was still empty. “I had nothing else to do for a while so I agreed. I’m not that good yet but I can pick up thoughts when someone’s particularly upset.”
“You… you can read my mind?”
“Sort of. Only when you’re really upset though,” she shivered as another chilly blast of wind rushed past. “Like right now.”
They walked in silence after that. Sirius was still here with her and Y/N found she didn’t want to tell him to go away. His face was a storm cloud of whirling emotions and his eyes, stormier still, were fixed on his feet. He was trying to make his mind blank, so she couldn’t read him again but it proved no use.
Finally he said, “We can still Apparate even without your wand. I can take you.”
“So that’s why you’re here. Did Lily send you?”
“I wanted to come.” His voice was quiet, hesitant. “Incase anything happened. Not that you’d need me to save you or anything but…”
“But?” She felt herself holding her breath for his answer and her heart twisted painfully once he did.
“Just for peace of mind. To know you’d gotten home safely.”
Looking away, Y/N nodded. “Alright then.”
He touched her so gently that she hardly felt it. Sirius’ fingers brushed against hers for the smallest stretch of time, like it had earlier that evening and with a pop, he was gone. Y/N followed after him, gut squeezing as they Apparated back to her house. Her front door appeared in a flash.
“See you tomorrow?” asked Sirius. He was toying with his hands again.
“I actually have to see Dumbledore tomorrow,” she said.
Sirius glanced at her curiously. “Something wrong?”
Y/N swallowed nervously. How could she break it to him without breaking his heart?
“After I got out of Azkaban… I asked if I could be transferred to America.”
Sirius stared at her, not saying anything. He was pretty sure he’d stopped breathing too.
“To work for MACUSA,” clarified Y/N.
“W– Why?”
Y/N seemed to think very carefully about her answer. The whistling of the wind was all there was to be heard for a while and she tucked a strand of hair that had come loose behind her ear. An owl hooted somewhere in the distance.
“There are so many reminders here,” she began. Her face contorted painfully and Sirius wished he hadn’t asked. “Every day, I look for her Sirius. I see her in every crowded room; I can hear her voice in my head when I’m with Lily, responding as if she were there with us. And sometimes I see you and all I can think–”
She stopped short, bringing a hand up to her mouth. Tears had pooled in her eyes and she turned her head away from him completely, taking a moment to collect herself.
For the third time, Sirius had no words. What could he say when Y/N couldn’t even bear to look at him? He’d allowed himself to think everything would be fine now that they were talking normally again but he couldn’t have been further from the truth. Of course one evening couldn’t undo three years of his mistake. He wiped at his cheek roughly.
“When are you leaving?” he said, his voice hoarse.
“I don’t know for sure if I am.”
Please don’t, thought Sirius selfishly. He had absolutely no right to be asking such things but he wasn’t sure he could stand losing both of them. But then again, a voice whispered in the back of his head, he technically had already. Y/N would never forgive him and neither would Marlene if she was here. He’d failed them both and Y/N deserved to start anew, with real friends who would never doubt her.
Sirius said none of this out loud.
“I– If you choose to go… will you see us before?” Y/N heard a slight note of pleading creep in as he continued. “I think Lily would like that. And Harry.”
And me, he added in his head. Y/N stared at him and pondered it before nodding.
“Thank you for walking me home.” It was so formal, so unlike them. The ache inside Sirius rose.
“Yeah, of course. No problem.”
He waited until she’d entered her house. For the longest time, the window panes remained dark. Y/N stood on the other side, silent tears rolling down her cheeks. Her arms were clasped around her middle, as if she could physically hold herself together, hold in the misery threatening to pour out.
He only walked away after the lights had flicked on. He longed to run back and tell her everything he’d withheld. He didn’t deserve an ounce of her sympathy but still he wanted to beg her to stay. Even if she would never forgive him, seeing her everyday would be enough to bring him relief, he thought.
Sirius had just about managed to drag himself back to the Potter’s when he remembered Y/N was now a Legilimens.
Tag List: @knowledgeisthebomb @siriusement @kendratheweird @emi-loser @i-think-i-am-adorable @avengersassemblee @movokepwc @blackloveangel13 @misunderstood-sinner @vvytran @all-throughthe-night @ashkuuuu @thepuffyeyedpuff @annino112 @love-dria @five-seconds-of-fab @moremoony @ilovelyai @giddybeater @basically-hayley @misfitinfinity @sjriusblck @megzdoodle @siriuslyimmoony @mikariell95 @nadinissavage @sly-vixen-up2nogood @swim-deep-or-die  @whymalu @biatheintrovert @thanos-strikes-back @acutelittlehufflepuff @justbeingslytherin @lupintales @14-bees @maralisa124 @supsuppitysupsup @marveliskindacool @cyberbadman @gingercat9180 @wastingmylifeonthiswebsite @paigeyisme @puppycat714 @gemofthegalaxy @mellyrally 
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bookfandomtalk · 6 years
It’s been 21 years since the first Harry Potter book came out...
