#and yes I said *Voidlings* meaning it's not *just* Ray
coockie8 · 2 months
does ray understand that by doing the things hes done hes become just as bad as adam though?
Here in lies the problem with that logic, and why it doesn't really translate particularly well to this situation; Ray is not a person.
Sure, from your human perspective, he's no better than Adam, and is, arguably, significantly worse in pretty much every way given the power available to him.
But from the perspective of the ageless, Void-Living Being that Ray is; a doll was given life, put up on a pedestal by some new-age, arrogant God and told he was entitled to everything in the garden, took that entitlement way too seriously, destroyed Ray's home, and then raped him when he refused to play housewife for the doll.
A human being is not an equal lifeform to him; it is a flimsy, poorly-designed creation, and he is treating the rest of the human race exactly as their God said he should; as Adam's offspring. The children pay for the sins of their father, and unfortunately their father's sin just so happens to be a doozy.
And now, Adam stays hidden away in Heaven so he won't be subjected to the (totally justified) stint in Purgatory, and then eternity in Hell after Ray's gotten his closure. So the children pay for their fathers sins because their father refuses to.
So yeah, from your perspective, he's a horrible person punishing random humans for what their first ancestor did over 6 billion years ago when the planet was still whole. From his perspective, you're rowdy, buggy NPCs birthed from the bug that was Gods refusal to allow his favourite to go through the same afterlife steps that everyone else has to go through that need to be debugged until that first, main bug can finally be dealt with.
Yes, he is taking out his trauma on creations that had nothing to do with it. But at the end of the day, that's all you are; a creation. You're not real, so it doesn't matter.
The logic struggles to translate.
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