Here are a few of the best things our fandom has produced:
1. Ron Weasley is actually a time-travelling Dumbledore
This has been a popular theory since 2004. It’s based on the idea that the chess game in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is an allegory for the series as a whole. Ron plays the knight and then the king – just like Dumbledore does in the larger war. There’s also the fact that they "look similar", they’re both described as tall and thin with a long nose, and they both have auburn hair (or Dumbledore did before it went white).
There’s also the fact they have similar characteristics, such as loving Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans. Far fetched? Yes, but not unbelievable, check out the full theory here.
2. The Dursleys were under the effect of a horcrux
For years we thought the Dursleys were simply evil - but according to one Tumblr theory the Dursleys were influenced by dark forces. Remember in the last Harry Potter when Ron turns really horrible because of about 5 minutes of exposure to a horcrux? Well, the Dursleys were exposed to Harry Potter - who is a horcrux - for 10 years.
3. The Deathly Hallows is symbolic of all the books
According to this Tumblr post about the final fight scene in the Deathly Hallows, Ron and Hermione are chased by an ugly creature and then hide behind a bike (like in the first book), then attacked by spiders (like in the second book), then a werewolf appears (like in the third book), and then dementors appear (like the fourth book), then the Order of the Phoenix appears, as happens in book five, and then they reach Snape who is the half-blood prince. This is one of the most convincing one’s we’ve read.
4. Horcruxes were created by cannibalism
JK Rowling never revealed exactly how Voldemort managed to split his soul into seven pieces and evade death. Reddit user, sirione13 theorised that he did it by eating his victims. She argues that cannibalism throughout history has been associated with gaining strength, and the only way to make a horcrux is through murder – yet Voldemort wasn’t responsible for all of the deaths that created horcruxes.
5. Harry is now immortal, and that’s awful
Probably the saddest Harry Potter fan theory was posted by this Imgur user. The Harry Potter books say “either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives” most interpreted this to mean that one had to kill another (as Harry kills Voldemort in the last book).
This theory questions that premise and asks if it really means the only way that either of them could die was at the hands of the other. Hence by killing Voldemort, Harry forfeits his death – the ultimate sacrifice for Harry, as it means he’ll never be reunited with his deceased friends and family.
6. J.K. Rowling is really Rita Skeeter
This is our personal favourite. The theory goes Rita was banished from living in the magical world after it was discovered that so much of her work was fabricated.
She then went to live with the Muggles, and fell upon difficult times, so turned to writing in an effort to make a living for herself. This would mean Harry Potter is 100% true, which makes sense to us, no-one has that big of an imagination.
7. Draco Malfoy is a werewolf
This theory argues that Draco exhibits all the signs of a werewolf, often described as pale and looking ill, he doesn’t give in his transfiguration homework and he missed out a Quidditch match against Gryffindor.
8. Muggles already won a war with wizards
Last year, Reddit user celeritas365 theorised that there had already been a great war between wizards and Muggles, and the Mmuggles won. This theory has a lot of merit. In the fourth book, the Minister of Magic is required to tell the Prime Minister that he was bringing dangerous magical creatures into the UK - an odd rule for wizards to make up, as they usually hide things from Muggles. She goes to the theorise that the very fact it’s referred to as a ‘ministry’ makes it sound more like a government department than a government in itself.
9. The Defence against the Dark Arts teaching position is cursed
The most predictable thing about the Harry Potter series was that each Defence against the Dark Arts teacher would only last a year. This was because the position was cursed by Tom Riddle (Voldemort) when he was refused the position. Dumbledore knew this, and hence refused Snape the job to stop him from rendering him useless, and therefore no longer being a spy. Read a more detailed version here.
10. Arthur Weasley was unknowingly under the Imperius curse
This theory speculates that there were a number of wizards placed under the imperius curse, which meant Voldemort had complete control of their actions. It explains why he did not rise further in the Ministry of Magic, as well as some of the skeletons in the Weasley closest.
11. The Harry Potter trio are only in Gryffindor because they asked
This Tumblr theory argues that Ron, Harry and Hermione should really be in Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw respectively, but ended up in Gryffindor because they had the courage to ask.
(source: Here)
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